• last year
00:00:30Kiedy dręczy Cię pytanie
00:00:36Co jest lepsze
00:00:39Czerny czy biel
00:00:42Z odpowiedzią
00:00:45Spieszę na nie
00:00:47Ja miałem pierwszą zwrotkę
00:00:48Tylko czarne
00:00:51Nosi się
00:00:52Akurat właśnie nie
00:00:54Biel to dobro
00:00:57Czernie nie bardzo
00:01:00Każde dziecko
00:01:01Nawet małe o tym wie
00:01:06Chcesz wyglądać
00:01:08No jak?
00:01:10Ja cały czas wyglądam elegancko
00:01:12Zamiast bieli
00:01:14Załóż czerń
00:01:16Tak? No to uważaj teraz
00:01:18Białe mleko
00:01:21Czarna kawa
00:01:24Biały kruk
00:01:27Czarny koń
00:01:30Białe zęby
00:01:32Czarna dziura
00:01:35Jaka czarna dziura?
00:01:36Cały kosmos
00:01:37Cały kosmos
00:01:38Spada doń
00:01:39Kosmos jest nieważny
00:01:40Życie jest ważne
00:01:42No a w życiu
00:01:45Tak jak w szachach
00:01:46Zresztą w warcabach też
00:01:48Pierwszy ruch
00:01:49No kto?
00:01:50Ma zawsze biel
00:01:54Za to czarne
00:01:56Jest praktyczne
00:01:58Ciekawe dlaczego
00:02:00Bo praktycznie
00:02:02Nie brudzi się
00:02:04Chyba, że pastą do zębów
00:02:05Czarna polewka
00:02:09Biała flaga
00:02:12Czarny wtorek
00:02:14Biały miś
00:02:18Czarna owca
00:02:20Białe kozaczki
00:02:24Idź się przebierz
00:02:25Po prostu zapomniałem
00:02:26No nie rób się
00:02:30Każdy biały
00:02:33Cud natury
00:02:35Czymś lepszym, czarnym
00:02:38Się zastąpić da
00:02:42Nawet pyszne
00:02:45Białe wino
00:02:52Okej, przekonałeś mnie
00:02:54Czerń jest pęska
00:02:57Czerń jest seksi
00:03:00Czarny działa
00:03:02Na większość z pań
00:03:06I argument
00:03:12Czerń wyższą dla
00:03:15I teraz Karolka pogotowia
00:03:18Ty puta
00:03:22Teraz porządno, teraz porządno
00:03:54Możesz pociąg na stacji
00:03:56Ciekawa była umowa, że ja z Michałem śpiewam pierwszą piosenkę
00:03:59Michał się idzie przygotować
00:04:00Ja zostaję, mówię
00:04:02Co, co?
00:04:03Idziecie razem, ja zostaję
00:04:04Nie, ja zostaję, mówię
00:04:05Dobry wieczór Państwu
00:04:06Wtedy jest gigantyczna reakcja
00:04:07Są brawa
00:04:08I program, nie teraz
00:04:10I program rusza z kopyta
00:04:11A nie wychodzisz ty i nic gruchy, nic pietruchy
00:04:16I się ludzie śmieją
00:04:19No i dobrze, śmieją się, bo po to tu przyszli
00:04:21Owszem, tak
00:04:22Ale rozmawialiśmy przed chwilą w garderobie
00:04:24I pytałeś mnie
00:04:25Czy ja w tym programie mogę wyjść i coś zapowiedzieć?
00:04:27No i co powiedziałem?
00:04:28Waltku, jeżeli tylko poczujesz potrzebę, żeby zapowiedzieć
00:04:31To sobie w dowolnym momencie wyjdź i zapowiedz
00:04:33Ale nie teraz
00:04:36To jest po prostu najgorszy moment
00:04:38Ty się nie możesz pojawić na scenie teraz
00:04:41Bo ty nie pasujesz do puenty piosenki
00:04:47A czemuż to?
00:04:48No jak
00:04:49A jaka jest puenta piosenki?
00:04:51Czerń wyszczupla bez dwóch zdań
00:04:56Kto może bardziej pasować niż ja?
00:04:57Wkładam czarny, widać, że działa od razu
00:04:59No stary, przecież każdy może bardziej pasować
00:05:02Chcesz, żebym ci to przy ludziach powiedział?
00:05:05Nie pasujesz do puenty piosenki, gdyż jesteś gruby
00:05:11Sam jesteś głuchy
00:05:14I ty mnie też
00:05:17Dobry wieczór państwu
00:05:22Słyszałeś głuchy?
00:05:27Bardzo serdecznie witam państwa
00:05:30Strasznie mi miło
00:05:32Powiem więcej
00:05:33Witam państwa bardzo gorąco
00:05:37Witam państwa na najnowszym programie Kabaretu Ani Mru Mru
00:05:40Pod tytułem Czerni czy Bieli
00:05:42Idę o zakład, że większość z was zastanawia się w domu
00:05:44Albo zastanawia się teraz
00:05:45Skąd taki idiotyczny pomysł na nazwę programu kabaretowego
00:05:48Z dwóch powodów
00:05:49Po pierwsze ten program nazywa się Czerni czy Biel
00:05:51Bo od początku do końca od A do Z
00:05:54Jest programem czarno białym
00:05:57A to akurat nie jest zła reakcja
00:05:59Nie ma się co przywiązywać oczywiście do tych słów
00:06:01Jak ktoś się za bardzo przywiąże do moich słów
00:06:03To potem mondrala przychodzi do garderoby po występie i mówi tak
00:06:06Czarno biały, czarno biały
00:06:08A elementy kolorowe się ewidentnie pojawiły
00:06:12Te elementy będą się pojawiać również podczas tego spektaklu
00:06:14Ale nie oszukujmy się
00:06:15Ten program naprawdę jest czarno biały
00:06:17Naprawdę pochodzi z 1812 roku
00:06:20A wszystkie elementy kolorowe podczas tego programu
00:06:23Które Państwo możecie zobaczyć
00:06:25Zostały dorobione komputerowo 8 miesięcy temu
00:06:27To pierwszy powód
00:06:29Drugi powód jest jeszcze ważniejszy bowiem zajmujemy się w tym programie
00:06:32Odwieczną walką tych dwóch kolorów
00:06:34A więc bieli i czerni
00:06:36A mówiąc ogólniej
00:06:37Odwieczną walką dobra i zła
00:06:39No bo chyba zgodzicie się Państwo ze mną, że
00:06:41Przynajmniej w naszej kulturze już tak się utarło
00:06:43Że albo coś jest białe i dobre albo czarne
00:06:46I złe
00:06:49Może poza amerykańską koszykówką
00:06:51Ale to jest tylko wyjątek potwierdzający regułę
00:06:54Szanowni Państwo jest to też program specyficzny z innego powodu
00:06:56Otóż nie chcę się chwalić, ale
00:06:58Jest to jedyny program kabaretowy grany obecnie w Polsce
00:07:01Który jest programem w pełni interaktywnym
00:07:08Nie ma się czego bać
00:07:09Na czym polega interaktywność tego programu?
00:07:11Na tym, że każdy z Was
00:07:12Każdy z Was może wziąć czynny udział w tym programie
00:07:15Tak, każdy z Was
00:07:17Sposobów uczestnictwa jest mnóstwo
00:07:19Powiem o trzech najważniejszych
00:07:20Pierwszy dla osób, które być może dzisiaj przyniosły ze sobą aparaty fotograficzne
00:07:24Jeżeli są takie osoby
00:07:26Z tego typu sprzętu można korzystać przez cały czas trwania spektaklu
00:07:29Pod warunkiem, że bez lampy
00:07:31A tak to bez ograniczeń
00:07:32Dla mnie to zresztą nie ma żadnego znaczenia
00:07:41Dziękuję bardzo
00:07:42Śmiało, śmiało
00:07:43Jeśli się na tej scenie dzisiaj nie pojawi to gwarantuję
00:07:47Można, można jestem przyzwyczajony
00:07:52Drugi sposób uczestnictwa dla osób, które być może dzisiaj przyniosły ze sobą kamery wideo
00:07:56Otóż informuję, że korzystanie z tego typu sprzętu jest surowo zabronione
00:08:00I tego będziemy bardzo pilnować
00:08:02O i teraz myślicie pewnie
00:08:04W jaki sposób stoją na scenie, czego tam mogą pilnować?
00:08:07Bardzo proste
00:08:08Wśród Was w tej chwili jest 40 osób, które z nami współpracują
00:08:13Są przebrane za normalnych widzów
00:08:15Trochę mniej klaszczą
00:08:16Trochę mniej się śmieją podczas programu
00:08:17Ale są w robocie
00:08:19O, cześć
00:08:21Obserwują Was
00:08:22Jeżeli ktoś z Was wyciągnie kamerę wideo
00:08:23Zostanie przez to sobie wypatrzony, powalony na ziemię
00:08:25Wywleczony tutaj na Narutowicza
00:08:27No co tu dużo gadać
00:08:28Wiocha na cały Lublin
00:08:31I sposób trzeci
00:08:32Z doświadczenia wiem, że najbardziej lubiany przez widownię
00:08:35Bowiem sposób werbalny
00:08:37Otóż co jakiś czas
00:08:38Ja albo któryś z moich kolegów
00:08:39Będziemy się pojawiać tutaj na scenie
00:08:41Dyskutować z Wami
00:08:43Zadawać Wam pytania
00:08:44Oczekiwać odpowiedzi
00:08:45I wówczas jest to Wasz czas
00:08:47Czas, kiedy każdy z Was może nie wiem
00:08:49Krzyknąć, gwizdnąć, powiedzieć
00:08:51Co mu tylko ślina na język przyniesie
00:08:54Wiem też o tym, że są takie osoby
00:08:56Które przychodzą na występ kabaretowy
00:08:58Aby krzyknąć coś w najmniej odpowiednim momencie
00:09:02Zresztą sam tak robię jak oglądam inne kabarety
00:09:04Dwa najczęstsze okrzyki ze strony widowni
00:09:06W stronę artystów kabaretowych to
00:09:09Dawaj, dawaj tam
00:09:12No to akurat nie wiem o co chodzi
00:09:13A drugi
00:09:18Podczas tego spektaklu te okrzyki są dozwolone
00:09:20Natomiast uprzedzam, że wszystkie osoby krzyczące
00:09:22Natychmiast dołączą do osób z kamerami
00:09:26To tyle drodzy Państwo
00:09:31Jeśli chodzi o słowo wstępne
00:09:34Zatem zaczynamy nasz program
00:09:35Czerni czy Biel
00:09:36Koledzy już są gotowi do pierwszego numeru
00:09:38Zaczniemy od takiej części interaktywnej
00:09:40Po prostu chciałbym wiedzieć
00:09:41Jakie nastroje panują teraz wśród widowni
00:09:43Pierwsze pytanie bardzo proste
00:09:45Można odpowiadać własnymi słowami
00:09:47Jak Państwo myślicie
00:09:48Co jest silniejsze
00:09:49Biel czy Czerni
00:09:50A zatem co za tym idzie
00:09:51Co jest silniejsze
00:09:52Dobro czy zło
00:09:53Czerni czy Biel
00:09:54Proszę bardzo
00:09:55No śmiało
00:09:58Kto powiedział dobro
00:10:02No więc właśnie tu jest ten problem
00:10:03Bo ja też bym chciał żeby
00:10:04Dobro i Biel rządziła na świecie
00:10:06Niestety w życiu jest tak, że
00:10:08Zło jest dużo silniejsze od dobra
00:10:10Dlatego tak często z nim walczymy
00:10:12Abyście Państwo to dobrze zapamiętali
00:10:13Pokażę Państwu prosty eksperyment
00:10:15Popatrzcie na mnie
00:10:16Ja jestem ubrany teraz na czarno, tak?
