The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 497-498 English audiobook pocketfmenglish

  • 4 days ago
The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Episode 497-498 English audiobook pocketfmenglish
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Before listening from episode 497 to episode 498, don't forget to support the channel by
00:07buying me a coffee from the link in the description or in the first comment. Everyone buying me a
00:12coffee will get this weekend all chapters of the book by email. Also, don't forget to subscribe,
00:18comment, and like. Episode 497
00:22That's My Emma
00:24It's nothing.
00:26Jenna said to Jeff as he glared at her,
00:29The people in Switzerland haven't touched base with Susan yet, so they called us to check up.
00:34Everything's okay. How about you tell me what happened instead? He said as he turned to the
00:39housekeeper, who glanced nervously at Jenna before looking back to him.
00:45Susan's assistant called. The housekeeper said,
00:48They said that they were robbed while leaving the airport and Susan was kidnapped.
00:53No one knows where she is, but the police are on the case.
00:57Jeff crossed his arms and frowned. How did this happen? He asked.
01:02She was supposed to have someone escort her when she got to the airport.
01:06Don't worry too much, Jenna said as she grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it.
01:11The information might be wrong. There was probably just a mix-up at the airport.
01:16I bet she's perfectly fine. Call the people in Switzerland and confirm the information.
01:22He said to the housekeeper, yanking his hand away from Jenna's,
01:25And make sure this news doesn't leave this room.
01:29I'll go make some calls too and see if I can find out anything.
01:33He then rushed back to his study. As Jenna watched him leave, a smirk crept across her face.
01:41You think you can find her? She thought you don't have a prayer.
01:46Since the kidnapping incident involved the CEO of an international perfume company,
01:52news spread quickly and everyone found out without Jenna saying a word.
01:56It didn't take long before the news spread to Peter as he was at school.
02:01He rushed home and ran into Jeff's room.
02:04Have you heard about this? He asked, stopping to catch his breath.
02:10Jeff just waved his hand as if this was not a big deal.
02:14Peter's face flushed as he said,
02:16You can't just ignore what's happening to mom. She needs our help.
02:21Jenna placed an ear to the door and listened quietly.
02:26It seems like everything is going according to plan, she thought.
02:30She then knocked on the door and entered the room.
02:33She glanced at Peter and then handed her phone to Jeff.
02:37You have a phone call from the higher ups at the business.
02:40He looked at her and then took the phone.
02:44What is it? He asked.
02:46We just heard that Susan has been kidnapped.
02:49The caller said,
02:51What's happening with our collaboration in Switzerland?
02:54Jeff scowled. Susan is in trouble and you're eyeing her position, he asked.
03:00The Miller family will always have authority over the company and no one can take it away.
03:06Don't even think about it.
03:08We aren't doubting that, the caller replied.
03:12It's just that our Switzerland team has called us multiple times.
03:16They cancelled their collaboration with us
03:19and used the fact that our representative didn't show up as an excuse.
03:24We can't continue operating without someone to lead the business.
03:28The board of directors has decided to hold an urgent meeting you should attend to.
03:34Jeff hung up the phone trembling in anger.
03:37Susan was kidnapped and all these people care about is trying to seize power.
03:43I won't let them get away with this.
03:46Try to calm down.
03:48Jenna said as she placed her hand on his shoulder.
03:51Let's think of a way to find Susan and then we can deal with the problems at work.
03:56I know a lot of them are under Jenny's spell
03:59but the rest must have been waiting for the first chance to seize power.
04:03Jeff thought as his jaw clenched.
04:05They're so eager to unseat Susan from her role
04:08even when they know that her life could be in danger.
04:11It makes me sick.
04:13He looked at Jenna.
04:15Calm down.
04:17The shareholders he said with a sigh.
04:19I'll look for Emma.
04:21I'll do my best to protect the business.
04:24She said with a smile.
04:25He waved his hand dismissively.
04:28Don't let me down this time.
04:30I'll handle it.
04:31She said before leaving the room.
04:34After she had left Peter finally spoke up.
04:37Should we do something?
04:39He asked.
04:40It's not time to reel in the line yet.
04:42Jeff replied.
04:44Let her think.
04:45She's one for now.
04:47I want to see her comfort the shareholders before we strike.
04:51What about mom?
04:53Peter said even though Susan was his stepmother
04:56he had long treated her as his birth mother.
04:58So he had always called her mom.
05:01With Emma around Jenna can't possibly get away with this.
05:05Jeff said beaming with pride at the thought of his clever and resourceful granddaughter.
05:11She's the real mastermind behind all of this.
05:14Jenna is in for a rude awakening when she realizes
05:17she's not the one who's been pulling the strings all along.
05:20You're right.
05:21Peter said as he slowly relaxed.
05:24If Emma's on the case Jenna better look out.
05:28Emma sat at home watching the news of Susan's kidnapping on TV.
05:33According to our sources the woman who's been kidnapped in Switzerland is Susan Miller.
05:38The CEO of Miller Cooker and the mother of well-known actress Emma Miller.
