H2O: Just Add Water (Season 1) Episode 10 - The Camera Never Lies [Fox Kids 2024 Higher Quality 1080p Webrip]

  • 2 days ago
H2O: Just Add Water (Season 1) Episode 10 - The Camera Never Lies [Fox Kids 2024 Higher Quality 1080p Webrip]




A Higher Quality Version of (Season 1) Episode 10 of "H20 Just Add Water",Complete with Trailers and remastered Versions of Classic Old School Fox Kids Commercials.lol




" Lewis and the girls enter a short film contest held at the JuiceNet cafe, but Lewis, last year's champion, is fresh out of ideas. Rikki and Cleo are roped into doing a film about Emma's mother, but Rikki, thinking that the film is boring, sneaks off to shoot her own film, featuring some impressive underwater footage of sharks. Meanwhile, Zane, ineligible to compete himself, as his father is on the judging panel, recruits Lewis to shoot a film of him windsurfing around Mako Island, recreating (and hopefully beating), his father's windsurfing record of several years before. But things don't go to plan, when Zane falls off his windsurfer, right in the middle of Mako Island's shark breeding ground."


00:02On the next Digimon, get ready cause the digital world's gone!
00:09Wait, where did the extreme music go?
00:11Yeah, and all the intense sound effects. Where's that announcer guy?
00:15And why aren't there any explosions?
00:17Izzy, what's up?
00:19My hard drive crashed.
00:23Crown Strike, we stop breaches.
00:27NBC is the place to be.
00:33I've got a special power
00:36That I'm not afraid to use
00:39Come on, this is my adventure
00:42This is my fantasy
00:45It's all about living in the ocean
00:47Being wild and free
00:50Cause I'm no ordinary girl
00:53I'm from the deep blue underworld
00:56So let's see
00:58I've got the power if I just believe
01:02Cause I'm no ordinary girl
01:05I'm from the deep blue underworld
01:08So let's see
01:10The world's my oyster
01:12I'm the pearl
01:14No ordinary girl
01:23We now return to our show.
01:54Big Boots to Fill by Lewis McCartney
01:58The winning entry from last year's Junior Filmmakers competition.
02:02If we don't win this thing, we have to be aware of the rules.
02:04Forget the rules. It's a short film contest.
02:07We make a short film, how hard can it be?
02:09Last year they rejected an entry because it was 7 seconds over 3 minutes.
02:13Okay, filmmakers, this year's theme is heroes.
02:18And, courtesy of Zane's father, the very generous and wealthy Dr. Harrison Bennett,
02:25this year's prize money has doubled.
02:28Sounds good.
02:30And Dr. Bennett himself is on the judging panel. Good luck.
02:39So your dad's judging and sponsoring. I wonder who's going to win.
02:43If you're implying that you're an automatic loser, I'll second that.
02:52Why did Zane's dad get to judge?
02:54Probably because he's putting in all the money.
02:56But maybe because he's a genuine hero too.
02:59Look, that's the windsurfer Harrison Bennett rode to Mako Island.
03:04All the way round and back in record time, right Zane?
03:07Yeah, whatever. Old news.
03:09The record stood for 20 years.
03:11Yeah, my dad, big hero. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
03:14I had no idea your dad was a hero.
03:17It must have been a tremendous disappointment to him.
03:23So, if we're working together, we're going to need to research.
03:26Done. I've rented all the movies we need.
03:29Cleo, those movies aren't right.
03:31You want research? These are classics.
03:34Tracy and Hepburn, Bogart and Bacall.
03:36We're never going to win the prize money doing the romance.
03:39It's not about the money, it's about the art.
03:41What about these?
03:43At least Cleo's choices had stories.
03:46I will die if I have to watch a North Korean family
03:49eat breakfast for an hour in real time.
03:51Can't you read subtitles, Rikki?
03:53These are real films, with poetry and mood.
03:56Jaws doesn't need subtitles.
03:59A shark is a shark, in any language.
04:01So who goes first? We can't watch them all tonight.
04:04Let's just be civilised about this.
04:07Best of three. Scissors, paper, rock.
04:11So, reschedule Mrs Bates for six
04:14and we'll squeeze in Mrs Hinman's tummy tuck at two.
04:17OK, Pauline?
04:18Hey, Dad, I got you something.
04:20No, Mrs Goldstein, it's just a Botox treatment.
04:22In and out.
04:30Hey, that's me.
04:32I've got to go, Pauline.
04:34I tracked down some old photos and articles.
04:37It wasn't easy getting copies of all these.
04:39You know, to break that record,
04:41I dodged stingrays, sharks and total exhaustion.
