• last year
00:30Hello, Mr. Julito, tell me.
00:41Let's see, let's see, I don't understand.
00:57No, no, no, it can't be.
00:59Johnny's studio?
01:06It's incredible how ambition can make two brothers fight for their father's money.
01:11The remembered TV host, Armando Figueroa.
01:15And who saw them?
01:16Willy saw them!
01:18Applause, please!
01:19Applause, please!
01:24And who we also remember very fondly are the musicians of the group Nectar,
01:29who died recently in a tragic accident in Argentina.
01:32Especially the founders, Johnny Orozco and Pancho Hurtado.
01:36That's why today we bring you a note that promises to make sparks.
01:41Oh, mommy!
01:42Who are really the sons of the founders of the group Nectar?
01:47Who are the heirs of Johnny Orozco and Pancho Hurtado?
01:51Go ahead with the note.
01:53We're out!
01:55Little star, my love, you are beautiful.
02:00Just in time, because after this report we are going with you.
02:03Oh, let's see what you've done.
02:06After you see it, you're going to end up falling in love with me.
02:11Oh, please, I'm sorry, poor thing.
02:16Welcome, little star, welcome to your home.
02:23Davey Orozco is Johnny's eldest son.
02:27But who is really this boy who thinks he's a hero going to Argentina?
02:33Could it be the ideal son that every man dreams of having?
02:38Or could it be quite the opposite?
02:42That's the same journalist who was harassing outside my house.
02:45Yes, yes. Let's see what he says now.
02:48He has been promoting this report since the beginning of his program.
02:51Is it a good son who decided to abandon his own father to form another group?
02:58What's wrong with this guy? He's crazy. What's wrong with him?
03:00Is it a good son who decided to compete with his father?
03:06The truth of the milanesa is that Johnny and Davis didn't get along so well, let's say.
03:13And apparently the death of his father has fallen like a ring on the finger to the popular candy of the cumbia.
03:22What's wrong with this guy? He's completely crazy.
03:24My dad, my dad was my best friend, he was my inspiration, he was my teacher.
03:30Carlita, my dad was my life.
03:33My dad was my life.
03:36And let's not talk about Francisco Hurtado, Pancho's son.
03:40Who, according to our sources, could never get along with his father after the kick of the Lord.
03:50Well, ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a great guest.
03:54Until recently she was part of the tasty of the cumbia, but now she is about to launch her career as a soloist.
04:01She is the beautiful and talented star Campos. Applause please.
04:10What a pleasure to have you here, little star. Welcome to the show.
04:13Thank you, Willy. Thank you all.
04:16Delighted to be here on your show with your wonderful audience, your people.
04:22Hey, little star, tell me one thing.
04:24What do you think of the behavior of those who call themselves the new heirs of the cumbia?
04:29You, who are a cumbia artist, I calculate that you have a lot to say.
04:32Oh no, I find it regrettable.
04:35Really, what can I say?
04:37Even I find it shameful.
04:40Yes, and sad, of course.
04:42I am very sad because Francisco Hurtado and Davis Orozco are proving to be the opposite of their parents.
04:50And I tell you, a true fan of the Nectar group.
04:54What? You were a fan of the Nectar group?
04:56Oh, but of course.
04:58Of course.
05:00For me, this terrible accident marks a before and after.
05:05And I'm not saying this just because of the music, Willy.
05:09Watch out, because these great artists have left us a great example as men.
05:15And we don't see that in their children.
05:17Unfortunately, they are not up to it.
05:20Maybe then it's the turn of the women.
05:23Oh, of course, please.
05:26A round of applause for us, the women.
05:30What's wrong with that woman? I don't even know her.
05:32Why does she talk like that about me?
05:33And that journalist seems to have gotten on well with me.
05:36I knew this was going to happen, Davis.
05:37Everyone wants to hang on to Nectar and generate controversy.
05:40That's why I want to tell all the women of Peru that a new era of the cumbia begins with me, Willy.
05:47Of course, with a lot of love and respect for our great artists.
05:52But today, exclusively, Willy, I bring you my version of the tree.
05:59Yes, I'm going to pay tribute to the Nectar group.
06:04Don't tell me, this is going to be part of your first album.
06:06Yes, of course, it's part of my first musical production.
