Letest Hollywood Hindi dubbed movie

  • 4 days ago
00:00:00I heard she's the same girl. What's the condition of her body?
00:00:03Her body is completely rotten.
00:00:06How long has she been there?
00:00:09It must have been about three months.
00:00:11Please give the phone to Brigadier.
00:00:13Yes, talk to him.
00:00:16Yes, tell me.
00:00:17Does she have any ID?
00:00:18No, no, no. No ID.
00:00:20What is she wearing?
00:00:23Yes, you heard right. Leggings.
00:00:25And a black jacket.
00:00:28And shoes with feathers.
00:00:31You're staying there, right?
00:00:32Yes, I'm here.
00:00:33Her family should be notified immediately.
00:00:35I'll do it.
00:00:36Great, thanks.
00:00:41Ma'am, is that girl really...
00:00:42We'll talk later.
00:00:49Ma'am, there's bad news.
00:01:01Ma'am, can you hear me?
00:01:09Ma'am, can you hear me?
00:01:12Ma'am, calm down.
00:01:13Be strong.
00:01:14You have to be strong, Ma'am.
00:01:16What's done is done.
00:01:58In my opinion, rhythmic gymnastics is the best sport.
00:02:01I'll work really hard this year.
00:02:03I mean, whatever happens, I'll go to the gym every Wednesday.
00:02:08Yara, I'm 13 years old.
00:02:10I'm in the 8th grade.
00:02:11In Arabic, my name means butterfly.
00:02:14But my friends can't even pronounce my name properly.
00:02:29I love you.
00:02:30I love you.
00:02:31I love you.
00:02:32I love you.
00:02:33I love you.
00:02:34I love you.
00:02:35I love you.
00:02:36I love you.
00:02:37I love you.
00:02:38I love you.
00:02:39I love you.
00:02:40I love you.
00:02:41I love you.
00:02:42I love you.
00:02:43I love you.
00:02:44I love you.
00:02:45I love you.
00:02:46I love you.
00:02:47I love you.
00:02:48I love you.
00:02:49I love you.
00:02:50I love you.
00:02:51I love you.
00:02:52I love you.
00:02:53I love you.
00:02:54I love you.
00:02:55I love you.
00:02:56I love you.
00:02:58I love you.
00:02:59I love you.
00:03:00I love you.
00:03:04Leave him.
00:03:05I'll get dad's music system.
00:03:27I don't want pain.
00:03:28I just want love.
00:03:30I just want heaven.
00:03:36I want love.
00:03:38I just want heaven.
00:03:46Your love.
00:03:47Your love, your love.
00:03:48And I'mーモ also lost, ma'am.
00:03:50And I�ייםe between you two, too.
00:03:53Haven't we ever met before?
00:03:55Mom, Yara is writing in her diary instead of doing her homework that Dad doesn't cook well.
00:04:00Why can't you shut up, Keba?
00:04:02She's telling the truth.
00:04:03Why do you think I don't know how to cook?
00:04:05What is this?
00:04:06Try it once, it's delicious.
00:04:08And hot too.
00:04:10Don't eat it now.
00:04:11First I'll get the sauce and then I'll give it to you.
00:04:14You mean you'll serve it?
00:04:16Yes, why not?
00:04:17Wait, I'll be right back.
00:04:19After doing my homework, I'll take the music system to the gym, okay?
00:04:22I can take it on Sunday.
00:04:24Anyway, I have to go set the equipment.
00:04:26But I'll go.
00:04:27I have to meet Jiomi in hip-hop class.
00:04:29But come home by 6.30, okay?
00:04:31It's not possible at 6.30.
00:04:32Let me stay a little longer.
00:04:34It's very close.
00:04:35I'll be back by 7.45.
00:04:36Not later than this.
00:04:38Not okay, you have to come early.
00:04:39Okay, I got it.
00:04:40Got it?
00:04:45Swaeba says I don't need to give her a birthday present.
00:04:48Just help me out at the party.
00:04:50She's my best friend.
00:04:52And this is the biggest present.
00:04:56Here's our music system.
00:04:59Thank you, Yana.
00:05:00Is everyone ready?
00:05:02Let's start.
00:05:03Yana, come on.
00:05:04No, I won't.
00:05:05Come on.
00:05:06Nothing will happen.
00:05:07Five, six, seven, eight.
00:05:10Sometimes I feel I should join hip-hop class too.
00:05:13But I don't have time.
00:05:17Anyway, there's no time left these days.
00:05:22Let's go.
00:05:53Hi, I'm Yara.
00:05:54No, this is my voicemail.
00:05:56Leave a message after the beep.
00:06:01Hi, Nico.
00:06:02This is Maura.
00:06:03Yara, are you still there?
00:06:05I didn't see Yara here.
00:06:07Wait, I'll ask Daniella.
00:06:09Did you see Yara?
00:06:11Yara left from here.
00:06:13I don't know where she went.
00:06:15I don't know.
00:06:16I don't know.
00:06:17I don't know.
00:06:18I don't know.
00:06:19I don't know.
00:06:20Did you see Yara?
00:06:21Yara left from here at about 6.30.
00:06:25She said Yara left at 6.30.
00:06:31Listen, today's dinner will be with my boss.
00:06:34Why hasn't Yara come yet?
00:06:35She should have come half an hour ago.
00:06:37Don't worry, she'll come.
00:06:38I've called her.
00:06:39I can hear her voicemail.
00:06:40Her battery must be dead.
00:06:41Call Martina or Paula.
00:06:44I'd rather go there myself.
00:06:46Five, six, seven, eight.
00:06:48Five, six, seven, eight.
00:06:54Where could she be right now?
00:06:56Let's look for her.
00:07:02Hi, I'm Yara.
00:07:04No, this is my voicemail.
00:07:06Leave a message after three.
00:07:10Hi, I'm Yara.
00:07:12No, this is my voicemail.
00:07:18Leave a message after three.
00:07:25Hi, I'm Yara.
00:07:36Mr. Gambirazio, what happened?
00:07:37Is everything okay?
00:07:38Yes, Yara is my daughter.
00:07:40She hasn't come home yet.
00:07:43I've brought her photo.
00:07:45Maybe this will help you.
00:07:48Don't worry.
00:07:49Tell them everything.
00:07:50We'll write a report.
00:07:51Don't worry.
00:07:52Actually, my daughter went to the sports center.
00:07:54And when she didn't come back,
00:07:56my wife went to the center to look for her.
00:07:59But she wasn't there either.
00:08:01And her phone isn't working either.
00:08:04Maybe it's off by now.
00:08:06I don't understand...
00:08:11I don't understand what happened to her.
00:08:20Mr. Gambirazio,
00:08:22calm down.
00:08:25We're here.
00:08:26We'll find her.
00:08:40Where is Mr. Gambirazio?
00:08:42He went home.
00:08:43He's very worried.
00:08:44I don't think he should be here.
00:08:47You're right.
00:08:48What time did he go missing?
00:08:50He couldn't make it back to his house
00:08:52from the Brimbate Sports Center this evening.
00:08:54What did his family say?
00:08:56Did they argue?
00:08:57Maybe the girl ran away from home.
00:08:59His father didn't tell us anything like that.
00:09:02And did you request the phone operator
00:09:04to track the location or not?
00:09:06Yes, I did.
00:09:07And I got the details.
00:09:08But the last time the phone was connected
00:09:10to the tower in Brimbate di Sopera.
