• last year
13 scariest videos found on the dark web
These videos will creep you .
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00:00In an era of ever-increasing worldwide surveillance, the deep web operates as the last bastion
00:07of true online privacy.
00:09The anonymous nature of the deep web means anybody can post literally anything they want.
00:15In other words, there are no rules here.
00:19And with no rules comes some of the most unsettling content you could ever hope to find.
00:27Here's a video that honestly makes me sick if it's real.
00:30It starts with a girl sleeping on the floor of a dirty room.
00:34A camera has been recording her for the past 13 hours.
00:38She has barricaded herself inside and is now faced with a limited amount of food.
00:44At one point she notices the camera and huddles into the middle of the room.
00:49Eventually she makes a sign saying that she has run out of water and pleading with anybody
00:54who is watching online for help.
00:57She says that she has been left here for days, though she does not give a location.
01:02I can't help but wonder if this is one of the infamous red rooms from the deep web.
01:08Supposedly red rooms are where people are systematically destroyed at the command of
01:13online sadists who are willing to pay large sums of money.
01:17Maybe she barricaded herself in the room and now her attackers are waiting for her to become
01:22too weak from starvation to resist them.
01:26The video ends with somebody knocking down her barricade and getting inside.
01:30If this is a real red room, they probably began the show shortly thereafter.
01:37A YouTube channel called Some Ordinary Gamers has well over a hundred videos exploring the
01:44vast reaches of the deep web.
01:47He's casually hopping from site to site when suddenly this twisted image fills his screen.
01:59Some Ordinary Gamers is hesitant about watching this video by himself late at night.
02:05With that said, he knows he needs to give the fans what they want and reluctantly presses
02:17The girl with blacked out eyes keeps repeating
02:28a series of coded sequences over and over again.
02:31The video makes no sense and is well over five minutes long.
02:36Some Ordinary Gamers doesn't try to crack the code, but he does have another idea that's
02:42just as good.
02:43He runs the audio through a program and plays it in reverse.
02:47This weird melody is what he finds.
02:57It could be hackers, the government, or even just a prank to waste people's time.
03:03Exactly what it means is anyone's guess, but mysteries like this is what makes the
03:07deep web so special, creepy, and weird.
03:13This possible deep web video was discovered and posted by a YouTube channel called GrizzOverKill.
03:20In it, two bizarre-looking figures walk forward in jerky, unnatural movements.
03:25The first one is dressed like a witch and has long, gnarled limbs and fingers on display.
03:32The second one is dressed the same way and is wearing what I hope is a mask and not its
03:37real face.
03:38Let me know if you recognize these figures from any television or movie series.
03:43I would feel a lot better knowing that this is just a film set and not a real video.
03:49If this does turn out to be real, then I don't even want to know its location or the surrounding
03:58Love.avi is a haunting deep web video that focuses on a strange relationship between
04:04a man wearing a white mask and a clown with a blade.
04:08At times, it's almost as if the clown is wordlessly encouraging the man to go out and
04:13commit unspeakable acts.
04:24I don't know if it's subliminal messages or what, but there's something about this
04:29video that makes most people feel uneasy after watching it.
04:33There's not even really any jump scares or anything like that.
04:36It's just the overall sinister tone.
04:48If you detected any hidden messages in this video or if anything weird happened while
04:53you were watching this video, please be sure to let me know.
04:59This deep web video of a creepy ventriloquist doll spinning in circles has been causing
05:04a controversy for some time.
05:07The lighting looks like it's from a silent film, though I'm not sure it's from a more
05:11recent era than that.
05:13Some people report feeling dizzy after watching this video for long enough and claim to see
05:18the dummy's face change, though that could just be their nerves playing tricks on them.
05:24Either way, if you somehow know the origin of this video or what is happening here, then
05:29please let me know.
05:33Edeka loads up his encrypted Tor browser and starts livestreaming his experience on
05:39the deep web.
05:40It isn't long before he finds a website that makes his jaw drop.
05:44Apparently, this organization of ex-military officials from around the world are willing
06:05to provide a wide variety of services, from snatching people in the middle of the night
06:11to outright assassinations.
06:13Framing and poisoning people are just two more of their specialties.
06:17At the bottom is a short list of rules detailing how and when to pay.
06:22Nowhere on this rules list is there a minimum age requirement or any other exemptions, so
06:28I guess even children are fair game.
06:31There's an email address to contact them, but Aurora wisely decides not to push it that
06:37This is probably either an FBI trap or, even worse, the real deal.
06:42Either way, the last thing you'd want to do is waste a hired assassin's time on the
06:46deep web, so he just moves on to the next site without further comment.
