Manisnya Cuan Bisnis Pengganti Gula Stevia

  • 2 days ago
Gula dari daun stevia semakin populer sebagai alternatif pemanis alami. Stevia, yang berasal dari tumbuhan Stevia rebaudiana, dikenal memiliki rasa manis yang kuat tanpa meningkatkan kadar gula darah.

Stevia tidak hanya bebas kalori, tetapi juga memiliki indeks glikemik yang sangat rendah, sehingga aman untuk penderita diabetes dan orang yang ingin menjaga berat badan.


00:00Thank you again for being with us and again with my friend who is sweet, as we will discuss this time.
00:07The theme is sweet.
00:09What is your sweetness?
00:10The real sweetness.
00:12Okay, this time we will discuss the sweetness of Cuan, the business replacement of Gula Stevia.
00:16After the video conference, there is Ms. Ulan, who is the co-founder of Biru. How are you, Ms. Ulan?
00:22Hello, how are you? I'm good.
00:26Thank you for joining.
00:29Okay, Biru.
00:31Yes, that's right.
00:32Can you tell us what is Biru?
00:35What is the startup based on, Ms. Ulan, to the audience of IDX Channel?
00:40Okay, for Biru itself, our basis is more on health.
00:46More on health, the products also focus on health.
00:51Then, for the brand itself, we have been established since 2021 until now.
01:05So, this includes products that are developing in the middle of COVID, right?
01:09But is there a meaning behind it? Why is it called Biru?
01:12The blue is B-E-R-U, right?
01:16Actually, for the name, we don't have a meaning behind the name.
01:22But we all just happen to like the blue color, so we call it B-E-R-U.
01:27Okay, the I is from the letter E, which has two letters.
01:32If we talk specifically about the awareness of this community,
01:36about the product of sweeteners replacing Gula based on Stevia leaves,
01:40what is the background like, Ms. Ulan?
01:43Okay, for the awareness itself, we are very happy, Mr. Wiki, Ms. Prisa,
01:47because we see that young people nowadays are very aware of health.
01:55And that's what we really hope for,
01:57because healthy life has to start from being a lifestyle from a young age.
02:03So that we don't forget to take care of our health
02:08even when we are older.
02:13So the awareness has really increased.
02:17Okay, because what affects the trend is the awareness about health.
02:21But I'm curious, Wiki, the main product of Biru is Stevia,
02:27which is a type of sugar, but we only need a little compared to sugar.
02:33For example, what is the comparison like? Can you explain?
02:35Because we have tried it before, where the sugar is usually 1.5 tablespoons of sugar,
02:40but it turns out that it can only be balanced by a little.
02:45That's right. So for Stevia itself, Ms. Prisa,
02:49it is a substitute for sugar.
02:53So for Stevia itself, it is actually a leaf.
02:57It was originally shaped like a leaf.
03:00Then this leaf is called Stevia Rebaudiana.
03:05What makes it sweet? So actually this Stevia leaf has a substance.
03:09It has a substance called glycosidasephyol.
03:12If the leaf is eaten, it is directly sweet.
03:16If chewed, it will be sweet because the substance that gave the sweet taste was glycosidasephyol.
03:24Then this Stevia itself is different from sugar,
03:30of course it does not contain calories like sugar.
03:33That's the difference.
03:34Then it is also one of the sweeteners that is in the grass category of the FDA.
03:42So grass is generally recognized as safe.
03:45Then it is useful as an alternative substitute for sugar,
03:49which is more commonly used.
03:52Then if you compare it yourself,
03:55one drop for Stevia virus products in particular,
03:58the sweetness is almost equal to 2.5 tablespoons of sugar.
04:05So the conclusion is that this is healthier than regular granulated sugar?
04:10That's right. Because if there is someone who is maintaining calorie intake,
04:16avoiding sugar intake, like people with diabetes,
04:22they must be looking for alternative sweeteners that do not contain calories.
