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Welcome to Super Cult Cinema, where classic movies meet contemporary classics! Dive into a world of timeless films, spanning decades and genres, curated for cinephiles like you. From Hollywood classics to international masterpieces, we've got it all. Join us as we celebrate the art of cinema and explore the stories that have captured our hearts and minds for generations. Subscribe now to embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of cinematic history. Don't miss out on our latest uploads, exclusive content, and curated playlists. Get ready to experience the magic of movies like never before with Super Cult Cinema!
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00:05:13Souvenir un team d'un ami
00:05:31It's good
00:05:39You can do that if you have him he for us do we took that John
00:05:45She was a shanty ska shanty my mama
00:06:36Hey Gary
00:06:50Kiss Kata so I bought
00:06:54Boko kiss Kata
00:06:57I feel conjugu
00:07:01Make what do
00:07:03Yeah, I'll vodka
00:07:08You knocked on me
00:07:23I'll just take a list of water tonnage
00:08:26Mais tu me reviendras, oh, mon doux fiancé,
00:08:34pour ne me plus quitter.
00:08:47Va rejoindre les autres, maintenant.
00:08:50L'air de rien.
00:08:52Dis pas que t'Ă©tais malade.
00:08:56Rentre chez toi, maintenant.
00:09:09Je me demande si elle a un petit copain, déjà .
00:09:12Elle est si jolie. Elle a l'air si sage.
00:09:19C'était bien, le minimum, malgré la pluie.
00:09:22Oh, l'aprĂšs-midi, c'est jamais bien. Ăa fait goĂ»ter d'enfant.
00:09:25Ăa vous a pas empĂȘchĂ© de piquer ma bouteille de vodka, hein ?
00:09:28Ah ouais, il pense qu'il faut boire pour devenir des hommes.
00:09:31Alors ils ont fait boire le plus petit.
00:09:33Pas sympa, ça. Toi aussi ?
00:09:36Moi aussi, si je bois, maintenant, j'ai horreur de ça.
00:09:41Il va ĂȘtre malade en rentrant chez lui, Julien.
00:09:45Remarque, il est petit, mais il est marrant.
00:09:47Tu sais ce qu'il dit ?
00:09:49J'aime mieux ĂȘtre un petit con qu'un grand connard.
00:09:56Alors il s'appelle Julien, ce garçon vomissant.
00:10:00Son regard m'a troublée.
00:10:02Surtout quand il m'a regardée chanter.
00:10:05Ăa me fait mal.
00:10:07On ne pouvait pas avoir l'air plus minable qu'il Ă©tait.
00:10:10Et je l'ai trouvé magnifique.
00:10:13Je voulais déjà le revoir.
00:10:15Alors je suis allée traßner vers le lycée.
00:10:18Un peu chercher Lucie, en espérant tomber sur lui.
00:10:21Et puis c'est arrivé autrement.
00:10:23C'est lui qui est tombé sur moi.
00:10:29T'aurais pu regarder, merde !
00:10:33Ăa va ? T'as rien ?
00:10:35C'est cool, j'ai rien.
00:10:37Ah, c'est toi.
00:10:39C'est toi, quand mĂȘme.
00:10:41Alors tu vomis, tu casses la figure, toujours quelque chose.
00:10:44On joue la conduite, ça va, merci bien.
00:10:49T'es sûre que tu veux pas que je t'emmÚne en pharmacie ou en café ?
00:10:52Ah ouais, un café, je veux bien.
00:10:54T'es lente.
00:10:56Retirez-vous, c'est pas le cirque.
00:11:18Vous ĂȘtes toujours les derniers.
00:11:20C'est plus chic.
00:11:31Pas de café pour toi, je suppose ?
00:11:33Un coca, merci madame.
00:11:35Ah, t'aimes les cocas ?
00:11:36Ouais, ça me spille un peu.
00:11:40T'es dans la mĂȘme classe que Lucie ?
00:11:43Dans le mĂȘme groupe, anglais, italien ?
00:11:45Ouais, troisiĂšme grand.
00:11:51BientĂŽt tes vacances ?
00:11:53Pas trop tĂŽt.
00:11:55Ăa te fait pas trop mal ?
00:11:57Tu veux pas qu'on aille en pharmacie ?
00:11:59Non, non.
00:12:01Je voudrais que vous me payiez un jeu vidéo, au lieu du coca.
00:12:05C'est combien ?
00:12:07C'est 100 francs.
00:12:11Je peux avoir un café et un Coca-Cola, s'il vous plaßt ?
00:12:14Vous ĂȘtes sympa.
00:12:32C'est un jeu trĂšs dur, mais c'est le sens que j'aime.
00:12:34C'est reparti.
00:12:36Les jumeaux, ça va ĂȘtre votre fĂȘte.
00:12:50Il y a des lanceurs de couteaux.
00:12:52Ils lancent en haut ou en bas.
00:12:54Alors il faut se baisser ou il faut sauter.
00:13:00Au bout de chaque Ă©tage, il y a une vacherie.
00:13:02Un grand mec ou un sorcier.
00:13:04Il faut le niquer pour monter.
00:13:06Et chaque fois, on nous rappelle qu'il faut délivrer Sylvia au cinquiÚme étage.
00:13:12Ăa y est, je suis au second.
00:13:14Les petites jarres, vous voyez les jarres qui tombent du plafond ?
00:13:16Il y a des petits serpents qui sortent.
00:13:18Il faut les Ă©viter, sinon on perd des points de vie.
00:13:20On s'en va.
00:13:22VoilĂ !
00:13:24En est-il lĂ ?
00:13:26Je voulais déjà que ça soit la prochaine fois.
00:13:30Mais pas ici, c'était trop prÚs du lycée.
00:13:36VoilĂ .
00:13:44Si tu veux.
00:13:48C'Ă©tait bon de le regarder.
00:13:50Il Ă©tait complĂštement dans son jeu.
00:13:52Habile, passionné.
00:14:04Ă la maison, tout Ă©tait si calme.
00:14:06Il y avait de l'absence dans l'air.
00:14:18Tu ne dis pas grand-chose.
00:14:28Je vais te faire une confidence.
00:14:32Moi, quand j'avais ton Ăąge,
00:14:34j'Ă©tais amoureuse d'un homme
00:14:36qui avait quinze ans, vingt ans de plus que moi.
00:14:42Je me souviens.
00:14:44Il faisait des efforts fous pour me respecter.
00:14:46On passait les aprĂšs-midi ensemble,
00:14:48des heures et des heures Ă rien faire,
00:14:50Ă parler.
00:14:52J'adorais ça.
00:14:54J'adorais me sentir si importante,
00:14:56si unique.
00:14:58Pourquoi tu me dis ça ?
