• last year
00:02:00La de la derecha come
00:02:23You took
00:02:28Don't believe can be honest to me
00:02:34No, man, I guess
00:02:42Joke the demonios pasó tenías que dejar la puerta abierta estoy sentado
00:03:04Tienes algo que decir
00:03:08No puedes gritar me entiendes
00:03:13Tal vez te duela un poco
00:03:19Tengo que ir al baño
00:03:22Si tengo que hacer pipí
00:03:26Tú crees que me puedes engañar
00:03:28Si te dejo salir para ir al baño vas a empezar a gritar y chillar como una loca
00:03:34Crees que soy estúpido
00:03:42Mira usar el maldito como si tuviera tiempo es increíble
00:03:48Haber vamos choc contesta me choc contesta me por favor
00:03:55Qué pasa choc
00:04:00Contesta me choc no me veas esto
00:04:04No puede ser
00:04:16Puedes dejarme aquí no puedo respirar te aguantas
00:04:22Por favor no me mates me quedaré callada hace mucho calor aquí adentro lo siento
00:04:28para todo lo que me digas
00:04:33Porque te mataría
00:04:36Porque ya vi tu rostro un asesino siempre revela su identidad antes de asesinar a sus víctimas
00:05:04Yeah, no te voy a lastimar ni nada de eso que te sucede
00:05:11Es en serio
00:05:15Entiendo a ver veamos tienes un inhalador algo así
00:05:19En mi mochila
00:05:26Oye estar adentro no te está haciendo bien si entonces te voy a sacar tomas un poco de aire y a ver si respiras mejor
00:05:34Listo ya está
00:05:37Cuidado y trata de respirar si
00:05:45Mucho no en serio si tengo asma de verdad en serio lo siento es solo que me asustas de verdad lo siento de verdad
00:05:52lo siento mucho señor
00:05:54No me quieras engañar
00:06:00Espero que tengas un buen pretexto dame una maldita
00:06:03Explicación me dejaste aquí solo choc
00:06:08Hermano no es mañana es hoy está pasando ahora mismo estoy a plena luz del día con el maldito paquete a la vista
00:06:15Quince mil dólares y solo tenías que dejar una puerta abierta que parte no entendiste dime tienes que calmarte
00:06:21Si estoy en medio de otra mierda acá en el centro una vez que termine con esto iré para allá
00:06:26Abre la puerta y podrás entrar y todo estará bien entiendes
00:06:30está bien
00:06:31Cuánto tardas que cuánto tardo pregunta a tu mamá cuánto tarda en la cama llegaré después
00:06:51Te sientes mejor
00:07:05Agachate tienes que agacharte
00:07:13No hasta bajo agachate más
00:07:50Oye los policías pasan seguido
00:07:53Si malditos cerdos están ahí todos los días tratando de sacar a los pavos drogadictos
00:07:57Pero escucha cambio de planes salió algo urgente
00:08:00No podré ir hoy lo siento mucho si consigues el dinero olvida mi parte quédatela
00:08:07Oye que gracioso eres hermano me estoy muriendo de la risa así me oyes los Mancini no están bromeando
00:08:14Entiendes necesito pagarles
00:08:16Si lo sé lo sé amigo lo siento
00:08:19Se complicó esta situación y no me puedo zafar
00:08:22Pero escucha los llamaré para ver si quieren darte una prórroga está bien
00:08:25No me van a dar otra maldita prórroga quieren su dinero hoy
00:08:30Hoy antes de que se ponga el sol eso es lo que me dijo
00:08:34Antes de que se ponga el sol
00:08:36Te dijo eso exactamente eso
00:08:39Si eso exactamente
00:08:41Ah diablos
00:08:43Bien lleva la niña a tu casa
00:08:46Espérame ya hasta que acabe y los alcanzaré pronto
00:08:48¿A mi casa?
00:08:51¿Quieres que la...
00:08:55¡Vete al demonio!
00:09:20No puedo respirar no puedo respirar
00:09:51Oye oye vamos a chocar
00:10:00Te llamas Kennedy ¿verdad?
00:10:04Yo soy Doc
00:10:06Si lo imaginé
00:10:08Ahora con mucha atención quiero que esta noche duermas en tu cama
00:10:12Y yo también quiero dormir en la mía
00:10:15Pero tienes que cooperar así que no intentes engañarme de nuevo ¿si comprendes?
00:10:21Hay un policía siguiéndonos
00:10:24Creo que me detendrá
00:10:29¿En donde compras tu medicina tus inhaladores?
00:10:32En Scales
00:10:34¿Scales que es eso?
00:10:36Scales es una farmacia en el centro
00:10:39¿En el centro?
00:10:43Está bien está bien no importa conseguiré tu inhalador levántate
00:10:48No tan rápido la cabeza abajo
00:10:54Muy bien ahora recuesta la cabeza en el asiento
00:10:59Si me llega a detener no hagas tonterías ¿entiendes?
00:11:04Solo deja que yo hable
00:11:06Intenta regular tu respiración
00:11:10Si se te ocurre hacer algo
00:11:13Jalaré este gatillo y alguien morirá
00:11:17El policía podría tener familia
00:11:21Tu tienes familia
00:11:23Yo tengo
00:11:25Yo tengo familia
00:11:29Y si haces algo sospechoso
00:11:33Alguien dejará de ver a su familia esta noche
00:11:36¿Lo estás entendiendo?
00:11:37Y será tu culpa
00:11:46Tu puedes Doc
00:11:48Tu puedes
00:11:56¿Tienes mi dinero?
00:11:58No te daré nada pobre hijo de perra
00:12:01Quiero hablar con mi hija idiota
00:12:05Deja de hacer estupideces y pon a mi hija en la línea
00:12:08Primero el dinero
00:12:09Ay vete al carajo imbécil
00:12:11No tengo nada que decirte a ti
00:12:13Como quieras
00:12:14Gracias por llamar
00:12:38Hola, ¿me permite sus papeles por favor?