06:09A round of applause for her, please.
06:15Little star, if you don't mind, could you delight us with a piece of the song?
06:19Oh, of course.
06:21Of course, guys, delighted.
06:24Can I stand up?
06:25Please, the stage is yours, my love.
06:27Thank you, guys.
06:28A round of applause.
06:29Thank you, guys, thank you.
06:35Silence, please.
06:59Your name and mine.
07:06I'm going.
07:13Luis, I brought you an ointment so you can relax and sleep well.
07:20What happened?
07:21They've been talking about me and Panchito.
07:23A journalist and...
07:25And Estrella Campos.
07:26You must know her, right?
07:27No, the other time she was out of your studio.
07:29What did she say?
07:31That I shame others and that I'm dishonoring my father's name.
07:36Do you know her, Marcial?
07:38Do you know who she is?
07:39I'm producing her first solo album.
07:42But she can't say that.
07:44I'm going to talk to her very seriously.
07:46She wants to pay tribute to my father and record one of her songs for her own album.
07:50And I don't have any problem, Marcial.
07:52But not while you keep telling all those lies on television.
07:56Not like that.
07:57She can't mention my father or Nectar again.
08:00Of course, of course, David, of course.
08:03I'm going to put that girl on her appointment, don't worry.
08:06Thank you, Marcial.
08:08I've had enough of all this that's been happening to me so they can hit me for free.
08:12Of course.
08:19Natalia, but this is all your fault.
08:21You like to hang out with those people.
08:23Your father would do anything to get you away from that poor Tom.
08:26So I have nothing to do in this house anymore.
08:29Oh, great for me.
08:30You take a weight off my shoulders.
08:32I don't care how or with whom you leave me here.
08:36Why do you hate me so much, Fiorella?
08:38What have I done to you?
08:39Hating you is not the exact word, Nati.
08:42I just want to get rid of the person who was against me since the first day I was with Marcial.
08:47Fiorella, accept that you are with my father for his money, to keep everything.
08:51Nati, I'm going to be the last person he's going to have.
08:54I really do love him.
08:56That's not going to happen.
08:57As soon as I get my dad, I'm going to tell him everything.
09:00And who do you think he's going to believe? You?
09:02I'm his daughter, Fiorella.
09:04He knows I'm unable to lie to him.
09:06We'll see, dear.
09:08The best thing we can do is get along nicely.
09:11Because you don't want to see me upset.
09:13You don't want to.
09:22Oh, no.
09:24It can't be, Dad.
09:33The memories of my Johnny.
09:36His instruments.
09:38With everything it cost him to put this place, Dad.
09:41And now everything, everything is ashes.
09:44Calm down, my love.
09:50You always came here to rehearse, didn't you?
09:55My Kika.
09:58My Kika.
10:01My Kika.
10:04My Kika.
10:07My Kika.
10:10My Kika.
10:13My Kika.
10:16My Kika.
10:40Are you awake?
10:43I'm leaving.
10:52Hi, Carla. Good morning.
10:54Good morning.
10:55It's time to go out, to get some fresh air.
10:57What do you say we take a few breaths?
10:59Look, inhale.
11:03Inhale. You too, Davis. Inhale.
11:05Carlita, what are you saying?
11:07For God's sake.
11:08I haven't slept at all all night.
11:10Besides, now I have this meeting with the lawyer in the afternoon.
11:13But that's why you have to go out, to get some fresh air and be alert.
11:18I'm sorry.
11:19But now I have no energy or spirit.
11:22I know you don't, but...
11:24You have to try.
11:26I don't like to see you like this.
11:29How was your dad when bad things happened?
11:33Remember that I am the number one fan of Nectar, huh?
11:36And Johnny always...
11:39He didn't worry about the ugly things that could happen to him.
11:43He always showed a smile to his audience.
11:46Yes or no?
11:48When I was a kid, he made me believe that we lived a life of stories.
11:53Without problems.
11:55He took me to eat salchipapas at Don Marcelino's.
11:59And he made me believe it was a luxury restaurant.
12:03Welcome to the coolest restaurant in Coyique.
12:05Your restaurant is very luxurious, huh, Johnny?
12:08Uff, salchipapas, how delicious!
12:10Davis, order whatever you want.
12:12I want a salchipapa with all the creams.