00:09:12It was at 6.55 p.m. in the evening
00:09:14on Ruggieri Street,
00:09:15which is right in front of the Sports Center.
00:09:18Ruggieri Street?
00:09:20Yes, just like your surname.
00:09:24This is a mystery.
00:09:25The mystery of a 13-year-old girl
00:09:27going missing in the Bergamo area.
00:09:29She went out of the house
00:09:30like most young people her age.
00:09:33After noon, she goes to the gym.
00:09:35After that, she didn't come back home.
00:09:37She must have run away from home.
00:09:39There's no chance of that.
00:09:40It is believed that she may have been kidnapped.
00:09:43Next report, with Andria.
00:09:45People in Brimbate di Sopera
00:09:47are very angry about Friday night.
00:09:49Because on Friday evening,
00:09:50a 13-year-old girl named Yara Gambrasio
00:09:53went missing.
00:09:54The news was reported at night.
00:09:56It was found that when she went missing,
00:09:58she didn't have a bag or a wallet.
00:10:00She had a cell phone, which is off at the moment.
00:10:05Excuse me, what are you doing?
00:10:07I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:10:08I'm sorry, ma'am.
00:10:09We got orders.
00:10:10But why are you taking my laptop?
00:10:13It doesn't have Yara's name on it.
00:10:18He took my laptop, too.
00:10:25This is Yara's diary.
00:10:32Hey, don't be sad.
00:10:33Don't worry, she'll be back soon.
00:10:36Just hang in there.
00:10:48Oh, Brigadier Garrow.
00:10:50Come, have a seat.
00:10:51Ma'am, good morning.
00:10:52Did you find out anything about the girl?
00:10:54Not yet.
00:10:55What are her gym mates saying?
00:10:57They say she must have left at 6.30.
00:11:00What does that mean?
00:11:01Someone must have seen her on Friday night at 6.30.
00:11:04Unfortunately, we haven't found any such witness yet.
00:11:08How far is her gym from that girl's house?
00:11:10About 700 meters.
00:11:12That's what I'm saying.
00:11:13Someone must have seen her.
00:11:15Ma'am, we've been able to find out from our investigation
00:11:18that Yara didn't have a training class that day.
00:11:20She was on leave.
00:11:21She came to the gym just to give her music system.
00:11:24She stayed there for a while and then left.
00:11:27I can't say for sure,
00:11:29but our investigation team is looking for her all over the city.
00:11:32What about the search dogs?
00:11:33We've requested them,
00:11:34but they'll take a few more days to arrive
00:11:36because they come from outside.
00:11:38And the phones?
00:11:39The whole family's phones are being tapped.
00:11:41That's not enough.
00:11:42We'll have to interrogate more.
00:11:44Talk to her neighbors, teachers, gym instructors.
00:11:48You're right, ma'am.
00:11:49We'll try our best.
00:11:51So, Brigadier,
00:11:53what do you think about this?
00:11:56Look, ma'am,
00:11:57I don't think it's a question of her running away.
00:12:00Everyone's saying she was a simple girl,
00:12:02so she couldn't have run away.
00:12:04Maybe she was kidnapped,
00:12:05but not for prostitution
00:12:06because her family isn't that rich.
00:12:08Her parents both work.
00:12:10They don't have anything but a house.
00:12:12Or maybe they have an enemy.
00:12:14I don't think so.
00:12:15The girl's father is a surveyor.
00:12:17He works in the field of systems engineering.
00:12:19He doesn't have any enemies.
00:12:21That's what they say.
00:12:22Maybe someone's taking revenge on the construction workers.
00:12:25Let's interrogate them and see.
00:12:27By the way, would you like to meet them?
00:12:29No, no, no.
00:12:30The reports are enough for me for now.
00:12:32I'll let you know if I need anything.
00:12:40Where's Yara?
00:12:43We've been looking for her everywhere, dear.
00:12:46That's why she's always late for work.
00:12:51Are the kidnappers really after her?
00:12:58You don't have to be afraid of them, okay?
00:13:05We all made a drawing at school.
00:13:07And we prayed for Yara
00:13:11so that she'd come home by Christmas.
00:13:15That's a good thing, dear.
00:13:20People say sadness brings good memories.
00:13:24Maybe that's why we keep changing ourselves like memories.
00:13:28First we're happy, then we're sad.
00:13:31And then we're happy again.
00:13:33If I feel like crying, I stop myself.
00:13:36Because I don't want anyone to be happy to see me cry.
00:13:40No, I don't understand.
00:13:41Tell me, were you here on Friday night or not?
00:13:44No, not at all.
00:13:45I didn't see Yara on Friday because I was at home.
00:13:49Then I got a call from Danelia and Sylvia at midnight.
00:13:53They wanted to come here and look for her.
00:14:00Wait, I'll check here.
00:14:05Ma'am, would you like some tea or coffee?
00:14:07No, no, thanks. I've had enough.
00:14:10As you know,
00:14:12any information we have right now
00:14:14or a little clue is very important.
00:14:17Can you guys think of something
00:14:19to tell us how Yara was looking
00:14:21or maybe something else?
00:14:23Look, Yara came here
00:14:25and she brought her music system with her.
00:14:27I told her to dance, but she said no.
00:14:30And maybe she was in a hurry.
00:14:32She just had to go home.
00:14:34Okay, tell me,
00:14:36did you see any strange girls training that day,
00:14:39who were neither anyone's parents
00:14:41nor anyone's relatives?
00:14:44I'm sure you've heard that story.
00:14:51Tell me, what happened?
00:14:53It's been on everyone's lips for years.
00:14:56We've tried our best,
00:14:58but we haven't been able to find out
00:15:00if anyone really hid girls.
00:15:02That's why the girls' male relatives
00:15:04were told not to go to the changing room.
00:15:06The girls who come here, too.
00:15:09Did you see anything strange that day?
00:15:12No, nothing like that.
00:15:14After that, I went upstairs to teach the girls synchro.
00:15:17By the time I got back, Yara had already left.
00:15:20I was really surprised.
00:15:34Everyone, step back.
00:15:36Step back.
00:15:38Yes, ma'am.
00:15:39The dogs are here. Where are the others?
00:15:41I took Yara's sweater to the dogs.
00:15:43They ran over there.
00:15:44What about Garo?
00:15:45They went over there, too.
00:15:46They called you, too.
00:15:47Okay, let's go.
00:16:11Bark, bark, bark.
00:16:28Good morning, ma'am.
00:16:30Meet the site manager.
00:16:32Hello, ma'am.
00:16:33Sir, wait a minute.
00:16:34Ma'am, our search dogs sniffed and went that way.
00:16:37Why? What's there?
00:16:38There's a changing room for the workers.
00:16:40There's a room under it.
00:16:41Let's go see.
00:16:42Okay, let's go, ma'am.
00:16:43Be careful. There are nails down there.
00:17:09Did you see that?
00:17:11They're sniffing something.
00:17:13Seal the entire site.
00:17:15Identify everyone.
00:17:17Call the RSI squad.
00:17:19Search every nook and cranny of this place.
00:17:22Is it going to snow?
00:17:24Yes, a lot.
00:17:26Does that mean we're safe?
00:17:29We're safe.
00:17:31We're safe.
00:17:33We're safe.
00:17:35We're safe.
00:17:37Does that mean we're safe?
00:17:39It depends on you.
00:17:41If you drink a whole cup of hot chocolate at home, you're safe.