00:12:49Si señor
00:12:52¿Cuál es el problema?
00:12:54Conducía exceso de velocidad
00:12:58Señor Douglas Shaw
00:13:01¿No acabo de verlo en el depósito?
00:13:05No, no, oficial
00:13:06No tengo idea de que habla
00:13:08Hace unos minutos vi un auto igual a este
00:13:14No era yo
00:13:15Yo solo intento
00:13:18¿Se encuentra bien?
00:13:20Si, si, es mi hija
00:13:22Eso es lo que intentaba decirle
00:13:23Ahora íbamos camino a la escuela
00:13:25Y entonces ella se puso así
00:13:27Tiene algunos problemas para respirar
00:13:29Es eso
00:13:31Yo puedo escoltarlos al hospital
00:13:33¿Tiene que conducir así?
00:13:34No, no, no, gracias
00:13:36No puedo pagar el hospital
00:13:37Es muy costoso
00:13:38Solo quiero llevarla a casa
00:13:40Olvidé su inhalador
00:13:41En cuanto lo tenga
00:13:42¿Tienes cuatro cambio?
00:13:43Se va a recuperar
00:13:44Solo tengo que
00:13:45Solo tengo que llevarla a casa
00:13:47Lo siento, tendré que darle un citatorio
00:13:49Si, lo entiendo
00:13:51Siempre que rebase el límite lo vamos a detener
00:13:54Bueno, si, está bien
00:13:56Por favor cuide a su hija
00:13:58Lo haré, lo haré, gracias
00:13:59Te entiendo y en verdad lo lamento
00:14:01Porque ahora tengo prisa
00:14:03Urge que la lleve a casa
00:14:04Se lo agradezco oficial
00:14:32¿Cuándo naciste?
00:14:36Intenta decírmelo
00:14:43Uno, dos, tres
00:14:45Cuatro, uno, dos, tres
00:14:47Sí, ya está
00:14:51Tranquila, ¿sí?
00:14:52Vuelvo enseguida
00:15:06Así es, esto es lo que necesito
00:15:08Tengo una tarjeta de descuento
00:15:11Necesita dos de estos
00:15:13¿No es así?
00:15:15Sí, dos por favor
00:15:17Ah, sí, de acuerdo
00:15:19Como diga
00:15:21Sí, eso es todo
00:15:23Se lo agradezco mucho
00:15:34Aquí tiene
00:15:51Se lo agradezco mucho
00:15:54¿Quién es el siguiente?
00:15:57¿Cómo se encuentra el día de hoy?
00:15:58Bien, gracias
00:15:59Necesito un inhalador para Kennedy Joseph
00:16:01Claro, ¿tiene tarjetas cash?
00:16:03No, no tengo y tengo mucha prisa
00:16:05¿Le ahorra el 5%?
00:16:06Solo deme el inhalador, por favor
00:16:08Sí, claro
00:16:12Es el cuatro de enero de 2003
00:16:16¿Mismo seguro de siempre?
00:16:18Claro, un segundo
00:16:31Aún no le toca repuesto, señor Joseph
00:16:33Debe regresar el próximo mes
00:16:35Sí, sí, es que...
00:16:37Perdió el otro
00:16:38Ya sabe cómo son los niños
00:16:40No, no, no, no
00:16:43Perdió el otro
00:16:44Ya sabe cómo son los niños
00:16:48Su total es $21.58
00:17:01Solo tengo $20
00:17:05Son $21.58
00:17:08Oiga, Kennedy está en el auto y tiene un ataque de asma
00:17:11Necesito llevarle esto
00:17:13Qué pena, si necesita el teléfono para llamar a una ambulancia
00:17:15No, morirá antes de que lleguen
00:17:18Escuche, regresaré más tarde, ¿sí?
00:17:20A traerle el $1.58
00:17:22El asunto es que necesito ese inhalador ahora
00:17:27Esto es una broma
00:17:28¡Al demonio!
00:18:45Capítulo 2
00:18:47Picasso cambiando aceite
00:19:09¿De verdad? ¿Así tratas a una niña que casi muere?
00:19:20No puedo creerlo
00:19:22No tienes que hablarme así, niña. Te salvé la vida
00:19:27Gracias, señor secuestrador. Gracias por salvarme la vida
00:19:33¿Realmente no ves nada malo en esto?
00:20:18Dónde estás?
00:20:19Espera, espera. Espera un segundo
00:20:23¿Alguien ayuda?
00:20:32¿Qué son todos esos gritos?
00:20:36¿De qué hablas?
00:20:38It sounds like someone's screaming.
00:20:43Yes, yes, no, it's not a client.
00:20:45It's just that he was complaining about the service.
00:20:48It seems like everyone...
00:20:50The cars in the city are having problems today.
00:20:54Anyway, what happened?
00:20:56Well, you tell me. Did you solve something?
00:21:01What? Are you talking about the house?
00:21:04Yes, the house.
00:21:09Doc, I'm doing everything I can.
00:21:14What are you doing?
00:21:15I'm working, and I'm also trying to sell my paintings.
00:21:20Doc, you earn nine dollars per hour.
00:21:23And don't forget that we lost money in the last exhibition.
00:21:27I understand. So what do you want me to do?
00:21:29I'm really trying, Rebecca.
00:21:31Well, I don't know what to think anymore.
00:21:34It's just that...
00:21:36I don't think you're trying hard enough.
00:21:40I talked to Chelsea today.
00:21:42Do you remember her?
00:21:44Yes, the whore?
00:21:49Her husband, Paul, manages a coverage fund, and...
00:21:52He's looking for an assistant.
00:21:54They told me you don't need experience,
00:21:56and they could get you an interview right away.