00:15:00Ăa me gĂȘne.
00:15:02C'est pour que je te fasse des confidences,
00:15:04t'amences la pompe.
00:15:06Moi, je n'aime pas parler.
00:15:08Ou alors pas Ă la maison.
00:15:10C'est si important, les sentiments.
00:15:12Ă quatorze, quinze,
00:15:14seize ans.
00:15:16En fait, si je me souviens bien,
00:15:18j'Ă©tais mĂȘme pas folle de lui.
00:15:20Juste trÚs, trÚs flattée qu'il soit fou de moi.
00:15:22ArrĂȘte, laisse-moi.
00:15:28Dis, t'as déjà joué aux jeux vidéo, toi ?
00:15:30Moi, non.
00:15:32Je n'ai jamais joué.
00:15:34Dis, t'as déjà joué aux jeux vidéo, toi ?
00:15:36Moi, non, pas trop.
00:15:38Non, mais t'as déjà essayé.
00:15:40Oui, au café du lycée, il y en a un.
00:15:42Mais c'est vachement dur.
00:15:44Pourquoi tu me demandes ça ?
00:15:46Tu vas y jouer quand tu sors seule ?
00:15:48Oh, ça va, hein ?
00:16:00Ah, ouais ?
00:16:02Ah, ouais ?
00:16:08Monsieur, vous ne savez pas oĂč il y a d'autres jeux vidĂ©o comme ça ?
00:16:12Sur le boulevard, il y a d'autres cafés.
00:16:14Ah, oui, merci.
00:16:16Il dit qu'au café, l'autre...
00:16:32Dis, vous n'avez pas vu un jeu oĂč il y avait un petit bonhomme blanc,
00:16:34avec une pagode et des escaliers, un truc karaté ?
00:16:36Kung-Fu Master ?
00:16:38Pas ici, non.
00:16:40Oui, je crois que j'en suis l'un.
00:17:02Vous avez un jeu qui s'appelle Kung-Fu Master, ici ?
00:17:06Non, non. Allez voir, il y en a un.
00:17:08Bon, merci.
00:17:32Allez, allons.
00:17:34Allez, allons.
00:17:36LĂ , c'est encore, encore.
00:17:50AllĂŽ ? Qui est lĂ ?
00:17:52Je veux ouvrir, je veux ouvrir.
00:18:02Mais Lucie n'est pas lĂ , elle est chez son pĂšre.
00:18:04C'est pas pour Lucie.
00:18:08Mais c'est pour nous, pour Lou et moi.
00:18:10Pour moi aussi, j'en ai pris trois.
00:18:16Allez, entre.
00:18:18On va aller manger.
00:18:22Je ne suis pas habillée, parce que c'est dimanche.
00:18:24Je m'en fous.
00:18:28Lucie dit que c'est des pyjamas d'internat.
00:18:30J'ai failli y aller, moi, en internat.
00:18:32Quand mes parents sont partis en Afrique, j'avais le choix.
00:18:34Soit Ă la pension, soit chez mes grands-parents.
00:18:36Je préfÚre aller vieux, parce que les pyjamas...
00:18:40Tu es venue pour Lucie ?
00:18:42Ah, non, non, non.
00:18:44Elle m'avait prévenue qu'elle était avec son pÚre.
00:18:46Je ne savais pas quoi faire.
00:18:48Moi non plus, je ne savais pas quoi faire.
00:18:50Mon papa n'est pas venu aujourd'hui.
00:18:52Puisqu'on est tous largués, on pourrait faire un club.
00:18:56Bon, d'accord, on t'emmĂšne avec nous.
00:18:58Mais c'est une surprise.
00:19:00Quelle surprise ?
00:19:02Tu vas voir.
00:19:04Tu chouffes le four et tu chouffes les laits.
00:19:06On y va.
00:19:14C'est ça, la surprise ? Une salle de jeu ?
00:19:16C'est génial.
00:19:18Pas n'importe quel jeu. J'ai trouvé ton chouchou.
00:19:20C'est vrai ?
00:19:22C'est bien, lui.
00:19:24Cette fois-ci, vous essayez.
00:19:26Lou, enlĂšve ton cul.
00:19:28Il fait chaud ici.
00:19:32Avec quelle manette j'en recule si tout va mal ?
00:19:34Non, non, il faut foncer. Appuyez tout le temps.
00:19:38Et merde.
00:19:40Mais débattez-vous, là , débattez-vous.
00:19:42Frappez avec le pied, vers le bas.
00:19:44Mais c'est dur. Je me trompe de manette, j'y arrive pas.
00:19:46Attendez. Frappez pas dans le vide, vous perdez du temps.
00:19:48Ăa va trop vite.
00:19:50Attention, derriĂšre.
00:19:52Ă quoi tu fais jouer ?
00:19:54C'est dur.
00:19:56Vous riez. Concentrez-vous, plutĂŽt.
00:20:00Ăa va trop vite. J'ai le cĆur qui bat.
00:20:02Non, ne vous laissez pas attraper.
00:20:08Vous ĂȘtes vraiment nuls.
00:20:10Prends ma place, alors.
00:20:12Ok, ok.
00:20:14Lou, regarde.
00:20:16Et moi, je peux jouer aussi ?
00:20:18Il va affronter le magicien.
00:20:20Quel magicien ?
00:20:22En tout cas, Julia ne va pas se laisser changer un drapeau.
00:20:26Avec du ciel extraordinaire.
00:20:28T'as vu, Lou ?
00:20:30Il sort du nuage.
00:20:32Sale bossy. Vrai dégueu.
00:20:34C'est quoi, un vrai dégueu ?
00:20:36Ăa y est, je l'ai niquĂ©.
00:20:38Bien, dis donc.
00:20:40Pauvre Sylvia qui s'impatiente.
00:20:44Au quatriĂšme, maintenant, c'est autre chose.
00:20:46Je vais me taper les abeilles, les armées de nains.
00:20:48Est-ce que c'est cette nave blanche neige ?
00:20:54Au revoir, mademoiselle Lou.
00:20:58Et le jeune homme ?
00:21:00C'est un ami de ma fille.
00:21:02C'est bien.
00:21:04Allez, au revoir. Bonne journée. Merci.
00:21:20Oh, c'est froid.
00:21:22Oui, ça fait du mal.
00:21:28Oh, les pauvres loulous.
00:21:34Ils meurent de sommeil.
00:21:42Mais qu'est-ce que tu fais planté, là ?
00:21:44Il pleut.
00:21:46Donne-moi les paquets.
00:21:50Non, il n'y a pas de paquets.
00:22:02Il pleut.
00:22:18Il n'y a plus de coca.
00:22:20Non, il n'y a pas de coca.