04:27Okay, if you look at it from the request so far,
04:31what does it look like, Ms. Ulan, for the Stevia sugar itself,
04:36which is produced by BIRU?
04:37It means that the awareness is growing.
04:39This may also affect the request for the product itself.
04:44As for the market request,
04:48for the Stevia product itself,
04:51we can sell almost 20,000 bottles per month.
05:00The total is currently sold at more than 200,000 bottles.
05:07Is that according to the target?
05:10Is that according to the target?
05:13Or even more target?
05:16To be honest, this is already far from our target.
05:20Already far from the target?
05:22Because BIRU itself, as a brand,
05:26we are one of the pioneers who have the Stevia liquid product.
05:32Okay, I don't think Stevia can be called sugar, Wiki.
05:35This looks more like a sweetener.
05:38We will discuss more about it later.
05:40For now, Mr. Mirsa, we will be back in a moment.
05:44Thank you, Mr. Mirsa.
05:45We are still talking with the co-founder of BIRU Stevia,
05:49a natural sweetener with Ms. Ulan.
05:53BIRU Stevia is claimed to be a natural sweetener,
05:57a zero-calorie natural sweetener with 97% Stevia ribaudiana extract.
06:04I'm a little doubtful, Mr. Ulan.
06:05Wiki has tried it before.
06:08How can it be so sweet?
06:10Can you explain?
06:11Is there any homework when socializing,
06:14educating the customer?
06:18Yes, that's actually very important,
06:22Ms. Prisa and Mr. Wiki, for us at BIRU.
06:25Because many people don't really know what Stevia is.
06:31Stevia is actually a natural ingredient.
06:34It's not from leaves.
06:36Why is it sweet? Why is it like this? Why is it like that?
06:38Many people think it's a sugarcane, but it's not.
06:41It's actually a very good product
06:46used as an alternative to sugarcane.
06:50Besides that, what else is the challenge?
06:52Besides educating the public that this is not a sugarcane,
06:55this is natural.
06:56Is there anything else?
06:58Actually, the challenge is as far as it is.
07:01That's right.
07:05Let's talk about the distribution of Stevia sweetener products
07:11produced by BIRU.
07:13How is the distribution so far?
07:14Are the big cities still dominating or what?
07:18If the market is the most dominant,
07:23many of us are in Jakarta.
07:26Java Island, especially Jakarta.
07:29Even though we have been to Sulawesi,
07:33East Indonesia.
07:35Because the market in Java is still very large.
07:40Let's go back to the moment when BIRU was established
07:43or maybe at the time of the production of Stevia or this sweetener.
07:47What was the inspiration?
07:49It turns out that there are findings from the BIRU team
07:53related to the excessive consumption of sugar in young people
07:57so as to increase the probability of developing diabetes at a young age, etc.
08:02Then friends think to produce a healthy product.
08:08That's right, Mr. Ricky.
08:09Indeed, that is the main thing that concerns us at BIRU.
08:12Especially, it seems that in recent years,
08:17diabetes has become very common among young people.
08:25So, it seems that awareness like this
08:29that has started to develop in society,
08:32we really want BIRU to be part of the solution
08:37that provides a solution for problems like this.
08:42The extract of Stevia leaves is up to 97%.
08:46Is there enough of it in the country?
08:50Or does it have to be imported?
08:54No, ma'am.
08:55So, for the Stevia leaves themselves,
08:59everything comes from the country, ma'am.
09:03Where is it from, Ms. Wulan?
09:06If the area is in Karanganyar, Tawang Mamu, Bogor,
09:14some of our partners have the leaves there.
09:18So, 97% Stevia extract, what is the remaining 3%?
09:22The remaining 3% is water.
09:25I want to make sure and also round off the assumption from the community
09:30that 97% Stevia extract, 3% is water.
09:35So, most likely the content is natural.
09:40Other than Stevia sweeteners produced by BIRU, what else, Ms. Wulan?
09:46For other products,
09:48mostly BIRU is still a healthy product.