00:17:49I'll pick you up from school so we can spend the whole Saturday together.
00:19:08The clerk told me you'd be here.
00:19:11Hello, Colonel Vitale.
00:19:14We're meeting after the Kalatani site.
00:19:16That's right.
00:19:17Shall we go to the office?
00:19:18Let's go.
00:19:23Will you help me?
00:19:25Why not?
00:19:33Did you know I had a unit here?
00:19:36Yes, Garo told me.
00:19:38He's the head of this police station.
00:19:40He's very smart.
00:19:42So have you found anything yet?
00:19:44Nothing yet.
00:19:45We've put up cameras, tagged the phone,
00:19:47but we haven't found anything.
00:19:49Sometimes things are right in front of our eyes,
00:19:51but we can't see them.
00:19:58Please come in.
00:19:59Have a seat.
00:20:02First of all, we asked around the girl's family,
00:20:05but we didn't find anything.
00:20:06We did find something.
00:20:07The girl's father sent her a voicemail
00:20:09asking her to come over.
00:20:12I know that.
00:20:14It sounds like it's happened before.
00:20:17I thought a father was trying to tell his daughter
00:20:20not to get mad at her for being late.
00:20:25Fulvio Gambirasio has changed his job many times.
00:20:28Maybe that's why he's so honest and honest.
00:20:31Maybe that's why he's made so many enemies.
00:20:34We've thought about it, but I don't think that's true.
00:20:37Maybe he's upset with someone,
00:20:39but he's not ready to take revenge.
00:20:41And secondly, everyone in our unit believes
00:20:44that Gambirasio is a good family.
00:20:46And what do you think?
00:20:48I haven't met him yet.
00:20:50Oh, you haven't met him?
00:20:52So when are you going to meet him?
00:20:55I'll meet him when I have something to say to him.
00:20:59I'll meet him when I have something to say to him.
00:21:02I'll meet him when I have something to say to him.
00:21:05There are two ways of looking at the future.
00:21:08Some people see the future as a two-night event.
00:21:11What do you mean?
00:21:13Some people see the future as a two-night event.
00:21:16I read that in Yara's diary.
00:21:19It's a very interesting theory.
00:21:22I read that in Yara's diary.
00:21:24It's a very interesting theory.
00:21:27I don't think a 13-year-old girl would think of that.
00:21:31I don't think a 13-year-old girl would think of that.
00:21:34Who was Yara hanging out with?
00:21:36Was it an old man who visited her house
00:21:38or a friend of her sister?
00:21:40We asked her about it, but we didn't find anything.
00:21:43This is her original diary.
00:21:47Did you see that?
00:21:49It's a line from Dawn.
00:21:52Sometimes what you see doesn't happen.
00:21:57You're right, ma'am.
00:22:10He's not going anywhere.
00:22:12We'll go next week.
00:22:21Hey, wait.
00:22:24No, I don't want it.
00:22:26Won't you say goodbye to me?
00:22:32I have a lot of different people in my class.
00:22:34Some people make fun of others.
00:22:37And there are some small groups, like mine,
00:22:40where I and my best friends are.
00:22:42Ludo, Ale, Swaeva and Ginny.
00:22:45No, no.
00:22:46There's nothing like that here.
00:22:49Please don't say that this is the perfect school in Italy.
00:22:53The kids are naughty.
00:22:55They hide in the toilet and smoke.
00:22:57It happens everywhere.
00:22:59But Yara never did that.
00:23:01We've told the police.
00:23:03Yes, but I wanted to come and talk to you.
00:23:08Look, this is Yara's diary.
00:23:10Actually, he came to me today.
00:23:12There are a lot of exclamation marks.
00:23:14There are little hearts.
00:23:16I mean, Yara likes someone.
00:23:18Yes, but this is just a childhood crush.
00:23:20He's a cute boy.
00:23:22He's very popular.
00:23:23But Yara never told him that.
00:23:25Come, I'll show you.
00:23:32Actually, he was standing next to me today.
00:23:36I'm yours because I like your smile.
00:23:40I find every moment spent with you special.
00:23:46Today, during religious studies, I closed my eyes for two minutes
00:23:49and I felt all the emotions inside me.
00:23:53I'm growing up. I'm changing.
00:23:56Just like my favorite song.
00:23:58And anyway, there are a lot of twists and turns in life.
00:24:02Our entire community, or should I say, our entire country
00:24:05is worried about Yara's safety.
00:24:07There was a meeting of police officers in the prosecutor's office,
00:24:10but nothing came of it.
00:24:12With time, tensions between the people of Brahmapati Desh Supra are rising.
00:24:15We, the Gambirasis, are standing outside that house,
00:24:17but there's no one here.
00:24:19Meanwhile, an investigation is going on around the city.
00:24:21We can say that continuous searches are being made
00:24:24in every corner of this entire area.
00:24:26The people here are also involved in the search.
00:24:28This morning, Senator Nithya,
00:24:30in an interview with the media,
00:24:32expressed her views.
00:24:34I've spoken to the police officers about this,
00:24:36and I'm sure,
00:24:38as a father and a family man,
00:24:40and as a representative of the people,
00:24:42that we will soon find Yara
00:24:44and hand her over to her family.
00:24:52Come in.
00:24:55Oh, Dr. Ujjeri, good morning.
00:24:57Good morning.
00:24:59Good morning.
00:25:29If you need anything,
00:25:31just let me know, okay?
00:25:35If I need anything?
00:25:37Yes. I mean,
00:25:39if you need an assistant or anything else,
00:25:41just let me know.
00:25:43I think I'm doing my job well.
00:25:49If I need anything,
00:25:51I'll let you know.
00:25:53Good. Good.
00:25:59By the way,
00:26:01I was watching the mafia and murder cases
00:26:03in Kaltanasita yesterday.
00:26:05I'm not that new.
00:26:07I know.
00:26:09But things are complicated here.
00:26:11I know.
00:26:13And on top of that,
00:26:15there's pressure and questions,
00:26:17and that's a must.
00:26:19It's a good thing that the court
00:26:21is completely free to work.
00:26:23More to the left.
00:26:25More to the left.
00:26:27More to the left.
00:26:29One. One.
00:26:35Good morning, Mrs. Gambirazio.
00:26:37Meletizia Ujjeri.
00:26:39Good morning.
00:26:41This is my husband, Fulvio.
00:26:43Pleasure to meet you.
00:26:45Come in.
00:26:47Put this here.
00:26:51I'll put your jacket here.
00:26:55He has a lot of hair.
00:26:57Some of it is short,
00:26:59and some of it is long.
00:27:01Maybe it'll help.
00:27:03He's only showing
00:27:05the picture we gave him
00:27:07at the police station the other day.
00:27:17I'm sorry.
00:27:19It was so loud.
00:27:21The journalists are here.
00:27:23I would have come earlier,
00:27:25but the information you gave
00:27:27to the police was enough
00:27:29for the investigation.
00:27:31So I didn't want to
00:27:33worry you any more.
00:27:35Did you find anything
00:27:37in the investigation?
00:27:39No. I'm sorry.
00:27:41I haven't found anything yet.
00:27:49Can I ask you something?
00:27:51Yes, go ahead.
00:27:53If you don't have any information,
00:27:55why did you come here today?
00:28:01I told you
00:28:03that we have
00:28:05all the information you need.
00:28:07I don't have any doubts.
00:28:09It's true.
