Chủ Quán HỐNG HÁCH Khinh Thường Shipper Bị Tẩy Chay Rồi Dựng Cá Chém Thớt Khổ Qua

  • 2 days ago


00:00Hello, everyone.
00:01Here's your order number 31.
00:05You're welcome.
00:07Here's your order number 32.
00:11Excuse me,
00:13my order number is 20.
00:15I've been waiting for more than half an hour.
00:17Why did they take my order first?
00:19How can you distinguish between customers and you?
00:21When you're a customer, you have to sell quickly.
00:23You're a shipper, you have to distinguish.
00:25Because I'm afraid that my customers will wait for a long time
00:27and they will scold me and give me a 1-star rating.
00:29My wife is sick at home.
00:31I don't care.
00:33Wait a minute. It's almost done.
00:35Hurry up, please.
00:41He's not a hero anymore.
00:43What a horrible restaurant!
00:47I'll post it on Facebook.
00:53What a horrible restaurant!
00:55Why is there a ghost here?
00:57It's so crowded here.
01:01Hey, you!
01:03Why don't you drink coffee?
01:05You don't know anything about this restaurant.
01:07Let's go.
01:11what's wrong with my restaurant?
01:13You don't know anything about it?
01:15What do you know?
01:17I saw your restaurant on social media.
01:19It's the brightest restaurant on the Internet.
01:21How can you distinguish between customers and you?
01:23You're right.
01:29Can I take your order?
01:31Take my order?
01:33It's all because of you.
01:35My restaurant is banned because of you.
01:37What do you want to sell?
01:39I don't know.
01:41It's all because of you.
01:43My restaurant is banned because of you.
01:45I don't want to sell anymore.
01:47I don't want to sell anymore.
01:49How can you distinguish between customers and you?
01:53Get out!
01:55Get out!
01:57My customers are waiting.
01:59Please take my order.
02:01I said I don't want to sell anymore.
02:03Get out!
02:13How do you feel?
02:15I'm fine.
02:17Don't worry.
02:19How have you been for a week?
02:21Do you have any customers?
02:25What's wrong with you?
02:27Why do you look so pale?
02:29What happened?
02:31I'm fine.
02:33I scolded her first.
02:35That's why she treated me like that.
02:37Don't worry.
02:39She will forget it in a few days.
02:43Poor my daughter.
02:45I'm sorry, mom.
02:47It's all because of you that our family is in this situation.
02:51I know.
02:53I love you.
02:55That's why I'm so desperate.
02:59I want to find enough money
03:01to pay for your surgery.
03:05But the money on the app
03:07is deducted.
03:09So I don't want to sell to customers directly.
03:13I want to sell to customers directly
03:15so I can earn more money.
03:19I know you love me so much.
03:21How can I blame you?
03:27I'm sorry
03:29for not telling you in advance.
03:31Why are you here?
03:35Have a seat.
03:37What's wrong?
03:41I've been to your restaurant
03:43but I haven't seen you.
03:45I heard that
03:47your family is in a difficult situation.
03:49So I come here
03:51to see if I can help you.
03:53You're so nice.
03:55You have a sick wife
03:57but you take care of others.
03:59My wife is much better now.
04:03I posted the video of you scolding me on the Internet.
04:05The Internet community
04:07cares about my family.
04:09So my wife
04:11is much better now.
04:13So I come here
04:15to see if I can help you.
04:17I hope you can accept it.
04:23You treat me like that
04:25but you also help your family.
04:29Look at us.
04:31We all have our own troubles.
04:33We all have our own difficulties.
04:35If we take the restaurant
04:37and report it to the police,
04:39it will make our life
04:41more difficult.
04:43So let's report it to the police.
04:45Then we will
04:47get rid of all the anger
04:49and sadness
04:51to make our life better.
04:53Take it.
04:57Don't worry.
04:59I asked someone to correct
05:01the video of the other day.
05:03Now the Internet community has ignored it.
05:05They want you to open the restaurant again
05:07so they can come and support you.
05:25Why did you
05:27take all the food to me?
05:29So I won't be in a hurry
05:31and it will be easier for me to eat.
05:33Can't you?
05:35I'm old.
05:37It's hard to eat with my hands.
05:39It's easy to pull it back.
05:45The fish is very expensive these days.
05:47Try to eat a lot
05:49to be healthy
05:51so you can go to work and earn money to take care of this family.
05:53You eat a lot too.
05:55I have to eat a lot.
