• last year
Killer Babes (2024)

Three girlfriends, neglected and mistreated by their husbands, plan to take revenge on them with the help of an experienced man in this type of job.
00:00:00imperfections on her face.
00:00:11She turns back and sees a painting of her in her youth making it clear that she has aged and that this is the reason
00:00:16she is not getting the leading role she desires.
00:00:20She walks to answer her cell phone.
00:00:22Hello? Is your husband there?
00:00:28No, not since he left me. Another thing I have checked off my list.
00:00:33Marisela, come here ASAP. To Polanco. Lucia found out her husband's going to mess around.
00:00:38Cut to the outside of a nightclub and the three are inside the van watching with binoculars.
00:00:42I've got 25 out of 37 points so far.
00:00:46I've got 33 out of 37. This is bullshit.
00:00:50I got 42.
00:00:53Did he say he would be here? Marisela shakes her head.
00:00:57He never tells me anything. I mean Pablo had told me that he had dinner with his own personal priest. Unbelievable.
00:01:04I see Luca. Luca walking with a very attractive girl taking him by the arm while La Nina watches him in disappointment.
00:01:11Fucking asshole. Is that not Ferdi's car over there?
00:01:15Oh no. Isn't that the actress that they want to cast as the lead role of Bastard's Inheritance?
00:01:23I will never forgive you for this one. No no no no no no.
00:01:28I won't forgive him for this.
00:01:31Listen, you must act much smarter than this asshole if you want to get back at him.
00:01:35The way you are going to do that is by being classy.
00:01:40I know exactly what to do.
00:01:42Just relax.
00:01:44Did you see her damn boobs?
00:01:46Well, at least he told the truth about one thing the priest is here Federico with a priest and the girl enters the nightclub
00:01:52Cut to the next day and the three friends are sitting in a room
00:01:55I don't understand why we're here suddenly an attractive young man opens a door and looks at them
00:02:01Lolo Lucia stands up and approaches the young man
00:02:06You look gorgeous sweetheart, thank you. Thank you my love
00:02:12Lola, let me introduce you to my friends Marisela and Nina
00:02:19Let's get started. Please come inside making some mannered gestures
00:02:22She causes Marisela to approach him turning around coming up behind my Nina who just walks by and finally Lucia
00:02:29Who opens her arms receiving a kind of bow from the boy?
00:02:33Cut to a close shot of a Buddhist altar another one of Santeria and then some courts that the boy drops on a table
00:02:39We see the three of them sitting at it. So tell me
00:02:42What seems to be the problem now, sweetheart? My love, you know the usual things
00:02:49Husbands the boy makes a few turns with a tarot deck on the table and pulls out a card the death card
00:02:55Lucia makes a worried face the boy pulls out another card the tower
00:03:01It's the three cups one two and three
00:03:06You have to unite to tear down the well-established
00:03:11You have to get rid of
00:03:13Everything you have brought into the world if you want to make the world a better place
00:03:19sacrifice yours
00:03:21Whatever all of you are planning
00:03:23Do it
00:03:25You won't get a more perfect time La Nina and Marisela look at each other in confusion. Are you sure?
00:03:30That's the only way you'll achieve nirvana my sweethearts, and I want you to know
00:03:37That whatever it is. You are all planning to do
00:03:40Will heal you and all of you will be granted with the life
00:03:44You wanted one shot shows the three of them reacting with joy to what the boy has just told them
00:03:51Sorry, just give me a minute. Thank you. Thank you so much
00:03:57Isn't it clear?
00:03:59We're going to have to do the Mara Loli. Yes, but we have to make sure that we are very careful
00:04:04Hmm, we shouldn't be involved. I think we should hire somebody to do it. Of course
00:04:11Tony he's my driver and he can help us with our problem. He'll do it. No, he's from the north and
00:04:19Because he's from the north. He'll probably know somebody that will do it
00:04:23Maybe he has a cousin an uncle even a brother-in-law. That's a professional hitman. You're so brilliant
00:04:29Come let's go. We see the three of them get up from the table and leave as the boy sends them kisses with his hand
00:04:37Love I
00:04:39Have something very important to tell you listen, darling. I've seen the cards and they're very clear to me
00:04:45They're very very clear. You'll have to get rid of
00:04:49everything that you own
00:04:51So that you can have the life you always wanted and deserved my advice is
00:04:56that whatever you're planning to do just
00:04:59Do it
00:05:01Now is the perfect time you've seen to Lucia drinking water from a bottle inside her van
00:05:06Her driver looks at her in the rearview mirror and says do you need anything ma'am?
00:05:10Tony your family is big, isn't it?
00:05:14Yeah, and part of your family they
00:05:18Must be more northern than usual. I don't get it. Yeah
00:05:27I'm talking real northern Tony with those arms real dangerous somewhat confused not some of them great
00:05:35Now see I respect their choice to when to carry arms and marry their cousins and all of that stuff
00:05:39I really don't judge them at all
00:05:42Trust me. I know those places well, and they're really magical and the people are always really nice
00:05:49Tony I
00:05:51Need a hitman. Okay, Tony in panic. Yeah, I'll make sure to pay him really well
00:05:56But this has to be absolutely top secret. Hmm
00:05:59It's for a friend Tony looks at her very confused in the rearview mirror while she avoids eye contact
00:06:05I think I might know someone she says perfect looks very happy, but don't disclose my name. Okay, Tony signals her
00:06:17Cut to a panoramic view of the city from day to night
00:06:21Not transition to the next day and Tony at the bus station central in the north. How do we identify him?
00:06:26I don't know Lucia with La Nina in the van Lucia shouts in English for fuck's sake as Marisela suddenly arrives
00:06:33What's wrong up? Would you what did I miss? Oh, I think nothing at all. Not here. Yeah, I think
00:06:41Hey, that's Julie cut to a man dressed in black with dark glasses and a cowboy hat
00:06:47First class drug lord. He's handsome. Hey cousin over here
00:06:55The three seem to be dazzled by Chewie as he crosses the street Chewie is hit by a van
00:07:03Let's go
00:07:07Tony hurriedly gets into the van and they drive away
00:07:11Close shot of Tony crying
00:07:22They're a big family don't worry
00:07:25There are many of them. La Nina continues taking clonazepam drops and says, all right. I
00:07:32Think it's time that we contact the real professionals for this
00:07:36The three of them look at each other cut to them arriving to Marilouise house
00:07:41Get out I
00:07:43Told you I don't want you lurking around here. Didn't I and I told you I won't leave this house fucking posh ladies
00:07:51We know that you did it Marilouise and Philippa. Look at them surprised
00:07:56Cut to Marilouise stirring a cup of tea the three friends sitting next to her. Okay
00:08:01Let's cut the crap
00:08:04We really need your help
00:08:07We know what you did to your own husband I
00:08:11Have no idea what you're talking about
00:08:13You should know by now that I know people who know people that you know and they saw you in a place
00:08:18We both know well and trust me my sweetheart
00:08:22I have absolutely zero interest in your private life and the reasons why you did what you did
00:08:27We're just asking you for the how okay?