00:10:18A więc symbolizuje co?
00:10:21A światło, które mnie oświetla z przodu
00:10:22Jest jakie?
00:10:24Więc co symbolizuje?
00:10:26No to co jest silniejsze?
00:10:28Poszedł stąd
00:10:30O, widzicie?
00:10:31Mało tego
00:10:32Światło się musi słuchać
00:10:33Biel się słucha Czerni
00:10:34Chodź do...
00:10:35Chodź do Pana
00:10:36Chodź, chodź
00:10:37No, no, chodź, chodź, chodź, chodź
00:10:39Chodź, chodź
00:10:40Ale na buzie, na buzie, na buzie
00:10:41Na buzie
00:10:43Proszę bardzo
00:10:44Dlatego trzeba w życiu bardzo uważać
00:10:45Drodzy Państwo
00:10:46W pierwszym numerze już pokażemy Wam
00:10:48Że pod przykrywką bieli
00:10:49Może się czai czarny charakter
00:10:51Taki czarny charakter jak ja
00:10:53A jak czarny charakter znajdzie coś białego i dobrego
00:10:56Jak ta chusteczka higieniczna
00:10:59A że ona może nie jest za bardzo dobra
00:11:01Ale jest biała
00:11:03To jak czarny charakter znajdzie coś białego
00:11:05To próbuje to białe i dobre zniszczyć
00:11:09Na śmierć
00:11:10A wtedy się może okazać
00:11:11Że dobro
00:11:13Wcale nie istnieje
00:11:15Zapraszam Państwa na skecz
00:11:26No ale szybciej, szybciej Panie Puchacz
00:11:28No co się Pan tak ciągnie jak gluty z nosa
00:11:30No za 15 czwarta ja muszę Pana wypisać
00:11:34Nie będę z Panem w szpitalu po godzinach przesiadywał
00:11:37Raz, raz noga za nogą i wyżej głowa
00:11:39Bo sobie Pan szlafek posiłuje
00:11:41I jeszcze raz Pan mi tak kasznie
00:11:42To Pan będzie wszystkie panele w szpitalu wymieniał
00:11:44No już
00:11:45Ileż się można guzdrolić z jednym krzesłem
00:11:47Już, już, już, już, już
00:11:48Dziękuję bardzo
00:11:55Same problemy z Panem w tym szpitalu
00:11:57Same problemy
00:12:00Nowe panele i nowe buty
00:12:03I niech się Pan przestanie chwiać, dobrze?
00:12:05To już naprawdę jest wstyd
00:12:07Godzinę temu uczestniczyliśmy w tej samej operacji
00:12:09Proszę bardzo
00:12:10Ja stoję prosto
00:12:11A Pan się chwieje
00:12:13Pan powinien być zrelaksowany
00:12:15Przypominam Panu, że ostatnie pół godziny
00:12:17Przesiedział Pan gdzie?
00:12:18Na basenie
00:12:22Niech Pan pozna moje dobre serce
00:12:24Proszę sobie spocząć
00:12:26Tylko nie na zawsze
00:12:29Gdybym wiedział, że aż takie problemy będą z Panem
00:12:31Pewnie nie zdecydowałbym się Pana otwierać
00:12:33No ale stało się
00:12:35To się nie odstanie
00:12:36Kończmy nasz romans, bo ten nic nie będzie czekał wiecznie
00:12:40Dobrze, karta wypisu
00:12:49A nie myślał Pan, żeby sobie zmienić imię na February?
00:12:55Ale halo, halo, Panie Puchacz
00:12:57Halo, wybudzamy się za 15 czwarta
00:13:01Bo za dodatkową narkozę policzę
00:13:15Gdzie ja jestem?
00:13:17No chyba nie w piekarni
00:13:19Co Pan nie widzi?
00:13:20Kitel, stetoskop, masa chorych?
00:13:23Jest Pan w szpitalu
00:13:24Ale radzę się tym nie podniecać, bo właśnie Pan wychodzi
00:13:27Sprawdzimy ostatnie badania
00:13:29Krew w normie
00:13:30Już, słomka
00:13:34No co ja widzę?
00:13:36Brawo, brawo, brawissimo
00:13:38Stolec był?
00:13:40Ale to nie wiem, bo spałem
00:13:43Spał Pan jak zabity
00:13:44A tyle było nerwów, tyle było narzekania
00:13:46A tu proszę, już po wszystkim, już po strachu
00:13:49Rachu, ciachu i po strachu
00:13:51Dokładnie, rachu, ciachu i po strachu
00:13:55A właśnie, a propos rachu, ciachu
00:13:57To sobie przypomniałem, że jednak powinienem Panu
00:13:59Bardzo serdecznie, w imieniu całego personelu medycznego
00:14:04No to nie ma za co
00:14:06A za co?
00:14:07No jak to za co?
00:14:09Za to, że tak chętnie wziął Pan udział w naszej akcji
00:14:11Przeszczep, mała rzecz, a cieszy
00:14:15Niech Pan nie próbuje być skromny
00:14:17W generalnej klasyfikacji najlepszych dawców
00:14:19Jest Pan obecnie na trzecim miejscu
00:14:23Co łee? Co łee?
00:14:24To jest typowo polskie zachowanie, łee
00:14:2775% ludzi w Polsce kibicuje
00:14:29A jak Kowalczyk dobiegnie trzecia
00:14:31To pół Polski by
00:14:32Łee, kuźwa, kończy się
00:14:35Ale pocieszę Pana
00:14:36Od dwóch godzin lideruje Pan w klasyfikacji ciągle żyjących
00:14:41Jest się z czego cieszyć?
00:14:47Tak jest
00:14:49A jak się ogólnie czuje nasz czempion?
00:14:52Panie Puchacz, niech mnie Pan nie załamuje
00:14:54Pozytywne myślenie
00:14:56Bywało gorzej?
00:14:58Aha, no właśnie
00:14:59Bywało gorzej, jest lepiej, a będzie jeszcze lepiej
00:15:02Pozytywne myślenie
00:15:04I niech Pan nie zapomina, że jest Pan bohaterem
00:15:06No jak to nie?
00:15:08Jest Pan
00:15:09Jest Pan
00:15:10Jest Pan
00:15:12Pańskie narządy mogą ratować życie kilkudziesięciu osobom
00:15:21Pan ze mną tego nie ustalał
00:15:23A jak to miałem z Panem ustalić?
00:15:25Jak ja Pana pierwszy raz na oczy zobaczyłem, to już Pan leżał na stole
00:15:28Kompletnie unplugged
00:15:29Czyli bez kontaktu
00:15:31Zagłosowaliśmy z kolegami
00:15:32Siedem głosów za
00:15:33A ja?
00:15:34A Pan się wstrzymał
00:15:36Czyli praktycznie jednogłośnie uznaliśmy, że można Pana trochę
00:15:41Jak to poczyścić?
00:15:42Się upatrałem
00:15:43Już niech Pan nie udaje głupszego niż Pan jest, no
00:15:46Gąbką albo mydłem nie wyciąłbym Panu połowy płuc
00:15:52Bez przesady, bez przesady
00:15:55To jest tylko jedno płuco
00:15:57Gdybym Panu nie powiedział, w życiu by się Pan nie zorientował
00:16:00A tak proszę
00:16:01Nie ma Pan jednego płuca
00:16:02Ciągle Pan żyje
00:16:03I jest Pan bogatszy o 250 zł
00:16:06Proszę bardzo
00:16:08Trafił się kupiec
00:16:09Poszło na pniu
00:16:10Nawet nie zdążyłem do siatki wsadzić
00:16:14A właśnie, a propos
00:16:15Pańska żona wydzwaniała
00:16:17Pytała, jak jest z nerkami
00:16:19Proszę jej powiedzieć, że z nerkami jest bardzo dobrze
00:16:22Pierwsza poszła na Allegro
00:16:25A druga bezpiecznie czeka
00:16:27A przynajmniej tyle
00:16:28U mnie w lodówce
00:16:30No ale tu się musimy uzbroić w cierpliwość
00:16:32Jak nikt nie wciśnie kup teraz
00:16:34No to aukcja może potrwać jeszcze ze dwa tygodnie
00:16:36No ale ja chciałem tylko wyrostek
00:16:40Co Pan chciał?
00:16:42Wyrostek cały czas Pan ma
00:16:44Nie ciałem, bo chętnych nie było
00:16:46I za to na trzustkę
00:16:48Jak się hieny rzuciły
00:16:50Szkoda, jakby Pan miał z pięć sztuk
00:16:51Wszystkie byśmy opędzlowali
00:16:54Pan żeśmy wszystko wyharatał
00:16:57Przyszedł wolności
00:16:59I wyharatał
00:17:01Panie Puchacz
00:17:02Jak tak można?
00:17:03Panie Puchacz
00:17:04To się nie godzi
00:17:05Panie Puchacz
00:17:13Przypominam Panu, że jestem lekarzem
00:17:16Więc nie wyharatałem
00:17:19Tylko bardzo uprzejmie
00:17:20Zrobiłem Panu więcej miejsca w środku
00:17:23A to ciekawe po co?
