GLAM SLAM S01E04 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Welcome to another episode of Glam Slam.
00:07This week's episode is truly the battle
00:10of Mohart's drag children, darling.
00:12Yes, our first contestants kind of
00:15ready to crush and eat every aspect of this competition.
00:18She's not here to just bedazzle a gown.
00:21Boom Bang Pow from season 15,
00:24please welcome, very fabulous, Luxe Noir London.
00:32Hi, my name is Luxe Noir London.
00:35I am from East Orange, New Jersey,
00:37and I was a finalist on season 15 of RuPaul's Drag Race.
00:41Being on Glam Slam is so fun because I love sewing.
00:45I'm very excited.
00:46Welcome, Miss Luxe.
00:48How is she feeling today?
00:49She's feeling stunning.
00:52Are you ready to meet who your competition is?
00:55Not really, but I guess I have to.
00:58Yes, you do.
00:59Staring Luxe down from the other side of the sewing
01:01machine from season 15.
01:04Mirror, mirror on the wall, please welcome Robin Fierce.
01:11What's up, y'all?
01:12I am Robin Fierce from Hartford, Connecticut.
01:14I was on season 15 of RuPaul's Drag Race, and now I'm here.
01:19Come on, runway.
01:21She thinks she's cute.
01:22I am cute, thank you.
01:24I definitely take inspiration from anywhere,
01:26whether it can be art or Beyonce.
01:28I love Beyonce.
01:29But I like to have my own unique versions of things.
01:33Welcome, Robin.
01:35It's so good to have you here.
01:37Good to be here.
01:39Robin, how do you feel about seeing your sister
01:42across the way in the work arena?
01:44It's like a family reunion.
01:47I bet, for sure.
01:48Actually, kind of.
01:49I just saw you yesterday, girl.
01:50We talk all the time.
01:51I know, I know.
01:52Seeing Robin as my opponent is a little interesting,
01:54because on one token, I did better than her at Drag Race.
01:58But on the other hand, I know that she's
02:00a really good seamstress.
02:01It's definitely going to be a challenge.
02:02I know she's going to be tough competition,
02:05because that bitch is fashion.
02:08You know what, Robin?
02:09Nothing says New York City to me more
02:10like Times Square and the tourists that keep
02:13the city's heart pumping, you know?
02:16And who knows more about being a tourist in New York City
02:19than a couple of fabulous bridge and tunnel queens
02:22from Connecticut and New Jersey?
02:24Very true.
02:25That's why in this episode, our contestants
02:27must design and bring to life a ready-to-wear look that
02:30captures all that is New York tourist couture.
02:35Hey, it works.
02:37You may use any of the materials or tools
02:40that you see in your workspaces, but keep an eye on the clock,
02:43because you'll only have three hours to complete your look.
02:46Oh my god, what?
02:48Robin, how are you going to do with that?
02:50I don't know.
02:50How are you going to do with that, sister?
02:52When the clock strikes zero, your looks
02:54will be modeled by identical twins
02:56for the other contestants in the competition,
02:58and they'll vote for their favorite look,
03:01having no idea who made what.
03:04Is it sugar and spice?
03:06Absolutely not!
03:12Have we made ourselves clear, ladies?
03:13Oh, yes.
03:14Do you think you two tourists are up for this trip?
03:18Well, the clock's about to start ticking, girl.
03:21So without any further ado, we recommend you get to work!
03:28Give me this.
03:30I'll take this.
03:31What are you making, sister?
03:32None of your business, Robin.
03:34Wow, you're so un-sisterly.
03:35Robin, this is a competition, remember?
03:37OK, but like, you love me, though, right?
03:42I want to go for something that's
03:44more clean and a little more like,
03:46this is something you would see a tourist wearing,
03:48because I kind of want to take what you see as a tourist
03:52and kind of cut it up, flip it, reverse it.
03:55I'm not really going towards sequins
03:57or things that are super, like, outlandish, busy prints.
04:00I'm a drag queen.
04:01I love a shiny thing.
04:02The sequins is calling me.
