Jesus Christ was Made in the Likeness of Sinful Flesh, but He was Perfect. Adam Brought Sin upon Mankind..."as by one man sin entered the world, and death by sin;..." [Romans 5:12] Jesus Christ, who was Conceived by the Holy Ghost, Gave Mankind an Opportunity to Have Everlasting Life. When You Receive the Holy Spirit, You Are Hid in Christ.
00:00All right folks have your Bible turn to the book of Genesis chapter 1 and verse
00:06number 26.
00:14The scripture says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness
00:23and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, over
00:28the cattle over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon
00:32the earth so God created man in his own image. In the image of God created he him
00:39male and female created he them. Father bless your holy word your word in Jesus
00:47name amen. If every culture of humanity had
00:54Genesis 1 verses 26 and 27 took it to heart you'd see in just in that
00:59scripture a huge change on this earth no question about it you'd see it because
01:04it is real no doubt whatsoever but if you notice carefully said let us make
01:09man in our image and I've gone into great detail for a long time to tell you
01:16that no angel, no seraphim, cherubim, cherubim, cherubim, watcher
01:21or anything else was made in the image of God only the man so he must be
01:28speaking within himself and he is this is the Trinity in Genesis 1 father, son
01:34and Holy Spirit. The Bible said in Genesis 5 3 and Adam lived 130 years
01:40beget a son in his own image or likeness after his image and called his name Seth
01:47the reason for this is because he had fallen he didn't lose that image but it
01:51was tarnished it was tarnished it wasn't in it wasn't pure as it had been when
01:58God made him so we trace that all the way through the scripture and we find
02:02that by doing that there's quite a lesson to be learned because the Bible
02:07is about a certain ethnicity the Jew but it's also a book of history it's secular
02:16it's also a book of science in places it covers certain areas and but it is a
02:21book of salvation it reveals the grace of God toward man and so if you if you
02:30you know that these these underlying themes that run from Genesis to
02:34Revelation is a great way to study the Bible in many different ways but that's
02:39a good one is to study a theme take it and run it through the Bible and see
02:43everything the scripture has to say about it Genesis 9 6 the Bible said who
02:47so shedeth man's blood by man shall his blood be shed in the image of God made
02:55he man so it is a sin of the highest order to murder a human being yes sir
03:02God does not take lightly to murderers and of course you live in an age of
03:07murder because people don't believe that men are in the image of God they just
03:12believe that you're an animal that's all just another form of animal and
03:15therefore taking away your identity your true identity but the Bible says in
03:211st Corinthians chapter 11 and verse number 7 don't you look at this one
03:24thing right now because we're going to head down this road in Genesis I mean
03:301st Corinthians chapter 11 and verse 7 for a man indeed ought not to cover his
03:35head for as much as he is the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory
03:44of the man now this doesn't mean that a woman is some kind of a foreign creature
03:50as it relates to God her place is as much in Christ as any of us male or
03:54female bond or free makes no difference women can be born again just like a man
04:00but he's pointing out something here to you and the reason for this is will
04:05become evident when you find out how we're born because you keep in mind that
04:10every one of us in this world here unless you came from Pluto or somewhere
04:15you are a human being born of woman just like all the rest of us on this planet
04:21and the Bible says over here in Luke chapter number 1 and verse number 35 the
04:26angel answered and said to her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee now mark that
04:31in your Bible or in your head somewhere when you see Holy Spirit think of man
04:35Holy Spirit is not man but the Holy Spirit is definitely the one who relates
04:41to mankind he relates to mankind in a way that nothing else can the Holy Ghost
04:47does not relate to animals the way he relates to us the truth of the matter is
04:52the sphere of the Holy Spirit is mankind and so we read over here the Holy Ghost
04:59shall come upon thee the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore
05:03also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God
05:07so the Lord Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem Judea 2,000 years ago I
05:15believe that's a historical event there's plenty of secular authority for
05:20that along with Josephus and others Christ did live 2,000 years ago and
05:27here's what the Bible says about his incarnation and you need to know
05:31these and I've covered them before but it's important to understand this bears
05:36directly on the incarnation of Christ God becoming a man Hebrews 2.14 for as
05:43much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself
