You Can't Handle The Tooth - Season 2 - Kongsuni and Friends -Full Episode - Kids Cartoon
00:00You can't handle the tooth!
00:07Yo, what's up?
00:11Huh? What's going on?
00:13Did you eat cookies before they cooled down again?
00:15I did not!
00:17Kongsuni! Want some ice cream?
00:20Ooh, yes please!
00:22Whoa! You've been eating a lot of ice cream lately!
00:27What did I say?
00:30Huh? What? Nothing.
00:36I love you, ice cream!
00:41Is it yummy? I really like this flavor too.
00:44Yup! I could eat like a kajillion of these things!
00:49I'd better put these ones away.
00:56Remember to take it easy now, honey, okay?
00:59I know! I'm almost done anyway.
01:03Whoa! If you don't slow down, you won't feel so good.
01:12I'm gonna brush my teeth now that I'm finished.
01:16Oh wow! You're so responsible!
01:19Look at you, you little go-getter!
01:23You're right. I'm very proud of her.
01:29Something's not right.
01:35Cavities? I knew it!
01:38You've been hiding them all along!
01:40You've been eating way more ice cream lately than someone your age should!
01:44Shh! Please don't tell on me, okay?
01:48My teeth have really been hurting the past couple of days.
01:53Oh, I guess you gotta see a dentist.
01:56A what? No!
01:59I'll just brush my teeth instead.
02:08I don't think that's gonna do the trick.
02:11Over here!
02:13What's going on?
02:17Can you make a goose for us?
02:19Course! We'll have our own little picnic!
02:22Now let's count these candies out.
02:25Here, one for me, one for Eve, one for Kongsuni,
02:31another for me, another for Eve, and...
02:34Huh? Oh, I don't think I brought enough.
02:38Don't worry about it. Eve can have an extra one.
02:42But I thought this was your favorite type of candy.
02:46She's right. What's going on?
02:49I've got marks on my teeth, like big black polka dots.
02:55Sounds to me like you've got cavities.
02:57Let's see! Can you show us?
03:00I've never seen one up close before.
03:03I bet a dentist could help.
03:05I had two really big cavities, but I got them all fixed.
03:11But wouldn't that still hurt? How bad was it?
03:15Uh, what? I didn't cry. It was super fun.
03:20Wow! You're so brave!
03:24Uh, you sure that's what happened?
03:27Well, I'm not sure if that's exactly what happened, but it's pretty close.
03:32You cried for so long.
03:34Just for a couple of minutes.
03:36You were all like...
03:38Hey, guys, I gotta go.
03:41Wait! Slow down!
03:46See you around.
03:50Hold up! Aren't you going to the dentist?
03:53Nope. I'm doing something even better.
03:56Huh. And what's that?
04:00If I drink enough of it, my teeth will turn white again.
04:03Uh, I don't know.
04:15I told you so.
04:18Well, now what?
04:20That's it! Come on, Sayo!
04:24Here we go.
04:27I'll just brush again. One hundred times in a row.
04:31Huh? That won't fix your teeth, silly.
04:34Okay. Sayo, I need you to start counting for me.
04:38Are you sure?
04:41You're on. Let's go.
04:44One, two, three, four, five, six...
04:59Slow down! Your teeth are going to disappear!
05:03They're fine.
05:06One hundred!
05:10Now, let's take a look.
05:14Cavity catastrophe!
05:22Looks like they're still there.
05:25I tried everything.
05:27Everything? I don't think so.
05:30What about that?
05:32I've seen Dad use it sometimes after he brushes his teeth in the morning.
05:40Wait, what am I supposed to do with it?
05:44Are there instructions?
05:46I'll just swish it around.
05:58You finished? Now what?
06:02Now, let's go see if the cavities are gone.
06:07Well, what do you know? It didn't work.
06:12It still hurts.
06:14Listen, the only way to fix this is to see a dentist.
06:19No way! What if they pull all of my teeth out?
06:23If you don't go, your teeth might fall out anyway.
