एनेस्थीसिया के बारे में आपने खूब सुना होगा। जैसे कि सर्जरी से पहले एनेस्थीसिया लगाया गया । एनेस्थीसिया लगाने के बाद कुछ महसूस नहीं हुआ और व्यक्ति सो गया। ये सब एनेस्थीसिया से जुड़ी बातें जबकि ज्यादातर लोगों को इसके बारे में सही जानकारी ही नहीं होती।
You must have heard a lot about anesthesia. Like anesthesia was applied before surgery. After applying anesthesia nothing was felt and the person fell asleep. All these things related to anesthesia, whereas most of the people do not have proper knowledge about it.
#AnesthesiaInjectionKeSideEffectsInHindi, #AnesthesiaInjectionPainRelief,#AnesthesiaKaiseDeteHai, #AnesthesiaInjectionSideEffects, #SideEffectsOfanesthesia
You must have heard a lot about anesthesia. Like anesthesia was applied before surgery. After applying anesthesia nothing was felt and the person fell asleep. All these things related to anesthesia, whereas most of the people do not have proper knowledge about it.
#AnesthesiaInjectionKeSideEffectsInHindi, #AnesthesiaInjectionPainRelief,#AnesthesiaKaiseDeteHai, #AnesthesiaInjectionSideEffects, #SideEffectsOfanesthesia