00:28:11I was wondering
00:28:13if you remembered anything
00:28:15after the report,
00:28:17like a fight,
00:28:19or anything else
00:28:21that might have caused
00:28:23Yara to run away.
00:28:25I wish that had happened.
00:28:27Look, I understand
00:28:29that you need to know everything.
00:28:31Even things that are personal.
00:28:33I understand that you want
00:28:35to ask me and my wife
00:28:37different questions,
00:28:39but it would be better
00:28:41if you didn't ask us
00:28:43personal questions,
00:28:45and that too in Yara's room.
00:28:47I'm sorry. You're right.
00:29:07Yes, Gaurav.
00:29:09Ma'am, we found the audio
00:29:11of a worker at Mapelo Building.
00:29:13His name is Mohammad Fikri.
00:29:15Fikri was saying,
00:29:17God forgive me,
00:29:19I didn't kill him,
00:29:21and then he started crying.
00:29:23Did you arrest him?
00:29:25If you say so.
00:29:27Yes, I'm telling you.
00:29:29Arrest him right now.
00:29:31I'll arrest him right now,
00:29:33as you say.
00:29:35Fikri Mohammad,
00:29:37we found out that you're
00:29:39at Barkati Ferry,
00:29:41which has left Geneva Port.
00:29:43Arrest him before he enters
00:29:45the international waters.
00:30:33Good morning.
00:30:35Good morning.
00:30:37I don't understand.
00:30:39What did I say?
00:30:41What did I say?
00:30:43I'll tell you what I said.
00:30:45God forgive me,
00:30:47I didn't kill him.
00:30:49No, that's wrong.
00:30:51I said,
00:30:53please God let him pick up the phone.
00:30:55He's right.
00:30:57Your translation is wrong.
00:30:59I was talking about my girlfriend.
00:31:01I was crying because we broke up.
00:31:03You got the wrong idea.
00:31:05Then why were you running?
00:31:07No, I wasn't running.
00:31:09I was planning to leave.
00:31:11I haven't been home for two years.
00:31:13So, you were already preparing?
00:31:15Yes, I bought the ticket in May.
00:31:17You can check.
00:31:19Yes, but that doesn't prove anything.
00:31:21Maybe you wanted to take advantage
00:31:23of your previous booking.
00:31:25When things started to go wrong,
00:31:27you thought it was right to run.
00:31:29Ma'am, it can prove where he was.
00:31:31He was with 4-1 Mr. Scali.
00:31:33We've taken out the time.
00:31:35It only takes four minutes
00:31:37Before Mr. Scali
00:31:39reached the building site
00:31:41and caught Mr. Fikri,
00:31:43he could have easily kidnapped Yara.
00:31:45How do I explain this to you?
00:31:47I didn't do anything.
00:31:49I didn't say anything wrong.
00:31:51God is my witness.
00:31:53Calm down, Fikri.
00:31:55Calm down, Fikri.
00:32:25The police forced the ship to change course.
00:32:27Now the police will present evidence
00:32:29against Mr. Fikri
00:32:31and decide whether to keep him in custody or not.
00:32:47Are you smoking?
00:32:49No, forget that.
00:32:51I want to check the Fikri wire tape again.
00:32:53I want to understand it better.
00:32:55I have to do it right now.
00:32:57Where can I get an Arabic translation so soon?
00:32:59I don't know. You find it.
00:33:01But where?
00:33:03Go to the police station.
00:33:05It's close by.
00:33:07Look for it in the immigration office.
00:33:09Immigration office?
00:33:11You'll find it. Just try.
00:33:13Please do it.
00:33:15Okay, but first throw this cigarette away.
00:33:17Good morning.
00:33:19I'm the DA's clerk, Karlini.
00:33:21Come, I'll take you.
00:33:35Come this way.
00:33:37Who's next?
00:33:39These two ladies.
00:33:41One person at a time.
00:33:45Are you ready?
00:33:47Can you hear me?
00:33:51Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:33:53Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:33:55Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:33:57Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:33:59Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:34:01Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:34:03Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:34:05Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:34:07I've given this audio to eight people so far.
00:34:09And everyone said that this is what it means.
00:34:13Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:34:15Yes, everyone said that.
00:34:17I made a big mistake.
00:34:19But ma'am, what's your fault in this?
00:34:21Then whose fault is it?
00:34:23This is my case, isn't it?
00:34:27No! No! Police force!
00:34:29No! No! Police force!
00:34:31No! No! Police force!
00:34:33No! No! Police force!
00:34:35No! No! Police force!
00:34:37We need a chance to speak.
00:34:39I'm requesting you.
00:34:41Please allow him to pick up the phone.
00:34:43Ladies, whatever has happened
00:34:45is very shameful.
00:34:47I'm very disappointed.
00:34:49And wouldn't it be shameful
00:34:51to get an innocent man punished?
00:34:53And what if he was punished?
00:34:55Look, I'm talking like your dad.
00:34:57I've always respected you a lot.
00:34:59I'm proud of you.
00:35:03But you know very well
00:35:05that there's a time limit
00:35:07to investigate every case.
00:35:09If we can't reach a conclusion,
00:35:11we'll have to stop it.
00:35:13Look, we don't have much time,
00:35:15so we'll have to do what we've been doing.
00:35:19What do you mean?
00:35:23You may go.
00:35:31Those who have come to me
00:35:33asking me to request
00:35:35the Mayor, the Assembly,
00:35:37the government,
00:35:39especially the Judiciary
00:35:41and the Judicial Council
00:35:43to withdraw their decision
00:35:45or at least involve
00:35:47an experienced and good officer.
00:35:49A lot of mistakes are being made
00:35:51in the investigation of this heinous crime
00:35:53which has angered the people.
00:35:55This is actually a kind of genocide.
00:35:57We're being stopped from knowing the truth
00:35:59by saying that every citizen should be protected.
00:36:01Let me tell you about this.
00:36:03Mr. Fikri's release and the van
00:36:05in which Tripoli went
00:36:07is a living proof of cowardice.
00:36:09Shut up.
00:36:11We don't know anything.
00:36:13They're all foreigners.
00:36:15Their papers need to be checked.
00:36:17Ma'am, my hands aren't empty.
00:36:19Can you open the door, please?
00:36:21Wait, I'm coming.
00:36:25Thank you so much.
00:36:27I'm afraid it might get cold.
00:36:35Did the boss tell you anything?
00:36:39I'm sure you know about
00:36:41Mr. Fikri's release.
00:36:43I was going to send a flashback.
00:36:45Are you going to resign?
00:38:05Dr. Rajeri, good morning.
00:38:07Good morning.
00:38:37We're not backing down.
00:38:39We're moving forward.
00:38:41We're doing our best.
00:38:45I know what you're going through.
00:38:47That's why I...
00:38:49It's not about us.
00:38:51We just don't know
00:38:53what to say to the kids.
00:38:55They're scared.
00:38:57I can understand.
00:38:59To be honest, I'm trying to.
00:39:07Excuse me.
00:39:09Have you seen Victoria?
00:39:11She's in the dance room.
00:39:13She might still be there.
00:39:15Thank you, teacher.
00:39:51I'm sorry, Mom.
00:39:53I was hungry.
00:39:55I went to get this.
00:39:57I'm sorry.
00:40:07I'm sorry.
00:40:09I'm sorry.
00:40:11I'm sorry.
00:40:13I'm sorry.
00:40:15I'm sorry.
00:40:17I'm sorry.
00:40:19I'm sorry.
00:40:21I'm sorry.
