The Young and the Restless 9-16-24 (Y&R 16th September 2024) 9-16-2024

  • 5 days ago
00:00Do you think it's possible that it was better now than when we were younger?
00:19You are as beautiful and perfect now as you were then, even more.
00:37You know, we talk about time standing still, but obviously that has not happened.
00:46We're both very different people than we were then, but we still have this connection.
00:56It feels so comfortable.
01:00It's also, it's exciting.
01:04It's fun.
01:06Am I making sense right now?
01:08Yeah, you are, you are.
01:10You mean.
01:13It just seems like we finally got our timing right.
01:20We learn from all of our mistakes.
01:24I just, everything feels right.
01:31Any regrets?
01:34No, no, none, none whatsoever.
01:40You know, this should bode pretty well for our future, wouldn't you say?
01:45I'll have to tell you, I'm just trying right now to enjoy this moment.
01:51Too much to really worry about the future.
01:54Okay, all right then.
01:56But I tell you what, I want you to think about one part, okay?
02:02Um, me.
02:05Resigning from Oxford and staying in Genoa City for good.
02:17We should get another catch up.
02:21I like hot sauce tonight.
02:23All of them loaded up?
02:25The hotter the better.
02:26Oh, and here I thought I was the one living life on the edge.
02:30It appears you've met your match.
02:34Today is full of surprises.
02:37Some more pleasant than others.
02:41Then focus on the good ones.
02:44So, not my parents crashing our lunch.
02:49Definitely not the bloke of my mom.
02:52More like extra hot sauce and maybe some more fries?
02:57Doesn't get better than that.
03:54How's it going here?
03:57Locked in a room.
04:01I hate to even say it, but are you sure?
04:04Well, the tracking app on the phone says she's in there.
04:09I mean, I guess it's possible that she could have snuck out and left her phone behind, but I'm choosing to believe that she's not that stupid.
04:16Here's hoping.
04:19How'd the meeting go? Any luck?
04:21Nothing to offer at this time, but they'll keep me in mind in the future if anything does come up.
04:26What about you and your lawyer friend? Any leads?
04:28No, but, you know, if she hears something, she's gonna let me know.
04:35You know, they say that nobody wants to work, but where are all these jobs that supposedly need to be filled?
04:39Not in Genoa City, that's for sure.
04:43Maybe we really do need to expand our horizons, Daniel.
04:47Right. Yeah.
04:49You know, I've been thinking about your suggestion that we leave town.
04:55And I think I've made a decision on that.
05:01Okay. Tell me.
05:05I think that it would be a huge mistake.
05:11Thanks for meeting up again, ladies.
05:13Twice in one day, Dad. What's going on?
05:15Something up with Mom?
05:17Uh, you know, just thought we should check in one last time before we call it a night.
05:21Have either of you seen your mom since we spoke?
05:26I mean, I've been tied up with work, and I've been out with a friend.
05:31But that's not necessarily a bad thing that we haven't seen her, is it?
05:35I've texted with her.
05:36Yeah, so have I.
05:38Anything seem unusual?
05:42Not really.
05:43Have you tried calling her? Because she's not answering her phone.
05:46No one really answers their phone these days, Dad.
05:49Uh, the receptionist at Cassidy First took a message from her doctor's office, and they said she missed an appointment.
05:56I didn't really think anything of it, but maybe I shouldn't have blown it off so easy.
06:01I'm sure it was a mix-up.
06:03I think you guys are overreacting. I mean, we know that she's at home, and she sounds fine in all of her texts.
06:10I mean, look, we could be making a big deal out of nothing.
06:15But if you're right, Nick, and Mom's not getting any better...
06:20I think it's time we step in.
06:46Deep breaths, Sharon.
06:50Leave me alone.
06:52How can you accomplish anything when you're constantly in this frenetic state?
06:56You make me this way, putting all these sick ideas in my head, like Daniel should have died in that car accident and not Cassie.
07:06He should have.
07:08He should have.
07:10Imagine the possibilities, how different your life would be if Cassie were still alive.
07:16I don't want to imagine it, because it's pointless, and it hurts.
