(Adnkronos) - "L'iniziativa ‘Coloriamo l'Italia di verde’ è un segnale forte e chiaro per dire che non ci arrenderemo mai nella lotta contro la Sla. Il verde rappresenta la nostra determinazione, è il colore della speranza di una vita migliore per le persone colpite da questa terribile malattia”. Lo ha detto Fulvia Massimelli, presidente nazionale Aisla, Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica in occasione delle celebrazioni della 17.sima Giornata nazionale Sla, sclerosi laterale amiotrofica, promossa da Aisla che prevede, oltre all'illuminazione di Comuni e monumenti, numerose iniziative a sostegno di pazienti e familiari.
00:00It's a very important initiative, it's a strong and clear signal.
00:04It's a signal that we will never give up in the fight against SLA.
00:08Green is the color of hope and we are determined.
00:13This evening, illuminating all of Italy,
00:16many monuments will be illuminated with green.
00:19Green represents our determination
00:22to want to change the world.
00:26Green represents our determination
00:29to want to find and offer hope,
00:32the hope of a better life
00:34for the people affected by this terrible disease.
00:37Science is making its way.
00:41Clearly, that cure has not yet been found
00:44that can definitively defeat this type of pathology.
00:50But this initiative has made us know a lot.
00:56SLA has made us know this type of disease,
00:59a rare disease,
01:01so the fact that all of Italy is on our side,
01:04is clinging to us,
01:06is a beautiful signal.
01:08It's an important signal,
01:10because it means that people are no longer alone.
01:13Researchers are working
01:15and we are really waiting with so much hope
01:18that finally research can change
01:20that path marked by this terrible disease.