The Young and the Restless 9-10-24 (Y&R 10th September 2024) 9-10-2024

  • last week
00:00If you can take those two accounts, I can handle the rest.
00:07Yeah. I'll do it.
00:09Great. I have the files here in the office.
00:13Are you sure you don't mind helping out?
00:16Oh my gosh. I am happy, happy to do it.
00:19But you have to make a promise to me, okay?
00:22This time, you're actually going to take some time and rest.
00:27All right. Maybe now is a good time to rebook that spa vacation.
00:32That is not going to happen. Faith needs me here.
00:36What was I going to get?
00:38The files. But you know what? I can just get them from you a little later.
00:42I'm late for a meeting at Cassidy first.
00:52You know my order, right? I think we're just going to have to wait out here.
00:56You don't want to come in with me?
00:58The fear of seeing Sharon is real, Dad.
01:02Yeah, yeah. Yesterday was not fun.
01:09But lucky for you, coast is clear.
01:14Come on. I'll order. You can look over those community service options.
01:18Fine. Just text me the website.
01:20Yeah. That's my girl.
01:23I forgot I left my phone in the car. You go get a table. I'll be right back.
02:17Well, this is nice.
02:19Starting the day with a session and then having breakfast together. What do you think?
02:24It worked out okay.
02:26Yeah. I think so too.
02:29I got to get used to my schedule changing sometimes since I'll be doing stuff like this for the rest of my life.
02:35My therapy won't always look the same, but the LCD isn't going anywhere.
02:41Well, I'm really proud of you. The way you rolled with the punches today.
02:49What are you looking at?
02:52Nothing. I was just checking the time.
02:57I thought maybe you were expecting a call or a text from Billy.
03:01Is everything okay with you guys?
03:05Where is this coming from?
03:08Why would you be worried about me and Billy?
03:11Thanks for coming out. We'll be in touch.
03:20You okay?
03:25What, you don't think I held my own in the meeting?
03:28I didn't say that.
03:30I mean, I think I did a pretty great job talking up new media.
03:33You did, Adam.
03:35Okay, well then, why are you asking me if I'm okay?
03:39Because I can tell when there's something bothering you.
03:42Even when you're dazzling future potential clients.
03:46Yes, and I just want to see if there's anything I can do to help.
03:57I now realize there isn't.
04:04Wait, Sally, please don't walk away.
04:12We need to talk.
04:24What's going on over there?
04:26Looks to be a little hotter than hell.
04:36Sharon, wait.
04:38I'm so sorry.
04:40I know that, Lucy.
04:42Will you excuse me, please?
04:44I just want you to know that we're looking into the community service part of my punishment now.
04:48And I'm working on my letter.
04:50As you should be.
04:52So, do you think that maybe I could talk to Faith one more time?
04:58Just to give her the apology letter and tell her how sorry I am in person.
05:02Oh, hey. I am so sorry. Excuse me. We were just leaving, weren't we?
05:06Thank you, Daniel. I'd appreciate that.
05:08No, Dad, wait. Can I please just talk to her one more time?
05:12And then I promise you I will never ask you or Faith for anything ever again.
05:20We've already talked enough, Adam.
05:22Sally, that is not true.
05:24And I have a very busy workday ahead of me.
05:26Okay, and I'm due somewhere soon, too. All I'm asking for is just a minute.
05:30It's not going to change anything.
05:33Well, it will help me understand why you decided that things are over between us without even consulting with me.
05:41I already knew what your position was and I had to do what was right for me.
05:46You said that you just needed some time to think.
05:49Yeah, and then I spoke with Chelsea and it all became really clear.
05:52Okay, you two have so much history.
05:54No, no. We have past history.
05:57Yes, but it's not going away, Adam. And I really, I don't want any part of it.
06:01I don't, I don't have the fight in me.
06:03Okay, well, then let me do it. Okay? Let me fight for us.
06:07You're not listening.
06:08I will do whatever. I will do anything. Okay?
06:11It was a mistake for us to break up the first time and I don't want to let that happen again.
