• last year
00:00:28Testimonials important as more than one more to pass our dimension
00:00:34I was so bad. I'm a human act one day. No, but I think
00:00:42Persona sigas de nacimiento de sin haber logrado la visión luego de una experiencia cercana a la muerte
00:00:50Personas dicen haber sentido la presencia de un pariente horas antes de morir
00:00:57Personas en depresión por la muerte de un familiar dice que operarse luego de sentir olor a flores
00:01:05Personas dicen recibir de un pariente muerto a través de un sueño o la cura una enfermedad
00:01:16Joven afirma que un fantasma salva su vida mientras se bañaba en el río a orillas de la carretera
00:01:21De repente vio una niña muy pequeña llamarla le pareció extraño y la siguió hacia afuera del río
00:01:26Segundo después cayó un tendido eléctrico justo donde la joven se estaba bañando
00:01:30La joven describió la niña a su madre coincidió con una persona que había muerto electrocutada en 1996 tras introducir un tenedor en una toma de
00:01:44Mujer afirma ver los zapatos de su dispunto esposo todas las mañanas en el mismo lugar donde ella los ponía antes de su esposo levantarse
00:01:51La mujer dice que luego que entendió que su dispunto esposo trataba de disculparse por no haber dado las gracias en vida por su
00:01:56esfuerzo ella nunca más volvió a ver los zapatos
00:02:00Mujer detiene a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que a no ser por esta intervención
00:02:07Posiblemente hubiesen chocado con animales que luego vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:02:10Según habitantes de la comunidad una mujer había muerto años atrás luego que la motocicleta donde viajaba impactara con un animal que estaba en medio de la carretera
00:02:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:02:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:03:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:03:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:04:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:04:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:05:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:05:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:06:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:06:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:07:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:07:34Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:07:39Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:07:44Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:07:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:08:19Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:08:24Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:08:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:19Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:24Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:34Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:39Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:44Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:54Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:09:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:04Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:09Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:14Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:19Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:24Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:34Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:39Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:44Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:54Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:10:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:04Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:09Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:14Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:19Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:24Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:34Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:39Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:44Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:54Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:11:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:04Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:09Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:14Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:19Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:24Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:34Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:39Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:44Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:54Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:12:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:04Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:09Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:14Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:19Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:24Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:34Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:39Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:44Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:54Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:13:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:04Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:09Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:14Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:19Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:24Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:29Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:34Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:39Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:44Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:49Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:54Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:14:59Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:15:04Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:15:09Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:15:14Mujer despide a varios conductores en una carretera en tiempos diferentes y luego desaparece. Estas personas afirman que hubiesen chocado con animales que vieron tras cruzar la curva
00:15:19It's the sky, the sea and nature. The race was good, you beat me!
00:15:49Danielito, like your brothers you are my son. But you are special. You have two mothers and we both love you very much.
00:16:18We both love you very much.
00:16:21When you go to see your other mother,
00:16:23treat her well and love her a lot.
00:16:27Just like you love me.
00:16:49In school, they called me a whore.
00:16:52And not because I was smart,
00:16:54but because of my difficulty in pronouncing that word.
00:17:00I was always shy,
00:17:02and I felt that the other kids didn't want to be my friends.
00:17:18But now, I'm not shy anymore.
00:17:31Sofia, you are the most beautiful girl in the world,
00:17:34and I love you.
00:17:45Professor, is it mine?
00:17:47Oh, my love, it's over.
00:17:49But don't worry, I'm going to write you one.
00:18:47Oh, my son, you woke up.
00:18:50Don't worry, everything is going to be fine.
00:19:14I had been sick for a long time,
00:19:16and the doctors gave my mother less hope every day
00:19:20because of my illness.
00:19:22But she didn't give up,
00:19:24and as always, the first thing I had
00:19:26was that tea that varied in flavor
00:19:29in every cup she gave me.
00:19:32I think she had tasted
00:19:34every leaf that existed around her.
00:19:53I remember that every night,
00:19:55when everyone went to sleep,
00:19:57I would stay with her,
00:19:59and I would sleep on her legs.
00:20:04Many times, I would see her moving around
00:20:06in that rocking chair,
00:20:08always in the same way.