00:22:00What do you think?
00:22:01Rebecca, we've been trying for a long time.
00:22:04I don't work with ties.
00:22:07Come on.
00:22:08Now it could be different.
00:22:13It has to be better than being a...
00:22:15Picasso changing oil.
00:22:19Do you want anything else? I need to hang up.
00:22:23No, nothing. I'll see you at home.
00:22:32Why the hell did you scream like that?
00:22:34What did you want me to do?
00:22:36Wait for you to rape me and kill me?
00:22:39What? Why are you telling me that?
00:22:41What kind of person do you think you're dealing with?
00:22:43Someone who kidnapped me.
00:22:45No, but I...
00:22:46I don't...
00:22:49I don't...
00:22:52Stop talking!
00:22:55What will you do when my mom doesn't give you what you want?
00:22:59But she's your mother.
00:23:02Mothers do anything for their children.
00:23:05You don't know Olivia Joseph.
00:23:08I'm surprised she doesn't appear in a TV reality show.
00:23:13I'd leave right away,
00:23:14to keep buying Prada shoes.
00:23:21Let's see.
00:23:23I told you...
00:23:24Wait a second, what?
00:23:25I want you to pay me.
00:23:28You're as stupid as you sound,
00:23:30using that fake voice.
00:23:32I want to talk to my daughter.
00:23:33You can talk to your daughter all the time you want.
00:23:36As long as you give me my money.
00:23:38Poor idiot.
00:23:39I told you I wouldn't give you...
00:23:42Poor idiot.
00:23:43I told you I wouldn't give you...
00:24:28It was good.
00:24:30All those screams were very believable.
00:24:32Everything was perfect.
00:24:34I'll do anything...
00:24:36As long as this ends.
00:24:38What did my mom tell you?
00:24:39She'll give me the money.
00:24:42And why are we still here?
00:24:43Take me with her.
00:24:45You already have your money.
00:24:47It's not that simple.
00:24:49I need a minute to think things over.
00:24:51I need to think.
00:24:56And what are you going to do?
00:24:58Where did you get that from?
00:25:01You don't care.
00:25:32Hi, I have a package for Douglas Shaw.
00:25:34Who sent it?
00:25:36I don't know, I just need you to sign it.
00:25:38Alfonso Mancini?
00:25:41I need you to sign here.
00:25:44Why were you peeking?
00:25:47I wanted to make sure there was no one home before returning.
00:25:51Open it.
00:25:53I can't open it.
00:25:54First you have to sign, sir.
00:25:55I said open it.
00:25:57If you sign, you can do whatever you want with the package.
00:25:59Open it, I said.
00:26:01No, I can't open it.
00:26:02If you...
00:26:03If you...
00:26:06I need you to sign here, sir.
00:26:11Could you...
00:26:21Today is not your day.
00:26:25Hey, brother, we can make a deal.
00:26:28Let me go, you don't need me.
00:26:30I'm not part of this.
00:26:31I don't even know who Alfonso is.
00:26:34Let me go.
00:26:35Trust me.
00:26:37Look, I...
00:26:38Shh, shut up!
00:26:40I have no idea what you're doing.
00:26:42But you got me in this, it's weird.
00:26:44Hey, Doc...
00:26:48I have a friend who's called that.
00:26:50I don't know this girl.
00:26:51And I don't care.
00:26:52I've never seen her in my life.
00:26:54I won't see her again, nor will I see you again.
00:26:56Just let me go.
00:26:57Hey, I never saw you.
00:26:59Really, I don't know your name.
00:27:01Just let me go.
00:27:02And you'll never see me again.
00:27:04I'll say I lost the package.
00:27:06You hear me?
00:27:07I don't even like this job.
00:27:09I tried to quit a few days ago.
00:27:11You won't see me again, I promise.
00:27:12I'm going to forget the house.
00:27:14Doc, just let me go.
00:27:16Come on, let me go.
00:27:18Untie me, and I'll go.
00:27:19I promise.
00:27:21I promise.
00:27:22Come on, untie me.
00:27:23Doc, please, I won't say...
00:27:26I told you to shut up.
00:27:41is your fault.
00:27:43I don't care.
00:27:46Hey, I have to go to the bathroom again.
00:27:49Are you going to start that again?
00:27:52No, sit in the chair.
00:27:56In the chair in your dining room?
00:27:57On the floor of your kitchen?
00:28:11I didn't think you were that kind of man.
00:28:17No, I'm not.
00:28:18Look, I'm going to turn around, so...
00:28:20Hurry up, and don't try anything.
00:28:29What are you going to do with that guy?
00:28:31And how are you going to get your money?
00:28:34Why do you care?
00:28:36I care because I want to go home.
00:28:39And if you get what you want...
00:28:44I'll ask him to leave the money in a dumpster.
00:28:48In a public place.
00:28:50I'll go get it when there's no one there.
00:28:54That's the dumbest plan in the world.
00:28:58And how much are you asking for all this?
00:29:00Could you hurry up?
00:29:01I thought you were in a hurry.
00:29:07I'm sorry to say this...
00:29:09But I can't...
00:29:10I can't...
00:29:11do it if you're here.
00:29:15Well, you'll have to do it.
00:29:17You just have to...
00:29:18let it flow.
00:29:23I have to do both.
00:29:27Well, I'll wait outside.
00:29:29You have five minutes.
00:30:07Get out!
00:30:08Time's up! Get out!
00:30:10Time's up! Now!
00:30:11Get out, girl!
00:30:14Oh, damn it.
00:30:15No, no, no, no, no.
00:30:21Damn it!
00:30:22Damn it!
00:30:28I know you received my gift.
00:30:32It's a reminder.
00:30:34Tell me, Doc.
00:30:36Today will be a good day...
00:30:38or a bad day?
00:30:40I'm trying to get the money.