04:04So many bland colors you have over there, sister.
04:07Well, it is tourism, after all, Robin.
04:09This is true.
04:10Do you know the category?
04:10This is true.
04:11Lux is taking a lot of the more muted tones,
04:14and Robin's going very, very, very red.
04:16Very Big Apple Circus.
04:18I feel like red is a power color,
04:20so I really wanted to grab that.
04:21I grab the map fabric as well, and we are just go, go, go, go.
04:27I want to make these, like, shoulders that connect
04:31and make, like, a little heart thing.
04:33This might be a little bit ambitious to do
04:35in a three-hour period, though.
04:38Robin, do you sew?
04:39I do sew.
04:42I've never sewn anything in three hours.
04:45The hardest part about creating this look
04:47is definitely going to be time.
04:48Y'all at home, pray for me.
04:50Pray for me.
04:52Work, work, work.
04:53Let's see what they have over here.
04:55Oh, OK.
04:58These are, like, kind of chic, right?
05:02I know how to work a sewing machine,
05:03and I have a brain that can work on the top of a dime,
05:06so I think that's all the preparation I could have
05:08done for something like this.
05:10Sister, do you want to give me a pair of your khakis?
05:13No, I actually don't.
05:14Are you sure it'll be safe?
05:15Wait, you have a pair in your hand.
05:16Why do you need mine?
05:17OK, but I want a darker khaki.
05:19Well, you should have thought about that before you
05:21only grabbed red material.
05:23The competition is steep today, I see.
05:26I like that.
05:27Yeah, smart strategy.
05:28They're competitors, you know?
05:30We're here to win $10,000.
05:31For these three hours, you're competitors.
05:40When I think of tourist couture, I'm
05:42kind of thinking of things that are, like, easy, breezy,
05:46and not too complicated, not too stuffy.
05:49Lux, what you thinking over there?
05:50What's happening?
05:51Can you give us a little?
05:52So I'm doing kind of like a micro-mini, like, khaki skirt.
05:56I'm, like, ripping the front part of the seam of the pocket
06:00so I can cut the skirt short enough
06:01to where you can see the pocket without cutting the pocket.
06:04I love turning it into a skirt.
06:06My initial design was to make a skirt
06:09My initial design is definitely a take on khaki pants
06:14and a tourist t-shirt, but I'm going
06:17to do a khaki skirt in, like, a tank top kind
06:20of deconstructed moment.
06:22If you make something that's very trendy and very fashion,
06:26will that say tourist couture?
06:28Good point.
06:32Robin, what are you thinking?
06:33I see a lot of red.
06:35Every tourist, when they come here,
06:37I feel like they buy, like, those little shirts
06:39with the hearts and stuff on it.
06:40So I basically want the tourist to become
06:42the heart that loves New York.
06:44So we're going for a whole little transformation.
06:48That sounds very khaki.
06:51We'll see.
06:51Ooh, very meta.
06:56Robin, you're giving me such a hard-on.
06:58Oh, I do that to a lot of people.
07:00You're not the first.
07:02Well, we know that two things are hard here.
07:05Are you a little chilly?
07:06No, no, no.
07:07You're OK.
07:11So Lux, if I remember correctly, you won the design
07:14challenge in season 15.
07:16Does that put any added pressure into this day?
07:20Not really.
07:21If you stay fierce, you ain't got to get fierce.
07:23Right, Robin?
07:25And I am the fiercest of them all.
07:26Absolutely not.
07:27But I'm not really nervous because, you know,
07:30this is what I do.
07:31Fashion is who I am.
07:32You're at home here.
07:33Imagine, like, I lose.
07:36I mean, we don't have to imagine if it happens, girl.
07:38Like, it is unfathomable.
07:40You better wear a bitch.
07:42It kind of is.
07:43Look at who I'm up against.
07:44It's nothing personal.
07:46It's just drag.
07:52Is there another pair of khakis over here?
07:55Do you have any more khakis?
07:56Or are you using those?
07:57You know, I asked you if you had extra khakis for me.
08:01No, I actually don't.
