Project A-ko Movie 1 (80's Anime Movie) [English Dub + Bluray Quality]

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Project A-ko Movie 1 (80's Anime Movie) [English Dub + Bluray Quality]

Project A-ko (1986) [A Classic 80's Super Heroine/Magical Girl Anime Movie Gem from Sci Fi Channel's Saturdary Anime Movies Block + Now Remastered on High Defenition Bluray]

Since I uploaded "Venus Wars" Last Week,might as well Tackle another Nostalgia Classic 80's Anime Movie Gem from Sci Fi Channel's "Saturday Anime Movies" Block! Yep,this Little Animated Movie Gem Short from my Childhood,which I'll now be tackling the "Project A-Ko" Movies!

Yep,it was this Anime Movie RIght here besides Samurai Pizza Cats and Sailor MOon on which made me an Anime fan today which i already own all the Movies on DVD back in the day,but it feels great to re-visit this oldie gem,now Remastered on

Everything you could possibully want Which parodies alot of the Tropes that were popular in alot of 80's Anime shows at the time are all right here,from one of B-Ko's henchmen being a straight up parody of Kenshiro from "Fist of the North Star/Hokuto no Ken" to all the sci fi parodies of Macross,Gundam,Gunbuster,and not to mention,the story as a Whole is A-Ko's character in general being a parody of Kara Zor-El/Super Girl's origin story from the Superman DC Comics.XD

Now heh......yeah,the only minor gripe i did have with this Golden gem back in the day is that ehhhhh......Now yes,C-Ko was an obnoxious Crybaby at times,and she got on my Nerves which her crybaby antics are grating and nails on a chalkboard (Especially the English Dub),but ehhh......Well....tell ya what guys....since this is an 80's anime Film....I'll let it slide and Give her a Pass! lol

Because in recent Years,I've seen far WORST Anime characters than C-ko,soooo....all is forgiven with this 80's anime character,because there are some entertaining funny moments like her being a lousy cook with the spicy lunch she gave

and of course theres also that whole Sub-Plot of Arrogent Rich Bitch girl "B-Ko" having an obsession with C-Ko which she's jelouse of her friendship towards A-Ko,and than theres that whole other sub-plot going on in this Movie short with C-ko being revealed to be an Alien Princess from an Alien world,which I don't know what the Hell that was all about!


00:00:00Tom, what is it with you and all these retro side-scrollers?
00:00:06What? You know I love a good challenge.
00:00:09But you always get really angry.
00:00:14This time, it's called Cyber Shadow.
00:00:17You play as a ninja, last of the clan, out to save your master in the future world of Mega City.
00:00:23Aren't you sick of these games by now?
00:00:26No way. Damn it.
00:00:29Sounds pretty familiar.
00:00:31Here we go. Eighth time's a charm.
00:00:34Yes. Now it's back to the grind.
00:00:36I think all this repetition might have fried a servo or two.
00:00:40Maybe. It's harder than I thought. But at least it was only 20 bucks.
00:00:44I'll admit, it does look pretty cool.
00:00:47It's really fun. And really aggravating.
00:00:50But I'm a glutton for punishment.
00:00:52You can say that again.
00:00:54Cyber Shadow. An 8 out of 10. Step into the shadows.
00:01:02We won't be intimidated by criminal threats.
00:01:05Every Saturday night at midnight, Adult Swim is building you a better cartoon show.
00:01:10I'm waiting.
00:01:11We call it Chinani.
00:01:14You'll want to watch carefully.
00:01:16You're witnessing history.
00:01:18Do we have a problem? There are enemies on their way.
00:01:22You look like you're having fun.
00:01:24You guys wouldn't mind if I joined, would ya?
00:01:27Everyone, run!
00:01:29Are you trying to get us both killed?
00:01:32Not one villain gets away.
00:01:35You can't kill me.
00:01:37I'm unstoppable.
00:01:43Talk loud, get plowed.
00:01:45Demons! Enemy attack!
00:01:47We have the upper hand.
00:01:49Brace yourself.
00:01:50I'm about to light things up!
00:01:53Chinani. Every Saturday, starting at midnight.
00:01:56Don't say you weren't warned.
00:01:59Adult Swim.
00:02:52BREAKER 1 IS OK.
00:02:55BREAKER 2 OK.
00:03:55WHERE IS IT NOW?