00:30:42I'll get it today, okay?
00:30:46Because it's your limit.
00:30:48You already have my number.
00:30:50Call me when you have the money...
00:30:52and I'll tell you where to leave it.
00:30:56I'll call you as soon as I have it.
00:30:58I know.
00:30:59Because if I have to call you again...
00:31:01it will be too late...
00:31:04before the sun sets.
00:31:22Please, help me!
00:31:25Help me, please, help me!
00:31:30Yes, I can help you.
00:31:32Please, ma'am, help me!
00:31:34I'm sorry, my daughter and I had a little fight.
00:31:36Hey, you worried me.
00:31:37Don't do it again.
00:31:38He's not even my father!
00:31:39He kidnapped me!
00:31:40How can you say something like that?
00:31:42He kidnapped me!
00:31:43He kidnapped me!
00:31:44He kidnapped me!
00:31:45He kidnapped me!
00:31:46He kidnapped me!
00:31:47He kidnapped me!
00:31:48He kidnapped me!
00:31:49He kidnapped me!
00:31:50He kidnapped me!
00:31:51He kidnapped me!
00:31:52She's not my daughter!
00:31:53How can you say something like that?
00:31:55These kids,
00:31:56I don't even know them now.
00:31:57I'm sorry I brought our family drama...
00:31:59to your house.
00:32:00I'm sorry, mister.
00:32:01Please, you've got to help me!
00:32:02That doesn't sound good.
00:32:03Go in and I'll help you.
00:32:05I used to be a nurse.
00:32:07No, I'm fine.
00:32:09I was working and...
00:32:10I slipped.
00:32:11What are you saying?
00:32:12The delivery guy beat you!
00:32:14I told you not to be rude.
00:32:15I'm so grateful.
00:32:16But we're leaving.
00:32:17Hold on, hold on.
00:32:19and you take a walk and calm down and when I come back you'll talk.
00:32:24Yes, that's a great idea.
00:32:26No, with all due respect, I don't know her.
00:32:28I don't know her and I'm not going to leave my daughter with someone who doesn't know her.
00:32:31Listen, I think I'll call the police. This seems worrying.
00:32:36Or you can come in and discuss it, drinking tea like normal people.
00:32:41I could also cook it and practice. Please, don't be rude, I insist.
00:32:48Yes, dad, don't be rude.
00:32:53Chapter 3. Ma and Remi.
00:32:55Please, ma'am, I have to use the phone.
00:32:57Yes, yes, excuse my son. He works at night and takes naps when he can.
00:33:03Please, this man...
00:33:05Shh, sit down and shut up.
00:33:07Yes, I'll be with you in a second.
00:33:12Very good. Here you go. And now I'll see if I can sew that wound.
00:33:18Really, ma'am, I need your phone.
00:33:20Where did I leave my needles? It looks like they both had a very difficult day.
00:33:25Hey, let's go home and solve our problems, ma'am.
00:33:29No, drink that, calm down and talk.
00:33:33But ma'am, please.
00:33:34I want to shut up. You have to trust me, okay?
00:33:40I need the money.
00:33:43I'm not going to hurt you, but I need it.
00:33:49Do you understand me?
00:33:53I'm not going to hurt you.
00:33:59Just sit down.
00:34:02Drink the tea and we'll go, okay?
00:34:05I promised you that you would sleep in your bed tonight, and it's true.
00:34:10Look, your dad has millions. I won't miss that money, but I need it.
00:34:16Do you understand?
00:34:19Are you and your little one arguing?
00:34:22Mom always brings out the iced tea when there are problems.
00:34:26By the way, my name is Ray.
00:34:28We have a little family problem, but we're fine.
00:34:33That's good.
00:34:35I also have a daughter, but she's sick.
00:34:41You have to take advantage of the moments together.
00:34:44You never know.
00:34:52I found my needles.
00:34:54It's done.
00:34:57Now, please come to this armchair so I can sew it.
00:35:03Yes, very good. Sit there.
00:35:07Perfect. Very good. Let's see.
00:35:12Very good.
00:35:14When I take out the needle, I need you to stay very still.
00:35:27Very good.
00:35:29When I take it out, I need you to stay very still.
00:35:33I haven't done it in a long time,
00:35:36and my hands are no longer as firm as they were before.
00:35:42But I'll leave it very well.
00:35:45Very good.
00:35:47Now, please come to this armchair so I can sew it.
00:35:53I haven't done it in a long time,
00:35:56and my hands are no longer as firm as they were before.
00:36:02But I'll leave it very well.
00:36:05Yes, very good.
00:36:08Here we go.
00:36:53Very good.
00:37:57Kennedy. Kennedy.
00:40:05Have you finished the other one?
00:40:08Not yet. I'll go to the river later.
00:40:12When you go down to check it,
00:40:14I need you to take this and put it on the line.
00:40:18I'm going now, Mom.
00:40:24Do you think it'll work?
00:40:30I hope so.
00:40:32We can't keep doing this.
00:41:10Hurry up, Mom. She's reacting.
00:41:13What are you doing?
00:41:16Let me go.
00:41:19What are you doing?
00:41:22What are you doing?
00:41:24Calm down.
00:41:26Let me go.
00:41:27Don't move. Calm down.
00:41:29Let me go.
00:41:32Calm down.
00:41:34Don't move.
00:41:36I told you to calm down.
00:41:39What are you doing to her?
00:41:41What do you want to do to her?
00:41:43Let her go.
00:41:44She's fine.
00:41:45Shut up and let her go right now.
00:41:48I have a sick child.
00:41:49I don't give a shit.
00:41:51I told you to let her go.
00:41:59Hurry up.
00:42:04What am I supposed to do?
00:42:08Shut up.
00:42:09Do you think you're better than me?
00:42:11Do you think I didn't hear that you kidnapped that girl?