05:47likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that
05:53had the power of death that is the devil now remember when I told you that I do
05:57not believe the Lord Jesus Christ could have sinned all right now there are
06:02Christians who do believe that but this text is very careful in saying the
06:06wordings important he doesn't mince words the writer of Hebrews he was in
06:12every sense a human being like you but he was missing one element there was
06:17something missing for one thing he was not born under the curse of Adam all
06:22right that did not happen and if you remember what I read you from 1st
06:27Corinthians 11 the man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he is
06:32the image and glory of God so we have a problem in this world Romans chapter
06:39number five talks about that problem and says for as by one man sin entered
06:46into the world and death by sin so it is not through the woman but through the
06:52man that the curse is passed down on humanity ladies that should make you
06:58feel better about that part you do not and here's why because the Lord Jesus
07:03Christ was born of a woman made under the law and therefore the curse could
07:09not be passed down to him from his mother see it had to be passed by his
07:16father and of course Joseph was not his father the Almighty was his father all
07:23right so no curse in Romans chapter number 8 and verse number 3 for what the
07:27law could not do him that it was weak through the flesh God sending his own
07:30son now look at this in the likeness now watch the wording carefully in the
07:35likeness of sinful flesh it did not say in sins flesh or in sinful flesh it said
07:43in the likeness of sinful flesh it meant that when the Lord Jesus Christ was
07:48walking through Jerusalem if you had not known who he was we probably wouldn't
07:54have been anything about his appearance that caused you to look at him any
07:58differently than anyone else he looked like any other man walking around see no
08:05nimbus no halo on the top of his head none of that that's all religious
08:10creation and that of course goes way outside of Christ it goes off into pagan
08:14religions but anyway Christ looked like any other man all right it even goes so
08:21far in the Old Testament to say that those there's no beauty about him that
08:25we should behold him therefore you are never drawn to Christ by what men are
08:30drawn to people by here in the flesh not his flesh his flesh does not draw you
08:35so he says in the book of Philippians 2 7 but he made himself of no reputation
08:40took upon him the form of a servant was made in the likeness of men now these
08:46are three scriptures and these you ought to make a note of the references here
08:49because it's very important I was never taught any of this when I first got
08:53saved reference was never made to this no nothing was ever said about it you
08:58know and I wonder why it's because it's important it's very important Christ
09:03Jesus was in human flesh but it was not fallen human flesh he was ever since a
09:09man and he had to be a man to die on the cross but he wasn't exactly like us
09:14because every one of us was born of Adam first Adam therefore we bear that curse
09:20that was handed to us by our father passed through the father so when the
09:25Apostle says for a man indeed ought not to cover his head for as much as he's
09:28the image and glory of God but the woman is the glory of the man therefore the
09:32woman cannot hand the image down she does not pass that image it's the man
09:38that passes the image and of course what he does he passes the fallen image and
09:43so our Lord Jesus Christ was born entirely different than any of us now if
09:48you remember I told you the image of God these are only four things that I've and
09:52God continues to show me more but for example the image of God is not the
09:57physical appearance it's not the physical appearance that's not the image
10:01of God you see it's not what's outside it's what's inside it's what cannot be
10:08seen with a human eye that makes us the image of God and therefore we have a
10:13capacity that the angels and seraphim and cherubim the rest of them do not
10:17have because if we are the only creature in the image of God it would behoove us
10:22to define that image of God and that's important for example we can love but
10:29nor in the Bible does it say an angel cherubim or seraphim can love we can pray
10:34and prayer is a very very powerful thing when you stop praying you'll know it
10:40spiritually when you start back praying again you'll notice that spiritually
10:45communion first John we can commune with God reciprocal communion God speaks to
10:51us we speak to God and he does this to keep us in fellowship koinonia to keep
10:57us in fellowship with him he communicates with us on a higher level
11:01you say higher level yes in the book of Romans which is the eighth chapter of
11:07Romans which is one of the most powerful chapters in all the New Testament
11:11because it bears on the Holy Spirit and remember what I said about the Holy
11:15Spirit the Holy Spirit's work is man mankind man he is he is he is the he's
11:24the person of the Godhead most directly working in us today he said I will spend