07:21Of course I wish she hadn't gotten into the car that night.
07:24Of course I imagine what our lives would be like if she were still with us right now.
07:28But I can't bring back the past, and dwelling on it only makes me feel worse.
07:33That's exactly what I'm saying.
07:37Time for dwelling, dreaming.
07:41It's done.
07:43Now you gotta act.
08:00Something tells me that doesn't happen every day.
08:03Not that I've seen.
08:08I think we've been spotted.
08:13Yep, does she know that you just saw her?
08:15Well, I'm pretty sure that she does now, so I guess, uh, so much for keeping this secret.
08:23Is that what you're hoping for? To keep this just between us?
08:30Okay, before you say anything, just let me explain.
08:36Go ahead.
08:39After Lucy and I ran into Sharon earlier, I suggested that now might be a good time to take that trip to Portugal and see your dad.
08:48Not a horrible idea.
08:50Lucy thought it was. She freaked out, told me she's gonna run away if we make her go.
08:54I'm not saying we move to Portugal, I'm just saying let's get out of Genoa City.
09:00I think she's gonna have a problem with that too, and I know that this isn't up to her, but I don't like sending the message that it's okay to run away from your problems.
09:07I mean, that's the last thing that Lucy needs to hear right now.
09:10What don't I need to hear? What are you guys talking about?
09:14Your dad and I, we're just discussing our options moving forward.
09:19Brainstorming possible solutions for our numerous problems.
09:25Like what?
09:27For starters, um...
09:31a change of scenery.
09:33I already told Dad I'm not going to Portugal.
09:35I know.
09:37I'm just talking about finding a new place to live, as in a different town.
09:46You want to leave Genoa City?
09:50Are you that embarrassed of me?
09:52Lucy, I'm not.
09:53You're so ashamed of your own daughter.
09:55Of course I'm not.
09:56No, Mom, what other reason could there possibly be for you wanting to move?
10:01You just want to get me as far away from Sharon and Faith as possible.
10:06What exactly do you mean when you say that we need to get involved, Dad?
10:09Because I don't really like the idea of doing stuff behind Mom's back.
10:13None of us does, Faith.
10:15This isn't about being sneaky.
10:17This is about making sure your mom gets the help she needs until we can figure out why she's acting the way she is.
10:23I mean, she doesn't seem to be coming to us on her own for help, so we might need to figure out another way for her to get it.
10:30But what if we're making this a bigger deal than it is?
10:33There's a reason why you didn't think twice about her missing that appointment, Mariah.
10:36Things like that happen.
10:37Faith, you're right.
10:38Under most circumstances, missing an appointment's not that big of a deal.
10:42But when you combine that with some of the atypical behavior she's been exhibiting, it's too much to ignore.
10:48We've proved that she's back on her meds, and she always says that it takes time to adjust to new doses.
10:54I know these things take time. They do.
10:57But as far as I'm concerned, it's gone on far longer than I'm comfortable with.
11:02Faith, your dad is right.
11:05Mom needs an outside party looking in on this, just to make sure that everything is happening the way that she says it is.
11:12Look, if we're wrong, we're wrong.
11:15And your mom gets upset with us, and that's fine.
11:18I will take the blame for that. It'll be on me.
11:21But I much prefer that than us doing nothing and risking making the situation worse.
11:30Look at you, Sharon.
11:32Look around you. The way you're living.
11:35Honey, you are hanging on by a thread.
11:39And think what your kids see.
11:42The concern in their eyes when you have one of your outbursts.
11:46Oh, and they know you're lying about being okay.
11:49Do you really want to keep on like this?
11:51Of course I don't.
11:53No, you don't.
11:55You're in pain, and it's only getting worse.
12:00And you spend every waking moment trying to hide that pain from the people you love.
12:06How long can you keep this up?
12:08Well, when do you suggest that I do?
12:11You're saying it's time to act, but what does that even mean?
12:15Come on, you know what it means.
12:18Think, Sharon.
12:20The answer is inside of you.
12:24You keep acting like I'm some kind of monster sent here to torment you,
12:29when we both know that I'm simply a manifestation of your inner world.