04:43I broke it by 35 minutes.
04:45I got the newspaper articles from the library archives.
04:48It took me hours.
04:50You can't beat natural grace. This is great.
04:53You know, my record will still be standing in another 20 years.
04:56Somebody might break it.
04:57No way.
04:58Mako Island's a shark-breeding ground these days.
05:01Nobody will ever break my record.
05:05I'd kiss the feet of any man who could pull off what I did then
05:08and keep all of his limbs intact.
05:10You know, I should get this on a loop for my waiting room.
05:20What are you doing this year, Lewis?
05:22I have no idea.
05:29We've only got a few days,
05:31so I think I should go with the most developed idea, which is mine.
05:34You have an idea already?
05:36Cleo, this is Emma we're talking about.
05:38I think the film should be called My Mother.
05:42Sounds riveting. A thriller?
05:44Heroes aren't always pumped-up super freaks
05:47who wear lycra and fly through the air, Rikki.
05:49And what's more, real heroes like my mum aren't always seen on screen.
05:52And there's a reason for that.
05:54Don't you think a whole three minutes on your mum might be a little...
05:57What? Weak?
05:59No. Self-indulgent?
06:01No. Boring?
06:03No. Trust me, it'll be gold.
06:05I've already got an entry form. I'm ready to go.
06:09Time for juice. Three?
06:17What'll it be, Rikki?
06:19Can I please get three juices of the day
06:21and can you slip me another entry form?
06:30And, um, so what drives you?
06:33Drives me?
06:35I'm not really sure what you mean.
06:39What are the primary forces that propel you through life?
06:45Well, really, I guess it's...
06:49wanting the best for my children, you and Elliot.
06:53I don't really think that much about myself.
06:56Um, do you want me to keep recording this?
06:58Like, is this an important bit?
07:01It's all important, Rikki.
07:04Unless you'd like a break.
07:06Oh, can I? Thank you.
07:08Um, I'll tell you what.
07:10While you're sorting out your stuff,
07:12I'll go do some camera tests,
07:14some different lights, some different backgrounds.
07:16That's a good idea.
07:20Hmm? Thank you.
07:22I still don't know what's going on.
07:25I still don't understand why you need me.
07:35You want to shoot underwater?
07:36Yep. North side of Mako Island.
07:38Rikki, have you any idea how many sharks are out there?
07:41That's the idea. Sharks are a winning formula on film.
07:44You want to film them?
07:45Heroes of the deep. That's my idea.
07:48Think about it.
07:50I can get footage that no-one else can get.
07:52It'll be great.
07:54Come on, face it.
07:56We're never going to win the competition with Emma's idea.
07:59Just think of it as a backup plan.
08:40I need an entry form for the competition.
08:42I've just had the best idea for a film.
08:44Sorry, Zane, but you're not eligible.
08:49Your father's on the judging panel.
08:51Could there be a conflict of interest?
08:53You can't possibly think it would help me that he's on the panel.
08:57Look, I'm sorry, but rules are rules.
09:13Hey, Lewis.
09:15Hey, what?
09:18I know we haven't always seen things eye-to-eye in the past.
09:22Whatever you want, the answer's no.
09:26Let me break it down for you.
09:28I take my dad's original windsurfer,
09:31I re-enact his trip around Mako Island,
09:34I break his record, and you film the whole thing.
09:38A re-enactment?
09:40So it's not even original?
09:42It's a tribute.
09:44Like Hillary's son climbing Everest?
09:48You'll be capturing a moment in history.
09:52Especially if I beat his record.
09:55Me doing you a favour?
09:58One problem, I don't like you.
10:04You finish the film?
10:08My camera is yours.
10:10Oh, Zane, Zane.
10:13Zane, Zane, my very, very close friend.
10:16Now we're talking.
10:24Lights, camera, action.
10:27So, Mum, I'd like to talk about your time as a junior lifesaver.
10:33Yes, I hear you were very good.
10:35Well, the funny thing is I completed the course,
10:38but I never actually collected my certificate.
10:43That's priceless.
10:45It's a pity Lewis is missing this.
11:12All right.
11:14Now, I've made some slight modifications.
11:17This waterproof minicam is going to send images directly back to me in the boat.
11:21I'll get the wide shot.
11:24I don't want the filming to slow me down.
11:27Now put this on so we can stay in contact in case...
11:34In case what?
11:36Oh, just in case anything goes wrong.
11:38Nothing's going to go wrong.
11:40Nothing's going to go wrong.
11:42I'm pumped.
11:45Let's do it.
11:52Come on, Lewis, move it!
12:07Have you seen Cleo?