00:08:31It's very simple
00:08:33Either you help us or we will tell everybody you are 65 years old
00:08:39How dare you do such a thing? That's just a lie
00:08:43You have age spots on your head
00:08:45Marilouise grimaces offended and with sadness and tells them listen, I feel I should just tell you that I
00:08:53Haven't done
00:08:55Absolutely. No, she tears off a sheet of paper on which she wrote something down and gives it to Lucia
00:09:00It reads Manuel Alejandro Street 3 number 182 Colonia Morelos
00:09:04Cut to a neon sign that says La Sirenita karaoke bar open shot of the semi-empty place and a man singing on stage alone
00:09:12He looks drunk and very hurt
00:09:16The three women arrive on the scene and look confused La Nina tells them to go inside and asks them to follow her
00:09:23We see them sitting in front of the man who is singing
00:09:44He himself looks very inspired singing lo que no fue no Sarah by Jose Jose the three friends smile and applaud
00:09:52He looks puzzled and leaves the stage
00:09:56The three of them look disappointed as he has ignored them
00:10:03Listen I
00:10:05Don't know. What do we do now? Shall we just ask? Of course not first. Let's order something
00:10:10Hey, remember when we used to go partying we'd go out to the club, right? It was so fun
00:10:17No, I don't. I remember very little from the 90s dear a waiter comes to the bar and says
00:10:23a waiter comes to them
00:10:25What can I bring you ladies?
00:10:28Hey, look at that. I love this place. You know, it's such an amazing experience. I love it
00:10:33Excuse me
00:10:35We're looking for someone. Can you help Maricela shows him the paper? Mariloli gave do you know him?
00:10:41Yeah, yes I do actually
00:10:44But if you want any information, you'll have to buy a bottle got it. Sure. Okay a bottle of moe cheese lady
00:10:50I don't know if we have that. Okay, you can just bring the tequila tequila. Thank you. Okay
00:10:56Lonnie is smoking a cigarette tells them
00:10:59Every man in here. They look like thugs. Don't they? Yeah, but
00:11:05Over here. It's guaranteed Maricela takes the cigarette from money
00:11:12There you go
00:11:14Hey, sorry, but this isn't tequila. Yeah, it is
00:11:18It is yeah
00:11:20It doesn't have a label smell it then he brings them what looks like an adulterated bottle
00:11:24But La Nina pours herself a shot and tastes like this is ethyl alcohol admit it
00:11:29Right, but it's good. Tell Manuel Alejandro. We're here. We're waiting for him. Geez. I don't know
00:11:34He says that he's sick of working with bleached blonde white hexagons. Lucia looks at him extremely offended bleached blonde
00:11:41You're just
00:11:44That's called racism. You understand
00:11:47Hey, don't you want to sing? No, what for to get discriminated? Hey, take it easy
00:11:52Look, Maricela gets up from the table an admirer
00:11:57Yes, a couple of men toast with them from a distance girls. It's our song
00:12:15We see the three of them singing together on stage
00:12:23Man walking towards them bumps into another man by accident and they get into a fistfight
00:12:27The guy who was singing at the beginning appears and knocks out another guy who is going towards the girls
00:12:34They throw a bottle at him, but he destroys it with his hand
00:12:37The girls look scared while the guy knocks up the guy who started the fight everybody back off
00:12:43He covers the girls and takes them to another table, thank you. What is your mom's name?
00:12:49Kuka Maricela sending a video to a friend
00:12:51How are you? I'm Maricela de la Pina and I'm here with your son
00:12:57Don't scold him because he got out of rehab. He's been out for a while, right?
00:13:01Yeah, but he loves you and I love you to Maricela de la Pina is full of love
00:13:08That's it hey, can you put a filter on it? Yeah sure. Excuse me, please. Thanks old lady. She cremated with courage
00:13:15He called me an old lady your beer and I got some peanuts for you guys. Thanks
00:13:20Well, the man who defended them is Manuel only tell you anything about me. Yeah, I guess you're all here for the same thing
00:13:27Yeah, perfect
00:13:29Let's get things straight because this is serious. I need to know everything about your husband's
00:13:33I need to know what their deal is because I'm not going to get my hands dirty for no reason
00:13:38I need to know where they hang out and who they hang out with and all that stuff
00:13:41I need to know everything about them. Okay, it's just like they say to know their weaknesses
00:13:46It's similar to knowing about their Achilles heel. Okay, perfect. Easy peasy, right?
00:13:51When are you going to start? No, hold on. This is business
00:13:56First we must discuss the money the moolah the cash. Okay, but you know what today's your lucky day
00:14:04Because today is Black Friday. I'll do a three for two
00:14:09I'm sorry. Can I borrow your pen real quick?
00:14:11I just want to write down the total and well Alejandro writes something down on a napkin and gives it to London areas
00:14:18Is this for each one? No for all three?
00:14:23We'll give half in advance and then after the deed is done. We'll give you the rest of the money if that's fine
00:14:30Sounds fair. Can I ask you something if you don't mind? What are you gonna spend the money on?
00:14:36I've always
00:14:38Dreamed of singing you mean make a record? No, no, no. So I want a karaoke bar like this
00:14:43How nice I love that, you know such a cutie
00:14:47Deal, it's a deal. Perfect. And please don't forget your husband's details so I can get to work if we agree
00:14:54Let's make a toast. He lifts his glass to toast with yours
00:14:58Cheers Cheers. Hmm there. Yeah
00:15:02Am I in line cut to a seat assisted by some girls connecting via zoom with the others
00:15:11Sitting next to me is a Nassau and Maher. Hello. These girls are Tita's daughters
00:15:17Remember Tita from Monterey. Can you believe how big they've gotten? Hello. It's been a long time
00:15:24Well, we all know Manuel Alejandro asked us to find out more
00:15:30These girls helped me hack into the accounts of Luca Federico and Pablo
00:15:36My dear friends the things we found the both of you are not going to believe what we found
00:15:43It's horrific. Really? It's terrible
00:15:47So awkward. Well, what did you find out then? Pablo is a no-good thief. He's been stealing from the foundation
00:15:54He's stealing from the poor and he's laundering it for his businesses
00:15:59Are you going to do something? No
00:16:02We'll do something Luca and Federico aren't far behind tell them it's Federico
00:16:11Unfortunately, he's given the leading role to that woman
00:16:13We saw him with the other day and to make it worse
00:16:15He didn't even consider giving you the role for the villain in the soap opera. He's been bad-mouthing you to everyone. That's true
00:16:22He has been speaking to us weekly. He's a son of a bitch. No Nana. Just hold on
00:16:27There is more your Luca has consulted a lawyer that Federico recommended to him and he is already preparing to take your spandex Empire
00:16:35Forged your signature. Nina looks furious
00:16:38Mari Sela says I want to see that bastard dead. I'm going to kill my bastard husband first
00:16:45No, the first man to die will be Pablo Lucia smiles and the girls are shocked what the fuck
00:16:51Cut to the outside of a cafeteria where we see Lucia and Lani now, I still don't understand why we had to meet at this place
00:16:58It's called being discreet
00:17:00No one that we know would ever be caught dead in a place like this. I understand that but they serve sausages
00:17:06Hello, I'm vegan. Why don't you just put it on the side then?
