Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 19 I Only Have Eyes For You

  • 2 weeks ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 19 I Only Have Eyes For You


00:00Have you got a name for it?
00:09Cause I don't understand it
00:22Language is an annoying necessity
00:28And I depend on all the regular things
00:35I've got a list tattooed on my memory
00:42Of how our trips should unfold
00:49I'm falling for me what you said
00:55Hey, I'm Ben.
00:59We had Algebra 2 together last year.
01:02Sorry, I pretty much repress anything math related.
01:08Miss Jackson, second period.
01:12You sat in the seat three over and one behind.
01:16Oh, yeah, I remember now.
01:18It's the one with the desks and chalkboards and pencils and stuff, right?
01:21That's the one.
01:23Like a steel trap.
01:25So, I was wondering.
01:27You know the dance tomorrow night?
01:29Are you going?
01:30You mean the Sadie Hawkins thing?
01:32The deal where the girls ask the boys?
01:35And I thought maybe, you know, if you're free, you might ask me.
01:41Oh, gosh.
01:44Oh, hey, no, don't worry.
01:46No, no, you seem like a really great guy.
01:49It's me.
01:52I'm not seeing anybody.
01:55Ever again, actually.
02:00That's too bad.
02:03Okay, well, I better.
02:14I'm sorry.
02:39Are you bailing?
02:42I'm going to stop by the library and see if Giles wants me to patrol and then sack him.
02:47You've been doing that a lot, patrolling and sacking.
02:51In fact, you've kind of been all work and no play Buffy.
02:55I play.
02:57I have big fun.
02:59I came here tonight, didn't I?
03:01You came, you saw, you rejected.
03:06I mean, that guy, just not in date mode right now.
03:11Maybe you need to date to get in date mode.
03:14No, I don't think I'm ready for that, Will.
03:17You're thinking too much.
03:19Maybe you need to be impulsive.
03:23Do you remember my ex-boyfriend, the vampire?
03:25I slept with him, he lost his soul.
03:27Now my boyfriend's gone forever and the demon that wears his face is killing my friends.
03:31The next impulsive decision I make will involve my choice of dentures.
03:35Okay, the angel thing went badly.
03:38I'm on board with that, but that's not your fault.
03:42And anyways, love isn't always like that.
03:46Love can be nice.
03:49Come back here.
03:51We're not finished.
03:53You don't care anymore, is that it?
03:55It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what I feel.
03:58Then tell me you don't love me.
04:00Say it!
04:01Let out.
04:03Is that what you need to hear?
04:05I don't need to hear it.
04:07I don't, now let me go.
04:09No, a person doesn't just wake up one day and stop loving somebody.
04:22Love is forever.
04:33Love is forever.
05:03Love is forever.
05:30I'm not afraid to use it.
05:32I swear, if I can't be with you...
05:36Oh my God.
05:40Don't walk away from me, bitch!
05:59What happened?
06:00What happened?
06:01You just went O.J. on your girlfriend.
06:04This is nuts, I...
06:06I don't know why I got so mad.
06:08Because you're a jerk?
06:10He's not.
06:12We weren't even fighting a few minutes ago.
06:14If we weren't, I swear to God...
06:16If you weren't fighting, then why'd you have a gun?
06:19I don't, I don't know.
06:21I don't even know where I got it.
06:24I don't see any gun.
06:32Hello, son.
06:34I'm sure you know why I asked you here.
06:37To thank me?
06:39That's right, I want to thank you.
06:42What would Sunnydale High do without you around...
06:45to incite mayhem, chaos and disorder?
06:48I don't incite.
06:50I stopped that boy from killing his girlfriend, ask him.
06:53Ask the janitor.
06:55People can be coerced, Summers.
06:57I'm no stranger to conspiracy.
06:59I saw JFK.
07:01I'm a truth seeker.
07:03I've got a missing gun and two confused kids on my hands.
07:06Pieces of the puzzle.
07:08And I'm gonna look at all the pieces carefully and rationally...
07:12and I'm gonna keep looking...
07:14until I know exactly how this is all your fault.
07:18Mr. Snyder, Billy Crandall chained himself to the snack machine again.
07:22Pathetic little no-life vegan.
07:29Not so fast, Missy.
07:31I'm not done with you yet.
07:34You stink of lies.