12:09No, I think she's just running a bit late.
12:13Roll camera.
12:17I was thinking maybe we could talk about
12:20what type of clothes you wore in the 70s
12:22or what type of food you ate.
12:25Here's a thought.
12:27Maybe I should save tape
12:29while you figure out exactly what you want to talk about.
12:31Good thinking.
12:32And while you do that, I could do a few more tests.
12:35That's a really good idea, Rikki.
12:38Okay, so, um, were you in the Brownies or...?
12:41I was in the GFS,
12:43which was called the Girls' Friendly Society.
12:49How am I doing for time?
12:53I hate to say it, but if you keep this speed up,
12:55you'll probably beat your dad's record.
13:15Come on, come on.
13:24Zane, are you okay?
13:26I think I've flooded the engine.
13:30Thanks, Mum.
13:36So, when you were a junior lifesaver,
13:39you were obviously a good swimmer.
13:41Did you ever save anyone?
13:45No. It's nothing. Forget it.
13:48You did?
13:50Well, yes, but no.
13:52Mum, tell me about it.
13:54No, no, no, I can't.
14:02I was 12,
14:04and I saved a boy from this earth.
14:06He would have drowned.
14:08Mum, that's a wonderful story.
14:10Did you get a name?
14:12Is there any way we could contact him and follow it up?
14:14That'd be a really great moment in the film.
14:20I'm sure he has forgotten all about it,
14:22and he's a fairly important person now,
14:24and I don't think he'd like it made public.
14:27Please, just a name.
14:31Harrison Bennett.
14:34He was young, he got into difficulties,
14:36and I dragged him out. That's all there is to it.
14:39The funny thing, though,
14:41I was pretty keen on Harrison back then.
14:44And after I saved him, he kind of avoided me.
14:47I think he was a bit embarrassed.
14:49What I do remember very clearly, though,
14:52is how scared I was.
14:54I was petrified. I mean, what if I didn't save him?
14:57It's a lot of pressure for a 12-year-old.
15:10Lewis, once I get around this point,
15:12it should be plain sailing.
15:17What was that?
15:25I can't see a thing.
15:57Help! Shark!
15:59Help! Help!
16:03Help me, Shark!
16:09I'm coming, Zane!
16:19Help! Save me!
16:21Please, somebody help me!
16:33Help me, Shark!
16:44Help me!
17:14Help me!
17:44Help me!
18:05There were sharks everywhere.
18:07I thought I was a goner.
18:09Are you OK?
18:11I don't see anything.
18:14I don't see anything.
18:26Help, Shark!
18:30Please, somebody help me!
18:36Help, Shark!
18:40Not exactly the word I'd use.
18:42I've been at the juice bar hosing Wilfred down for two hours.
18:45He was about to go to the police.
18:47It's your windsurfer, not his.
18:49OK, maybe we should have asked,
18:51but this footage is fantastic.
18:53It'll make a great film.
18:55You can't do that.
18:57I sponsor that competition.
18:59You think I want my son on public view looking like that?
19:01Help me!
19:03There was a 20-foot shark out there, Dad.
19:05There were heaps of them.
19:07Did you see anything?
19:09Well, um...
19:11Zane created this charade
19:13because he knew he couldn't really break my record.
19:17Now get rid of that.
19:19No, no, no. I shot this footage. That disc belongs to me.
19:21It's mine.
19:23Hi, Mum.
19:25Emma, where have you been?
19:27I thought you wanted to do more...
19:31I got this for you.
19:35It's my junior life-saving graduation certificate.
19:38I tracked it down at the club.
19:40They still had it on file and I got it framed.
19:43Thank you, sweetheart.
19:46Can we hang it up on the wall?
19:50Hi, guys.
19:52We're ready to film when you are.
19:56I've decided to call it off.
19:58Emma, it's OK.
20:00We've talked about it
20:02and we're going to help you no matter what we think personally.
20:07it's OK.
20:09I think that real heroes
20:11don't need their stories turned into big productions.
20:14Sometimes it's better just to know the truth.
20:20I need a favour.
20:28I have fantastic shark footage
20:30and I need your help.
20:32I have fantastic shark footage
20:34and I have no idea how to cut it into a film.
20:36It's great stuff.
20:38It's so close you can almost touch them.
20:40So you're the expert.
20:42What do I do?
20:44How are you going to explain how you shot it?
20:48Well, if it's better than the professionals,
20:50how are you going to explain that
20:52without arousing suspicion?
20:54Well, I was going to...
20:58I mean, I could...
21:03I can't show it, can I?
21:16Help! Shark!
21:22Help me, shark!