06:16Please, Sally, can we go somewhere else? And I promise I won't keep you long.
06:24What do you think they're saying?
06:27I don't know. You haven't mastered lip reading yet.
06:30No, not yet. Not yet. But, um, I have mastered body language and she's saying get away from me and he's not having it.
06:44What do you think?
06:45I don't care.
06:47Oh, she just rolled her eyes. Did you see that?
06:51No, I didn't. Doesn't matter.
06:54He's sort of giving off that sort of poor me, fix me thing and she's not going for it. That's what it looks like. Good for her.
07:05Look at you, cutting Sally some slack.
07:09Well, yeah, of course. I mean, the whole fix me, poor me thing, that never worked on me. I mean, what's the appeal?
07:19I don't know. Why are we talking about this?
07:22You know why I'm talking about it? Because you love to save women. You love it, rescuing women. It's kind of what you do.
07:34The only problem is they go back to where they started. So, I mean, what's so alluring about that?
07:45I was really hoping I wouldn't have to say this to you, Lucy, but clearly you haven't gotten the message. It's had no impact.
07:56You make Faith very uncomfortable. This desperation you have to be her friend is suffocating and frankly, it's very unhealthy.
08:07No, no, it isn't like that. You're making it sound so much worse than it is.
08:12She wants no contact with you at all. It's over.
08:16She didn't say that.
08:18She most definitely did. And if it's hard for you to hear that, I would hope that your parents would help you accept it because that is not going to change.
08:26No, I don't believe you.
08:29Okay, Lucy, let's go.
08:31No, Dad, Faith likes me. She wouldn't say that. You're just trying to stop us from being friends.
08:36Why would I do that?
08:38Why would I do that?
08:41Because of Cassie.
08:50Coming here was a bad idea. I should not have let you talk me into coming here.
08:54Why not? We'll have more privacy.
08:57Because it gives you false hope, Adam. I know you. You think if you can get me alone and remind me of all the good times, you'll convince me to change my mind. It's not going to happen.
09:03I swear, it's not like that. Okay? If you decide to come back to me, it has to be because you want to do that.
09:12And because you finally realize that what happened between me and Chelsea was impulsive and it was weak and it was meaningless.
09:19You said you still love her.
09:21I said I have love for her. As the mother of my son.
09:27It doesn't remotely come close to the love that I feel for you.
09:30Okay, look. Chelsea and I are always going to have to co-parent Connor, but he's not going to be a kid forever.
09:38He'll eventually learn to manage his OCD and he's not going to need us by him every day.
09:44But as for me and you, what we have has the potential to last a lifetime.
09:49My connection to Chelsea comes nowhere near touching that.
09:53It already has.
09:56Sally, do you remember what it was like when we first broke up?
10:00We tried to see other people, we tried to move on with our lives, but we were always getting drawn back to each other.
10:07Now, you can say that we're through, but you know that we never will be.
10:12The love that we have for each other won't just go away.
10:16Maybe not. But neither has the love you had for Chelsea.
10:21Come on.
10:23Sally, aren't there people in your life that you still care about, but you no longer have romantic feelings for?
10:31Yes, but I would never fall into bed with them when I'm fully committed and in love with you.
10:35No matter how rough a day I was having, it would never even cross my mind.
10:38But I realize now that that's who you are. It's who you'll always be.
10:42What? A serial cheater? Come on, that's absurd.
10:45No, somebody who can't control their impulses, who can't stand not getting what they want every second of every day.
10:51Case in point, I told you coming here was a bad idea, and yet here we are.
10:55Because Sally, I am fighting for our life together.
10:58We don't have a life together anymore, Adam.
11:02I can't live knowing it's virtually impossible for you to resist your worst inclinations,
11:08that you won't be able to stay calm when you're angry, or lose gracefully,
11:10instead of fighting with everything that you have,
11:13that you won't fall into bed with Chelsea again the next time Connor is struggling,
11:16because you're so desperate to numb the pain.