00:40:23I'm sorry.
00:40:25I'm sorry.
00:40:27I'm sorry.
00:40:29I'm sorry.
00:40:31I'm sorry.
00:40:33I'm sorry.
00:40:35I'm sorry.
00:40:37I'm sorry.
00:40:39I'm sorry.
00:40:41I'm sorry.
00:40:43I'm sorry.
00:40:45I'm sorry.
00:40:47I'm sorry.
00:40:49I'm sorry.
00:40:51I'm sorry.
00:40:53I'm sorry.
00:40:55I'm sorry.
00:40:57I'm sorry.
00:40:59I'm sorry.
00:41:01I'm sorry.
00:41:03I'm sorry.
00:41:05I'm sorry.
00:41:07I'm sorry.
00:41:09I'm sorry.
00:41:11I'm sorry.
00:41:13I'm sorry.
00:41:15I'm sorry.
00:41:17I'm sorry.
00:41:19I'm sorry.
00:41:21I'm sorry.
00:41:23I'm sorry.
00:41:25I'm sorry.
00:41:27I'm sorry.
00:41:29I'm sorry.
00:41:31I'm sorry.
00:41:33I'm sorry.
00:41:35I'm sorry.
00:41:37I'm sorry.
00:41:39I'm sorry.
00:41:41I'm sorry.
00:41:43I'm sorry.
00:41:45I'm sorry.
00:41:47I'm sorry.
00:41:49I'm sorry.
00:41:51I'm sorry.
00:41:53I'm sorry.
00:41:55I'm sorry.
00:41:57I'm sorry.
00:41:59I'm sorry.
00:42:01I'm sorry.
00:42:03I'm sorry.
00:42:05I'm sorry.
00:42:07I'm sorry.
00:42:09I'm sorry.
00:42:11I'm sorry.
00:42:13I'm sorry.
00:42:15I'm sorry.
00:42:17I'm sorry.
00:42:19I'm sorry.
00:42:21I'm sorry.
00:42:23I'm sorry.
00:42:25I'm sorry.
00:42:27I'm sorry.
00:42:29I'm sorry.
00:42:31I'm sorry.
00:42:33I'm sorry.
00:42:35I'm sorry.
00:42:37I'm sorry.
00:42:39I'm sorry.
00:42:41I'm sorry.
00:42:43I'm sorry.
00:42:45I'm sorry.
00:42:47I'm sorry.
00:42:49I'm sorry.
00:42:51I'm sorry.
00:42:53I'm sorry.
00:42:55I'm sorry.
00:42:57I'm sorry.
00:42:59I'm sorry.
00:43:01I'm sorry.
00:43:03I'm sorry.
00:43:05I'm sorry.
00:43:07I'm sorry.
00:43:09I'm sorry.
00:43:11I'm sorry.
00:43:13I'm sorry.
00:43:15I'm sorry.
00:43:17I'm sorry.
00:43:19I'm sorry.
00:43:21I'm sorry.
00:43:23I'm sorry.
00:43:25I'm sorry.
00:43:27I'm sorry.
00:43:29I'm sorry.
00:43:31I'm sorry.
00:43:33I'm sorry.
00:43:35I'm sorry.
00:43:37I'm sorry.
00:43:39I'm sorry.
00:43:41I'm sorry.
00:43:43I'm sorry.
00:43:45I'm sorry.
00:43:47I'm sorry.
00:43:49I'm sorry.
00:43:51I'm sorry.
00:43:53I'm sorry.
00:43:55I'm sorry.
00:43:57I'm sorry.
00:43:59I'm sorry.
00:44:01I'm sorry.
00:44:03I'm sorry.
00:44:05I'm sorry.
00:44:07I'm sorry.
00:44:09I'm sorry.
00:44:11I'm sorry.
00:44:13I'm sorry.
00:44:15I'm sorry.
00:44:17I'm sorry.
00:44:19I'm sorry.
00:44:21I'm sorry.
00:44:23I'm sorry.
00:44:25I'm sorry.
00:44:27I'm sorry.
00:44:29I'm sorry.
00:44:31I'm sorry.
00:44:33I'm sorry.
00:44:35I'm sorry.
00:44:37I'm sorry.
00:44:39I'm sorry.
00:44:41I'm sorry.
00:44:43I'm sorry.
00:44:45I'm sorry.
00:44:47I'm sorry.
00:44:53I'm sorry.
00:44:55I'm sorry.
00:44:57I'm sorry.
00:45:11Sir, sir, sir.
00:45:13Madam, madam!
00:45:15There's a lot of investigation going on out there.
00:45:17You need to do something about it.
00:45:19Do something about it.
00:45:21Do you think you'll get caught?
00:45:38Brigadier, is there a venue nearby?
00:45:40What's it called?
00:45:42Not Only Dance?
00:45:43Is it a club?
00:45:44Yes, it's a disco club.
00:45:46A month ago, there was a murder here.
00:45:48And maybe there was a fight before the murder.
00:45:51Maybe the killer chose this place because he knew this place.
00:45:54Maybe he used to come here.
00:45:56Maybe he goes to this club too.
00:45:58I can't say anything because a lot of people pass through here.
00:46:01Bikers ride bikes.
00:46:02Call girls come.
00:46:03People fly model aircrafts.
00:46:05Yes, but now we have to investigate some phone towers too.
00:46:08The towers in Kinyolo?
00:46:09Yes, ma'am.
00:46:10The ones that are connected to Brembate.
00:46:11The ones that are connected to Brembate.
00:46:13If we find a user in either of those towers...
00:46:15We'll arrest him.
00:46:43We'll arrest him.
00:47:01Today, a body was found in the ground of Kinyolo.
00:47:04And with that, the last hope of finding Yara's heirs was gone.
00:47:08Three months ago, this girl suddenly went missing.
00:47:11This afternoon, the body was found.
00:47:13And the body is completely rotten.
00:47:15She was identified in the initial investigation.
00:47:18And our society and the whole country is in a big shock.
00:47:22And those who were trying to find her alive...
00:47:25And the biggest thing is that her killer...
00:47:28Because this is a murder, he is roaming freely among us.
00:47:31Which is a matter of great concern and sorrow.
00:47:42I always keep running.
00:47:44Keep running, Yara.
00:47:45Keep running, or you'll be left behind.
00:47:47Keep running.
00:48:11Listen to me.
00:48:12Listen to me carefully.
00:48:14There are many wounds on her body.
00:48:17On her neck, on her head, on her jaw, and on her left cheek.
00:48:22She was attacked with something heavy.
00:48:25And besides that, there are six cuts.
00:48:28On her neck...
00:48:30On her wrist...
00:48:32And four marks on her back.
00:48:35Which are probably the marks of a blade or a cutter.
00:48:38But if you look at it...
00:48:40We haven't found the weapon used in the murder yet.
00:48:45I asked the expert if it could be a sacrifice.
00:48:49Or if it could be someone who worships the devil.
00:48:51Someone who does black magic.
00:48:53But he said it's not like that.
00:48:55It can't be like that.
00:48:57Because the marks of the wound are of different types.
00:49:03This is a very merciless murder.
00:49:06How merciless?
00:49:08But she didn't die because of these wounds.
00:49:13That's not possible.
00:49:15If you look at it, those wounds weren't that deep.
00:49:20It's possible that she died...
00:49:24because of hypothermia.
00:49:27And was she forced to do it?
00:49:31I don't think she was forced to do it.