00:17:10Hey girl, Mari Sela arrives grimacing at the place
00:17:15She walks with fear and sits down next to her friends
00:17:18In a close shot we see her take off her dark glasses. So do you know
00:17:24Unfortunately, I do
00:17:28And you too, yes, I do. Yeah, I do Manuel Alejandro arrives and knocks on the window of the morning
00:17:34Come inside. He wags his finger disapprovingly and beckons La Nina to come out. She nods fearfully
00:17:41The shot changes and we see them both in a public parking lot why out here
00:17:46Calling you one by one draws less attention. So what is it?
00:17:50Well, you'll have to forge a prescription for these meds. I
00:17:55Can't be seen buying this medication if administered poorly. It's fatal to the heart
00:18:01I've been told that if Luca takes this mixed in with his protein shake for long enough, it's sure to do the trick
00:18:06The only thing you have to do is change his vitamins for this medication
00:18:13He goes to the gym every morning from 6 to 1130
00:18:16Here's the address the details and the payment
00:18:19She hands him a yellow envelope
00:18:22No, no, no stop. Don't count it. I mean a looks at him worriedly and he smiles at her lifting his dark glasses
00:18:29He looks at her and says
00:18:31Don't count it. I mean a looks at him worriedly and he smiles at her lifting his dark glasses
00:18:36We have a deal. She walks away while Manuel continues smiling
00:18:43Cut to a car arriving next to Manuel who is standing in front of a very luxurious property
00:18:53From the car there gets out a guy with a very extravagant look. Hey, what's up?
00:18:58Are you being serious because huh? I told you to wear something more discreet
00:19:04Come on, you know, I hated when you're like this Manolo. I mean you can be very judgmental
00:19:10You know, you don't understand that what matters is up here and in here and easy man
00:19:15That's in your fucking pocket. You'll ruin my outfit. I don't care Wow. Did you get that? Oh, how can you even ask me that?
00:19:23Yeah, I got there come on yes, they were in a little bag, but it's or how can you carry them like that?
00:19:28It's just a bit of lint. I swear the pills are okay. Okay, you have them
00:19:32They empty a handful of pills in a bottle of testosterone. Are you sure it's the right medication?
00:19:37El Pico's looks at him with obviousness and a little offended either get out of here
00:19:42Someone might just call the police because you look like you're homeless. Oh, come on
00:19:46It's not like you're wearing Calvin Klein go on. I have a job to do unlike you you barely have a job
00:19:52Manuel looks towards the property and puts on transparent glasses, which he will apparently use as a disguise
00:20:00Good day officer. Good morning. Can you help me? I'm here for a job interview
00:20:05Then you just need to register. Of course, he writes down his data in the logbook
00:20:10Cut to the interior of what appears to be a very luxurious gym and Manuel walking through it
00:20:15He passes by what appears to be a spa and then runs into two valets in the parking lot
00:20:27He takes out his cell phone and activates an application on it on the gadget screen it reads seismic alert
00:20:36We can see that the security elements begin to evacuate the people
00:20:45Manuel takes advantage of the distraction to get to the drawer where car keys are kept and takes Lucas
00:20:54There is a cut to the interior of the vehicle and we see Manuel getting in
00:20:58He takes out of his backpack the bottle with the pills. He just filled and exchanges it for the one in Lucas backpack
00:21:04Cut to the three friends in the cafeteria. I talked with one of Pablo's associates, you know
00:21:10He's always had a thing for me and he gave me all of the information about all of the dirty business
00:21:15He's doing can you believe that and after that I called the foundation's systems engineer
00:21:21Mm-hmm, and I told him it was urgent. So then he gave me all of the information
00:21:26He's doing can you believe that and after that I called the foundation's systems engineer
00:21:31It was urgent. So then he gave me all of the information from the computer
00:21:36From the phone the messages and everything. No, no autographs. Oh girl. It's Manuel
00:21:42Oh, yeah, my mom knocks on the glass and now ask Lucia to come out
00:21:49Yeah, good luck. I got this. I need you to filter all of these documents. Okay, and
00:21:55That is going to send him straight to jail Lucia hands him a folder with papers. Do you know anyone in jail?
00:22:01in every penitentiary
00:22:03But for the crime, we're going to blame Pablo and for his current address. I think he would be assigned to the northern penitentiary. Oh
00:22:13Big mama is there too. We see a trio of inmates with a menacing look and who look like gang members. Yeah
00:22:22You're a crazy bitch Lucia too big
00:22:26Big mama, they both bump fists. I love it. Cut to Luca working out on an elliptical machine
00:22:34He stops and looks exhausted
00:22:40He picks up his protein bottle and begins to drink from it, but he looks dizzy and very agitated
00:22:47He seems to be getting worse so he sits down and wipes his sweat with a towel
00:22:59Brings a hand to his head and notices that his hair is falling out in clumps with panic on his face
00:23:03He touches his hair again and begins to look very stressed
00:23:13Cut to an internet cafe full of video games computers and we see Picos playing in one of them Manuel Alejandro arrives at the place
00:23:26Hey, man, how's it going Manuel?
00:23:30Are you serious Picos?
00:23:32Are these your headquarters now? Hell? Yeah
00:23:35Nobody would suspect anything. I can even hire kids without an issue
00:23:40Are you sure nobody will connect this to the foundation? Oh, relax
00:23:45Okay, then fine Manuel hands him the folder with the documents that Lucia gave him while a boy looks at them intrigued
00:23:51What are you looking at? Well makes a shush gesture with his hands to the boy
00:23:55He's one of my researchers Manuel. Don't bully him. Hmm. We're all friends here. Am I right?