12:35I'm here to help you give voice to the things that you're afraid to say out loud.
12:40Don't try to use some textbook language to cover what you're up to.
12:46Don't you mean what you're up to?
12:48No, because I would never go that far.
12:52I would never even entertain the idea.
12:55Sharon, you're already entertaining it.
13:01I'm telling you, I won't do it.
13:11I meant what I said earlier.
13:14No regrets.
13:16That's good.
13:19I feel the same way.
13:22I just want to make certain I'm on the same page.
13:28Let's go see our daughter.
13:31Hi, guys.
13:41Hi, Mom.
13:42Hi, Dad.
13:43It's good to see you, Victoria.
13:45You too.
13:46You guys here having dinner?
13:48Yeah, we were thinking about it.
13:50Why don't you join us?
13:52Oh, no, that's okay.
13:53We just wanted to say hello.
13:55Well, we love the company.
13:57Sorry, is that okay with you, Kyle?
13:59You know, man, I just tend to be overzealous with these things.
14:02That is absolutely okay with me.
14:05The more the merrier.
14:06All right, well, maybe for a drink?
14:14Oh, look at that.
14:16I see that Clara's talked you into the hot sauce.
14:19It was entirely mutual, actually.
14:21Oh, no kidding.
14:23Feel the burn, Kyle.
14:26Well, have you guys been here long?
14:29We haven't even ordered dinner, actually.
14:31We've just got the fries.
14:32We got a late start.
14:35So, what, were you two out having fun or what?
14:41Just hanging.
14:45What about you guys?
14:46What were you doing upstairs?
14:48I didn't mean it like that.
14:50I just saw that you came from upstairs, so I figured that you were in Dad's room.
14:53It's not like there's anything that you would be doing in Dad's room.
14:57I just was wondering if you guys were eating French fry, anyone?
15:08Love one.
15:10Faith, you just weren't old enough to understand how dire the situation was when your mom was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
15:18I mean, that period of time where we didn't know what she was dealing with was frightening, especially for Sharon.
15:25Now, maybe I am overreacting, but it's only because I know how bad things can get for your mom if we don't keep a very close eye on her.
15:35I never thought about that, what it was like before the diagnosis.
15:40So, what do you want to do?
15:43Well, for starters, I think we need to sit down with your mom and have her explain to us in a lot more detail what exactly is going on with her.
15:52Like an intervention?
15:54Yeah, possibly.
15:56I also think we need more direct access to her doctor.
16:00You know, maybe we could schedule like a family group session just so we can all get on the same page and figure out if she's hiding things from us intentionally or not.
16:10Mom wouldn't purposely hide stuff from us.
16:13She knows that we just want to help her.
16:15That we'd never judge her for anything she's going through.
16:18Well, Faith, maybe it wouldn't hurt to remind her about all of the love and support she has.
16:25If Sharon is suffering from some sort of chemical imbalance, then she's not thinking clearly.
16:31And I know she's suffering, and she hasn't been upfront with us.
16:37It took a lot of prodding to get her to admit what she's been living with.
16:41Like her visions of Cassie.
16:44More importantly, her constant nightmares of Cameron Kirsten.
16:51You put these horrible ideas in my head, Cameron.
16:55Suggesting such evil things.
16:58For what?
16:59What would it accomplish?
17:01It won't bring Cassie back, and it certainly won't reunite me with Nick.
17:07If only it could bring Cassie back.
17:09You wouldn't hesitate for a second, would you?
17:12Your decision would be automatic.
17:17Sadly, that can't happen.
17:20No, it can.
17:23But Nick, on the other hand...
17:26Eh, I wouldn't be so quick to write that one off.
17:28Don't be ridiculous.
17:30Stranger things have happened, haven't they?
17:32I mean, even between the two of you.
17:34Haven't the two of you always found your way back to each other?
17:40Well, clearly that's not the case anymore.
17:43But it could be.
17:45If steps are taken.
17:47Not like this.
17:49This is too extreme.
17:51Sometimes it takes an earthquake to shake things up.
17:54I don't want it to happen this way.