00:49:37Maybe she tried to run away.
00:49:42Maybe she caught him.
00:49:45Maybe she shocked him.
00:49:47Maybe she attacked his back.
00:49:50Maybe she injured him.
00:49:53Maybe she left him there to die.
00:49:56In the freezing cold.
00:49:59Maybe she was alive.
00:50:02Maybe she was alive.
00:50:18But the murder was sexual.
00:50:20Look at these pictures.
00:50:22There are marks on his leggings and underwear.
00:50:26Maybe he was scared, so he stopped.
00:50:30Maybe he was scared because it was his first time.
00:50:35Now that he's done it, maybe he's not scared anymore.
00:50:39Now that he's done it, he can do it again.
00:50:43Did you read this report, ma'am?
00:50:45There are marks of lime powder on his lungs...
00:50:48and iron spikes on his clothes.
00:50:50Yes, I read it.
00:50:51That's why we went around and came back to Builders.
00:50:54To the same Mappilo site.
00:50:56Did you talk to Fikri?
00:50:58He said there's nothing wrong with it.
00:51:00If we want to fix it, we'll have to find evidence.
00:51:11Ma'am, I'm Colonel Emiliani from the RSI Unit.
00:51:14Good morning. What news do you have?
00:51:16We did a control test.
00:51:18We have the results.
00:51:20Yara's underwear and leggings have someone else's DNA.
00:51:23I'll be there in two hours.
00:51:25Okay, ma'am.
00:51:29As I told you, there's someone else's DNA.
00:51:33It's a male's DNA.
00:51:35It's mixed with Yara's DNA.
00:51:37Did you find his blood, lard or guptam fluid?
00:51:40Only his blood.
00:51:42Nothing else.
00:51:44So the killer was injured during the attack.
00:51:46That's possible.
00:51:48We have more DNA.
00:51:50We use modern technology.
00:51:52We know this is an Indo-European country.
00:51:54Not from Morocco?
00:51:56He's not from Morocco.
00:51:58He's neither Moroccan nor African.
00:52:00He's from this country.
00:52:02If we were in America, we'd have a DNA database.
00:52:05But here in Italy, we don't have anything like that.
00:52:08We have DNA, but there's no suspect to match it.
00:52:11He's a stranger.
00:52:13You're right.
00:52:15We can name this stranger.
00:52:17Unknown One.
00:52:19And we'll start investigating this Unknown One's DNA.
00:52:23But how?
00:52:25We'll match it.
00:52:27With whom?
00:52:29With everyone.
00:52:31Anyone we find.
00:52:33Anyone who was in contact with Yara.
00:52:35We'll make a database.
00:52:37Ma'am, you've never done anything like this before.
00:52:40You mean you'll use DNA to catch the killer?
00:52:43You're right.
00:52:45Has there ever been such an investigation?
00:52:47How much will it cost?
00:52:49Not yet.
00:52:51Then it's not possible.
00:52:53But that doesn't mean it's not possible.
00:52:55After so much hard work, we've found some evidence.
00:52:58We can take samples of Yara's relatives.
00:53:01We can take samples of her acquaintances.
00:53:03Sports centers, people from school,
00:53:05the side of the Mefello building, supermarkets, clubs.
00:53:07If the killer took her to the field,
00:53:09it can't be a coincidence.
00:53:11What's going on?
00:53:41A lot of people are accusing Letizia Rucheri of breaking the law.
00:53:45Some people are saying that
00:53:47worrying about the rights of the citizens
00:53:49will only save the culprits.
00:53:52What's your name?
00:53:54I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
00:53:56Hello, Damiano.
00:53:59Did you give the samples?
00:54:00Yes, I did.
00:54:01I don't know what they're going to do.
00:54:02What are you going to do now?
00:54:03I'm going home. What else?
00:54:05Okay, bye.
00:54:11What's going on?
00:54:12Doctor, we found him.
00:54:14Look at the compatibility.
00:54:16These two biological profile killers are 50% male.
00:54:19That means Mr. Goeri Noni
00:54:21is a close relative of a stranger.
00:54:23I think we're very close.
00:54:25I think so, too.
00:54:27He's with me.
00:54:29You can lock him up.
00:54:31You can lock him up.
00:54:33You can lock him up.
00:54:35You can lock him up.
00:54:37You can lock him up.
00:54:40You can lock him up.
00:54:42Come on.
00:54:44Follow me.
00:54:48I've never met this Yara Gambriasio.
00:54:51You can't make someone a criminal just because they go to a club.
00:54:53That's not the reason.
00:54:55We believe you, Mr. Goeri Noni.
00:54:57The DNA found on Yara's clothes is not yours.
00:55:00Then why did you call me here?
00:55:02We called you here
00:55:04because your DNA
00:55:06is very similar to Yara's killer's DNA.
00:55:09And it's called
00:55:11haplotype Y.
00:55:15I don't know.
00:55:17I really don't know what that means.
00:55:19It means you're his relative.
00:55:21No, that's not it.
00:55:23Yes, you're his relative
00:55:25on behalf of your father.
00:55:27Do you have any relatives?
00:55:29Your uncle, uncle's son, your brother?
00:55:31Yes, I have three cousins.
00:55:34They're my brothers,
00:55:36Vittorio, Paolo, and Marcello.
00:55:38Should I call a lawyer?
00:55:40No, no.
00:55:42We're not investigating you.
00:55:44Don't worry.
00:55:46So, Vittorio Goeri Noni
00:55:48has been living abroad for many years.
00:55:50Paolo and Marcello
00:55:52gave us their DNA sample.
00:55:54And this is the result.
00:55:56As you can see,
00:55:58there's a lot of similarity
00:56:00between the DNA of Unknown One
00:56:02and the DNA of Vittorio Goeri Noni.
00:56:04So, we're very close,
00:56:06but they're not the same people.
00:56:08No, they're not.
00:56:10And neither is his sister,
00:56:12who is a woman.
00:56:14But his father,
00:56:16Giuseppe Goeri Noni,
00:56:18could be the father of the killer.
00:56:20So, his father could be
00:56:22the father of the killer,
00:56:24but the killer is not
00:56:26one of those three cousins.
00:56:28That's right.
00:56:30Maybe his fourth son
00:56:32is his illegitimate child.
00:56:34That's what I was trying to tell you, ma'am.
00:56:36But the problem is,
00:56:38to prove this,
00:56:40we need Giuseppe's DNA,
00:56:42which died 15 years ago.
00:57:01Please don't say that.
00:57:03It's not possible.
00:57:05We only have three children,
00:57:07and they are Vittorio,
00:57:09Paolo, and Marcello.
00:57:11It's possible
00:57:13that a boy
00:57:15was born after his second marriage,
00:57:17or he had a relationship
00:57:19before his marriage.
00:57:21What relationship are you talking about?
00:57:25I was the only one
00:57:27who married Giuseppe.
00:57:30I understand.
00:57:34You're lying.
00:57:36You didn't understand.
00:57:40Your calculations were wrong,
00:57:42and you came here.
00:57:44You didn't do the right thing.
00:57:46It's not right to trouble
00:57:48an ordinary person.
00:57:50Ma'am, we didn't make
00:57:52the laboratory data ourselves.
00:57:54To prove our point,
00:57:56we need a DNA sample.
00:57:58What did you say?
00:58:00Whose DNA?
00:58:02Your husband's.
00:58:04Did you keep his clothes safely?