08:00So, for next time, read the chapters on information grouping...
08:04and binary coding.
08:06I bet you'll think coding is pretty cool.
08:08I mean, if you find two-digit, multi-stacked conversions...
08:13and primary number clusters a big hoot.
08:18I made them laugh, did you hear?
08:20I did the joke thing.
08:22Yes, yes, so it seems.
08:24I mean, you did indeed.
08:27Good, good, good show.
08:30I'll just stop by to see if you need anything.
08:34I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.
08:36I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.
08:38I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.
08:40I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.
08:42I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry.
08:44I'll just stop by to see if you needed any assistance...
08:47but you seem to have things quite under control.
08:51Well, I had good lesson plans.
08:55Miss Callender had them on her computer.
09:00Yes, yes, she was very, um...
09:06And I found a bunch of files and Internet sites...
09:09on paganism and magic and stuff.
09:13Yes, it's really interesting.
09:18And, uh...
09:21I found this in her drawer.
09:24She told me it was a rose quartz...
09:27and it has healing powers.
09:30I thought she'd want you to have it.
09:43Thank you, Willow. That's, um...
09:46That's very thoughtful of you.
10:01Before 1935...
10:03the New Deal focused on revitalizing stricken business...
10:07and agricultural communities.
10:09The New Deal also tried to regulate...
10:12the nation's financial hierarchy...
10:14to avoid another disaster...
10:16like the 1929 stock market crash.
10:19Don't forget your assignments are due on Friday, class.
10:25I told Miss Hall we'd go help decorate the gym.
10:28Who are you taking?
10:30David said yes.
10:32Oh, you're kidding. He's so dreamy.
10:42Thank you, James.
10:44How are you enjoying that book I loaned you?
10:47The Hemingway.
10:49I like it.
10:51Very much.
10:55It's honest.
11:00Yes, it's, um...
11:02It's based on a true story, actually.
11:06He fell in love with his...
11:17and collective bargaining.
11:26Oh, my God.
11:28You see what he wrote?
11:36I'm telling you, something weird is going on.
11:40Something weird is going on?
11:42Isn't that our school motto?
11:44Pretty much.
11:46But I don't know. This time, it bugs me.
11:49I don't want to pull your wiggins...
11:51but a domestic dispute...
11:53a little case of chalkboard Tourette's...
11:56all sounds like Hellmouth like to me.
12:28Sander, what happened?
12:30Did Cordelia win another round in the broom closet?
12:34You're just a big bucket of fun, E. Will.
12:37I'll have you know, I was just accosted by some kind of, um...
12:42locker monster.
12:44Lock-ness monster?
12:46Locker monster is what he said.
12:48But it wasn't really a monster.
12:50It was like this big arm that came out of the locker...
12:52but then we opened it again, it was gone. Nothing.
12:54This is right after Buffy's history teacher...
12:56starts doing some freaky channeling thing in class.
12:58Ooh. Sounds like paranormal phenomena.
13:01A ghost? Cool.
13:03Oh, no, no, no. No, cool.
13:05This was no wimpy chain-rattler.
13:07This was, I'm dead as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore.
13:10Well, despite the Zander speak...
13:12it's a fairly accurate definition of a poltergeist.
13:15I define something?
13:19Guess I'm done with the book-learning.
13:22Sir, we have some bad boo on our hands?
13:28Well, why is it here?
13:30Does it just want to scare people?
13:32He doesn't know exactly what he wants.
13:34That's the trouble.
13:36See, many times the spirit is plagued...
13:38by all manner of worldly troubles.
13:40Being dead, it has no way to make its peace.
13:43So it lashes out...
13:45growing ever more confused...
13:48ever more angry.
13:50So it's a normal teenager.
13:52Only dead.
13:54Well, what can we do?
13:56Is there any way to stop it?
13:58The only tried-and-true way...
14:00is to work out what unresolved issues keep it here...
14:04and, um, resolve them.
14:08Now we're Dr. Lawyer for the deceased.
14:10Only if we can find out who the spirit is.
14:15Or was.
14:29Working late, Miss Frank?
14:31It's my fault. Let myself get behind.
14:33Is it okay to walk here, George?
14:35It is George, right?
14:37Oh, yes, ma'am. You go ahead.
14:39Thanks. You have a nice evening.