00:03:57OH, WAIT. I SEE IT.
00:04:07637, WHAT'S WRONG?
00:04:10637, COME IN.
00:04:12637, WHAT'S WRONG UP THERE?
00:04:14637, WHAT'S WRONG UP THERE?
00:04:37637, WHAT'S WRONG UP THERE?
00:04:40This is Space Station L3.
00:05:06This is Space Station L3. Constellation control. Search ship Constellation will lift off in 20 minutes and counting.
00:05:14All final systems checks completed. All final systems checks completed.
00:05:20Nineteen forty-five and counting. All personnel please leave the launcher. All personnel leave the launcher immediately.
00:05:33Moving to ignition status. Five minutes and counting.
00:05:42Ten seconds and counting. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Zero. Ignition.
00:06:03Today, on this 16th anniversary, we remember the extraterrestrial object which landed on Graviton City, killing its population of six million and reducing it to rubble in an instant.
00:06:23The impact burned out all vegetation over a radius of 60 kilometers and the pillar of smoke could be seen 200 kilometers away.
00:06:31A new Graviton City has grown in the crater left by the impact. Remaining wreckage of the meteor itself is incorporated into what has become our military command center, which dominates the downtown skyline of our great city.
00:06:45It is also appropriate that the rebuilt Graviton City, a showcase of modern technological achievement, has been chosen as the center to celebrate the launch of the Constellation probe from Space Station L3,
00:06:57a space project specifically designed to identify any threat similar to the one that struck 60 years ago and to defuse it before it could cause a repetition of the devastation that engulfed Graviton City then.
00:07:10And now to more everyday things. It's a beautiful day here in Graviton City, so all you kids on your first day back at school will have to give up the idea of going for that swim in the lake and get down to some serious work instead.
00:07:24And the kids transferring to new schools today, let's hope you're happy, make lots of new friends, and get on well with your new teachers.
00:07:32Okay, the time's just coming up to 8.15.
00:07:36I'm late for school! First day, I'm late!
00:07:54Aiko, hey! Hurry up, you're late!
00:08:06Hey! Hurry up, Aiko! You know what time it is?
00:08:12Huh? Yeah, I know. I'm coming now. I'll be right with you.
00:08:17Sorry I'm late.
00:08:19I swear you'd sleep right through it if another meteor landed in town.
00:08:23Aiko, will they put us together in the same class, do you think?
00:08:38I expect they will because they know we're friends.
00:08:40Yeah, well they'd better or I'll yell the place down.
00:08:43What? I only came to Graviton High because you did.
00:08:48Oh, god, the time! Hang on tight!
00:08:54I still don't think we'll make it in time and that won't make a very good impression.
00:09:00There it is! We'll take a short cut, Seiko, if you say so!
00:09:13I'll show you now!
00:09:32What a terrible dump.
00:09:46Excuse me!
00:10:01Okay, girls, a nice big welcome for two new students joining us this semester.
00:10:05Would you like to introduce yourselves?
00:10:07Well, my name is Aiko and I'm really happy to be here.
00:10:12Hi, everyone! It'll be great when I say great, I mean great to make a new friend here!
00:10:18That's very nice of you. What's your name?
00:10:20I'm called Seiko, and don't get me started on who you think I am.
00:10:24I'm the kind that dresses like my dad.
00:10:26And I'm pretty, pretty, and I'm a pretty, pretty shaggy mess.
00:10:30Shut up!
00:10:33Seiko, shut up! You're embarrassing me!
00:10:35I don't care. Let it all hang out, I say!
00:10:38I'm gonna love this school, I know it! It's so much fun!
00:10:41There, there, dear, I think that's quite enough.
00:10:45Oh, what a mouth I've got, Seiko!
00:10:50Well, you see excuse me miss I'm getting a bit impatient. What do you want if they sit near me?
