The Church of God in the Times of the Gentiles-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-SEPT 11 2024

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The "Times of the Gentiles" is Different from the "Fullness of the Gentiles." And Patriotism is Sometimes Mashed Together with God and Other Elements to Be Its Own Brand of Religion. Be Careful in Promoting Only the True Elements of the Gospel of Christ. And, Mind Also the Scriptures Regarding Good Citizenship.

00:00Daniel chapter 3, and verse number 1, Daniel 3.1 the scripture says Nebuchadnezzar the king made
00:25an image of gold whose height was threescore cubits the breadth thereof six cubits set it
00:32up in the plains of Dura and the province of Babylon. Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent
00:38together together the princes, the governors, the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the
00:42counselors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces to come to the dedication of the
00:48image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. Father bless this word in the holy name, amen.
00:56The book of Daniel is a book that is what we call a book of prophecy that is written during
01:03what's called the captivity. Israel spent 70 years in captivity and we're in Babylon the two southern
01:11tribes Benjamin and Judah wound up in Babylonian captivity. The ten northern tribes wound up in
01:17Assyrian captivity. It was different in nature but all of Israel at one time was carried off
01:23into captivity and God told him it was going to happen and it did. But during this period of time
01:29he showed his sovereignty and he showed his graciousness even though his people were in
01:34captivity he wanted them to understand he was still God and he was still the Lord and nothing
01:39had changed and that's a lesson we can learn for today in 2024 because all around you it looks
01:45like everything has changed. Remember how I started this tonight and so is there anything that we can
01:52hold on to that does not change and I'm glad there is. So when we look at the book of Daniel we have
01:59an image and this image is raised up in the plains of Dur about 606 BC. Now you may find
02:07variants, variant dates on that 605, 607 so forth and so on. Don't let that bother you dates like
02:14that because a lot of dates are arbitrary and they have their own opinion and so forth. But about 606
02:20BC something started that's called the times of the Gentiles. Our Lord talks about it in the book
02:25of Luke chapter 21 verse 24 and here's what he says, Luke 21 and verse number 24 in reference
02:34to this, and they shall fall by the edge of a sword and shall be led away captive into all
02:42nations and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be
02:50fulfilled. You're watching that now you're watching the trampling down of Jerusalem you're watching
02:56it you're living in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. But our Lord Jesus Christ called it
03:01the times of the Gentiles. One of the great truths in understanding the Bible is the fact that the
03:06scripture has to do with all time but time is segmented in different ways in dispensations or
03:13periods where God deals with people in a certain way. The times of the Gentiles started in 606 BC
03:20and will end in a calamitous matter when the stone cut out of a mountain without hands smites the
03:28image on its feet and it comes tumbling down. The book of Daniel which is it's you talk about a
03:38Bible a book maligned and the book of Daniel by most liberals say the book of Daniel was written
03:46after the fact of these successive kingdoms that arose and then made it look like that it was
03:51prophecy. Well that's that's typical liberalism and scripture for that you know proof of proof
03:58for that they have none. The Lord Jesus Christ called Daniel a prophet remember he called him
04:04a prophet and I'm gonna take the Lord any day over these so-called scholars. So we have first of all
04:11the head of gold and that's Nebuchadnezzar then we have a chest of silver these are the Medes
04:18and Persians then we have a midsection of brass this is Grisha Alexander the Great then we have
04:24finally the legs of iron and then they consummate an iron mixed with clay a supernatural thing that
04:33does not come naturally and it represents the successive Gentile kingdoms from the head of gold
04:39and which is the greatest Babylon was gold by far is more valuable than anything that followed it
04:47and then silver seconded value to gold and then we have brass and then iron and it there's a lot
04:54in that but that's not what I'll be dealing with here in here tonight but I just want you to
04:58understand that we're still living in the times of the Gentiles this is important we're still living
05:04there now the Church of God exists right now on this earth all right and these successive kingdoms
05:13and where we are now is in Rome the Iron Kingdom is not part of the Church of God and the Church
05:21of God is not part in any way with that image you need to keep that in mind in the book of Romans
05:27chapter number 11 and verse number 25 here's what your scripture says Romans chapter number 11 and
05:33verse number 25 we get right smack into the tribulation period and coming up to the end of