09:53So, we have matcha powder, there is BIRU Matcha.
09:56Then, this year we just launched the BIRU Rice Porang product.
10:01Then, there is also the BIRU Sashet product.
10:04Then, there is also MSG.
10:07Wow, that's amazing.
10:09So, the short-term target from BIRU, what else?
10:14For the short-term target,
10:16we really want to add distribution channels,
10:21especially so that the products are easier to be obtained by the Indonesian people.
10:26Then, in the long run,
10:30we want to continue to innovate in terms of products,
10:33to be able to produce products that can be a solution for the Indonesian people.
10:37We also hope that it can be accepted internationally.
10:41So, those are the targets,
10:44which will be achieved in the long run.
10:48Earlier, if the Stevia sweeteners have sold hundreds of thousands,
10:53does it mean that the profitability has been achieved
10:56or does it still have a profitability target?
10:59What do you think, Ms. Wulan?
11:01For the profitability target itself,
11:04because BIRU, as I mentioned earlier,
11:07we are one of the pioneers in the brand that offers Stevia sweeteners.
11:13In 2023, we are really focused on the development market, education.
11:19But when you look at the end of 2023,
11:24until mid-2024,
11:27the growth is very significant.
11:30And if you look at the potential of the market, it is still very wide and very large.
11:34And this year, there is growth in terms of profits that are quite significant.
11:39Okay, so maybe last year there was also a profit,
11:41but this year's profitability is even more significant, like that, Ms. Wulan.
11:48Is there a chance for cooperation, perhaps, with the government,
11:52or how, in promoting sweeteners that are far healthier than those on the market today?
12:01As for cooperation opportunities, to be honest, we don't have any at the moment.
12:05But we, from BIRU, are very open to any chance,
12:12if the government needs BIRU's help,
12:16maybe for education, for the wider community.
12:21Because recently, there has been an agenda from the government itself
12:26to give subsidies to sweeteners.
12:30If you want to stay sweet, but look for other sweeteners,
12:33maybe this can be one of the solutions.
12:35Okay, Ms. Wulan.
12:37Actually, there are still a lot of questions I want to ask,
12:39but the time is limited.
12:40Thank you for joining CREATE UP.
12:43Good luck for BIRU and good luck for you.
12:45See you again, Ms. Wulan.
12:47See you again.
12:48See you again.
12:49I hope the sweetness in BIRU will be sweeter.
12:53And, Mr. Mirsa, we will move on to the update from IHSG until 9.27,
13:00where the index of the current joint stock price, Mr. Mirsa, is moving,
13:03tends to try to strengthen but also weakens around 0.06% of its strength,
13:09tends to be a bit stagnant, or up 7 points at 7,729.
13:15Yes, that's right.
13:16And welcome to the Top Gainers,
13:19as you can see on the television screen,
13:22we pass through from RTI.
13:24Top Gainers, there are BBNI, then there are PANI, PTRO, TOBA, BBJB,
13:32Top Losers, there are BHAT, SMEL, EXCEL, FILM, WIFI, JSMR, LSIP, PNLF, SILO, and ICBP.
13:42That's amazing, Mr. Mirsa.
13:43Indonesia is gaining based on value, Mr. Mirsa, with a 1.33% strength.
13:48That's the short update, Mr. Mirsa, from the opening of the trade until 9.28,
13:55West Indonesia time.
13:56And we have accompanied you for 90 minutes in Power Breakfast.
14:00Yes, I hope today's discussion can be a reference and source of information for you.
14:03Keep updating your information only on IDX Channel,
14:06the Trustworthy and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
14:08And don't forget to watch the Market Review program
14:10which will air at 10 o'clock West Indonesia time.
14:13Because the future of the future must be ahead, I am Investor Saham.
14:16I am Priscil Sombadhatu.
14:17I am Riki Adrian.
14:18See you next time.
14:40Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
15:10Transcription by ESO. Translation by —