11:30I will send the Spirit he said I must leave for the Spirit of truth must come
11:34in Romans 8 26 likewise the Spirit also help with our infirmities for we know
11:41not what we should pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself maketh intercession
11:45for us with groanings which cannot be uttered so here we are we go into the
11:50prayer closet and we have something on our mind and we have us a nice prayer
11:54with God and get up and leave truth of the matter is the Holy Ghost might have
11:58done all the praying while you were in there and everything that you were
12:02thinking about didn't get any higher than the ceiling that's not always the
12:06case but you see it's so important to God that you pray and that you
12:10communicate with him that the Holy Spirit steps in see the Holy Spirit
12:16intervenes this is what we have this is intervention and notice there's no one
12:21asked for it they didn't ask for it but he intervenes now of course you you
12:25understand that you cannot have you ever heard anyone try to cast the Holy Ghost
12:31out of somebody I know it sounds stupid but the truth of the matter is you can
12:37cast a demon out yes you can but you're not going to cast the Holy Spirit out of
12:42someone it's not gonna happen why he's God but he's God in a sense that you
12:49have to understand there's a difference between the Holy Ghost and the Father
12:52and the Son now look what he says and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what
12:58is the mind of the Spirit so here we are praying because he maketh intercession
13:03for the Saints according to the will of God and we know that all things work
13:08together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to
13:12his purpose and then follows in verse 29 for whom he didn't foreknow he also
13:17did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the
13:22firstborn among many brethren so how was the Lord Jesus Christ born what what what
13:30we know God's his father we know this a virgin and but how was he conceived he
13:37was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit folks the Holy Ghost will
13:42overcome you he'll come upon you the Holy Spirit shall overshadow you see he
13:46was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit why because he's a man he's being
13:52God is becoming a man and the incarnation though I'm sure every one of
13:57us in this house believe it tonight and I certainly believe it from the top of
14:01my head to the bottom of my feet but there are elements of it that I can't
14:04explain it still remains of there's a mystery about God will always be a
14:08mystery unless he reveals himself but the Holy Spirit he was born of the
14:14Spirit of God he was literally the first one born of the Spirit of God this is
14:22why he's called the firstborn among many brethren and this is also why the church
14:28that we're part of tonight the body of Christ is called the church of the
14:32firstborn to be born again now I want you to watch my wording very carefully
14:40when the Lord Jesus Christ was born of the Spirit of God it had nothing to do
14:44with sin right I mean you agree with that he didn't need to be saved he
14:48didn't need be cleansed never was sin ever brought to his charge he was born
14:55of the Spirit of God Nicodemus except you be born again you cannot see the
15:02kingdom of God now what does that mean that means born of the Spirit and I've
15:08told you before many times you must be saved you need to be saved you need to
15:13be redeemed your sins need to be forgiven all these things must happen
15:18you've got to be cleansed but the new birth rises even higher than that say
15:25why because the new birth literally changes your essence it changes you from
15:32simply a human being that has the Spirit of life upon you that God gives to all
15:36living creatures it changes you from simply a human being to a son of God
15:43that means you've been born of God that means the moment that you are born again
15:50the Almighty Eternal Absolute Father becomes your father amen and if you go
15:58back to the book of Romans chapter number 8 you'll find this wonderful
16:01statement where it says and we say Abba Father in the dearest sense of the term
16:07in other words the fatherhood of God no believer in the Old Testament not a
16:13single one of them could call God the Father like we can call God the Father
16:18when you pray he said our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name you
16:26ought to get into the habit of saying father you see you're not calling the
16:31Holy Spirit Father you're calling God the Father Father so that means that
16:37there's a fatherhood involved here you see the Lord Jesus Christ is the
16:41Redeemer he's your Savior he's salvation if you have the Son you have salvation
16:48if you reject the Son you've rejected salvation you see it's not a matter of
16:54whether you believe all the right things about him and can cross all the
16:57theological T's and dot all the theological I's it's whether you have
17:01the Son or not you see he that hath the Son 1st John 5 hath life so the Father
