The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 507-508 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 507-508 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from Episode 507 to Episode 508, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:23Episode 507 Millercore
00:27After hearing that the company's Veep list had been leaked, Jeff suddenly realized why
00:31Jenna had left the company so willingly. With her out of the picture, she wouldn't be suspected
00:37as the source of the leak. He called Emma to give her a warning.
00:42Back at Millercore, Jamal gave Emma an update on the situation as he read the customer's
00:47comments to her. She jotted down some notes.
00:51How should we handle this matter? Jamal asked Emma. A lot of customers are upset.
00:57That's to be expected, Emma replied. But I think I can come up with a plan. How can she
01:05be so calm? Jamal wondered. We've learned that the leak came from the planning department,
01:11he announced, but we don't know who's responsible. Jamal continued. These Veep customers are
01:18very important to the business. I'm afraid this may cause a lot of trouble for the company.
01:25It's okay. I'll think of a solution. Emma looked at Jamal and smiled. In the meantime,
01:33customers thought that Jenna was still in charge. So they started emailing her demanding
01:38an explanation. Why are a handful of customers getting access to new products before everyone
01:43else? We've been loyal customers. If Miller Corp doesn't make this right, we'll take our
01:50business elsewhere. Why are you giving some customers preferential treatment? The CEO
01:55needs to explain herself having access to her work email account. Jenna wrote back.
02:01I'm currently on leave. Please contact the acting CEO if you have any concerns. Due to
02:09this customer relations issue, several orders were canceled and the executive team started
02:15growing increasingly concerned. Sitting at home reading her email, Jenna smiled. She couldn't
02:21wait to see how the mysterious acting CEO would clean up this mess. She patted her stomach.
02:28Don't worry, baby, she thought. Your mom will be the boss soon. Then we'll have it made. In
02:35response to the media frenzy, the board of directors held an emergency meeting and got
02:41into a heated discussion. This time, though, Jenna wasn't present. One of the board members,
02:48Saul, suggested that the acting CEO should appear and provide an explanation. We shouldn't settle
02:54until we see the acting CEO. One's everything Miller Corp has worked so hard to achieve.
03:02His suffering because of a simple customer list. A board member piped up. I want an explanation
03:09from the Miller family, whether it's from Chairman Gina or this mysterious acting CEO.
03:15We just want an answer. Another blurted out. I've already contacted Jenna. She'll be here soon.
03:24Sal announced. Let's hear what she has to say. This was all part of Sal's plan,
03:30based on her past actions. She didn't have a lot of credibility with the board,
03:35but if she could solve this problem in front of everyone, it would help her regain their trust.
03:41But can Jenna speak on behalf of the company? One of the board members asked. She doesn't seem to
03:47know very much. She's part of the Miller family. Sal said Susan is missing and Jeff is out of town.
03:55Do you know of someone more suitable? We don't have a lot of choices.
04:00The room fell silent and a moment later, Jenna arrived. She took a seat and looked at the somber
04:06faces around the table, then glanced at Sal before addressing the board members. What's this all
04:12about? She asked. Miller Corp is all over the news due to a leaked VIP customer list. Sal responded.
04:20Do you know what the chairman is doing to fix this? A leaked VIP list? Oh, I'm not sure.
04:27My grandfather has asked me to go out on leave, so I'm out of the loop. Jenna replied. See,
04:35I told you she's useless. One of the board members called out. The chairman or the acting CEO better
04:43come explain themselves right now. They need to stop wasting our time. Once maybe Jeff is
04:50too removed from the business, Sal suggested. If he can't make decisions, he should step aside
04:56and give his position to someone else. Exactly, a third board member exclaimed.
05:03Would you say that to his face? Someone else asked. Of course, Sal replied. The man picked
05:10up his phone, dialed Jeff's phone number and put the call on speaker mode. We're in the middle of
05:16a board meeting and we've got a situation on the other end of the line. They could hear nature
05:22sounds. Sorry, the call is breaking up. Jeff answered through some static. If you have any
05:30concerns, please talk to the acting CEO. I have complete trust in the person I chose for this
05:36critical role, and she's on her way to the boardroom right now. He continued. The board members all
05:43looked at each other. Who is it? They wondered. Fine, a board member said. We'll wait and talk to
05:50her. Sal and Jenna looked at each other in surprise. This was not something they had anticipated.
05:57Even so, Sal subtly shook his head to indicate that Jenna should remain silent.
06:03The more that the business seems to be in disarray, the better it is for us, he thought.
06:09Episode 508 The Acting CEO is Revealed
06:14Emma looked at herself in the mirror and pushed a stray hair into her tight bun. On top of her
06:20crisp white shirt and black pinstriped skirt, she wore a boxy jacket to conceal her stomach as she
06:27backed away from the mirror. She kissed Eric, who was standing nearby. You don't want me to come,
06:34Eric asked, hugging her from behind. No, Emma replied. Don't worry, I have Jamal. She started
06:42packing her briefcase. Give me a call after the meeting, Eric said, and kissed her, and have fun.
