• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Abbiamo sempre creduto nel brand journalism, tanto da dar vita, nel 2016 a ‘Changes’, un blog che è diventato anche un'edizione cartacea nel 2018”. Così Fernando Vacarini, responsabile Media Relations corporate reputation and digital pr Gruppo Unipol, spiega perchè è “sembrata naturale” la scelta di “sostenere” la prima edizione del Brand Journalism Festival che il 12 novembre riunisce editori, aziende, giornalisti, decision maker, esperti e appassionati della comunicazione in un confronto sull'evoluzione del mondo dell'editoria, del giornalismo e della corporate communication. “Fare brand journalism - aggiunge - significa adottare le stesse tecniche di comunicazione di un giornalismo tradizionale perché, solo in questo caso, il giornalismo d'impresa può essere autorevole”.


00:00It is undoubtedly a very interesting and innovative initiative in the sector, where there are very classic manifestations in the world of communication.
00:19As a group, we have always believed in brand journalism, starting with Change.is in 2016, a blog that became a paper edition in 2018,
00:29so it seemed very natural to us to support this initiative.
00:34What does it mean to do brand journalism?
00:43Doing brand journalism means adopting the same communication techniques as traditional journalism,
00:51and therefore adopting the same techniques, because only in this case can business journalism be authoritative.
01:00As far as the choice of brand journalism is concerned, everyone has their own.
01:06As far as we are concerned, with Change.is we have decided to embark on the path of a thought leader.
01:15In other words, we are trying to anticipate the trends that will develop in the coming years
01:22and we are trying to give answers in advance to the phenomena that we will see in the following years.
01:30What is the role of brand journalism?
01:37This is an ancient heritage, so journalism has always seen in the form of communication, objectivity, the way of communicating, even in an impartial way,
01:50while business communication has always been seen and linked to marketing and advertising.
01:56It is clear that with these two different approaches, it is normal for the two worlds to end up in conflict.
02:02But now it is time to change the paradigm, because the forms of communication have changed and therefore the two worlds can coexist.
02:10Will artificial intelligence change the way we do business?
02:20Certainly yes, because artificial intelligence will significantly change the way we do traditional journalism.
02:27But it will do the same in the world of brand journalism, because what we know is that artificial intelligence will play a decisive role in the production of content,
02:37whether traditional, video or other.