00:24:01It's $2 an hour to use. I'm not feeling too well. Hello
00:24:08Luca arriving at a restaurant with La Nina. He looks sick. Hey, are you okay? Yeah. Okay good
00:24:18Yeah, tell me something
00:24:19Is it hot in there is it just my nerves or something it's your nerves La Nina gets a message that reads the
00:24:26Fantastic. We are at the bar. I'll be right back. Yeah, sure
00:24:30She gets up leaving Lucas sweating and sick at the table
00:24:35What is it girls, you know Manuel Alejandro told me my deed is done. Oh, so it's your turn Maricela
00:24:41But I really want to look him in the eye when it's done Lucia looks at her puzzled
00:24:45I want to see for myself how the light in his eyes
00:24:50Starts disappearing in front of me. Okay, my love
00:24:56Whatever you want besides my deed will have to wait
00:25:00Because we can't possibly do it at the same time
00:25:03They're gonna suspect us, right? Right La Nina nods worriedly. Let's go
00:25:07The event is about to start and I don't want to be seen. Absolutely, right? Let's go. Come on. Come on
00:25:12We see her come back at the table with Luca
00:25:16Come here, baby. She touches the back of his neck and finds he has black paint on his head. Hello everybody
00:25:22I'd like to thank you all for coming to witness this award
00:25:26Given by the Argentinian community in Mexico to an exemplary man
00:25:32Let's give a round of applause and please don't be shy. Let me hear you to Luca Romanetti
00:25:38Luca remains seated waving to the crowd
00:25:40For his work to dignify their
00:25:48His stomach rumbles and he looks scared as
00:25:51I was saying for his work to dignify their bearing and elegance. We want to grant he seems to be very nauseous
00:26:02Like I said for his work to dignify their bearing looks increasingly worse
00:26:09Want to grant this award to
00:26:11Saúl Lee Suzzle
00:26:13So can wait wait. I I'm very sorry about this. Oh, wait
00:26:18He stands up and you see him defecate
00:26:34Luca remains lying on the floor with his pants stained with experiment take him to the bathroom
00:26:39Cut to La Nina's van parking while she leans out of the window gagging
00:26:48Help him Arturo
00:26:51Arturo her driver gets out of the van to carry Luca La Nina is still nauseous
00:26:58Nana have you got the award? Yeah, it's here. Okay, don't let it get stained
00:27:02Luca with dirty pants is carried by Arturo cut to Manuel singing at the karaoke bar
00:27:12La Nina rushes into the place
00:27:17Scientific hold on. Hold on. What did you give my husband? Hold on easy this way. Come with me. Okay?
00:27:24Easy lady. Take it easy. What did you give Luca?
00:27:28Well, you know, I did exactly what you told me to do. So you're lying to me. I'm doing that
00:27:34His heart was supposed to explode Manuel not his asshole idiot
00:27:38He's been having diarrhea for two days straight Manuel now because of you look has gone viral
00:27:44And now they've started calling him Lord poopy
00:27:47Lord poopy stop laughing you idiot. All right, then listen, just let me know if you're not satisfied with my service
00:27:54I have a return policy so I can give you all of your money back if that's really what you want. She looks very sad
00:28:03No, you can keep the money
00:28:08You feel some relief don't you?
00:28:13Well, yeah, I do a little bit
00:28:18So, how do you know well
00:28:21We've all had the desire to want to kill someone but that's not really what we want to do, you know
00:28:26well, not everyone because I don't feel a thing and actually since um
00:28:35Yeah, I actually mean it look I I fell from a tree and I smashed my head here look at this feel feel
00:28:42Yeah, don't you feel it over there? Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's a big bump and I needed surgery back then but guess what?
00:28:49Instead of that. I had surgery for an inguinal hernia. That's fucking wrong
00:28:54La Nina smiles and seems to be flirting with Manuel
00:28:57They both look straight into each other's eyes and there seems to be a connection between them change of scene
00:29:01It is nighttime and we see La Nina arriving at her house
00:29:05She gets in walks down the hallway of the house and we see the floor of the room stained with a brown liquid
00:29:14She has a disgusted expression on her face. Oh
00:29:18Luca you didn't make it again. There is an entire pathway stained with liquid excrement on the floor gross
00:29:28Suddenly she freezes as she sees Luca hanging by his neck in the room
00:29:43La Nina sits crying on the floor as she watches her husband hanging
00:29:59Cut to Lucas portrait on his coffin at the funeral
00:30:03Thanks for coming. La Nina is giving a brief speech everyone. I'd like to read a part of the letter Luca left behind
00:30:11He wrote it before the tragic event next to her Marisela and Lucia I
00:30:17Can't stand it
00:30:20This pain in my butt is killing me slowly as well as being called Lord poopy I
00:30:25Hope with my death that everyone realizes that cyberbullying is not funny. It's bullshit
00:30:31Think twice before you do it
00:30:35There's only three things I find solace in
00:30:38First I hope my death teaches other people who make fun of others on the Internet a lesson
00:30:45Secondly, I hope I'll go to heaven where I can meet my mother and
00:30:50Finally, I hope I get to meet Diago in the afterlife
00:30:54Go on
00:30:58Her face expresses disbelief, thank you with that expression on her face. She walks towards her friends
00:31:07Oh my god, are you okay? Do you want some water? No. Oh my friend
00:31:17Girls have you seen who just walked in it is Mariloli arriving at the funeral with a man is that what's going on?
00:31:25Rafael Madrigal, he's the city's chief justice. He's coordinated some events for me at the foundation
00:31:33He's a cop he's the cop but then what's she doing with him, I don't know
00:31:39I'd heard she was dating someone new but I didn't know that it was him. Oh
00:31:43No, no, no, here he comes. You have to cancel everything. Oh
00:31:49This is awful
00:31:52My condolences are with you. I'm sorry. Thank you. I'm so sorry. This is just back
00:31:59Yeah, Madrigal
00:32:01Mariloli says my love
00:32:04Would you mind getting me a glass of water anything for you princess?
00:32:08Madrigal gives her a kiss and looks suspiciously at her friends. Wow
00:32:13So it's true Wow
00:32:16What do you want me to say one thing led to another and before I knew it? Oh, I couldn't help myself
00:32:23a girl has to protect herself, you know, hey
00:32:27Are you going to get rid of him just like the last one if you dare make another comment like that again
00:32:34You're going to have the entire police department at your house tomorrow morning. Do you understand? I
00:32:40Know I don't have to tell you what you have to do
00:32:43But honestly ladies get it together
00:32:47Look look the four of them turn around and see Manuel singing
00:32:51La Nina surprised walks towards him
00:32:57What are you doing here
00:32:59What's wrong with you? Where have I seen him before? Don't look at him. They turn to look at Madrigal Manuel looks surprised
00:33:06Excuse me. The three friends leave the place with Manuel
00:33:15Maricela says how dare you show up after what you did to me. I didn't do anything
00:33:20How dare you show up after what you did me?
