Johnny Test vs Bling Bling Boy (Third Battle) with healthbars

  • 2 weeks ago

Johnny Test, Bling Bling Boy, healthbars, with healthbars, animation, cartoon


00:00Duck tape rocks!
00:04My doggy sixth sense says something bad is about to happen.
00:08What? That's ridiculous!
00:10Okay, I believe.
00:12Johnny Test! You will no longer stop me from seeing my Susan!
00:17And don't freak out! The lasers are non-deadly stun lasers,
00:21so I can capture you easy and lock you away so you can't keep me from my Susan!
00:27My senses now tell me to run!
00:33A force field? Oh, please!
00:36I know I have a force field blasting rocket somewhere here.
00:45Woo! How about this one?
00:51What the? You cannot escape my super genius, Johnny Test!
01:10You can run at 200 miles an hour, Johnny, but you cannot hide from my heat-seeking missiles!
01:19It fired a missile! I hate missiles! They hurt me!
01:24Then I guess we'll just make a little U-turn.
01:32Split up!
01:34Whoa, you know, I didn't see that coming.
01:41That's right. Keep running, Johnny. Running right into my trap!
01:53Now Johnny will have to stop, and we will capture him. Or better yet, he will fall to his tomb.
02:00Hit the brakes!
02:01Yes, it worked!
02:09It's so nice to see you, Jonathan.
02:11I have a little surprise for you.
02:17Okay, okay, now everybody hide.
02:33No way! That defies the laws of physics!
02:40And so does that.
02:43Oh, come on, an apple?
02:51How are we going to get Bling Bling to eat a lozenge?
02:55Because he wants to blast us!
02:57Johnny Test, come out with your hands up and your speed shoes off!
03:03No harm will come to you!
03:05I'll just lock you in a cell with TV forever, so you can no longer stop me from pursuing my sweet Susan!
03:14Uh, where's the duct tape?
03:20Finally! I have defeated you, Johnny Test!
03:25I win!
03:29Yeah, I don't think so.
03:35Oh, what the? A lozenge? I hate lozenges!
03:39But not as much as I hate Susan!
03:43Test! Test! Test!
03:45It worked!
03:47I never want anything to do with her, because I love Mary Test!
03:54Sorta. It sorta worked.
03:59Yeah, you might want to take these.
04:05After her! I'm in love!