06:26Cavities are serious business, yo.
06:36That sure smells awesome.
06:51So, when will Kongsuni brush her teeth?
06:55That won't help. Only a trip to the dentist can save us now.
07:02Now, nothing can save you.
07:07Help us! Somebody help us!
07:15I'm so sorry.
07:17Hey, let's tell your mom and get them treated ASAP, yo.
07:22Okay. Don't worry, teeth. Help is on the way.
07:28I'm really very proud of you, you know?
07:31I didn't know you were so brave. You're going to be fine.
07:35Your check-up will be over in no time.
07:39Is Kongsuni here?
07:41We're here.
07:42Are you ready to go?
07:44No, wait!
07:55Is it too late to go back?
08:26That's right! Let's go!
08:29That's right! Let's go!
08:50That's right! Let's go!
08:53That's right! Let's go!
09:11Right. Can you say ah?
09:15You've got some cavities, huh?
09:18Hey, nothing to worry about. This won't take too long.
09:22Are you serious?
09:24Yeah. And I'll do my best to make sure it doesn't hurt you at all.
09:28How's that sound?
09:30Yeah, okay.
09:33Great. We're all done here.
09:37Yep. Cavities are gone. You were so good.
09:41Thanks. You were too.
09:44Kongsuni, I don't think I saw you cry once that whole time.
09:48Well, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.
09:51You should be proud. You're a tough girl.
10:02Let's see.
10:06Whoa! Check out that smile!
10:09I'm cavity-free!
10:11I'm glad you finally took my advice.
10:14Hey, Sayo! Let's see your smile.
10:17You don't think I have cavities, do you?
10:20Well, we should find out.
10:22I don't want to go to the dentist!
10:25There's nothing to worry about.
10:30Drummer Dreams
10:36Class, we're going to get ready for our end-of-the-year concert.
10:41This is totally going to be the coolest concert ever!
10:44There are two teams. Instrumental and Dance both have plenty of spots.
10:48Does anyone want to be in the Instrumental group?
10:51I do! I'm going to steal the show!
10:54Okay. Kongsuni can be on the Instrumental team.
10:57Miss Kim! Me too! Can I?
11:00And me!
11:01Wait a second. Don't you guys want to be on my team?
11:05I want to! It's just that I really want to dance!
11:08Yeah, we were born to boogie.
11:11I thought you'd join me.
11:13Okay, here are the groups.
11:15Instruments, Kongsuni, Johnny, Chan, and Jane.
11:20And the Dance team, Eve, Sam, and Gina.
11:24You guys excited?
11:28Kongsuni, as the Drummer, you have to keep the beat.
11:36Think you got it?
11:37Easy peasy!
11:41That was so great!
11:43Jay, that was perfect!
11:55Eve! Sam!
11:59How's it going? After this, we should head over to the park!
12:02Oh, we can't. Sorry. We're going to Gina's.
12:07Well, we're going to practice our dance routine in her bedroom.
12:11Do you think maybe I could come?
12:14That sounds like a super idea!
12:16What? It's okay!
12:30Oh! Hey, Kongsuni!
12:33Could you play the drums for us?
12:35Show us what you've got!
12:37Uh-huh! I'd love to!
12:39Okay, I'm ready!
12:40Great! One, two, three, four!
12:44It's too loud!
12:48Oh, what?
12:49Could you play softer?
12:51We can't really hear our castanets.
12:54Oh, my bad.
12:57Let's try again, but a little quieter.
13:00Okay, from the top!
13:04That's it!
13:05That's it!
13:06That's it!
13:07That's it!
13:08That's it!
13:09That's it!
13:10That's it!
13:11That's it!
13:26Oh! You okay?
13:30Hey, Kongsuni!
13:31You were playing a little too fast this time.
13:38Good morning!
13:42Check this out!
13:43We're like rock stars!
13:45Hey! I'm here!
13:47I can play super-duper fast!
13:51You're right! Let's see if I can!