05:59This cabbage is delicious.
06:01Eat it.
06:03Good boy.
06:17I'm so full that I want to sleep.
06:21Why didn't you call me
06:23to have dinner with you?
06:25It's time to eat.
06:27I've been waiting for the toilet.
06:29It's not finished yet.
06:31That's why I smelled it
06:33as soon as I stepped down.
06:35Please take a shower for me.
06:37How can you stand
06:39the smell of this house?
06:43I've been waiting for the toilet.
06:45It's not finished yet.
06:47Oh my god.
06:51Do you have anything left for me?
06:53Eat it.
06:59There's nothing left for you.
07:01There's rice in the pot.
07:03Try to eat the fish
07:05as much as you can.
07:07Why do you ask me?
07:09You're so lucky.
07:11You complained a lot.
07:13I don't know how many people
07:15want to eat like this on the street.
07:17Don't you think it's unreasonable?
07:19Look at you.
07:21There's no rice left.
07:23There's only bones left.
07:25How can you eat it
07:27as if you're its mother?
07:29Are you talking to its mother?
07:31Who taught you to harm it?
07:59I'm so relieved
08:01that you're married.
08:07We're getting married tomorrow.
08:09Don't worry about me.
08:11Listen to me.
08:13When you become a daughter-in-law,
08:15take care of yourself.
08:17Eat well.
08:19I know.
08:21If they bully you
08:23or bully you,
08:25don't blame them.
08:27Stay here with me.
08:39Stand up.
08:41Apologize to my mom.
08:43Do you and your mom respect me?
08:45Why do you make me respect you?
08:47I just want a decent meal
08:49in this family.
08:51I don't want a fancy meal.
08:55my mom makes it hard for me.
08:57But you're my husband.
08:59I was treated like that by my mom.
09:01But you still defend me.
09:03Is there anyone who is worse than you?
09:07This time,
09:09I'll only treat you like this.
09:11Next time,
09:13I'll treat you even worse.
09:15Where are you going?
09:17I'm going to my dad's house.
09:19You can't go anywhere.
09:21If you go to your dad's house,
09:23people will think you're my family.
09:25I'm not going anywhere.
09:27Go to your dad's house.
09:29Go to your dad's house.
09:31What are you doing to my daughter?
09:35Are you okay?
09:37Why are you here?
09:39I miss you so much.
09:41So I come here to see you.
09:43You're here.
09:45Please teach your daughter
09:47how to be a wife.
09:49You're so loud.
09:51Why do you want to
09:53destroy our family?
09:55Let me ask you.
09:57Did you teach your son
09:59how to hit my daughter?
10:01Tell me.
10:03You're my wife, right?
10:05I have to teach my wife.
10:09Why did you hit my son?
10:11Your son?
10:13You think he's your son?
10:15So my daughter is trash?
10:17I don't have a son.
10:19Listen to me.
10:21If your parents-in-law are not nice,
10:23don't expect your daughter-in-law to be filial.
10:25If you want your daughter-in-law
10:27to be a good daughter-in-law,
10:29at least you have to be a good mother-in-law.
10:31Are you a good mother-in-law?
10:33If you're not a good mother-in-law,
10:35no matter how many daughters-in-law you marry,
10:37the result will be the same as today.
10:39Go back to your dad.
10:43Do you remember when we were married?
10:45Do you remember anything?
10:47You just left me.
10:49You don't deserve it.
10:51I fell in love with you,
10:53so I accepted to get a far-away husband.
10:55I left my dad in my hometown
10:57because I thought you could protect me.
10:59But now,
11:01I realize it.
11:13What did you do?
11:15Why haven't you
11:17made an appointment yet?
11:19Let me try.
11:21I give you 30 more minutes.
11:23If you don't make an appointment,
11:25I'll find someone else to replace you.
11:27Do you understand?
11:37We were in the same class, right?
11:39Hey, Han.
11:41What are you doing here?
11:43I brought rice for my husband.
11:49Khai is your husband?
11:51Yes, that's right.
11:53What about Linh?
11:55I'm his secretary.
11:59I see.
12:01I'm Khai's secretary.
12:05But I remember you were a good student.
12:07You even became a doctor.
12:09Why are you just a secretary
12:11for my husband?
12:15That's why you should have listened to me.
12:17Like me,
12:19I don't have to go to high school
12:21to get a rich husband.
12:25love, money, and beauty are important.
12:27You're in the same class.
12:29It's not a big deal.
12:31That's what you think.
