Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 13 Surprise

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 2 Episode 13 Surprise


01:10Do you really think you're ready, Buffy?
02:28Happy birthday, Buffy.
03:41Hold on.
03:50Is everything okay?
03:51That's what I was going to ask you.
03:53You're okay, right?
03:58I'm fine.
04:00What's up?
04:06I-I had this dream that Drusilla was alive.
04:11What happened?
04:14She killed you.
04:16Right in front of me.
04:18It was just a dream.
04:19It wasn't real.
04:21But it felt so real.
04:23It wasn't.
04:25I'm right here.
04:29Angel, that happened before.
04:32The dreams that I had about the Master, they came true.
04:35Still, not every dream you have comes true.
04:39I mean, what else did you dream last night?
04:42Can you remember?
04:45I dreamt...
04:47I dreamt that Giles and I opened an office supply warehouse in Vegas.
04:52I see my point.
04:55Yeah, I do, but...
04:57What if Drusilla is alive?
04:59We never saw her body.
05:00She's not.
05:03But even if she was, we'd deal.
05:07But what if she's...
05:18What if what?
05:22I'm sorry.
05:24What are we talking?
05:49I'm sorry, I, um...
05:51I have to go to school.
05:53I know.
06:02How do you feel?
06:04You have to go to school.
06:09I know.
06:10This is me.
06:12I'm going.
06:23I'm sorry.
06:34You still haven't told me what you wanted for your birthday.
06:39Don't surprise me.
06:44I will.
06:54This is nice.
06:57I like seeing you first thing in the morning.
07:00It's bedtime for me.
07:02Well, then I like seeing you at bedtime.
07:09You know what I mean.
07:11I think so.
07:13What do you mean?
07:16I like seeing you...
07:21in the part at the end of the night where we say goodbye.
07:26It's getting harder.
07:32It is.
07:38I like you at bedtime?
07:40You actually said that?
07:42I know, I know.
07:44Man, that's like...
07:46I don't know, that's moxie or something.
07:48Totally unplanned.
07:50It just came out.
07:52And he was into it.
07:54He wants to see you at bedtime, too?
07:57Yeah, I think he does.
07:59I mean, he's cool about it.
08:01Well, of course he is.
08:03Because he's cool.
08:05He would never, you know, push.
08:10He's not the type.
08:12Well, what am I going to do?
08:14What do you want to do?
08:17I don't know.
08:19I mean, want isn't always the right thing to do.
08:23To act on want can be wrong.
08:28But to not act on want...
08:31What if I never feel this way again?
08:34Carpe diem.
08:36You told me that once.
08:38Fish of the day?
08:40Not carp. Carpe.
08:42It means seize the day.
08:49I think we're going to.
08:51Seize it.
08:53Once you get to a certain point,
08:55then seizing is sort of inevitable.
09:12Hey, speaking of wow potential,
09:14there's Oz over there.
09:16What are we thinking, any sparkage?
09:18He's nice.
09:20Hey, I like his hands.
09:24Fixation on insignificant detail is a definite crush sign.
09:27Well, I don't know, though.
09:29I mean, he is a senior.
09:31You think he's too old because he's a senior?
09:34Please, my boyfriend had a bicentennial.
09:36That's true.
09:38But I guess I just...
09:40You can't spend the rest of your life
09:42waiting for Xander to wake up and smell the hottie.
09:45Make a move. Do the talking thing.
09:47What if the talking thing becomes the awkward silence thing?
09:52Well, you won't know until you try.
10:02Do you guys, uh, have a gig tonight?
10:06Oh, no, practice.
10:08See, our band's kind of moving towards this new sound
10:10where we suck, so...
10:23We suck, so practice.
10:26I think you guys sound good.
10:30I bet you have a lot of groupies.
10:33It happens.
10:35I'm living groupie-free nowadays.
10:37I'm clean.
10:43I'm gonna ask you to go out with me tomorrow night.
10:46And I'm kind of nervous about it, actually.
10:49It's interesting.
10:53Well, if it helps at all, I'm gonna say yes.
10:56Yeah, it helps.
10:58It creates a comfort zone.
11:00Do you want to go out with me tomorrow night?
11:03Oh, I can't.
11:05Well, see, I like that you're unpredictable.
11:08Oh, it's just it's Muffy's birthday,
11:11and we're throwing her a surprise party.
11:14It's okay.
11:16But you could come if you wanted.
11:18Well, I don't want to crash.
11:20No, it's fine.
11:23You could be my date.