00:10:56I might show him the ropes the first couple of days. That's a good idea
00:11:00So see how you sit on beakers right side while a co takes the place next to the window
00:11:07Stop complaining. Will you miss let us sit where she wants? Well, if you think that'll settle her down
00:11:13I don't care as long as you don't
00:11:20And that's all that counts
00:11:26Thanks for offering to help
00:11:30So ignore me
00:11:34Quiet everyone and let's begin
00:11:37Seiko face the front and pay attention with you
00:11:41I'm bored. Well, if I can persuade you to listen, you might be less bored
00:11:46I'm sorry teacher. I promise I'll concentrate
00:11:51This place looks great
00:12:13You hit me and I'll probably do it again if you don't pay a bit of attention
00:12:34Didn't hurt you
00:13:20Think oh, what's the matter with her? Don't you appreciate home cooking? I'll anyone leave these days
00:13:52When the poet says Oh to substantialize this supposititious ontological quiddity
00:14:18He is expressing something which I think you'll agree is central to most people's lives at the same time
00:14:24What does it tell us about his absurdist views of human existence a good question?
00:14:30Then his obsession with ecumenical transcendentalism is revealing from here
00:14:35It is about a short and laid back after that quote-unblur lunch of yours
00:14:38No surprise right there with placards around our necks described as a pair of hostile disruptive students with no regard for the school
00:14:45That's some reputation next time you keep your lunch box to yourself
00:15:00Just about enough for one day. In fact, I've had enough to last me a lifetime
00:15:03I won't put up with this kind of thing in my class
00:15:06Is the substance really a phallic illusion, oh, it's an interesting question. We might get the answer if you read a few lines
00:15:12Right. Oh to substantialize this. So let's put all this behind us and do some work now
00:15:17So it was all your fault. Why are you making Seiko cry? No more crying now wipe those tears away
00:15:25Don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
00:15:28I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
00:15:30I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
00:15:32I don't know
00:15:34Those tears away you'll stay behind when school's over and clean the classroom
00:15:41Biko why have you stopped reading? It's a short poem
00:15:45You don't keep us busy, do you?
00:15:49But you won't go complaining to the headmaster, eh?
00:15:53Come on girls, let's see how hard we can work for the rest of today's lesson. Ah, what a shame time to go home
00:16:05Aiko look i'm terribly sorry you're being punished. I know it's my fault. I'll never let it happen and forget it
00:16:12I've had school detentions before
00:16:14You go home. This could take a while. No way. Do I go alone? I'll wait for you
00:16:19There's lots to do it could take you quite a while still i'll wait for you outside aiko
00:16:24Okay, good luck. I'll get this done as quick as I can then i'll pick you up at the school gate, right?
00:16:52Let's go
00:17:15I don't know. Maybe she's emptying the trash there. Yeah, right. I'll go and help her out. That's the least I can do
00:17:45Isa I don't see aiko anywhere just go a little further along
00:18:02Hi hi big boy
00:18:04What I ain't no boy just because I shave every day you gotta be initiated which you might find painful scissors. Yeah
00:18:13scissors scissors cut paper
00:18:15Go get it
00:18:19Rock what?
00:18:22I won again
00:18:24You weren't very good. Let's do it again. One, two, three
00:18:34Oh, don't be a sore loser
00:18:39I've got to have that girl for myself and I know how to get her
00:18:43First I get aiko out of the way
00:18:46Then I tell mari to frighten her
00:18:49I come to her rescue. She'll fall in my lap and aiko's history
00:19:39It isn't too late as long as aiko is there yet
00:19:52And now say your prayers
00:20:10Seiko are you okay? Okay
00:20:43A minute more you'd have been hurt
00:20:49Let's go
00:21:02I'll find you
00:21:43My heart's been racing ever since I laid eyes on her she's got such a great laugh
00:21:49And even when she cries she's cute
00:21:52her eyes
00:21:54The way she moves
00:21:56Seiko you've got to be my friend
00:22:01So i've got to get aiko out of the way that's for sure
00:22:05But how even mario's no match for her then i'll take her on myself
00:22:11I'll beat her even if I have to reveal my true powers
00:22:19Shining light on me
00:22:38I can swear i've met aiko. I remember her i'll have what I want no matter what it costs
00:22:58Why assign me to this beat
00:23:19You gotta take it
00:23:49I thought I told you to clean the room not destroy it. Look at it. Death smash the pieces chairs and bits
00:23:56It looks as though a typhoon is hidden
00:23:58Or some creature with the strength of a superhuman
00:24:01You're going to repair each and every piece of furniture in the place now get on with it
00:24:44Suppose you shouldn't
00:24:49My food
00:25:11Follow them
00:25:34There's no guarantee
00:25:40Sure to have a nice day now
00:26:17I ain't doing his dirty work no more
00:26:30No, it's it's
00:26:37The colonel
00:26:45Keep away
00:27:00I'm glad that you're better. I got real worried at lunchtime. Do you mean to say you're really worried?