11:18It's who you are, and I accept it.
11:22I'm trying to, at least. Either way, I deserve better.
11:32Billy is the last person you need to be worried about.
11:37He just started that new job, remember?
11:40He's kind of top dog at Abbott Chancellor now.
11:51Um, well, your dad should be here any minute.
11:54Should we order him his breakfast?
11:56Abbott waiting for him when he gets here?
11:58Oh, what if we order him something we know he doesn't like?
12:01Wouldn't it be funny to see the look on his face when he sits down?
12:05If you want.
12:06Hey Connor, can you look at me please? What's bothering you?
12:14You didn't really answer my question.
12:17No, I think I did answer your question. I told you there's nothing to be worried about.
12:22But you didn't say if you guys were good.
12:26Why would you think we aren't good?
12:30Billy hasn't been coming around, Mom.
12:32He doesn't call you to say goodnight or meet you for coffee on his way to work like he used to.
12:37He hasn't even sent me a dumb meme or funny video lately.
12:42Did he used to do that a lot?
12:45More than he does now.
12:51Okay, you're right. You do deserve an explanation.
12:57I remember when we were at the park, we were talking about learning to cope when life gets challenging.
13:06Like I'm learning in DPT therapy, yeah?
13:09Yeah, and you asked me if I've learned any tools in therapy to help make life easier.
13:14Well, something that I'm trying to get better at is giving people space when they need it.
13:20So, yeah, you're right. Billy hasn't been coming around as often.
13:25We're just taking a little break because we both could use some space right now.
13:31But why? What happened?
13:37Okay, Liz, time to go. Now.
13:40No, no, hold on, Daniel.
13:42I'm not going anywhere.
13:44Okay, Liz, time to go. Now.
13:47No, no, hold on, Daniel.
13:51This is not about Cassie. This is about Faith.
13:56She has tried to tell you that your fixation on her has been a problem.
14:02She has tried to encourage you to make friends your own age.
14:05And she has been so considerate about your feelings that she was guilted into making a decision that could have cost you both your lives.
14:14And you're right, I did lose a daughter, yes.
14:17And I hope that never, ever, ever happens again.
14:20So I will do whatever it takes to make sure that Faith stays alive.
14:24But make no mistake, Lucy, you are in the position you're in right now because of your choices, not mine.
14:32Your choices, not mine. Do I make myself clear?
14:36Okay, if she gets the point, you don't need to talk to her like that.
14:39And she doesn't need to throw the worst memory of my life in my face just because she isn't getting her own way!
14:45Okay, okay, hey, we gotta keep it down.
14:52I get that you're upset. I really do. But she's still a kid.
15:03That'll just happen.
15:11I'm sorry, Nick. I shouldn't have raised my voice like that.
15:16But she invoked Cassie and that was just taking things a step too far.
15:22Yeah, no, I get it. Can you just tell me what happened?
15:27When Faith first told me about this unhealthy attachment that Lucy has, I thought maybe she was exaggerating.
15:36I tried to get her to remember how she felt when she was that age.
15:40Yeah, Faith wanted to be liked by the cool kids, for sure.
15:44But now that I see how far this has gone, Lucy just doesn't let up.
15:50It's toxic and I am not going to let her get away with it.
15:54Look, this is concerning.
15:55I agree with you. And Lucy crossed the line. And I'm definitely on your side.
16:01Sharon, I gotta be honest, all these public outbursts, they're not helping anything.
16:07Well, Daniel doesn't seem to be doing anything about it, so I feel like I have to take it on myself.
16:13Well, that's not true. From what I understand, Daniel and Heather are both doing what they can to steer Lucy in the right direction.
16:18They've grounded her. She's got to complete community service. She has to write a formal written apology.
16:24And yet, here she is, still begging me to let her see Faith.
16:28Why do I feel like I'm the one being attacked when it's so clear that Lucy is the problem?
16:34No, that's not...
16:36I am not going to sacrifice Faith's safety for Lucy's feelings.
16:40And I'm not going to let her off the hook just because a lot of kids her age go through this.
