The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 551-552 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
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#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull
00:00Before listening from Episode 551 to Episode 552, don't forget from today, everyone supporting
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00:25Episode 551
00:27Nerves of Steel
00:29Claire resented that she needed to appear like an elegant socialite to meet her father's
00:36She had been out of touch with fashion trends and hadn't explored her own sense of style
00:40in years.
00:41She'd been relegated to being just the face of Banes International.
00:46Emma placed a comforting hand on Claire's shoulder and told her,
00:50Your father will be cruel no matter what.
00:53You don't need to keep doing things you don't want to, Amur.
00:56She's right.
00:58I can't believe I wasted so many years pretending to be someone I'm not.
01:03Claire thought sadly.
01:05Emma asked Luke to send her styling team to the house when they arrived.
01:10Claire looked to the mirror, wondering what they could possibly do with her hair.
01:15Emma noticed her concern and smiled.
01:18I've worked with them for a long time.
01:21You can trust them.
01:23Feel free to call them in the future if you need them.
01:26She said.
01:27She turned to the head stylist.
01:29I'll let you get started.
01:31My, appreciate your help.
01:34She watched as the stylist swarmed Claire while her mind worked in overdrive to figure
01:39out how to help her.
01:40The way Claire kept nervously glancing back at her for reassurance gave her an idea.
01:47Is there anyone your father looks up to or is afraid of?
01:51Emma asked.
01:52My grandfather, Claire responded without a second thought.
01:56He's afraid of my grandfather.
01:58Where is your grandfather?
02:00Emma asked.
02:02He lives about two hours outside the city.
02:05Claire answered.
02:06Give me his address and I'll ask Peter to go talk to him.
02:10Emma said.
02:11Her face was bright with excitement over the possibility of getting justice for Claire.
02:16Claire texted her grandfather's address to Emma, who forwarded the information to Peter.
02:22Worn out from the drama, Emma excused herself to go take a nap.
02:27Claire promised to get her when the stylists were done.
02:31Shortly after, Emma left the room.
02:34Exhaustion from the recent events hit Claire.
02:37She nodded off while getting her makeup done.
02:39When the stylist woke her up a few hours later, she was stunned by the results in the mirror.
02:45She was used to being draped in expensive dresses and jewelry and feeling like an ornate
02:50She always looked pretty, but bland.
02:54Now the stylist had trimmed her hair to her chin and used a curling iron to make soft
03:02The flattering haircut and the cosmetics made her face look defined.
03:06Her favorite addition was the smoky eye makeup, which brought attention to what she'd always
03:11considered her best feature.
03:13Her eyes hung up.
03:16Next to her was a silky pantsuit and a pair of stylish yet comfortable shoes.
03:22She rushed to put them on, eager to see the final product.
03:25Are you satisfied?
03:27The makeup artist asked.
03:29Claire held her head high and evaluated herself in the mirror.
03:34She looked fierce, like the woman she wanted to be.
03:37Inside, she could feel a transformation happening to fit the image in the mirror like a self-fulfilling
03:46She turned to answer the stylist and spotted Emma near the door.
03:50Emma was smiling and giving her an almost maternal look of pride.
03:54Claire's transformation reminded Emma of the end of her infatuation with Nathan, when she
03:58was always trying to please him by changing herself.
04:02Keep your shoulders back and try to stay relaxed.
04:06Emma said to Claire she was determined to help Claire break free of her abusive father.
04:11In the Baines household, Janet was sitting on the living room sofa, eating sunflower
04:17She had no doubts that Claire would return.
04:20She had always come running back before.
04:23Just as always, every time she cracked open a seed, she carelessly tossed the shell on
04:29the floor.
04:31She had no intention of picking them up.
04:33She would just blame Claire for the mess.
04:36The family cook.
04:38Helen watched sullenly from the doorway.
04:41She knew that Edward would believe Janet when she said that Claire was responsible
04:44for the mess.
04:46He always had before.
04:47I'm so sick of this, Helen muttered, no longer able to keep her thoughts suppressed.
04:54What did you say?
04:57Janet asked, whipping her head around to glare at Helen.
05:01If you're tired of being here and don't want your job, you can leave.
05:06Helen's eyes burned with angry tears.
05:09Although she hadn't planned to quit that day, faced with this opportunity, she was
05:13going to take it.
05:15Fine, I will, Helen snapped.
05:19Janet waved her fingers dismissively with a smug expression.
05:23As Helen turned to storm out the door, she ran into Edward.
05:27He picked up his dropped papers with irritation.
05:30What's going on, he asked, noticing the tension between the two women.
05:36Before Helen could say anything, Janet used her acting abilities to cry on demand and
05:41retell the story so that she was the victim.
05:45Edward turned to Helen and gave her a look of disgust.
05:48You're fired, he said.
05:52Helen was deciding whether she should beg for her job back or give him a piece of her
05:56mind and storm out when a stylish figure dressed in black stepped into the room.
06:01Edward's jaw dropped while Janet's eyes narrowed with envy.
06:06Although she had seen Claire dressed in nice clothes before, her usual lack of confidence
06:11prevented her from stealing the spotlight from Janet.
06:14You can't fire her, Claire said to her father.
06:18He ignored her and said, you look different.
06:22Janet didn't want the attention diverted to Claire, so she turned back to Helen and asked,
06:28why haven't you left?
06:30Claire stepped between Helen and Janet.
06:32I already told you, you can't fire her.
06:36Janet raised her eyebrows in surprise at Claire's tone.
06:39She had never had the confidence to speak to her like that before.
06:43She smiled in amusement at her stepdaughter.
06:47Who do you think you are talking to me that way?
06:50Janet asked pointedly, glancing at Edward in an unspoken threat.