00:20:23I remember that every night,
00:20:25when everyone went to sleep,
00:20:27I would see her moving around
00:20:29in that rocking chair,
00:20:31always in the same way.
00:20:33I remember that every night,
00:20:35when everyone went to sleep,
00:20:37I would see her moving around
00:20:39in that rocking chair,
00:20:41always in the same way.
00:20:43I remember that every night,
00:20:45when everyone went to sleep,
00:20:47I would see her moving around
00:20:49in that rocking chair,
00:20:51always in the same way.
00:21:21Where is my mom?
00:21:35Our mother died, Danielita.
00:21:38We will never see her again.
00:21:51We will never see her again.
00:22:21We will never see her again.
00:22:51We will never see her again.
00:23:22In my room,
00:23:24there is a suitcase with a necklace.
00:23:26Since today,
00:23:28put it on your neck
00:23:30and never take it off.
00:23:42Bless you, Grandpa.
00:23:44God bless you, my son.
00:23:46Where is my mom?
00:23:48God bless you, my son.
00:23:50Where is my grandma?
00:23:52Come on, let's go find her.
00:24:09Bless you, Grandma.
00:24:11God bless you, my son.
00:24:13And why are you up so sick?
00:24:16I dreamed of my mom
00:24:18and she wanted to tell me something strange.
00:24:20And what did you dream of?
00:24:32Danielito, come here, my son.
00:24:41Listen to this.
00:24:43What I'm going to tell you,
00:24:45is going to be just like what you're seeing now.
00:24:49I want you to make a tea
00:24:51with guayuyo leaves,
00:24:53green guard food,
00:24:55and drink it before dinner.
00:25:00Drink it, grandson.
00:25:06I also dreamed the same thing.
00:25:09And it's like in your dreams.
00:25:12Yes, Mr. Daniel.
00:25:14We already did the management
00:25:16to the person in charge of managing your accounts,
00:25:18Mrs. Madeline Ruiz.
00:25:20If she didn't tell you,
00:25:22the bank is not responsible for that.
00:25:24Yes, I understand that.
00:25:26But there must be something that can be done.
00:25:28Give me solutions.
00:25:30Sir, I'll explain again.
00:25:32Your accounts went to Incobrable.
00:25:34It is another institution that will be in charge
00:25:36of managing your charges, not the bank.
00:25:39The problem is that,
00:25:41since your credit was affected,
00:25:43your loan request does not proceed.
00:25:46I really don't know what to do.
00:25:48The employees are charging me.
00:25:50The clients left me.
00:25:52The services.
00:25:54It's really difficult.
00:25:56I understand your situation, sir,
00:25:58but I don't see how I can help you.
00:26:00The only thing I can tell you is
00:26:02to trust in God,
00:26:04that as long as there is life and health,
00:26:06everything can be solved.
00:26:28How late do I realize
00:26:30what kind of person you are?
00:26:32I remember when my sister died.
00:26:34You saw me so bad.
00:26:36You told me not to worry about anything,
00:26:38that you would take care of everything,
00:26:40but it was your strategy to steal from me.
00:26:47Do you know what hurts me the most?
00:26:49That you knew that this business
00:26:51had sentimental value.
00:26:53A business that my sister and I
00:26:55put so much effort into.
00:26:57Now you blame me for breaking the gym,
00:26:59when all I did was help you
00:27:01when you were dead, etc.
00:27:03But stop bothering me, please.
00:27:05I don't care what happens to you.
00:27:28Look at me.
00:27:31Promise me
00:27:33that you will be strong,
00:27:35that you will be fine,
00:27:37that you will overcome
00:27:39any obstacle that life presents to you.
00:27:43you are the only one who did not blame me
00:27:45for what happened to my sister.
00:27:47You are the only one
00:27:49who did not blame me
00:27:51for what happened to my sister.
00:27:55you are the only one who did not blame me
00:27:57for the death of our mother.
00:27:59Others think
00:28:01that she sacrificed herself to save me,
00:28:03giving her life in some spell.
00:28:05Sometimes I think
00:28:07that God should take me, not you.