00:42:14You know?
00:42:16You're just like me.
00:42:18You're just like me.
00:42:21You're just like me.
00:42:45Get out of the car.
00:42:51Get out of the car.
00:43:15At least your day is better.
00:43:22Get out of the car.
00:43:35Please don't.
00:43:38Being tied up is too much right now.
00:43:42It's enough to bring this.
00:43:47One or two.
00:44:00Are you going to go after him?
00:44:04I don't have time to go after a delivery man.
00:44:11The last time I drank from a stranger...
00:44:15Drink some juice.
00:44:19You're weak.
00:44:21I don't know how much blood they took from you.
00:44:29That's why I think it's too much to be tied up right now.
00:44:37What a crazy family.
00:44:41You have no idea.
00:44:46We've had a hard day.
00:44:52They were trying to save a girl.
00:45:02Is money really that important?
00:45:15I owe the wrong people.
00:45:19Wrong people, you say?
00:45:25There's a rumor about the guy I owe money to.
00:45:31They say he cut the thumbs of a guy who owed him $50.
00:45:40I owe him a lot more than that.
00:45:44It's easy to ask for a loan.
00:45:48Some people make it easy for you, but it's never easy to pay them back.
00:45:57I just lost my job.
00:46:01I was an art teacher at a school.
00:46:05The teachers make bad money, but it was my job.
00:46:12I could still be involved with art.
00:46:17But they took my program.
00:46:21One thing led to another, things came together.
00:46:26We drank money.
00:46:30And everything started to feel so heavy...
00:46:35that I felt like I was drowning.
00:46:42Then an idiot I talked to...
00:46:47introduced me to some people.
00:46:52I asked for a loan.
00:46:56I thought I could improve my situation by betting.
00:47:02What an idiot I was.
00:47:07Winning was my hope.
00:47:14I lost more than I won.
00:47:18But I always felt that victory was in the next move.
00:47:25In fact...
00:47:28if your father hadn't missed that shot in the divisionals, we wouldn't be here.
00:47:38Stealing from one to pay another is a terrible thing.
00:47:44But I didn't expect a rich girl to understand that.
00:47:51But I didn't expect a rich girl to understand that.
00:48:00you blame my father for everything?
00:48:06No, it just happened.
00:48:10What a coincidence, right?
00:48:16Is it hard for you?
00:48:19He's always far away.
00:48:25What's important isn't how much time we spent together,
00:48:30but how we spent it together.
00:48:32Quality over quantity.
00:48:50It's time, you idiot.
00:48:53I was about to call the police so they'd come for you.
00:48:56Why did you take so long?
00:48:58Your patience saved your daughter from a lot of pain.
00:49:02I'm ready to make the exchange.
00:49:06I won't give you a dime of my husband's money
00:49:11until you prove to me that he's okay.
00:49:16Are you hurt?
00:49:18Are you hurt?
00:49:19I hope you didn't get hurt.
00:49:21No, no, calm down. It's not like that.
00:49:23Oh, for God's sake.
00:49:24You have no idea what I've been through.
00:49:30City Park.
00:49:33Put the money in a black bag and hide it in any trash can out there.
00:49:39If I see something suspicious,
00:49:42you'll explain to your husband why he won't see his daughter again.
00:49:47You have an hour.
00:49:48How am I going to get so much cash in an hour?
00:49:51You've had all day.
00:49:53I'm sure you've thought of something.
00:50:00I'm surprised he's really going to do it.
00:50:04It seems like a good opportunity to get rid of me without it being his fault.
00:50:12Why would he want to get rid of you?
00:50:18She's my stepmother.
00:50:22I see.
00:50:24Where's your mother?
00:50:28I never met her.
00:50:30That's the advantage of being a rich girl.
00:50:39She's a beautiful painting.
00:50:41Is she your daughter?
00:50:47I still see her at that age.
00:50:51She's a little younger than you.
00:50:55I remember every stroke.
00:50:59I remember every detail, every mistake.
00:51:05I remember every day I spent trying to make it perfect.
00:51:12What's her name?
00:51:17It's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
00:51:23I can paint too, but nothing as grand as this.
00:51:27My style is more abstract.
00:51:29Something between gustón and...
00:51:33I don't know.
00:51:35I don't know.
00:51:38Something between gustón and neo-impressionism.
00:51:44Do you know gustón?
00:51:47My favorite is painting, smoking, eating.
00:51:51It's pretty weird, but I like it.
00:51:55I like it too.
00:51:57In fact, a lot.
00:51:59Do you know the one about the couple in bed?
00:52:03The couple in bed?
00:52:04No, I don't think I've seen it.
00:52:06You don't know this painting? It can't be.
00:52:09It's a manifesto...
00:52:11about the sufferings of their marriage
00:52:14while she was balancing her career as an artist
00:52:17and dealing with her financial problems.
00:52:22I get it now.
00:52:23Look at those strokes.
00:52:25And her shoes in bed.
00:52:29She probably won a fortune.
00:52:32I doubt it.
00:52:36Do you sell your works?
00:52:40I try.
00:52:43But there aren't many who understand the art of an unknown painter.
00:52:49My wife says that if I put half the energy I put into my art
00:52:55into a real job,
00:52:59I'd be able to get something decent.
00:53:04It's just that...
00:53:07she doesn't understand.
00:53:09She doesn't understand any of this.
00:53:12It sounds like my mom.
00:53:15Maybe they should live together.
00:53:18What do you mean together?
00:53:20Yes, because they're similar.
00:53:22They're good at destroying others. Forget it.
00:53:27Would you let her see your painting up close?
00:53:47Maybe your wife doesn't understand, but I do.
00:53:51I do understand.
00:53:54You have to work harder to sell them.
00:53:57You have great talent.
00:54:00I bet you'd pay a lot for something like this.