00:33:23You did it cancel my deal all of it everything. I don't want this to happen to me. Well, it's too late for that darling
00:33:31It seems something has come up. My contacts have told me they found evidence of embezzlement and not just in your foundation
00:33:38But also in your own personal bank accounts and your parents. What do you think of that? Three of them look shocked what?
00:33:46Your husband is really something, huh
00:33:49And that's not all
00:33:51He's also been doing it to his associates
00:33:55Come here
00:33:56Should I leak all of the information or just the info you gave me?
00:34:01Lucia is incredulous. I
00:34:05Don't care about him messing with the poor's money
00:34:08but my money
00:34:11That's the product of my hard work and another shot shows a very carefree Pablo leering at a girl with Federico
00:34:19Did you see that?
00:34:21Do it
00:34:23Leak everything perfect
00:34:27It's a deal. Oh
00:34:29my god, oh and
00:34:32Did you like the Ave Maria?
00:34:34The thing is the musicians wanted to play in B-flat, but I told him not to I told him that my tone was D major
00:34:40It was good, right? They look at him annoyed and Manuel remains silent. He nods and leaves the scene
00:34:48Hey, listen to you, okay
00:34:50the three friends hug blacks cut to black the screen reads a
00:34:55week later
00:34:57Change of scene to La Nina contentedly meditating in her garden. Oh, hi girls
00:35:03Sweetheart, yeah. Oh, you look just gorgeous. You know, baby. Oh, how are you? Huh?
00:35:09How are you? Oh me? Well, I feel amazing fabulous. What else can I say? Huh? I feel like a teen
00:35:16No, seriously, how are you? I mean it. I'm so glad you guys came. Can I offer you Mary?
00:35:23What do you want to drink? The only thing you have here is alcohol. Look, I don't drink anymore
00:35:30What why yeah, right?
00:35:35What do you mean I've been sober for a whole week and I feel
00:35:40Feels like I'm an entirely new person and it really shows you look great Mary. I'll be drinking today
00:35:45Thank you, dear. You're so kind. Thank you so much. Oh, and this is Mary's son. He's such a sweetheart
00:35:51He's honestly so well-mannered. He's the best. What would we do without him and in just a couple of years? Oh
00:35:59You're naughty. So tell us how long is this new you gonna last or is it just until the new prescription comes? No, no
00:36:06No, I mean it this time. It's hard to explain but it's like I've got a newfound energy and to be honest with you girls
00:36:12Oh, it's better than Botox
00:36:16I've got a friend who uses her brain
00:36:18That's strange. I know that's exactly what I said
00:36:22What's wrong?
00:36:23Pablo said he just received a death threat. They called the foundation and then they also called his home
00:36:30He told me that those important documents had somehow got into the wrong hands
00:36:34Listen to me
00:36:36Trust me if he gets kidnapped
00:36:39They'll be doing you a favor. No, not like that. No Lucia calls on the phone
00:36:45Manuel Alejandro, did you see it? You have to follow Pablo. I'm sure that he's gonna flee the country
00:36:52No, no. No, I had no idea that he was involved with those people
00:36:56I swear cut to Lucia arriving in her van at her home as she continues talking on the phone
00:37:03Where are you? Where are you? Where are you? Where are you?
00:37:08Cut and we see her inside her home coming down the stairs
00:37:12She is shocked to see Pablo on the couch shot in the chest
00:37:24She is scared by a man dressed in black coming out of her kitchen while eating an apple
00:37:29She is petrified but the man ignores her and leaves the property
00:37:33Lucia stands still with panic on her face watching Pablo on the couch
00:37:49Cut to Manuel in his car outside the house
00:37:51He watches the hitmen leave the place the hitmen walks and Manuel puts on his dark glasses trying not to be seen
00:38:02Cut to Lucia in a hospital ward with Manuel. Hey girl, my darling Marisela and La Nina arrived and
00:38:09No, he's in a coma
00:38:12Just like Sarati. Yeah, and they said he's not waking up
00:38:17It's all your fault
00:38:19What do you mean? I did my part. All I know is that he's gonna have a slow and painful death
00:38:24It's just like Sarati. I know you don't feel good. But isn't this what you want?
00:38:32It's done now
00:38:34That's two out of three
00:38:36So it's just you know, right Manuel winks at Marisela who looks fearful
00:38:40He leaves the place leaving the three friends in the hospital ward. Oh
00:38:45Girls, what a horrible feeling this is it's worse than when I saw the Notre Dame burn down
00:38:51There's just this knot in my stomach. It'll go away soon. You'll see there is a cut and Manuel bumps into Madrigal in the elevator
00:38:59You drop this. Thank you Madrigal looks with suspicion at Manuel who looks surprised with his glasses on
00:39:08After Madrigal turns to look at the three friends. This has just gone way too far
00:39:13What are we gonna do if we get caught for now? I think you should postpone yours. So it isn't obvious
00:39:18I don't know. No, I'm going to have to organize charity dinners for people in a coma
00:39:24Girls, I'd better get going
00:39:26All this makes me very nervous. Oh girl
00:39:30Marisela put on her dark glasses and stands up while Madrigal watches the scene
00:39:36Hopefully he dies soon
00:39:39Cut to the room where Pablo is in a coma
00:39:42Lucia is next to him and tells him you were laundering the foundation's money
00:39:47my money my family's money
00:39:51Fucking abuse without a warning Madrigal enters the room Lucia pretends to be praying now and at the hour of our death. Amen
00:39:59Mrs. Yazbek, Madrigal. I'm so happy that you came to visit Pablo
00:40:04Actually, I'm not here to visit him ma'am
00:40:06I'm the officer who's in charge of the investigation into the incidents that happened here, and I'm sorry about your husband, ma'am
00:40:13I hope that you're able to catch those men, you know tough times have driven the people in this country into violence. Yes
00:40:18You've actually already caught one
00:40:21Huh? Who is it?