05:40the millennium and notice what it says over here Romans chapter 11 in verse number 25 I would not
05:48brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own
05:53conceits that blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles become
06:02in now the fullness of the Gentiles most people believe has to do with the filling up of the body
06:10of Christ and those Gentiles that are going to be saved and this is this is the way they they they
06:18define this I tend to agree that that's pretty well as close as we can get it right now the Bible is
06:24not real clear on this but I do not believe that the fullness of the Gentiles and the times of the
06:30Gentiles are the same one in the same they're not the times of the Gentiles has to do when the
06:35Gentiles are in power and they are right now the fullness of the Gentiles has to do with him
06:42dealing with the Gentiles as right now the Church of God is made up of a lot mostly of Gentiles and
06:48so it will be filled up it'll be filling up and for the fulfillment of this prophecy in Romans
06:55chapter number 11 and verse number 25 need to keep this in mind the John chapter number 18 in
07:04verse number 36 if you want to turn there with me you don't hear this mentioned very much and
07:10reason you don't is because usually when you don't have something mentioned much is because it either
07:16doesn't fit with the the theology of that particular denomination or for whatever reason but in John
07:26chapter number 18 and verse number 36 now don't you look at this look at verse 35 Pilate answered
07:38am I a Jew thine own nation and the chief priest have delivered thee unto me what hast thou done
07:44Jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world that world could be understood in two ways of
07:54this present world or of this age could have to do with both of them but notice carefully if my
08:00kingdom were of this world then would my servants do what notice the fight there's no turning a
08:08cheek here you understand this this is important in understanding the Bible he told his disciples
08:14go buy a sword sell this and buy a sword what's a sword a sword is an instrument of war that's
08:22what he told them to do and somebody said well I didn't he tell him to turn the cheek yes he did
08:27and this is why we get into what's called the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God the
08:33United States with all the rest of the Gentile world is part of the times of the Gentiles the
08:38United States now you don't think about this for a moment this is your country this is your nation
08:43all right this is it but the United States is not the church that's important that's important
08:52your patriot that's all fine that's well and good today we have a religion as I've mentioned to you
08:58before of God and family and country that's all fine as far as it goes but that's not the gospel
09:08okay that's not the gospel don't ever get caught up in patriotism and thinking that patriotism is
09:17kind of trumps the fact that we have a church the body of Christ which is being built by the Holy
09:24Spirit not us I don't build the church he does and the Gentile kingdoms are going to come to a quick
09:35end and I don't know when I don't know how soon that's going to be but it's going to happen when
09:40he comes with his kingdom Revelation 11 the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms
09:46of our Lord and of his Christ and if you remember if you remember reading Revelation chapter 19 I
09:53saw heaven open behold a white horse and he that set upon him was called faithful and true and in
09:57righteousness he doth judge and make peace see you all are listening he doth judge and make war
10:07he's coming back as a man of war not a man of peace now it's not our place today to carry swords
10:14around and cut people's heads off and force them by a sword into conversion and the church is not
10:20built that way we don't tie people to stakes and burn them alive although that's been done in the
10:25name of the Lord Spanish Inquisition under Torquenada in Spain was one of the most horrendous
10:30things that ever happened on the face of this earth and someone someday will give an account
10:35for the innocent lives that died that during that period of time during the during the Inquisition
10:42auto de fe they said auto de fe tie them to the pole pile the faggots around them and burn them
10:49alive I don't any part of that religion okay if that's your religion mark me off I'm not part of
10:57it amen won't nothing to do with it so when you carry a sword today as far as you personally you
11:06carry it for defense for self-defense all right unless you're called upon to go serve in the
11:12military and serve honorably to serve your nation your serve your country then you carry it as a
11:19weapon of war but you do not carry it to convert people to the name of Christ that's not how his
11:26church is built and that's important to understand that because that's a that's a basic principle in
11:31scripture now the Church of God you should look at over here in 1st Corinthians chapter number 10
11:39and verse number 32 you hear me use this term all the time 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 32 and
11:51the reason I use it is because it is the scriptural term for the church okay 1st Corinthians 10 32
