Antisipasi FOMC The Fed IHSG Merosot ke 7.600-an

  • 2 days ago
IHSG berbalik melemah 0,84% di sesi I Senin (9/9) ke 7.657,24. Hanya sektor properti dan real estat +0,35% PANI +6,93%. Sektor barang konsumsi nonprimer -1,97% HMSP -2,01%. Sektor infrastruktur -1,08% BREN -2,55%. Sektor barang konsumsi primer -1,05% INDF -2,14%. Sektor energi -1,05%. PTBA -1,85% Sektor kesehatan -0,97% SILO -11,59%. Dari sisi saham BREN, BYAN dan BBRI jadi penekan terbesar IHSG di 7,9 indeks poin, 6,98 indeks poin, dan 5,5 indeks poin.

Dari global, Market saham AS jatuh di Jumat waktu setempat, tertekan oleh laporan pekerjaan yang menunjukkan perlambatan pasar tenaga kerja, dan membuat para pedagang ragu mengenai seberapa jauh The Fed akan memangkas suku bunga.


00:00In this segment, we will review how the business has been going all day, where the Samkabungan
00:12state has experienced a fairly deep correction and has left a level of 7,700.
00:17And we remind you again that you can still participate on WhatsApp Interactive at 0812.8788.723,
00:25as shown on your television screen later.
00:28And right now, we are connected via Zoom with Mr. Edo Ardiansyah,
00:32an equity analyst at PT Philips Securities Indonesia.
00:35We will go straight to him.
00:36Good evening, Mr. Edo. How are you, sir?
00:42Hello, good evening, Mr. Edo.
00:43Good evening, Mr. Dev.
00:47Hello, good evening.
00:50Mr. Edo, thank you for taking the time to be on IDX Channel.
00:54In the trading at the beginning of the week, it seems that the Samkabungan family has experienced
00:57profit-taking, Mr. Edo, after in the previous week, it also touched the highest intraday level
01:02throughout the period.
01:04Meanwhile, today it seems to be a burden.
01:08On the other hand, market players are still waiting for the results of the FOMC,
01:12but some economic indicator data will be a note for the Fed.
01:18One by one, this is also starting to come out.
01:20Workforce data was finalized last week.
01:22Then, investors are also waiting for this inflation data for the United States in August.
01:29What is the analysis of the weakness that happened today?
01:34Okay, here if we see that our movement at the end of the second trading session
01:40does seem to be moving.
01:43Hello, Mr. Edo, the signal is broken, sir.
01:45Can you check the network first, Mr. Edo?
01:49Okay, actually, let's test it first.
01:52Okay, it's already heard.
01:54Yes, please continue again, sir.
01:58Okay, so here we still see that our movement in the second session
02:04does seem to be moving.
02:06Okay, so here we still see that our movement in the second session
02:11does seem to be moving.
02:30Hello, Mr. Edo, the signal is broken, sir.
02:37Hello, Mr. Edo, the signal is broken, sir.
02:39Okay, my car earlier was a little review of the S&P 500 index
02:44from Mr. Edo Ardiansyah,
02:46where the current position of the S&P 500 index is closed below the level of 7679.794.
02:56Where the S&P 500 index last week has caused the position of the ISG
03:05to reach the highest level in the intraday period.
03:12We will try to contact Mr. Edo Ardiansyah again.
03:17We will try to contact Mr. Edo Ardiansyah again.
03:19We will try to contact Mr. Edo Ardiansyah again.
03:21He is the head analyst of PT Philips Securities Indonesia.
03:24We will try to contact him again.
03:27We will try to contact Mr. Edo Ardiansyah again.
03:30We are still at IDX S&P 500 closing,
03:32and today we try to contact Mr. Edo Ardiansyah again,
03:36the head analyst of PT Philips Securities Indonesia.
03:38Mr. Edo, we will continue again, sir.
03:40Okay, okay, Mike.
03:42Mr. Edo, this is for the Samkabungan family.
03:46We will try to repeat your review.
03:49Today, it was quite intense,
03:52but at the closing of the second session,
03:54there was a limited weakness,
03:58and the Samkabungan family went back to the 7,700 level.
04:01Did the investors take a profit in the intraday period,
04:05and then try to go back to the Samsung Big Cap,
04:09which has weakened deeply, to take a position again?
04:12What is your analysis?
04:13Yes, okay, sir.
04:14So here we can see that
04:16our issues tend to move towards correction first.
04:21And this correction happened due to the prototyping
04:25that was done by the investors
04:27after there was quite a lot of strength.
04:30In other words, if we look at it now,
04:33the level of our GST trading volume
04:36has started to move down,
04:38and with a little indication from the statistics,
04:41there has been a downward trend
04:43that is moving down from the area of the boom.
04:47So if we look at the movement further,