00:54:06People don't pay for art anymore.
00:54:09Everyone wants to get it for free on the Internet.
00:54:12Music, novels,
00:54:15beautiful screen protectors.
00:54:19No one pays for anything anymore.
00:54:22Besides, my wife wouldn't like me painting her all day
00:54:27What does she do?
00:54:30She's a nurse.
00:54:32I hate them.
00:54:56I love you.
00:55:26Chapter 5
00:55:29I'm also having a bad day.
00:55:56I love you.
00:56:26I love you.
00:56:27I love you.
00:56:28I love you.
00:56:29I love you.
00:56:30I love you.
00:56:31I love you.
00:56:32I love you.
00:56:33I love you.
00:56:34I love you.
00:56:35I love you.
00:56:36I love you.
00:56:37I love you.
00:56:38I love you.
00:56:39I love you.
00:56:40I love you.
00:56:41I love you.
00:56:42I love you.
00:56:43I love you.
00:56:44I love you.
00:56:45I love you.
00:56:46I love you.
00:56:47I love you.
00:56:48I love you.
00:56:49I love you.
00:56:50I love you.
00:56:51I love you.
00:56:52I love you.
00:56:53I love you.
00:56:54I love you.
00:56:55I love you.
00:56:56I love you.
00:56:57I love you.
00:56:58I love you.
00:56:59I love you.
00:57:00I love you.
00:57:01I love you.
00:57:02I love you.
00:57:03I love you.
00:57:04I love you.
00:57:05I love you.
00:57:06I love you.
00:57:07I love you.
00:57:08I love you.
00:57:09I love you.
00:57:10I love you.
00:57:11I love you.
00:57:12I love you.
00:57:13I love you.
00:57:14I love you.
00:57:15I love you.
00:57:16I love you.
00:57:17I love you.
00:57:18I love you.
00:57:19I love you.
00:57:20I love you.
00:57:21I love you.
00:57:22I love you.
00:57:23I love you.
00:57:24I love you.
00:57:25I love you.
00:57:26I love you.
00:57:27I love you.
00:57:28I love you.
00:57:29I love you.
00:57:30I love you.
00:57:31I love you.
00:57:32I love you.
00:57:33I love you.
00:57:34I love you.
00:57:35I love you.
00:57:36I love you.
00:57:37I love you.
00:57:38I love you.
00:57:39I love you.
00:57:40I love you.
00:57:41I love you.
00:57:42I love you.
00:57:43I love you.
00:57:44I love you.
00:57:45I love you.
00:57:46I love you.
00:57:47I love you.
00:57:48I love you.
00:57:49I love you.
00:57:50I love you.
00:57:51I love you.
00:57:52I love you.
00:57:53I love you.
00:57:54I love you.
00:57:55I love you.
00:57:56I love you.
00:57:57I love you.
00:57:58I love you.
00:57:59I love you.
00:58:00I love you.
00:58:01I love you.
00:58:02I love you.
00:58:03I love you.
00:58:04I love you.
00:58:05I love you.
00:58:06I love you.
00:58:07I love you.
00:58:08I love you.
00:58:09I love you.
00:58:10I love you.
00:58:11I love you.
00:58:12I love you.
00:58:13I love you.
00:58:14I love you.
00:58:15I love you.
00:58:16I love you.
00:58:17I love you.
00:58:18I love you.
00:58:19I love you.
00:58:20I love you.
00:58:21I love you.
00:58:23One minute! The bag is mine!
00:58:24Huh? I don't think so.
00:58:26No, no, you found it in that little dump.
00:58:29A friend left it right there for me.
00:58:31Wait, what kind of family are you in, my man?
00:58:33Whoever finds it gets it, whoever loses, begins to cry.
00:58:36Would you rather begin to cry first?
00:58:38No, no, I truly, honestly, I'm having a bad day...
00:58:42I've got a bad day too, you idiot.
00:58:44But yours will be worse if you keep annoying me.
00:58:47No, no! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
00:58:49No, you don't know what's inside!
00:58:51I don't give a jab about a devil!
00:58:52Listen, I'm going to take this crap, I'm going to go to Garbo's and I'm going to sell them with what I have inside for $50.
00:58:59Yes, yes, yes, I understand, I understand, I'll give you $100, $100 right now, $100, but give me the bag.
00:59:06Okay, so $100 right now, pay me, pay me, pay me.
00:59:10No, no, no, you give me the bag and then I'll pay you.
00:59:13What's wrong with you? Do you think I was born yesterday? What's wrong with you?
00:59:16I told you to give me the damn bag and then I'll pay you.
00:59:18Hey, wait a second, look at the bag, look at the bag, okay? Look at the bag and I'll pay you, okay? Open it and look.
00:59:27Don't fuck with me.
00:59:28Give it to me, I need that damn money.
00:59:31I told you to...
01:00:45I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I
01:01:45When were you going to tell me, Doc?
01:02:01Tell you what?
01:02:02I've tried to call you, but you haven't answered your phone.
01:02:09I'm busy. I'm working. What did you expect?
01:02:14Doc, you know what? Stop lying to me, damn it.
01:02:18I've been looking for you. I called your cell phone. I called your job.
01:02:23They told me they fired you a month ago.
01:02:28But I don't even care anymore, honestly.
01:02:32Sofia's not at school. Is she with you?
01:02:35No, Sofia's not with me.
01:02:37She was at school. I dropped her off this morning, like I always do.
01:02:47So, they haven't called you on the phone?
01:02:54So you have no idea where she is?
01:02:58You know what?
01:03:00You're useless. I'm going to school.
01:03:07I'm going to school.
01:03:27Come on, answer, Alfonso.
01:03:28This mailbox is full.
01:03:29No, damn it!
01:03:30I'm going to school.
01:05:52We're sorry. This mailbox is full and you can't leave a message.