00:27:05That's a surprise
00:27:06You normally only get time to worry about yourself. See that wasn't a nice thing to say to a friend like me
00:27:11Even though it's true
00:27:13We interrupt our scheduled program for a news
00:27:26Constellation which departed from space station l3 last week was in the neighborhood of
00:27:45Echo next time we got time off
00:27:47I want to go up the seaside building and take a look at the planets and stars in your planetarium
00:27:52Yes. All right, if you like
00:27:58Do you mind if I tell you how much I love you?
00:28:00I love you, too. Even if you drive me insane
00:28:26Hey that cable wasn't supposed to break I wonder what happened
00:28:32What's keeping it up can't be what I think i'm seeing
00:28:38Maybe this is some girl some kind of stunt girl. Hey, i'm not well, it sure is a mean stunt. Can I have your autograph?
00:29:07Do you have a status report on the collision an unidentified metal object obstructed our passage through hyperspace
00:29:13Damage report a small crack is visible in the outer skin of section 21
00:29:19initiate repairs
00:29:21Captain a signal from planet earth one of our operatives put it through. This is operative
00:29:27Dc138621s113 codename d go ahead captain
00:29:32Ah, yeah
00:29:34Captain, I believe our long search through the universe is over and I have found the person we're looking for at last. Oh, really?
00:29:40You found her. I believe so. You're not certain
00:29:44I cannot confirm with complete 100 percent certainty, but I estimate a probability of 80 percent at this moment in earth time
00:29:52Report again when it's a hundred percent
00:30:05We found her at last
00:30:34Huh the background information disk you requested is beside you, thank you
00:31:06Of course that was it that was where our paths first crossed each other
00:31:52Oh fighter
00:32:06Let's see here a certainty factor has gone up 85
00:32:32I've been waiting for you echo
00:32:36Well, that was friendly of you biko
00:32:38You and me have got some outstanding business from a long time ago. What business are you talking about biko? We two only just met
00:32:47We didn't just meet you and I began at the same kindergarten and sika was there, too
00:32:52We all started at the same kindergarten
00:32:55I can't believe I didn't recognize you at once. You haven't changed at all. You're still the same self-righteous little bitch you were then
00:33:04I remember the day everything changed the day the wolf escaped from the zoo and almost killed
00:33:18You saved her and from that moment sika was never the same again
00:33:24She'd been my friend but not anymore
00:33:28After that you two were always together
00:33:31And you seem to have so much fun. It made me really mad
00:33:36Even when you had fights it didn't stop you being friends and you still are
00:33:44You haven't forgotten the girl who swore should get even with you for taking sika away from her
00:33:48What afraid so?
00:33:50And i've got a pretty good memory who challenged you sorry, but I don't remember any more clues a fight to the finish
00:34:07Yeah now it's all come back oh
00:34:09Who was it? Echo piggy eyes basin haircut and dumpy legs and she had that nasty superior expression. I used to detest
00:34:19She thought she could do anything because her daddy was rich
00:34:23And she used to pick on you all the time
00:34:26She used to put spiders and frogs down your back. Yes. I remember but you saved me from her every day
00:34:34And then at last she said she was going to fight me
00:34:37A fight to the finish she said but that was the very day we moved house. And so it never happened
00:34:43her name was wasn't it something like
00:34:47I think it was blinko burk or I made such a big impression on you. You don't even remember my name
00:34:57I was that girl and my name's biko biko. Is it you it is you?
00:35:01Yuck, I challenged you to a fight echo and you ran away like the little coward you were I challenge you again
00:35:07Winner take all and siko is all
00:35:11Oh, come on, you're crazy
00:35:13She can't really mean she wants to fight me again now in any way i'm not up for grabs
00:35:18Well, I guess it's time for class. So i'll pass her off or up. Thanks
00:35:22Wait a minute. You don't rush me off. I get what I want and what I want is a fight
00:35:27Cut it out biko. That was 10 years ago
00:35:30And you can't fight for siko as though she's some sort of a prize. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can
00:35:36We'll call it our own super bowl
00:35:44One last thing just to make the fight fair I want you to meet someone
00:35:55This is a power suit I invented and built as I know how strong you were as a kid
00:35:59And i'm sure you've added a whole new battery of fighting skills in the meantime
00:36:03Biko, are you really sure this is a good idea? Shut up enough. Sorry
00:36:07Is this what you call a third fight? Hi y'all. It may not be fair, but that's the way it is
00:36:13So, why don't you give them now so that I don't have you on my content for the rest of my life, please?
