SPIDER-MAN 4 VENOM & KNULL King In Black Announcement

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SPIDER-MAN 4 VENOM & KNULL King In Black Announcement
00:00Just to kind of there's some really big stuff in this film that we want to keep a secret
00:04just because this film really is the celebration we want to keep as much of it back as possible.
00:10Welcome back everyone it's Charlie marvel and Sony just released the new venom the last
00:14dance trailer revealing Noel God of symbiotes would be the main villain of the movie and
00:19he be a multiverse villain to it raised way more questions than it answered why is Sony
00:25introducing Noel such a huge Thanos level villain in what's supposed to be the final
00:29venom movie like where they gonna go with this character they can't kill him off in
00:33a single movie he's way too big for that Sony please don't go full Sony on this villain
00:39recently was reported it's all because of Sony and marvel's changes to their plans for
00:43Spider-Man 4 with Tom Holland inside the MCU connecting the Noel storyline to Spider-Man
00:49storyline the real big change behind the scenes apparently is the Spider-Man 4 would be another
00:54Avengers level multiverse event in the vein of Spider-Man no way home like going bigger
00:59than that.
01:00So will break it all down.
01:02It's a huge surprise.
01:03I think we all expected them to actually go back to basics friendly neighborhood Spider-Man
01:06street level style, but if they are going bigger and turning this into a bigger multiverse
01:11Noel storyline some of those Spider-Man references and Easter eggs in the venom the last dance
01:15trailer make a little more sense now and it makes a little more sense why they were depicting
01:20this very cosmic multiverse looking symbiote hive mind and explaining how that worked back
01:25during venom let there be carnage.
01:27So if you're brand-new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all the videos will explain
01:31what's going on here just seems like they're trying to tie everything together with this
01:35giant Noel storyline in a multiverse kind of way.
01:39If you have not seen the Spider-Man 4 news recently.
01:41The big report is that marvel and Sony have now changed their original plans for the film
01:46I've talked about this in previous videos.
01:48The reason why it took them so long to start making that movie that they'll start pretty
01:52soon is originally it was supposed to come out next year with like a four-year break
01:55since Spider-Man no way home apparently marvel and Sony thought this big war behind the scenes
02:00about what kind of movie it was going to be like marvel and Kevin Feige wanted the ground
02:04level friendly neighborhood Spider-Man back to basics kind of movie daredevil kingpin
02:09some new sinister six characters.
02:10I'll mention which ones in a second because we actually did find out which phones they
02:14would have used during that version of the movie Sony wanted to double down on the multiverse
02:18of all that because Spider-Man no way home made so much money.
02:21They wanted to go even bigger make even more money makes sense.
02:24They want that Spider-Man cash.
02:26They want that sweet sweet Spider-Man honey everything else they been doing except for
02:29like the venom movies haven't really been earning any money for them.
02:33They also wanted to use Spider-Man 4 to bring Tom Holland into the venom universe during
02:37that movie at some point so they could use him in their other Spider-Man spinoff movies
02:41like madam web venom 3 which they've already made now will explain that in a second or
02:46other movies they were planning on making in the future basically just using Tom Holland
02:50in their future movies I've already done a couple videos on all the madam web deleted
02:54scenes clearly they had a plan to put Tom Holland in that movie that they then changed
02:59sounds like it has something to do with what their new plans for no in the multiverse with
03:03Spider-Man 4 are that whole marvel versus Sony fight went on for a couple years then
03:08Sony films venom the last dance last year in 2022 when they release the first trailer
03:13we all saw a bunch of strange Spider-Man references the post-credits scene with the bartender
03:18she would tell IG for who's playing Orwell Taylor from the venom comics inside the venom
03:23universe during the movie where the movies Moses was to take place like this is mostly
03:27supposed to take place in the venom universe they have received bonds here looking all
03:31weird who was the lizard and amazing Spider-Man Andrew Garfield movies just came back for
03:35no way home there reports that this little kid with him was a young version of Peter
03:40Parker this woman was a version of Aunt May, but inside the venom universe naturally everybody's
03:45confused what the hell you doing Sony what's going on here is this another Morbius trailer
03:50situation where you just shooting a whole bunch of Spider-Man Easter eggs at the wall
03:54mixed with all the different versions of Spider-Man.
03:57If you remember the Morbius trailer there were Tony Maguire Easter eggs mixed with Andrew
04:01Garfield Easter eggs mixed with Tom Holland Easter eggs then when the actual movie came
04:05out they had removed any of those references like it just completely did not make sense
04:11the MCU vulture crossed over into the venom universe at the end of the film and talked
04:15about Spider-Man specifically with Morbius during no way home the cracks in the universe
04:21should a bunch of different Spider-Man villains from the multiverse showing up about to cross
04:25over into the MCU cut to now it's reported Spider-Man four is going to be another multiverse
04:31Avengers level event bigger than Spider-Man no way home.