00:22:22D'ailleurs, c'est trĂšs mauvais, le coca, le soir.
00:22:26Ăa Ă©nerve.
00:22:28T'as fini tes devoirs ?
00:22:30Oui, maman.
00:22:32T'as rien Ă me faire signer ?
00:22:38Avec papa, ça allait ?
00:22:42Il s'est acheté un chien.
00:22:48T'as rangé ta chambre ?
00:22:54Ă la fin d'un dimanche qui finissait trop tĂŽt,
00:22:56je me vengeais bĂȘtement sur Lucie.
00:22:58Elle ne disait rien.
00:23:00Est-ce que je rĂąlais chaque dimanche
00:23:02quand elle revenait de chez son pĂšre ?
00:23:28J'ai peur.
00:23:50HĂ©, Lucie.
00:23:54On fait tous les deux l'exposé.
00:23:56Ouais, mais il est jamais lĂ .
00:23:58On travaille chez toi ou chez moi ?
00:24:00Oh, Ă©coute, c'est aprĂšs les vacances de PĂąques.
00:24:04Qu'est-ce qu'il y a avec Lucie ?
00:24:06Tu cherches.
00:24:08Faudrait quand mĂȘme pas qu'il croit que c'est arrivĂ©.
00:24:10Quelque chose.
00:24:12Te plains pas.
00:24:14Moi, je fais le front pop avec Jacob.
00:24:16C'est pas mieux.
00:24:18T'aimerais le faire avec qui ?
00:24:20Je sais pas. Je m'en fous.
00:24:22Avec la prof d'histoire.
00:24:24Ăcoute, une prof avec un cul comme ça,
00:24:26mais c'est de la retraite illico.
00:24:28Tu crains avec tes histoires de cul.
00:24:30J'en ai une bonne autre Ă conter.
00:24:32Tu sais pourquoi les Belges boivent plus de limonade ?
00:24:34Parce qu'ils ont peur d'attraper le soda.
00:24:36C'est goulot.
00:24:38Ne rigolez pas comme des cons.
00:24:40C'est complĂštement ridicule, vos histoires de soda-cida.
00:24:42Moi, j'ai lu plein de trucs, je vous assure.
00:24:44C'est pas un peu pédé, toi ?
00:24:46C'est pas du tout.
00:24:54C'est pas du tout.
00:25:02Les sciences nat, y'en a marre !
00:25:04Il a charrié, là , les blancs.
00:25:06Ses questions Ă©taient vraiment vicieuses.
00:25:08C'est hors programme.
00:25:10Moi, j'avais tout rĂ©visĂ© sur le cĆur.
00:25:12Il a pas donné une seule question dessus.
00:25:14Non, mais il est toujours comme ça.
00:25:16Tu sais qu'il donne des zéros à tous ceux
00:25:18qui sont pas aux preuves blancs ?
00:25:20Ouais, il en a mĂȘme donnĂ© Ă Julien,
00:25:22depuis plusieurs jours. C'est vraiment dégueulasse.
00:25:24Ouais, il accepte toute une excuse.
00:25:26C'est complĂštement fanatique.
00:25:28Salut, maman !
00:25:30Salut !
00:25:52Ah, voilĂ les surveillants des TroisiĂšme.
00:25:54Ah, c'est vous.
00:25:56C'est pour Julien, TroisiĂšme 3.
00:25:58Non, je ne sais pas son nom de famille,
00:26:00mais il est absent depuis quelques jours.
00:26:02Lucie a oublié de prendre des polycopiers
00:26:04pour lui et le travail.
00:26:06Je peux passer ?
00:26:22Allez, allons-y pour le numéro de la maman comme il faut.
00:26:24Quand je vais au lycée ou chez l'avocat,
00:26:26je sors le collier de perles
00:26:28et le petit tailleur.
00:26:30Et pour faire le poids,
00:26:32je mets des perles aux oreilles.
00:26:42C'est un bon camarade Ă Lucie.
00:26:44On avait pas de nouvelles.
00:26:46Ses parents sont en Afrique.
00:26:48Ah, c'est ça.
00:26:50Et merci pour l'adresse, Lucie l'avait pas.
00:26:54Si tous les parents étaient aussi concernés que vous...
00:26:56Au revoir.
00:26:58Au revoir, monsieur.
00:27:20Je viens pour Julien.
00:27:22C'est de la part de l'Ă©cole.
00:27:24Bonjour, madame.
00:27:26Bonjour, madame.
00:27:28Donnez-vous la peine d'entrer.
00:27:30C'est lĂ .
00:27:34Ăa lui fera plaisir d'avoir une visite.
00:27:46Bonjour, madame.
00:27:54C'est Lucie qui vous a dit de venir.
00:27:58T'es pĂąle.
00:28:00J'en ai marre.
00:28:02J'en ai marre de tout.
00:28:06MĂȘme de moi.
00:28:08Non, je vous attendais.
00:28:10Ăa fait deux jours que je vous attendais.
00:28:12Je suis lĂ .
00:28:18J'en ai marre d'ĂȘtre malade.
00:28:20J'en ai marre d'ĂȘtre ici.
00:28:22J'en ai marre d'avoir 14 ans, d'avoir la fiĂšvre
00:28:24et cet appareil de merde dans la bouche.
00:28:26Je peux pas te sauver.
00:28:28Et puis, je suis pas un dentiste.
00:28:40Sois pas triste.
00:28:42Ecoute, t'es en pyjama.
00:28:44Quand t'es venu me visiter,
00:28:46moi aussi, j'Ă©tais en pyjama.
00:28:48On dirait qu'on est deux petits vieux
00:28:50qui se rendent visite Ă l'hospice.
00:29:14Qu'est-ce qui lui est arrivé?
00:29:26Guerre-toi vite.
00:29:30Retourne Ă l'Ă©cole.
00:29:34Si tu as besoin de moi, téléphone-moi.
00:29:46There's water that spilled all over the milk.
00:29:50What's the matter, you don't look well.
00:29:52You're all red.
00:29:54I saw a sad movie.
00:29:56Oh yeah, what was it?
00:29:58An old movie, you wouldn't have liked it
00:30:00When did you see it?
00:30:02Four years ago.
00:30:04I can't remember what it was about.
00:30:06A film about a girl
00:30:08who's having a hard time with a man.
00:30:10Oh, alright.
00:30:12At four o'clock.
00:30:14Well, at four o'clock I saw you at the high school.
00:30:17At first I thought you were coming to pick me up,
00:30:19but since you weren't getting out of your car,
00:30:21I thought you were avoiding me.
00:30:24I was staring at you, and a quarter of an hour later,
00:30:26you were back in the high school.
