• last week


00:02Johnny Milagro
00:04Molitere Mari
00:06I'm finished
00:08He's shaking all the keys
00:10His fingers are itching
00:12His body doesn't listen to me anymore
00:14Vasile Brescan?
00:16Who's asking?
00:20Inspector at the Prosecutor's Office
00:22of the European Prosecutor
00:26I'm not the one you know anymore
00:28I'm smarter now
00:30What are
00:32the conditions
00:34of your
00:38Excuse me,
00:40sir, mademoiselle
00:44Do we have the key?
00:46I don't understand
00:54Did I ever do anything wrong to you?
00:58I'm sorry
01:02I don't have anything to give you
01:04I only have
01:06the memory card
01:10I want to see
01:14the computer
01:16will attack you
01:18It has a green taste
01:24Green mixed with something brown
01:26But a little
01:28Green mixed with something brown
01:54It's like a machine
02:10Wait a minute
02:28Wake up
02:30Wake up!
02:32What are you doing?
02:34Go home, the show is starting
02:36and I don't want to miss the episode
02:38Did I fall asleep?
02:40A little
02:48did we do something?
02:50Like a man
02:52We did something, Robi
02:56And how was it?
02:58Good, how could it be?
03:00And me?
03:02Especially you
03:04A bomb
03:08Ok, then
03:10That's what I'm saying
03:14I'm leaving
03:16As you say
03:18A bomb
03:24A bomb, you say?
03:26Oh, a nuclear one
03:30What a shame for the table
03:32I wish it was mine
05:14Is it heavy?
05:15Yes, I know it's heavy.
05:16So this was your bed?
05:18Yes, and now I have another one.
05:21Newer, more modern, with a different color.
05:24Yes, yes, it's normal.
05:25It's normal, but I wanted to say something.
05:28When you change the bed at the bathroom, you have to change the chair and the curtain.
05:32It's a shame.
05:33You can't bring a new bed, a new chair and an old curtain.
05:36When the value drops, at the bathroom and at home, too.
05:39I know, it's normal, I know what it is.
05:41Look at this.
05:42So, Joannino, if you know, we skip the steps, I go straight to the point.
05:47Look into my eyes.
05:49It's not the case to beg me.
05:51I'm in.
05:52I'm in, I'm in.
05:55Until New Year's Eve, I'm in.
05:57I wrote to you.
05:58When the value drops, at midnight, between 2026 and 2027,
06:03you go to the bathroom.
06:05What are you going to do if it's already in?
06:09Where is it? Where is it?
06:11In the bathroom.
06:12They only had that in the yard, didn't they?
06:14What did you put in the bathroom?
06:16From the store.
06:17I took it with everything.
06:18With the editing and everything.
06:20You took it with the editing?
06:22Yes, yes, yes.
06:23And the curtains and the curtain?
06:24I put everything on it, too.
06:26And why the hell did you come, Joannino?
06:29I came to get rid of this old thing.
06:31What am I supposed to do with it?
06:32Take it, take it to the attic, do whatever you want with it.
06:34Get it out of here, I have nothing to do with it.
06:36No, no, no.
06:37Are you crazy?
06:39Let me calm down.
06:40Joannino, forgive me for answering.
06:43The lack of respect I've heard from you
06:48doesn't mean I've never put up with it in my life.
06:51So you're making fun of me
06:53because I'm going to collect the garbage from the construction site?
06:58I put grease and cloth
07:01and I let people with two faculties
07:03to clean up after me
07:04and now I have to clean up the construction site?
07:08What's wrong with him?
07:09Listen to me, I'm telling you.
07:12Never, ever, never, never, ever, never!
07:15And if I give you 100 lei?
07:18Son, don't look at me like that.
07:20Look at this girl, she's nice to us.
07:23That's what I thought.
07:49Take a look at this list, Vasile.
07:52What does it say there?
07:55200 lei for the right side,
07:58300 lei for the armrest,
08:01100 lei for the left wheel.
08:06What's this, Nicu?
08:07What did you do, Mayor?
08:09Are you bored?
08:10Put your hand and read it all the way to the end,
08:12or I'll punch you in the face!
08:14Why are you talking to me like that?
08:16Aren't you ashamed?
08:17Because of the Mayor and you,
08:19because you don't want to read the details.
08:21So, read it all the way to the end,
08:24and write down the total cost.
08:26Right away!
08:28Total, look, 1,300 lei!