00:28:09After all,
00:28:11I have nothing to fight for.
00:33:15Open the door!
00:33:35Walk, Ben!
00:33:47Hey, Miriam.
00:33:49Ah, boy.
00:33:518 years later
00:34:05Is it because I never had anything special with her?
00:34:09I only saw her four or five times when I was a kid.
00:34:16In those few moments that you lived, how was she to you?
00:34:29My child, things have become very complicated for me.
00:34:34But I promise you that I will come to look for you soon so you can live with me.
00:34:38I don't want to live with you. I don't need you.
00:34:43My child, don't say that. You break my heart.
00:34:47Look at me. I know it took a lot to come to see you.
00:34:52And it hurts me a lot because I don't give you the love you deserve.
00:34:56But that doesn't mean I don't love you.
00:34:59Look, my child, promise me something.
00:35:02Promise me that even if I'm not here, you will come to visit your grandmother and your uncles.
00:35:08They are also your family.
00:35:10Do you promise me?
00:35:14Yes, come. A big hug to your mom.
00:35:35Is it the guilt for what you lived?
00:35:38Before yes, but not anymore.
00:35:42Now I think I was another victim of the injustices.
00:35:47I was barely 13 years old when I was born.
00:35:51What else could I do?
00:35:54But what exactly do you feel for her?
00:35:58I don't know.
00:36:01I haven't seen her in so long that I don't know what I feel.
00:36:07Did you see her again after you grew up?
00:36:11She tried to look for me several times, but I refused to see her.
00:36:17But would you like to see her again?
00:36:24I don't know.
00:36:26I don't hate her, but I wouldn't know how to treat her.
00:36:38When you made that decision, what happened?
00:37:06I don't know.
00:37:36I don't know.
00:38:06I don't know.
00:38:37My mother died of a heart attack at a very young age.
00:38:41I remember that night she made a soup and ate like she had never eaten before.
00:38:48They say they tried to take her to the hospital, but there was no time.
00:38:58My mother did everything to save me,
00:39:01My mother did everything to save me,
00:39:04and it hurts me that I couldn't live the way she wanted.
00:39:08The two most important people in my life are no longer with me,
00:39:12both dead at a very young age.
00:39:16Why am I talking about them?
00:39:18Because they are the only two people I'm going to apologize to for what I'm going to do now.
00:39:31I'm sorry.
00:40:01I'm sorry.
00:40:31I'm sorry.
00:41:01I'm sorry.
00:41:10I'm sorry.
00:41:31I'm sorry.
00:42:01I'm sorry.
00:42:31I'm sorry.
00:43:01I'm sorry.
00:43:31I'm sorry.
00:44:01I'm sorry.
00:44:13I don't understand what happened.
00:44:16The branches, the leaves, both broke in a strange way.
00:44:31I don't understand what happened.
00:45:01I don't understand what happened.
00:45:32I'm sorry.
00:45:45Just a few hours ago, I wasn't afraid to die.
00:45:49Now I feel like there's someone here watching me.
00:45:53And what it is, is making me feel afraid.
00:46:02I'm sorry.
00:46:04I'm sorry.
00:46:06I'm sorry.
00:46:08I'm sorry.
00:46:10I'm sorry.
00:46:12I'm sorry.
00:46:14I'm sorry.
00:46:16I'm sorry.
00:46:18I'm sorry.
00:46:20I'm sorry.
00:46:22I'm sorry.
00:46:24I'm sorry.
00:46:26I'm sorry.
00:46:28I'm sorry.
00:46:30I'm sorry.
00:46:32I'm sorry.
00:46:34I'm sorry.
00:46:36I'm sorry.
00:46:38I'm sorry.
00:46:40I'm sorry.
00:46:42I'm sorry.
00:46:44I'm sorry.
00:46:46I'm sorry.
00:46:48I'm sorry.
00:46:50I'm sorry.
00:46:52I'm sorry.
00:46:54I'm sorry.
00:46:56I'm sorry.
00:46:58I'm sorry.
00:47:00I'm sorry.
