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Kinerja Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dan nilai tukar Rupiah kompak menguat pada perdagangan Jumat (6/9/2024) jelang akhir pekan.

IHSG dibuka menguat ke 7.709 seirama dengan penguatan mayoritas bursa saham di Asia. Serupa, Rupiah pada perdagangan pagi ini menguat ke Rp15.370 per USD.


00:00Meanwhile, Pomiyarosa from Indonesia, the index of joint stock prices and rupiahs managed to set a record on Friday's trading.
00:06The IHS also managed to break the highest intraday record at 7,754, while rupiahs rose to the level of US$15,300 per dollar, the highest record since September 15, 2023.
00:18The index of joint stock prices rose 0.53% to the level of 7,721,84 on Friday's trading on September 6, 2024.
00:33Intraday history, the IHS again broke the new all-time high level at 7,754,475, while the IHS accumulation in a week reached 0.67%.
00:47The three sectoral indexes that rose the highest was finance, which rose 1.91%, health, which rose 0.55%, and technology, which rose 0.27%.
00:58Meanwhile, from the side of the joint stock of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero TBK or BBRI and PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero TBK or BBNI,
01:08as well as the joint investment share of PT Aman Mineral International TBK or AMNN, the IHSG supporters each amounted to 8.3 index points, 7.5 index points, and 7.2 index points.
01:23Not only the IHSG, rupiahs ended last week's trading with a bang.
01:28Spot Rupiah was closed, strengthening 0.21% to the level of US$15,365, the highest record since September 15, 2023.
01:38The level reflects a weekly strength of 0.58% and an increase in value since Q3 2024 of 6.2%.
01:48The strength of IHSG and Rupiah on Friday last week at the Indonesian Central Bank announced a deficit reserve at the end of August 2024, reaching US$150.2 billion.
01:58This deficit reserve is the highest record in Indonesia's history, the last Indonesia to set the highest deficit reserve record in December 2023 at US$146.4 billion.
02:11On the other hand, the yield of US Treasury Tenors for 10 years fell to 3.73% or the lowest since June 28, 2023.
02:21The fall of the US Treasury Yield is also good news for Indonesia because there is a possibility that investors looking for a larger balance will move from America to Indonesia.
02:40Thank you for watching!