08:30That's how much the car repairs cost me,
08:32because I came back from work,
08:34and I have to change them.
08:36This is the price for the second hand,
08:38because if I buy a new one,
08:39it will be doubled, tripled,
08:40and the dust will come out.
08:41Tell me, Mayor Vasile,
08:43what are we going to do now?
08:45What are we going to do?
08:46What do I have to do with your car?
08:48What do you mean, what do I have to do with my car?
08:50What do I have to do with your roads?
08:52My roads?
08:54Yes, your roads,
08:55because only you own them,
08:57not the roads of the State,
08:58and the State is the Mayor.
09:00What is the Mayor, Vasile?
09:01He's the Mayor.
09:02Aren't you the Mayor, Vasile?
09:04It's not your roads,
09:05because I want to inform you,
09:06Mayor Vasile,
09:08that your roads are full of potholes,
09:10and I want to ask you,
09:12why do your potholes
09:13damage my car?
09:16Dear citizens,
09:19dear Nicu,
09:21I want you to write on this road
09:23all the sympathy
09:25and emotion for you.
09:27I see suffering in your eyes,
09:29and believe me,
09:30I feel like crying.
09:32But besides this suffering
09:33that I feel,
09:34don't you feel like putting some money there?
09:36Where would I put money?
09:38And where would I put money?
09:39Where would I fix the car?
09:41But you didn't type to me like that,
09:44Because what?
09:45What happens if I type?
09:47Why if I type?
09:48Why if I type?
09:50You see, I do karate, Nicu!
09:51Oh my God!
09:52And you do them all
09:53or just on the side?
09:54Be careful,
09:55because I'm a specialist
09:56in vibrating palms,
09:57which suddenly died
09:58from high blood pressure.
09:59You be careful here,
10:00because I'm very nervous,
10:01and I think I have
10:02about 5 brains
10:03and about 7 vandals.
10:04Because if they cut my throat,
10:05and now I play with you,
10:06I'll kick you until you fall down.
10:07Get ready!
10:08Go away!
10:10Don't you dare
10:11to talk to a Mayor
10:12in this hall!
10:14I'm chosen by people,
10:15you rat!
10:16If you type to me,
10:17it means you type to people!
10:18Aren't you ashamed?
10:19It's not like that
10:20on the streets!
10:21It's not like that!
10:22Where should I give you money?
10:24I would give you money
10:25to buy you a helicopter
10:26so you can move
10:27through those graves,
10:28but believe me,
10:29I don't have any!
10:36Oh, Vasile,
10:37what a soul you have!
10:39I don't know you're a good man,
10:40I know!
10:42Forgive me,
10:43I'm like a pioneer,
10:44I don't know what to do anymore.
10:46I don't know what to do anymore.
10:48Stay here, listen to me,
10:49stay here, don't go!
10:51I'm coming,
10:52I'm coming,
10:53yes, yes, yes!
10:55It's closed.
10:56I have to go,
10:57I have a class, Vasile.
10:58I don't know,
10:59I don't know what to do anymore,
11:00how to do it,
11:01how to do it, Vasile?
11:05my son,
11:08I want you to understand
11:09that whatever happens
11:10in your life,
11:11I will be with you.
11:14That's why I'm a Mayor,
11:15just like my citizens.
11:17If you allow me, Nicu,
11:18a little help from me,
11:20modest and fair,
11:22take 50 lei
11:24and do the job with them.
11:26I'm a Mayor,
11:27but I'm also a man.
11:28And if you allow me a piece of advice,
11:30about the grave,
11:31also a collection, Nicu,
11:33try to go by train with the car,
11:35that's all I wanted to say.
11:37What an advice!
11:38I never thought about something like that!
11:41Thank you very much, Vasile!
11:46It's too little.
11:48What's too little?
11:49The Mayor's salary.
11:51Didn't you see that I'm also a psychologist?
11:53It's hard for me to get used to the human abyss.
11:56Where do I get so much patience from?
11:58Maybe only from God,
11:59because otherwise I can't explain it.
12:00And you, Mr. Inspector,
12:01say that you have big hair,
12:03but the psychologist's hair
12:04is somewhere,
12:05because I know it's not.
12:06It's not?
12:07Well, it's not.
12:08And you, Mr. Inspector,
12:09say that you have big hair,
12:10but the psychologist's hair
12:11is somewhere,
12:12because I know it's not.
12:13It's not?
12:14Well, it's not.
12:15And these people have mom and dad.
12:16Where's the hair of mom and dad?