00:47:02I'm sorry.
00:47:04I'm sorry.
00:47:06I'm sorry.
00:47:08I'm sorry.
00:47:10I'm sorry.
00:47:12I'm sorry.
00:47:14I'm sorry.
00:47:16I'm sorry.
00:47:18I'm sorry.
00:47:20I'm sorry.
00:47:22I'm sorry.
00:47:24I'm sorry.
00:47:26I'm sorry.
00:47:28I'm sorry.
00:47:34Let's go.
00:47:56I don't know what you're talking about.
00:47:57I'm not talking to you.
00:47:58I'm not talking to you.
00:47:59I'm not talking to you.
00:48:00I'm not talking to you.
00:48:01I'm not talking to you.
00:48:02I'm not talking to you.
00:48:03I'm not talking to you.
00:48:04I'm not talking to you.
00:48:05I'm not talking to you.
00:48:06I'm not talking to you.
00:48:07I'm not talking to you.
00:48:08I'm not talking to you.
00:48:09I'm not talking to you.
00:48:10I'm not talking to you.
00:48:11I'm not talking to you.
00:48:12I'm not talking to you.
00:48:13I'm not talking to you.
00:48:14I'm not talking to you.
00:48:15I'm not talking to you.
00:48:16I'm not talking to you.
00:48:17I'm not talking to you.
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00:52:47I'm not talking to you.
00:52:48I'm not talking to you.
00:52:49I'm not talking to you.
00:52:50I'm not talking to you.
00:52:51I'm not talking to you.
00:52:52I'm not talking to you.
00:52:53I'm not talking to you.
00:52:54I'm not talking to you.
00:52:55I'm not talking to you.
00:52:56I'm not talking to you.
00:52:57I'm not talking to you.
00:52:58I'm not talking to you.
00:52:59I'm not talking to you.
00:53:00I'm not talking to you.
00:53:01I'm not talking to you.
00:53:02I'm not talking to you.
00:53:03I'm not talking to you.
00:53:04I'm not talking to you.
00:53:05I'm not talking to you.
00:53:06I'm not talking to you.
00:53:07I'm not talking to you.
00:53:08I'm not talking to you.
00:53:10I'm not talking to you.
00:53:23I'm not talking to you.
00:53:24I'm not talking to you.
00:53:33I don't understand how I got here.
00:54:03I don't understand how I got here.
00:54:20How strange.
00:54:23It's as if I spent the whole night walking.
00:54:28But I don't remember anything.
00:54:33I don't remember anything.
00:55:03I don't remember anything.
00:55:33I don't remember anything.
00:55:38Yesterday I decided to take my own life.
00:55:41Today I don't know what I want anymore.
00:56:03I don't remember anything.
00:56:33I don't remember anything.
00:57:03The days and nights here are eternal.
00:57:06During the day you can only hear
00:57:08the wind's noise,
00:57:10the singing of the birds,
00:57:12and at night, the crickets,
00:57:14the owls,
00:57:16and some steps as if someone was walking
00:57:19close to me.
00:57:34I've been here for five days,
00:57:37and I feel like I'm in the same place.
00:57:40Apparently, I've only walked in circles.
00:57:45The worst thing is that I don't want to be here anymore,
00:57:48and every second that passes,
00:57:50I feel like I have less strength to continue.
00:58:03I don't want to be here anymore.
00:58:33I don't want to be here anymore.
00:59:03I don't want to be here anymore.
00:59:33Daniela is your mother.
00:59:35Daniela is not your mother.
00:59:37She has never been.
00:59:39Don't pay attention to her.
00:59:41Forget about her.
00:59:43Don't stay there. Get up.
00:59:45Don't get up.
00:59:46Come with me.
00:59:48Who cured you when you were sick with cancer?
00:59:51No, it wasn't her.
00:59:52She didn't even visit you.
00:59:54You can't stay there.
00:59:55You have to go.
00:59:56You have to go.
00:59:57You have to go.
00:59:58You have to go.
00:59:59You have to go.
01:00:00You have to go.