00:58:16Here they are.
00:58:18If you don't mind,
00:58:20can I take a shirt?
00:58:22Yes, of course.
00:58:24These are clean.
00:58:26I clean these clothes once a month.
00:58:28You've been doing that
00:58:30for 15 years, ma'am?
00:58:32Of course.
00:58:36Then we won't get any DNA.
00:58:42Ma'am, do you have
00:58:44your husband's driving license?
00:58:46Yes, I have two.
00:58:48One is a regular license,
00:58:50and the other is
00:58:52for driving agricultural vehicles.
00:59:16Look at this.
00:59:18Does that mean
00:59:20Gueri Noni is the father
00:59:22of Unknown One?
00:59:24And one more thing.
00:59:28Thank you for coming here.
00:59:30This is my job.
00:59:32It's not a small thing for me.
00:59:34But why?
00:59:36Now you're going to ask me questions, too.
00:59:5418 months later
01:00:14We found out
01:00:16that Gueri Noni's DNA
01:00:18matched 99.99%
01:00:20of Unknown One's DNA.
01:00:22that the killer is his son.
01:00:24I can't believe it.
01:00:26But he wasn't born from Mr. Guiri Noni's wife, Kekok.
01:00:29He was born from another woman.
01:00:32According to these results, the Unknown One we're looking for
01:00:36is none other than Mr. Guiri Noni's illegitimate child.
01:00:41So to find the killer, you'll have to find his mother?
01:00:44Giuseppe Guiri Noni was a bus driver for many years.
01:00:47And at the time, he was driving a bus in the Bargamo area.
01:00:51Right now, we're trying to find out about his affair
01:00:54that led to the birth of this killer, the Unknown One.
01:00:57So, ma'am, that means you're going to take DNA samples
01:01:00of every woman in this area?
01:01:02Yes, who will voluntarily come to give their DNA samples.
01:01:05Ma'am, Senator Nijoti would like to conduct an investigation
01:01:08into the unaccounted expenses of this case.
01:01:10He says that there has been no result from this investigation.
01:01:14And that you have wasted millions of euros in wiretapping.
01:01:18As I said...
01:02:20Senator Nijoti is challenging me.
01:02:22The Judges' Council would like to conduct an investigation
01:02:25into my case.
01:02:26The Governor's Mayor says that I have ruined the name of this city.
01:02:30And the District Attorney? What does he say?
01:02:33He wants me to transfer myself elsewhere
01:02:36to avoid the Judges' Council's investigation.
01:02:41He doesn't believe in the Unknown One theory either.
01:02:44He thinks it's a lie.
01:02:46He doesn't believe in the Unknown One theory either.
01:02:49He thinks I made it all up.
01:02:51Because there's no result yet.
01:02:54And how far has the Unknown One theory gone?
01:02:57Well, we asked everyone.
01:02:59His colleagues, his relatives, his friends.
01:03:02But no one has said anything about his illicit relationship.
01:03:05No one's talking about it.
01:03:07No one wants to talk about it.
01:03:17Here you go, ma'am. This is the last folder.
01:03:20Here you go.
01:03:21And some more useless tests.
01:03:23You've wasted taxpayers' money in vain, haven't you?
01:03:26At least it's all over now.
01:03:28That's the way it is.
01:03:30Unnamed letters, clairvoyants, mediums, mythomaniacs.
01:03:34All kinds of crimes.
01:03:36Which came to us through wiretapping.
01:03:39And yes, we also have a devilish lead,
01:03:42which we should keep.
01:03:44What are you saying? I don't understand, ma'am.
01:03:47So that you can assist whoever comes after me.
01:03:51But why are you saying that?
01:03:53I'm saying the truth.
01:03:56Dr. Rujair, he's a fool who failed.
01:03:59Someone else will handle him.
01:04:02Although he can get something,
01:04:04because we have very little time,
01:04:06and the case will be filed very soon.
01:04:09You know, ma'am, my grandfather used to tell me a story
01:04:12that I liked a lot.
01:04:14Three kites were arguing about the nature of a candle.
01:04:19One said it was light.
01:04:21The other said it was fire.
01:04:23The third one went near the candle
01:04:25and never came back because it was burnt.
01:04:28The other two kites didn't know anything.
01:04:31The third one went near the candle
01:04:33and never came back because it was burnt.
01:04:36The other two kites didn't know anything.
01:04:39We can't do it either.
01:04:41Thank you, Brigadier, but I don't understand
01:04:44why this story is of any use to me.
01:04:47Then prove it wrong.
01:04:49Change these old stories.
01:04:51I'm sure you can do it.
01:04:54Don't resign.
01:04:56Let them throw you out.
01:04:58Let's see how brave they are.
01:05:07Put your hands up.
01:05:09All right.
01:05:11All right.
01:05:13Where is Dr. Ujjeri's office?
01:05:15You'll find a lift behind the courtyard.
01:05:17Go to the second floor from there.
01:05:19Thank you very much.
01:05:21No, Professor Previdere, I don't understand.
01:05:24All right, I'll explain.
01:05:26You sent your samples to us, too.
01:05:28I sent them to a lot of people.
01:05:30Yes, you must have.
01:05:32Let me tell you that I have a researcher.
01:05:34Her name is Pierangela Grigniani.
01:05:36She's been coming to my lab
01:05:38ever since she finished her grant.
01:05:40She's done a very good job
01:05:42of finding something that might be useful to us.
01:05:44Look at this.
01:05:46This is about an allele
01:05:48found in the killer's DNA.
01:05:50What's an allele?
01:05:52Alleles are different types of genes.
01:05:54Grigniani examined the killer's DNA
01:05:57and found that this variant
01:05:59is not found in the people here.
01:06:01He also found that this variant
01:06:03is not found in his father Giuseppe's DNA,
01:06:05which means that this variant
01:06:07was found in his maternal side, his mother.
01:06:09Did you understand?
01:06:11No, I didn't.
01:06:13Did anyone look for this allele
01:06:15before this, Professor?
01:06:17No, because there are countless variants.
01:06:19But now we can use all the DNA
01:06:21we have collected
01:06:23to examine it more quickly
01:06:25and compare it.
01:06:27And this girl found this variant
01:06:29after she finished her grant.
01:06:31This is what happens in Italy, ma'am.
01:07:00We have obtained the DNA results
01:07:02from Professor Pravidere.
01:07:06We have examined the genetic profile
01:07:08of many women in the laboratory.
01:07:10All 21 autosomal markers of one of them
01:07:12match the one we found in Unknown One.
01:07:14Is she his mother?
01:07:16Her DNA matches 99.99%.
01:07:19We found it.
01:07:21We found it, Letizia.
01:07:23That too, three weeks before you were charged.
01:07:30This is his mother.
01:07:32Esther Arzuffi.
01:07:34She was married to Mr. Bosetti.
01:07:36He has three children.
01:07:38The youngest has been living abroad for many years.
01:07:40And there are two twins.
01:07:42One of them is a woman and the other is a man
01:07:44whose name is Massimo Giuseppe Bosetti.
01:07:46He is 41 years old.
01:07:48He lives near Mabelo. He is a carpenter.
01:07:50Now we have found out
01:07:52how the iron nails in Yara's clothes
01:07:54and the lime nails in his lungs came.
01:07:56Did you notice? His middle name is Giuseppe.
01:07:58Mrs. Arzuffi gave him her real father's name.