12:18It's not.
12:19Well, it's not!
12:20Because it breaks my heart
12:21when I think about them.
12:22I cry my heart out
12:23because I see that I can't solve
12:24their important problems.
12:27Not to mention being a mother.
12:29Did you see how sensitive she was
12:30when she wanted to hit me?
12:31Did you see?
12:36That's how it is.
12:48What are you doing here,
12:51I'll take the money out of your pockets.
12:55Come on!
12:57Come on!
13:15Why are you in such a hurry?
13:17What do you want, man?
13:18Don't you want to go on the internet
13:19like Bobiศ›ฤƒ?
13:20Do you know what it's called?
13:21Gianni Barosan.
13:23Go to hell with your internet
13:24and your internet.
13:26Come on, man!
13:27It doesn't cost you anything!
13:29Do you know what that word is?
13:30Gianni Barosan!
13:32Also Gianni Barosan.
13:35Look at that!
13:36It's here!
13:37Is it cold?
13:38Yes, bravo!
13:40I'll take it.
13:45What if I stay here
13:46with that Chinese girl?
13:47Come on, man!
13:48Have a little patience.
13:50You call that patience?
13:51My stomach is pounding
13:52from all that drinking.
13:53You call that patience?
13:54Drink that beer until I come back.
13:56Look how cool I am
13:57with my internet!
13:58Gianni Barosan!
14:00Look at him!
14:01Why is he with me?
14:03You're cute.
14:06Let me be cute.
14:07That's how he brought me here.
14:08Are you crazy?
14:09It's my fault.
14:10Why is he with me?
14:11Why did he hit him?
14:12Don't you know what you did?
14:13What did I do?
14:14He hit me!
14:15What did I do?
14:16So pay attention.
14:17You paid for the sheep
14:18and we didn't.
14:19Who paid?
14:20I didn't pay anything.
14:21Where would I pay?
14:22I didn't pay.
14:23So pay attention.
14:24Don't pretend
14:25that Bobby checked.
14:26That's how he does it all the time.
14:27He goes to the sheep
14:28with his credit card
14:29and sees who paid for that
14:30and who paid for us.
14:31Got it?
14:32And you didn't have anything
14:33on your credit card
14:34and that's why he got upset.
14:35Got it?
14:36Because you were drinking
14:37that beer
14:38so he could give you
14:39his credit card
14:40and that's why.
14:41But pay attention.
14:42I won't tell you
14:45The Chinese is coming!
14:50Mr. Jani Barosanu!
14:52I brought you the Chinese.
14:56Put the Chinese in.
14:57What is this?
15:00This is the presentation,
15:01my boy!
15:02It's not like that.
15:03You have to make a show,
15:04my boy!
15:05With fireworks,
15:06with fireworks
15:07that go off
15:08with that
15:10Otherwise I won't eat.
15:11Explain to me
15:12in Chinese
15:13everything you eat here.
15:15In Chinese!
15:16Like everyone else!
15:17In Chinese?
15:18In Chinese!
15:19You weren't French
15:20at my place,
15:21why not Chinese?
15:42I brought you some cream,
15:43fresh cream.
15:44Do you want some?
15:45No, thanks.
15:46I already ate.
15:48Then a beer?
15:51Do you have champagne?
15:57Are you going to the doctor?
15:58Ah, no, no.
16:00Well, only doctors
16:01go to the doctor
16:02for champagne.
16:03Champagne or coffee?
16:04No, I'm not going to the doctor.
16:06for me.
16:08then happy birthday!
16:09Thank you!
16:11happy birthday!
16:12Or at least
16:13happy birthday!
16:14It's not.
16:15And you drink champagne
16:16like that,
16:17without any occasion?
16:18I feel like it.
16:20Then I'll bring you some.
16:28They brought me
16:29fresh cream.
16:32Ah, and?
16:34I was saying the same thing.
16:36Do you want to drink champagne
16:37with me?
16:42But on what occasion?
16:44So I don't drink alone.
16:55We're getting married.
17:09What are you doing?
17:10What the hell?
17:11We're so stupid,
17:12so slow.
17:13What the hell is this?
17:14What do we need it for?
17:16Then what are you doing?
17:18we didn't give the girl
17:19any money
17:20to get rid of her.
17:21We got rid of her,
17:22but where are we taking her?
17:23I don't know.
17:24Be careful here,
17:25because I know.
17:27let me help you,
17:28you two.