11:29All right, I'm in.
11:38I said date.
11:43So, Muffy's party.
11:49Well, just because she's Miss Save the World and everything,
11:52you have to make a big deal?
11:54I have to cook and everything.
11:56You're cooking?
11:58Well, I'm chips and dips, girl.
12:00Oh, horrors, all that opening and stirring.
12:02And shopping and carrying.
12:04Well, then you should have a person who does such things for you.
12:07Well, that's what I've been saying to my father, but does he listen?
12:11Um, so, uh,
12:14you're going, and then I'm going.
12:17Um, we maybe go?
12:23I don't know. This thing with us,
12:25despite our better judgment, it keeps happening.
12:27Maybe we should just admit that we're dating.
12:29Groping in a broom closet isn't dating.
12:32You don't call it a date until the guy spends money.
12:35Fine, I'll spend, then we'll grope, whatever.
12:37I just think it's some kind of whack
12:39that we feel we have to hide from all of our friends.
12:41Well, of course you want to tell everybody.
12:43You have nothing to be ashamed of.
12:45You, on the other hand, have everything to be ashamed of.
12:47You know what? Enough said. Forget it.
12:49Must have been my multiple personality guy talking.
12:52I call him Idiot Jed, glutton for punishment.
13:00Oh, good morning.
13:02Is everything in order for the party?
13:04Absolutely. You ready to get down, you funky party weasel?
13:07Here comes Buffy. Now, remember, discretion is the better part of all.
13:11You could have just said,
13:13How did all you Brits such drama queens?
13:15Buffy, I feel a pre-birthday spanking coming on.
13:20I'd curb that impulse if I were you, Xander.
13:23Shit, cancel spanking.
13:25You all right, Buffy? You seem a little fatigued.
13:28Rough night.
13:30I had a dream that Drusilla was alive,
13:33and she killed Angel.
13:35It just really freaked me out.
13:37I feel it was more of a portent.
13:40See, I don't know. I don't want to start a big freak-out over nothing.
13:44Still, best to be on the alert.
13:47If Drusilla is alive,
13:49then it could be a fairly cataclysmic state of affairs.
13:52Again, so many words.
13:54Couldn't you just say we'd be in trouble?
13:57Go to class, Xander.
14:02Notice the economy of phrasing.
14:04Gone. Simple. Direct.
14:07Maybe I should get gone, too.
14:09Don't worry unduly, Buffy.
14:11I'm sure it's nothing.
14:13I know. I should keep my slayer cool,
14:16but it's Angel, which automatically equals Maxi-Wig.
14:26I have your package.
14:29Just put it on the table,
14:31near the other gifts.
14:34You're dead set on this bet.
14:37Wouldn't you rather have your party in Vienna?
14:41But the invitations are sent.
14:46It's just I've had it in this place.
14:48Nothing ever comes off like it's supposed to.
14:51My gatherings are always perfect.
14:55Remember Spain?
14:57The balls?
15:00I remember, sweet.
15:05Sunnydale's cursed for us.
15:08Angel and the Slayer see to that.
15:12I've got good games for everyone.
15:22I'm not going to let you go.
15:25You'll see.
15:34These flowers are wrong.
15:38They're all wrong.
15:42I can't abide them.
15:46Let's try something different with the flowers, then.
15:51Can I have been one?
15:56Can I?
16:01Can I?
16:04Just a peek, love.
16:09They're for the party.
16:15I'm sorry.
16:27Do you like it, baby?
16:30It reeks of death.
16:36This will be the best party ever.
16:42Why is that?
16:48It will be the love.
17:00Mall trip for your birthday on Saturday.
17:03Don't forget.
17:04Space on a mom-sponsored shopping opportunity?
17:07Not likely.
17:09So does 17 feel any different than 16?
17:13Funny you should ask that.
17:15I woke up feeling more responsible, mature and level-headed.
17:21That's uncanny.
17:23I now possess the qualities one looks for in a licensed driver.
17:28You say we could talk about it again when I was 17?
17:31Do you really think you're ready, Buffy?
17:43Come on.
18:05Jenny Callender.
18:10You startled me.
18:16Yes, I'm fine.
18:21I know I haven't written as much lately. I've been busy.
18:25I cannot imagine what is so important
18:28to make you ignore the responsibility to your people.
18:33I've been working and...
18:35The elder woman has been reading science.
18:38Something is different.
18:40Nothing has changed.
18:43The curse still holds.
18:45The elder woman is never wrong.
