The christmas coffeepot

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Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video


00:00The Christmas Coffee Pot
00:05It was nearly Christmas, and Marian, the railway steam shovel, was working on Thomas' branch line.
00:14Oh, Christmas is such a magical time of the year! Who knows what I might dig up?
00:19Tinsel and Christmas lights, or buried presents!
00:26Marian had been sent to clear a disused scything, to make room for a new warehouse.
00:33Dirt the halls with boughs of holly, fa-da-na-na-na-la-la-la-la!
00:37Tis the season to be jolly, fa-da-na-na-na-la-la-la-la-la!
00:41Hey! Be careful! You nearly hit me!
00:46Look out!
00:47Sorry! Sorry! Nearly dug up a talking tree!
00:52What are you thinking? You must have imagined that voice, Marian.
00:56Quite right. There is no such thing as a talking tree.
01:00I'm not really a talking...
01:02Oh! Just a tree! I'm so sorry, I nearly hit you! Are you okay?
01:06I've never met a talking tree before! Not to mention a talking Christmas tree!
01:10This really is very magical! Very, very magical! Very, very, very, very...
01:16Don't worry. I'm not going to dig you up. Not now I know you're a real talking Christmas tree!
01:21Certainly not! No, no, no. I'll go and dig somewhere else.
01:25Oh! And I promise I won't bother you anymore. You won't even know I'm here.
01:42But Marian couldn't leave her new friend alone for long.
01:46Mr Christmas Tree, do you want to play?
01:49Guess what's in my shovel!
01:55Sorry. Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry. It was branches by the way.
01:59In my shovel. But never mind. I'll just go back to what I was doing and I'll dig more quietly from now on.
02:06Thomas! Thomas!
02:12Hello Marian!
02:13Wait! Thomas! Wait!
02:17I found something amazing!
02:25Finally! Thanks for waiting. You won't believe what I found, Thomas.
02:29In fact, I hardly believe it myself. It's magical. It's incredible. It's a talking Christmas tree!
02:39You're right, dear.
02:40We don't believe you.
02:42I know. You must come and have a look. Follow me. Back this way.
02:46I'm sorry, Marian. We have passengers to deliver.
02:58Toby! Henrietta! I've got something wonderful to show you!
03:03It wouldn't be a talking tree, would it?
03:05Yes, it is!
03:07Oh, you don't believe me either.
03:16Later at Knapford, everyone was talking about Marian.
03:20Do you think Marian really saw a talking Christmas tree?
03:24I don't know, but she is funny.
03:27I know you all think I imagined my talking Christmas tree, but I've come to see someone who I know will listen to me.
03:34The Fat Controller!
03:37Maybe Marian really did find something.
03:40Thomas's next train wasn't due for a while, so he decided to go and see for himself.
03:48His driver and fireman cleared away the branches, and suddenly Thomas saw what Marian had found.
03:55Oh! You're the coffee pot engine I replaced all those years ago.
04:00But you were on a siding near Farquhar Station last time I saw you.
04:04I was shunted here, there and everywhere before everyone finally forgot about me.
04:10I'm sorry I forgot you.
04:13Glenn. My name's Glenn. And you're Thomas, aren't you?
04:18How are you doing on my old branch line?
04:20Fine, thank you, Glenn.
04:22Oh, yes. Being useful always makes an engine feel good.
04:27Percy, meet Marian's talking Christmas tree.
04:31This is Glenn, the coffee pot engine who used to run my branch line.
04:37Nice to meet you, Glenn.
04:39Guess what, Thomas? Marian's bringing the Fat Controller here right now.
04:43Oh, dear. Once he sees I'm in the way on these sidings, then he'll have to move me again.
04:50Oh, to the scrapyard I'll go.
04:53Oh, dear. Once he sees I'm in the way on these sidings, then he'll have to move me again.
04:58Oh, to the scrapyard I expect.
05:01No, he can't.
05:06Mr Talking Christmas Tree, I'm back.
05:09Louie, where are you?
05:12Oh, he was here, sir. He was. I was talking to him.
05:17I suppose this means your magic tree can walk as well as talk, Marian.
05:22Great, sir. It must be the most magical Christmas tree ever.
05:32Phew. I think we moved you just in time, Glenn. He's gone. You'll be safe now.
05:39Thank you both, but you don't have to do this.
05:42The Fat Controller will find me eventually, and then...
05:52Do you think Glenn will really be scrapped when the Fat Controller finds him?
05:57I hope not. But how useful can an engine as old as Glenn be?
06:03Well, Stephen's even older than Glenn, and he's still working up at Ulstead Castle.
06:09Percy, you're brilliant!
06:12I am?
06:14The next morning, Thomas came back to find Glenn again, and he brought someone with him.
06:21Oh, Thomas, you were right. This is a very special engine indeed.
06:29The Earl quickly arranged for Glenn to be taken to the Sodor Steamworks to be restored.
06:43But then there was trouble.
06:45Hello, Thomas!
06:46It's him! Oh, no!
06:50Oh, dear.
06:56How did you know we were here, sir?
06:59Oh, because the Earl kindly called to ask my permission to have Glenn restored.
07:05And I must say, I think it's a marvellous idea. I'm only sorry I didn't think of it myself.
07:12So you're not going to scrap Mr. Coffee Pot after all?
07:16Of course not, Percy. And when you're fully restored and ready, Glenn,
07:21I hope you'll be happy to take me to the Earl's Christmas party.
07:26Of course, sir. It'll be just like old times.
07:31So on Christmas Eve, Glenn took the Fat Controller up to Ulstead Castle.
07:37I must say, Glenn, you look as splendid as the day I built you.
07:43Thank you, sir. I feel it.
07:48Oh, there she is. That's the engine who found me.
07:54Hello! Nice to see you again.
07:57Oh, it's you! I didn't recognise you with all those decorations.
08:02I thought you disappeared, but I suppose you planned to come here all along,
08:07you being a Christmas tree and all.
08:09You look more magical than ever now with all those lovely Christmas lights.
08:18Welcome to Ulstead Castle, Glenn.
08:21And thank you, Thomas, for rescuing our Christmas Coffee Pot.
08:26Another engine working here at the castle is the best present I could have wished for.
08:33Merry Christmas, one and all.
08:37Merry Christmas!