13:53Me too!
14:03When did you get here?
14:05Just now.
14:06Well, do you want to see what we've been practicing?
14:10We'll knock your socks off!
14:13Uh, sure. I mean, I guess so.
14:19One, two, three, four!
14:21Here we go!
14:22Hear our song!
14:23Start the beat!
14:24Boom, boom, boom, boom!
14:25All my friends!
14:26Clap your hands together!
14:28We bring the party!
14:29Let us sing for you!
14:31Dance for you!
14:32Let us sing for you!
14:34Let us bring you joy!
14:35Oh, let us bring you joy!
14:39Good stuff!
14:40I think you could go pro!
14:45Come on!
14:46I just wanted to be a trio with my friends!
14:55You okay?
14:56What's going on?
14:57I lost my friends!
14:59All they ever do now is hang out with Gina!
15:03Eve and Sam signed up for the dance team together.
15:06How do I get them back?
15:09Just join the dance team with them!
15:11But I don't want to give up my shot at playing the drums!
15:15Sounds like you're in a pickle.
15:17Kong soon is in a pickle!
15:19Maybe she needs a tickle!
15:22No thanks.
15:23What if after the concert, Sam and Eve want to leave me for Gina?
15:28Oh, good question.
15:31Why can't you be a trio all on your own?
15:33You can play drums!
15:35Don't you know what a trio is?
15:37You gotta have three people!
15:41It'll be okay.
15:43The Showstoppers!
15:46Kong soonie!
15:48Your friends are here!
15:49They are?
15:50I betcha!
15:51It's Sam and Eve!
15:53Coming, Mom!
15:56One, two, three, four...
16:00Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten!
16:06Okay, here I come!
16:09Where'd you go?
16:11Oh, guess not.
16:13What about here?
16:14Hmm, they're invisible.
16:21Aw, how'd you guess so fast?
16:23I don't know.
16:25Now we just need to find Sam.
16:29There you are!
16:31How'd you know I'd be here?
16:33Maybe you stopped hiding in the exact same spot!
16:37Well, I'm getting bored.
16:39I'm done with hide-and-seek.
16:41Yeah, what should we play now?
16:44Oh, hey!
16:45Do you want to play red light, green light?
16:48You can be it first!
16:53You ready?
16:54Green light, green light, red light!
16:59I saw you both move!
17:01You're out!
17:06This won't work.
17:07Who will save us if we both get caught?
17:10She's right.
17:13Hey, guys!
17:15Hey, wanna play with us?
17:25Green light, green light, green light, red light!
17:30Come on, you're out!
17:33Green light, green light, red light!
17:37Kongsuni, you're totally out!
17:39Don't worry.
17:41I'll save you.
17:42You can count on me!
17:45Okay, thanks.
17:52Let's do this!
17:53Green light, green light, red light!
18:06Sometimes it's good to have lots of friends to play with!
18:16You girls sound great!
18:19Now, do you remember the rhythm?
18:24Make some sound!
18:29We really gotta stay on tempo.
18:32I could help.
18:33Why don't I play the drums?
18:36That's just what we need.
18:38But make sure not to play too loud.
18:40And not too quickly either.
18:42Still sure you can help?
18:44Totally sure!
18:46So, you ready to go?
18:50I won't play too quick.
18:52And I won't play too loud.
18:54I can do it.
18:56I can do it!
18:59Let us sing for you, dance for you, let us bring you joy!
19:03Everybody come together, let the music bring you joy!
19:07Oh, let us bring you joy!
19:22Here you go!
19:26Let's perform this one all together!
19:35You're the best, Gina!
19:38Thank you!
20:08Everybody come together, let the music bring you joy!
20:11Oh, let us bring you joy!
20:15There's a melody inside I'd like to share!
20:26All together!
20:28Remember, together we will sing!
20:32Fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa la la!
20:37Let us sing for you, dance for you, let us bring you joy!
20:41Everybody come together, let the music bring you joy!
20:45Oh, let us bring you joy!