00:17:25Jak to po co?
00:17:31Co Pan tu z liczbą nogą wyjeżdża?
00:17:32Ileż Pan masz tych jelit?
00:17:35No i jelito
00:17:37Jelito grube
00:17:39I dalej niech Pan już nie szuka
00:17:43A jelito
00:17:44A jelito cienkie o tej porze powinno lądować w Madrycie
00:17:47Śledź ona boli?
00:17:52Taki lekarski żart
00:17:53No jak nie ma to jak ma boleć?
00:17:58A jak się Pan porusza
00:17:59Albo gdzieś dotyka
00:18:00To czuje Pan dyskomfort?
00:18:03A gdzie?
00:18:04A tu
00:18:06No ale co dokładnie co
00:18:07Szlafrok Pana boli?
00:18:08Nie no koło dwunastnicy
00:18:10Koło czego?
00:18:15Teraz to już koło dziesiętnicy
00:18:17Koło dziesiętnicy
00:18:18I jak się Pan przestanie dotykać
00:18:20To przestanie boleć
00:18:22A najlepiej
00:18:23To jakby Pan nic łapskami przy sobie teraz nie majdrował
00:18:26Żyje Pan teraz dzięki zmyślnemu systemowi
00:18:28Drenów, woreczków, gumek
00:18:29I paru innych gadżetów
00:18:30O których nie mogę Panu powiedzieć
00:18:31No bo bym zdradził tajemnicę lekarską
00:18:33A potem bym musiał Pana zabić
00:18:38Wszystko pozazwywalili
00:18:41Jak takie zostało?
00:18:43Beksa Lala pojechała do szpitala
00:18:45A w szpitalu powiedzieli
00:18:47Takie Beksy nie widziałem
00:18:50Pan powinien ze szczęścia płakać, Panie puchać
00:18:52Po rękach całować
00:18:54Pan sobie nawet nie zdaje sprawy
00:18:55Jakim stał się Pan teraz bogatym człowiekiem
00:18:58Tylko na tej jednej, jedynej małej operacji
00:19:00Zarobiliśmy dziesięć tysięcy złotych
00:19:02Osiemset euro
00:19:03I pięćdziesiąt szwedzkich koron
00:19:05A to z kogo?
00:19:08Od oceanarium w Malmö
00:19:13Za oskrzewa i pękarz
00:19:16Połowa tej kwoty za materiał należy do Pana
00:19:18Połowa za robociznę oczywiście do mnie
00:19:20No i proszę, dotrwaliśmy do szczęśliwego końca
00:19:22I powiem Panu na koniec
00:19:24Że naprawdę bardzo się cieszę
00:19:26Że w przenośni
00:19:28Ale i dosłownie
00:19:29Stanął Pan wreszcie na nowo
00:19:33To są Pańskie badania
00:19:35Proszę zanieść do domu
00:19:36Żonie się pochwalić
00:19:38Proszę małżonkę ode mnie serdecznie pozdrowić
00:19:40To już będzie wiedziała o co chodzi
00:19:43A badania chowamy do siateczki
00:19:46No Panie Pucharze
00:19:47Niech Pan nie przesadza
00:19:48Wiatr zawieje
00:19:49Pan się zachwieje
00:19:50Zgubi Pan kartkę
00:19:51No chyba, że Pan przyjdzie jeszcze raz
00:19:52Nie, nie
00:19:55A co to jest?
00:19:57A gdzie to się wychodzę?
00:20:00Co to jest pytam?
00:20:03Pan do końca zwariował
00:20:05Z jednym płucem chce Pan papierosy palić?
00:20:07A to jednego
00:20:10Palenie zabija, widzi Pan?
00:20:13I tym magicznym ruchem
00:20:14Uratowałem Pańskie życie
00:20:17O nie
00:20:18Nie, nie, nie
00:20:19O nie, nie, nie
00:20:20Nie, nie, nie
00:20:21Nie, nie, nie, nie
00:20:22Ja tylko wykonywałem swoje obowiązki
00:20:25Nie, nie
00:20:26Nie mogę, nie, nie
00:20:27Choćbym chciał
00:20:28Nie mogę
00:20:30Zdecydowane nie
00:20:31Nie, nie
00:20:33Chyba, że to jest forma jakiegoś Pańskiego podziękowania
00:20:35O nie
00:20:37Wówczas byłoby trochę nie taktem
00:20:39I takim formą podziękowania mówię zdecydowane
00:20:42Czemu nie?
00:20:47O proszę
00:20:48A ja już miałem Pana za chama i gbura
00:20:52A to schował na dnie, schował
00:20:57Po co to się
00:21:04Czyli aż tak się Pan wynudził u nas na oddziale, że zaczął Pan listy do rodziny pisać, tak?
00:21:10To teraz proszę posłuchać, Panie Puchacz
00:21:12Po pierwsze, nie pije Pan
00:21:13Po drugie, nie pali Pan
00:21:15A po trzecie
00:21:17Więcej radości z życia
00:21:21Się bawię
00:21:22Jest, kwestia wyobraźni
00:21:26Słucham, czym się jeszcze mogę pomóc?
00:21:27No, te
00:21:29No słucham
00:21:30No nie pali, nie pije, przynajmniej może to tego
00:21:34Nie no, Panie Puchacz, spokojnie
00:21:36Gramy w jednej drużynie, nie będziemy się faulować, tak?
00:21:38Pić Pan nie może, palić Pan nie może
00:21:40Ale że tak powiem, w tych sprawach
00:21:42Cały czas agresywnie
00:21:44Do przodu
00:21:49W tych sprawach może Pan ciągle stawiać na atak
00:21:54Bo w tych sprawach się akurat niewiele zmieniło
00:22:01A zna Pan to?
00:22:02Co to za zagadka?
00:22:03Dwie kulki i armatka?
00:22:05To jakby Pan tą zagadkę chciał kiedyś opowiadać w jakimś towarzystwie
00:22:08To żeby nie wyjść na lajka
00:22:10Raczej niech się Pan trzyma wersji z jedną kulką
00:22:23Pan tak nie cieszy, Pan jest następny
00:22:33Szanowni Państwo
00:22:35Czerń i biel
00:22:39Dwa kolory
00:22:40Jakże odmienne
00:22:43Czy Państwo znają takie zjawisko jakim jest biała noc?
00:22:52Tak, o, jedna osoba przynajmniej, dobrze
00:22:55Proszę mi uwierzyć na słowo
00:22:56Jest takie zjawisko
00:22:58Które nazywa się właściwie białe noc
00:23:02W naszym środowisku
00:23:04Tak zwanym artystycznym, kabaretowym
00:23:06Biała noc to jest taka chwila, czas
00:23:10Nierzadko cała noc
00:23:12Kiedy to spotykamy się wspólnie
00:23:15Z kolegami z innych kabaretów
00:23:17I spożywamy tylko i wyłącznie biały alkohol
00:23:21Wtedy to są białe noce
00:23:24Ostatnio troszeczkę
00:23:26Prawda w maju było ciężko, bo był biały tydzień, ale to
00:23:33Pali i zdrowi
00:23:37Proszę Państwa, biała noc
00:23:39Z tym, że przyjemny moment, czas
00:23:42Tylko po takich białych nocach
00:23:44Zawsze przychodzą czarne poranki
00:23:47To nie jest śmieszne
00:23:55Dzień dobry, dzień dobry
00:23:56Witam Was bardzo serdecznie
00:23:58Drogie dzieci, w naszej akcji
00:24:00Polska czyta dzieciom
00:24:02Bardzo się cieszę, że Was tak dużo przyszło
00:24:04O, widzę, że jest też trochę rodziców
00:24:06Tym bardziej się cieszę, bo mamy dzisiaj
00:24:08Naprawdę znakomitych gości
00:24:10Ja do tej pory nie mogę uwierzyć, że udało nam się ich zaprosić
00:24:12Bo kiedy wczoraj wieczorem do nich dzwoniłem
00:24:14Oni akurat byli na jakimś bankiecie
00:24:16Świętowali przyznanie jakiejś telekamery czy coś
00:24:19Trudno się z nimi rozmawiało
00:24:21Grała głośna muzyka, brzęk szkła, bardzo dużo ludzi
00:24:23Ja im tłumaczę, że fajnie by było
00:24:25Gdyby przyjechali do naszego przedszkola
00:24:26Przeczytali jakąś bajkę
00:24:28Oni powiedzieli, że dzieciom nigdy nie odmawiają
00:24:31Dlatego drogie dzieci, drodzy rodzice
00:24:34Przywitajmy ich bardzo serdecznie
00:24:36Bo oni pokonali bardzo długą drogę
00:24:38Bardzo trudne warunki atmosferyczne były
00:24:40Ale oni mimo wszystko do nas przyjechali
00:24:42Dwóch najśmieszniejszych braci w Polsce
00:24:44Bracia Głodzikowie z kabaretu Animrumru
00:24:46Po prostu, co za dzień!
00:25:14Są, są! Dzień dobry!
00:25:17Żart, wiadomo, oczywiście, kabareciarze
00:25:19Proszę bardzo, siadajcie panowie
00:25:22Tutaj przesełka, bo widzę, że pan Michał
00:25:24Jeszcze roztańczony po bankiecie
00:25:27Albo zmęczony po podróży, proszę bardzo
00:25:29Bardzo panom serdecznie dziękuję, że tak
00:25:31Wcześnie zechcieliście do nas przybyć
00:25:33No ale proszę zrozumieć, przedszkole później by się nie dało
00:25:35Gratuluję, nagrody, naprawdę
00:25:39Drogie dzieci, drodzy rodzice
00:25:42Tydzień temu grupa Mocarci
00:25:45Dwa tygodnie temu Ireneusz Krosny
00:25:47A dzisiaj w naszej akcji
00:25:49Cała Polska czyta dzieciom
00:25:51Panowie z kabaretu Animrumru
00:25:53Postanowili przeczytać dla was wiersz
00:25:55Juliana Tuwima pod tytułem
00:26:05Wczoraj przez telefon ustalaliśmy, że to będzie
00:26:07Ten tekst właśnie
00:26:10Tak? No tak
00:26:12To nie ma problemu
00:26:14Oczywiście, że tak
00:26:15Proszę bardzo, panie Marcinie, to jest tekst dla pana
00:26:18Po prostu nie mogę uwierzyć, że pan tu jest, naprawdę
00:26:20Ja też
00:26:22Panie Michale, proszę bardzo
00:26:29To całe szczęście, że wziąłem okulary, bo mała czcionka jest
00:26:34Znaczy taka standardowa, także
00:26:38Drogie dzieci
00:26:40Cała Polska czyta dzieciom
00:26:42A dzisiaj dzieciom czyta kabaret Animrumru
00:26:44Prosimy bardzo
00:26:46To za goście
00:27:09Ale dziwne, to jest pojedynek
00:27:13A jak? Co za dzień?