17:11God so loved our brother quoted John 3 16 for God so loved the world God the
17:19Father that he sent his only begotten Son into the world that the world
17:26through him might be saved did you know I learned that at Beaumont grammar
17:29school Lord help us that was a public school system can you believe what a
17:34horrible thing to teach kids the Bible in the public school system that's 150
17:39years ago though they don't do that anymore believe me oh yeah we we read
17:43the Bible we prayed saluted the flag memorized scripture verses all that in
17:48school I dare say that Beaumont grammar school back in 1958-59 a lot of things
17:57about it were probably much better than a lot of Christian schools are today oh
18:02yeah oh yeah there's a good little old school I got my hind end busted there
18:07just like I did it rule it's a good school wherever I went well first thing
18:14I'd find out where the board was amen but anyway I I'm glad it helped me a
18:21little bit I'm not I'm not angry over it so the birth of Christ is by the Holy
18:27Spirit but it had nothing to do with sin you see and that raises it up to the
18:32settlement I'm talking to you about tonight you are born of the Spirit of
18:37God for the purpose of making you a son of God you are saved and washed in the
18:42blood of Christ to cleanse you from your sins but you see it takes the new birth
18:47not just being saved now I don't want to confuse anyone but Old Testament saints
18:53were saved right you remember Abraham's bosom we preached about that Sunday
18:57Abraham of course was saved the Bible said he believed God and counted to him
19:01for righteousness they were saved yes they were saved they were saved in the
19:06culture and element and time they lived just just like Job wasn't Daniel and
19:11Noah and all the rest of them they were saved but they were not born again so
19:16why not preacher because the new birth is the birth of the new covenant which
19:21is the blood covenant of our Lord Jesus Christ and without that blood there is
19:26no cleansing from your sins you have to be cleansed by the blood of Christ and
19:32the writer of Hebrews makes it perfectly clear the blood of bulls and goats
19:36cannot take away sin what it did was they used the provision God gave them
19:42God blessed them God justified them God redeemed them because he's a gracious
19:46God but the new covenant did not show up until Christ died on the cross and that
19:53new covenant is what makes you candidate to be born again amen and you are if
20:01you've been born again you've been redeemed if you've been born again you've
20:04been saved if you've been born again your sins have been washed in the blood
20:07of Christ no question about it and the Apostle talks about putting off the old
20:11man and put on the new man we know that because there are two natures in us now
20:16I went 27 years with one nature one nature one nature then in 1973 another
20:22nature moved in and there's two of them now there's the old man and the new man
20:27so when we talk about being born again today what we're saying to people is
20:33we're not born again because we live a good life we're not born again as a
20:37reward for serving the Lord we're not born again if we hope to the end and
20:42hope that everything will work out and and and we do all do everything's
20:46possibly human humanly possible no you are born again today if you're willing
20:52to accept the sacrifice the only sacrifice the pure sacrifice that was
20:58given for your sins in plain words you're not born again because you do
21:02something you're not born again because you pray a sinner's prayer no no you're
21:08not born again if you can do penance join a church well so how are you born
21:13again by receiving salvation which is a person that's how you're born again you
21:21receive that person you mean to say preacher that it's all up to how I
21:26relate to the Lord Jesus Christ absolutely and here's where the Holy
21:32Ghost comes in because when the Holy Spirit convicts a man or a woman he's
21:38not convicting them of being sinner you know you're a sinner you already are a
21:42sinner that's not what he's here for he's not here to convict you for sin
21:46he's here to convict you for unbelief he's here to convict you to point you to
21:52the Lord Jesus Christ and by pointing you to Christ to say to you this is the
21:56only remedy this is the only way this is the only one that can bring you to God
22:03the Father and that's the Son now if you believe on him you can be born you will
22:09be born again but if you refuse him then there's no more sacrifice for your sins
22:14and there's nowhere to go a lot of people get sin and sins all messed up
22:19and would you pray for me because God's been working on me now for about a week
22:23he does this he'll start in on me with something and I can't get away from it
22:28and so pray about this tonight what is the difference between an evil heart of
22:33unbelief and when the Apostle Paul says I obtained mercy because I get I did it
22:38ignorantly in unbelief what's the difference between those two if you
22:43can't see a difference between the two of them there's a lot of things that
22:46won't open if you can see a difference between the two of them then you will