00:30:28Sherlock Holmes, eh?
00:30:32Did you go to see Mrs. Lavillier?
00:30:35Yes, precisely.
00:30:38Was it because I wasn't there on Thursday?
00:30:40Yes, precisely.
00:30:42So, was it hard?
00:30:44Oh, rather.
00:30:46Absences without excuses and lies.
00:30:49They don't come with that.
00:30:53But I discovered you.
00:30:56I said you were with me for family reasons.
00:31:07That's good. You got the idea.
00:31:09My girlfriend is talented, we know that.
00:31:11The only flaw is that she's late.
00:31:13The others have been waiting for two days.
00:31:15Well, now it's done, it's done, we don't talk about it anymore.
00:31:17Come to my office here, we'll buy you stockings.
00:31:19No, no.
00:31:20Bye, Mary Jane. Thank you.
00:31:22Goodbye, sir.
00:31:27It's true that they're all angry.
00:31:29You never answer the phone these days.
00:31:31What's wrong with you? Are you depressed?
00:31:34Are you in love?
00:31:37That's it, you're in love.
00:31:39But no, I was joking.
00:31:41There's nothing new.
00:31:43You're not going to be like Isabelle.
00:31:45Three years that she's been crying after her boob,
00:31:47she's going to end up drying herself on the spot.
00:31:49What do you have against drying?
00:31:51And I'm not an easy girl.
00:31:53You should take advantage of being alone.
00:31:55You have a beautiful remains, you know.
00:31:59You always have a little innocent air.
00:32:01You can find a guy, even a little young one.
00:32:03Oh, you're rude.
00:32:05You talk like people who have everything.
00:32:07A family, children, a permanent job.
00:32:11You think it doesn't bother you sometimes,
00:32:13a united family, a husband and not so much with the others.
00:32:16No, I'm just saying that you're free and you don't take advantage of it.
00:32:19Remember when we were young.
00:32:22Oh, don't listen to yourself.
00:32:24I never dared anything.
00:32:26And now I tell Lucie, don't do this, don't do that.
00:32:28I didn't even dare to talk to her about the pill.
00:32:31You're late.
00:32:33You know, I put the box of hoods in the bathroom.
00:32:35Who, you?
00:32:37You know, Thomas and his friends, all more or less 15 years old.
00:32:39I hear them sometimes.
00:32:41For him, there is no choice.
00:32:43I swear to you that it's really not very romantic
00:32:46in the new loves now.
00:32:48And apart from that, how are they doing?
00:32:50The big one is fine, Marie is fine too.
00:32:52She's funny, but...
00:32:54Thomas, he's really a coward.
00:32:56He's painful.
00:32:58Yet he seems to love you.
00:33:00Oh, yes, he kisses me, all that, but...
00:33:02He doesn't care.
00:33:04At school, it's average.
00:33:06And at home, it's catastrophic.
00:33:08The mustard pots remain open.
00:33:10The toothpaste tube too.
00:33:12The pyjama is in the shower, but we can't find the comb.
00:33:14And his room.
00:33:16The jeans on the floor, the way he left them, in accordion.
00:33:18The sneakers on the pillow.
00:33:20The underpants on the desk, to dip in the full sandwiches.
00:33:22It's not complicated.
00:33:24You can follow him.
00:33:26If there are pieces of biscuits near the television,
00:33:28if the cannel stays plugged,
00:33:30it's because he watched a porno last night.
00:33:34Curiosity and fragility.
00:33:36It touches me a lot.
00:33:38We can see that you don't have any at home.
00:33:40All I hear is that you don't like disarray.
00:33:42I think you have the skin of a boy.
00:33:46Yes, of course, I love him.
00:33:48I love him.
00:33:50But 15 years is really the age of fat.
00:34:00I'm tired of breathing that thing.
00:34:02It's better to warn you than to heal.
00:34:04But I'm healed.
00:34:06Take precautions again, darling.
00:34:08It's better to be careful.
00:34:18One more day in detention for Marcel Carton,
00:34:20Marcel Fontaine,
00:34:22Jean-Paul Kaufmann,
00:34:24Jean-Louis Normandin.
00:34:26The French hostages in Lebanon
00:34:28have still not been released.
00:34:30The decision of the Constitutional Council
00:34:32was made last night.
00:34:34The Council, as you know,
00:34:36has said yes to the Lamassure amendment.
00:34:42Here we are.
00:34:44Here we are.
00:34:48Here we are.
00:34:56Here we are.
00:35:00Here we are.
00:35:22Here we are.
00:35:26It doesn't matter.
00:35:45This one is beautiful.
00:35:48This is more our department, the 50's.
00:35:51The hat is really cool.
00:35:53Yeah, but it's useless.
00:35:55We can unbuckle it.
00:35:57We can unbuckle it.
00:35:58It's simple, you just have to saw the skin
00:36:00and remove the plastic.
00:36:01Then there's something to do.
00:36:02On the carburetor, a little adjustment.
00:36:04Slowly, slowly.
00:36:07I'm still hesitating between the salienne,
00:36:09which is a more advanced line, more advanced,
00:36:11and then the hat,
00:36:12which must have performances in the middle.
00:36:14In fact, I should try it.
00:36:16Ah yes, but without the parents, it's impossible.
00:36:18On the other hand, you can remove the plastic,
00:36:20now it doesn't rain anymore.
00:36:23Even on the new ones, it's too hot.
00:36:25Yeah, yeah.
00:36:28This one is not bad.
00:36:31Yeah, it's cool.
00:36:32Did you see the mileage?
00:36:35What is this temper?
00:36:38It's cool.
00:36:39Yeah, I didn't know you with that.
00:36:41Yeah, but it's great.
00:36:42I found it at home in an old trunk.
00:36:44You know he's at least 30 years old,
00:36:45but he feels a little shy.
00:36:46Fuck, I did all the tricks to find it like that.
00:36:48If you're the Colombian.
00:36:50You'll never find it like that.
00:36:51I'll exchange it for you.
00:36:52Yeah, against what?
00:36:53A calculator.
00:36:54No, no.
00:36:55A real little gem,
00:36:56not just any calculator.
00:36:58Oh yeah.
00:36:59Directly from Japan.
00:37:01You won't find it like that here.
00:37:02Okay, it works.
00:37:16And then I got a call that disturbed me.
00:37:19Hello, it's Julien.
00:37:20I have good news to tell you.
00:37:22We have to meet.
00:37:23We have to celebrate.
00:37:24So I said yes.
00:37:26And I added without thinking.
00:37:28I want to celebrate.
00:37:29So meet me at 5 and a quarter.
00:37:30Just now.
00:37:31It's at 42 Lafayette Street.
00:37:32It's at my cousin's.
