Botched Surgery Meaning: राजस्थान के जोधपुर की एसडीएम प्रियंका बिश्नोई का अहमदाबाद के सिम्स हॉस्पिटल 15 दिन चले इलाज के बाद गुरुवार को निधन हो गया। इससे पहले प्रियंका बिश्नोई का करीब 20 दिन पहले जोधपुर के निजी हॉस्पिटल में बच्चेदानी का ऑपरेशन किया गया था, जिसके बाद उनकी तबियत खराब हो गई थी।लेडी अफसर की तबीयत ज्यादा बिगड़ गई तो परिवार वाले उन्हें 7 सितंबर को अहमदाबाद के सिम्स हॉस्पिटल ले गए। जहां उन्होंने गुरूवार को आखिरी सांस ली। खबरों के मुताबिक उनकी निधन की वजह बॉटच्ड सर्जरी (Botched Surgery) को बताया जा रहा है, जिसकी बाद उनकी तबीयत बिगड़ते ही चली गई। आइए जानते हैं कि आखिर इसका मतलब क्या होता है?
Botched Surgery Meaning: SDM Priyanka Bishnoi of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, passed away on Thursday after 15 days of treatment at Ahmedabad's SIMS Hospital. Earlier, Priyanka Bishnoi had undergone a hysterectomy operation at a private hospital in Jodhpur about 20 days ago, after which her health deteriorated.When the lady officer's health deteriorated, her family took her to Ahmedabad's SIMS Hospital on 7 September. Where she breathed her last on Thursday. According to reports, the reason for her demise is being told to be a botched surgery, after which her health deteriorated. Let's know what does this mean?
#priyankabishnoisdmnews #priyankabishnoisdmupdate #priyankabishnoisdmras #botchedsurgerymeaning #botchedsurgeryreason #priyankabishnoisdmsurgery #priyankabishnoisdmvideotoday #priyankabishnoisdmlatestnews #priyankabishnoisdm
Botched Surgery Meaning: SDM Priyanka Bishnoi of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, passed away on Thursday after 15 days of treatment at Ahmedabad's SIMS Hospital. Earlier, Priyanka Bishnoi had undergone a hysterectomy operation at a private hospital in Jodhpur about 20 days ago, after which her health deteriorated.When the lady officer's health deteriorated, her family took her to Ahmedabad's SIMS Hospital on 7 September. Where she breathed her last on Thursday. According to reports, the reason for her demise is being told to be a botched surgery, after which her health deteriorated. Let's know what does this mean?
#priyankabishnoisdmnews #priyankabishnoisdmupdate #priyankabishnoisdmras #botchedsurgerymeaning #botchedsurgeryreason #priyankabishnoisdmsurgery #priyankabishnoisdmvideotoday #priyankabishnoisdmlatestnews #priyankabishnoisdm