14:41You, too. Drive safe.
14:43Oh, Miss Frank?
14:48You can't make me disappear...
14:50just because you say it's over.
14:52We can be together.
14:55No way people will ever understand except it.
14:58Is that what this is about?
15:00What other people think?
15:04I just want you to be able to have some kind of a normal life.
15:08We can never have that, don't you see?
15:10I don't give a damn about a normal life.
15:13I'm going crazy not seeing you.
15:15I think about you every minute.
15:17I know.
15:23But it's over.
15:26It has to be.
15:29Come back here. We're not finished yet.
15:32You don't care anymore? Is that it?
15:35It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what I feel.
15:38Then tell me you don't love me.
15:41Say it!
15:45Will that help?
15:48Is that what you have to hear?
15:52I don't.
15:55I don't.
15:57Don't let me go.
16:01A person doesn't just wake up one day and stop loving somebody.
16:07Love is forever.
16:22I love you.
16:25And don't walk away from me yet!
16:37I made you.
16:54Don't do that! Never! Don't talk to me like that!
17:23What's going on?
17:25What's going on?
17:28You just shot a woman.
17:41This is the garden.
17:51Night blooming.
17:53Like us.
17:58It's fairyland.
18:03It's paradise.
18:06Big windows, lovely gardens.
18:09It'll be perfect when we want the sunlight to kill us.
18:13If you don't like it, Spike, hit the stairs and go.
18:17Take a stand, man.
18:19Well, our old place was just fine,
18:21until you went and had it burned down.
18:24Things change, Spikey.
18:27You gotta roll with the punches.
18:29Well, actually,
18:31you pretty much got that part down, haven't you?
18:34Very funny, mate.
18:36What can I say?
18:40I just love to see you smile, buddy.
18:48You're a giver.
18:51It was just as with the couple you encountered the other night, Buffy.
18:55The janitor remembered everything.
18:57He knew he'd killed this poor woman, but he had no idea why.
19:02They had no intimate relationship.
19:05What about the gun? Did you find it?
19:08No, no.
19:10The police, everybody, we searched high and low.
19:13I think it's very clear what's happening here.
19:16Fill me in, then,
19:18cos I've read the book, seen the movie,
19:20and I'm still fuzzy about what's going on.
19:22It's Jenny.
19:26You think she's the ghost?
19:28Don't you see?
19:30She died here under tragic circumstances,
19:33and now she's trapped.
19:35But what about the gun?
19:38I mean, Angel didn't shoot Miss Callender.
19:41The gun is insignificant.
19:43It's the violence of the thing that matters.
19:46I don't know.
19:48These fights these couples keep having,
19:50it's sort of specific.
19:52She's right.
19:54It's a pattern that doesn't fit with the way Miss Callender died.
19:58I appreciate your thoughts on the matter.
20:01In fact, I encourage you to always challenge me
20:05when you feel it's appropriate.
20:07You should never be cowed by authority.
20:10Except, of course, in this instance,
20:12when I'm clearly right and you are clearly wrong.
20:15This is freaky.
20:17I don't remember ever seeing Giles be this weird.
20:21I know. We usually investigate things from every boring angle, Guy.
20:25Now, as I cling on to my one lame idea, Guy, what gives?
20:29He misses her.
20:31He can't think.
20:33Just a little more fallout from my love life.
20:36Okay, but this ghost stuff is something else.
20:40Let me do a cross-check on other shootings at the school.
20:43Yeah, we need some alternate ghost theories.
20:45What do we know?
20:47Dog spit is cleaner than human.
20:49Besides that?
20:51Oh, boy, we know plenty.
20:53It says a student murdered a teacher
20:56on the night of the Sadie Hawkins dance.
20:58The rumor was they were having an affair
21:01and she tried to break it off.
21:03After he killed her, he went into the music room and shot himself.
21:07Ladies and gentlemen, we have a ghost.
21:10It is one of those two, right?
21:12It all fits. The gun, the Sadie Hawkins dance.
21:15Which is tonight.
21:17How come we've never heard about this murder-suicide thing before?
21:20When did it happen?
21:24How did you know?
21:26Okay, here's the new strangeness.
21:29I dreamt about this woman, Grace Newman, the other day.
21:32Her and this guy.
21:34James Stanley?
21:36He's the one. He did it.