17:29Can't we do it like this,
17:30with the ice cream?
17:31We don't pollute nature.
17:32Ah, leave me alone
17:33with your nature.
17:34Look at me,
17:35and you'll see that I leave it here.
17:36We don't leave anything here.
17:39What do you have here?
17:43you got a present.
17:45What present?
17:46Yesterday you bought
17:47a bag of candy
17:49I don't know.
17:50Tell me the time.
17:51Tell me the time.
17:52Did you buy a bag of candy?
17:53I bought it,
17:54but every day
17:55I get a bag of candy.
17:56You won
17:57a surprise
17:58at Tombola,
18:02for you.
18:04What is it?
18:05A present.
18:06Do you want it?
18:07We really need
18:08a bag of candy.
18:0950 lei.
18:10Wait a minute,
18:11didn't you say
18:12it's a surprise
18:13at Pufulesc?
18:14It's a surprise at Pufulesc,
18:15but keep 40 lei there,
18:16because I kept it here.
18:17Come on, 20.
18:20I don't allow
18:23Shut up.
18:24I said it's useless.
18:25It's useless.
18:26I don't allow this.
18:27You don't know.
18:29leave me alone.
18:31you're a citizen
18:32who doesn't play with us.
18:33Only that
18:34at this
18:35small letter
18:36that says
18:39is mandatory
18:41Celentano and Costa.
18:42That's it.
18:43That's it.
18:44Come on.
18:45Wait a minute,
18:46do you know how to edit?
18:47What do you mean, Nicu?
18:48I mean
18:49I'm the one
18:50who works.
18:51You're the one
18:52who works.
18:53You're the one
18:54with the glass,
18:56And if you don't edit,
18:57what do you do?
18:58Don't you give me
18:59the credit?
19:01let's get this straight.
19:03Then I don't want it anymore.
19:04What did you do to me?
19:06Then I won't give it to you anymore.
19:09get out of here.
19:10Don't yell at me
19:11in front of the door.
19:12What are you doing, man?
19:13Leave me alone,
19:14it was important,
19:15the work,
19:16not anything else.
19:17Let's go to my house
19:18because I'll stay there.
19:19Come on.
19:22Come on.
19:37Are you crazy?
19:39What the hell is this money?
19:40It's not even enough for some seeds.
19:41Give me all the money.
19:44Here, take this.
19:45These are all.
19:48What the hell is this money?
19:49That money,
19:50that money,
19:51that money for the mayor,
19:52that's what I want.
19:53Where is your house?
19:54I don't keep it at home.
19:55And I don't even have one.
19:57It's buried.
19:58Where is it buried?
19:59I don't keep it,
20:00but if you really need money,
20:02give me 15 and I'll give you the card.
20:03So, either we meet at the ATM,
20:04or you give me a coin and you send it to me.
20:06Is that okay?
20:08You're kidding me.
20:09No, sir, I'm a helpful man.
20:10Does it bother you?
20:12If possible,
20:13because I'm very emotional,
20:14don't keep the gun to me anymore.
20:16Don't let it be, Mr. Frestev,
20:17an accident, I mean,
20:18no, I mean,
20:20Hey, hey, hey, hey,
20:21I keep the gun where I want it.
20:22Correct, that's how it is.
20:23She takes out her margins.
20:25They're plastic.
20:27Take off your socks.
20:28They're still plastic.
20:29They're not plastic.
20:31What the hell are you doing here?
20:33Tell me, who is this?
20:35So, you're still ugly?
20:37Oh, man, I mean...
20:38He's my guest,
20:39and it's not nice to do something like this.
20:42But it would be nice
20:43if I gave you a spade in Tibia
20:44and a spade in Genghis.
20:45Tell me.
20:47I want to draw your attention
20:49that that gun is real.
20:51If someone told you
20:52that it's a toy,
20:53he fooled you.
20:56Do you think I don't know it's real?
20:57Do you think I don't know what I'm doing?
20:59I think you're an amateur.
21:03And how do you know
21:04that I'm an amateur?
21:06Well, first of all,
21:07if you were a professional,
21:09you'd know where to hit.
21:12You'd know where the money is
21:13and you'd know
21:14how much money there is.
21:16You wouldn't have come
21:17to the pawnshop like this.
21:19And secondly,
21:20you should know
21:21that the mayor knows karate,
21:23so you're in danger.
21:26Since when
21:27does the mayor know karate?
21:28Leave me alone.
21:29It doesn't matter.