12:02give not offense neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God you see that
12:10all right now that's just one of many places it's found did you know that the term the Church of
12:17Christ is not in the Bible churches of Christ speaking in a plural you know it doesn't mean
12:24that they are called Church of Christ their churches of Christ is mentioned in the Bible
12:30Presbyterian Church is not in there Baptist Church is not in there Methodist Church is not in there
12:35they're not to be found now this is not you know to say that the Baptist Church in its sense is
12:40wrong although there are many different types of Baptist when you get to study the thing find out
12:46where we came from essentially from what's called the Anabaptist and the Amish and the Mennonites
12:54and other groups essentially came from the same source re-baptizers is what that means Anabaptists
13:01why did they do that they believed in only baptizing believers baby infant baptism they
13:08rejected then and I reject it now baptism is for believers you know and on top of that babies don't
13:16go to hell amen keep that in mind but in any event Acts 20 28 take heed therefore to yourself and
13:27all the flock over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of God
13:321st Corinthians 1 2 unto the church of God which is at Corinth 1st Corinthians 11 22 whatever you
13:40not houses to eat drink in or despise you the church of God 1st Corinthians 15 9 from the least
13:47of the Apostles that am not meet to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the church of God
13:522nd Corinthians 1 1 Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God and Timothy our brother unto
13:59the church of God which is at Corinth 2nd Corinthians 1 Paul an Apostle of Jesus Christ and
14:06Timothy our brother to the church of God which is at Corinth Galatians 1 3 you've heard of my
14:11conversation time passed in the Jews religion how beyond measure I persecuted the church of God and
14:17wasted it and then in first Timothy 3 5 if a man know not how to rule his own house how shall he
14:23take care of the church of God now there is a church denominations called the church of God
14:30and they refer to them as that and I'm not up here tonight to tell them that they don't have
14:35any business using the term but I have as much right to call this church the church of God as
14:40they do to call that one the church of God because it's a scriptural term what I am tonight is a
14:47bishop in the church of God don't you to think about what I just said to you I'm a bishop in
14:53the church of God I said what does that mean preacher that means that I am a bishop to any
14:58believer that is a believer in our Lord Jesus Christ who wants to come unto the Father the
15:04Son and the Holy Ghost that's what I am you may not call yourself a Baptist you may not call
15:09yourself a Presbyterian a Lutheran or whatever but if you want to come to Christ then the door
15:15is wide open and the last thing I am is a Baptist brighter I'm as far from a Baptist brighter as I
15:23am a Buddhist amen folks that that's it and I'm you know I want to get off into a lot of things
15:30tonight I know there's some people out there they're good people I don't doubt that but the
15:34idea that the Baptist Church is the only bride of Christ on this earth they didn't get that from
15:39the scripture they didn't get that from the Word of God so the reason we make it we make we make
15:46an effort to identify it is because we know that the church is not brick-and-mortar we know it's
15:51not a building we know it's not a physical thing we know the church is made up of born-again
15:57believers that's his body all right and we call it in Scripture the Church of God now what if
16:05America what if it gets nuked tomorrow what if they turn Luther these nukes out here did you
16:11know there's enough nuclear weapons out here to essentially wipe most of humanity off the face
16:16of this earth what is what a thing when Oppenheimer said what have we done no doubt what have you
16:25done and and of course President Truman gave the word to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and
16:34Nagasaki what have they done they opened the nuclear age yes they did what's all that mean
16:40that means America could cease to exist in a week as you know it it could cease to exist but would
16:47a nuke destroy the Church of God oh no no make no mistake about it no the church will be here
16:56whether America makes it or not now here's the thing you get into politics all right you get
17:03into politics some of you most of you probably Republicans I don't know some independents some
17:09Democrats we may have some wigs in here with no but bottom line is a lot of people associate
17:17politics with the church folks politics has nothing to do with the Church of God our mission is to
17:26preach the gospel of Christ all right it's to preach the gospel of Christ for example social
17:33problems plenty of them do something about feeding people feeding the hungry taking care of the sick
17:39I'm all for it do what you can dealing with the issue of sodomy transgenderism what they're trying
17:49to do to our young people I'm all for taking a position a rightful position about all of that
17:55absolutely without question I will go with a man as far as I possibly can no doubt about it but let