00:40:23your husband
00:40:28Your husband is in
00:40:31Very serious trouble. I mean, I'm not talking about his current situation
00:40:37He's been accused of money laundering and a series of other very shady crimes
00:40:43So if you'll excuse us, we're gonna have to arrest him as he represents a flight risk. Oh, seriously. Come on
00:40:49He can't all right guys. I need you to come in here and put handcuffs on this man
00:40:53Yes, sir, two policemen enter the room. Excuse me. Okay, Draco get cuz hospital suite is nice
00:41:00It's very elegant. Lucia looks at Madrigal angrily lift him up
00:41:04We're done. Thank you
00:41:07Excuse us the policemen leave the room. I
00:41:13Would recommend that you find a cheaper hospital because
00:41:17Both the foundations and your personal bank accounts will be frozen until the investigation is over
00:41:23You can't do that to us. Actually, I already did ma'am
00:41:28And take care of yourself, okay
00:41:31You see ma'am many associates that your husband scammed a furious about it. We don't want anything to happen
00:41:39You're just taking advantage of us you're a resented man, aren't you waving? Goodbye Madrigal leaves the room
00:41:47Fuck you Pablo. She stares angrily at her comatose husband
00:41:52Cut to Manuel with the Picos spying on Madrigal eating at a taco stand
00:41:58Look man, it seems like those guys are undercover
00:42:05Where do I know him from I'm not sure
00:42:08Look, I saw him at the funeral for Nana's husband and then I saw him at the hospital
00:42:15But for the life of me, I'm not sure where I know him from
00:42:18Suddenly the hitman appears and talks to Madrigal lay down. Ah
00:42:23I don't fucking believe it. No fucking what's wrong? What what's wrong?
00:42:32Lucia yeah, she's in danger Manuel trying to make a phone call extremely worried
00:42:40How strange
00:42:43Do you know what man
00:42:46You can go I'll call you stay hidden. Sure, right
00:42:52Take care of Manolo Manuel gets out of the car nervously
00:42:57Be careful. Okay, another shot shows Madrigal eating tacos next to the hitman
00:43:03Cut to Manuel at La Nina's house waiting for her standing in the living room
00:43:08He picks up out of curiosity a vase that he almost knocks over but manages to avoid it. It's you
00:43:14Why are you here? I
00:43:16came here because
00:43:18Rafael Marie Loli's boyfriend and that cop are actually all involved in the attack on Pablo. They had him killed
00:43:25So you're saying that we should hire them, right? I am being serious Nana. These men are very dangerous
00:43:36Rafael had Pablo killed Manuel nods damn that's twisted
00:43:40We have to tell Lucia but her phone number has been disconnected and I'm not comfortable with going over to our house
00:43:47Fine La Nina incredulous tries to dial the phone. Yeah, that's weird
00:43:53Why don't we go to the hospital
00:43:56Okay, please just wait here. I'm gonna take a quick shower get changed then we can go together
00:44:01Wait here. She turns to see him pointing to the vase and says don't break anything. Okay. I
00:44:09Got it at a flea market
00:44:11Be right back Manuel with a goofy smile also turns to see the vase then looks around and seems sad noticing many bottles of liquor
00:44:19and cigarettes
00:44:26Change of scene to both of them arriving at the hospital. They enter Pablo's room and see madrigal inside
00:44:32Fucking hell the cop is in there. He can't see you. He's here. No, please don't
00:44:38To avoid being seen La Nina kisses Manuel Manuel wants to keep kissing her but she pushes him away
00:44:44Okay, hold on. I think he's gone. He's gone. Oh, sorry
00:44:48We should go that was uh, I'm getting quite hot. I meant that it's very hot in here
00:44:53Yeah, let's go both embarrassed and not knowing how to act but yeah, they leave. Okay, we should yeah
00:44:58Cut to Marisela arriving at the TV station Marisela Marisela
00:45:04Please can I have your autograph?
00:45:08It's for my son
00:45:10What's your son's name? Then Santiago?
00:45:13Marisela signs the autograph. Thank you arrogant attitude
00:45:16Thank you. You're welcome. Oh my god. She approaches the access control and holds out her badge, but apparently it has been deactivated
00:45:27Surprised she tries again, but she still does not have access to the building
00:45:33You help me something's wrong with my badge. Yes, ma'am. She asks the security guard for assistance who scans the badge. Oh
00:45:40It's deactivated
00:45:42Do you know who I am? Of course, I'm a huge fan of yours, but your badge is expired
00:45:47So I can't let you into the building. Don't do that. Just call my husband immediately
00:45:51He can clear all of this up for your husband won't be calling right now guard very nervous dials on the phone
00:45:57You know, you look a lot younger on TV
00:46:00Okay, cut to Marisela in Federico's office ma'am ma'am don't even
00:46:11Care to explain to me why I was humiliated at the front entrance
00:46:15Marisela de la Pena ma'am. I've been a fan of yours since I was just a little girl
00:46:21Exciting Marisela since I was a young boy. I would watch all of your soap operas with my grandma on the island
00:46:27I can't tell you how glad I am to meet you
00:46:29Marisela looks hatefully at the actor who is talking to her leaving him with his hand outstretched. Where's my explanation?
00:46:34Don't look at me the order came from above the company needs new faces modern people young people
00:46:41Claudita how many followers do you have? Oh
00:46:45Eight million at the moment see
00:46:48You're not even on social media
00:46:51Your fans have lost interest and the company wants to make an entirely new audience
00:46:56I wanted to tell you a little later, but you insisted so I had no choice but to tell you this here
00:47:02You were vetoed Marisela
00:47:05Sorry, she looks at Federico full of hate while Claudia looks at her with pity
00:47:12Finally she tells Claudia as you are now I once was as I am now
00:47:19You will never be
00:47:22Do keep sleeping with my outraged. She leaves the place. Oh
00:47:27Talk about a dramatic exit cut to Manuel with La Nina at the cafeteria look Nana
00:47:34This is a good thing. I
00:47:36Know the streets and the bad people in them for so many years. I've kept bad company
00:47:43Always drinking took drugs on the weekends
00:47:47but uh
00:47:48Look at me now
00:47:50Look at me. I've worked hard in myself, and I've been sober for more than 10 years
00:47:56But I do have to thank my my group
00:47:59My godfather and my amazing willpower
00:48:03But if you need help all you have to do is ask me Nana. I am here for you
00:48:12That's quite the assumption. Why would I need help?
00:48:15Come on now Nana. I saw the bottles
00:48:19You're drinking more than you normally do right Manuel looks at her worried and she responds
00:48:26Honestly, I am
00:48:29I'm still deeply hurt that Luca wanted to steal everything. I worked so hard to achieve
00:48:35Because I come from nothing too I
00:48:37Also know the streets like you he smiles at her tenderly as a child. I
00:48:43refuse to believe my reality and
00:48:46And then when I created my corset and started to make a lot of money I
00:48:52Also created this Nana character. I
00:48:56Did it to cope with the fucking pressure of high society?