05:43The newscaster said police have been actively searching for her
05:47but her whereabouts are currently unknown.
05:50She turned off the TV and put down the remote as she heard a loud frantic knocking on the door.
05:56She opened the door and led a panic.
05:59Delisa inside greeting her with a calm face and a gentle smile.
06:05You must be worried about my mom.
06:06She said.
06:08Of course I am.
06:09Lisa replied.
06:10I saw the news everywhere.
06:12Why are you so calm?
06:13She's already on her flight home.
06:15She sat down on the sofa and padded the seat beside her to prompt Lisa to sit down.
06:20What do you mean?
06:22Lisa asked her eyebrows raised as she sat beside her.
06:27This is just another one of Jenna's power grabs.
06:29She said.
06:31We saw it coming and Eric sent some bodyguards there ahead of time
06:34to protect Susan from the kidnappers.
06:37She's completely safe.
06:39Jen is heading over to the company right now to comfort the shareholders.
06:43Lisa said.
06:44What if she succeeds?
06:47We're trying to use this opportunity to weed out all the shareholders who have doubts about my mom.
06:52Emma replied.
06:54We're going to let them fight each other as we sit back and enjoy the show.
06:59Jenna thinks she's so smart but she's totally oblivious to the fact that we're on to her.
07:05She thought she'll have no idea what hit her.
07:08Lisa fell into deep thought for a while and then said.
07:12You want Jenna to do all this work and get nothing but pain as a result.
07:16She chuckled and nodded after what she's done.
07:20She deserves every bit of this.
07:22I'll give her more than she bargained for.
07:25Emma said with a grin.
07:27She could have seriously injured me.
07:29She tried to manipulate doctors into making it impossible for me to get pregnant.
07:34And she's taken every opportunity to start horrible rumors about me.
07:39I'm going to make her pay for everything she's done.
07:42And now's the best chance I'll get.
07:45Even when she's busy preparing to have a baby.
07:48She's still thinking about revenge.
07:50Lisa thought.
07:52That's my Emma.
07:54Now that I know this is all part of your plan.
07:57I'll keep quiet and watch the show.
07:59She said.
08:01But why is Jenna constantly challenging you?
08:04You two are obviously focused on different things.
08:08What's her problem?
08:10Some people are just lost causes.
08:13Emma said as she gently patted her stomach.
08:15She's completely oblivious to anyone's motives but her own.
08:19Jenna has no idea that I'm pregnant.
08:21She thought.
08:22She thinks that she'll be welcomed home with open arms if she produces a great grandchild.
08:27But she doesn't realize that the baby is all he cares about.
08:31I can't wait to see her face when I take over the family business.
08:35And she finally realizes that she's all alone for good.
08:39Episode 498.
08:41A Model Leader.
08:43The Miller Core Board of Directors decided to hold an urgent meeting.
08:47And Jenna surprised the shareholders by showing up uninvited.
08:51They had known that she returned to the company.
08:54But since Jeff had placed her in an insignificant position for so long.
08:58They hadn't taken much notice of her.
09:00They wondered if he had given her a chance to redeem herself.
09:04Jenna knew that they had never trusted her.
09:07And had thought she was unreliable and incapable of being in charge.
09:11I'll show these stubborn old shareholders what I'm made of.
09:14She thought.
09:15I'm here on behalf of my grandfather.
09:18She said with her chin held high as she looked at them.
09:21If any of you have anything you want to say.
09:24Go ahead.
09:25The shareholders looked at each other for a while.
09:28Then a man standing to the right of Gina.
09:31Stood up.
09:32Straightened his suit and said.
09:34I would like to know when Miss Miller will return.
09:37Our company can't operate without someone in charge.
09:41Jenna thought for a few seconds before smiling.
09:44We don't know whether Susan is dead or alive right now.
09:47She said.
09:48Please be patient with us during this difficult time.
09:52Do you know how much we invested into the collaboration with Switzerland?
09:56The man asked.
09:58And it was cancelled.
10:00Just like that.
10:01Who's going to take responsibility?
10:03With all due respect.
10:05We understand your difficulties.
10:07But you still need to protect your shareholders' interests.
10:10An older man said as he crossed his arms.
10:14The Miller family can control the company.
10:17They founded it and they hold the majority of the shares.
10:20But you still need to provide your shareholders with a game plan.
10:25If Mrs. Miller is unavailable, shouldn't the chairman take over?
10:29Jenna turned to the man and said.
10:31My grandfather hasn't been well lately.
10:34He's not in any state to take charge right now.
10:37Olivia is a busy doctor.
10:39So we don't want to force her to step in.
10:41He said.
10:42What about Emma?
10:44Isn't she taking a break from acting right now?
10:48If she could take charge while Susan is gone.
10:50That would be better than leaving the company without a leader.
10:54Jenna's eyes darkened.
10:57Just as she was about to respond, a young shareholder spoke up.
11:00Do you seriously want to hand over control of the company to an actress?
11:05He asked.
11:06Are you joking?