16:43Trust me, I have been through this situation in my practice. And Lucy is taking this to another level.
16:51Okay, okay, now if you just...
16:53You, I should not have to defend myself to you. You are Faith's father. You should be backing me up completely.
17:01Now if you'll excuse me, I have some place I have to be.
17:04Sharon, don't go. Come here.
17:29Hey, we need to talk.
17:32You did. In the car.
17:34I said we. This isn't a conversation.
17:38It's just going to turn into another lecture, and I got enough of that from Sharon. Thanks.
17:43Talking to you was not okay, but throwing Cassie in her face was also unacceptable.
17:48Even if it's true?
17:50Cassie's memory is something that we respect. We don't use it as leverage.
17:54And you, you're not exactly innocent here. You put Faith in a really bad spot, so you don't really have a leg to stand on.
18:01Dad, I messed up. I never said that I didn't. But Sharon is using that as an excuse to butt into my life.
18:07She's keeping me away from the only friend that I have, and I'm sorry, but that is 100% on her and you.
18:15On me?
18:17Yeah. I put Faith in a bad position, but when you did the same thing to Cassie, it literally changed the course of history.
18:24You say that you're going to have to live with that decision for the rest of your life, but guess what, Dad? So will I.
18:30Your selfish decisions are literally ruining my life, just like they always have.
18:38Nothing bad happened between me and Billy. Certainly not anything having to do with you.
18:45Why would you say that? That makes me think it is because of me.
18:49No, I just, sweetie, adults take breaks for all sorts of reasons. And I don't want you jumping to conclusions because of the timing of it all.
18:58You mean right after I moved back?
19:01Completely unrelated.
19:03Then why did it happen now?
19:05Lots of reasons. I told you, Billy has this new job now, and it's a lot of work. Takes up a lot of time running this massive company.
19:15So Billy doesn't really have time for a relationship right now. And to be honest with you, neither do I.
19:21Because I want to spend all my time with you. I missed you so much while you were away.
19:26That doesn't sound like you guys.
19:28Connor, people don't always have to be in a relationship, you know? We can be perfectly happy on our own.
19:35But you're not. You're sad. I can see it.
19:45Do I miss him? Sure. But do I need him? No. I've got everything I need right here.
19:54I've got everything I need right here.
19:57You keep bringing me up, even though you say it has nothing to do with me.
20:01Because you are my son. And I love you so much. I just want to remind you how happy you make me.
20:09I don't care what you say, Mom. You guys would still be together if it weren't for my OCD. And knowing.
20:17You are right. You deserve the very best. Which is what I want to give you. And I will, if you let me.
20:27And what? We just pretend like this never happened?
20:33In my mind, it didn't happen. I know that you think I have some long-simmering affection for Chelsea that I'll never be able to escape.
20:43But in reality, that is absurd.
20:46I can only tell you what I see, Adam. And I won't compete with whatever is going on between you two.
20:52What have you seen? Chelsea and I, we are Connor's parents. And it ends there.
20:57You know I spoke with Chelsea. She tried pleading your case to me.
21:02And at first, I thought she was just trying to alleviate her guilt and convince herself that her bad decisions didn't totally destroy us.
21:09But that is not why she did it. She did it because she was genuinely worried about you.
21:14She sees a good in you that, frankly, I thought only I knew was there.
21:23And then it hit me. I'm not the only person who gets you. I'm not the only woman who knows you that well.
21:33That, and your connection through Connor, I have to walk away.
21:40Sally, you are reading way too much into this, okay? And you're not taking into account at all what I want and who I love.
21:50I know you love me, Adam. I don't question that.
21:57But I deserve respect and someone who will be honest with me.
22:04What you have with Chelsea is not going away.
22:08And honestly, a part of me is glad that you will always have her.
22:14That you will have her to lean on.
22:16Somebody who sees you the way that I do.
22:24Or at least the way that I did.
22:29Sally, it's...
22:46No, your family probably needs you. You should go. You should go. And so should I.