00:27:15Drogie dzieci
00:27:17To nie jest koniec niespodzianek na dziś
00:27:19Panowie z kabaretu postanowili, że
00:27:21Pokażą ten skecz po swojemu
00:27:23To znaczy, że pan Marcin będzie
00:27:25Deklamował, a pan Michał będzie
00:27:27Pokazywał to, co pan Marcin
00:27:29Będzie deklamował, to jest po prostu nieprawdopodobne
00:27:31Ja jak halo, halo Mietku, halo Franku
00:27:33To mój ulubiony skecz
00:27:35Bardzo serdecznie panu dziękuję, naprawdę
00:27:37Co za ludzie, super
00:27:40Załatwiłem ci, że będziesz pokazywał
00:27:53Musisz wstać
00:27:55O nie
00:27:57Ale na chwilę
00:27:59Żeby cię dziatwa lepiej widziała
00:28:06O, mi podoba ci się
00:28:11O, dziękuję
00:28:13To uwaga, bo krzesło zabrałem
00:28:18Czyli zaczynać, tak?
00:28:20Prosimy bardzo, tak
00:28:25Ale przepraszam bardzo
00:28:27W przedszkolu nie wolno palić
00:28:31A od kiedy?
00:28:34Od 15 listopada taka ustawa wyszła
00:28:36Także prosiłbym
00:28:38Nie ma problemu?
00:28:39Dziękuję serdecznie, dziękuję bardzo
00:28:44Czyli zaczynać, tak?
00:28:46Prosimy bardzo
00:28:51Bym jeszcze usta zwilżył
00:28:54Bo spałem koło klimakteryzatora
00:28:58Mi się strzekły
00:29:00Naturalnie, oczywiście, że tak
00:29:04No ale świątkowski z bańką
00:29:06Nie wydurniajcie się, wyjdziecie zaraz
00:29:26Que tu est belle
00:29:40Julian Tuwim
00:29:48Ale tytułu się nie pokazuje
00:29:53Co za dzień
00:29:55Stoi na stacji
00:29:59Ciężka, ogromna
00:30:01I pod z niej spływa
00:30:04Tłusta oliwa
00:30:10Stoi i sapie
00:30:12Dyszy i dmucha
00:30:16Żal z rozgrzanego jej brzucha bucha
00:30:21Buf jak gorąco
00:30:24Buf jak gorąco
00:30:28A jeszcze do niej te wagony
00:30:30Pod oczy biali
00:30:32Wielkie i ciężkie
00:30:34I że z żelaza i ze stali
00:30:36Nie ma
00:30:39Lecz choćby przyszło tysiąc atletów
00:30:43I każdy zjadłby tysiąc kotletów
00:30:46I każdy nie wiem
00:30:48Jakby się nie natężał
00:30:51No to ni hu
00:30:56Ni hu hu
00:31:00Ni hu hu nie poddźwignie czegoś takiego
00:31:04Bo to taki jest duży ciężar
00:31:15I nie ma problemu
00:31:18Bo nie rozumią
00:31:31Koła w ruch
00:31:37Poszły koniec
00:31:41Najpierw powoli
00:31:45Najpierw powoli
00:31:48Jak żółw
00:31:54Rozsyła maszyna
00:32:00Po szynach
00:32:03O spale
00:32:06Szarpnęła wagony
00:32:09I ciągnie z mozołem
00:32:11I kręci się, kręci się
00:32:13Koło za kołem
00:32:15I biegu przyspiesza
00:32:17Ignat coraz prędzej to dudnie
00:32:19I stukało moce i pędzi
00:32:21A dokąd, a dokąd, a dokąd
00:32:23Na wprost
00:32:25A dokąd, a dokąd, a dokąd
00:32:27Na wprost
00:32:39Po torze, po torze, po torze
00:32:41Przez most, przez góry, przez tunel
00:32:43Przez pola, przez las
00:32:45I śpieszy się, śpieszy by zdążyć na czas
00:32:49Do taktu turkocę i puka
00:32:51I stuka
00:32:53To, to tak, to, to tak
00:32:55To, to tak
00:32:57Jak gładko, tak lekko
00:32:59Tak toczy się w dal
00:33:01Jak gdyby to była
00:33:03Piłeczka, nie stal
00:33:05Nieciężka maszyna
00:33:07Zdziajalna, zdyszalna
00:33:09Ależ fraszka, graszka
00:33:11Zabawka blaszana
00:33:13A skądże, to jakże
00:33:15To czemu tak gna
00:33:17A co to, to, to, to, to, to tak pcha
00:33:19Że pędzi, że wali
00:33:21I że bucha
00:33:23Buch, buch
00:33:29To para gorąca
00:33:31Sprawiła to w ruch
00:33:37To, to para co skotła
00:33:39Rurami do tłoków
00:33:43A tłoki ruszają koła
00:33:47Z dwóch boków
00:33:49I gnają
00:33:55I gnają i pchają
00:33:59I pociąg się toczy
00:34:09Bo para te tłoki
00:34:11Wciąż toczy
00:34:13I koła
00:34:17I koła, turkocła i puka
00:34:19I stuka to tak, to tak, to tak
00:34:31Naprawdę wielcy artyści
00:34:33Wspaniała interpretacja
00:34:35Bardzo, ale to bardzo serdecznie im dziękujemy
00:34:37Ja wam dziękuję
00:34:39Drogie dzieci
00:34:41A was drodzy rodzice
00:34:43Zapraszam tutaj do korytarza
00:34:45Żebyście wzięli udział w akcji sprzątania świata
00:34:47Dziękuję bardzo serdecznie
00:35:07Szanowni klienci
00:35:09Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:11O numerach rejestracyjnych
00:35:13LU 5312H
00:35:15Proszę o podejście do informacji
00:35:19Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:21Proszę podejście do alejki z rowerami
00:35:39Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:41Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:43Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:45Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:47Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:49Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:51Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:53Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:55Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:57Pracownik działu sportu
00:35:59Pracownik działu sportu
00:36:01Pracownik działu sportu
00:36:03Pracownik działu sportu
00:36:05Pracownik działu sportu
00:36:07Pracownik działu sportu
00:36:09Pracownik działu sportu
00:36:41Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
00:37:01Bell rings
00:41:45who only has pessimistic thoughts and sees everything in black.
00:41:52But we have to be careful about one more thing,
00:41:55and we have to be very careful
00:41:58so that his black thoughts of the future
00:42:03don't turn out to be a clear vision.
00:42:07I cordially invite you.
00:42:09Thank you.
00:42:15It always seemed to me that my father was talking nonsense.
00:42:18But when I remember, ten years have passed.
00:42:22I'm sorry.
00:42:37Listen, Grzesiek.
00:42:39Damn it.
00:42:46The last time I asked you to make a soup.
00:42:48The last time.
00:42:49You can't wait.
00:42:50Very well.
00:42:53Pour your soup, father.
00:42:57Pour it thickly, thickly.
00:43:01I feel like not drinking.
00:43:09Pour it thickly.
00:43:22Without the balls.
00:43:28Very well.
00:43:30Pour yourself some too.
00:43:32Thank you.
00:43:45The soup is so thick that you can hear it on the ground.
00:43:48What did you say?
00:43:50You can't hear anything because the soup is so thick.
00:43:53It's thick because it's hot like hell.
00:43:56Can't you wait, father?
00:43:57I can't.
00:43:58Because in the army they taught me to eat soup quickly.
00:44:01Not like this.
00:44:02You sit down and pray over every spoon,
00:44:04if you don't know who.
00:44:05God bless you.
00:44:11It's about the wolf.
00:44:13And the wolf always has to be late for the grandfather's dinner, right?
00:44:16The grandfather will forgive, but we have so much work.
00:44:19After all, we put Bethlehem in front of the parish.
00:44:22There's just so much work.
00:44:23The shop?
00:44:24Well, yes.
00:44:25Well, what doesn't the father say?
00:44:26If only I had good hands, maybe I could help.
00:44:30Oh, and can the grandfather carve in the tree?
00:44:33Well, not only in the tree.
00:44:35And what is to be done?
00:44:37The baby has to be done.
00:44:39The baby has to be carved?
00:44:41Oh, you see.
00:44:42And what is it carved in?
00:44:43Oh, oh.
00:44:44Well, I think in the oak it will be the hardest.
00:44:48Well, the hardest, but so that in the oak it doesn't darken later.
00:44:51Oh no, oh no.
00:44:53Maybe it's better in the oak.
00:44:55In the oak.
00:44:56In the oak.
00:44:57Oh no.
00:44:58The hair has to be shaved.
00:45:00The easiest.
00:45:01You don't teach children to be fathers, okay?
00:45:05And let the father stop calling him father.
00:45:07And I always respect the priest.
00:45:10Oh, and what doesn't the father say?
00:45:14Son, you will always be a sylvek for me.
00:45:16Very good.
00:45:17For you sylvek, and for me father New Year's Eve.
00:45:20By the way, are you going somewhere with your mother for New Year's Eve?
00:45:24I would go.
00:45:25But my mother is afraid.
00:45:26If she's afraid, go to one without a petard.
00:45:30She's not afraid of a petard, but a virus.
00:45:33What, are you sick?
00:45:34Then don't push yourself right away with your tongue inside after 12 o'clock.
00:45:38No, no, grandpa.
00:45:39She's afraid of the millenium virus.
00:45:42Of who?
00:45:44I don't know this man.
00:45:45It is rumored in the media that if the date changes to 2000, everything will go to hell.
00:45:50How do you express yourself in front of your father?
00:45:53That's what they write in the newspaper.
00:45:55Oh, that at midnight, when the date changes to 2000, the elevators will stop, banks will stop working, computers will go crazy.
00:46:02The end of the world will be.
00:46:04I don't believe that.
00:46:06Father New Year's Eve, how much did your grandmother have to eat snow to give birth to such a pig?
00:46:16Nothing will happen.
00:46:18Nothing will happen.