18:48She says his pain is lessening.
18:51She can feel it.
18:55There is...
18:56There is what?
18:58A girl.
19:00What? How could you let this happen?
19:03I promise you, Angel still suffers.
19:08And he makes amends for his evil. He even saved my life.
19:12So you just forget
19:15that he destroyed the most beloved daughter of your tribe?
19:20That he killed every man, woman and child that touched her life?
19:27Vengeance demands that his pain be eternal as ours is.
19:33If this girl gives him one minute of happiness,
19:37it is one minute too much.
19:39I'm sorry. I thought...
19:41You thought what? You thought you are Jenny Callender now?
19:46You are still Yana
19:49of the Calderash people.
19:52A gypsy.
19:54I know, Uncle.
20:00I know.
20:03Then prove it.
20:06Your time for watching is past.
20:10The girl and him, it ends now.
20:14Do what you must to take her from him.
20:20I will see to it.
20:23My mom broke the plate.
20:26My mom broke the plate.
20:28It was just like my dream. Every gesture, every word.
20:31It was so creepy.
20:33Yes, well, I'd imagine it would be fairly unnerving.
20:37Hey, it's the woman of the hour.
20:40It's happy birthday, Buffy.
20:44Not happy birthday, Buffy?
20:46It's just that part of the nightmare that Buffy had the other night
20:50actually transpired.
20:52Which means Drusilla might still be alive.
20:55Joseph, my dream, I couldn't stop her. She blindsided me.
20:58Angel was gone before I knew what happened.
21:00Even if she is alive, we can still protect Angel.
21:04Dreams aren't prophecies, Buffy.
21:07You dreamt that the master had risen, but you stopped it from happening.
21:11You ground his bones to make your bread.
21:14That's true, except for the bread part.
21:17Okay, so fine, we're one step ahead, but I want to stay that way.
21:20Absolutely. Let me read up on Drusilla.
21:23See if she has any particular patterns.
21:26Why don't you meet me here at 7? We'll map out a strategy.
21:30What am I supposed to do until then?
21:33Go to classes, do your homework, have supper.
21:37Right. Be that, Buffy.
21:44Well, that's not a perky birthday puppy.
21:47So much for our surprise party.
21:50I bought little hats and everything.
21:53Oh, well, I guess I'll tell Cordelia.
21:57No, you won't. We're having a party tonight.
22:01Looks like Mr. Caution Man, but the sound he makes is funny.
22:05Buffy's surprise party will go ahead as we planned.
22:08Except I won't be wearing the little hat.
22:11But Buffy and Angel...
22:13They will be in danger, as they have been before, and I imagine will be again.
22:17One thing I've learned in my tenure here on the Hellmouth
22:20is that there is no good time to relax.
22:22But Buffy's turning 17 just this once, and she deserves a party.
22:26You're a great man of our time.
22:28And anyway, Angel's coming,
22:30so she'll be able to protect him and have cake.
22:45Oh, my God, I didn't see you there.
22:49Giles wanted me to tell you that there's been a change of plans.
22:53He wants to meet you someplace near his house.
22:56I guess he had to run home and get a book or something.
22:59Because heaven knows there aren't enough books in the library.
23:03He's very thorough.
23:06Which is not too bad.
23:08It's kind of manly in an obsessive-compulsive kind of way, don't you think?
23:12Mm-hmm. Um, you know, my car's here. Why don't I drive you?
23:24We're going to the Bronx?
23:26I'm not sure. Giles gave me an address.
23:29I'm just following his directions.
23:31This looks funky. Stop for a sec.
23:36No, Buffy, maybe you shouldn't.
23:38Sorry. Sacred duty, yada, yada, yada.
23:43What is this?
23:52Every time I see you, you're stealing something.
23:56You really should speak with someone about this klepto issue.
24:31Where is she?
24:33Shh. I think I hear her coming.
25:15That pretty much sums it up.
25:21Buffy, are you okay?
25:23Yes. What happened?
25:25Uh, there are these vamp socks. What's going on?
25:30Oh, um...
25:33Surprise party.
25:36Happy birthday.
25:40You guys did all this for me?
25:44That is so sweet.
25:46Are you sure you're okay?
25:48Yes, I'm fine.
25:50Are you okay?
25:55Hey, did everybody see that guy just turn to dust?
25:59Uh, well, uh, sort of.
26:01Yep. Vampires are real.
26:04A lot of them live in Sunnydale.
26:06Willow Wolf again.
26:09I know it's hard to accept at first.
