• 3 months ago
Food nostalgia: Which foods do you miss most from your childhood? If you could bring something back that’s been discontinued or you can no longer buy, what would it be? What sort of meals did you grow up eating that you don’t often have anymore?


00:00So food nostalgia, which foods do you miss the most from your childhood?
00:06Oh, wow, food nostalgia. I don't know, I'm quite a keen cook, so everything that my mum made, I try and make myself.
00:16I haven't quite got my lasagna as good as hers, so I guess I miss that.
00:23Yeah, I think I miss being less fussy about food.
00:28Food nostalgia, and which foods do you miss from your childhood that perhaps you don't eat now?
00:35I believe genuine Indian food. I'm from India, so I believe there's, I don't think so, there's a little bit slight sweeter taste than this side.
00:46In the UK, I feel like people can't have that much spices, and compared to back at home and compared to here, it's a bit sweeter.
00:56I feel like you should give genuine experience for everyone.