22:50Can we... Sally!
22:58Hey, Phyllis. Hey, Heather. How's Lucy?
23:01Physically, clean bill of health. Emotionally, struggling.
23:07Well, that makes sense. She was in a car accident. And she spent a whole night in a hospital. It's a lot.
23:14It's a lot. It's a lot. I don't know if I just completely forgot what it's like to be a teenager, though.
23:20The moodiness that hangs, the desperate need to be accepted and...
23:23Am I a terrible mother? I just... I find it bizarre. Heartbreaking. Maddening.
23:30No, no, no, no. Listen. Take it from someone who raised a daughter. She'll grow out of it. She really will.
23:37Thank God. How soon?
23:44Oh, jeez. We're just getting started, aren't we?
23:47I didn't touch it. It's yours.
23:49I don't have an appetite.
23:51Oh, my gosh.
23:53I know. I know. It is difficult. But yes, yes, she will grow out of it. Trust me. I mean, the problems that I had with Summer was...
24:01What is it with this family?
24:06Is there anywhere I can go to get away from you all? Or do I have to relive the trauma you caused every time I step out of the house?
24:12Oh, my gosh. What the hell?
24:14Lucy just accosted me in public, demanding to see Faith again.
24:17Your daughter is out of control. And if you and Daniel don't set up some serious boundaries with her, I'm telling you, my patience has just about run out.
24:29Listen, I know that I have made things hard for you in more ways than one, and I have to live with that every single day, but that doesn't make it okay to hit below the belt with me or with Sharon.
24:41I know.
24:44I'm sorry.
24:46I didn't mean for it to come out that harsh. I'm just so frustrated.
24:50It's not an excuse.
24:53I know I've made mistakes, too, Dad.
24:56But everyone is acting like the topic of Cassie is off-limits, when you know that it's the first thing that any of us thought of when the accident happened.
25:05Do you seriously think that Sharon isn't punishing me for that?
25:09I think that losing Cassie was a tragedy. I think that no one has gotten over it. I think that no one ever will. And if that has stirred up fears and overreactions in Sharon, I mean, it's kind of hard for me to judge, because I know it's done the same in me.
25:26I don't know how many times I have to say sorry. At what point do I get my life back?
25:31Genoa City? That might take a while.
25:35What does that mean?
25:36I don't know. Now might be a good time to go and take that trip, visit your grandfather.
25:40No, Dad. I won't. I'll run away if I have to.
25:43Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. No one is running away. Don't be so dramatic. I'm thinking out loud here. We would have to talk to your mom about taking a trip anyway.
25:52Oh, my gosh. You guys are forever ruining my life. Telling me where to live, who to be friends with, how to talk, how to feel. But it's never actually about me.
26:02It's all about you not wanting to feel embarrassed or actually deal with stuff.
26:06No one is trying to control you. We want you to learn self-control. We want you to realize that your actions have consequences.
26:14Well, apparently every action I take makes you guys miserable. Maybe you always have been. But why do you have to make me that way, too?
26:28Hey. Thanks for coming by. I know you got a lot going on at work right now.
26:33Yeah. Well, you sounded really worried. What's up?
26:37Faith told me that she came by for a visit last night. How'd she seem?
26:43Good. I mean, she's still a little rattled up from the accident, but I think she's more concerned about how you guys are doing.
26:51She bring up Lucy at all?
26:54A little.
26:56I mean, she mentioned Mom's outbursts at Society. That's what you mean.
27:02Sharon's making it seem like Faith really wants Lucy to keep her distance. But I'm starting to think that's coming a lot more from Sharon.
27:11Well, Faith has definitely been uncomfortable with Lucy.
27:15But after the accident, I definitely think it's Sharon that's more harping on it. I mean, she wants to protect Faith so much, she's sort of turning Lucy into the villain. Faith feels it.
27:34Sharon's not getting any better, is she?
27:37Hey. Sorry I'm late. I got your checks.
27:42What's going on, buddy?
27:45Did you know Mom and Billy broke up?