01:06:01So, did the plan work?
01:06:12You didn't kill anyone, did you?
01:06:30Do you think...
01:06:32Do you think I killed someone?
01:06:35I don't know.
01:06:37You took your gun.
01:06:40Then you came back covered in blood.
01:06:43Look, it's been a crazy day. I don't know what...
01:06:54Come on. Come on. Pull the trigger.
01:06:59Pull the trigger.
01:07:00What's wrong with you? What are you doing?
01:07:02Pull it.
01:07:03No! Enough!
01:07:04Do you think I'm a pedophile, a kidnapper, a murderer?
01:07:07Then finish this!
01:07:09Pull the damn trigger!
01:07:11No! Enough!
01:07:12Pull the damn trigger!
01:07:29It's fake.
01:07:33It's all fake.
01:07:54We're sorry. This mailbox is full and you can't leave a message.
01:07:58This mailbox is full.
01:08:07Listen, I didn't kill anyone, did I?
01:08:11But I hurt him.
01:08:13I think I hurt him too much.
01:08:16But he deserved it because he stole the only thing that could improve my horrible life a little bit.
01:08:22Do you see this?
01:08:24I don't give a damn!
01:08:25I don't give a damn!
01:08:27I don't care! I just want...
01:08:29I just want my daughter to be safe.
01:08:32And that my wife doesn't have to worry about money and accounts.
01:08:37I don't give a damn about this!
01:08:39I don't give a damn!
01:08:53Answer me!
01:09:09Answer me!
01:09:39Hello, listen, I've been calling you. I have your money.
01:09:42You have...
01:09:45You have my daughter.
01:09:46I hate to have to do it, but I needed her like a safe.
01:09:50You know how this is, but do you have the money?
01:09:52Very well.
01:09:54Bring it to Historia, in Broadway.
01:09:57And one of my men will leave your daughter in a place...
01:10:00No, no, no, no, Alfonso, Alfonso, listen, please.
01:10:02I have the money.
01:10:03I have it here, I have it here, do you understand?
01:10:05But I can't, I can't take it now.
01:10:07I need, I need you to come get it.
01:10:09Here it is, I have it in my house, on the floor of my living room.
01:10:13Doc, that's not the deal.
01:10:15You have to bring it to me.
01:10:17And you have to get there before the time limit.
01:10:20I suggest you hurry.
01:10:22Wait, but, but, but...
01:10:43Doc Lasho!
01:10:44Open the door!
01:10:51Doc Lasho, open up or we'll break in!
01:10:56Did you really think it would work?
01:10:59Destroy the tracker?
01:11:02Just so you know, we have snipers.
01:11:09I'm expecting a heavy week and I don't want a pile of paperwork for a dead suspect.
01:11:17Doc Lasho!
01:11:18Will you open the door?
01:11:19Open the door!
01:11:22You've had a busy day.
01:11:25You kidnapped Francisco Joseph's daughter.
01:11:28You kidnapped and beat up a delivery man.
01:11:31And let's not forget that you beat up a man until you almost killed him in City Park.
01:11:35Who are you?
01:11:38I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.
01:11:42I'm Agent Sean Willis, FBI.
01:11:49You have 15 seconds to turn yourself in!
01:11:52Let me out, Doc.
01:11:57If you dare to come in, I'll cut this girl's throat!
01:12:04Don't mess with me!
01:12:07Don't mess with me!
01:12:13I'll forgive you for this, Leslie. You're stressed.
01:12:17I understand.
01:12:19No, no.
01:12:20No, you don't understand.
01:12:22That's how things will work.
01:12:24I have this girl, and while I have her...
01:12:27You can't do anything to me.
01:12:29Is that clear?
01:12:30If you try to do anything, I'll shoot you.
01:12:34I'll stab you, so you'd better be careful, Willis.
01:12:42Prove to me that she's still alive.
01:12:45I need to know that you haven't hurt her.
01:12:55Did she hurt you?
01:12:56No, I'm fine.
01:12:58She's intact.
01:12:59And if you want her to stay that way, you'll have to do exactly what I tell you.
01:13:06What do you want, Doc?
01:13:09Let me out.
01:13:12I'll get the girl out of here, and when I get to where I want to go, I'll call you and tell you where you'll find her.
01:13:21Then I must let you escape.
01:13:23I'm sorry, you have no other choice.
01:13:25Well, I could send my best agents to come in and shoot.
01:13:29And when the smoke clears, we'll see who's still alive.
01:13:33Would you expose the little girl?
01:13:36Well, it's not my first choice, but if you force me to do it...
01:13:42I'm leaving, Willis.
01:13:44I'll take the girl with me, and there's nothing you can do about it.
01:13:49I know you wouldn't want to see Kennedy Joseph dead in all the papers for being too proud.
01:13:59Let's go.
01:14:02Where? Where are we going?
01:14:04I have to take this money.
01:14:06Do you understand?
01:14:09Please don't do anything stupid.
01:14:12Nothing stupid?
01:14:14Is that what you think of me?
01:14:16Do you think I'm stupid?
01:14:17No, I...
01:14:19I had a plan.
01:14:21And it was a much better plan than this one.
01:14:23But you're right.
01:14:24It's stupid.
01:14:26All this, but what can I do?
01:14:30What am I supposed to do?
01:14:32They have my daughter.
01:14:35They have her.
01:14:36And they'll kill her.
01:14:38They will.
01:14:42They're going to kill her.
01:14:44And I won't let them do it.
01:14:50Suspect at the door.
01:14:52Back, damn it!
01:14:53Let her go!
01:14:54Back, bastards!
01:14:55Fall back, everyone!
01:14:56Attention, the suspect is leaving.
01:14:59Doc, you're making a mistake.
01:15:02The suspect is moving forward.
01:15:04Let the girl go!
01:15:05I said back!