08:02So why don't you go back to your station?
08:04Robin, I've had a change of heart, OK?
08:08Actually, no, they're not the color I want, so.
08:13Are you going to use khaki in your design?
08:14I was going to, but I don't think I am anymore.
08:17I'm just holding on to it to be spiteful now.
08:23Lemon card.
08:26Have fun with your heart over there.
08:35No, let me keep it all the way.
08:36Ooh, actually.
08:38The hardest part of making this skirt
08:40is seeing what order I want all of the pieces to go in
08:43so it doesn't look like there's too much of one
08:45color on one side.
08:46This is the side for the side of the skirt.
08:48I need to make sure that the skirt is revolving in a way
08:52that is pleasing to the eye.
08:58The struggle is real, girl.
09:00I keep taking shower curtains in these design challenges.
09:05I love to challenge myself and give myself no stretch.
09:08Ooh, girl, this is stressing me out.
09:11Which, in a three-hour challenge,
09:13maybe not the best thing to do.
09:16Miss Fierce.
09:19You're so tall.
09:20You make me feel so dainty.
09:21I am wearing heels.
09:22Oh my god.
09:23So I'm really tiny.
09:24Oh my god.
09:26First of all, similar names.
09:28He just looks so cute.
09:33So how are you feeling about your look overall right now?
09:35I'm going to turn it inside out, and then it's
09:37going to look more smooth.
09:40And your heart?
09:41The goal is for the heart to lay over like so.
09:46This is going to be more of like a leotard.
09:49And then I'll probably add like a little skirt or something
09:52to finish the bottoms.
09:55We're going to see how it goes.
09:56I've never made anything in this amount of time.
10:00It is quite a challenge.
10:01So that is the struggle?
10:03We'll all let you get to it.
10:04Thank you, Rob.
10:09Oh, I'm sorry.
10:09I didn't mean to scare you.
10:11No, you didn't scare me.
10:12I am so excited for you to tell me what you're working on,
10:16because we've been back there just not seeing much.
10:26We really have no idea what Lux is doing.
10:32Or what it could look like.
10:38You get a lot done there, Lux?
10:40We see each other.
10:41We see each other.
10:43We good.
10:43It's very like meticulous, and I'm
10:45not making like a giant heart.
10:47So basically what I'm doing is taking all of the pants
10:51and cutting them all into skirts,
10:52and then cutting them all apart, and then piecing
10:54them back together, kind of like patchwork tees.
10:56We've got the skirt.
10:57What are you thinking for the rest of the look?
10:59So for the top, I'm going to take the t-shirt,
11:02and I'm going to deconstruct them in some way
11:06and make another shirt out of t-shirts.
11:10So there is a lot of breaking down and putting
11:12together in your whole look.
11:14That's very ambitious.
11:15I think if anybody can do it, it's me.
11:17I think I'm going to win.
11:31OK, we like that.
11:33So cute.
11:35Oh my god.
11:38Ooh, Robin.
11:40I see some progress is making.
11:43Let us hope it fits her, because working with non-stretch
11:46is a whole challenge in itself.
11:48The map is non-stretch?
11:49At all.
11:50Oh, girl.
11:52Is that a red card?
11:53That is a red card, girl.
11:54Working with non-stretch material.
11:56Non-stretch material.
11:58Red card.
11:59Working with this non-stretch fabric in this amount of time
12:02is a lot, because it can go so wrong.
12:05Plus 5 points if you pull it off.
12:08It doesn't concern me that everybody is a little like,
12:11ooh, what's happening?
12:13I kind of know what the vision is that I wanted,
12:16and we're pushing through.
12:19Now that you ladies are working on your designs,
12:21let's meet your models.
12:23Madeline and Jada.
12:26So beautiful.
12:27Let's have you meet your queen.
12:29Hi, people.
12:31How are you?
12:32Are you ready to be like a heart?
12:34Oh my god, are we?
12:36I don't know where y'all found these twins,
12:38but they are so gorgeous.
12:39Nice to meet you.
12:40I'm Lux.