12:14And for you, Johnny?
12:18No, nothing, nothing, I already ate.
12:21I'm not hungry, I already ate.
12:23We didn't have a penny in our pockets.
12:27But still, my dad was there.
12:29Always wanting to make me happy.
12:33Although he wasn't there.
12:39I'm going to take a shower.
12:41I'll be right back, wait for me downstairs.
12:42There you are!
12:43Hey, hurry up, huh?
12:51Chacal, what do you want?
12:52You didn't let me confirm if you could recover the original contracts that Mario gave Johnny Orozco.
12:58No, I couldn't do it.
13:00But I came up with something better.
13:02Make me the sole owner of Nectar before Davis sees those contracts.
13:05I already have everything under control.
13:07Nothing is under control.
13:09Until the brute force has been applied, dear Marcial.
13:12And I know this.
13:14More than 15 years of career.
13:17What are you going to do, Chacal?
13:19Don't do any stupidity, did you hear me?
13:21Too late.
13:22That studio where Johnny Orozco rehearsed.
13:25Now it's made of ashes.
13:29What have you done, Chacal?
13:30It seems that all the documents that Johnny kept there.
13:36There has been a painful accident.
13:39But how did you set Johnny's studio on fire?
13:41Are you an idiot or what?
13:43Well, this happened because of you.
13:45For being an incompetent.
13:47You're lying.
13:49Davis would have already found out and he hasn't told me anything.
13:51Maybe they don't want to alarm him.
13:53But be careful.
13:55That the funeral call will arrive.
14:00Damn you, Chacal.
14:02Just when I need it concentrated in the sale of nectar, you do this.
14:05Damn you.
14:10Oh, old lady, old lady.
14:12You just cry and cry.
14:14When the old man was alive, you hated him.
14:17And now that he's dead, you love him.
14:21Oh, old man.
14:23You who are up there, do one.
14:25Do one so that the old woman stops crying.
14:29I don't know.
14:30Get up in your sleep.
14:31Pull his leg.
14:32You see what you do.
14:33But do something, old man.
14:35Do something for the old woman.
14:41There it is.
14:42Come on, sir.
14:43Follow him.
14:44Do you see that little man?
14:45Come on, come on.
14:46Follow him.
14:55I miss you too.
14:57But right now I'm fine, mommy.
15:00Son, you worry me.
15:02You are not old enough to assume all these responsibilities.
15:05I am the one who should be there.
15:07Don't worry, mom.
15:09I can take care of this.
15:11You need to be at home.
15:13Take care of Pierito, my grandparents.
15:16And order everything my dad left.
15:19I just wanted to tell you something, son.
15:22Mom, are you okay?
15:23What happened?
15:24Your dad's study.
15:26Your dad.
15:28He had a fire, son.
15:31A fire?
15:34Mom, please tell me it's not true.
15:36Yes, son, yes.
15:38He lost everything.
15:40All the instruments, the papers of the group.
15:43All the memories of a lifetime.
15:45But a fire?
15:48The police are already investigating.
15:50Mom, please.
15:52Promise me.
15:54That you will not talk to anyone.
15:56Be very careful, mom.
15:58I don't want anything to happen to any of you.
16:01What are you talking about, Davis?
16:03Mom, please promise me.
16:05Stay together and united.
16:08In case something happens.
16:10Son, what happened?
16:12Mom, calm down, please.
16:14Calm down.
16:16Okay, fine.
16:17But please take care of yourself too.
16:20I love you very much, son.
16:22I love you, mom.
16:24I love you.
16:33A fire?
16:36This is not a coincidence.
16:40Someone had to be behind all this.
16:52Oh, no.
16:53El Guapito can't be in a place like this.
17:08You are Francisco Hurtado, right?
17:11Yes, I am.
17:13How are you?
17:15I'm fine.
17:17And you?
17:19I'm fine.
17:21And you?
17:23Yes, it's me.
17:26I'm a fan.
17:28Nice to meet you.
17:31I want you to tell me what I have to do.
17:33What's going to happen to my dad's body?
17:35Hey, hey, hey.
17:37It was a martial art.
17:41A fan?
17:44How nice, how nice.
17:46Nice to meet you.
17:48Pancho Hurtado, son.
17:51I know.