11:07Emma is reliable and a hard worker.
11:10Another shareholder replied.
11:12She treats people well too.
11:14Why wouldn't she be a good candidate?
11:17That's enough.
11:18The younger man replied.
11:20There's no way I'll accept someone like her.
11:22Who's never had a real job as the leader of the company.
11:25How could you suggest something so foolish?
11:28Do you have a better idea?
11:30The other shareholder asked.
11:32A few of the shareholders turned red with anger.
11:36She's just a washed up actress and model.
11:38They thought there's no way she has the skill needed to step in as the company's leader.
11:44I wonder how many people she's butted heads with already.
11:48Another shareholder said.
11:50If we put her in charge even for just a short while,
11:53she might ruin the company's reputation.
11:56I think Jenna should take control for now.
11:59She's already shown that she can take the initiative
12:01by coming here to speak with us about the incident.
12:04Unlike any of her siblings.
12:07Jenna's eyes widened with surprise as the shareholders stood up for her.
12:11Most people in the room were aware of her limited capacity as a businesswoman.
12:16But they were too polite to point out her faults in front of her.
12:20She knew that they doubted her.
12:23So she said.
12:24I know I've had some issues in the past and I disappointed everyone.
12:29But after reviewing the company's history, starting from the very beginning,
12:33I have developed a new understanding of this company.
12:36I just want you all to know that I've been working hard to improve,
12:40even if I'm not the one who ends up in charge.
12:43The shareholders looked at Jenna and then discussed the two options among themselves,
12:48with split opinions on who would make the better company leader.
12:51As the discussions quieted down, one shareholder spoke.
12:56From what I've heard and seen, Emmett doesn't seem interested in management.
13:01He said the chairman looked for her to take over many times in the past,
13:05but she told him that she didn't want to sit around in meetings all day with a bunch of old people.
13:11She certainly doesn't seem like manager material.
13:14Everyone stopped arguing as they realized the truth in his words.
13:19She did ignore his requests.
13:22A shareholder said he asked her many times and she never showed any interest in taking charge.
13:28Since we can't count on her, it seems like the choice is clear.
13:33As long as Jenna can take over for now, all rest assured that the company is in good hands.
13:38The shareholders were leaning toward picking Jenna for the role,
13:42and she felt excitement bubbling up inside of her as her plans seemed to be working.
13:47She took a deep breath to keep calm, as she said.
13:51I would like to thank everyone for believing in me despite my past mistakes.
13:56Since it's so hard to decide, let's vote on it, a shareholder said.
14:00The shareholders came to a mutual agreement to use the fairest possible method to decide.
14:06Jenna was confident with this decision since she had already bribed several of them.
14:12But despite her trying to rig the vote, the result was a tie between her and Emma.
14:18Everyone who voted for Emma must be oblivious to the fact that she would rather dress in
14:24some skimpy outfit for the public's attention instead of a lead, a company, a shareholder,
14:31said. Everyone calm down, Jenna said.
14:35The best thing for us to do is let my grandfather break the tie.
14:39I might not be able to repay everyone's kindness because he has the final say,
14:45but I hope he'll give me a chance.
14:47What else is there to consider?
14:49A shareholder asked the rest of you even know anything about Emma.
14:54She might survive in the entertainment industry, but that doesn't mean she can manage a business.
15:00If you all insist on putting her in charge, I'll sell my shares.
15:05There seemed to be no resolution to their problem, and they were still fighting about
15:09the choice between Emma and Jenna when a secretary connected a call from Jeff to the meeting room.
15:15Hearing that Jeff was on the line, the shareholder stopped bickering and answered the phone.
15:20Susan has been kidnapped in Switzerland, and we don't know if she's alive or dead,
15:25Jeff said. The entire Miller family is working together to locate her.
15:30In the meantime, we will need to put someone else in charge.
15:34I'll announce that the acting CEO will be tomorrow,
15:38and I'm sure that no one will have any doubts about my decision.
15:42Jenna lowered her head and laughed. I'm the only one in the family who can do this.
15:48She thought the job is as good as mine.
15:51I'll get my granddaughter to hold a meeting with all of you tomorrow.
15:55He said she was certain he was going to place her back at the top
15:59and several of the shareholders clapped as they assumed that Jeff would choose her.
16:04That model should step aside. A shareholder said she's only useful for entertainment,
16:10not for anything serious. Someone who can't handle real responsibility
16:15should never step foot through the company's doors. Watch what you're saying.
16:20One of Emma's supporters warned they were already upset that Jenna would be placed in
16:24the position of power again. To have Jenna's supporters insult Emma right in front of them
16:30was more than they could tolerate. Since my grandfather has made a decision,
16:36let's get together again tomorrow and go from there, Jenna said with a big smile.
16:41I'm looking forward to meeting with you all again.
16:44It's still not certain who we will be meeting with tomorrow.
16:48The shareholder said, shooting an angry look at her.
16:51She aren't the chairman's only granddaughter, you know. Just you wait. Emma will get the role for
16:57sure. Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment, and like.