00:37:33It's cool.
00:37:34You have to keep the little wolf by Lucy
00:37:36or by anyone.
00:37:37But you come, huh?
00:37:39I said very quickly yes.
00:37:40Can I call you Mary Jane?
00:37:42And not madam?
00:37:43Of course.
00:37:44I call you well, Julien.
00:37:46Between us it's over, madam.
00:37:48And do we still say my love?
00:37:56He hung up.
00:37:58And I ran to the appointment.
00:38:38What do you want to drink?
00:38:40Something orange, a cocktail.
00:38:43A vodka orange and a coca, please.
00:38:47Hello Vincent.
00:38:48How are you?
00:38:49As usual.
00:38:50A biscuit for your baby.
00:38:52He's in love.
00:38:53He often has beautiful dreams.
00:38:58It's not good to make fun of people.
00:39:03Oh, that's it.
00:39:04Your teeth.
00:39:05They are free.
00:39:11That was the good news.
00:39:12And also...
00:39:13Your daughter is a mystery.
00:39:15You give me an appointment at your cousin's
00:39:17and it's a bar in a hotel.
00:39:19Ah, but I assure you.
00:39:21He lives here.
00:39:22Besides, the hotel belongs to the family.
00:39:27We can go up.
00:39:28It's nice up there.
00:39:29We can go up.
00:39:36Come on, let's go.
00:39:44The fish.
00:39:45We'll bring them up.
00:39:47I'll go down.
00:39:49Come in.
00:40:14I won't go to a hotel room with you.
00:40:18You're crazy.
00:40:20But it's really at my cousin's.
00:40:22And here's the second surprise.
00:40:24Your cousin.
00:40:25I'm sure your cousin doesn't even exist.
00:40:28You're disgusting, Florent.
00:40:38We don't smoke at your age.
00:40:39And not in an elevator.
00:40:41Otherwise we'll smash you.
00:40:44Dirty kid.
00:41:12I love Mary Jane.
00:41:15She is beautiful herself.
00:41:22I received a letter of love and a pair of slaps.
00:41:26It was better not to see him again.
00:41:42Wherever we go, there are problems.
00:41:44There will be, both economically and racially,
00:41:48a lot of difficulties.
00:41:49We don't want to hang a rich Jew
00:41:51from Munich to Berlin.
00:41:53It will be meaningless.
00:41:55But the Judeo-Marxist spirit must be completely removed
00:41:58from our populist state,
00:42:00supported by the best national forces.
00:42:02We just have to re-copy that.
00:42:05Hey, come on.
00:42:07Don't be a princess.
00:42:09No, I'm not a princess.
00:42:10I'm not even a Karadzic.
00:42:11Wow, she's so wise, this Lucie.
00:42:17Here it is.
00:42:19Herr General, we have a big work to do.
00:42:23So I made a little summary.
00:42:25Hitler, a failed artist, marginal,
00:42:27son of an Austrian customs officer,
00:42:29enters the army with enthusiasm.
00:42:33Jawohl, Herr General Lucie.
00:42:35Come in here. Some biscuits.
00:42:37It's good.
00:42:47It seems that the rise of Nazism
00:42:49at the beginning was not brilliant.
00:42:51It seems that the Nazi Party had only six adherents.
00:42:53I see that from here.
00:42:55In a small crude 8th-century bowl,
00:42:57without a lift,
00:42:58six Nazis, completely nazis,
00:43:00who shouted,
00:43:01Hey, Adolf!
00:43:04And I have another joke.
00:43:05The young people of Hitler were wearing
00:43:07very large shorts.
00:43:09Stop your nonsense.
00:43:10We have to finish before the holidays.
00:43:13Where are you going?
00:43:14To England, to my grandparents.
00:43:16You're poor.
00:43:17I don't move from here.
00:43:18My views never move.
00:43:20I'm going to Switzerland.
00:43:21No, I prefer England.
00:43:22It's more chic.
00:43:24Are you taking me in your suitcase
00:43:25or am I going by bike?
00:43:26You don't know London, that's good.
00:43:28You'll like it.
00:43:29There are all kind people
00:43:30and others who don't care.
00:43:32You know, I adapt to all countries.
00:43:34And besides, I promise you
00:43:35to make the whole exhibition
00:43:36fully illustrated by my artistic care.
00:43:39If you give me space on the pages.
00:43:41What about me?
00:43:42Oh, you already provided the food,
00:43:43the helmet, the pen.
00:43:44It's good.
00:43:45I'll make you sign my drawings.
00:43:48Can't you bring me back some
00:43:49mounting docks?
00:43:50If I give you the money,
00:43:51it's half price at the moment.
00:43:52No, but it's not okay.
00:43:53I don't want to carry your goddasses
00:43:54everywhere to please you.
00:43:55It's huge, it's heavy.
00:43:57You just have to put on sneakers
00:43:58like everyone else.
00:43:59Converse then?
00:44:01Always the brands,
00:44:02always the clothes.
00:44:03You're stupid.
00:44:07Well, go ahead, my friends.
00:44:09Sign my beautiful drawings.
00:44:10I offer them to you
00:44:11in exchange for a little friendship.
00:44:17I, Soussignier Lucie,
00:44:21to take Julien to London
00:44:25on the condition
00:44:26that he raises his little finger
00:44:28while taking the tea.
00:44:33Would you like an ice cup of tea,
00:44:36With a drop of milk, please.
00:44:40I love you.
00:44:41I love you, too.
00:44:42I love you, too.
00:44:46What do you have?
00:44:48It's for us.
00:44:50Oh, a gift.
00:44:53This is a friend of Lucie's.
00:44:56It's your first visit to London.
00:44:59You have to answer in English.
00:45:01Yes, it's my first visit to London.
00:45:04First trip to London, madame.
00:45:08You can call me Judy,
00:45:10if you want.
00:45:14Call me David.
00:45:15Thank you, sir.
00:45:20Oh, what a honey.
00:45:23Come on, everyone.
00:45:24Come in.
00:45:25Come in.
00:45:27Check this baby room.
00:45:29It's full of toys.
00:45:31I put you here
00:45:32with Lou.
00:45:34I'm with Lucie
00:45:36in my baby room.
00:45:51Do you want to sleep upstairs or downstairs?
00:45:53No, upstairs.
00:45:55Come on.
00:45:56We're tired.
00:45:58One, two, three, go!
00:46:00When Julien's grandmother called me
00:46:02before our departure,
00:46:04I didn't know that Lucie
00:46:05had made an alliance with him.
00:46:07In the end,
00:46:08everything happened as a family.
00:46:10But I had a hard time
00:46:11seeing him as a child's friend.
00:46:13Come on, Lucie!