01:08:00And according to the RSI,
01:08:02looking at his genetic profile,
01:08:04there is a 94% chance that his eyes are blue,
01:08:06like Massimo Bosetti.
01:08:08We will keep an eye on him from now on.
01:08:10Be careful.
01:08:12Because if he is Unknown One,
01:08:14he has been out of danger for four years.
01:08:16We are checking his phone record
01:08:18to find out where he was on November 26, 2010.
01:08:20Until then, we will keep an eye on him.
01:08:22And if he is there, it is difficult for him to escape.
01:08:28We will keep an eye on him.
01:08:30Until then, we will keep an eye on him.
01:08:58You are here to check the meter, right?
01:09:00Come in.
01:09:04Please come.
01:09:06I'll take you to the meter.
01:09:08Will you close the door?
01:09:12Look, there is a meter here.
01:09:14By the way, we don't have any problem.
01:09:16Still, let's check it once.
01:09:18So you guys do your work.
01:09:20If you need anything, please tell me.
01:09:22Yes, ma'am. Thank you.
01:09:28Let's go.
01:09:58Experts say that Mr. Ghulinoni
01:10:00is the father of the man
01:10:02who left all the evidence of his DNA
01:10:04in Yara's underwear and leggings.
01:10:06Detectives say that...
01:10:08This time, they will definitely catch him.
01:10:10That scoundrel.
01:10:24Come on, I'm going to sleep now.
01:10:26What will you do?
01:10:28No, I'll stay here for a while.
01:10:30I have some work to do.
01:10:32What work do you have to do at this hour?
01:10:34Is there anything special?
01:10:36Nothing special. You go to sleep.
01:10:38Okay, but don't make too much noise.
01:10:40The kids will wake up.
01:10:44Bend. Stretch.
01:10:46Open. Close.
01:10:48Bend. Stretch. Fold. Jump.
01:10:50Once again, jump.
01:10:54Bend and raise your hands.
01:11:02The kids were doing better.
01:11:06One minute.
01:11:08I'm sorry to bother you, ma'am.
01:11:10I'm Garo speaking.
01:11:12I can tell you by the phone number.
01:11:14Tell me. What is it?
01:11:16I wanted to tell you
01:11:18that we have Mr. Busseti's phone records.
01:11:20His phone was connected to the Bhrimbhate tower
01:11:21on Friday at 6.15 p.m.
01:11:23which is near the sports center.
01:11:25After that, his phone was switched off
01:11:27and it was switched off till 7 in the morning the next day.
01:11:31Hello, ma'am. Are you listening to me?
01:11:33Yes, yes. I heard everything.
01:11:35Thank you. Thank you so much.
01:11:37That's my job.
01:11:38Bye, Brigadier.
01:11:49Good morning, sir.
01:11:50Can you show me your ID, please?
01:11:58This is just a routine test.
01:11:59We're going to test your alcohol tolerance.
01:12:05Please blow into this.
01:12:06Easy. Just like that.
01:12:16Can I wait in my car?
01:12:17Yes, just sit in the car for a while.
01:12:29We have a DNA test report.
01:12:31It's from an unknown man.
01:12:33It's 100% match.
01:12:34Look at this.
01:12:36This is his arrest warrant.
01:12:38He's been killed with full preparation and mercilessly.
01:12:44If we're late, the media will be there first.
01:12:53Now, don't be late.
01:13:24Go, go, go.
01:13:25Hurry, hurry.
01:13:26He's running that way.
01:13:28Keep an eye on him.
01:13:29Arrest him.
01:13:31Go over.
01:13:32Go, go, go.
01:13:35Hurry, hurry.
01:13:36Go, go, go.
01:13:37We've caught the suspect.
01:13:38He's being taken to the police station.
01:13:41Maura, we've found the killer.
01:13:43His name is Masinu Bosetti.
01:13:47I don't know him.
01:13:48I've never heard of him.
01:13:50He's a builder in Mapello.
01:13:52He works on the same site where your husband works.
01:13:55Maybe he knew you.
01:13:57And maybe he knew Yara, too.
01:14:00He's a good man.
01:14:01He's a good man.
01:14:02He's a good man.
01:14:03He's a good man.
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01:21:22He's a good man.
01:21:23He's a good man.
01:21:32What did you want?
01:21:36I just...
01:21:37All right.
01:21:38Let's go.
01:21:44I won't leave you on your own.
01:21:47You need to understand...
01:21:49You never told me what you had done.
01:21:54Who remembers all this?
01:21:58How can I remember a day in my life when nothing happened?
01:22:06And why are you asking me all this?
01:22:10Don't you trust me?
01:22:13Don't you trust me?
01:22:28That night, Mr. Bosetti forced the girl to sit in his van.
01:22:34He had already seen her around Brenbate.
01:22:38He must have tried to rape her.
01:22:41And he tried to save himself as much as he could.
01:22:46Even though she was an athlete, a sportswoman,
01:22:49she was still a 13-year-old girl.
01:22:52This is all nonsense.
01:22:54Keep quiet, or your client will be thrown out.
01:22:58Prosecutor, please continue.
01:23:01He dragged her into the field.
01:23:04And he knew very well that no one would be able to find her there.
01:23:07He attacked her with a sharp object.
01:23:10Once she became unconscious, he attacked her again.
01:23:14And he left her there to die.
01:23:17She was hurt while she was alive.
01:23:20The wounds were not so deep that they could kill her.
01:23:23But they were not so light either.
01:23:25One wound cut her breathing vein.
01:23:28One cut her main vein.
01:23:30On one side, her blood must have flowed.
01:23:32And on the other, she must have had trouble breathing.
01:23:34She was alone in the dark.
01:23:35She must have been very scared.
01:23:37She must have been in a lot of pain.
01:23:39Darkness, a strange place, and a lot of cold.
01:23:44Professor Previdere is a professor at Pavia University.
01:23:48He is a geneticist who has identified DNA correctly.
01:23:51He has matched the DNA of the Unknown One and Masi Mubositi.
01:23:54He has given us a great example.
01:23:57He has seen that there are 7 billion people on Earth.
01:24:00In order to find a person with our DNA,
01:24:03we need about 330 million billion worlds.
01:24:07Then we might be able to find a person with our DNA.
01:24:11And the experts said that Yara's clothes had a lot of iron bars.
01:24:16The size of which was between 1 to 30 microns.
01:24:19Such iron bars are found there,
01:24:22where something like an iron chisel works.
01:24:25So we searched under the seats of Masi Mubositi's van.
01:24:27And we found that under the back seat of the van,
01:24:31and under the seat of three passengers,
01:24:33we found the same iron bars that were found on that girl's clothes.
01:24:36And we found the same iron bars in the other 6 samples.
01:24:39Her crimes are something like this.
01:24:42She attacked an innocent person,
01:24:45and killed him mercilessly.
01:24:47She took advantage of the wrong time,
01:24:49and committed the crime in the darkness of the night.
01:24:52And she committed the crime at a place that was a deserted place.
01:24:54And this crime is getting worse,
01:24:57because this young man killed a 13-year-old girl,
01:25:00who was not even worthy of his own protection.
01:25:03In view of these crimes,
01:25:05I demand his life imprisonment,
01:25:08and 6 months in the dungeon.
01:25:15Order, please!
01:25:17Order! Order!
01:25:19Order! Order!
01:25:21Order! Order!
01:25:22Order! Order!
01:25:49Stand up!
01:26:22The court is adjourned.
01:26:52The court is adjourned.