22:50begin to understand sin sins sinners and on and on it goes say it again the
22:58Apostle Paul says I obtained mercy and what did he do he persecuted the Church
23:03of God he was a wicked vile man but he said I obtained mercy because I did it
23:09ignorantly in unbelief all right but the Apostle says lest there be found in you
23:14an evil heart of unbelief listen to this our Father which art in heaven
23:20hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come that will be done in earth as it is in
23:25heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our debts as we forgive our
23:30debtors lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the
23:38kingdom and the power and the glory forever why would he put it in there
23:42like that evil what is evil see think about that what is evil both are
23:50unbelievers but one of them is an evil heart of unbelief and the other one is
23:55simply an unbeliever out of ignorance and blindness and the God of this world
23:59has blinded the minds of them that believe not you see little things like
24:03that that may not seem like that they may not a whole lot but once it begins
24:07to unfold for you it begins to open up something else and I've learned this
24:12about the Bible if you let God show you one thing he'll show you another and if
24:18you let him show you that he'll show you another and he'll take you as far as you
24:22want to go with him and let me tell you something that angers this preacher very
24:27much is when you tell me that the Bible is a boring book no no no you're boring
24:33you just don't have enough of the grace of God and and the temperament to get in
24:39here and say Lord I don't understand that's okay God said that's fine that's
24:43not gonna make me mad are you willing to learn and I am I want to learn why does
24:49stuff like that eat me up anyway why do I get up in the morning let's sit up
24:53there and here's the squirrels jumping to the trees and here's a rabbit over
24:57here that rabbits in the same place every morning he's easy to find just put
25:00your flashlight on him and that light will pop right back in your face and the
25:04rabbit doesn't like the light I put that rabbit I put that light on that rabbit
25:07I came out there one morning I think I told you about this the other day I
25:11looked over there where the rabbits usually sitting and there stands this
25:14deer yeah and she looked around and first thing I know she you know how they
25:21to go over the fence they're one of the most graceful animals you've ever seen
25:26is it you're watching jump a fence how many there what's deer jump oh that's
25:30one of the grace it's graceful and here I am out in the midst of all of that and
25:34I sit down and I start praying and I like to pray I'll be praying at five
25:38o'clock in the morning 430 in the morning whenever I don't have us I just
25:42get up and I'll be praying and then this will come to your mind son evil heart of
25:48unbelief but then I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief
25:53what's the difference Lord thou knowest help me help me teach me that I might
26:02teach others also because that opens up issues in the Bible doesn't it Bible
26:08says in the book of Hebrews said plainly if you trod underfoot the Son of God and
26:14count the sacrifice that he made for you as you know worthless to paraphrase it
26:19he said there remaineth no more sacrifice for you what kind of unbelief
26:24is that what about that think about that what kind of unbelief is that what about
26:31the Pharisees when they said had a council to destroy him you remember that
26:36one in Matthew 12 they want to get rid of him and what about the parable he
26:41gave them when he says these people said this is the heir we really know who he
26:48really is and yet they were willing to kill him anyway that sounds like they
26:54knew something didn't it and they overrule the revelation and light that
26:58God had gave them and persisted in their own will in their own way to me
27:05that sounds like it's something evil doesn't it you certainly but anyway we
27:12are accountable and we are held to a high standard we are and we're held to a
27:17higher standard than than just a simple unbeliever out here in the world now
27:23don't you look at this one love prayer communion and then breath and I'll cover
27:27this tonight and then we'll come to close here in a minute
27:30nor the spirit creature is said to breathe none of them it means that we
27:36came from the inside of God let me believe that in other words God could
27:44put his hand on something and give life to it he could create something and say
27:48live that's it but no he breathed into Adams nostril well wait a minute God
27:54doesn't need to breathe if God had to breathe what would he be breathing in
27:59eternity past when there was just God always go back to the time and to the
28:06point where God needs nothing then you're getting back to the sovereignty
28:12and the holiness of God he doesn't need anything folks he doesn't even need a
28:18place he doesn't need food he doesn't need he needs nothing yet breath came
28:25out of him where that breath come from did he create that breath in him in