12:33No one can take care of you forever.
12:35That's because
12:37no one takes care of you.
12:39That's why you said that.
12:41Whatever you think.
12:43I'm going to work.
12:53Where is Han?
12:57Do you know
12:59what time it is?
13:01Why don't you clean up and eat?
13:03Wait a minute.
13:05I'm almost done.
13:09Why are you so drunk?
13:11He went to pick up a guest
13:13so he drank too much.
13:15He was a little drunk so I took him home.
13:17Where is Han?
13:21Give me his shoes.
13:31Are you crazy?
13:33Don't you know my feet hurt?
13:35I'm sorry.
13:37I'm sorry.
13:41Get out of my way.
13:43Do you know my feet hurt?
13:45Because of a useless thing like you,
13:47you make me angry every day.
13:49Get out of my way.
13:51I'm sorry.
14:09Are you okay?
14:11No, I'm fine.
14:15Do you take your husband
14:17to suffer
14:19that much?
14:21What do you want me to live now?
14:23If I get divorced,
14:25how can I live?
14:27You haven't tried yet.
14:29How do you know you can't live?
14:31You talk as if
14:33you have no way to go.
14:35High school students like you
14:37can't understand love
14:39with low school students like me.
14:41Listen to me.
14:43The result is decided by yourself.
14:45You are not the same.
14:47Why are you afraid of this and that?
14:51Don't let your weakness
14:55make you regret later.
14:59Think carefully.
15:01I'm leaving.
15:09Who do you think you are
15:11to divorce me?
15:15do you have no brain?
15:17You don't know how to think?
15:19If this family
15:21didn't have my mom and my son,
15:23would you have this life?
15:25What can you do with
15:27a low school student like you?
15:31I think we should respect each other.
15:33Shut up.
15:35What does my family
15:37have to do with you coming here?
15:39You meet your secretary at the office
15:41and meet your wife at home.
15:43Why are you so annoying?
15:45So annoying.
15:47So annoying?
15:51Are you crazy?
15:53Are you crazy?
15:55Are you tired of living?
15:57Be careful what you say.
15:59Don't think that
16:01you are superior
16:03and others are lower than you.
16:05You are right.
16:07What do you have for me to respect?
16:09You are a low school student.
16:11I'm lucky to have you.
16:13How dare you talk back?
16:15It doesn't mean
16:17I won't do it again.
16:19I will show you
16:21that I'm not a low-brow
16:23and low-education girl.
16:25I will show you
16:27what you can learn
16:29and what you can do.
16:31I don't think
16:33your family has time to watch.
16:35The tax investigation team
16:37found out that
16:39your company is illegal
16:41and is investigating.
16:43Spare your time to find a way out.
16:55how did they know about this?
16:57You are my secretary.
16:59You have to solve this.
17:01Why do I have to solve it for you?
17:03This is what you did
17:05before I came to work.
17:07Besides, I don't want to work
17:09with an irresponsible boss
17:11like you.
17:13Can you help me with this?
17:15If you don't solve it,
17:17I don't know who to look for.
17:19You are well-educated.
17:21You know a lot.
17:23Find your own way.
17:33I'm screwed.
17:35Wait a minute.
17:37Can I help you with something?
17:39I'm short of money.
17:41What kind of porridge you cook?
17:43Why do you only give me a bowl of meat?
17:45What about my porridge?
17:47Why don't you bring me any meat?
17:49I forgot to bring it, mom.
17:51If you forget it, bring it now.
17:53Stop being angry.
17:55She probably forgot it.
17:57Let me bring some meat for you.
17:59Eat. It's still hot.
18:01That's why only my younger daughter in law
18:03Why are you talking like that?
18:04Every daughter-in-law loves her mother-in-law.
18:06If you say that, I'm afraid Hong will be sad.
18:09Look at her face.
18:10Look at her attitude.
18:11She's afraid that I'll be sad, right?
18:14The insurance for our parents is coming soon.
18:16A few years ago, you paid for it.
18:18This year, it's your family's turn to pay.
18:20We're father and mother.
18:22Help us a little bit.
18:23I know, but...
18:25This month, my husband and I will pay for it.
18:27The economy is so bad this time.
18:28Or you two can pay for it for me.
18:30It's okay, dear. I understand.
18:32We just started our business.
18:34We don't have any money.
18:36The insurance for our parents,
18:38let us pay for it.
18:39You don't have to worry about it.
18:40Okay, then each family will pay for half of it.
18:42My family will pay for my father.