00:36:19I'm gonna kill you
00:36:46She beat me again, I can't take it I can't
00:36:56Must have siko as my friend tomorrow tomorrow will be the day
00:37:02And as for you aiko tomorrow is your last day
00:37:05Ha ha ha
00:37:19Gotta get that identification percentage factor up. I'll get it to a hundred percent for sure today
00:37:35Hey, wasn't he the same man? We almost killed yesterday. Well, he seems to have survived
00:37:44Biko well, well, so aiko you didn't have the sense to stay home. I don't give into boys
00:37:50I came to school to study. Oh, aren't we a goody two-shoes?
00:37:54Anyway, as you did come you deserve a nice welcome. All right. Let's have a surprise now
00:38:15Wait till I demonstrate what it can do
00:38:49Wow, it's cool. Thank you. Shika. It did take me most of last night to build it the max 5000
00:38:56Standard features include the max arm crush
00:38:59These drills made of magninium alloy go through five meter thick steel plates in 2.4 seconds
00:39:06The max bomber saw razor sharp extending shredders designed to reduce evidence to absolute deniability
00:39:13The max beam this reaches 1000 degrees centigrade and vaporizes any physical body instantly
00:39:20the multiple max facility
00:39:22A helix of holograms which throws the enemy into total confusion as to what is real and what is illusion?
00:39:28All these max factors add up to an irresistible weapon the blue god of death
00:39:32Let's forget the optional extras even without them. I think the max 5000 will cope with you
00:39:38Aiko it's pretty late. Perhaps I better go ahead
00:39:42I'll see you in class
00:39:47And now uma all systems go
00:39:52What's the matter uma give her the benefit of the whole works
00:39:55Yeah, but I seem to have a problem what's the matter with you just do as you're told
00:40:01There seems to be a basic design flaw the start
00:40:04Slightly out of reach i'm doing my best
00:40:21Hold on seeko i'll come with you. Oh, well, I guess it's back to the drawing board
00:40:34You've humiliated me once too often aiko revenge is sweet sweet sweet and you aiko are going to die die die
00:41:01I feel lucky because I got up earlier today. We'll be in plenty of time and with luck
00:41:05We won't have to fight because she won't expect us so early
00:41:32I made myself very vulnerable in the middle of the roadway, but here i've got some protection besides which there's my warning device
00:41:39Uh-oh, here they come
00:41:48Good morning. I'm glad to see you're on time this morning aiko. Excuse me. I'm in a hurry
00:41:55You might do well in the school hundred meters scroll down aiko. We've got plenty of time
00:42:00I don't want another argument with bico if I can help it
00:42:18Here comes aiko now, oh the poor girl. Oh boy. Oh, I hope they can get the better of
00:42:31What are they waiting here for aiko look around you
00:42:40You've been busy, huh? Oh my even you couldn't beat them
00:42:46I want you to meet my abashiyama five though. You may not appreciate their friendship
00:42:51Hey, i'm getting real fed up with all this especially as I got out of bed 10 minutes earlier than usual
00:42:56So I wouldn't be late for school
00:42:58I don't want to be late again because of these wind-up toys
00:43:02Anyway, i'm too old to play with them
00:43:04Aiko i'm gonna pay you back for all the things you've ever done to me
00:43:08Ruining my friendship with siko humiliating me again by disposing of my robot inventions
00:43:15But time for revenge has come. You won't dispose of these beauties. They'll dispose of you
00:43:21Seiko what she flipped her lid about? Hey ask bico. I have no idea
00:43:29As you've got to school early for once why not go straight in so we can start work, okay
00:43:38You can always finish your girls talk at lunchtime bico right? Yes, miss do you hear so come on stop gossiping now girls
00:43:46I want to stay and watch. What do you think we'd see if we had to sit in class?
00:43:51I guess if we don't go she'll keep us in. Yeah, I guess better go in now. I'd like to see bico get hers though
00:44:09Now we can get down to business without interference or interruptions from any of them
00:44:17Managed to get up in time today and left home with plenty to make it here with a bit to spare which will probably never
00:44:22Happen again, but now i'm late anyway because of you and I feel real
00:45:14She's got it bico it's thanks to you i'm late again, don't you think you've done enough?