17:56Okay, okay.
17:58Forget about Nick for a minute.
18:00Just focus on yourself.
18:03That's what's important.
18:05You need to do this so that you can get back to being a good mom.
18:12To running the company that you named after your daughter.
18:18If nothing else...
18:20Maybe it'll ease your heartache a bit.
18:24But sure don't you want to finally find some peace?
18:33Hey, Cole, didn't we talk about grabbing a beer sometime back?
18:37Yeah, yeah.
18:39Kyle, I am sorry that I never followed up on that.
18:43You know, I just got so busy and...
18:46Went to Europe and...
18:48You don't have to tell me.
18:50Well hey, after tonight you can say that you finally got around to it.
18:53Hey, that's right.
18:59So, how is Harrison liking school?
19:02Oh, he loves it.
19:03His teacher calls him the glass mayor.
19:05That's so cute.
19:06When I pick him up, the other kids, they all swarm around him and ask for hugs and high fives.
19:12He is definitely a charmer.
19:15Claire shared that you and Summer have managed to work things out.
19:19I think that's fantastic.
19:21Yeah, so this is kind of a celebratory dinner then, right?
19:26Um, not really.
19:28Oh, it's just dinner for the sake of dinner.
19:34Just two friends having fries.
19:41Lucy, I'm not suggesting that we leave Genoa City to protect Sharon from you.
19:45I'm suggesting we leave to protect you from her.
19:49Besides, we don't have many job opportunities here and we need to be able to make a living.
19:54I am so sick of moving.
19:57My entire life, it's been going from place to place because of you guys.
20:02I went from Genoa City to Savannah, Savannah to Lisbon, Lisbon to finally back here.
20:07I cannot do it again.
20:09Okay. Okay.
20:11If we do make this move, you have to know that there's a lot of factors that will play into our decision.
20:18We won't do anything, Rash.
20:22Come on, Mom.
20:24You and I both know that this is 100% about me.
20:28I've made mistakes, okay, and I've owned up to them.
20:32You just want to punish me some more, drag me out of town?
20:35It is totally unfair.
20:42Would it have killed you to back me up?
20:46I can't. Not when I agree with Lucy.
20:50I know what you're going through.
20:53I see it. I live it.
20:56You feel like nobody's on your side.
20:59That's not true.
21:01See, you want me to think that so that I won't trust anyone but you.
21:06They're all judging you for the way you act towards Lucy instead of focusing on what she did.
21:13They want you to stop talking so much about Cassie because it makes them uncomfortable.
21:18Stop talking, okay?
21:21Why do I have to hear your voice?
21:24Why can't I hear Cassie's voice again?
21:26Those moments with her were so perfect, hearing her voice in my head.
21:30It was so Clarissa Bell, her sweet angel voice.
21:34But I'm the voice you need to hear.
21:38Cassie can't make things happen like I can.
21:43In your mind, Cassie will always be an innocent child.
21:49But I'm not innocent.
21:52And right now, I'm the only person who can help you get back on track.
22:02I won't listen to any more of this.
22:13You can run forever, but you're not going to get rid of me.
22:18And now that you've finally figured out why I'm here, there's no turning back.
22:37Dad, how was your trip to England?
22:40It was terrific.
22:42Terrific. I managed to pack up all the rest of my things and have them shipped over here.
22:48And I got a few things left. I want to go back over and get those after I handed my resignation.
22:56You're moving to Genoa City permanently?
22:59I am.
23:01That's so exciting!
23:06Though I imagine you'll miss England.
23:08Yeah, yeah. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
23:12I've never been there, but whenever I see it on TV or in movies, it just looks so beautiful.
23:17Well, maybe when I go back to get the rest of my things, we can turn this into a family trip.
23:23Oh, I love that idea. Are you serious? Yes! That sounds so amazing.
23:29Make sure you take her to Blenheim Palace.
23:31What is that?
23:33Oh, it's a magnificent estate. It's actually the birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill.
23:41I've been. It's gorgeous.
23:43I have a better sense of your aesthetic now that you've been helping me house hunt. It's right up your alley.