00:46:19You'll go to New Year's Eve, you'll stick up, you'll get up in the morning, your head will be fucked up, like every year.
00:46:24That's how much it will be.
00:46:25And how does your father know?
00:46:26Because I'm always right.
00:46:28Only with the martial law, your father made a mistake.
00:46:31But for three days I settled in the limit of error.
00:46:34And your grandfather was for or against the state?
00:46:37Who would remember that?
00:46:39I remember. He was for the state.
00:46:42Orma, Orma spoke.
00:46:44I was for the state, for the state.
00:46:46But for martial law, not for Tymiński, like you.
00:46:48For what Tymiński, because my father gave peace.
00:46:50For such Tymiński.
00:46:51Calm down!
00:46:54I remind you, we are on Sunday dinner.
00:46:56You should at least give yourself a moment of peace.
00:46:58A moment of peace.
00:47:00Let's eat.
00:47:02What's up, Sylwek, how are you?
00:47:04Oh, Harmider is starting big, because the news says that the Holy Father is going to Poland with a visit.
00:47:09Of course, as long as health allows him.
00:47:11Oh no.
00:47:13He's a great man, he's been lacking a little lately.
00:47:16What will it be when he's gone?
00:47:19I can't imagine my life without our Holy Father.
00:47:22Well, Grandpa, that's the church's way.
00:47:24There must always be the next one.
00:47:27I hope they don't choose Muzzyna.
00:47:30They won't.
00:47:32They won't.
00:47:33How do you know?
00:47:34Because I'm always right.
00:47:36If they took Muzzyna for the Pope, that would be the end of the world.
00:47:39Oh yes, oh yes.
00:47:40My father read enough of those newspapers.
00:47:42Muzzyna would be more of a US President than a Pope.
00:47:45Oh no, Grandpa, that's too much.
00:47:52Now that your father farted...
00:47:54He farted, and then he'll say I was right again.
00:47:56No, Holy Father, if they took Muzzyna for the US President, that would be the end of the world.
00:48:00Well, you're right.
00:48:02Sylwek, you're an expert.
00:48:04Tell me, who will remain after our Pope?
00:48:07Well, me. I just hope he'll be long-lasting and strong.
00:48:11Like a Mercedes.
00:48:19I'm sorry, Grandpa, does Grandpa have anything against the Germans?
00:48:22Absolutely not.
00:48:24I was only taught in the army that there are certain boundaries.
00:48:30Well, there are for now.
00:48:32But when we get to the EU, you know...
00:48:35When we get to the EU, I'll personally break all the personal barriers.
00:48:42I'm not in a hurry to go to the EU.
00:48:44Excuse me?
00:48:45I said I'm not in a hurry to go to the EU.
00:48:47Very good, very good.
00:48:49And wise and right.
00:48:51You should also buy a house in Włodaw over the Bug.
00:48:56And why would I need a house in Włodaw?
00:48:58Because if you have a house in Włodaw over the Bug, you'll be the last sheep to enter the EU.
00:49:10Dad, this EU doesn't suit me. Wouldn't you like to earn in the EU?
00:49:15It doesn't suit you because you're stupid from the countryside.
00:49:18You know what? That's a good idea.
00:49:21Earn in the EU, spend in zlotys.
00:49:23Very wise.
00:49:24Yes, that's very good.
00:49:25Very wise.
00:49:26When we get to the EU, we'll have everything.
00:49:28We'll be able to get everything, buy everything. Right, Grandpa?
00:49:31And I can't do without the EU.
00:49:33I go to the 10th anniversary stadium, I buy everything, I have everything.
00:49:37Dad, you should stop grumbling and going to those shitholes.
00:49:40It's the stench, the dirt and Tandetta.
00:49:43Tandetta, that's you.
00:49:45Tandetta, that's you.
00:49:46Tandetta, that's you.
00:49:47Tandetta, that's you.
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00:54:05Tandetta, that's you.
00:54:06Tandetta, that's you.
00:54:07Tandetta, that's you.
00:54:08Tandetta, that's you.
00:54:09Tandetta, that's you.
00:54:28is full of surprising surprises.
00:54:32After all, even the most experienced amateur
00:54:36of the white madness
00:54:38must eventually hit his black route.
00:54:44However, this type of situation can be avoided.
00:54:49You just have to explain everything very carefully at the beginning.
00:54:54Or better yet,
00:54:56black on white.
00:55:02Nice jacket.
00:55:04I know.
00:55:07Are you going to buy some mushrooms?
00:55:12I like to have tattoos.
00:55:18But one day the schoolboys will take me to the garage
00:55:23and it will turn out that I will die.
00:55:28Knock, knock, good morning.
00:55:41Where are you going?
00:55:43Don't you recognize me?
00:55:47Should I?
00:55:50I beg you. I was at your place yesterday.
00:55:54You tattooed my back on the top.
00:55:56Oh, oh.
00:55:59You know, I don't remember faces.
00:56:02I don't understand.
00:56:03Because if I tattooed your face, it would be faster.
00:56:05I beg you, I beg you. I don't feel like these fresh jokes.
00:56:09We have a serious problem.
00:56:13Me and you, you and me.
00:56:15I come home yesterday, stand in front of the mirror,
00:56:18take off my bandage, look in the mirror and what?
00:56:21And this.
00:56:23Oh, what a beautiful thing.
00:56:25What beautiful thing? What beautiful thing?
00:56:28A naked woman.
00:56:32Yes. Yuck.
00:56:35What yuck?
00:56:36What yuck?
00:56:38Sir, I wanted an eagle.
00:56:40What did you want?
00:56:42And what did I say unclearly?
00:56:43An eagle, sir.
00:56:45An eagle.
00:56:46An eagle.
00:56:48An eagle.
00:56:51Are you sure?
00:56:54I'm sure, I'm sure, I'm sure.
00:56:56And now I want to remove this nasty tattoo.
00:57:02Sir, I can remove this tattoo.
00:57:05Then I beg you very much.
00:57:07But then you will have a painful scar.
00:57:10A painful scar?
00:57:12But certainly not in the shape of an eagle.
00:57:23I don't know what to do to turn this naked woman into an eagle.
00:57:27A naked woman into an eagle?
00:57:30Oh, sir.
00:57:31There is no such situation in nature to use a naked woman as a bird.
00:57:36I also don't like it, but how much work is it for a real artist?
00:57:39But then I would have to, I don't know, change the beaks.
00:57:44Cut the veins.
00:57:47The wings to the arms.
00:57:49I don't know if you can fit a branch at the bottom.
00:57:51Sir, these are my private secrets and please don't get involved in this.
00:58:03But, but, I don't want to get involved anywhere, I wanted a branch.
00:58:08If you can't turn a naked woman into an eagle, then let her turn into anything else.
00:58:13I really don't care.
00:58:15What do you usually tattoo?
00:58:22But nothing will be visible on the backs.
00:58:25Not really.
00:58:26Then we'll make the backs on the belly.
00:58:29We'll make the belly on the backs.
00:58:32What do you mean why?
00:58:33Then you will have four boobs and two dicks.
00:58:36Do you know how many dicks you can put in there?
00:58:39Oh no, not that, please.
00:58:40We'll connect everything with chains, fingers, bells and we'll make an Arabian moon.
00:58:43Mistaken necklaces, cooks are fighting, no.
00:58:45Why not?
00:58:46I won't make any Christmas tree out of you.
00:58:49I wanted to help.
00:58:50If you want to help, then move your head.
00:58:52What do I have to do to make me look like a human again?
00:59:55Excuse me, but there is no Zodiac sign here.
00:59:57There are naked women everywhere.
00:59:59In the catalog with the naked women signs.
01:00:01I'm not blind, am I?
01:00:02Here you are.
01:00:03This is a sign of Zodiac.
01:00:04A naked woman with a penis.
01:00:06A shooter.
01:00:09And two naked women?
01:00:10A twin.
01:00:12And a naked woman with a butt?
01:00:16I'm going crazy.
01:00:20And this fat one?
01:00:21A weight.
01:00:23I think overweight.
01:00:25A thicker line and that's it.
01:00:28And this naked woman with a stick?
01:00:30Sir, it's not a stick, it's a fishing rod.
01:00:32A diver.
01:00:34A box of fish.
01:00:37Sir, what sign are you from?
01:00:40Yes, sir.
01:00:42Sir, right?
01:00:54Let's look for it.
01:01:09Look, I don't think I'll have it.
01:01:12Please, sir, don't worry.
01:01:14I'll give it to you.
01:01:15Thank you.
01:01:16Thank you.
01:01:17Thank you.
01:01:19Thank you.
01:01:20Thank you.
01:01:21Please, sir, don't get so discouraged.
01:01:23You can still have a Pogmer.
01:01:27But it's in the catalogue.
01:01:30Did you have another idea?
01:01:34Well, it's in the catalogue.
01:01:37Oh, and according to the Chinese calendar, what are you?
01:01:41A pig.
01:01:43Well, hurry up.
01:01:44You'll find a neck.
01:01:45We'll make the wings.
01:01:46And you'll have this.
01:01:53I beg you.
01:01:55Please, stop joking.
01:01:56Please, hide this shabby naked woman.
01:01:58I just don't like naked women.
01:02:00You don't like them.
01:02:01Then maybe you should have a naked man right away.
01:02:03With a neck, of course.
01:02:04Without personal trips.
01:02:08But it was a joke.
01:02:11I got so angry that I have to move my hips.
01:02:16But I was joking.
01:02:17I'm sorry.
01:02:18I accepted it.
01:02:21I don't know what's going on with me.
01:02:22I've been walking like this since this morning.
01:02:24I feel like I'm in a cave.
01:02:29But it's probably because something terrible happened to me last night.
01:02:33What happened?
01:02:38Okay, sir.
01:02:39I have a different catalogue.
01:02:40Famous characters.
01:02:43Excuse me?
01:02:44Famous characters.
01:02:45No way.
01:02:46You can have famous people?
01:02:48And there's Jacek.
01:02:52He would even hit me on the chest with this waffle.
01:02:58The first one.
01:03:01It's not like you can catch a man in a block.
01:03:13Famous characters.
01:03:15Famous characters naked.
01:03:17What are they supposed to look like?
01:03:19This is Venus with Milo.
01:03:21This is Venus with Milo.
01:03:22Of course.
01:03:23Which of these two do you think is Milo?
01:03:31The one next to Venus with bigger bottles.