00:45:23No, I haven't started i'm gonna get you
00:45:27selfish creep
00:45:29When you learn you can build all the robots you like and it won't make me feel any better
00:45:32All it does is make us late for school. Is that the only thing you care about being a good girl?
00:45:38charming the teachers
00:45:40Well, naturally it's never occurred to you that there are some children who just aren't born with the same charm
00:45:46But you don't care you've always been a heroine
00:45:48Well, I always had to be the girl that everybody said was spoiled. Okay
00:45:52If they say i'm the bad girl, then that's what i'm gonna be
00:45:56Look, can't we talk about this? It's too late
00:46:09Now now i'm dressed for action this suit gives me the power to match you in unarmed combat
00:46:25And it called him that oh gee
00:46:30That's all you like
00:46:32On guard
00:46:34I'd better go on in a class. They sure and do something for me. Would you answer for me at roll call?
00:46:40Sure. Bye now. I'm ready
00:46:50Okay, this is gonna be our last meeting you took the words out of my mouth
00:47:12What do you see bill, sorry, sir, it's disappeared
00:47:21Are you saying that constellations destruction was a result of certain hostile actions
00:47:26Yes, the central astro agency think that's the likeliest scenario though they can't be sure yet any idea who did it
00:47:33There is no way that a bomb could have gotten planted on the craft as it stood ready on the launch pad of the satellite
00:47:39Station that's absolutely ruled out
00:47:41Which means it was them possibly colonel. However, I suggest you don't jump to conclusions right now
00:47:47But we could consider this in 16 short years
00:47:50We have progressed at a phenomenal rate in stellar defense and it could just be an unknown galactic power doesn't like it
00:48:15That feels a lot better
00:48:30Earth calling
00:48:32Cut it through right operative cd
00:48:36One three eight six two one, etc. Code name d. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah get on with it
00:48:40You're in worse physical shape each time you call that's a pretty rough assignment. These earthlings play serious hardball
00:48:47Hmm do you have a definite id report or is this call a social one? It's a breakthrough
00:48:52There's been danger, but i've solved the case
00:48:55Data coming in
00:48:57Put it on the monitor, right captain the technical quality of these pictures may not be up to my usual standard
00:49:03But they were obtained in extremely difficult conditions the speed of the subject's approach on each individual sighting
00:49:09Finally burnt out the auto control and necessitated a switch to manual recording
00:49:16That's a second generation. They go to class ship brilliant results d. Thanks
00:49:21I set the shutter at a for long distance and aperture was 14 millimeters in strong light. No doubt about it. That's the princess
00:49:29I'll get the pilot star for this
00:49:32I'm heading for earth sector now proceed to phase two right captain count on me to get things organized
00:49:38This calls for a little celebration for 16 long years
00:49:42We've searched the universe and at last we can return home
00:49:46Damn you can never find a drink when you want one. I don't ask for a lot. Just a little drink now, man
00:50:04What do we got
00:50:06An object which you can't identify has penetrated our absolute defense sphere and the courses now on will bring it into collision with this station
00:50:12in 40 seconds what
00:50:15Unidentified object carrying intelligent life form estimated fighting power above level 300 sound action stations condition read roger
00:50:23Action stations action stations all strike units scramble immediately all strike units scramble immediately
00:51:06Strike units take off. Aye. Aye, sir. Command center to strike one launch all units
00:51:28Strike one all units take up attack formation. All units take up attack formation
00:51:34Target maintaining speed and has now penetrated sector yellow two
00:51:38No change to target's course. This is calculated to take it into earth orbit all strike units intercept and disable
00:52:03What's happening
00:52:05Unprovoked surprise attack captain
00:52:08The enemy is from the third planet captain
00:52:11That's where our lost princess is being held how appalling to have to endure their unrefined appetites, but chin up princess
00:52:18We'll rescue you. But first I could use a couple of drinks
00:52:21If we take any more earth missiles strike back at them, let the puny earthlings oppose our power and i'll show no mercy
00:53:11Jeez look at it look at the size of it
00:53:36Captain we've targeted the enemy space station. We don't have time to negotiate in a civilized way destroy it
00:54:38While i'm wearing this suit my reflexes are twice as fast as yours get ready. It's curtain for you
00:55:29By the
00:55:51Akagi alma missiles
00:55:57Hey, it's tickling cut it out
00:56:08So had enough yet, or would you enjoy a little bit more of the same?