17:52Well, sit down.
17:54Come with me, come with me.
17:57Of course. Why not? Why not?
18:00Of course.
18:02Will you come with me? I'm alone.
18:04Alone? Yes, I see you.
18:06Yes, I'm alone.
18:09Hey, and that?
18:11I mean...
18:14Is it the first time I see you around here?
18:18I always come to this place.
18:20It's my favorite bar.
18:22And the fact that you come now, for the first time...
18:25It's a little weird, isn't it?
18:27Was it that weird?
18:29Do you know why?
18:30Because above all, I had already realized...
18:32Of what?
18:34Of your tremendous presence.
18:36Yes, yes.
18:39Of course.
18:42Well, the truth is yes.
18:44You know, I'm new in the neighborhood.
18:46You're new, you're new.
18:49Yes, of course, it shows.
18:51Really? Why do you say that?
18:53Ah, why do I say that?
18:55Well, because of your clothes.
18:58Your hair.
19:01Your makeup.
19:06Do you know something?
19:09I'm going to tell you a secret, okay?
19:12Tell me.
19:14I wouldn't come to places like this.
19:20It looks bad.
19:22And it's very dangerous.
19:28Is it very dangerous?
19:30Yes, yes, yes, very dangerous, very dangerous.
19:33But I'm with you.
19:36I think you could protect me, right?
19:39Nothing bad will happen to me with you.
19:42That's right.
19:44Nothing bad will happen to you.
19:46Nothing bad.
19:55Someone who has been chasing me like a criminal
19:58I don't think he's afraid of places like this, don't you think?
20:04Chasing you?
20:05Yes, chasing.
20:06No, no, no, no.
20:08I was just coming to this place.
20:11What do you think? That I'm an idiot?
20:14Of course I know who you are.
20:16You are Estrella's friend.
20:18She sent you, right?
20:20Why did you come?
20:21What do you want from me?
20:38Were you able to talk to your family? Are they all okay?
20:40Yes, yes, Marcial. Why do you ask me that?
20:43No, no, no. No reason.
20:45I just wanted to know if you had spoken to them.
20:47Yes, just a little while ago I called them.
20:49I talked to my mom.
20:51Marcial, I don't know how to tell you this, but...
20:53My dad's studio caught fire.
20:56What are you talking about, Davis?
20:57What do you mean it caught fire?
20:59What happened?
21:00This is very strange, Marcial.
21:02Of course it is.
21:04I don't understand what's going on.
21:06Marcial, don't you think it's a coincidence
21:09that my dad died and now his studio caught fire?
21:12Do you think this could have been caused by someone?
21:15Please, Davis.
21:17Don't tell me those things that make me more nervous.
21:19Your dad's studio.
21:21So many anecdotes lived there.
21:24The best successes of the Nectar group were born there.
21:28Well, Davis, we have to...
21:30We have to let the police do their job.
21:32I really can't take this anymore.
21:35I'm sorry, Marcial, but I'm not going to be calm
21:37until I really know what happened.
21:39Then let the police do their job.
21:41And you stop making assumptions.
21:44You need to rest.
21:45Think less about all this.
21:47You're right.
21:49Maybe I should just let the police do their job and that's it.
21:53And now with all this and the debts on top of it...
21:57Did you think about what I proposed to you?
22:00Yes, Marcial.
22:01I already told you.
22:02Give me a couple of days to think about it, please.
22:04Okay, okay.
22:05It's okay, don't worry.
22:07The thing is...
22:08Well, Davis, let's go, right?
22:13I'm going out with Carlos for a while.
22:15We're going to get some fresh air.
22:17Go out?
22:18Where, Davis?
22:19The press is everywhere.
22:20It's okay, Marcial.
22:21I need to go out and get some fresh air,
22:23or I'll go crazy.
22:25I'll be right back.
22:35No, no.
22:36Not at all, Francisco.
22:38I wanted to meet you.
22:39Be your friend.
22:40I swear.
22:41Do you think I'm an idiot?
22:43Of course I'll send you your stupid friend.
22:45No, look.
22:46Don't talk like that about my little star.
22:48Look, you know what?
22:50Let's leave it here.
22:51It's better if you go.
22:53Because if you don't, I'm going to get really upset.
22:54I'm going to get really upset.