00:49:00But all that did for me
00:49:03Was make me turn my back on the real money Nina's eyes fill with tears
00:49:10Remember you asked me for my real name Manuel nods
00:49:17City Dominguez a pleasure hot city. He flashes her a big smile
00:49:27Lucia, where are you? She seems worried what?
00:49:32How no, no, no, I'm on my way. Come on. Let's go. No, no, no. No, hold on what?
00:49:38God, please. Give us serenity. So we may serenity my balls. Let's get going already. Wait for me
00:49:45Can't forget the fortune cookies
00:49:47Thank you. They both rush out of the cafeteria cut to Lucia waiting for them in her house courtyard. Oh
00:49:54Come here. Thank you. You okay? La Nina hugs her
00:49:59No, don't give me that look
00:50:01this is
00:50:02The new Lucia, what do you mean my accounts?
00:50:07All of them are frozen mine
00:50:09My parents is the foundations everything the worst part is all of my properties have been temporarily seized
00:50:16I can't take this anymore all because they're investigating Pablo scams. Now. I can't do anything at all
00:50:23We're not even allowed to use our cars anymore. My dad used an app to call a taxi to drive us here apps these days
00:50:31Anyway, we had to come here instead because this is my grandpa's house. This is where it all began as well
00:50:40Our roots are here. This is getting very difficult for me
00:50:44La Nina looks around incredulously as they are in a mansion with a huge garden Manuel can't believe his ears
00:50:51They're over there
00:50:54Hello, good afternoon. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, dear
00:50:57They have to light a fire inside because the house gets really cold without it
00:51:01There's no heating a fire the fireplace. Yeah, and could you please ignore the musty smell in here?
00:51:07It must just be what poverty smells like. Oh, stop it
00:51:10Stop saying that you're poor because you're nowhere near poverty
00:51:14Besides Manuel has something important. He wants to tell us
00:51:19Come into my humble abode. I'll make some atoli. Oh
00:51:23La Nina and Manuel are still incredulous. I always knew that Madrigal was behind all of this
00:51:28We see the three of them in the kitchen. That's why he was interested. He was Pablo's associate. It's clear now
00:51:34I told her theory those people can be very dangerous. Why does he call you a cut CD? I'll tell you later. Okay
00:51:45Hello, good afternoon, mrs. Yazbek, I'm calling from the hospital
00:51:50Unfortunately, your husband has passed away. I'm sorry. I'm on my way Lucia seems very sad
00:51:57What is it?
00:51:59It was the hospital
00:52:02Pablo is gone
00:52:04I'm so sorry
00:52:06Why are you sorry for her?
00:52:09Didn't you both want him to die? Yes. Once again, Lucia looks shaken cut to that night and Federico arriving home
00:52:17Jeez, you almost scared me. Let's talk. I'm not in the mood
00:52:22Hmm. Are you so sad because you had to fire somebody from the company? It was necessary. Mm-hmm
00:52:30If that's a problem, I'll get you a job at another company. No, that's not the problem what then I have a problem with us
00:52:37Mm-hmm. I'm tired of going against the tide
00:52:39I know you don't want to be with me anymore, and I don't want to be with you either
00:52:43Maybe we should get a divorce. Yeah
00:52:46Let's file for divorce. You get half the money and I'll get the rest. That's it. Are you insane? I'm not crazy
00:52:52We'll never get a divorce. You know perfectly how things work in the company. I don't care about the company
00:52:56We're not getting it the Pope married us remember we aired the ceremony on live television
00:53:0120 years ago because you wanted to oh, you're crying now. I'm really sick of you making scenes
00:53:07No, I'm not going to make a scene
00:53:09You're having an affair with the leading role just like you had with the rest before her. Listen to me
00:53:14This is real life. Not some drama scene. See what look at you
00:53:19I'm getting a divorce
00:53:21The laws changed I have the right to get a divorce from you if I want asshole
00:53:26Maricela is furious
00:53:28Cut to Pablo dead in the hospital bed
00:53:31Doesn't he look calm of course?
00:53:34He doesn't have to experience the poverty. I live in Manuel looks once again incredulously at Lucia
00:53:41Madrigal appears behind them
00:53:43Well, well
00:53:44Just who I was looking for ma'am. Sorry widow
00:53:51No, I will need you to sign these papers for me so that I can give them to your husband's associates and give them the
00:53:57Money, they were promised. She's not going to sign anything
00:54:00You can drop the secrecy. We know you're one of the associates
00:54:04You better shut your mouth man. Okay, I know exactly which internet cafe you use to gather and leak information about everyone
00:54:12And why are you giving me that? Look, huh? I can easily open an investigation for your husband's death
00:54:18Suicide due to diarrhea, that's bullshit Nina and Lucia look at him outraged
00:54:24You've got
00:54:2624 hours to sign these papers for me or
00:54:30I'll make sure all of you go to fucking J
00:54:32Madrigal throws the papers on Pablo's body makes the sign of the cross and leaves the room while Manuel looks at him with hatred
00:54:40Calm down
00:54:43Cut to Pablo's funeral and Manuel is singing again
00:54:47Todos unidos, alegres cantamos, la gloria y esperanza del señor
00:54:53Manuel sings beautifully doesn't he? Lucia looks incredulously at La Nina
00:54:58Federico and Marisela arrive and she treats him with contempt. My girl. Lucia and Marisela hug each other. Oh my dear
00:55:07We have to keep saving face, it's important
00:55:13How are you
00:55:16Listen girl
00:55:17Your eyes are more swollen than usual. What's wrong? I couldn't sleep
00:55:22How have things been with Federico? He won't talk to me. He vetoed me. What?
00:55:27Kick me out of my own house. Really? Yes, he did
00:55:31Girl, your deed will have to wait. Okay
00:55:34Cuz Mara Loli's boyfriend. I think he knows I suspect he's on to us what?
00:55:39It turns out that Rafael
00:55:42He was my husband's associate
00:55:45He's even threatened me with opening up an investigation on me
00:55:48And he wants Lucia to sign some papers and give him all of the money everything. Can you believe it?
00:55:53Everything. Marisela looks shocked
00:55:56my girls
00:55:59Our dream is never going to come true
00:56:02Madrigal arrives at the funeral and upon seeing them
00:56:09The three frightened women
00:56:24Come on everyone cut to the three of them gathered with Madrigal the papers
00:56:29Lucia takes the papers out of her purse and hands them to him Madrigal looks at the papers and seems confused
00:56:41The fuck is this
00:56:43Why didn't you sign? Do you really think I'm going to give you my money?