21:38Your dreams are getting wicked accurate, Buff.
21:41You wouldn't happen to see me coming across in big cash
21:44or possibly knowing the love of a woman
21:47in a full-body sense.
21:50He couldn't make her love him, so he killed her.
21:53Just like a...
21:55He looked so normal in this picture.
21:58He was smart, too. He made the honor roll.
22:03He killed a person and killed himself.
22:05Those are pretty much two of the dumbest things you could do.
22:08I know, but...
22:11Well, don't you feel kind of bad for them?
22:14Sure I feel lousy. For her.
22:16He's a murderer, and he should pay for it.
22:18With his life?
22:20No. He should be doing 60 years in a prison, breaking rocks
22:23and making special friends with Roscoe the weightlifter.
22:26Yikes. The quality of mercy is not Buffy.
22:29Whose ghost do you think we're dealing with, his or hers?
22:32Well, considering how violent it is,
22:35I'm gonna say his.
22:37That tracks?
22:39Well, I've been browsing on some of Miss Callender's peg insights.
22:42Maybe I can find a way to communicate with him,
22:45and we can find out what he wants.
22:48Who cares what he wants?
22:50We need to shut him down before some other innocent guy
22:53goes and kills some poor nice girl
22:55and then blows his brains out all over the music room wall.
23:00Who's hungry?
23:14I hope you guys aren't going to the Sadie Hawkins dance tonight,
23:17because I'm organizing a boycott.
23:19Do you realize that the girls have to ask the guys
23:22and pay and everything?
23:24I mean, whose genius idea was that?
23:26Obviously some hairy-legged feminist.
23:29Really? Well, we need to nip this thing in the bud.
23:32I mean, otherwise things are gonna get really scary.
24:16You're gonna be scarred and swollen.
24:18Why didn't it just kill me?
24:21Schoolboy pranks never sell.
24:24The sewer got backed up.
24:26Better. I can probably make that one fly,
24:28but this is getting out of hand.
24:30People were talking.
24:32You take care of it.
24:34I'm doing everything I can, but you people have to realize...
24:37Schneider, what's going on here?
24:39Backed-up sewer line.
24:41Same thing happened in San Diego just last week.
24:44We're on a hell mouth.
24:47Sooner or later,
24:49people are gonna figure that out.
24:51City council was told that you could handle this job.
24:54If you feel that you can't,
24:56perhaps you'd like to take that up with the mayor.
24:59I'll handle it.
25:02I will.
25:04Remember the plan to contact the spirit and talk to it?
25:08Scrap that plan.
25:10Buffy, you were right.
25:12The time for touchy-feely communication is past.
25:15I've done some homework and found out
25:17the only solution is the final solution.
25:20Nuke the school?
25:23They like that.
25:25Not quite.
25:29Are you crazy? I saw that movie.
25:31Even the priest died.
25:33What's the deal?
25:35Okay, see here, the balcony?
25:38That's where the original teacher died back in 1955
25:41and that teacher last night.
25:43That's the hot spot.
25:45We need to create a mangas tripod.
25:48A what?
25:50One person chants here in the hot spot
25:53and the other three chant in other places around the school
25:57forming a triangle.
25:59It's supposed to bind the bad spirit
26:03and keep it from doing any more harm.
26:06We'll all take the hot spot.
26:08If there's trouble, that's where it'll be.
26:11This ghost, this James guy is fixating on you, Buffy.
26:14The dreams, the yearbook.
26:16You sure you can handle it?
26:19Oh, I'm hoping he'll show.
26:22I truly am.
26:28Okay, we all have our places.
26:30We do the chant and light the candle at midnight exactly.
26:33Any questions?
26:35Yeah, what if this mangled triangle thingy doesn't work?
26:38Oh, I almost forgot.
26:40I made us all scapulas.
26:42Okay, so we can flip the ghost over
26:44when it turns a nice golden brown.
26:46Scapula, not spatula.
26:49Um, you wear it around your neck for protection.
26:53You expect me to wear this?
26:55It smells like grandpa breath.
26:57Sorry, I didn't have a lot of time.
26:59I had to use sulfur.
27:01Stinky, but effective.
27:03Okay, let's do this.
27:06No problem.
27:08This'll be a piece of cake, right?
27:30Maybe I'll sleep underground.