22:55And today, exactly today, I'm not in the mood for stupidity.
22:59And less than a month.
23:01And I'm not in the mood for stupidity.
23:03And less than a couple of whores
23:04who all they want is to get drunk.
23:08Let's see.
23:09Let's breathe.
23:12We started with the left foot.
23:14But really, Francisco.
23:15As soon as I saw you,
23:16you looked like a whore.
23:19I wanted to meet you.
23:21Little star has nothing against you.
23:23She just wants to pay homage to your father's group.
23:27And you treated her ugly.
23:30The other day, in front of the press, the journalists.
23:32But well.
23:33Since I saw you,
23:35you caught my attention.
23:37And for better
23:39or for worse,
23:41I think more for better,
23:43I want to meet you.
23:46Be your friend.
23:53You moved me.
23:56Do you know why?
24:00I never thought that a girl like you
24:02would look at someone like me.
24:04Oh, Francisco.
24:06Of course.
24:08Of course.
24:09I thought you liked a girl
24:11maybe smart.
24:14A girl with art.
24:17With purposes.
24:18Do you understand?
24:20Not a silly girl, a crazy girl
24:22who only uses her head
24:24to get her hair done.
24:29What's your name?
24:34I'm going to give you a message.
24:36Very slowly, so you can tell Little Star.
24:43Never in your life
24:45will I let you pay homage to Nectar.
24:47Do you know why?
24:48Do you know why? Ask me why.
24:50Do you know why?
24:51Because Nectar is mine.
24:52Nectar belongs to me.
24:54And if I find out that Little Star
24:56has set foot on some TV channel
24:58and has spoken against me,
24:59I swear,
25:00I swear on the memory of my old man
25:02that I'm going to destroy her.
25:04Do you understand?
25:06You won't do that, Little Star.
25:09You can go now, Pearl.
25:12Go, go, go.
25:13Go home, go home.
25:14I'm leaving.
25:16I'm too much.
25:17Yes, too much.
25:20How nice, isn't it?
25:24I feel at peace.
25:29Thank you, Carla, for bringing me here.
25:31I needed it.
25:33I feel as if in those days
25:35I had lived without breathing.
25:38As if I had forgotten how to do it.
25:42This will pass, Davis.
25:44You will resume your life.
25:46You will sing again
25:47and continue making music as always.
25:49And when all this passes...
25:50No, Carla.
25:51It's the opposite.
25:53Music has only brought me suffering.
25:57When I was little,
25:58I separated from my dad.
26:02I saw my mom suffer.
26:06And today...
26:07No, Davis.
26:08Don't say that.
26:10Despite everything that has happened,
26:11you still have a lot to offer.
26:14You can't throw everything away.
26:16Your dad wouldn't have done that.
26:19He always thought about the future.
26:21About your future.
26:24But I'm not my dad.
26:28I don't have his strength.
26:30I've always wanted to have him.
26:32I've always pursued him.
26:33But I can't.
26:34And now that he's gone,
26:36I realize that he represented
26:38exactly that.
26:40My strength.
26:42I can't do it alone.
26:45He founded Nectar.
26:47And I'm going to bury his dream
26:50with him.
26:51No, Davis.
26:52That can't happen.
26:53You can't let Nectar die.
26:54Then tell me,
26:55what do you want me to do?
26:56What can I do?
26:57Continue with your life, Davis.
26:59Continue doing what you love,
27:00what you're passionate about.
27:02You could be Nectar's new leader.
27:07That's what your dad would have wanted.
27:10Who else could do it but you?
27:16Do you hurt?
27:18No, not much.
27:21Oh, sorry. Are you okay?
27:22Yes, yes, don't worry.
27:23Sorry, Mati.
27:24You should have seen how the thief was.
27:26I almost left him in the hospital.
27:27No, it's just that, Mati.
27:28How are you going to get your hands on a thief?
27:30Anything could have happened to you.
27:32Promise me, no.
27:33Promise me you won't do it again, please.
27:35But what do you want me to do?
27:36I was about to steal an old lady.
27:38What can I do?
27:39Let the old lady defend herself with her cane
27:40and I stay still.
27:41No, no, no, no.
27:42No, no, no, no.
27:43Let the old lady defend herself with her cane
27:44and I stay still.