21:30Yes, yes, it matters.
21:31Mr. Mayor,
21:32you should know
21:33that I feel safe with you.
21:35Hey, leave this guy alone
21:36and take out the money.
21:37Come on, leave him.
21:38I don't have money at all.
21:39I only have cards.
21:40Hey, calm down.
21:41Mr. Inspector,
21:42please allow me
21:43to solve this problem.
21:45But you can't do this.
21:46So, first of all,
21:48I want to know
21:50what kind of stress
21:51a mayor can get
21:53from life and death
21:54because you came here
21:55to boss me
21:56like a mayor.
21:57Is that true?
21:59Of course.
22:00Of course, right?
22:01Because I don't know why
22:02people see us
22:03as old men
22:04who are not really like this.
22:06There are barons on TV.
22:07Not even this.
22:08I'm not like this.
22:09Please believe me.
22:10So, having said that,
22:11if you allow me
22:12to go further,
22:14dear infractor,
22:16you don't give me a choice
22:17and I see you put yourself
22:18in a situation
22:19to apply karate.
22:20Hey, calm down.
22:21I have a gun
22:22and it's better than karate.
22:23It depends on who
22:24holds the karate
22:25and who holds the gun.
22:26Come on!
22:38Bravo, Mr. Mayor!
22:39Bravo, Mr. Mayor!
22:42And you should know
22:43that I have a keen eye
22:44for these things.
22:45I noticed.
22:46I'll give you
22:47a Gopro
22:48if not
22:49at least
22:50a nomination
22:51for the prize.
22:53What the hell?
22:54No, no.
22:55Can I ask you something?
22:56What the hell,
22:57Mr. Mayor?
22:59Is there something else
23:00or is that all?
23:05I don't understand.
23:06I mean,
23:07if that's all,
23:08is the circus over?
23:11What the hell, Mr. Mayor?
23:12I saw in a newspaper
23:13that your mascara
23:16was sewn with steel.
23:21What did you say
23:22in your defense?
23:26I don't know.
23:33What's your name?
23:34Is your name
23:35Miku Tokio or Sora 13?
23:36Sora 13.
23:38Or is it...
23:43Or is it...
23:4813 or is it...
23:49Or is it...
23:58Beautiful, yes.
23:59That's all in Chinese.
24:00Do you know?
24:01What more do you want?
24:02What more do you want?
24:03You should put more,
24:04do you know,
24:05with the tea in the cigarette?
24:06This is Japanese.
24:07And that one with the tray, all in Japanese.
24:10What the hell do you want?
24:11And that one with the...
24:14Where is it?
24:15Oh, enough, I don't want to eat anymore.
24:17This is not the real Chinese like that one.
24:20That one was French, French.
24:21This is not that Chinese, Chinese.
24:23Oh, man, you're crazy.
24:25Put your hand and eat.
24:27Put your hand and eat.
24:29With what? With your hands.
24:30With what to eat?
24:31Oh, man.
24:32Oh, man.
24:33It's Chinese, man.
24:34Look, take it.
24:35This is the spoon and this is the fork.
24:36Take it from here.
24:37You taste it first.
24:38I taste it first?
24:40Why, man?
24:41Because you put something in the food.
24:42You put something.
24:43What should I put?
24:44Come on, man, you're crazy.
24:45Because you spit in it.
24:46You did something.
24:47That's right, man.
24:48You know I'm unlucky to spit in food, right?
24:49Well, taste it so I can see...
24:50Well, look, I don't feel like eating right now.
24:52Because I'm right.
24:53Oh, man.
24:54Put your hand and eat.
24:56Come on, taste it and eat there.
24:57Oh, man.
24:58Oh, man.
24:59Oh, man.
25:00Oh, man.
25:01Oh, man.
25:02Oh, man.
25:03Oh, man.
25:04Oh, man.
25:05Oh, man.
25:06Oh, man.
25:07Oh, man.
25:08Oh, man.
25:09Oh, man.
25:10Oh, man.
25:11Oh, man.
25:12Oh, man.
25:13Oh, man.
25:14Oh, man.
25:15Oh, man.
25:16Oh, man.
25:17Oh, man.
25:18Oh, man.
25:19Oh, man.
25:20Oh, man.
25:21Oh, man.
25:22Oh, man.
25:23Oh, man.
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29:25Oh, man.
29:26Oh, man.
29:27Oh, man.
29:28Oh, man.
29:29Oh, man.
29:30Oh, man.