00:46:14Come on, Julien!
00:46:22It's you.
00:46:23It's you.
00:46:27Part three.
00:46:28To find out why true romance
00:46:30is such a wonderful thing.
00:46:33It's too unfair
00:46:34on poor Margaret Thatcher.
00:46:36There was no laughing matter.
00:46:38I know,
00:46:39but I suppose that's the point, isn't it?
00:46:41You didn't have it like this in France.
00:46:43Hey, first sex.
00:46:45Thank you, Margaret.
00:46:49Mary Jane, c'est quoi AIDS?
00:46:51AIDS, it's...
00:46:53C'est sida en anglais.
00:46:56Good morning, Doctor.
00:46:57Good morning, Mr. Hasselblad.
00:46:59Are the results of my tests back yet?
00:47:01Yes, they are.
00:47:02I'm afraid you've got AIDS
00:47:04and you're going to die.
00:47:07Oh, no!
00:47:11Can I have your stereo when you're dead?
00:47:19C'est pas mal, ça.
00:47:21For though AIDS itself may still be rare,
00:47:23the virus which causes it is spreading fast.
00:47:26Does it have a number?
00:47:29That blue thing is going to eat all the red things.
00:47:37But if we have 50,000 infected people now,
00:47:41and the trend continues as it is,
00:47:43that's what we're talking about.
00:47:45In five years' time,
00:47:47one to two million people in five years' time
00:47:49will get straight to the point of infection.
00:47:51Look at this.
00:47:53It's only then they realise they have AIDS.
00:47:56In a year or so...
00:47:57That's what it is.
00:47:58It is terrifying, the fact that it's growing so fast.
00:48:01John, Theresa, Barry, and now Sharon.
00:48:05Will she join the list?
00:48:07If Sharon sleeps with Barry,
00:48:09in effect, she'll be sleeping with everyone
00:48:11he and his partners slept with over the last eight years.
00:48:15Barry could give Sharon more than a romantic memory.
00:48:19One night of passion, and in a few years, she could be dead.
00:48:23One night of passion, and in a few years, she could be dead.
00:48:34That reminds me of something.
00:48:36Condom collector, Philip Kesselman.
00:48:38This is my favourite brand.
00:48:40You can see that, at different angles,
00:48:44you find that the lady on the packet is...
00:48:46He collects condoms.
00:48:48Inside there are four more packets.
00:48:53How do you open it?
00:48:54I used to collect bus tickets myself.
00:48:58You would? You're so romantic.
00:49:01Some people collect love letters.
00:49:04And it's no harm, I think, if the lady...
00:49:06Now, that's supposed to be an erection.
00:49:08You put it on and roll it slowly down the penis.
00:49:11Now, write down...
00:49:13That's disgusting.
00:49:15Would you like me to turn it off?
00:49:18Maybe, Sharon.
00:49:44Look, it's a pool.
00:49:46A pool?
00:49:47It's a bucket.
00:49:48A bathtub.
00:49:49What do I say? A bathtub.
00:49:50A cup of coffee.
00:49:51No, but in the summer, we bathe, we put water in it.
00:49:58It's cold this morning.
00:50:02I assure you, we bathe.
00:50:05And in the winter, it's a really good hideout.
00:50:07Hello, cowboy.
00:50:38Are you ready to die for love?
00:50:40We're just handing out some information about AIDS.
00:50:42Are you ready to die for love?
00:50:44Are you ready to die for love?
00:50:46AIDS, they only talk about that here.
00:50:48English people are all sexually obsessed.
00:50:50Say, do you have something against us English people?
00:50:53No, no, no.
00:50:54Anyway, in France, it's exactly the same.
00:50:56Same information, same thing.
00:50:58There are so many little drawings like that.
00:51:00What's that?
00:51:01I don't know.
00:51:06Hey, Lou, look.
00:51:07Put it in your pocket.
00:51:08Lou, look.
00:51:10It's beautiful.
00:51:11It's beautiful.
00:51:20When I was little, I loved Easter.
00:51:22Children love that.
00:51:25My mother hid the eggs.
00:51:27I hide the eggs.
00:51:32Does everything repeat itself?
00:51:34The gestures, the emotions?
00:51:36Do all the women, once in their life,
00:51:38crack in front of a teenager?
00:51:40Did my mother crack?
00:51:43Or only those who have no sons?
00:52:08I don't know.
00:52:29You're crazy.
00:52:31So you're hiding eggs?
00:52:33I've learned a lot about you.
00:52:38Can you say that again?
00:52:43Always pajamas.
00:53:08Is it tomorrow?
00:53:21I'm here.
00:53:32Is this happy Easter?
00:53:33You disgust me.
00:53:35It's because he kissed me, isn't it?
00:53:38Did you sleep with him?
00:53:40It's none of your business, Lucy.
00:53:43Good idea.
00:53:44Speak a little English.
00:53:45How do you say in your language
00:53:46kissing a 14-year-old boy?
00:53:48Minor turnover.
00:53:49Does that exist in your language?
00:53:52You're proud of my grades.
00:53:57I'm not bilingual enough to say
00:53:59the words of what you do,
00:54:00the disgusting words.
00:54:02You make me moral.
00:54:07At 15, you can do this and not that.
00:54:10Be careful, boys can hurt you
00:54:12long before they love you.
00:54:15Lucy, shut up.
00:54:16Shut up.
00:54:18I think you're jealous.
00:54:19Jealous of Morveux?
00:54:20No, I wouldn't want to.
00:54:22You're jealous because someone wants me,
00:54:25while in your eyes I'm old and finished.
00:54:32You're not old and I'm not jealous.
00:54:34But 20 years apart is really disgusting.
00:54:36You're in your parents' garden.
00:54:38Yes, in this garden
00:54:41where I flirted at your age
00:54:43with boys your age.
00:54:57I didn't do anything wrong, Ma.
00:54:59Of course you didn't.
00:55:02You never did.
00:55:04You were always my good girl.
00:55:07And brave.
00:55:09Come on.
00:55:10Let's not spoil the day for the little ones.
00:55:37Gabrielle, you couldn't see it.
00:55:41Again, move on, again, move on.
00:55:53Bravo, Henry.
00:56:01Just a little bit of that egg.
00:56:06There we go.
00:56:07It's a little bit soggy, in fact.
00:56:15I'm starving.
00:56:19OK, we're going.
00:56:22Stop kicking them.
00:56:26Excuse me.
00:56:34Sweet boy.
00:56:37Very good, very good.
00:56:38Does that mean you want it?
00:56:54I don't know what to do.
00:56:56You must go away.
00:56:58I don't know where to go.
00:57:01I do.
00:57:03You must go to the island, of course.
00:57:06I'll give you the keys.
