With Christmas just around the corner, what’s your favourite Christmas song, and what makes it special to you?
00:00It was Christmas Eve in the drunk tank. That's all I can do, I'm afraid.
00:09Don't love Christmas songs, sadly. I could not tell you. I don't listen to any. I'm a
00:19bit of a Scrooge, to be honest.
00:24Buried by Christmas, which is a Wednesday 13 song.
00:28I think it's a nostalgia thing for me. I remember going to the pub when I was 10 with
00:33my family and just kind of, you know, having an ice drink and all just kind of getting
00:38together and having a little sing song.
00:39If you'd asked me this this time last year, I would have gone definitely It's a Fairy
00:43Tale of New York. But last year, we were very lucky that we had Sam Ryder came to Bristol
00:47Christmas Market to promote his Christmas single. And I have to tell you, that one is
00:51on my list now as one of my favourite ones as well.
00:54My family always sing the Pogues all Christmas, so I don't like that one.