29:31Oh, man.
29:32Oh, man.
29:33Oh, man.
29:34Oh, man.
29:35Oh, man.
29:36Oh, man.
29:37Oh, man.
29:38Oh, man.
29:39Oh, man.
29:41How are you?
29:42What are you doing?
29:43What are you drinking, champagne, man?
29:45Don't you think it's warm out here?
29:47Inspector, can you please explain...?
29:50I don't understand.
29:53It was all random.
29:55You're lying.
29:56It's not true.
29:57You're lying.
29:58No, I'm not, but I feel like I'm being bullied.
30:01Do you understand me?
30:03Who knows, maybe it's because of the shock,
30:05that something happened to my head.
30:06I don't see any other explanation.
30:07I don't want to be a mayor,
30:08but I don't think I would ruin a medical consultation.
30:10Mr. Mayor, now...
30:11What the hell, Mr. Mayor?
30:13Do you think I came here on my own?
30:18Then how?
30:20I came here on my own.
30:22A mutual friend sent me.
30:24A mutual friend?
30:27A mutual friend.
30:29What mutual friend?
30:31Mr. Mayor, you're completely unprepared
30:34for this situation you just went through.
30:38We were expecting something like this, but not quite.
30:42Anyway, stay calm, we won't leave you alone.
30:48Look, here's an analysis bulletin.
30:52For radiations from computers.
30:54Electromagnetic radiations.
30:58They're at a fairly high level,
31:00which affects your health very seriously.
31:02It's authorized, stamped,
31:04so you won't have any problems with it.
31:06And here...
31:08A report from the doctor
31:11of the Department of Public Health.
31:18Do you know what's written in it?
31:20No, if I need to, I'll read it now.
31:22No, no, you don't need to, stay calm.
31:24The idea is that it's signed
31:27by someone.
31:29By someone else who isn't you.
31:31Do you understand?
31:32If you have a check,
31:33you take out this report and...
31:35I mean, you throw the hot stone over the gate
31:38of someone, and then...
31:40Ah, right.
31:41I mean, everyone has their own job.
31:43That's it, you got it.
31:45The idea is that...
31:47you can give as many checks as you want
31:49with this report.
31:51I mean, everyone in the town hall
31:53can give you as many checks as you want.
31:55Ah, thank you!
31:57But it's not even like that,
31:58it's not a joke.
31:59Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Mayor.
32:01Well, if it's you,
32:03with great pleasure, it's being executed.
32:05You are 100% insured.
32:07Is it good like this?
32:09Thank you!
32:12It's superlative, but, Mr. Inspector,
32:14I have a question.
32:15Why is this good for us?
32:17I don't understand.
32:18Well, because you're a nice person.
32:22you thanked me nicely.
32:24And because you never forget
32:26who helped you.
32:29Like you won't forget now, right?
32:30Not now, I promise.
32:34The case of V.B. from Piervinศ›i.
32:43Yes, talk to me.
32:53you've been paying more and more
32:55and you've been paying yourself?
32:58And the invoices?
33:00But I don't have any left.
33:02Yes, I see, I'm hiring.
33:03Firice, do you know how fast money goes?
33:05Yes, my dear, tell me.
33:07Do you want more champagne?
33:09I'll go, I'll go get it.
33:13So, you've been on a luxury trip all day?
33:20I've been depressed all day.
33:24Because no one gives me a job.
33:27No one.
33:28It's a waste of time to work for no one.
33:31I don't have any,
33:32even if you're a good man.
33:34So, what luxury did you do today?
33:37I went to Bobiศ›a to eat foie gras.
33:40Well, I know it was foie gras with jam,
33:44but somehow my mind thinks I ate it.
33:47It's important what's going on in your mind,
33:49not what's actually going on.
33:53the brain is stupid.
33:55It's easy to fool it.
33:58Meaning, look,
33:59it's a waste of time to be depressed when you don't have a job.
34:02If in his mind
34:03he's a great master,
34:05he's still a great master.
34:07I mean, even if he doesn't have a job.
34:09I don't understand.
34:11there are some people
34:13who have everything,
34:14but they still don't have it.
34:16There are some poor people,
34:17who don't have anything,
34:18but in their mind
34:20they have everything.
34:21Do you understand?
34:23I still don't understand.
34:28it's like you didn't understand,
34:30but if in your mind
34:32you say you understood,
34:34somehow you still understood.
34:39Leave me alone,
34:40I didn't understand anything.
34:41I'm going crazy.