28:30other words did man originate inside of God and was breathed into a clay body of
28:40clay and then he became a living soul the breath of God becomes the soul of
28:45man doesn't that make us pretty unique because it doesn't say anything about
28:49him breathing into a horse or a cow or any of these other creatures they have
28:55their life fact the matter is the Bible talks much in the Old Testament about
28:58animals breathing but not like us have you noticed the first thing the Lord
29:04Jesus Christ did when he was born of the Virgin what's the first thing he did he
29:10breathed how many of you ever have you ever seen the doctor pull a baby up like
29:18that smack its rear end yeah why does he do that because he's mean no he does
29:25that to get that baby to breathe that's why he does it it cries screams that
29:31hurt and then it breathes air well the first time God ever breathed was in the
29:37womb when he came forth from the womb of the Virgin Mary that gave him a
29:42connection with us that nothing else has the Lord Jesus Christ has a connection
29:48with you that nothing else has he breathed just like you do you know the
29:54last thing the Son of God did on the cross at Calvary he breathed out and
30:01father into thy hands I come in my spirit so breath is connected with the
30:06Holy Ghost when he had risen from the dead and disciples gathered together he
30:12came in their midst and appeared and the Bible says he breathed on them and said
30:17receive you the Holy Ghost the Holy Spirit's connected with breath now as I
30:24told you at the beginning this thing tonight the Holy Spirit and mankind are
30:29connected with each other and this is why communion with the Father is so
30:34important because if you have communion with the Father the Holy Spirit is going
30:39to walk and live inside you do you realize this tonight that my life is hid
30:44with Christ in God do you realize that but do you realize that God indwells me
30:52he that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his if the Holy Ghost is not in
30:56you tonight you're not born again so how do I know the Holy Ghost is in me he's
31:02not I want to be as nice as I can about it if God Almighty moves into your soul
31:11my dear friend you're going to know it yes sir you're going to know it you're
31:17going to know it and when he does move in God is in you in the form of the Holy
31:21Spirit that's that connection with mankind so here we are we are in God my
31:29life is hid with Christ in God did you know that Satan cannot cross that
31:34spiritual line Satan can afflict your body he can come after it he can put
31:39boils on the top of your head he can fact is you can turn a believer over to
31:44Satan for the destruction of the flesh first Corinthians 5 that's what he said
31:49and from all indications he was a real believer and so Satan could destroy his
31:54body but it could not touch his spirit or his soul he couldn't do it why because
32:00it is hidden protected in God by the power of the Holy Spirit of God the
32:06scripture says by the Spirit of God we are sealed until the day of redemption
32:10sealing means it seals out but it also marks ownership and other things so if I
32:19understand what I'm just said to you that tells me on its on the surface of
32:25what I just said there's no way you can lose your salvation because Satan can't
32:32break through to take it from you he can't reach it he can't touch it you are
32:39born of the Spirit of God you cannot be unborn you can't cast the Holy Ghost out
32:45of somebody once you are born of the Spirit of God that's eternal the new
32:50birth is forever hallelujah and that's what the gospel of John remembers all
32:55about John chapter number 10 I give unto the eternal life my father's hand nobody
33:00can pluck it nobody can take it there it is eternal everlasting life that's John's
33:05gospel amen and that's the last gospel written and that's the gospel written to
33:11born-again believers why because John's gospel is the only gospel that says you
33:17must be born again Matthew Mark and Luke don't even mention it and I'm thankful
33:22for that because you never know what's liable to happen to your brain you never
33:25know what's liable to happen to you you never know you never know you can get it
33:29you can you can you can descend into such pity self-pity of depression you
33:35know they'll tell them what can happen to you but you will not lose your
33:39salvation so the Spirit help with our infirmities with the Church of the
33:44firstborn the curse is not handed down through your mother it's handed down
33:50through your father and so I've got a father tonight praise be unto God and I
33:57call him my father all the time and that makes it that makes it personal
34:03patriarchy God's the father I'm part of his family yes I am I'm one of his sons
34:09yes I am amen yeah I hope you are if you're born again you are he's my father
34:17he's my father he was never Satan's father he was never the father of an
34:22angel never the father of a cherubim serving the rest of them but he's my
34:25father and this is why the Lord Jesus said when you pray our father which art