18:02me tell you something even though I do that that is not the gospel that's important that's not the
18:10gospel if you stand on the street corner and hold up a sign and say you know life begins at conception
18:18whatever you want to say you know against abortion I'm all for it but that's not the gospel and we've
18:26got a lot that needs to be understood today because there's a lot of people out there that are acting
18:29like it is and it's not so what is the gospel we'll look at first Corinthians 15 and let the
18:36Bible define it for you now I told you about the fellow who's on there he's for he's a believer in
18:42God and he's a believer in family and he's a believer in country and then he's got a fifth
18:49of liquor I don't remember what brand it is but this is a new religion you think I'm kidding you
18:58tonight I'm not there's a lot of people in this country that relate patriotism to Christ and it's
19:07not the same it's not the same it's important to understand that the Apollo the Apostle said in
19:14first Corinthians 15 more of a brethren I declare into you the gospel which I preached unto you
19:19which also you've received and wherein you stand by which also you're saved if you keep in memory
19:25what I preached to you lest you believed in vain for I deliver to you first of all that which I
19:31received how Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures that it was buried and that
19:40he rose again the third day according to the scriptures then what follows is proof him then
19:45he was seen of these witnesses now turn to Romans 10 verse number six
20:04but the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall
20:13ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the deep
20:19that is to bring up Christ again from the dead but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in
20:25thy mouth and in thy heart that is the word of faith which we preach now watch this this is part
20:31of what you just read that if thou shalt confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus in other words Jesus
20:37is Lord and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved
20:47now let's break this down for a moment some of you may remember we've been through this before
20:52but it's important tonight to understand what this Apostle is saying first of all righteousness
20:57righteousness in the Bible has to do with what you do how you live and how you are presented to God
21:04and how you're accepted that's righteousness three men in the Old Testament are mentioned
21:09as being more righteous than all the rest of them that lived Job Noah and Daniel their names are
21:16mentioned all right but when the Lord Jesus showed up 2,000 years ago he lived a life that no one had
21:22ever lived before he lived a sinless perfect life and by doing that he established a righteousness
21:29that did not exist till he showed up now apply that to this text now look at it carefully Romans
21:3910 verse number 6 the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise do not say in your
21:49heart say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven here we go this is someone saying
21:55wait a minute there's nobody well there's nobody good enough to ascend now we're not talking about
22:02going to heaven Elijah went to heaven Enoch was not for God took him we're talking about ascending
22:09into heaven which is an entirely different thing rising from the earth which can no longer hold
22:16you and rising into the presence of God all right who can do that well the question is posed nobody
22:25can do that that's what they're saying they're saying if you take the position that nobody has
22:31ever lived this earth that's good enough to ascend into the presence of God then that's who you're
22:38talking about right here you see here's why he says about it don't ever say in your heart who
22:44shall ascend into heaven he said if you say that that is to bring Christ down from above see that
22:51that's to say he didn't really ascend in plainer words he was not perfect and sinless that's the
22:58application now let me ask you a question tonight do you believe the Lord Jesus Christ was perfect
23:04and sinless absolutely I've never met a Christian had a problem with that no no problem I believe
23:12he's I believe he's perfect sinless never censored the word and I do not believe that he could sin
23:17now some Christians say that he could I don't buy it I believe he was sinless and and and could
23:23not but anyway all right I passed the first test I passed that test right now I believe he ascended
23:31into the presence of God on his own righteousness that's what he's saying that's the question okay
23:38now look at verse number seven or who shall descend into the deep now get that word deep
23:46if you get if you look at a Greek text that's the word abyssos that's where we get our word
23:51abyss yeah an unmeasurable unknowable launch into the deep and if you remember these demons in the
24:02Old Testament I mean not the Old Testament back in the book of Luke chapter 8 and I think it's
24:09let's see Luke chapter 8 and verse number 31 yeah here we go in Luke chapter 8 in verse 30 it says
24:17Jesus asked them saying what is thy name and he said legion because many devils were entered into
24:25him and they besought him now look at this they feared this they besought him saying