34:43I went to Aspirina.
34:45She says I was a sex bomb.
34:47I know nothing happened.
34:49When I woke up, I was dressed the same,
34:50I wasn't even naked.
34:52Did she give you money?
34:54Of course.
34:55But she also gave me soup.
34:56That's all?
34:58How can she give you only that much?
34:59Didn't you hear?
35:01You're an idiot, Robi.
35:03You have more luxury than her.
35:05Yes, but if she says she has luxury,
35:08luxury remains.
35:10I'm sorry.
35:12I would have liked that luxury,
35:14with a pool, a jacuzzi, a sauna.
35:17But this was good too.
35:20This was the last one.
35:23Look, I also took bread and potatoes for home.
35:27What potatoes?
35:28I didn't put a kilo in here.
35:29Well, if I had so much money,
35:31if I had more money,
35:32I would have taken more.
35:33They also put fresh cream.
35:35Well, take the sheet too.
35:36Take the sheet for the kids at least.
35:38Are you a Turk?
35:39You hear I don't have money?
35:40I will have money.
35:41Wait a minute.
35:43Take the champagne back,
35:45and take the cream and potatoes for the kids.
35:47I mean, how would it be if we,
35:48in our minds,
35:49drank the champagne
35:50as if we didn't drink it, right?
35:51Yes, see how you got caught.
35:53Go away, it doesn't work for me.
35:54Leave the champagne here.
35:55You put the champagne on the table,
35:56it stays here, it doesn't leave.
35:57What are we going to do?
35:58Go back to the grave?
35:59Let us see what the kids do later.
36:01Well, they're happier, but...
36:02Nothing, leave it like that.
36:06These are the last ones, you have money.
36:08Pay for the champagne,
36:10and for the rest,
36:11take something for the kids.
36:13Take the money,
36:14why are you looking at me like that?
36:15Take the money.
36:25you're a good man.
36:28You deserve more.
36:30I know.
36:32I have a plan.
36:37Yes, tell me.
36:39Ah, Mr. Prefect.
36:40Good day, Mr. Inspector.
36:41Your order.
36:44How much?
36:47Isn't it a bit much?
36:49Yes, I'm sorry, yes.
36:50No, no, it's done, I understand, yes.
36:53Yes, Mr. Inspector,
36:54you were a very kind man.
36:55Thank you very much for sending him.
36:57You're welcome.
36:58Yes, Mr. Prefect, yes.
37:00Next week, okay?
37:03Ah, you want it tomorrow?
37:05Yes, of course, it's being executed, yes.
37:07That's it, yes.
37:08Yes, it's not being discussed, yes, yes, yes.
37:10Okay, have a good life, Mr. Inspector.
37:12Yes, right away.
37:23Yes, Mr. Prefect.
37:24Yes, Mr. Prefect.
37:26Yes, Mr. Prefect.
37:29You were right, have a good life.
37:32It's not a drink.
37:34Yes, but it's our drink, isn't it?
37:37Yes, have a good life.
37:45the coffee was
37:55Good day.
37:56Thank you, Mr. Prefect.
37:59Same to you, Mr. Prefect.
38:01Have a good day.
38:07Dalida, listen to me.
38:09I'll call you this afternoon and tell you this.
38:11Until tomorrow,
38:12let's do the packages.
38:13Nothing exaggerated.
38:1520 liters of wine,
38:166 chickens,
38:176 cloves of thyme
38:18and 100 eggs.
38:19How much it costs, I don't care.
38:20Just solve it.
38:22Mr. Prefect,
38:23you handled it extraordinarily.
38:25You fought worse than at Marasesti.
38:28I'm proud of you.
38:58Ardiles, what are you doing?
39:00Yes, it was very good.
39:03The gun?
39:04Yes, I stole it.
39:05Be careful here.
39:06Are you my friend?
39:10I need some money.
39:12A few thousand euros.
39:14Come on, I know you have it.
39:16Come on, leave the gun somewhere, okay?
39:19Come on, Ardiles, I'm begging you.
39:28What are you doing, mother?
39:29How can you say you don't know me?
39:31Last week you stayed at my place for two nights.
39:34Look what she's saying.
39:36She's lying.
39:37How can I lie?
39:39Do you want me to show you pictures?
39:41What did you do?
39:42Did you take pictures?
39:44No, I didn't take pictures.
39:46But the way you reacted means I'm right.
39:49What are you doing here, mother?
39:51Are you sure?