04:50it is possible that the potential of our GST movement
04:54is testing its support level
04:56in the 7,600 level to the 7,650 level.
05:03Okay, in the middle,
05:05the weakness of the Samkabungan family
05:07and the weakness more towards the limit,
05:09it seems that some stocks are trying to become
05:11the supporters of the Samkabungan family.
05:13Mr. Edo, between BBNI,
05:15when from the other Big Cap banks,
05:17BBNI is actually stressed today.
05:19BBNI is strengthening itself,
05:21even its strength is above 1.33%.
05:23What is your analysis for BBNI?
05:25Today's closing position is at 5,725.
05:28Next support and resistance.
05:31Okay, here we see
05:33that BBNI is trying to strengthen again.
05:37If we look at the position,
05:39this movement still shows the uptrend pattern,
05:43where the movement has been strengthening
05:47for the last four trading days.
05:49It has been strengthening for the last four trading days.
05:53It is activated in a way
05:55where the support level is still quite okay,
05:57where the support level in BBNI
06:01continues to show an increase.
06:04And if we look at the bottom,
06:06this BBNI movement
06:08may still have a potential to continue its uptrend.
06:11Where if we see
06:13that the movement of BBNI support,
06:16the possibility of its movement
06:18for the next physical resistance level
06:20can reach the level of 5,750
06:25up to the level of 5,850.
06:30Is it still recommended by Mr. Edo at today's closing
06:33or waiting for a health correction first?
06:36Okay, so if we look at it,
06:38it depends on the position of the investor.
06:40If, for example, you and your wife
06:42already have a low position,
06:44maybe it's already a false assumption
06:46because we see that the position continues to increase.
06:49However, if you and your wife
06:51don't have a position yet,
06:52maybe it's better to wait for the best support level
06:56at the level of 5,500.
07:00Today's closing at 5725
07:02strengthens at 1.33%.
07:04In addition to BBNI,
07:06some stocks that today also become supporters
07:09of the Samkabungan family,
07:10so that the pressure is not too deep.
07:13On the sectoral side,
07:15in the first session this morning,
07:17it still leads to strengthening.
07:19There is PANI, Mr. Edo.
07:21Closed, strengthened at 13.25%.
07:23Closed at 8,550.
07:26And it looks like this is the new all-time high level of PANI.
07:30Your analysis, the next opportunity.
07:32And coincidentally, there is already a question
07:35asking for PANI information.
07:37Is the uptrend still moving?
07:39Can it be entered?
07:41This is a question from Mr. Samekto from Surabaya.
07:43Your analysis for PANI.
07:46Here we see that PANI
07:48seems to be moving up the uptrend quite high.
07:51So it's better for you and your wife
07:53to wait for action first.
07:55Because if we look at the next trend,
07:58there is a possibility that there is a potential
08:00that it will correct here.
08:01So maybe it's better if, for example,
08:03you and your wife already have a position.
08:06Maybe it can be discussed first.
08:09Or, for example, you and your wife
08:11don't have a position yet,
08:13or you want to take it, it's better for NP.
08:15Because if we look at it,
08:17it is possible that the movement up to this point
08:19can reverse the direction,
08:22the direction of correction,
08:24where the point of support that we are projecting
08:27can reach the level of 7,500
08:30up to the level of 7,000.
08:34Today's closing at 8,550,
08:36strengthening at 13.25%.
08:38Is it too early, sir?
08:40From the technical position, what is it?
08:43If we look here,
08:44we can see that the movement is still going up, right?
08:48Whereas if we look at it, it's increasing.
08:50And if we look here,
08:52indeed, for the short term,
08:55there is still a potential that it can move up.
08:58However, there is also a potential that it will correct,
09:01depending on the position of the investor.
09:04Because if we look here,
09:05in the short term, the investor is still waiting,
09:08where the position for the nearest level of resistance
09:11can reach the level of 9,000.
09:14But if the level of 9,000 can't be reached,
09:17then it will probably go to the direction of direction,
09:20that is, to the correction area,
09:21to the point of support that I mentioned.
09:24Analysis for PANI,
09:25PANI strengthened significantly at 13.25%,
09:28and again, reached its highest intraday level in a long time,
09:32where PANI strengthened after doing some corporate actions
09:35some time ago.
09:37And again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the shareholder of IDX Channel.
