LATE 1950s - Charles Bronson for GE flashbulbs TV commercial

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LATE 1950s - Charles Bronson for GE flashbulbs TV commercial


00:00I just made a very smart purchase. I got myself a GE flash toter.
00:05Let me show you how it works. It holds a dozen bulbs right at your side.
00:10You snap your picture, eject, and put the used bulb back in the toter.
00:17You keep the new bulbs base up, used bulbs base down.
00:22There's no confusion. It's all very neat and convenient.
00:27You can't beat the GE flash toter.
00:30It's smart, sturdy plastic, built to last.
00:34A dollar value, but it costs only 25 cents when you buy two dozen GE flash bulbs at regular price.
00:41You'll find it at the camera counter of your favorite store in two sizes,
00:45for number five bulbs and GE Parmite M2s.
00:49Just buy two dozen GE flash bulbs at regular price,
00:52and the toter is yours for only a quarter more.
00:56It's yours soon. They're going fast.