34:31in heaven hallowed be thy name he's my father the Bible says over here in 1st
34:36Corinthians 6 do you not know the Saints shall judge the world and so the world
34:41should be judged by you are you and unworthy to judge the smallest matters
34:44know you not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to
34:49this life the Bible says that God made man a little lower than the angels and
34:56then man is contrasted with Christ in Hebrews 2 all right the two of them are
35:01contrasted and the Lord Jesus Christ of course man God did not make him though
35:06he made me but he didn't make Christ there's not a word in that Bible that
35:12alludes in any way to God making Christ Christ came forth from the father yes he
35:19did born of a virgin and God was his father and the Holy Spirit that's how he
35:26was born Spirit of God came upon her he came into the world and he breathed the
35:30same air that I breathe and then he exhaled the same air that I do while I'm
35:37in this world I want to close in Hebrews 1 3 who being the brightness of his glory
35:42and express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his
35:47power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down on the right hand of the
35:53majesty on high these are high sounding words this is high theology this is
35:58powerful stuff but notice carefully the Lord Jesus Christ came to restore the
36:03image that Adam lost Adam lost that image it was it was tight it was tainted
36:09tarnished he still retained an element of it because he's because there are
36:15things that men even today an unsaved man can do that the other creation
36:20cannot but the Lord Jesus Christ became a man that he might restore the perfect
36:27image of a man and that's who he is and that's who we are because we are of him
36:38through him and to him and it says that he is the express image of his person
36:45and you've heard me tell you time and time again that word person in Hebrews
36:51chapter number one the King James translators used this they had
36:55hypostasis in front of them it's called hypostatic they had that in front of
36:59them they said now what are we going to do here what word are we going to use
37:02because this is a reference to the essence of Almighty God that's what it
37:07is that's a reference to that so what are we going to do so they just chose to
37:11use the word person so the Lord Jesus Christ the express image in other words
37:16the exact human counterpart to the very essence of God the Father all right any
37:29Jehovah's Witness never had they've never studied that they can't read they
37:34can't study that tears them all to pieces because they believe the Lord
37:39Jesus is a created God and that's what Arius taught in the first century after
37:44Christ Arianism and they can't they can't have judge Rutherford started
37:48this garbage back in the 1800s and it evolved from him the Lord Jesus Christ
37:54is God of very God the very essence of God in human flesh living amongst us and
38:03if you could see the part of God the Father that the Lord Jesus Christ is you
38:08would see the exact replica duplicate of it in God the Father so God the Father
38:15God the Son and God the Holy Ghost make up the Blessed Trinity and I firmly
38:20believe tonight firmly believe tonight that my Lord Jesus Christ is my eternal
38:27life and that the Lord Jesus Christ is where my life is hidden and that the
38:35Lord Jesus Christ is everything that God has to give for us everything we are or
38:41will ever have will come through the Son of God and he has purchased to himself a
38:46bride and he will present that bride to him one day without spot or wrinkle and
38:53that bride will take play that presentation will take place during the
38:56time of Jacob's trouble and it will be called the marriage supper of the Lamb
39:01amen and they'll sit at the table the family of God go read Psalm 45 Psalm 110
39:08and sit that table and they'll glorify God for the wisdom that God uses when he
39:16has done this for the church the scripture says Paul said this that in
39:20the church might be made known the manifold wisdom of God and that's where
39:26we are so you're firstborn and you'll judge one day you're going to judge just
39:30simple human beings that's not what you're going to be in the millennium you
39:34are going to be a glorified Son of God because of the new birth God will be
39:42your father and you'll be known as that and you will be judging the earth and
39:47also you will judge angels and I don't know what exactly all that gets into the
39:53angels no wonder which group they're talking about the angels that kept not
39:57their first estate that are in Tartarus or the angels that fall again in
40:00Revelation 12 when he pulls a third of the stars of heaven when Satan is cast
40:05out in that war with Michael and there may be others but we will judge them
40:10father bless you word the time we have tonight thank you thank you for what
40:15you've done for me I'm your son you're my father
40:18hallelujah to God nothing can change that nothing nothing nothing can change
40:24that I am forever your son my father and you are my father hallelujah in thy
40:31righteous name I pray amen