06:55Although Claire's insides were quaking from talking back to her father and Janet, she
06:59pretended she was confident and raised her chin defiantly.
07:03This is my house, and I hired Helen.
07:06You have no right to fire her, she said, I'm your father's wife.
07:11Mind your manners before I teach you some.
07:14Janet snapped as she raised her hand in the air.
07:17Claire narrowed her eyes and stepped closer to Janet, challenging her to try and hit her.
07:24Note 552.
07:26The End of an Era
07:29Enraged by Claire's defiance, Janet swung her hand to slap her.
07:34Instead of cowering and taking the hit, Claire snatched her wrist in an iron grip.
07:40You're a nobody in this family.
07:42Haven't you been beaten enough to learn?
07:44The Janet spat out.
07:46Claire resisted the urge to flinch at the reminder of how her father had treated her
07:51after he had married Janet.
07:54Janet looked at Edward with a malicious gleam in her eye.
07:58Are you just going to let her treat me this way?
08:01She asked.
08:02He had been watching the scene play out in shock.
08:05At Janet's urging, he stepped forward and ripped Claire's hand off of Janet's wrist.
08:10Apologize to your mother.
08:12He snarled.
08:14She's not my mother, but I am your daughter, Claire said.
08:19He slapped her across the face and her lip began bleeding.
08:24Children are disposable.
08:25I can just have another.
08:28He threatened, raising his hand again.
08:31Claire glared at him with watery eyes, refusing to move or look away.
08:36What kind of person treats their child this way?
08:39She wondered.
08:41I've given you fame, fortune, and status.
08:44What have you given me?
08:46You're just a waste of space.
08:48He snapped.
08:49She continued to stare at him blankly.
08:52The last bit of her love and loyalty for him had shriveled up and died.
08:57At least I'm not trash like you, she replied.
09:01He saw red and stepped toward her menacingly.
09:04But before he could strike her again, a voice rang out and asked, What do you think you're
09:11Edward froze and dropped his arm to his side.
09:14His father, Jasper, was glaring at him from the doorway, his white hair neatly combed
09:20and his black suit elegant and well tailored.
09:23Father, what are you doing here?
09:26Edward asked.
09:27Jasper strode across the room and faced his son with fury.
09:31How dare you lay a hand on my granddaughter?
09:35Not even a wild animal would attack their own flesh and blood like this.
09:39What the hell is wrong with you?
09:42Jasper yelled with a fury.
09:44Edward had never seen from his father before.
09:47Edward opened and closed his mouth like a keeping fish, unsure what to say.
09:52I trusted you to run the company's day to day tasks, but were you foolish enough to
09:57think you were in charge?
09:59Jasper asked.
10:00Have you forgotten that I told you that this wife of yours will never see a cent from the
10:04family business?
10:06Edward didn't speak.
10:08Glancing nervously at his wife instead, Jasper followed his gaze and turned his attention
10:13to Janet.
10:14Speaking of your wife, it's odd that this is the first time I'm meeting her.
10:19Why aren't you saying hello to me?
10:21Janet jumped a little in surprise.
10:26She said, would you like a cup of tea?
10:29When he nodded, she went into the kitchen.
10:32She was still fostering hope that she could gain her father-in-law's acceptance.
10:38When she returned and tried to hand him the cup, he smacked it out of her hands.
10:43The hot water scalded her hand, making her shriek with pain as the teacup shattered.
10:49Do you think I don't know the role you played in abusing my granddaughter?
10:53You decided that teaming up with this monster I created was more important than focusing
10:58on your acting career.
11:00He snapped.
11:02Janet didn't hear him as she waved her hand in the air to try and cool it down.
11:07Help me.
11:08She screamed at Edward.
11:10He took a step forward, but his father's voice stopped him again.
11:14Don't you dare, he warned.
11:17Edward froze, unwilling to disobey his father.
11:20I need to see a doctor.
11:22I can't accept a trophy if my hands are scarred, she cried out.
11:27Claire had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.
11:30Of course, she's more worried about her own beauty than anything else, she thought.
11:36Edward nervously glanced between his father and his wife again.
11:40If you do anything to help her, consider yourself disowned.
11:44You'll never see another cent from the business, Jasper warned.
11:48Edward stayed where he was.
11:51I'll be moving in for a while to make sure that you keep your hands to yourself from
11:55now on, Jasper informed him.
11:58Edward finally found the ability to speak.
12:01Father, this is my own family matter, he protested.
12:06I should be able to do whatever I want here.
12:09You don't need to move in.
12:11Jasper raised his eyebrows, but didn't look surprised.
12:14You don't want to live with me, he asked.
12:18That's fine, but don't forget, this is my house.
12:22I'm just letting you live here.
12:24If you don't want me here, you can take your wife and get out of this house, but don't
12:29ever expect another penny from me.
12:32Edward fell silent again.
12:35Janet glared at Edward over his betrayal.
12:37He had promised her so much, but when push came to shove, he had tossed her aside without
12:42a second thought.
12:44Jasper shook his head in disappointment.
12:46Your reaction tells me that you still want to be with her.
12:50You can stay for now, but don't expect me to treat you kindly while you're here.
12:55Now that I've witnessed your behavior, you both have completely lost any trust and respect
13:00I might have had for you.
13:02He waved Claire over to the couch.
13:05She carefully sat next to him, still feeling nervous as she walked past her father.
13:10It wasn't until Jasper placed a gentle hand on her shoulder that she relaxed, realizing
13:16she was safe.
13:17From now on, your top priority is protecting yourself.
13:21You never have to put up with anything from either of them again.
13:25Do you understand?
13:27He asked.
13:29She nodded as relief filled her chest.
13:31If there's anything you need to say or want to request from Janet, now is the time to
13:37speak up, he said.
13:39Thank you so much for watching.
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