23:48Nice. Well, maybe you can join us as a tour guide.
23:52Yeah, I'm down for that.
24:03It did not look like this when I left here earlier.
24:06Yeah, same.
24:08Sharon, you home?
24:11I'm gonna call her.
24:19Straight to voicemail.
24:22Hey, Sharon, it's me. Can you call me? I need to talk to you about something.
24:27It's about Faith.
24:33Sorry, your mom is far more likely to return my call if she thinks it's about her kids.
24:41Look at all of this. What is happening to Mom?
24:46And if she doesn't let us help her, then who can?
24:55Evening, boss.
24:57How are you doing?
24:59I will be fine once I have a cup of coffee.
25:03Well, we just got some new herbal teas in and they're decaffeinated and they're so soothing.
25:11I just asked for coffee, Esther.
25:14Do you do this with actual customers? Tell them what you think they should have instead of what they want?
25:20Whoa, whoa, whoa. Dial it back a notch.
25:23You're never gonna pull this off if they think you're psychotic.
25:30I'm so sorry.
25:32That was really uncalled for.
25:35It's just been a rough day.
25:38It's okay. Mrs. C would have said the same thing.
25:43I could just tell that you were a little wound up.
25:47Which is why I'm going to take your recommendation of tea. Thank you.
25:53Just bring me whichever one sounds best. I'll be on the patio.
25:59The blueberry sage is a great de-stressor and I'll bring it right out.
26:05Steve, that wasn't so hard. All you gotta do is make nice.
26:17The idea here is to fly under the radar.
26:22That's not why I apologized.
26:25Of course it is. You had no choice.
26:28I don't want to talk about that anymore.
26:32What you were suggesting is repulsive.
26:39It's not my idea. It's all yours.
26:48Look, I know you had an ugly morning with Lucy and the run in with Sharon sounded completely insane.
26:56And I'm sure Lucy turning around and blaming you all for it didn't help at all either.
27:00But you can't let your feelings about what she's going through and your sadness and your guilt cloud your judgment because we're still her parents.
27:10What if you're the one who's thinking is being impaired by all this?
27:14Just because we're her parents, that doesn't mean we're right.
27:17I'm being practical. Things aren't working for us here.
27:22Our savings will run out soon and I am not about to dip into her college fund.
27:26Are you suggesting dipping into her college?
27:29I just think it's too soon to bail.
27:31We haven't been out of work for that long and I have family here, which means Lucy has family here too.
27:37Okay, where has your family been in all of this?
27:41How is having your sister close or your mother close by helping Lucy in any way?
27:46So what are you suggesting?
27:48You want to move her someplace where she has no roots and no connections and what, make her feel more isolated than she already does?
27:54I'm not suggesting that we leave the country, Daniel. I'm just, I'm saying we can find somewhere close by, just not Genoa City.
28:00That brings me back to my original point of wanting a teacher that's not all right to run away from your problems.
28:06Where was this conviction when you ran away from yours just a little bit ago?
28:10When you ran out on Lucy and me? Because that would have been nice then.
28:14Wow. Cool, you wanted to go there.
28:19Yeah, I made a mistake and I admitted that.
28:23But you know, you feel like you need to throw it in my face, that's good. Now at least I know where our daughter gets it from.
28:28Daniel, no, I'm, I'm, that was not, I'm sorry.
28:32Daniel, please don't go.
28:57Can you come back out here, please?
29:09Can we talk?
29:11And not fight?
29:14I'm the only one who remembers when we were good at that.
29:19Where's Dad?
29:21I, I couldn't tell you.
29:24He left?
29:25He did, but he'll be back.
29:27He just, he needs some air. I think, um, I think tensions are running high for everyone around here,
29:34and it would be really helpful if we started pulling together and stopped fighting each other.
29:41You act like I want to feel this way, Mom.
29:44No. I know you don't. I know you're hurting.
29:50And I also know that you're not sharing with me how much you hurt.
29:54And that's the part that kills me, because I know there was a time when you would have.
29:58Lucy, I'm your mother, there is no one on this earth that could love you more than I do,
30:03and I just, I feel like I'm outside, looking in on all the pain that you're living with,
30:08and all I want to do is find a way to help.