01:00:01You can't stay there.
01:00:02You have to come with me.
01:00:04Get up.
01:00:05If you get up, your suffering will never end.
01:00:08Are you okay?
01:00:09Come on, what's wrong?
01:00:10This belongs to me.
01:00:11Get up.
01:00:12You always have to get up.
01:00:13Get up now!
01:00:17When for the first time in your life,
01:00:20you think that everything makes sense,
01:00:23that it's worth living,
01:00:25but then you realize
01:00:28that there aren't many opportunities,
01:00:31seconds before you close your eyes.
01:00:35What did you think?
01:00:44Stay where you are,
01:00:46next to your mother,
01:00:48your real mother.
01:00:51What's going on, Daniel?
01:00:53Did you forget my words?
01:00:55What did I always tell you about your mother?
01:00:58You can't stay here.
01:01:00Come back.
01:01:21Don't worry, don't be afraid.
01:01:23I'm going to help you.
01:01:39What's going on?
01:01:40I'm dead.
01:01:41No, you're not dead.
01:01:42You're just not well.
01:02:32What are you doing?
01:02:34I can tell you haven't eaten in a long time.
01:02:37You need food.
01:02:53Take it.
01:03:11Take it.
01:03:23Take it.
01:03:28Why do you want to help?
01:03:30I'm just doing what I have to do.
01:03:37Your fever is down.
01:03:41It's past midnight.
01:03:43Go to sleep,
01:03:44so you can regain your strength.
01:03:53Go to sleep.
01:04:19I can see you're much better.
01:04:21I'm better now.
01:04:23I don't know what you did,
01:04:24but thank you for helping me.
01:04:26You haven't told me anything about you yet.
01:04:29What are you doing in these mountains?
01:04:31How did you find me?
01:04:33Let's say someone put me here.
01:04:35Yes, but you must have a reason to be here,
01:04:37don't you?
01:04:38I'd say more than a reason.
01:04:40It's God's purpose.
01:04:43I'm asking a lot,
01:04:45but it's strange to find people in these mountains.
01:04:49At least you should know who you are.
01:04:55I know you have a lot of questions,
01:04:57but those answers will lead you to more questions.
01:05:00It doesn't matter who I am,
01:05:01what matters is who you are.
01:05:03Everything is in your mind.
01:05:06Come on,
01:05:07I'll help you get out of here.
01:05:19I'll help you get out of here.
01:05:50Eat this strawberry.
01:05:52Here in the forest there are many fruits
01:05:54with which you can feed yourself.
01:05:58And always between the mountains there are streams.
01:06:50How do you know where we're going?
01:06:52Don't worry.
01:06:53We're going the right way.
01:07:20I feel a little dizzy.
01:07:25You'll feel like that for a while.
01:07:27You don't have enough energy yet,
01:07:29but trust yourself.
01:07:50I feel better, let's go.
01:08:03I know you don't like to talk about yourself,
01:08:06but why haven't you asked anything about me?
01:08:09You really don't want to know what happened to me.
01:08:14don't laugh at me.
01:08:18don't give up.
01:08:19If you feel confused,
01:08:21look inside you.
01:08:22The answers are there.
01:08:24And remember,
01:08:25you've been given a second chance.
01:08:27Don't waste it.
01:08:31A second chance?
01:08:46You said a second chance.
01:08:49What do you know about my past?
01:08:51I already told you.
01:08:53Everything is in your mind.
01:09:16I'm sorry.
01:09:36In my room,
01:09:38there's a suitcase with a necklace.
01:09:41From now on,
01:09:43put it on your neck
01:09:45and never take it off.
01:10:15I'm sorry.
01:10:45I'm sorry.
01:11:15I'm sorry.
01:11:45I'm sorry.
01:12:01I feel a little dizzy.
01:12:06You'll feel like that for a while.
01:12:08You don't have enough energy yet,
01:12:10but trust yourself.
01:12:16Now I realize.
01:12:18I've always thought I was a victim,
01:12:20but in reality,
01:12:22I've always been the problem.
01:12:24But not anymore.