27:49We did not break up.
27:51I'm sorry.
27:53I'm sorry.
27:55I'm sorry.
27:57I'm sorry.
27:59I'm sorry.
28:01I'm sorry.
28:03I'm sorry.
28:04We did not break up. I was explaining to Connor that we're taking a little time to focus on other things in our lives.
28:11She says it's not my fault, but I know it is.
28:15Connor, look, you can't think that you had anything to do with your mom's personal relationship.
28:22That's what I've been trying to tell him.
28:24But now that I'm home, and you have to take me to sessions every day and stuff, it has to be messing up your schedule.
28:31You and Billy don't have time to hang out anymore.
28:34That's absolutely not the case.
28:36It was an adult decision, for adult reasons.
28:39It had nothing to do with your schedule, or you being home, or anything like that.
28:44Yeah, you know that couples take breaks, sometimes, for a lot of different reasons.
28:49What about you and Sally, Dad?
28:52What about us?
28:54She didn't seem that into having a movie night when I brought it up.
28:57And last time I was at your apartment, she wasn't even there.
29:02Are you guys on a break, too?
29:04Because if Mom and Billy are on a break, and you and Sally are on a break, there's no way you can say it isn't about me.
29:18Your mom and I are not miserable. I promise you we wouldn't want that for you, either.
29:23Then why bring up going to Portugal?
29:24Because I think it would be good for all of us to get away after everything that happened.
29:28Maybe put some space between you and Sharon.
29:31Me and Sharon, or me and Faith?
29:33Honey, the whole situation.
29:35You don't get me at all, Dad.
29:38The only person that does is Faith, and you're all trying to keep me from her.
29:42Okay, Faith herself said that she wanted some space.
29:46No, no, no, Dad. She likes me. We're friends.
29:49She likes me. We're friends.
29:52She even wanted to talk to me privately before Sharon freaked out and dragged her off.
29:57Okay, I think you might be rewriting history there just a little bit.
30:01No, Dad, I'm not. You just can't believe that someone would actually like me for me.
30:09We are all under a lot of stress here, so I'm gonna let your accusatory tone slide.
30:15If you're upset with Lucy, I will talk to her.
30:18But beyond that, I don't need your advice on how to handle my daughter.
30:22Clearly, you do.
30:24Because she is completely out of line, and I seem to be the only one with enough nerve to point that out to her
30:30because her mother and father can't be bothered to say anything.
30:33Don't you dare question my son's parenting.
30:35Oh, because you're such an expert on that front.
30:38Phyllis, goodbye.
30:40And don't let her scare you up, Heather.
30:42Talk to your daughter, Heather.
30:46What's wrong with you? How dare you storm in here and go after my family?
30:51The way your family has come after mine for decades, gee, I feel I'm kind of extremely justified.
30:59Okay, Sharon, I'm gonna let this go because I know you're not really yourself these days,
31:06but I'm warning you, if you keep on coming...
31:09Wait, wait, wait. Not myself? What does that mean?
31:13I honestly don't know if Sharon is getting better or not,
31:18but the accident kicked up a lot of old wounds for her,
31:23so how much of her behavior lately is a result of that?
31:27And it's a fair question.
31:30But Sharon was struggling before, so I think there's more to it than that.
31:35But did you know she's having recurring nightmares about Cameron?
31:43No, no, she hasn't mentioned that.
31:47She told Faith that.
31:52You know, I thought I caught her talking to herself the other day.
32:00I mean, she explained it away, but I wasn't completely convinced,
32:07and I let it go, but all of these other pieces are coming into play.
32:11I'm just becoming more and more convinced there's something deeper going on here.
32:16Do you have any theories?
32:18I mean, I hate even suggesting this, but Sharon swears to me she's in constant contact with her doctor
32:26and she's staying on top of this, but do you think there's a chance she's not taking her meds anymore?
32:32And I'm not just talking about missing a dose here or there.
32:34I'm talking full stop, not taking them at all.