24:37they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the abyss
24:44see the abyss this is not necessarily hell no this is a place
24:51similar I guess you might say to what's called the bottomless pit in Revelation chapter number
24:57nine where they come up out of that pit but I'm not going to get into that I don't confuse anybody
25:03the abyss is the location that is like the Mariana Trench you know over five miles deep
25:13in the Atlantic Ocean down in the area of the Caribbean it's deep a man cannot go that deep
25:21and there are creatures down there that defy understanding but in any event it is the abyss
25:29do not cast us into the abyss now say well how does that work we'll go back to Romans 10 with me
25:37Romans 10 Romans chapter number 10
25:45say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down from above
25:50all right in plain words his righteousness gave him the qualifications authority to appear
25:59in the very presence of God now look at the text again or who shall descend into the deep
26:07that is to bring up Christ again from the dead in other words
26:12there's no way that he could have gone down to a place like that
26:17he I mean this you're talking about something even lower than hell itself
26:23they say why how in the world could someone do this there's no way I could believe that he could
26:30do that and so they're saying oh no he does not have authority to go up or authority to go down
26:41and come back up from where he went we reject that this is what these people are saying not me
26:48these people and he says if you say that you're not saved and you can't be saved and you never
26:54will be saved until you're willing to accept the fact that he descended into the lowest place
27:03the abyss he descended and he came back up out of it and he did he arose
27:12on the third day he arose he arose so that gives him power over death yes because I live he shall
27:22live and that gives him righteousness that no one else has and when I read that and get a hold of
27:28that you know what that does for me when it's righteousness when I get to thinking about that
27:32I think to myself good now what am I I mean what are we strutting around for anyway even our best
27:37state we're all together we've missed it I hope there's nobody in here deluded to think that you
27:43don't sin you do this is what fellowship is about remember I keep taking you back to first john 1
27:52if you walk in the light as he is in the light you have fellowship one with another the blood
27:56of Jesus Christ God's son cleanses from all sin if you say you have no sin you deceive yourself
28:02and the truth's not in you if we confess our sin is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and
28:07cleanses from all unrighteousness if we say we have not sinned we call him a liar and the truth
28:15is not in us how many people have you heard say they don't sin see we say preacher I don't know
28:23I can't that make a difference you're trusting your own ability to discern your heart
28:31see you you better leave that up to the holy spirit this is why David cried in the old
28:36testament there any hidden sin any hidden way show me lord search me try me and see if there
28:41be any hidden way in me and I'll get along with God and we'll have fellowship and I'll talk to
28:46the good lord and I like to talk to him then he talks back to me I know I'm ready for the funny
28:52farm if you think it's a lot of people think if God's talking to you he's here in spirit you know
28:58that kind of thing he does though but then here and there the almighty will begin to move in my
29:05soul and he'll begin to point something out inside me that was not readily apparent and he is ready
29:13to deal with it he's ready to deal with it and then when he comes to that point where he's ready
29:18to deal with it he's dealing with it in a highest level it can be dealt with before it ever becomes
29:24a reality in fact in other words before it's perpetrated before before the deed is ever done
29:30see what I mean he can stop it in your heart before it ever comes out because where do where
29:35do your sins come from they come out of the heart that's where they come from and he could stop it
29:42and that thank God for that amen so when we talk about this we have to say to ourselves yes
29:51I believe do you believe he's sinless and do you believe that his righteousness qualified him to
29:57enter into the presence of God and that's what the apostle says in Romans chapter number 10
30:02that's what you should be able to do now I want you to look at first Peter chapter number two and
30:07this will close with this tonight but this will give you an idea of what it means to be a good
30:11citizen in first Peter chapter number two and verse 13 now the apostle says having your
30:28conversation that's your life your manner of life the way you live honest among the Gentiles
30:35remember the Jew the Gentile and the what these are three basic divisions of the Bible and you'll
30:41find that it runs all the way through it like that the Jew the Gentile and the church of God
30:49having a conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak evil against you
30:57whereas they speak against you as evildoers they may buy your good works which they shall behold