01:12:25Because of the chance God has given me,
01:12:27and because of you, Mother,
01:12:29it's time to start living.
01:12:45I'm sorry.
01:13:15I'm sorry.
01:13:45I'm sorry.
01:13:47I'm sorry.
01:13:49I'm sorry.
01:13:51I'm sorry.
01:13:53I'm sorry.
01:13:55I'm sorry.
01:13:57I'm sorry.
01:13:59I'm sorry.
01:14:01I'm sorry.
01:14:03I'm sorry.
01:14:05I'm sorry.
01:14:07I'm sorry.
01:14:09I'm sorry.
01:14:11I'm sorry.
01:14:13I'm sorry.
01:14:15I'm sorry.
01:14:17I'm sorry.
01:14:19I'm sorry.
01:14:21I'm sorry.
01:14:23I'm sorry.
01:14:43I'm sorry.
01:14:45I'm sorry.
01:18:43Eso se debe a que tú sabes que tú eres el mejor que nadie ha sabido.
01:18:48Estás ignorando?
01:18:49Y qué es lo que te estoy diciendo?
01:18:52¿Oís eso?
01:18:57¿Por qué no nos vamos a subirte y yo sola porque a esto no le gusta subir para arriba?
01:19:02Yo no sé cómo a papi se le ocurre subir hoy para acá a un domingo.
01:19:06Ah, ¿por qué tú crees que es nada más eres tú que tiene derecho a comer?
01:19:09La gallina también come.
01:19:10Deja de buscar el maíz para exceso de la gallina.
01:19:13Papi! Come to see me!
01:19:33How do you feel?
01:19:40So, for you, you are totally cured.
01:19:45Yes, totally.
01:19:51Well, I say no.
01:19:56I think there is still something missing.
01:20:55Good morning.
01:20:57But you are special.
01:21:00You have two mothers.
01:21:02And we both love you very much.
01:21:04Oh, sir, excuse me. I didn't know I had clients waiting for me.
01:21:08My secretary didn't tell me, which I find strange.
01:21:12But you know that here, unfortunately, we only serve with prior appointments.
01:21:17Tell me, how can I help you?
01:21:34I'm sorry. I'm not going to be able to help you.
01:21:37I don't want to hurt you.
01:21:41I just want to help you.
01:21:43I'm sorry.
01:21:46I'm not going to hurt you.
01:21:49I just want to help you.
01:21:52I don't want to hurt you.
01:21:56I'm sorry.
01:21:59Most people only believe in what they can see and touch.
01:22:05But those who have not experienced things, believe that there is something more after death.
01:22:12Maybe a different world awaits us, but one thing is certain.
01:22:17And that is that everyone must play a role in this world of the living.
01:22:24This is what you wanted me to understand, mother.
01:22:28I love you.
01:22:46I will always be grateful for everything you did for me.
01:22:50I love you, mother.
01:22:58I love you, too.
01:23:28I love you, too.
01:23:58...of the underlying mental illness or the abuse of substances and the improvement of financial conditions.
01:24:04Although they are common in the lines of crisis, there is little evidence of their effectiveness.
01:24:09Many of those who have tried to commit suicide never return.
01:24:13If you have a relative who has tried before or has given any sign related to suicide,
01:24:18you should pay attention to him and seek professional help.
01:24:58I love you.
01:25:01I love you.
01:25:04I love you.
01:25:07I love you.
01:25:10I love you.
01:25:13I love you.
01:25:16I love you.
01:25:19I love you.
01:25:22I love you.
01:25:25I love you.
01:25:28I love you.
01:25:31I love you.
01:25:34I love you.
01:25:37I love you.
01:25:40I love you.
01:25:43I love you.
01:25:46I love you.
01:25:49I love you.
01:25:52I love you.
01:25:55I love you.
01:25:58I love you.
01:26:01I love you.
01:26:04I love you.
01:26:07I love you.
01:26:10I love you.
01:26:13I love you.
01:26:16I love you.
01:26:19I love you.
01:26:22I love you.
01:26:25I love you.