01:03:35And this one naked?
01:03:39Of course.
01:03:40And why did you send him?
01:03:42Because he has one sandal.
01:03:45I didn't pay attention because it was in Turkish.
01:03:50Oh, and here...
01:03:51Adam and Eve.
01:03:54The lady lying down is Sleeping Beauty.
01:03:57Let's say.
01:03:58And the one above her, with a crown?
01:04:00Toncio Paluch.
01:04:11It's hard to guess just the name.
01:04:15Oh, Mamunia.
01:04:16What happened?
01:04:17Are you such an old lady?
01:04:19Well, Baba Yaga.
01:04:21I guessed.
01:04:22By the broom between her legs.
01:04:24Oh, this one.
01:04:25Sir, she is naked.
01:04:26She is.
01:04:27But she has to be naked.
01:04:28This is an elderly person.
01:04:30Could you at least have a penuar, a shawl, a leaf?
01:04:33No, sir.
01:04:34She has to be naked because this is a two-sided tattoo.
01:04:39Please come here to me.
01:04:40Turn Baba Yaga upside down.
01:04:43Baba Yaga upside down?
01:04:52A lady with a crown?
01:04:55I can't believe it.
01:04:57How did you do it?
01:04:59The magic of the tattoo.
01:05:00You are a wizard.
01:05:02Let me cast a spell on you.
01:05:05I can't walk around with a naked woman on my back.
01:05:08Sir, I wanted this eagle because I am from Gniezno.
01:05:14Congratulations, but what does it have to do with anything?
01:05:16Well, it's a symbol.
01:05:18A symbol?
01:05:20I am from Gniezno, I want an eagle.
01:05:22If I was from Krakow, I would want a dragon.
01:05:24From Gdańsk, a Neptune.
01:05:25From Warsaw, a mermaid.
01:05:26I don't care.
01:05:27From Poznań, a Scottish mole.
01:05:28I don't care.
01:05:29With a boat, I would have to think about it,
01:05:31because it's either a paddle or a pink hood.
01:05:33Oh, with a piglet?
01:05:37This is a symbol.
01:05:39Sir, forgive me, but I don't have a clearer one.
01:05:43You are a wizard, sir, but I won't let you steal from me like this.
01:05:47I wonder what you would do in my place with such a nasty naked woman on your back.
01:05:51What I would do?
01:05:53I would behave like a normal guy.
01:05:57I would go home and sleep with this naked woman.
01:06:14I have to admit, ladies and gentlemen, that I didn't know my colleagues from this side.
01:06:18But maybe it's for the best.
01:06:21The lady is laughing, but it's me who's driving with him.
01:06:25Ladies and gentlemen, let's go back to the topic of our meeting,
01:06:29which is black and white.
01:06:31Do you know such examples,
01:06:34when black and white
01:06:36turn into black and white?
01:06:39Or cases,
01:06:40when black and white
01:06:42turn into characters?
01:06:45And then white becomes evil,
01:06:47and black good.
01:06:50Do you know them?
01:06:52A hint.
01:06:55Zorro, good.
01:06:57Another character?
01:07:01Now white and evil.
01:07:04Snow Queen.
01:07:06Someone recently told me Lady Gaga.
01:07:10I think Lady Gaga is fine.
01:07:13Ladies and gentlemen, I will use the example of negative.
01:07:16Let's pay attention that in negative what is white is...
01:07:21And what is black is...
01:07:25White, of course.
01:07:26And now, attention, I turn negative upside down and...
01:07:30Nothing changes.
01:07:32It's just a fun fact.
01:07:35It's just...
01:07:37In such moments, when white is evil,
01:07:39black is good,
01:07:40everything is upside down,
01:07:43in such cases,
01:07:45everything we would dream of, dream of, build,
01:07:48it can all splash like a soap bubble.
01:07:55Nice underwear.
01:07:57And socks are white and evil.
01:08:01Because there is nothing in life
01:08:03that can crush the copy
01:08:06of insignificant things.
01:08:09Work or lack of it,
01:08:11a car,
01:08:13or golden Swedish tables.
01:08:17I live from day to day
01:08:19and I don't care
01:08:22when something doesn't work out.
01:08:24I know that a better time will come
01:08:26and the bad luck,
01:08:29I get it again.
01:08:31And how?
01:08:32Because there is nothing in life
01:08:34and you have to believe
01:08:36that the card will turn upside down.
01:08:40Although I don't sleep in the card,
01:08:42I fall asleep.
01:08:44Poverty doesn't bother me.
01:08:48I have my little goal,
01:08:50an account full of zeros.
01:08:53I'm constantly striving for it,
01:08:55to throw in anything
01:08:57and make my GDP rise.
01:08:59Even in this quarter.
01:09:02Because I believe
01:09:05in magic,
01:09:09in money,
01:09:11in dollars
01:09:13and gold.
01:09:15How I love
01:09:17this job.
01:09:19Little magic,
01:09:22little magic.
01:09:25Salons, salons
01:09:27will open their doors
01:09:29to my golden door.
01:09:33Hey, ladies.
01:09:35Yes, it's me.
01:09:37I'm standing here.
01:09:39I like to stand here.
01:09:41I can play here today
01:09:43for every penny thrown in.
01:09:47Kiss, kiss.
01:09:50Little magic,
01:09:53little magic.
01:09:56And flowers.
01:09:58I'm shooting for happiness
01:10:00because I believe,
01:10:02because I believe
01:10:04that I'm collecting it.
01:10:07Holy shit,
01:10:09one fourth time this week.
01:10:21Ladies and gentlemen,
01:10:23in the life of most people,
01:10:24there is only one,
01:10:26only one moment
01:10:28when black and white
01:10:30stand shoulder to shoulder
01:10:32on one side of the barricade.
01:10:34They stand to fight
01:10:36for a better,
01:10:38colorful future.
01:10:40Such a day
01:10:42is, of course,
01:10:44a wedding.
01:10:46I see that some people
01:10:48have their own thoughts
01:10:50about it.
01:10:51Before the wedding,
01:10:53everyone should seriously think about it
01:10:55because it may turn out
01:10:57that it's a decision
01:10:59for at least a year and a half.
01:11:01I found a different justification.
01:11:03Pay attention,
01:11:05if you don't pay attention,
01:11:07on the next occasion,
01:11:09a young man who is usually
01:11:11dressed in black
01:11:13and a young woman
01:11:15who is usually
01:11:17dressed in white
01:11:18may wear different clothes.
01:11:20More colorful.
01:11:24Because they act subconsciously.
01:11:26On the first night of the wedding,
01:11:28they already feel it.
01:11:30They already know that
01:11:32in the later life of the bride
01:11:34this color may be missing.
01:11:36By the way,
01:11:38those who have been married
01:11:40know it very well.
01:11:44It's sad, isn't it?
01:11:46I know, I know.
01:11:48It's a funny story.
01:12:37Sit down, sit down.
01:12:39Let's think.
01:12:40Let's think.
01:12:48It's already 13 o'clock.
01:12:51That's how the police work,
01:12:53to find.
01:12:55There is a cashier, it will be good.
01:13:00And another cashier.
01:13:11You have to look good at work.
01:13:20Here you are.
01:13:23Good morning, sir.
01:13:25Mr. Aspirant.
01:13:29My name is Bun.
01:13:30Oh, and one cashier for a bun?
01:13:36No, I don't think so.
01:13:37And which one?
01:13:45Which bun is the easiest to hide on the beach?
01:13:49I don't know.
01:13:50The Wrocław one.
01:13:59No, the tart one.
01:14:02The tart one.
01:14:04The tart one.
01:14:09The tart one.
01:14:11And this one.
01:14:12Have you ever seen a car made of wood?
01:14:16Then you should go into a tree and look at the parking lot.
01:14:23I thought it was made of sheet metal.
01:14:27Both are good.
01:14:28Both are good.
01:14:29Both are good.
01:14:31So as not to burn.
01:14:39So this one.
01:14:45Why did you come here?
01:14:47Well, as I mentioned, my name is Bun and I came here because I'm looking for a wife.
01:14:54It will be hard, because only men work here.
01:14:57No, I already have a wife.
01:14:59I already have a wife, but she suddenly disappeared.
01:15:02How did she disappear?
01:15:03Like this.
01:15:04Like this.
01:15:07No, no, no.
01:15:08Maybe I didn't express myself clearly.
01:15:09More in the sense that she disappeared.
01:15:12Oh, oh.
01:15:14At least you calmed me down a bit.
01:15:17But there were cases that...
01:15:26Oh, no.
01:15:27I don't think this is enough UFO.
01:15:31I think she disappeared.
01:15:34Well, I'm listening.
01:15:35You tell me from the beginning how it was.
01:15:37And I'll tell you everything in a moment.
01:15:38How it was.
01:15:39It was like this.
01:15:40I woke up.
01:15:41I look.
01:15:43And she's not here.
01:15:48What time was it?
01:15:50Ten o'clock.
01:15:51You wake up and instantly notice that your wife is not here.
01:15:55I mean, not exactly.
01:15:57Because when I instantly noticed that my wife is not here, it was after twelve.
01:16:03And how?
01:16:04Well, that night I slept with my face to the parquet.
01:16:06And I said, I won't look around right away, because I'll break my nose.
01:16:11Oh, yes, yes.
01:16:12So when?
01:16:13When was the last time you saw your wife?
01:16:16Either four or five days ago.
01:16:18And only now you come?
01:16:20I thought I'd lie down to freshen up.
01:16:22And somehow it happened.
01:16:25In general, the technique is very good.
01:16:27But time-consuming.
01:16:28Something for something.
01:16:29All right.
01:16:30In this case, sir, we will arrange a protocol of disappearance.
01:16:34Great idea.
01:16:36I'm just asking.
01:16:37I care about time, you know?
01:16:39Washing up.
01:16:41In the sink there are so many pots that you don't have where to wash your feet.
01:16:45All right.
01:16:46Let's look for a name.
01:17:00Oh, yes.
01:17:06Teresa Bułka.
01:17:07From home?
01:17:08No, from the block.
01:17:09Sienkiewicz from Wana-
01:17:11No, wife.
01:17:12I'm asking this question to get an answer in the style of a lady's name.
01:17:16Your husband's.
01:17:17That's what you're doing.
01:17:18I mean, here I have...
01:17:20All right, I didn't know.
01:17:21So again.
01:17:26From home?
01:17:36Or Szarak?
01:17:41So you don't remember.