26:12Actually, it explains a lot.
26:16Hey, somebody give me a hand here?
26:22Those creeps left this behind.
26:24What is it?
26:26I have no idea.
26:28Can it be opened?
26:30Yeah, it looks like it released right here.
27:08Well, clearly the hellmouth's answer to
27:10what do you get the Slayer who has everything?
27:12Good heavens.
27:14Matthew, are you all right?
27:16Man, that thing had major grip.
27:18What was that?
27:20It looked like an arm.
27:22Can't be.
27:24She wouldn't.
27:26What, Vamp's version of snakes in a can
27:28or do you care to share?
27:32It's a legend way before my time.
27:37Of a demon brought forth
27:39to rid the earth of the plague of humanity.
27:42Separate the righteous from the wicked
27:46and to burn the righteous down.
27:52They called him the Judge.
27:54The Judge?
27:56This is he?
27:58Not all of them.
28:00Um, still any backstory here?
28:05he couldn't be killed, yes?
28:10Um, an army was sent against him.
28:14Most of them died.
28:16But finally they were able to dismember him
28:20but not kill him.
28:22Pieces were scattered.
28:24Buried in every corner of the earth.
28:27So all these parts are being brought here.
28:30By Drusilla.
28:32The Vamps outside were Spike's men.
28:34She's just crazy enough to do it.
28:36Do what? Reassemble the Judge?
28:38Bring forth Armageddon.
28:42Is anybody else gonna have cake?
28:45We need to get this out of town.
28:49You have to do it.
28:50You're the only one that can protect this thing.
28:52What about me?
28:54What, you're just gonna skip town for a few months?
28:57She's right. I gotta get this to the remotest region possible.
29:00But that's not months.
29:02I can catch a cargo ship to Asia and maybe truck to Nepal.
29:05Those newfangled flying machines really are much safer than they used to be.
29:08I can't fly. There's no sure way to guard against the daylight.
29:14I don't like this any more than you do, Buffy.
29:18There's no other choice.
29:27As soon as possible.
29:31But it's my birthday.
29:36I'll drive you to the docks.
29:45You lost it.
29:48You lost my present.
29:51I know.
29:53I'm sorry.
29:54It was a bad turn, man.
29:57She can't have her fun without the box.
30:00The Slayer.
30:02She came out of nowhere. I didn't even see her.
30:15Make a wish.
30:20I'm going to blow out the candles.
30:23You might give him a chance to find your lost treasure.
30:27He is a wanker, but he's the only one we've got with half a brain.
30:31If he fails, you can eat his eyes out of the sockets for all I care.
30:36I'll get it.
30:41I swear.
30:57Hurry back, then.
30:58Hurry back, then.
31:43I should go the rest of the way alone.
31:50I'll be back.
31:52I will.
31:55Six months, a year.
31:58You don't know how long it's going to take or if we'll even...
32:05If we'll even what?
32:10Well, if you haven't noticed, someone pretty much always wants us dead.
32:14Don't say that.
32:16We'll be fine.
32:19We don't know that.
32:22We can't know, Buffy.
32:24Nobody can.
32:25That's just the deal.
32:34I have something for you.
32:37For your birthday.
32:39I was going to give it to you earlier, but...
32:46It's beautiful.
32:49My people, before I was changed, they exchanged this as a sign of devotion.
32:57It's a clod of ring.
33:01Hands represent friendship.
33:04The crown represents loyalty.
33:08And the heart...
33:11Well, you know.
33:12Wear it with the heart pointing towards you.
33:16It means you belong to somebody.
33:23Like this.
33:42Put it on.
33:59I don't want to do this.
34:01Me either.
34:04So don't go.
35:05Angel, the box!
35:43They should be back by now.
35:45Maybe Buffy needed a few minutes to pull herself together.
35:49Poor Buffy, on her birthday and everything.
35:53It's sad, granted.
35:55But let's look at the upside for a moment.
35:57I mean, what kind of a future would she have really had with him?
36:00She's got two jobs.
36:01Denny's waitress by day, Slayer by night.
36:04And Angel's always in front of the TV with a big blood belly.
36:07And he's dreaming of the glory days
36:09when Buffy still thought this whole creature-of-the-night routine was a big turn-on.
36:13You've thought way too much about this.
36:16No, no, that's just the beginning.
36:18Ever told you the part where I fly into town in my private jet
36:21and take Buffy out for prime rib?
36:24And she cries.
36:27What happened?
36:29Drew's guys ambushed us.