39:52You're right.
39:53I'll wait for you at night.
39:55Leave me alone with this bitch.
39:57I'm not stupid.
39:59What bitch?
40:00I'm not a bitch.
40:01That's what I said.
40:02You come here for three nights
40:03and I'll pay you 200 lei.
40:06You have one more night.
40:08I can't.
40:09I can't.
40:10You said you didn't know anything.
40:13You swore here.
40:15I don't know anything.
40:16And I don't have anything to say.
40:18Don't call me ma'am.
40:19Why not?
40:21I like it.
40:22You like it.
40:23If you were a ma'am,
40:24you wouldn't talk to me.
40:26Listen to me.
40:27Listen to me.
40:28I'll give you 150 lei.
40:30If your lady comes here for three nights
40:32and I pay you,
40:33how would you react?
40:34What did you do, bitch?
40:35You know the way.
40:36You won't get there in a jiffy.
40:38I don't give a shit.
40:41You don't want me to hit you.
40:43I have a younger boy.
40:45He's smarter.
40:46He's smart.
40:47He's like Dorel.
40:49If I call him Dorel,
40:51he'll eat you up.
40:54Would he?
40:55He's exactly like you.
40:57Don't call me that.
40:59Are you afraid I won't hit you?
41:01Dorel, come here.
41:02Shut up.
41:04We'll do what you say.
41:06What do you want?
41:08150 lei?
41:12But come now.
41:13I won't be patient until tonight.
41:15Only three nights?
41:17Give me the money.
41:23Take 50 lei from here.
41:26And the rest after the last meeting.
41:28I don't want any more surprises.
41:30Fine, do what you say.
41:32Take your man first.
41:33No, Eta.
41:34Go with the woman now.
41:36I want to see you both.
41:37That's how I got to this situation.
41:40People don't trust each other anymore.
41:42I'll go.
41:43I'll go, but don't tell anyone.
41:45Don't tell anyone.
41:47I'll go.
41:49Take your man first.
41:50No, I'll go first.
41:58Did you call me?
42:02Why are you laughing?
42:03I'm changing my name on the internet.
42:07It says,
42:08Gianni burns Tantinu Tzika.
42:12Let me do it.
42:13How do I do it?
42:16I'll go after them.
42:17You go after them.
42:18You go.
42:19Let me do it.
42:36What's this?
42:37What's this, Fericele?
42:38It's the surprise that Oceletano prepared for you.
42:41Are you ready?
42:50We have a surprise for you.
42:52Fericele, sit down.
42:54Sit where you are.
42:55So, surprise.
42:58We have a meeting at the spa for you.
43:08Is this a spa?
43:11If your head is a spa, then it's a spa.
43:14Ah, right, right.
43:16And because you were so nice to Fericele,
43:19we treat you to a luxury.
43:22Because look what I present to you.
43:29Oceletano, I don't really fit in there.
43:34I forgot to tell you.
43:36This was Janina's necklace.
43:40This one?
43:43This is Janina's...
43:46And you're her father.
43:48Now, attention!
43:50Let me be very clear.
43:51If you want me to bring you another bucket of water,
43:53blow it again.
43:54If you want me to bring you some wood,
43:56blow it twice.
43:57If you want some popcorn,
43:59throw it in my palm.
44:01Did you see that?
44:03Look how beautiful it is!
44:07Tell me when you're coming in!
44:12Be careful!
44:14Hey, boys!
44:15I've made up my mind.
44:16I'm going to the hairdresser's.
44:17I'm going.
44:18Come on!
44:19Do you like what you got?
44:20I like it.
44:21I'm dead.
44:22So look how good I am at interior design.
44:26I'm going to the interior design.
44:29I'm going to the hairdresser's.
44:30If you're in your head right now,
44:32that means you really are in your head, right?
44:34If I'm in my head right now, I'm a designer.
44:36I'm a designer!
44:37Come on, guys!
44:41Come on, boys!
44:51Excuse me, I'm here to get some beans.
45:03Action, two!
45:11And action, two!
45:13Put it here.
45:14And action!
45:15Is it ok?
45:17Yes, ok, but why is it further back?
45:19It's longer if you put it here.
45:20Let's finish the sequence.
45:21Ok, ok.
45:22Finish the sequence.
45:23I've made money.
45:24I've counted all the time.
45:25Money, money, money.
45:26And action!
45:28What kind of question is this, Luca?
45:31It's the joy of money.
45:34I still have this joy.