31:04glorify God in the day of visitation submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the
31:10Lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or into governors as unto them that are sent by
31:19him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well for so is the will
31:24of God that with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men Christians have been
31:29called upon to live under practically every possible form of human government why because
31:38we're living in the times of the Gentiles you see what I mean the times the Gentiles
31:45Great Britain is very similar to us they have a parliament and they have a house of lords and a
31:52house of commons the prime minister gets up and he answers questions deals with running the
32:00government they have a voice in the government the people let their officials I don't know if you've
32:06been keeping up with it but you ought to get on YouTube and look at what's happening in Great
32:10Britain right now you ought to look you look but their form of government is not exactly like ours
32:17you see one that I think that one of the weakest points of our government is that we only have two
32:23political parties now I know we have independence but you know there's no but do you know what I
32:29would like to see I would like to see people put to the test however you'd like to form it however
32:36you'd like to do it test them get their knowledge see how much they know about the government and
32:41about the world and if they pass that test put them in a group and the government takes care of
32:47paying for their political contest in other words for in other words no big business no money from
32:57the outside no billionaires it's all paid for and the people who run are those that are qualified
33:03and know what to do know what they're going to do find out who these people really are
33:08and the money is never an issue and let them run and then whoever the people decide they want out
33:16of that out of a group like that then then put them put them in office and then when they go
33:22into office let them form what's called a coalition government what is that a coalition government
33:28means that you may have four five six seven eight nine ten fifteen twenty political parties and in
33:34order for you to govern a nation you must have support from at least a certain number of those
33:39political parties to form a government this gives a voice to other people to give you a government
33:46where we don't have a thing like a monster like we have in this country a coalition government
33:53I like the way coalition governments operate now they have their weaknesses I understand all that
33:58but to form a governing body where many different people have a real voice in how that government is
34:06run and the people that are put in power and put in the office in that nation owe nothing to any
34:13bunch any any you know the big financers the billionaires and so forth they don't know it
34:20and they're qualified they have passed a test they're qualified and color has nothing to do
34:27with it whatsoever no dei uh candidates just qualified and if you know the stuff then you can
34:37be the one you can be one of them that uh and are qualified to run the nation I think that would
34:44bring a lot of peace to this nation did you know how this nation right now is on the verge of
34:48possibly the way some are talking of a civil war do you understand that this election coming up
34:54right now is uh is a tinderbox yes it is and I mean I tried my dead level best tonight to show
35:02you how that the republican party does not represent the church of god the democrat party
35:06does not represent the church of god the church of god is an entirely separate complete entity
35:11from either one of those groups but there are elements in the political parties that I would
35:15agree with I support things of that nature you follow me tonight I would support them yes I would
35:21and uh and and this is the way that that it that we should that we should face the and deal with
35:25these issues but I would hate to see another civil war in this nation because the nation
35:32cannot govern itself and that's where we are right now this nation cannot govern itself
35:41and this constitution that was written uh is one of the finest man-made documents on earth
35:48and yet for some reason it's not it's apparently hadn't been enough
35:52to keep America right how many of you agree with what I'm saying tonight
35:56amen it's not it's it's not working it's not working there's some mad people out there
36:03very mad very angry and so you keep that in mind well preacher what's the answer even so come lord
36:11Jesus come that's the answer lord come back amen amen amen father thank you for the time in your
36:22house bless bless these dear folk who've gathered bless the few things I've said a lot some of these
36:29things tonight are my opinion lord I know that I know that they're my opinion the way I see things
36:35and the way I feel about them I don't give it out as scripture I don't say it's the word of god
36:39I do for no way in the world would I say that to people that they have to believe what I've said
36:44about things like that but when I say the gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ
36:50that's the gospel and that my dear friend tonight is God's word in Jesus name amen
