1950s Post cereal - Danny Thomas & Rusty Hammer - humorous TV commercial

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1950s Post cereal - Danny Thomas & Rusty Hammer - humorous TV commercial. Marjorie Lord is also in the commercial


00:02You got a message and I forgot to write it down was it important
00:05I think so it had something to do with post post. That's my sponsor. Come over here lie down lie down
00:13What did he say what was it post post post was it about post toasties
00:17How delicious and light and crispy they are and how they can never get enough of post toasties because they're just a little bit better
00:24That rings a bell. Of course it does it was from post. It had to be about post toasties
00:28That must be it because it had something to do with post. Of course
00:32Danny yes, dear. He gave you the message. Yeah. Well, why didn't you meet me?
00:37I've been waiting 45 minutes in front of the post office