27:33Maybe I'll sleep underground.
27:36Dig myself a little burrow.
27:39What about your pretty dress, sweet?
27:42It'll get all dirty.
27:44Then I'll sleep naked, like the animals do.
27:47You know, I'm certainly liking this plan.
27:50Fortunately, nobody cares what you like, mate.
27:55Oh, yeah? Let's ask Drew.
27:58There's a guy.
28:03It's opening.
28:05Incoming. I love when she does this.
28:07What gate, Pat? What do you see?
28:10It's black.
28:13It wants her.
28:16Wants who?
28:18The Slayer.
28:21It's time, angel.
28:24She's ready for you now.
28:31Dancing with death.
28:33Big deal. He won't do anything.
28:36I'm an angel who likes to talk, but he's not much for action.
28:40All hat and no cap.
28:43I don't know about that.
28:47I think this whole Slayer thing has run its course.
28:51I'm ready to focus my energy elsewhere.
28:57Oh, yeah.
28:59What, with you being special needs, boy?
29:02I figure I should stick close to home.
29:06You and Drew can always use another pair of hands.
29:30God, what are you doing here?
29:32You're not supposed to be inside.
29:34Me? What about you?
29:36I'm, uh...
29:38I'm trying to, uh...
29:41I think I may be close to contacting Jenny.
29:49What's that smell?
29:51It's my scapula.
29:53Do you suffer?
29:57Well, uh, run along.
29:59There may be some paranormal phenomena if I contact her.
30:03You don't want to be in the line of fire.
30:07Okay. Night.
30:50My love must be a kind of my love.
30:58I can't see anyone but you.
31:06Shmoop, shmoop!
31:11Shmoop, shmoop!
31:16Shmoop, shmoop!
31:20Shmoop, shmoop!
31:27Shmoop, shmoop!
31:36Oh, yeah, baby.
31:38It's snake-a-licious in here.
31:42Shmoop, shmoop!
31:48Shmoop, shmoop!
31:53Shmoop, shmoop!
31:58Shmoop, shmoop!
32:02Shmoop, shmoop!
32:06Shmoop, shmoop!
32:11Shmoop, shmoop!
32:27Aah! Aah!
32:37Where are you?
32:41Help me!
32:43Oh, no, no, no!
33:10Just calm down.
33:24Get out!
33:36Are you all right?
33:38Jenny could never be this mean.
33:44I know.
33:48It's not her, is it?
33:51I'm sorry.
33:56Oh, God.
33:59Careful up here.
34:12I shall confront and expel all evil.
34:16I shall totally confront and expel all evil.
34:20Out of marrow and bone.
34:23Out of house and home.
34:25Never to come here again.
35:03Oh, my God.
35:09Are you all right?
35:16Get back.
35:28Check it.
35:30That safe school's out for good.
35:39The good news is none of you girls were shot.
35:43Well, we've established,
35:45based on all the parallels and Buffy's visions,
35:49that it's James's spirit.
35:51So what do we do, Charles, about James?
35:54Well, he's obviously reliving the night of the Sadie Hawkins dance
35:57when he killed Miss Newman.
35:59It's common enough for a spirit to do this,
36:02to recreate a tragedy.
36:05Hey, if Sunnydale High School shuts down forever,
36:08do we automatically graduate?
36:10But why? What does he want?
36:13Actually, that's an interesting point.
36:16He's trying to resolve whatever issues are keeping him in limbo.
36:21I don't know what exactly those are.
36:23He wants forgiveness.
36:29I imagine he does.
36:33But when James possesses people,
36:36they act out exactly what happened that night.
36:39So he's experiencing a form of purgatory instead.
36:44He's doomed to kill his Miss Newman over and over and over again,
36:50and forgiveness is impossible.
36:54Good. He doesn't deserve it.
36:57To forgive is an act of compassion, Buffy.
37:00It's not done because people deserve it.
37:03It's done because they need it.
37:07James destroyed the one person he loved the most
37:10in a moment of blind passion.
37:13And that's not something you forgive.
37:15No matter why he did what he did,
37:18and no matter if he knows now that it was wrong and sinful,
37:22No matter why he did what he did,
37:24and no matter if he knows now that it was wrong and selfish and stupid,
37:28it is just something he's going to have to live with.
37:34He can't live with it, Buffy.