00:56:47It's my family's money
00:56:50My family they're poor
00:56:52Listen to me closely if we aren't scared of anal bleaching. Why would we be scared of you?
00:56:57You fat fucking asshole. The media is on my side. Yes
00:57:01Do you think they'd believe me if I tell the press look here?
00:57:05This man is trying to blackmail me into doing something that I really don't want to do. Please help me, please
00:57:10Should I call Oprah Winfrey? She'll pick up should I you fucking bitches?
00:57:14You're never gonna get away with this you Madrigal remains motionless and begins to spit blood from his mouth
00:57:20He falls to the ground and we see that Philippa stabbed him in the back. Mariloli is next to her. Oh, ma'am
00:57:26Philippa wipes Mariloli's blood splattered face. Thanks so much
00:57:31Here are your papers dear you have nothing to worry about. Okay, thank Mariloli hands the papers to Lucia
00:57:39But he was he was your boyfriend. He was an asshole and
00:57:43Worst of it all he wasn't just investigating you guys, but also he investigated me
00:57:48You know, I won't let anybody take the freedom that I have earned for myself Manuel enters the room. No
00:57:56No fucking wait. This is my house
00:57:59This is going to be expensive
00:58:02Would you look at that? All your bullshit has been resolved Lucia talking to Pablo's body. You can rest easy now. Don't worry
00:58:09Mr. Romero, how have you been lately? Well, thank you here
00:58:12These are the papers so you can put everything in order and if you can do it as soon as possible, please
00:58:17I can't keep seeing my parents living
00:58:20Living like paupers. We see Manuel moving the coffin
00:58:24Because hold on Philippa get out of your lair. Okay, I've got a job for you
00:58:30Cut to the three friends at the cafeteria. They have vegan toast now. I told you girl
00:58:36Mmm, by the way, Manuel Alejandro did a very good job
00:58:41Look here. Mmm. This says that the chief justice Rafael Madrigal and the former police officer who became a hitman
00:58:49Were found dead in a ditch after being stabbed to death
00:58:53Apparently they had ties with drug cartels
00:58:55Look who's here you guys
00:59:03Thank you, thank you, so you liked it, huh, may I yeah
00:59:08So it seems like the three-for-two is done and it seems to me like the time for the soap opera Queen has arrived
00:59:16And you just tell me what you need help with Mari Sela remains pensive
00:59:21well, I I
00:59:24Want to know where and when can you catch him red-handed man? Well, hmm, very well
00:59:31Oh, I just came to say hello. So I have to go now. I have things to do. Okay, then
00:59:38Bye. Oh, I love it. You got a haircut. He looks good cut to black
00:59:45Cut to Mari Sela at La Nina's house answering her phone. Hello. I know where Federico is
00:59:52I'll send you his location
00:59:55You sure you don't want me to intervene
00:59:59Yeah, I'm sure
01:00:00This is my moment Mari Sela shows a devilish face
01:00:04Cut to the three friends walking down the street dressed in black very sexy
01:00:09They meet Manuel who hands them a hotel key
01:00:14Mari Sela very serious enters the place alone
01:00:24Cut to her closing the elevator door and with a very serious countenance
01:00:30Change of scene and she is walking in slow motion towards a hotel room while taking off her glasses
01:00:35There is a cut and she passes the key over the lock of the room. The door opens and the screen cuts to black
01:00:43Dissolve and we see she is already inside the hotel room
01:00:46She looks at Federico naked having sex with someone
01:00:51Yes, that's it. Yes. Yes
01:00:56Mari Sela takes a knife out of her purse Federico turns around and sees her we see he is having sex with Samuel the actor
01:01:02Mari Sela starts crying
01:01:06Federico and Samuel look surprised Mari Sela full of rage starts stabbing Federico in the abdomen
01:01:16We see a close shot of Mari Sela's face covered in blood
01:01:27We realize it all has been a scene that Federico is directing Samuel tells Mari Sela ma'am
01:01:34It's a real honor to work with you. You're a great actress
01:01:39Thank you, no, thank you
01:01:42She approaches Federico
01:01:44Intense you look back there. Did my eyes look really big? It was really impressive
01:01:49Who would have thought that you would be the villain of the hour? I think I just needed the right opportunity
01:01:55Thank you so much. No, thank you
01:01:58For your discretion Rico smiles at her and it is evident that they reached an agreement
01:02:04Well done excellent, thank you Congrats all good. Yeah, I think it worked out well
01:02:12And I never forget a betrayal
01:02:15Cut to black and the screen reads two months later cut to Manuel at a fancy bar boss
01:02:22Shall we start opening the champagne boxes? No, no, wait until I finish singing. They might get wasted before even listening to me
01:02:39The three of them look spectacular sitting in a room of the new karaoke bar look
01:02:43Hmm, I uploaded it two hours ago, and I've got two million views
01:02:47Wow, and I've doubled my wage in the company now as well. You're unstoppable the new social media Queen
01:02:55It's a shame Federico couldn't see your success now. Yeah, his accident was really awful. Oh
01:03:02At least he died with Samuel bias. They smiled together in complicity. Mariloli arrives with a young man by her side
01:03:12Hello, well done my girls you did it you did it. Yeah, we did what we knew we could
01:03:18So, how are you? Aren't you going to introduce us to your bow? Of course. I'm going to his name's Emilio and
01:03:25We've just arrived back from Los Angeles where we went to the one and only Madonna
01:03:31Oh, it was awesome
01:03:33But hey, I'm so glad to see you. I'll you too. Thank you. You guys can keep on. I enjoy your fabulous
01:03:40You marry Loli
01:03:44He's just gorgeous and the best part is that he's only 41 years old
01:03:50Like me
01:03:53Bye my girls
01:03:57I love you. Bye. Hey partners
01:04:00Are you liking the service? It's just wonderful
01:04:04My song is coming up next
01:04:06Shall we sing it together? Huh? It'd be my pleasure Manuelito
01:04:11I'll be right back. The door is right there. You want I don't give a fuck
01:04:15I don't give a fuck about your opinion. Come on. Hey, get off of me
01:04:18Let go Lucia gets up to hand a business card to the girl who has just been offended by her husband
01:04:24The card reads killer babes. You can call us if you need us
01:04:29Thank you
01:04:32To the freedom of every woman on this earth to all the poor and to our new house at the beach
01:04:37To us girls and to our new life
01:04:44Manuel takes La Nina by the arm and leads her to the stage Lucia and Marisela are left dancing
01:04:55Mariloli also dancing is very happy
01:05:01Cut and the ending credits appear
01:05:19You Lucia Marisela and Mariloli dance with their arms in the air cast and crew credits