00:56:11Okay, have it your way. This will hurt you more than it hurts me
00:56:31Down girl
00:57:00I've got to get her away from the school before it gets smashed up. Haha. Surely you're not running away
00:57:15We'll call because she doesn't get here what I don't know where she is
00:57:19You weren't paying attention again, which i'm beginning to realize is quite normal and as for aiko and viko. They're gossiping outside. I imagine
00:57:37What's happened to old-fashioned discipline if you ask me it's parents who are to blame
00:57:44Girls what's happened to you? Why are you wearing bandages?
00:57:52Aiko aiko. Hey, are you still fighting? What's happened to you?
00:58:04Hi zico
00:58:07If you're looking for aiko climb up here and you can get yourself a bird's eye view
00:58:17Well, are you coming or aren't you?
00:58:28Hey smoke i'll bet that's the two of them still fighting it out with each other
00:59:00The alien craft still on the same course towards earth sir six minutes till our interceptor units are in firing range
00:59:06They've come at last
00:59:12Double one to command hq still no visual contact, but i've got him on radar
00:59:19Double one to all units 10 degrees port 80 000 and let's get a look at him
01:00:30How big you think it is estimate it's got to be four miles long from bow through the stern
01:00:37It's a plus hq visual sightings going into attack formation
01:00:48Defense force engaging now, sir
01:02:23Aren't you
01:02:44Why haven't you been evacuated we told everyone to get out of town that's the way to safety now get out
01:02:50You can run but you can't hide
01:03:08No sign of her anywhere those two ought to be down in the city somewhere judging by the chaos
01:03:14There sure is something strange going on down on the streets
01:03:17Yeah, I can see tanks and stuff everywhere, but there ain't a whole lot of people around
01:03:21Hey, I think I see them over there a couple of blocks. Where where are they?
01:03:25Mari pedal a bit harder. Can you?
01:03:30Still let all
01:04:02What are you up to come down
01:04:05I just thought you must be exhausted after your fighting. So I bought you something
01:04:09Right. I made it myself naturally especially for you
01:04:13Anything but that
01:04:47We haven't finished yet
01:04:48What's wrong with you? You saw what happened up there? We can finish your stupid fight later right now
01:04:53We have more important things to do. Well, if you put it like that, I got a rescue sequel first and then i'll deal with you
01:05:02Well, just once i'll be the hero wait for me
01:05:13Don't be upset you won't come to harm stop crying your highness we'll get you home in two light years
01:05:21I don't like this
01:05:27Really i'm not that sort of person. All right, then here's the ship
01:05:58I want to make it clear this truce only lasts till we get zico back. Is that understood?
01:06:14I wanted the pleasure of finishing you off myself. Oh, well, you found out everything
01:06:30A little bit of sight I can't see
01:06:51I'll get you down
01:07:26Boy that is pink. Well, someone appreciates the size does matter
01:07:55Your highness
01:07:58Why aren't you pleased that we searched 16 years to find you your highness
01:08:03Talk to us
01:08:12Captain why do you interrupt me? Sorry captain, but you're wanted on the bridge immediately on my way
01:08:51Death machine
01:09:09What is it spy d I was with the princess forgive me captain we have rats on board the ship rats not rats
01:09:17Yes, captain these rats are earthling friends of her highness who found their way aboard
01:09:22Exterminate them
01:09:23Count on me captain with all the experience I had on earth. This will be easy
01:09:36What's that down there
01:09:42Why are her beautiful eyes staring into space like that
01:10:11My god, she's dead no hypnotized. No, it's right. That's all right. She'll come out of it
01:10:24Think i've been in shock. Oh seeker. Did they use some terrible alien drug on you? No, I tired myself out whining and crying
01:10:34You poor thing but now let's get out of here
01:10:37Is ako here? She's somewhere around I guess but she couldn't rescue you took me to do it
01:10:45Don't cry see go come on
01:10:47How are we gonna escape never make it the way I can or seek i'll be terrified maybe I can steal a pain
01:11:29Wait a minute
01:11:44Stop elevator
01:12:01Ah, you avoided that with some skill that was dirty coming from behind
01:12:10This is as far as you go and the only way you go a step further is across d's dead body
01:12:23You really are a rat scurrying around like that, well, this is how I deal with rats
01:12:35My cheek it's cut
01:12:44How dare you
01:12:57I'm not as easy to beat as you simply think
01:13:15Look it's her
01:13:22Okay, we've got to find a way out these tunnels are endless
01:14:22Holy mother
01:14:24You got my friend. Tell your man to bring her up here quit smart what men
01:14:29And did you say your friend?