01:17:43I remember, but I got nervous and it came out.
01:17:46You know, nerves can come out.
01:17:51That's nice too.
01:17:52All right.
01:17:56Hey, stop.
01:17:57Come back.
01:18:01I knew there was something to do with a mouse.
01:18:05Excuse me, I'm in the woods right now.
01:18:07I don't know.
01:18:08I'm sorry.
01:18:09I just remembered that her father is Mysiak.
01:18:11Where from?
01:18:12It's written at the factory.
01:18:13Tapicer Mysiak.
01:18:14Tapicer Mysiak.
01:18:15The other way around.
01:18:16So, Teresa Bułka from home, Mysiak.
01:18:18Teresa Bułka from home, Mysiak.
01:18:20Yes, yes.
01:18:22Yes, yes.
01:18:23Yes, yes.
01:18:24We've got it.
01:18:26Happy birthday.
01:18:31I mean...
01:18:32It's definitely going to be either June or May,
01:18:34because we always have a barbecue then, right?
01:18:38I can see it won't be easy.
01:18:39No, no.
01:18:40Just a second.
01:18:41Just a second.
01:18:42And that's a joke.
01:18:44You don't remember your own wife's birthday?
01:18:47And you remember yours?
01:18:50I'm asking questions here!
01:18:55I'm done here.
01:18:57And how many can you remember?
01:18:58Oh, you can't.
01:19:00Not really.
01:19:01It's at least a year.
01:19:111900, 500, 800.
01:19:12You can't.
01:19:13But what do you mean?
01:19:14Well, you can enter 1900 already, right?
01:19:18And there's already something.
01:19:19And there's already such a thing.
01:19:20And there's already something.
01:19:21And there's already such a thing.
01:19:24Actually, yes.
01:19:26OK, OK.
01:19:29That should be good.
01:19:41And I won't squeeze this loop tighter.
01:19:45So who can know?
01:19:46And I know.
01:19:47I don't know.
01:19:48And I know a lot.
01:19:50The mother-in-law will know.
01:19:52Stop it, sir.
01:19:53As usual, everything the mother-in-law sees.
01:19:54She probably had to be there.
01:19:55Well, yes.
01:19:58Well, yes.
01:19:59So if I ask her the date of birth of Teresa...
01:20:04The idea itself was good.
01:20:06No, we don't risk that much.
01:20:07No, no, no.
01:20:08No, no.
01:20:14Ask her about Pesel.
01:20:17But the fox is sleeping.
01:20:21And how?
01:20:31Do you know the number of the mother-in-law?
01:20:32Of course.
01:20:34But I'm sure I have it in the undisclosed.
01:20:39Only that she would take it.
01:20:40If she doesn't take a quarter of the body, she takes it.
01:20:42I'm listening!
01:20:43I'm listening.
01:20:45I mean, no, no, I'm not listening.
01:20:46I'm saying.
01:20:47Good morning, mother!
01:20:48Stand up! Stand up!
01:20:50Respectful mother!
01:20:51Respectful mother!
01:20:52Yes, sir!
01:20:53Mother of Teresa.
01:20:55I'm calling because I wanted to...
01:20:58I know, but I'm calling...
01:21:04No, but why...
01:21:24Yes, yes, yes, yes.
01:21:25No, but...
01:21:29And that's why I called my mother,
01:21:30to apologize to her for all of this.
01:21:34There's no need.
01:21:37And by the way,
01:21:38my mother would give me Pesel of Teresa, right?
01:21:41Not a loan.
01:21:42Oh, yes, yes.
01:21:43A loan.
01:21:44A loan.
01:21:45Not a loan.
01:21:47What for?
01:21:48A surprise.
01:21:52When I say what,
01:21:53it won't be a surprise.
01:21:58She wants to buy a dishwasher for her rats.
01:22:02I know, I know.
01:22:07I know it's a good idea.
01:22:08I know, I know.
01:22:09My mother, she's a drunk,
01:22:10hands are wet,
01:22:11I can't even sew a sock afterwards.
01:22:14Well, I remember,
01:22:15my mother was the first one
01:22:16to say it before the wedding.
01:22:17Who are you running for?
01:22:19Well, she was stubborn, like an owl.
01:22:20I remember.
01:22:21I agree.
01:22:22She's got it.
01:22:23She's got it.
01:22:24But I take it all on myself.
01:22:27On myse...
01:22:29It's my fault.
01:22:30MY fault.
01:22:39But you really need this hairbrush, because the salesman here is very nervous.
01:22:45He has a pen as if he was writing invoices.
01:22:48Ready? You can, you can.
01:22:50Give it to me.
01:22:59And 31.
01:23:00And 31.
01:23:02And 31 is not the time. Do we have a calendar?
01:23:04No, no, no.
01:23:06I'm taking you to the tunnel. I'm losing you.
01:23:11That was very risky.
01:23:13But it paid off. We have PESEL.
01:23:15Yes, yes. PESEL is there. You can find a man for the job.
01:23:20Of course.
01:23:21And how long will it take?
01:23:22No, no. We'll put it on the scale. It would be faster if I could use...
01:23:28Here you are.
01:23:29Yes, yes.
01:23:30But fast, because I don't have much on my card.
01:23:32Ah. With numbers, fast. Look how it's done.
01:23:35With numbers?
01:23:43Like in Kojak, look.
01:23:48What, who?
01:23:52Kuśka from Ochota.
01:23:55Well, Kuśka!
01:23:56Hi, Bartek!
01:23:58Hi, Bartek!
01:23:59Oh, Bartek, Bartek! Wait, wait, wait!
01:24:01I have two riddles for you.
01:24:04This one is good. Listen, listen.
01:24:07Have you ever seen a car made of wood?
01:24:11I want to go to sleep and look at the parking lot.
01:24:15These are good.
01:24:17Why are you going to the parking lot?
01:24:20Come back!
01:24:22The second one is easier.
01:24:24You can do it, it's easier.
01:24:25Teresa Bółka.
01:24:27From Myszak's house.
01:24:28From Myszak's house.
01:24:29I'm giving you PESEL.
01:24:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:24:39Well, standard, hospitals, hospitals.
01:24:42If not, keep looking.
01:24:45Okay, keep looking!
01:24:47Keep looking!
01:24:48Smell, smell, keep looking!
01:24:50Take it!
01:24:54I have to go to work.
01:24:55You have to go to work, take it!
01:24:57Okay, we're on the phone.
01:24:58Call this number.
01:24:59Call this number.
01:25:02So what?
01:25:03So, according to PESEL,
01:25:04the wife is from January.
01:25:12So the grill got me wrong.
01:25:15You have to be careful.
01:25:17Okay, Wacek, sniff it,
01:25:18we'll quickly arrange the sketch.
01:25:20Do you need this?
01:25:21I have to put it in
01:25:22so they know who to look for.
01:25:24It's hard, let's take it with us.
01:25:26Where do we start?
01:25:27From the top, height.
01:25:28In meters?
01:25:30No, it's enough for me.
01:25:31High, low, medium.
01:25:34For sure.
01:25:35So I'm not this again.
01:25:37If someone hangs a curtain without a stool,
01:25:42It's a piece of kubit.
01:25:46Recently she cut her throat with a carnage.
01:25:51And you can not write it,
01:25:52it's such a curiosity.
01:25:55So high.
01:25:58Special signs.
01:26:00Oh, it's going fast.
01:26:04Lack of eyebrows.
01:26:10But so from birth?
01:26:11Well, where from birth?
01:26:13From starting a cigarette from the stove.
01:26:21Oh, it's an unpleasant situation.
01:26:23But there was a laugh.
01:26:27Oh, good.
01:26:30Then she had to repeat it once more,
01:26:32because the neighbor did not see it for the first time.
01:26:36But, but, but...
01:26:37Did you like it?
01:26:38She wrote four times.
01:26:41We write, bro.
01:26:43We write.
01:26:44But, sir, the face.
01:26:47Well, yes.
01:26:48For two grannies in a rose.
01:26:50Because it's like this,
01:26:51when she is rested,
01:26:52she paints something there,
01:26:53she may even like it.
01:26:56I'm not saying no.
01:26:58Flirty, with a mustache.
01:27:02People are trembling,
01:27:05She just has to be rested.
01:27:07If she is not rested,
01:27:08completely wrong face.
01:27:09Wrong face.
01:27:10He did not recognize the last song.
01:27:16Let's not talk about the face.
01:27:50Well, but...
01:27:57Strongly continuous.
01:27:59Delicately continuous.
01:28:02Jesus, so rather,
01:28:04so delicately continuous.
01:28:15Eye color.
01:28:17Well, red.
01:28:19And I do not know,
01:28:20in every photo she has red.
01:28:21Well, I think she has red.
01:28:23The camera does not lie.
01:28:30And with hair,
01:28:31these are balls.
01:28:32Because she has...
01:28:33Well, yes.
01:28:34She has...
01:28:35At the very head,
01:28:36it has blonde,
01:28:38At the very head.
01:28:39But already further,
01:28:40it already has such
01:28:41short black.
01:28:44Or a moment,
01:28:45or the other way around,
01:28:46because she,
01:28:47with Kubana,
01:28:48sometimes sleeps in her legs.
01:28:49Moment, moment.
01:28:56Hands can not be cut,
01:28:57but something in this drawing.
01:29:00No, no, no.
01:29:03long or short?
01:29:05Long, short.
01:29:07Long, short.
01:29:08Well, no.
01:29:09She has such.
01:29:10From here
01:29:11to the back,
01:29:12she has long,
01:29:14but already as if
01:29:15from here
01:29:16to the front,
01:29:17it has short.
01:29:21Very short?
01:29:23the same as with eyebrows.
01:29:25Well, yes.
01:29:26Well, yes.
01:29:27It's a smelly thing.
01:29:28Oh, yes.
01:29:38And what are they?
01:29:55There's a mistake here.
01:29:58Higher, higher, higher.
01:30:00Well, a lot of hell.
01:30:01Well, how much?
01:30:02She only has four.
01:30:03A lot?
01:30:04She must have studied something,
01:30:05because she was not at home all the time.
01:30:08She said...
01:30:09I know!
01:30:10What they do with the eye there,
01:30:11with the eyes.
01:30:12This one.
01:30:13This one, yes.
01:30:16No, no.
01:30:17Some shorter.
01:30:34But what about oculistics?
01:30:36She studied.
01:30:38But what?
01:30:40But what, what?