27:45No, okay, I'll give it to you.
27:48What you did was very brave.
27:50I can't complain because I like it, actually.
27:54How nice to hear you say that.
28:04I know you wanted me to spend some time
28:08so we could get to know each other better
28:10and all that, but
28:12I think we've already gotten to know each other enough, haven't we?
28:18I guess so, right?
28:23What do you mean?
28:26Do you want...
28:29Do you want to be my girlfriend?
28:33Cassandra, I...
28:35I've never fallen in love like this before.
28:37I swear.
28:39I wanted you to give me a chance to show you how much I love you.
28:49I can't think of anything else.
28:51I don't have a head for anything.
28:54You're right.
28:56We'll see it later when you're calmer.
29:00What I do want to tell you, Davis,
29:03is that this pain you feel
29:06will pass
29:08and what will stay in its place
29:10is love.
29:12The love you feel for your dad,
29:15for your uncle,
29:17the love for Nectar.
29:19That will give you the strength you need to move forward
29:24when the time comes.
29:30Well, we also have to see what we're going to do with the honey and the next album,
29:34because we can't stay in just one.
29:35We have to release, I don't know, two, three, ten thousand albums,
29:38all produced by me, obviously.
29:40Oh my God, I think you're the one who needs to calm down and breathe.
29:45Carlita, the hyperactive one.
29:49Finally, a big smile.
29:52That's what I was looking for.
29:55I know I never tell you this,
29:59but you're the best, Carlita.
30:02Thank you so much for bringing me here
30:05and bringing me a smile,
30:07even if it's a little one.
30:09What do you mean a little one?
30:10I'm going to bring out my best jokes from Mafalda
30:12and I'm going to take advantage of the fact that we're here in Argentina.
30:18You're a great friend.
30:22Forgive me for dragging you here with me in all this.
30:26I had to be here, Davis.
30:28I'm not just your friend.
30:31I'm your fan.
30:33Yours and Nectar's.
30:40And I'm going to do it for the rest of my life.
31:02In this time, I've realized that you're a person
31:06that's direct, definitely,
31:10but above all, you act based on your thoughts,
31:13and that's good.
31:15You sometimes have super ugly comments,
31:18like, I mean...
31:20But if you want, I can change that.
31:22I can change it for you.
31:24I don't know, I can change it.
31:27I can change it for you.
31:30I can change it for you, if you want.
31:31No, it's just that...
31:32Mati, you don't have to change it for me.
31:35If you want to change,
31:37it has to be for you.
31:43So, what do I do? I don't understand.
31:48Let's see.
31:49We all make mistakes.
31:51The important thing is to recognize them.
31:54And I think we can do that process...
32:00The two of us.
32:11I do want to be with you.
32:17Yes, I do want to be your girlfriend.
32:31I love you.
32:34I love you.
32:39I found the love of my life.
32:44I'm not a boat at the pier anymore.
32:48I can still believe it.
32:49I learned that time is perfect.
32:53Thank you, love, for living with me.
32:58I love you!
33:04You won't get rid of me so easily, Matias.
33:27I love you.
33:57I love you.
34:04How are you, little brother?
34:06I'm William Rosario.
34:07I'm a journalist. Nice to meet you.
34:09Yes, I know who you are.
34:11I saw you on TV yesterday.
34:13Well, yesterday they said some strong things, I know.
34:16But I'm here to hear your version of the facts.
34:18Look, why don't you leave before I kick you?
34:20Hey, calm down, brother.
34:21No, no, don't call me brother.
34:23What do you think?
34:24Come on, I'll tell you a couple of nice things about this idiot.
34:27I'm not going to see him anymore on your shitty show.
34:29Do you understand?
34:30Well, well.
34:32Start, you idiot, start!
34:33That's it, that's it.
34:34Hey, hey, hey, I'm leaving, I'm leaving.
34:35Move, move!
34:49You recorded everything, didn't you, chubby?
34:51Absolutely everything.
34:52That's it, that's it.
34:53Pancho Hurtado's son is such a thug, isn't he?
34:56Imagine, we already have him.
34:59Oh, God.
35:01My Johnny.
35:04I feel like I've lost you for the second time.
35:10That studio was your second home, my love.
35:15That's where your dreams were born.