04:35So it almost seems like they're walking back a lot of the ending of Spider-Man no way home
04:39like that seems kind of crazy like wait a minute you just went through all this trouble
04:42to so all these problems they are just completely undoing all that stuff.
04:46How do they go bigger than Tobey Maguire Andrew Garfield in their sinister six villains showing
04:51up for like a big crossover event what turns out the way people are talking that it seems
04:55like it involves no God of symbiotes Avengers five doomsday and what's happening with Avengers
05:00six secret wars supposedly Sony's new plan which I guess is Marvel's plan to because
05:06they have to agree on what Spider-Man four is going to be together like Marvel and Sony
05:09have to come to terms Marvel can't do anything that it wants with the movie.
05:13They're now going to use this delay in when they start Spider-Man four when it comes out
05:18is can be released between Avengers doomsday and Avengers secret wars me that potentially
05:23the multiverse would exist anymore by the end of Avengers five.
05:26So how do they explain the timeline like this Spider-Man four take place on battle world
05:30or do they pull an Ant-Man and the wasp my assumption is that that's what they will do
05:35like the move the timeline of Spider-Man four.
05:37So the end of the movie like Ant-Man the wasp ending happened just after the snap.
05:42But the movie mostly took place before the snap happened Spider-Man is supposed to be
05:46a big character in Avengers five.
05:48So supposedly he will go on that adventure then will have the events of Spider-Man four
05:53then will have secret wars with like Tobey Maguire Andrew Garfield coming back.
05:58So what the probably do is they'll have Robert Downey jr.'s Doctor doom show up during Avengers
06:02doomsday in the MCU fight all the MCU characters and they'll do their own version of time runs
06:07out then the be little timeline trickery with the events of Spider-Man four where that goes
06:12down some multiverse elements is the multiverse starts to continually break down yet remember
06:17the incursions already doing that, but Robert Downey jr.'s Doctor doom is can have a plot
06:22that similar to that from Doctor doom in time runs out where he basically winds up collapsing
06:27the rest of the multiverse into a single world called battle world with a whole bunch of
06:31multiverse characters running around my assumption is that they'll have like the main plot main
06:35fight of Avengers five doomsday against that Robert Downey jr.
06:39Doctor doom then Spider-Man will leave and go off to the events of Spider-Man four as
06:43you start to see more multiverse characters showing up during that movie and then at the
06:47end of Spider-Man four will do like a little bit of a time jump where the rest of the multiverse
06:51collapses and you wake up in Avengers six on battle world with a bunch of other multiverse
06:57That's the only way to explain how you have your own separate Spider-Man story that feels
07:02like a self-contained Spider-Man story but tie it to the larger Avengers five and Avengers
07:06six storyline just playing a little fast and loose with with the timeline that movie takes
07:12It was also reported that during the events of Spider-Man four Doctor strange's second
07:16spell erasing everyone's memories of Peter Parker in the MCU will be destroyed.
07:21It's not clear if that's going to be because of what happens during Avengers five or the
07:24spell itself will just weaken because of what's happening to the multiverse slowly collapsing
07:30but that's meant to explain during the movie how characters like MJ remember him.
07:33The Avengers characters who fought with him will eventually start to remember that Peter
07:36Parker is Spider-Man.
07:39Like I said, the big problem here is that this feels redundant.
07:41Like wait a minute you went through all this trouble to erase people's memories of Peter
07:44Parker why you undoing that so fast kind of sounds like Marvel had a completely different
07:49plan for Spider-Man which then changed the like you know what we're not going to take
07:52him in that direction were can do something different.
07:53We have to walk back some of these changes we made the end of the movie, but this also
07:57allows them to use some of the incursions in the slow collapse of the multiverse during
08:02the events of Spider-Man four to explain how we get to know God of symbiotes in venom crossing
08:07over with Spider-Man during the events of venom the last dance Nola supposed to emerge
08:12as a villain the larger than Thanos like a multiverse level villain in venom will just
08:16set that up the kind of tease this back during the second venom movie than Spider-Man no
08:21way home with the multiverse symbiote hive mind basically explaining that venom the symbiote
08:26species is a naturally occurring multiverse group of characters connected through the
08:31hive mind that's how this venom remembered Spider-Man without knowing who Tom Holland
08:36was or ever seeing him before he was accessing the memories of the venom from Tobey Maguire's
08:41Spider-Man universe during the venom the last dance trailer they keep teasing that they're
08:45going to have to sacrifice themselves to try and stop no the early theory is that it trying
08:50to do that venom winds up somehow back inside the MCU at the end of the movie.