01:15:07Let her go, or we'll shoot you.
01:15:09I won't let her go!
01:15:12The suspect is moving forward.
01:15:28Get out of my way, assholes!
01:15:32I said back!
01:15:37Damn it.
01:15:40Hi, Doc.
01:15:41I'm sorry about a while ago.
01:15:43I managed to solve what I was doing.
01:15:45If you want us to meet, I can let you in.
01:15:49You're just making things worse.
01:15:51Let the girl go and get out of the car.
01:15:55This will end badly.
01:15:58Doc, let the girl go.
01:16:02Please, for God's sake.
01:16:03They won't let us go.
01:16:16No, no, no, no, listen to me.
01:16:18I have the money, Alfonso.
01:16:20Doc, the sun has set.
01:16:23I'm a businessman, and I have to do things right.
01:16:26Don't worry about the money.
01:16:28Your debt is already paid.
01:16:30No, Alfonso, listen to me.
01:16:32I already have the damn money.
01:16:34I just need a little more time.
01:16:36I'm sorry, Doc.
01:16:38But you didn't make it.
01:16:40I'm a man of my word.
01:16:42A deal is a deal.
01:16:44But Doc, I want you to know that I made sure it was quick.
01:16:48She didn't feel anything.
01:16:50I'm sorry.
01:16:51No, no, no, Alfonso, listen to me.
01:16:54I have your damn money, okay?
01:16:56I have it.
01:16:57I just need more time, please.
01:16:59Alfonso, you can't do this to me.
01:17:02No, no, no.
01:17:08The number you have dialed is not in service.
01:17:11The number you have dialed is not in service.
01:17:17Doc, if you don't give up, we're going to have to open fire.
01:17:35I'm in the car.
01:17:38Outside the house, I can see you.
01:17:50What the hell is going on?
01:17:56You didn't do anything to that girl, did you?
01:18:08You know where Sofia is, don't you?
01:18:11Call everyone.
01:18:15Where is she?
01:18:20Tell me this isn't real.
01:18:25This won't end well.
01:18:28Doc, let her go.
01:18:31Let her go.
01:18:37Doc, they could kill you.
01:18:49Say something.
01:18:58I'm sorry.
01:19:02I'm really sorry.
01:19:04I ruined everything.
01:19:07Forgive me, Rebecca.
01:19:14I screwed everything up.
01:19:32I'm sorry.
01:19:42It's okay.
01:19:45It's normal to feel all that when you see him.
01:20:02That's what makes him art.
01:20:05That's his beauty.
01:20:10What do you feel when you look at him?
01:20:23It's amazing.
01:20:26I'm sorry.
01:20:29I'm sorry.
01:20:31Forgive me for getting you involved in all this.
01:20:36Doc, give yourself up.
01:20:39I'll tell them you're not bad.
01:20:41I'll tell them you saved me from that family.
01:20:43And that your daughter...
01:20:45Please, stop. Don't tell me that.
01:20:47Doc, this is the last warning.
01:20:50Let the girl go.
01:20:52And get out of the car.
01:20:56I'm sorry.
01:21:02I tried.
01:21:04I tried to sell this painting.
01:21:08I could never do it.
01:21:12I'm not...
01:21:14I'm not spiritual or superstitious.
01:21:19But I think I painted it for a reason.
01:21:24It was meant to be here.
01:21:27At this very moment.
01:21:31I want you to keep it.
01:21:35Take it.
01:21:43When you get out of the car...
01:21:46Run to the police and don't turn around.
01:21:52You're free, Kennedy.
01:21:55And what will you do?
01:21:57Just go now, please.
01:22:22Suit up and walk.
01:22:25Down the sea.
01:22:29Is he safe?
01:22:32He is.
01:22:34Now go.
01:23:12Drop your weapon, Doc.
01:23:14And raise your hands.
01:23:52I love you.
01:24:22I love you.
01:24:52When it's clear that the accident was minor...
01:24:55...and that the educator is going to recover completely...
01:24:57...then, dear audience, don't worry about him.
01:25:00Now, let's go with our reporter to the stadium.
01:25:04It has been an incredible streak for the Broncos.
01:25:07And a lot of that is due to the way Francisco Yosef has been playing.
01:25:11Last night he gave 3 out of 4 with his run and 4 runs out.
01:25:15Since the horrible incident of a week ago...
01:25:18...with the kidnapping of Kennedy and his daughter...
01:25:20...he has been more active than ever.
01:25:22It's a terrible story.
01:25:24The police managed to rescue your daughter...
01:25:26...after a violent kidnapping was responsible.
01:25:36Dirty money.
01:25:50See how he's trying
01:25:54To please everybody
01:25:58Though they put him down
01:26:03Go ahead and laugh
01:26:07He's everybody's clown
01:26:12Watch him when he moves
01:26:16He's a funny man who
01:26:20Will tell you funny jokes
01:26:24And make you glad you were there
01:26:31Having all the good times all around
01:26:38Go ahead and laugh
01:26:42He's everybody's clown
01:26:51Everybody's happy
01:26:55You can't find no tears around
01:27:00When everybody's laughing at you
01:27:04Everybody's clown
01:27:08Everybody's clown
01:27:12Everybody's clown
01:27:16Everybody's clown
01:27:20But now the party's over
01:27:24Everyone's going
01:27:28They're leaving hand in hand
01:27:33They don't care about knowing
01:27:37That here stands a lonely man
01:27:41My mass has fallen down
01:27:46There are tears in my eyes
01:27:51I'm everybody's clown
01:27:55Can't you just see me now
01:27:59I'm everybody's clown
01:28:03I need somebody
01:28:06I'm everybody's clown
01:28:09I want somebody to help me now
01:28:14I'm everybody's clown
01:28:17My mass has fallen down
01:28:22I need someone
01:28:25Can't you just see me