00:57:08Now, listen,
00:57:09I can take care of Lucy, and you too, if you like.
00:57:12You go with Julia.
00:57:14Love's the biggest mystery in life.
00:57:16Love's the biggest mystery in life.
00:57:39We're coming.
00:57:46We're coming.
00:57:56Where are the eggs?
00:58:01Is that it?
00:58:03Oh, it's hot.
00:58:05Do you know what their fish was?
00:58:09Their fish was dried lobster.
00:58:12Without mayonnaise, without oil, without anything at all.
00:58:15Just thanks to...
00:58:16Like all your stuff.
00:58:18Are you alone here?
00:58:20Yes, my little wolf.
00:58:21It's the wild life.
00:58:23No bus, no phone,
00:58:25and no school.
00:58:28It's what we call a desert island.
00:58:32Hey, tell me,
00:58:33is the guy coming back?
00:58:37I'm not sure, he's English.
00:58:40Maybe in a few days.
00:58:42And is there never anyone passing by?
00:58:45Never, never.
00:58:47But we have detergent rockets.
00:58:49What is a detergent rocket?
00:58:53It's an adventure.
00:59:08If you want, you can sleep with Lou in the big bed.
00:59:10I can sleep in the little bed.
00:59:12No, no, no.
00:59:13I prefer that she sleeps here, in this bed.
00:59:16So you unzip the blankets,
00:59:18you unzip them together,
00:59:20that way it's a big bag for the two of us.
00:59:24Full moon and oil lamp.
00:59:27That's life.
00:59:59I want to go to the park.
01:00:05Oh, she's gone, she's gone.
01:00:07You're not going to catch her, are you?
01:00:10Come back.
01:00:11The water is too cold.
01:00:12Come back.
01:00:38There are three of them!
01:00:39Are you taking the basket?
01:00:50Did you find the eggs?
01:00:52Oh, little Lou!
01:00:53Stay where you are!
01:00:55Don't move!
01:00:56We have fifteen!
01:00:57Three omelettes!
01:01:04One omelette.
01:01:06Some of them are crying like mommy.
01:01:07Did you hear that, Lou?
01:01:12What is it?
01:01:13It's me.
01:01:14It's you?
01:01:16It's you?
01:01:17Come on, it's me.
01:01:18It's you.
01:01:21Listen to this one.
01:01:24Why are you screaming?
01:01:25I'm not.
01:01:26I'm not.
01:01:27It's me.
01:01:28Stop screaming.
01:01:29It's me.
01:01:30It's me.
01:01:42It's me.
01:01:43It's me screaming.
01:01:46It's mommy.
01:01:50I want to go back, it's too cold.
01:01:51Oh, don't leave us alone.
01:02:21Oh, it's disgusting.
01:02:30How beautiful she is.
01:02:33Oh, I want to touch her.
01:02:35I'm sure she's soft.
01:02:38Yes, she's soft.
01:03:01There's a lot in my bag.
01:03:14Look at the man.
01:03:15Oh yeah?
01:03:16He's pretty.
01:03:17Oh, he lost his head.
01:03:18A brother is better than a sister.
01:03:32I love you a lot.
01:03:36Me too.
01:03:43But what can you do?
01:03:49The two of us, Captain.
01:03:56It's nice here.
01:03:57I'd like to spend my holidays here.
01:04:12I'm too old for you.
01:04:17But there's no video games here.
01:04:22I'm happy.
01:04:25I assure you.
01:04:27Kiss me or I'll die.
01:04:39You leave him an advantage, okay?
01:04:42You leave him an advantage, okay?
01:04:44Come on.
01:04:52The wolf won again.
01:04:57I never know anything.
01:04:59Lucy doesn't talk much.
01:05:02What do you play?
01:05:04It depends.
01:05:05Sometimes we play Dungeons and Dragons.
01:05:08It's an imagination game, if you want.
01:05:11You have to put yourself in a character's shoes
01:05:13and live an adventure decided by the Dungeon Master.
01:05:17He's the one who directs the game.
01:05:19You don't need anything.
01:05:20Just a piece of paper, a pencil and dice.
01:05:23I'm a warrior.
01:05:24A medieval warrior.
01:05:26Or rather, an assassin.
01:05:29A medieval assassin.
01:05:31And we're in a medieval setting.
01:05:34For example, the mission is to deliver a princess
01:05:36to a prison in a castle.
01:05:41You have to succeed in delivering her
01:05:42without getting hit in the head by a monster.
01:05:45Because you can meet monsters along the way.
01:05:47Trolls, gnomes, goblins.
01:05:50You shoot everything with your dice.
01:05:51Even my dexterity, my strength, my intelligence.
01:05:55And I buy weapons.
01:05:56Swords, weapons, daggers,
01:05:58battle swords.
01:06:00Okay, so I hit.
01:06:02I see if I hit or not,
01:06:03according to the dice
01:06:04and in relation to the class of the enemy.
01:06:07If he has two,
01:06:08a shield and a string, for example,
01:06:10I have to make 18 or more dice
01:06:11with 20 faces to hit him.
01:06:13So let's say I hit him
01:06:14with a sword that makes 1 to 6.
01:06:17So it's 1 to 6 as damage.
01:06:21Otherwise, there's the PDV.
01:06:23What is a PDV?
01:06:24It's the life points.
01:06:26It's the number of points you have.
01:06:30And when it's to zero, you're dead.
01:06:34And you can get them regenerated by a magician.
01:06:36If you have a ring, regenerate it.
01:06:39Do you play this game often?
01:06:41Yes, very often.
01:06:47And when you had a husband,
01:06:48did you have fun too?
01:06:54Stand up the crabs, the tide is rising.
01:06:56Oh, it's going up fast, shit.
01:06:58We got caught, we didn't see anything.
01:06:59There's water everywhere.
01:07:00Oh, the bottom of the duvet is all wet.
01:07:02Come on, little girl, move.
01:07:03Come on, move.
01:07:08Come on.
01:07:39Come on.
01:07:50What are you doing like that?
01:07:52I don't know.
01:07:53I didn't call.
01:07:55You look like a witch.
01:07:58That's not true.
01:07:59You're a pervert.
01:08:01My mom is prettier than you.
01:08:08Your eyes, hazelnuts, autumn colors.
01:08:12And then lots of little spots of blush.
01:08:16You didn't have that in Paris.
01:08:20And then, those teeth.
01:08:23I met you with a pile of iron in them.
01:08:27Those little shadows.
01:08:29And then, those teeth.
01:08:31I met you with a pile of iron in them.
01:08:34And then, those teeth.
01:08:36And then, those teeth.
01:08:38And then, those teeth.
01:08:43It's pretty.