30:11Making me move won't make things better.
30:15What would?
30:22Giving me some space to breathe.
30:26Realizing that I'm not lying when I say I know I messed up, and I want to make things right.
30:33I just worry that your idea of making things right could end up making them worse.
30:43So could yours.
30:51Sweetheart, I know how close you are to your mom. If this is too much for you, you can sit it out.
30:57Yeah, Faith, your dad and I, we can take it from here.
31:02I can do it. I just, I want her to be better.
31:06It's what we all want.
31:09I can't imagine what you're feeling right now. You just got back from school,
31:13and then you had your breakup, and Lucy, and the accident.
31:17And throughout all that, you've counted on your mom more than anyone.
31:22I just can't handle anything being wrong with her.
31:26I feel the exact same way, okay? But that's why we're doing all this.
31:31So that she can go back to being herself again.
31:34I believe that if we do that with the love and support that we said we would, she will listen to us.
31:51To be clear, this idea that you think is so repulsive, that's all you.
32:01For the record, it's not going to be as hard to pull off as you think.
32:07I am not listening.
32:09You are. You have to.
32:12You can do this. You obviously have it in you, or else I wouldn't be here.
32:19And when you do it, you're going to feel differently.
32:25Better. Relieved.
32:30Go away! Just leave me alone!
32:33I'm sorry, Sharon. I just wanted to drop off your tea.
32:38Esther, I did not mean for that to come out so rude. I'm sorry.
32:47I just need a little quiet time to work out a few personal things.
32:54Okay, well, that's all right.
33:00I'll just leave you alone.
33:29Although I have thoroughly enjoyed the company, unfortunately I have to head out. I want to make it home before Harrison goes to sleep.
33:36I just saw my little buddy. I'll see him tomorrow.
33:38Will do.
33:39Thank you so much for this. We really had a great time.
33:42Yeah. Excellent company and even better conversation.
33:46Couldn't agree more. And thank you to you too.
33:50You turned what could have been a terrible day into something pretty magical.
33:55It was my pleasure. Drive safe.
34:00Will do. Good night.
34:03Good night.
34:04Thank you for dinner, Kyle.
34:05Of course. Get home safe.
34:15What? You tell us.
34:19Nothing. It was dinner.
34:24And dinner.
34:26Come on, guys. Don't go jumping to any conclusions.
34:36So who's jumping to conclusions? I'm not jumping to conclusions.
34:41I mean, come on. What assumption could we possibly make?
34:44You invited a guy to Europe and it took him all of two seconds to say yes.
34:47What's unusual about that?
34:49We're friends.
34:53What about you two?
34:55What about you two?
34:57Unless my eyes are playing tricks on me, when you walked over here, it sure looked like you were holding hands.
35:04I think your eyes are working just fine.
35:07So? Are you a couple now?
35:11Well, I don't think there's a need to label things just yet.
35:14No, no. We're just taking it a day at a time.
35:20It's safe to say that your father and I enjoy being together.
35:25Yeah, and we can just see where it goes from here.
36:26Oh, Daniel, hi. What can I get you?
36:37Hey, you know what I would really love, Esther, is a giant glass of ice water.
36:43Doesn't that just hit the spot sometimes?
36:47Have a seat. I got you.
36:51Don't blow this, Sharon.
36:56Everything is riding on how you handle this.
37:05Friends and lives.
37:07Esther, it's Nick.
37:08Oh, hi, Nick.
37:09Hey, any chance you've seen or spoken to Sharon today?
37:13Well, she's here right now.
37:15But to be honest, she's not like herself. She's shaky and she's agitated.
37:23Okay, can you just please keep her there? I'll be right over.
37:27I'll do my best.
37:30Listen to me. You need to be very careful dealing with him.
37:36You scared Daniel off this time, you might never get another chance.
37:46Hey, Sharon.
37:59Daniel, would you mind joining me on the patio for a moment?
38:05Yeah, you know, I don't really think that's a good idea.
38:11Please, I just want to clear up a few things.