18:44And my family will pay for my mother.
18:46My family's economy is also very difficult.
18:48I can't take care of it forever.
18:52About this...
18:53There's only the insurance for our parents.
18:56You can't even pay for it.
18:59You're like that.
19:00My ex-husband's wife.
19:02How dare you treat her like that?
19:04If you think your family is not worth it,
19:07you should move to my house.
19:09I've already prepared everything for you.
19:11What do you mean?
19:12What do you mean?
19:13Why did you ask me to move to your house alone?
19:16And you keep your father-in-law here?
19:18Don't tell me you have feelings for your father-in-law.
19:23What did you say?
19:25The more you say, the more wrong you are.
19:27What do you mean? Tell me.
19:28I have this for you.
19:33Oh, the earring.
19:35It's beautiful, right?
19:37I'll give it to you.
19:39Don't let Hong know.
19:40Otherwise, she'll be mad.
19:41I know you love me the most.
19:47I don't think you can do that.
19:50We have two daughters-in-law.
19:51You have to give it to both of them.
19:53If you give it to her alone,
19:55what if Hong knows she's sad?
19:57I have the right.
19:58I'll give it to whoever I want.
20:00You see, My?
20:02She loves her mother-in-law.
20:04Every time she comes here,
20:06she gives gifts to other people.
20:08She knows what I like,
20:10so she brings it to me.
20:12Hong, for example,
20:14has never bought anything for me.
20:16But I'm telling you.
20:20It's beautiful, right?
20:24You're so talkative.
20:28Mom, please give it to her.
20:30I'm afraid it'll get infected.
20:32I'll put on a mask
20:34and give it to her.
20:36But it'll get infected.
20:38You're too careful.
20:40It's not good.
20:42If you're too careful,
20:44it'll get worse.
20:46And now I'm busy bringing food
20:48for Tham and My.
20:50My husband is old.
20:52He can't eat outside.
20:54Food outside is very dirty.
20:56Food is not safe.
20:58What if they have a stomachache?
21:00Especially My.
21:02Her intestines are very weak.
21:04She always has a stomachache.
21:06Why are you so noisy?
21:08Oh, right.
21:10I have three kids.
21:12Can you give them to me?
21:14I'll bring food to Tham and My
21:16so they won't have a stomachache.
21:22They're both daughters-in-law.
21:24It's not fair.
21:26I love my daughter-in-law a lot.
21:28As for my eldest daughter-in-law,
21:30I can't see anything.
21:34I'm at her house.
21:36She takes care of me every day.
21:38She takes care of me
21:40when I'm sick.
21:42But I don't know what to think.
21:44She's my daughter-in-law.
21:46Why doesn't she get angry?
21:48She's the eldest daughter-in-law.
21:50She has to take care of her parents-in-law.
21:52What if she says
21:54her parents-in-law love her daughter-in-law more than her?
21:56She's wrong.
21:58I have an idea.
22:00Let's make it fair.
22:02Each family will raise one person.
22:04I'll stay here.
22:06You go to your parents-in-law's house.
22:08My daughter-in-law will take care of you.
22:10We've been together for a long time.
22:12Now we're apart.
22:14I'm afraid we won't get used to each other.
22:16If so,
22:18I'll follow you
22:20and live with your family.
22:22I think it's fair.
22:24I think it's good.
22:28I don't believe it.
22:30My, breakfast is ready.
22:32Lie down.
22:38You were fine last night.
22:40What's wrong with you now?
22:42I don't know.
22:44But I feel sick.
22:46That's right.
22:48Are you sick?
22:50If your husband is sick,
22:52I'm afraid
22:54you'll get sick
22:56if you bring your parents-in-law
23:00That's right.
23:02I know how to cure it.
23:04Can you do it?
23:08What's wrong?
23:10I'm fine now.
23:12Tell me what to do.
23:14Mom, dad.
23:16We'll talk about this later.
23:18Let's go.
23:20Let's go.
23:26My dear.
23:28He doesn't want to
23:30take care of his wife.
23:32How could he do that?
23:34Your daughter-in-law and your son
23:36treat you like that.
23:38Don't you see it?
23:42I'm sorry.
23:44It's all my fault.
23:46I always listen to him.
23:48I thought he loved you more than me.
23:50Don't be mad at me, Hong.
23:52I'm not mad at you.
23:54I did those things
23:56just to show you
23:58that I don't really love you
24:00and care about you
24:02like you said.
24:04Now I understand.