01:14:31That child is the fourth princess of the fifth queen of the lepton kingdom of alpha sydney
01:14:36I do believe that you're drunk. Listen. I've had enough bull from you guys
01:14:40Obviously, there's no point in trying to negotiate with you in a civilized way
01:14:46What's wrong on the console quickly gotta have a drink, huh?
01:14:50Look i'm starting to feel real mad
01:14:54If I don't get a drink suit i'll go mad, oh hell this doesn't look like the way out
01:15:02Seiko, are you all right?
01:15:03Your highness. He's drunk
01:15:06How impulsive?
01:15:09As for you ako now i've rescued zuko I consider our truce at an end in its business as usual
01:15:18That's dangerous
01:15:28I'll kill her stop firing you fool. You'll hit her highness
01:15:36Cut it out. Stop. I say you'll hurt somebody and you stay away from those controls
01:15:43Calm down and control yourself. Look i'm sure we can talk this through
01:15:59All right
01:16:09Oh, oh boy my head take that you dirty rat
01:16:22Oh, i'm gonna get a drink
01:16:52Nobody leaves here unless the booth has been taken safely off the ship first
01:18:21Not only weeps the crow but also weeps the poppin j
01:19:22Just another five minutes. Oh
01:19:48I'm ready for a change. Hey time to go
01:19:59Bye bye
01:20:42Help homeless alien expensive habit to support
01:21:36Follow your dream
01:21:53It's the light in your eyes
01:22:10You can be anything you want if you know who you are
01:22:30You got the final
01:22:35Forget your dreams
01:22:50And we will never regret it
01:23:05Shining in your heart when you wake up in the morning
01:23:16Is it just a dream or is it really
01:23:53You got to follow it
01:24:06You got to follow it
01:24:18When you look into a mirror tell me what you see
01:24:41I've always been a big fan of the marvel universe. So I couldn't wait to suit up and start kicking ass as the amazing spider-man
01:24:50You learn the ropes by helping the nypd take down the kingpin and from there the city is yours
01:24:56The big apple is one big playground
01:24:59Swing from skyscrapers zip to the rescue and lay the beat down on tons of bad guys and bosses
01:25:05Level up by completing missions and collecting xp to use it to unlock new spider suits and gadget upgrades
01:25:11Then take it to the streets and bring the pain
01:25:15The story only takes about 15 hours, but there's plenty of extras to keep your spidey senses tingling long after it's done
01:25:22For me the biggest downside was sometimes having to play as peter parker. I'd rather be web slinging
01:25:28But being your friendly neighborhood spider-man is as fun as it looks we give it an 8 out of 10
01:25:34Does whatever a spider can?
01:25:39This battle
01:25:41Is a holy war in the name of god. We shall strike down the infidel to disrespect
01:25:48Our traditions and lay waste to the land of god by dying in battle
01:25:54We shall be led into the presence of god
01:26:10Captain i've spotted an incoming silhouette. You're a party crasher and you weren't invited
01:26:16And now
01:26:21It's not an aeu machine it's a gun
01:26:25Early this morning around daybreak japan time the human reform league's high orbital station was attacked by what appears to have been
01:26:33Terrorist mobile suit it looks to me like it's trying to show the world that the au has more military power than is actually allowed
01:26:40By the treaty limitations. We do not act for our own benefit or for personal gain
01:26:45We have chosen to intervene for the greatest goal of all
01:26:50To rid ourselves of the scourge of war
01:26:53Finally, they're making their move
01:27:01Next saturday at 1
01:27:03Here come the gundam maesters of celestial beam only to nami on adult swim. I don't need a babysitter
01:27:11How about a friend?
01:27:15Father believed the jade box I found in chile wasn't the only one
01:27:21That it had a sister
01:27:23a ruby box
01:27:25just as big
01:27:28What does the thief want with a pair of chinese boxes
01:27:33I'm not sure yet
01:27:54Show off come on babysitter