12:40I know that my look is going to look phenomenal on my model.
12:45Not it's fitting perfect.
12:47It's so cute.
12:49This is a moment.
12:51That's so cute.
12:53I love, I love.
12:54Let me see what the shirt is going to give.
12:57Girl, my lord.
13:01She might be a little tight.
13:03That is the most ready to wear.
13:06Just pick it up and go.
13:09How are we doing this?
13:11I feel like I'm dressing my toddler.
13:14OK, I'm glad we put safety pins.
13:17Wait, hold on.
13:18I don't want to snag your hair too much.
13:23So it fits?
13:24So far.
13:25We're going to add a little bit more fitting moment.
13:28Because right now it's giving hospital gown.
13:31I can see that for sure.
13:34No, this is exactly what we're going to do.
13:36And when I tell you this is going to burn the building,
13:38potentially probably not.
13:39Maybe it will.
13:40The moment of truth.
13:42We can't go back from here.
13:43All right.
13:46Is she cutting into a leotard now?
13:48It looks like she's cut a lot more off than I thought.
13:52OK, it's looking a little less hospital chic.
13:55Yeah, that looks better.
13:57Yeah, it looks better.
13:58Oh, actually, let me test these shoulders.
14:10I end up using my scraps that I cut off
14:13from the side of the map and stuff
14:15it with some shoulder pads.
14:17So then it's not so rigid, and it molds
14:20better to my model's body.
14:22Innovation is key, ladies and gentlepeople.
14:28Ooh, look at the skirt.
14:31She's skirting.
14:32Skirt, skirt.
14:33Skirt, skirt.
14:34The top isn't done yet, but basically it's
14:36going to be like a tank top.
14:37And all these eyelids are going to have where they go.
14:40The little t-shirt.
14:41The little string.
14:43And we're going to attach each piece around front to back.
14:48Send a bitch home like a heart attack.
14:51All right, y'all.
14:52I'll see y'all later.
14:52See you later.
14:53I can't wait to see it.
14:55Hello, hello, hello.
14:56Hello, Robin Fields.
14:58Hello, diva.
15:00How you doing?
15:01How's it looking?
15:03How do you feel about it?
15:04It's coming together.
15:05It's coming together.
15:06I love the shoulders a lot because it's giving me heart.
15:08I was concerned it wasn't going to give heart.
15:11And I mean, I see heart in the back.
15:12I just feel like the front feels giving heart at the front.
15:15Well, this is going to be down a little bit more.
15:18And with it stretched out like that,
15:21it kind of gives it a little bit more.
15:23Yeah, more heart.
15:24And then we're going to add a little mini skirt going around.
15:33All right.
15:34All right.
15:34Well, I'll let you finish.
15:35And I can't wait to see the final product.
15:49Ooh, that's kind of sickening, though.
15:52This is cute.
15:53No, it needs to be a color.
15:55She's cute.
15:56So I'm looking at my model.
15:57And she has on the top.
15:58And she has on the skirt.
15:59And she has on the visor.
16:00And I'm like, something is missing.
16:02I know what I'm going to do.
16:05I'm going to make a tote bag.
16:07It's giving house fear.
16:10Oh my god, even better.
16:12Attention, ladies.
16:14There is now 30 minutes left in the competition.
16:17Oh, no.
16:19We believe in you.
16:22Let's all bow our heads in prayer.
16:24Just kidding.
16:25This is a safe space.
16:26I wouldn't make you do that.
16:27All right.
16:30I'm going to throw these on.
16:31And I want to throw those glasses on you.
16:36We're cutting up something different.
16:40Is this for the handbag?
16:42I'm using the pants pockets as the bag.
16:46Like a pocket book.
16:49I think that's quite good.
16:52I like this.
16:53I like this.
16:55I feel like this would be too much.
16:59No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:01Wait, did I sew it wrong?
17:03No, I didn't.
17:04I kind of like that the outside is frayed a little bit.
17:07I think we're good.
17:08I think we're good.
17:09Can you take the skirt off?
17:11Because I want to fray the edges of the skirt.