06:54This deep web video features a disembodied head in a skeleton mask hovering over a single
07:00He speaks in Spanish and uses a voice changer, but his tone makes it clear that he has only
07:06the worst intentions in mind.
07:08Unfortunately, other than the general creepy atmosphere of this video, I have no idea what
07:14is being said here.
07:15Listen to what he says and help me translate if you can.
07:33Something about this makes me think that he is either making a confession or telling
07:38us about future plans.
07:40Let me know if I am right about this hunch and if you think this video is real.
07:46This video was reportedly made by an insane person and uploaded onto the deep web as a
07:52way to express his condition and somehow communicate with others.
07:57This is the first five seconds of the video, and it just gets worse from there.
08:07The scenes quickly go from creepy landscapes to pictures of crime scene photos and other
08:12gruesome depictions that I'm not allowed to show here.
08:16The amateur footage in this video looks like it could be real.
08:20The audio is nothing but unsettling high-pitched sounds.
08:23I notice no indications of subliminal messages, but I wouldn't be surprised if some found
08:29their way in there.
08:32This anxiety-producing deep web video is a collection of strange clips accompanied by
08:38multiple layers of creepy audio.
08:48After a while it becomes increasingly demonic and obsessed with black magic imagery as the
08:53jarring audio intensifies.
08:55The video also contains multiple languages.
08:58I think this part, for example, is both Spanish and Russian.
09:02Translate this clip if you can and tell me what's going on here.
09:16This could just be an art project, but then again, maybe there's something more devious
09:20at work here.
09:22It's almost as if this video was made in as many different languages as possible to
09:27corrupt the greatest number of minds at once.
09:30Whatever they are saying, however, I'm not exactly sure.
09:36A YouTuber named D-Rawit Gee accesses the deep web and looks around for the better part
09:43of half an hour.
09:44At one point he comes across a deep web site called Rent-A-Hacker and he starts reading
09:49the website out loud.
09:51The website is run by a hacker who claims to have made a career out of ruining people's
09:56lives online.
09:57He says the minimum amount he is willing to work for is $230.
10:02Destroying business websites, obtaining personal information and passwords, and blackmailing
10:08people are just three of his specialties.
10:11He can even plant seedy content on a person's computer to get them imprisoned for a long
10:16At the bottom of the site is a menu to buy his services using untraceable bitcoin transactions.
10:23The menu looks like it could be fake, but it's hard to tell for sure.
10:27On one hand, I wouldn't be surprised if this entire thing isn't real and the money
10:31just goes into some random person's bitcoin wallet.
10:35Then again, if this person is as good as they say, then I guess it wouldn't be hard for
10:39them to contact you after payment to get more information about the job.
10:47This deep web video is a collection of old horror movie scenes spliced together, most
10:52of which I can identify.
10:54There's one clip that I don't recognize though.
11:06Other people don't recognize this scene either.
11:09They even think that a psycho could have spliced a small portion of real video into a horror
11:15movie montage.
11:16This would be the perfect way to brag about what you've done without making it too obvious.
11:21Let me know if you recognize what movie this woman is from, if any.
11:26If nobody has seen this before then, as much as I hate to say it, I think this portion
11:31might be home video from a genuine psychopath.
11:37This video was supposedly found on a deep web server under the filename ebe1992iger.
11:44EBE is short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity and the uploader thinks Eiger could
11:51be a mountaintop location in Switzerland.
11:54Obviously 1992 refers to the year that this video was made.
11:58Anyway, what's especially odd is how the camera person moves around in a hurry as they
12:03record still photograph after still photograph of the strange gray alien.
12:08I get the impression that they were recording classified evidence from an area that they
12:13did not belong in.
12:15Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying my narration.
12:21If you're curious about what I look like in real life, then go to my instagram, at
12:25dylanischillinyt and tap that follow button to find out.
12:30I recently released a small mixtape and I'd love to know what you think of it.
12:36Tap the circle icon in the top right right corner, then tap MY MIXTAPE to give it a listen.
12:42It's also linked in the description below.
12:45It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person, so if you're generous enough
12:51to hit that subscribe button and the bell beside it then thank you.
12:55This way you'll be notified of the new video I upload every Thursday.
13:01I have no idea about the date, time or location of this video.
13:06All I know is that it's supposedly been uploaded to the deep web, because the original uploader
13:11didn't want to be tracked by the federal government in retaliation for getting their
13:16story out.
13:17A large bright blue object is quietly claiming the night sky outside of an apartment complex.
13:30After a while the skyblob stops in place and begins to expand outwards.
13:35Whatever it is, by the end of the video, it seems to take up nearly half of the sky.
13:41If this is real, then we probably would have never known any of this had ever happened
13:46without the anonymous deep web.