08:55You still have no very much alive still trying to conquer the multiverse case in point.
09:00This is where we get to the events of venom let there be carnage recently Tom Hardy posted
09:04pictures of himself filming reshoots for that movie.
09:07There were separate pictures of those reshoots here and it looks like they were filming scenes
09:10of him in New York City that could be him inside New York City.
09:14The MCU explaining how he might run into Tom Holland's Spider-Man.
09:19There was an entire deleted subplot during Spider-Man no way home where venom was going
09:22to be bigger character that was with the whole speech during his post credit scene was all
09:27about I should go to New York City and talk to the Spider-Man guy what if he did that
09:31during Spider-Man for at the end of the movie somehow this also explain how they rope Spider-Man
09:36into the larger no storyline down the road to all these recent reports did not confirm
09:42whether or not no is going to be the main villain of Spider-Man for they just said one
09:46of the villains.
09:47Here's the thing about that you have to remember the way that Marvel and Sony have done these
09:50movies in the past like use that as a benchmark.
09:53I'm not expecting the entire events of Spider-Man for to be him and venom teaming up against
09:58no like that just does not feel like they're going to go that hard into no that fast back
10:02when Marvel was just doing it is a ground-level friendly neighborhood Spider-Man movie reportedly
10:06it was going to be daredevil and kingpin crossing over kingpin was still going to be mayor of
10:10New York City during the events of the movie will see that during daredevil born again
10:14sort of setting that up he still be on his mission to get rid of vigilantes Spider-Man
10:18included in that with Punisher daredevil the other defenders characters using street-level
10:23villains from the Spider-Man comics against him.
10:26Originally the movie was gonna feature the magia Mr. Negative Spencer Smythe scorpion
10:31prowler against Spider-Man scorpion and prowler we saw during Spider-Man homecoming so they'd
10:36really just be coming back.
10:38But now I'm assuming that most of those characters will not appear like kingpin was reportedly
10:41taken out of the movie daredevil might still cross over a little bit, but he wouldn't be
10:45nearly as big a character as he would've been when it was still a ground-level movie.
10:50Here's the thing though.
10:51If kingpin isn't going to be the main villain of the movie.
10:53They haven't really confirmed who the actual main villain will be.
10:55It doesn't feel like it's going to be no and you have to remember that all Spider-Man
10:59movies they've been doing the past several years have always had multiple villains in
11:04So what I'm hoping is that they don't go full Noel as the actual main villain of the movie
11:08they'll find some other main villain and they just include some of these other ground-level
11:12villains and set up venom and Noel at the very end of the film.
11:16It just feels like their plans for Noel as this huge Thanos multiverse level villain
11:21feels like it would turn into something completely different down the road like a much bigger
11:25event movie on its own separate from Avengers 5 and Avengers 6.
11:29So feels like they just use the very end of Spider-Man 4 to help set that up the reported
11:34plot for Avengers 5 and Avengers 6 is going to be based more on time runs out and then
11:39the secret wars from the more recent comics and is already so many characters going on
11:43during that Robert Downey Jr.'s Doctor Doom will be that main villain of both movies.
11:47It just feels like there's too much stuff going on to service an entire Noel storyline
11:53So early theory right now they'll have their next Spider-Man trilogy with Tom Holland,
11:57but the also have some separate Avengers level Noel event completely different from like
12:02the main MCU Avengers movies.
12:04Here's the other thing to them actually tying Noel with the multiverse to the MCU also helps
12:09them explain some Easter eggs from previous MCU movies.
12:12For instance, gore the God butcher using the all black during Thor love and thunder.
12:17They can now explain how that's possible because Noel is a multiverse level villain.
12:22That means one Noel for the entire multiverse in the comics is different like in the comics.
12:27There's a Noel in every single universe, but they change the comics in the movies all the
12:31time everybody post all your reactions in the comments below.
12:34How do you actually want them to pull this off long-term if they want to use Spider-Man
12:39and venom in a team up against Noel at some point it just sounds like we're gonna be seeing
12:44some of that set up by the end of Spider-Man 4 also really easy way to explain how venom
12:50gets the Spider-Man symbol on his chest.
12:52There's a bunch of big stuff coming up.
12:54I just posted my big venom the last dance trailer video talking about some of these
12:57really weird Easter eggs and what's going on with the Noel character.
13:00So click here to watch that and click here for that Deadpool and Wolverine Thor deleted
13:05scene and why Thor was crying.
13:07Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one!