17:13I'm not mad at this.
17:16OK, it's giving fashion.
17:22Ladies, 10 minutes left.
17:27Do we have more of this?
17:28Time is just a ticket.
17:30Would a cape be too extra?
17:35So freaking major.
17:37Oh my god.
17:37Lux Noir London, but is it giving fashion?
17:41It's giving fashion.
17:42I think.
17:43Yeah, not I think.
17:44I know.
17:44It's definitely giving fashion.
17:45I'm not mad at it, but it might be too much.
17:48It's going to be perfect.
17:49Let's go do shoes.
17:50All right, ladies, there is one minute left.
17:54OK, we've got to make a decision.
17:55The top needs to be like right in the middle.
17:57We've got to make a decision.
17:59The top needs like writing or something.
18:01I'm like something is missing from the look.
18:03It needs words somewhere.
18:04It needs letters.
18:05It needs something somewhere.
18:07I don't know what I would put on it.
18:09I'm going to keep the cape.
18:10It's glamour.
18:11I'm probably not going to end up writing anything on it.
18:13Oh, wait, wait.
18:14Actually, we need to really quick.
18:16I need to close the seams on the side of the shower curtain
18:20because they are fraying and we don't want to see any fraying.
18:23That is a no-no.
18:2610, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
18:40That scared the crap out of me.
18:41They're going to vote for us, right?
18:43They have to.
18:43They have to.
18:44The clock stops and I'm looking at my model
18:47and I'm looking at the look and I'm like,
18:49you really turned it out.
18:50Like, it looks really good.
18:52And I'm really proud of what I did.
18:54I think it looks phenomenal.
18:56I can't wait to see how this turns out.
18:58We both just took such a different direction
19:00with the challenge in our own little way.
19:03I feel like it's going to be very, like, ooh, head to head.
19:07Now bring on the jury of your fiercest, sickening peers.
19:14Oh, this is a tough one because they're both really,
19:16really good.
19:16I'm loving what I'm seeing in the left look.
19:19I think it's styled the right way
19:21and that's, like, really important.
19:22The one on the right, she's cute,
19:25but I think it's not as fashion forward
19:26as the one on the left.
19:27The one on the left, that look is so sickening.
19:31The one on the right, obviously somebody can make clothes.
19:35And the fabric's nice.
19:36It's shiny.
19:36It's, like, lovely.
19:37They both look good.
19:39I definitely think this one's going
19:41to be a hard decision on the best piece.
19:44I'm voting for the left look because it's on theme.
19:48It shows a little shoulder, shows skin.
19:51That's what I'm all about these days.
19:57Ladies, the results are in from your fellow contestants.
20:00And we have the results of who served the best
20:02in Time Square.
20:05The winner will be one step closer
20:07to competing for the grand prize of $10,000.
20:10And the loser will be banished to Staten Island.
20:15Not Staten Island.
20:15The worst of the boroughs.
20:18There's a lot at stake.
20:19Are you ready for the results?
20:21And the winner is Luxe Noir London.
20:29Oh, my god.
20:29We did it.
20:31Oh, my god.
20:32Congratulations, sister.
20:34Oh, my god.
20:35I won.
20:36Aren't we surprised?
20:38Like, my look was so sickening.
20:40I'm so proud of what I did.
20:42But I also have to give kudos to my sister, Robin,
20:44because she also turned it out.
20:45Bye, Robin.
20:46Thank you, darling.
20:47Bye, y'all.
20:47Womp, womp, womp.
20:49It is a lose this time around.
20:51But I know that I still served a sickening look.
20:53And Luxe's look was amazing.
20:55So I'm very happy for her win.
20:57And let her carry the torch for House of Heart.
21:01That means you are one step closer
21:03to winning the grand prize of $10,000.
21:07And a big thank you to Luxe and Robin,
21:10who really turned it out in this week's challenge.
21:13And thank you for cheering on with us from the bleachers.
21:16Join us next week, where we continue on our quest
21:20to find out which queen gonna turn it up the best.
21:23See y'all next week.