01:08:48And I know I won't be there
01:08:51the day you get married.
01:08:55Why do you say that?
01:08:56Because I won't be there.
01:09:02Because people don't stay together, it's not true.
01:09:05No, don't say that.
01:09:08Don't say that.
01:09:10And I love you so much
01:09:14and you never say anything.
01:09:17I don't know if it's because
01:09:20you're shy
01:09:24but I'd do anything for you.
01:09:44You'll forget me.
01:09:46No, don't say that.
01:09:48I'll never forget you.
01:09:52Even if it's not true, thank you very much.
01:09:56It's true.
01:10:00I'm so afraid of losing you.
01:10:02Me too, I'm afraid.
01:10:03But don't say it.
01:10:08It's true.
01:10:38She came to threaten me with a court-martial.
01:10:42I was the horror, the criminal against nature.
01:10:45I had ruined everything.
01:10:48Julien had to change high school.
01:10:50Lucy, too.
01:10:52In addition, Lucy's father took her back with him.
01:10:56I was a bad example.
01:10:59Goodbye, Lucy!
01:11:01Lou was left to me, but not during the holidays.
01:11:05I spent the summer alone in Paris.
01:11:08I walked, I asked myself questions.
01:11:11I tormented myself. Did he love me? Did he forget me?
01:11:16I accepted that he forgot me, but not that he despised me.
01:11:20Not that he said bad things about me.
01:11:31And then I asked myself uninteresting questions.
01:11:34Did his cousin live in that hotel where I was ashamed?
01:11:39I went there one evening. There was a man at the door.
01:11:42I wondered if it was his uncle.
01:11:46I didn't want to go there anymore.
01:11:50I saw hotels from the North everywhere,
01:11:53to the point of nausea.
01:11:57Julien never called or wrote.
01:12:01Was he in Africa, or locked up somewhere?
01:12:06Once I told him a story from when I was young.
01:12:10A passion, no correspondence.
01:12:12Remaining post at the main post on Louvre Street.
01:12:16Did he remember that story?
01:12:19I went to Louvre Street from time to time.
01:12:23I wrote to him there. Remaining post, of course.
01:12:26I didn't know where to write to him.
01:12:30I hoped to find a letter from him one day,
01:12:33but he never wrote.
01:12:35I imagined him alive and laughing,
01:12:39but it was as if he were dead.
01:12:53Then autumn came, very early that year.
01:12:59It was the beginning of spring.
01:13:03I was in the garden.
01:13:06I was in the garden.
01:13:09I was in the garden.
01:13:12I was in the garden.
01:13:15I was in the garden.
01:13:18I was in the garden.
01:13:21I was in the garden.
01:13:24I was in the garden.
01:13:28The flowers are for Lou. She's not here.
01:13:32She's with her dad.
01:13:34No, it's for you.
01:13:37Don't stay here. Come sit down.
01:13:45The dog is yours, Dad?
01:13:48He gave it to me. I even changed its name.
01:13:51It's no longer Bistro, it's Bonnie.
01:13:54How are you?
01:13:59Why didn't you sit at the table?
01:14:02I don't know. I was reading.
01:14:05I didn't know what time you'd come.
01:14:08Were you waiting for me?
01:14:15I don't see you much.
01:14:20But you look good.
01:14:23You're beautiful.
01:14:26I feel like you've grown.
01:14:29Not since 15 days.
01:14:33How's the new high school?
01:14:37It's OK.
01:14:39At first it was hard, but then it was OK.
01:14:42I have friends.
01:14:46Yes, three of them.
01:14:48They adopted me.
01:14:50Have they adopted you more than the others?
01:14:53No, they haven't.
01:14:55But there are some.
01:14:57I like him better.
01:15:02He has to be a little big,
01:15:05not too stupid,
01:15:08a little calm,
01:15:10not smoke because it stinks,
01:15:12be careful of me,
01:15:14not wear leather blouses, it's ugly,
01:15:16nor Santiago.
01:15:18He can't talk without telling his friends or his daughter.
01:15:22It's better if he doesn't go out with another girl.
01:15:25Kisses behind the trees.
01:15:28Why do you say that?
01:15:30A boy told me that going out with a girl means flirting with her.
01:15:34You know that?
01:15:38He told me.
01:15:40Let's not talk about that.
01:15:42Do you want me to make tea?
01:15:46Take the flowers.
01:15:49If you don't like gardening, you should find a gardener.
01:16:17You know, in this season, it's really not worth it.
01:16:23Maybe in the spring,
01:16:25when we celebrate your birthday,
01:16:28I'll put flowers everywhere.
01:16:30Do you want to?
01:16:33You know, my friends made me sign a petition for high school
01:16:36for a video game test, reflexes and concentration.
01:16:40You signed it?
01:16:42Yes, of course, it's for fun.
01:16:44I'm going to play with them, there's a room not far from the high school.
01:16:47I go from one game to another, that's why I don't make progress.
01:16:50But it's fun.
01:16:52And sometimes we go to lunch instead of lunch.
01:16:55Sometimes, instead of lunch, I read.
01:16:58I really like reading.
01:17:00I like it too.
01:17:02Reading and playing, I like both.
01:17:05Not long ago, I read Les Cumes des jours by Boris Vian.
01:17:09You liked it?
01:17:10Yes, a lot.
01:17:11Oh, I'm so happy. I loved it when you were your age.
01:17:14For me, it was passion.
01:17:16It still is, by the way.
01:17:18And I also read Dostoevsky, Le joueur.
01:17:22And yes, playing is also passion.
01:17:47Yes, I got it!
01:17:57It's in the pocket.
01:18:06It's for the phone.
01:18:09Can you do something for me?
01:18:11It depends on what.
01:18:12Give me some paper.
01:18:14You have to call for me.
01:18:16Can you call this woman? I can't.
01:18:19Tell her that Julien delivered Sylvia and that you're a witness.
01:18:23And tell her that I've been trying for six months and that I just got there.
01:18:28And tell her that Sylvia... You'll remember, won't you?
01:18:31Thank you. For the phone.
01:18:34Another one on.
01:18:58Hello? Who is it?
01:19:00Mom and Dad aren't here?
01:19:02Oh, shit! It's too complicated.
01:19:14I'm sorry.
01:19:28Do you have a girlfriend?
01:19:30I used to.
01:19:31Who dumped the other one? Was she hot?
01:19:33She was a bourgeois.
01:19:35She had big feet, no nipples.
01:19:38She had two girls, one too big and one too small.
01:19:41But she was crazy about me.
01:19:43I let her do it, but...
01:19:46It really wasn't a big deal.
01:19:48And she wasn't young. She was really scared.
01:19:51Well, when you have to go, you have to go.