06:50While Eric knew none of this was particularly enjoyable, he suspected that Emma would get some
06:56satisfaction from showing up Jenna in front of the board. After all, Jenna was asking for it.
07:03The board members were starting to grow restless. How much longer do we need to wait?
07:08Asked a board member, impatiently tapping his fingers on the table,
07:13it's already been an hour. Be patient. Whoever it is will probably be here soon,
07:19Sal said, glancing at his watch. He couldn't wait to see who this mysterious CEO was.
07:27Just then, Emma appeared in the doorway, professionally dressed and holding a black
07:32leather briefcase. What are you doing here? One of the board members asked Emma.
07:39This is a meeting, not an audition. We're discussing a critical matter, Mrs. Miller.
07:44Another man said, we really do need to ask you to leave. Jenna and Sal looked at each other,
07:51confused. But I'm here for the meeting, Emma said. She briskly walked to the front of the room
07:59and took the seat at the head of the table. Jenna stood up and said, everyone is very concerned
08:06right now. It's no time to joke around, Emma, she exclaimed. Everyone looked at each other in
08:14silence, not knowing what was going on. Emma finally broke the silence. Sit down, Jenna.
08:26But Jenna didn't move. Instead, she stood there looking at Emma with contempt in her eyes
08:31as the wall clock loudly ticked. It felt like an eternity as she continued her defiant standoff,
08:38staring at Emma with her arms crossed. Done proving her point, Emma decided to ignore Jenna
08:44and get back to business. She looked down the long table at the board members and took out a notepad,
08:51confidently tapping her pen on the table. She announced, let's start the meeting.
08:57My grandfather has asked me to take on the role of acting CO. Jenna gasped and sat back down as
09:04she desperately looked at Saul. She racked her brain, trying to think of what to say.
09:10The board members looked at each other in confusion, and then one finally spoke. But
09:17you're a model and an actress, not a business person. He suggested, why don't you think I can't
09:24be all three? Emma asked. I'm a trendsetter in the modeling world and have become a success
09:30on the screen. I've dealt with many challenges so far in my career. Why don't you think I can
09:36handle this one? Your ideas are old fashioned, and old fashioned ideas are detrimental to doing
09:42business. She looked around the room and addressed one of her board members. Bill, I hear your company
09:50is filing for bankruptcy. Am I right? Bill dropped his pen and looked up in surprise.
09:57How does she know about that? He wondered while the other board members stared at him.
10:03He turned pale. Sometimes having experience in business world is simply not enough.
10:09She said, the mood in the boardroom suddenly shifted. Emma had learned a lot from watching
10:15Eric. And this time she was putting what she had learned into action. I know you all want to
10:22challenge me, Emma said. But let's have our first meeting and discuss the matter at hand.
10:28Yes. Tell us how the customer list was leaked. A board member demanded. I've learned that there
10:36was a draft fee list for the upcoming product launch. But I was never consulted, she said.
10:43What do you mean? Someone asked. The product launch is the most important day of the year
10:49for our company, Emma said. We are very serious about the guests we invite.
10:55How did a list that none of you have seen before end up getting leaked to the public?
11:01Why wasn't it run by you for your approval first? At the very least, the list should have been
11:07brought to my attention, she continued. Well, yes, that's true. A board member admitted.
11:15This is all very questionable. I'm starting to wonder if it's a coincidence that my mother has
11:21disappeared just about the same time that this leak occurred. Has anyone here planned anything
11:26special while she's away? Emma asked. Jenna pretended to read the whiteboard on the wall
11:33while the board members looked at each other. No one seemed to have any answers. After an awkward
11:40silence, a board member cleared his throat. Fine. You seem to have everything figured out,
11:47he said. Go ahead and recover the company's reputation and prove to us that you're a
11:52capable leader. Jenna looked up at the man in dismay. I can't believe they're actually going
11:59to let her be CEO, Jenna thought. I've got to stop this. But Emma had already moved on.
12:07Certainly, Emma responded. You needn't worry about this any longer.
12:11I'll take care of it and keep you all updated. Fine. A senior board member said, perhaps we can
12:19all regard this as your trial run. The man then stormed out of the room and others followed,
12:25slowly packing up his briefcase. Saul was the last to leave. Despite his previous confidence,
12:33he now had nothing to say. Finally, only Emma and Jenna remained. They stared at each other
12:41across the long, shiny table. Are you surprised to see me? Emma asked. Jenna glared at her sister
12:49and clenched her pen. Since I'm taking a break from my acting career, I have some time on my
12:54hands. Emma continued. So I've decided to help here. I'm sure I can count on you for support,
13:01right? Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