37:37He's dead.
37:40Okay. Over-identify much?
38:11I need you.
38:25So what do we do next?
38:28Do we go in again?
38:31Uh, not now.
38:34The spirit is too angry, too powerful.
38:39We have to work out exactly how and if this thing can be defeated.
39:09Give up fear, you...
39:16Oh, God.
39:39She went back.
39:45So what now?
39:47Not even a megabat of Raid's going to do the trick here.
39:50I don't get it. Is she trying to be a big loner hero or something?
39:56If she's under the spirit's thrall, he's calling her.
40:00But why?
40:02James needs her to reenact everything that happened on the night that he killed Miss Newman.
40:07To change things, maybe, and have a happy ending.
40:10But it can't ever happen.
40:12It always ends the same, which means Buffy just went in there to get shot, Giles.
40:21The school's deserted.
40:24There's no way for James to...
40:27to play his part. There's no man inside for him to possess.
40:31So Buffy should be safe until we find a way to get her out.
40:35In theory, yeah.
41:06Fun fact about wasps.
41:12They have no taste for the undead.
41:15Not that a sting would do me any damage, it's just...
41:19tonight's special.
41:22I want it to look my best for you.
41:25You're the only one.
41:28The only person I can talk to.
41:31Gosh, Buff.
41:34That's really pathetic.
41:37You can't make me disappear just because you say it's over.
41:45I can.
41:49In fact...
41:56I just want you to be able to have some kind of normal life.
42:00We can never have that, don't you see?
42:03I don't give a damn about a normal life.
42:06I'm going crazy not seeing you.
42:10I think about you every minute.
42:14I know.
42:19But it's over.
42:22It has to be.
42:25Come back here. We're not finished.
42:28You don't care anymore, is that it?
42:31It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what I feel.
42:34Then tell me you don't love me!
42:37Say it!
42:40Is that what you need to hear?
42:43Will that help?
42:46I don't.
42:49I don't.
42:52Now let me go.
42:55No. A person doesn't just wake up and stop loving somebody.
43:01Love is forever.
43:06I'm not afraid to use it, I swear.
43:09If I can't be with you...
43:12Oh, my God.
43:16Don't walk away from me!
43:23Stop it!
43:26Stop it!
43:29Stop it! Don't make me!
43:32All right. Just...
43:41You know you don't want to do this.
43:45That's both.
43:48Just calm down.
43:52Now give me the gun.
43:56Don't. Don't do that, damn it!
44:00Don't talk to me like I'm some stupid...
46:21Don't do this.
46:24It was an accident, and it wasn't your fault.
46:27If it's my fault, how can I...
46:30I'm the one who should be sorry, James.
46:34You thought I stopped loving you, but I never did.
46:40I loved you with my last breath.
46:47No more tears.
46:54No more tears.
47:25No more tears.
47:55Everything seems normal.
47:58Not a snake, not a wasp.
48:01Yep. School can open again tomorrow.
48:04Explain to me again how that's a good thing.
48:08I'm drawing a blank.
48:12Are you feeling any better?
48:15James picked me.
48:18I guess...
48:21I guess I was the one he could relate to.
48:25He was so sad.
48:33I'm sorry.
48:36I'm sorry.
48:46They can both rest now.
48:49I still...
48:53Artemis just doesn't understand why she would forgive him.
49:01Does it matter?
49:11I guess not.
49:23You might want to let up.
49:25They say when you've drawn blood, you've exfoliated.
49:29What do you know about it?
49:31I'm the one who was freaking violated. He did have this thing in here.
49:35What was it? A demon?
49:41Poor Angel.
49:45Let's get out of here.
49:47I need a real vile kill before Sun will have to wipe this crap out of my system.
49:53Of course. We'll find you a nice toddler.
49:59Want to come in?
50:03No can do, Drew.
50:06I'm sure he'd be hell on wheels, but we don't have much time.
50:10Gotta travel light.
50:13Sorry. Try to have fun without me.
50:28Oh, I will.
50:32I will.
50:50Sooner than you think.
51:03I'm sorry.
51:06I'm sorry.
51:09I'm sorry.
51:12I'm sorry.
51:15I'm sorry.
51:18I'm sorry.
51:21I'm sorry.
51:24I'm sorry.
51:27I'm sorry.
51:30I'm sorry.
