• last year
LinkedIn Career Exppert Andrew McCaskill joins TheStreet to explain how you can beat AI and make you resume stand out.
00:00We've talked about using AI to to fix up your resume
00:06This is anecdotal. Yeah
00:09number of my friends feel like AI and the new computer world are like
00:15throwing away resumes
00:17They're clearly qualified for the job
00:21They've you know, they send in their resume and the computer is is tossing their resume
00:26How do we in this age work around that so that?
00:32We're not getting thrown away right away by the technology. Yeah, I mean, let's jump into it
00:38This is the career advice that I would give to anybody who says that they feel that that has happened to them
00:42One is they got to take a look at their resume and say okay if this resume is not working
00:47What do I need to do to change it?
00:50Right. Number one is you've got to start identifying your skills and talking about your skills in a different way
00:54Look at those job descriptions for those jobs and think to yourself. Here's the job description. Here's my resume. Would I hire me?
01:01does the does the skills that I have outlined here on my resume match up to the skills that these folks are hiring for
01:08Right, if you if something is not working you have to pivot and pivot faster
01:14Right. The other thing is is that sending out a paper resume is just not how most people are sourcing talent anymore
01:20So you need to be able to fight a ground game and an air game if you want to get a job in this market
01:25So having your resume that you send out into applications great
01:29But you also need to have an updated LinkedIn profile because everybody uses LinkedIn to source talent
01:34It's just the thing like I would say that even if I didn't work at LinkedIn
01:37The other thing that I think that you have to think about is how do I set up my profile?
01:41so that my skills match up for the type of opportunities I want and
01:45You have to go about looking for a new job with innovation
01:50So that means again reach out to your network start to think about who do I know?
01:56Get in your group chat and say this is a job that I'm looking at at the street looks really good
02:01Who do we know who works at the street?
02:03Who do we know who knows somebody who works at the street that is how people are starting
02:08You're gonna have to get in there and say I'm not just gonna spray and pray and just throw
02:14All these applications out there
02:16I'm gonna be really strategic about a smaller subset of those applications and go really hard for them