35:20I can't believe it doesn't exist anymore.
35:23I can't believe it.
35:53Excuse me.
36:00Excuse me.
36:03Excuse me.
36:09Excuse me, Mr. Benjamin.
36:12Yes, do we know each other?
36:13No, no.
36:14It's the first time we've met.
36:16My name is Davis.
36:17Davis Orozco.
36:21You're Johnny's son?
36:24Oh my God, that's amazing.
36:26Listen to me, your dad always told me about you.
36:30In fact, this was the first album when he came to Buenos Aires.
36:35That one.
36:36It was his stage.
36:39Your dad sang like the gods.
36:42I have unforgettable memories of him.
36:44It's an honor for me to be with the first person who gave my dad a chance.
36:49But listen to me, I'm going to ask you a question.
36:52Do you sing?
36:53I used to sing.
36:55It was also my dream to sing and go on stage.
36:58But with everything that happened, with the accident and what happened to the group,
37:02I don't think I'm going to sing again.
37:04No, no.
37:05When I found out about your dad, it was terrible.
37:09Poor Johnny.
37:10Listen to me, but do you want to go on stage?
37:14You would do a great favor to this old man.
37:17I would love to hear Johnny's son sing.
37:20No, sir, I don't think so.
37:22No, listen to me, look.
37:23There you have a guitar.
37:25You know how to play it, surely, right?
37:27Yes, yes, I know.
37:28But I didn't come to sing.
37:29He was just going to ask me a few questions.
37:32Let's do something, look.
37:34You play a song and then I'll tell you everything we lived with your dad.
37:38Come on.
37:40What do you think?
37:43Excuse me.
37:46Get in, get in.
37:50Dear friends, I have the pleasure of introducing you today
37:55to the son of one of the most important singers
38:00who has gone through this humble stage.
38:03We all know what has happened these days
38:07with the tragic accident of the Néstor group.
38:10And today we are here with the son of the founder, Johnny Orozco.
38:17With you, Davis Orozco.
38:20A big round of applause for him.
38:40To the little tree
38:44That little tree
38:47Where is it written
38:50Your name and mine
38:53Your name and mine
38:56That little tree
38:59Where is it written
39:02Your name and mine
39:05Your name and mine
39:08I had never cried for any affection
39:15And today, like the little tree, I cry like a child
39:23That little tree
39:26Where is it written
39:29Your name and mine
39:32Your name and mine
39:35That little tree
39:38Where is it written
39:41Your name and mine
39:44Your name and mine
39:47Your name and mine
39:57I had never cried for any affection
40:02And today, like the little tree, I cry like a child
40:06Your name and mine
40:10I saw that you had talent.
40:13What do you say to me now?
40:14Thank you, thank you very much, Benjamín.
40:16But of course, I don't have the talent that my dad had.
40:19My dad was unique.
40:20Well, yes, he was unique.
40:21But, well, but you are you.
40:24It's like that.
40:25Yes, it's true.
40:26Listen to me, do you want me to tell you how your dad lived here?
40:29Yes, please, I would love to.
40:31I would love to.
40:32But I also wanted to know if you know a guy named Facundo López.
40:35Facundo López, yes, I know that crazy man.
40:37He was singing here and in some, in some, wherever he could.
40:41But did you know that the Nectar group took him to Bolivia?
40:46As it was, he became alone.
40:48Yes, I think I did know that story, Mr. Benjamín.
40:51But do you know where he can be found?
40:53Well, it seems to me that he returned to Bolivia.
40:57Because he was a little figure and he was singing there in a group without much brightness.
41:02So I haven't seen him for a long time.
41:05Well, actually, I saw him a few days ago.
41:09But I think he must have already returned to Bolivia.
41:12A few days ago, when?
41:14When my dad's thing happened?
41:16Yes, yes, right on those days.
41:18When the accident happened.
41:28For me you have to aim elsewhere.
41:33For the jackal Ayala.
41:35In the middle of so many doubts.
41:37The jackal can't be talking! Do you understand?
41:39Do you know who the jackal Ayala is?
41:41He will have to make decisions.
41:43You've been through these streets, old man.
41:46You are...
41:48In another exciting chapter.
41:50It's about your proposal.
41:52Have you already made a decision then?
41:56In your name and mine.