32:42Connor, imagine that you, me, and your mom were a soccer team and you were the goalkeeper.
32:51Is this some cheesy life lesson?
32:54Just hear me out, all right?
32:56Say your mom passes me the ball and I'm heading down the field to score.
33:00But at the last second, I pass the ball back to your mom, only it's a really lame pass and there's a turnover.
33:08Now, is that on you, being all the way at the other end of the field, protecting the net?
33:16Of course it's not.
33:18As awesome as a goalkeeper as you might be, you are in no way responsible for the way that we play.
33:24What I'm saying is, your mom and I, we're going to make our own choices and we're going to do some things that you might not understand.
33:29And it is going to affect you on some level because we're a team.
33:34But you are in no way the cause of them.
33:39Do you get what your dad's trying to tell you, sweetie?
33:43I do, but it still doesn't answer my question.
33:47So, what do you do?
33:49I do, but it still doesn't answer my question.
33:53Sometimes, I think you guys are so afraid to say anything that's going to upset me.
33:58You talk to me like I'm dumb or something.
34:00Connor, but ...
34:02Wait, Connor, where are you going?
34:04I need to wash my hands.
34:10I hate this.
34:12I know.
34:14I'm sorry.
34:16But you handled that really well. It's not like we can tell him the real reason our relationships are a mess.
34:21If his symptoms come back because of this, I'm going to lose it.
34:25We have to put an end to this before it spirals.
34:29I don't know what more we can do.
34:32It's not on us to solve anymore.
34:35It's on Billy.
34:37He's the one who blew this up, so he's the one who has to fix it.
34:47I know that you're busy, but I was hoping we could talk.
34:53Can you call me when you get a chance?
34:57Thanks, Billy.
35:10It's like I have no say in my own life.
35:12You guys just decide what's going to happen, when it's going to happen, and no one actually cares at all what I want.
35:18Hey, keep your voices down. I can hear you all the way out in the hall.
35:24Maybe you should calm down in your room.
35:27That's a great idea.
35:29You're putting me in time out?
35:31Are you kidding me?
35:33Now, please.
35:43Oh my gosh, Daniel, this is never ending.
35:45You don't know the half of it.
35:46I think I do. Sharon just cornered me in the athletic club.
35:50As long as there's a chance of running into that woman, I do not think that we will get a moment's peace.
35:55We can't live our lives looking over our shoulders.
35:58Which is why I think we might need more than one week in Portugal.
36:02I am not condoning running away from our problems, but given how quickly things have deteriorated, I think it might be time to find a new town to call home.
36:15Sharon, I just think it's best that we just go our separate ways right now.
36:19Wait, wait. What were you implying, Phyllis?
36:22That I am somehow the problem when your granddaughter can't seem to take no for an answer?
36:28Gee, I wonder who she learned that from.
36:32You're really testing my patience right now.
36:34You've always been a bulldozer when it comes to getting what you want, Phyllis.
36:40Danny didn't want you. Nick didn't want you.
36:43But you refused to take the hint until you left total destruction in your wake.
36:48And now you have this mini-me who doesn't care how many times she's told no, as long as she gets her way in the end.
36:56And if she doesn't, she'll take down as many innocent people as she has to try.
37:02I am going to say this to you once.
37:06Get your family to back down.
37:16Oh, no. No, no, no. This is...
37:20This insanity has got to stop.
37:24This craziness has got to stop.
37:29You may be on to something.
37:31Nick, I've seen Sharon taking meds, but I have no way of knowing which.
37:37I've been there when she's forgotten to take them, but not lately.
37:42Maybe there's a way to check, see what she's been prescribed, and if she's taking them regularly.
37:53I mean, it's not the worst idea in the world.
37:57I would do it myself, but you definitely have more access to her place than I do.
38:03Normally, I would never suggest anything so intrusive. I just...
38:08If mom's health hangs in the balance...
38:11Yeah, if we could get this answered, it might explain a lot.
38:15Or at least tell us what we should be doing next.
38:20Would you be up for this?
38:27Let's do it.