36:31They got the box.
36:33Where's Jenny?
36:34Uh, she took Angel to get clothing.
36:36I... I had some here.
36:37And we needed clothes because...
36:40We got wet.
36:43Charles, what do we know?
36:44The more I study the judge, the less I like him.
36:48His touch can literally burn the humanity out of you.
36:53A true creature of evil can survive the process no human ever has.
36:57What's the problem?
36:58We send Cordy to fight this guy and we go for pizza.
37:02Can this guy be stopped?
37:04And without an army?
37:07No weapon forged can kill him.
37:10Not very encouraging.
37:11If we could only stop them from assembling him.
37:14We need to find his weak spots
37:15and we need to figure out where they'd be keeping him.
37:17This could take time.
37:18Better do a round-robin.
37:20Xander, you go first.
37:22Good call.
37:24It's when everybody calls everybody else's mom
37:27and tells them they're staying at everyone's house.
37:29That's freeing us up for world-savage.
37:32And all my keggers.
37:35What, only Xander gets to make dumb jokes?
37:38Mom, hi.
37:42Yeah, Willow and I are gonna be studying all night long
37:45so I'm not gonna be coming home.
37:52I think I read this already.
37:55I can't get over how cool Oz was about all this.
37:59Gee, I'm over it.
38:00You're just jealous
38:01because you didn't have a date for the party.
38:05No, I sure didn't.
38:09Angel, any luck?
38:22Seems Buffy needed some rest.
38:24Yeah, she hasn't been sleeping well, tossing and turning.
38:27She told me, because of her dreams.
38:57Oh, God.
39:28Now, now.
39:32Hands off my presents.
39:38Buffy, it's okay.
39:40I'm here, I'm right here.
39:49More music.
39:57More music.
40:18Look what I have for you, Doc.
40:21The best to save for last.
40:52He's perfect, my darling.
41:00Just what I wanted.
41:23Ho, ho, ho.
41:26What's that, mate?
41:28You two stink of humanity.
41:32You share affection and jealousy.
41:37What of it?
41:41Do I have to remind you that we're the ones who brought you here?
41:44Would you like a party favor?
41:51This one is full of feeling.
41:53He reads.
41:55Bring him to me.
41:57What's with the bringing?
41:58I thought you could just zap if he...
42:01My full strength will return in time.
42:04Until then, I need contact.
42:09No, no.
42:33Do it again.
42:34Do it again.
42:42Buffy, what's happening?
42:44She had another dream.
42:46I think I know where Spike and Drusilla are.
42:48That's very good.
42:49However, you do need a plan.
42:51I know you're concerned, Buffy, but you can't just go off half-cocked.
42:54I have a plan.
42:55Angel and I go to the factory and do recon.
42:57Figure out how far they've gotten assembling the Judge.
43:00You guys check any places the boxes could be coming into town.
43:03Shipping yards, airports, anything.
43:05We need to stop them from getting all the boxes in one place.
43:09Actually, that's quite a good plan.
43:11This thing is nasty, and it's real, Giles.
43:14We can't wait for it to come get us.
43:38Let's go.
43:54I saw this.
43:55The party.
44:11What is it?
44:20We've got to get out of here.
44:25Well, well, look what we have here.
44:32I'm sure our invitation just got lost in the mail.
44:35It's delicious.
44:37I only dreamed you'd come.
44:40Leave her alone.
44:42Yeah, that'll work.
44:44Now say pretty, please.
44:47The girl.
44:49Chilling, isn't it? She's so full of good intention.
44:53Take me.
44:55Take me, said I heard.
44:56You're not clear on the concept, pal.
44:59There is no instead.
45:01Just first and second.
45:02And if you go first, you don't get to watch the Slayer die.
45:21Don't touch him!
45:33This way.
46:02Come on, we need to get inside.
46:33You're shaking like a leaf.
46:50Let me get you something.
47:00Put these on.
47:03Get under the covers, just to warm up.
47:28Oh, it's okay, I just have a cut or something.
47:33Can I...
47:37Let me see.
47:58It's already closed.
48:01You're fine.
48:19You almost went away today.
48:22I know.
48:24You almost went away today.
48:28We're both dead.
48:36I feel like I lost you.
48:47You're right, though.
48:50I can't be sure of it.
49:15You what?
49:20I love you.
49:23I try not to, but I can't stop.
49:27Me too.
49:30I can't either.
49:50Maybe we should...
49:55Just kiss me.
51:19Grr. Arrgh.