21:27You think that's funny?
21:29I think the audience is the best judge, Rikki.
21:35I was there, Lewis.
21:37Who do you think scared away the sharks
21:39and were about to eat him?
21:41Zane isn't acting.
21:53So, congratulations to you all
21:55for a fantastic effort.
21:57It's time to announce our winners.
21:59And the winner is...
22:03for the second year in a row,
22:05a wonderful comedy,
22:07Lewis McCarthy.
22:29And the winner of the gold starfish
22:31for best actor,
22:33even with his father abstaining from the vote,
22:35Zane Bennett.
22:51Can I say...
22:53I'd like to donate the prize money
22:55to this establishment
22:57to compensate for any trouble I caused.
23:01thanks for this award.
23:03But what can I say?
23:05The Bennetts are winners.
23:07Right, Dad?
23:35You were good.
23:41Acting, you mean?
23:43No, the whole thing about
23:45windsurfing around Mako
23:47and everything else.
23:49Took guts.
23:59You're the only one who thinks so.
24:01You're the only one who thinks so.
24:31You're the only one who thinks so.
24:33You're the only one who thinks so.
24:35You're the only one who thinks so.
24:37You're the only one who thinks so.
24:39You're the only one who thinks so.
24:41You're the only one who thinks so.
24:43You're the only one who thinks so.
24:45You're the only one who thinks so.
24:47You're the only one who thinks so.
24:49You're the only one who thinks so.
24:51You're the only one who thinks so.
24:53You're the only one who thinks so.
24:55You're the only one who thinks so.
24:57You're the only one who thinks so.
24:59You're the only one who thinks so.
25:01You're the only one who thinks so.
25:03You're the only one who thinks so.
25:05You're the only one who thinks so.
25:07You're the only one who thinks so.
25:09You're the only one who thinks so.
25:11You're the only one who thinks so.
25:13You're the only one who thinks so.
25:15You're the only one who thinks so.
25:17You're the only one who thinks so.
25:19You're the only one who thinks so.
25:21You're the only one who thinks so.
25:23You're the only one who thinks so.
25:25You're the only one who thinks so.
25:27You're the only one who thinks so.
25:29You're the only one who thinks so.
25:31You're the only one who thinks so.
25:33You're the only one who thinks so.
25:35You're the only one who thinks so.
25:37You're the only one who thinks so.
25:39You're the only one who thinks so.
25:41You're the only one who thinks so.
25:43You're the only one who thinks so.
25:45You're the only one who thinks so.
25:47You're the only one who thinks so.
25:49You're the only one who thinks so.
25:51You're the only one who thinks so.
25:53You're the only one who thinks so.
25:55Start with legendary characters
25:57like Optimus Prime,
26:01and Megatron.
26:03Each bringing unique skills
26:05and powerful weapons to the race
26:07and unlock all 11 characters.
26:09Optimus Prime's
26:11Gravitational Axe Throw
26:13or Bumblebee's Plasma Sting
26:15will give you the edge.
26:17As you progress, unlock new characters
26:19like Alita One with her Missile Rain
26:21and Wheeljack with the Wrecking Bomb.
26:23Customize your character
26:25with various skills,
26:27weapons, and relics
26:29to suit your playstyle.
26:31Let the Galactic Trials begin!
27:23The Galactic Trials
27:25The Galactic Trials
27:27The Galactic Trials
27:29The Galactic Trials
27:31The Galactic Trials
27:33The Galactic Trials
27:35The Galactic Trials
27:37The Galactic Trials
27:39The Galactic Trials
27:41The Galactic Trials
27:43The Galactic Trials
27:45The Galactic Trials
27:47The Galactic Trials
27:49The Galactic Trials
27:51The Galactic Trials
27:53The Galactic Trials
27:55The Galactic Trials
27:57The Galactic Trials
27:59The Galactic Trials
28:01The Galactic Trials
28:03The Galactic Trials
28:05The Galactic Trials
28:07The Galactic Trials
28:09The Galactic Trials
28:11The Galactic Trials
28:13The Galactic Trials
28:15The Galactic Trials
28:17The Galactic Trials
28:19The Galactic Trials
28:21The Galactic Trials
28:23The Galactic Trials
28:25The Galactic Trials
28:27The Galactic Trials
28:29The Galactic Trials
28:31The Galactic Trials
28:33The Galactic Trials
28:35The Galactic Trials
28:37The Galactic Trials
28:39The Galactic Trials
28:41The Galactic Trials
28:43The Galactic Trials
28:45The Galactic Trials
28:47Saturday Morning Videos
28:49AM Saturday NBC
28:51Next Saturday