01:30:42But what, what?
01:30:44I'll write medium.
01:30:45Well, okay.
01:30:46And lower.
01:30:47And lower, okay.
01:30:50She was dressed like...
01:30:52Well, when you last saw her.
01:30:54Who would remember that?
01:30:55A man doesn't even look.
01:30:56And I can't accept a report
01:30:58without a description of what the person looks like.
01:31:01What, should I give the guys a blank sheet of paper?
01:31:03Take it out from the other side,
01:31:04see, oh, oh, oh, oh,
01:31:05are we looking for something?
01:31:07Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.
01:31:10I remembered.
01:31:13I ventured, I remembered.
01:31:15You write.
01:31:16Come on, sir.
01:31:17You write.
01:31:18Come on, sir.
01:31:20In addition, a lily blouse, a shirt, a shirt,
01:31:22and on top of that, a double-cut mustard jacket
01:31:24with a collar on the inside.
01:31:25On the legs, a tights with a rhombus,
01:31:27a perfect design, and shoes.
01:31:32So, so, so...
01:31:37A dress and shoes.
01:31:41A skirt.
01:31:43Well, it's the same.
01:31:45Yes, she lifts up...
01:31:50Because I didn't look this way.
01:31:54She tricked me.
01:31:57She tricked him.
01:31:59Okay, a skirt,
01:32:02Oh, what shoes?
01:32:03Left and right.
01:32:06every detail will be helpful in the investigation,
01:32:08so maybe you have kindly noticed the brand.
01:32:11Do you understand the word
01:32:22Oh, it's specific.
01:32:25It is.
01:32:27Let's take a look now.
01:32:41And how do you spell it?
01:32:43The way you read it.
01:32:56I'm putting in a corner.
01:32:59For me, a bomb.
01:33:07Oh, what a waste of ink.
01:33:08I have to write something.
01:33:09No, what's there to write?
01:33:11Last year,
01:33:12one of my friends on a farm
01:33:13was digging something,
01:33:14but it was
01:33:15seasonally unsuccessful.
01:33:18She even lost a chain.
01:33:19Oh, there you go.
01:33:20Now she rides a bike
01:33:21and pushes herself off the ground with her feet.
01:33:24That's stupid.
01:33:26Whee, whee.
01:33:27She has that...
01:33:28Whee, whee, whee.
01:33:29Whee, whee.
01:33:30Whee, whee.
01:33:31But does she do anything now?
01:33:33She doesn't do anything.
01:33:34She doesn't do anything.
01:33:35She doesn't do anything at all.
01:33:36She's a typical house hen
01:33:38who only watches TV shows.
01:33:41But how do you write it down?
01:33:43Coco Chanel.
01:33:52Does she have enemies?
01:33:54I don't know.
01:33:55Apart from me, probably not.
01:33:57You know,
01:33:58maybe someone threatened her husband.
01:33:59Maybe some...
01:34:01Threatened him non-stop.
01:34:10All of them.
01:34:13The worst landlords.
01:34:15I'll turn it off, I'll turn it off, I'll turn it off.
01:34:18I have it in my letter.
01:34:19I have it in my letter.
01:34:20Should I bring it?
01:34:21A lot of people.
01:34:22And how?
01:34:24We don't take them into account.
01:34:26And why not?
01:34:27Because they threaten everyone.
01:34:28What are those threats?
01:34:30What's that?
01:34:31I'm sorry.
01:34:32Where are you?
01:34:33Because I didn't shut up.
01:34:34Well, it's a bit of culture.
01:34:36You could have gone deaf.
01:34:40You know what?
01:34:41I can't talk too much,
01:34:42because I'm at the police station.
01:34:49What Wacek?
01:34:51Oh no, it's Wacek.
01:34:52He sniffed something.
01:34:53To me, to me.
01:34:54Aha, aha.
01:34:56So I know the deal.
01:34:57Yes, yes.
01:34:58I'm giving you a kiss.
01:34:59A kiss.
01:35:13Did I see a tree in the parking lot?
01:35:15No, I didn't.
01:35:17Why should I go to the car?
01:35:20Do you have something?
01:35:21Give it to me.
01:35:26Jesus Christ.
01:35:27Like this?
01:35:28Ok, thanks.
01:35:31Ok, I've got it.
01:35:35Bye for now.
01:35:37It's here.
01:35:39Did she find it?
01:35:40She found it, sir.
01:35:42Is she alive?
01:35:43She's alive.
01:35:45But she's not in the best condition.
01:35:46And she has to go through a few more procedures.
01:35:48A few more procedures?
01:35:49That's something serious, right?
01:35:50Maybe I can help somehow.
01:35:51I'll visit her.
01:35:52No, no, no.
01:35:53No, sir.
01:35:54In this situation,
01:35:55it's best to be patient
01:35:56and have a lot of cash.
01:35:57No, no, no.
01:35:58Cash doesn't matter.
01:35:59What matters is that
01:36:00Tereska gets out of this quickly.
01:36:02She should get out of this quickly,
01:36:03because she's under very good care,
01:36:05so she'll probably get out quickly.
01:36:07At least, that's what the doctor says.
01:36:09That's good.
01:36:10Yes, yes.
01:36:11And what kind of doctor?
01:36:13Dr. Irena Eris.
01:36:17Sign it!
01:36:18Sign it!
01:36:19Come on!
01:36:27Ladies and gentlemen,
01:36:28we should actually end this program,
01:36:30but I have a special surprise for you.
01:36:32In a moment,
01:36:33the Ani-Mrum-Rum cabaret
01:36:34will play a special sketch
01:36:36in the program
01:36:37Black or White.
01:36:38It's a sketch that proves
01:36:40the superiority of white over black.
01:36:44In 2012,
01:36:47the Polish team will play
01:36:49the Polish national anthem,
01:36:51the national anthem of Poland.
01:36:54This year,
01:36:55the Polish team will play
01:36:57like never before
01:36:59and finally fulfill the dreams
01:37:01of all Polish fans.
01:37:25The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:37:29The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:37:34The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:37:39The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:37:44The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:37:49The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:37:54The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:37:59The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:04The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:09The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:14The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:19The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:24The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:29The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:34The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:39The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:44The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:49The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:54The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:38:59The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:39:04The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:39:34The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:39:39The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:39:44The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:39:49The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:39:54The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:39:59The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:04The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:09The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:14The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:19The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:24The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:29The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:34The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:39The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:44The Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:40:49It's like at school, isn't it?
01:40:52If I don't look at him, he won't notice us either.
01:40:56He'll notice.
01:41:00And you know what's the most annoying?
01:41:02That they relaxed there, and I'm coming back.
01:41:07No, listen.
01:41:08I don't want to force anyone on stage.
01:41:11Someone who doesn't have a sense of humor,
01:41:13feels bad today,
01:41:14doesn't like the Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret,
01:41:16found himself here by accident,
01:41:17is Spanish and speaks French, for example.
01:41:20He doesn't speak Polish.
01:41:22There are different situations.
01:41:23To avoid such a situation, I'll say it straight.
01:41:25We need minimal help in the sketch.
01:41:27For the episodic role in the sketch,
01:41:29we need the help of a full-fledged man.
01:41:32Is there any guy here in Lublin,
01:41:34in the Osterwy Theatre,
01:41:35who would like to play the Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret on one scene?
01:41:38There is!
01:41:39Unfortunately, he was there first.
01:41:40I invite you to the stage.
01:41:48Let's do...
01:41:49One more request.
01:41:50Let's do it like this.
01:41:51Stand here, next to the stairs,
01:41:52and I'll specially announce you.
01:41:55Ladies and gentlemen,
01:41:56in a moment, you'll be witnesses of Niela Dagradki,
01:41:58because the Ani-Mrum-Rum Cabaret
01:41:59will play the sketch with the help of the so-called civilian,
01:42:01that is, people outside the cabaret.
01:42:04Why did this sketch appear in our program?
01:42:06Someone who listened to my announcement could say,
01:42:08you could have made the four-person version into a three-person one.
01:42:12We could, but we didn't want to.
01:42:14We wanted to be fashionable.
01:42:15And what is fashionable in Poland?
01:42:16Now, in Poland, you know,
01:42:17there are programs like
01:42:18Cook with the stars,
01:42:19Eat with the stars,
01:42:20Wash with the stars,
01:42:21Sleep with the stars,
01:42:22I don't know,
01:42:23Dance with the stars,
01:42:24Sing with the stars,
01:42:25Ride on the ice with the stars,
01:42:26Ride on the gravel with the stars,
01:42:27Ride on the asphalt with the stars...
01:42:29Felicjańska and Stottinger had a nice idea,
01:42:31to ride on alcohol with the stars,
01:42:33but something didn't work out.
01:42:36And we,
01:42:38completely not feeling like the stars,
01:42:40share the boards of our scene
01:42:42to someone normal,
01:42:43to someone normal,
01:42:44to be able to play with the non-normals.
01:42:46And we found someone willing in Lublin.
01:42:48A big round of applause.
01:42:53I invite you from this side.
01:42:55What's your name?
01:42:59Oh well.
01:43:01In a moment,
01:43:03in a moment, Tomasz,
01:43:04we will play a sketch about construction.
01:43:06Have you ever been to a construction site?
01:43:07Have you seen a construction site?
01:43:08Of course.
01:43:09Very good.
01:43:10Here I have a construction helmet,
01:43:11I will put it on right away.
01:43:13Go ahead.
01:43:15Just straighten it here,
01:43:16because it's...
01:43:17It's a bit crooked.
01:43:18Yes, it's a bit crooked.
01:43:19The head.
01:43:20Oh, it's the head that's crooked.
01:43:21A strip under the beard,
01:43:22so that it doesn't fall off during the salto.
01:43:24I was joking.
01:43:25And here I have a shirt for you too.
01:43:29You're a bit unlucky,
01:43:30because we wash it every hundredth performance,
01:43:31and today is the 92nd.
01:43:34But think about the guy
01:43:35who will put it on after you.
01:43:37Tom, put on this shirt,
01:43:40and in the meantime,
01:43:41I will explain to you
01:43:42what the joke will be about.
01:43:43Well, in a moment,
01:43:44with Tom's help,
01:43:45we will play a sketch about construction.
01:43:46And now,
01:43:47a few things,
01:43:48before we start,
01:43:49you have to remember.
01:43:50Before the sketch.
01:43:51The first thing is that
01:43:52you are the most important person
01:43:53on this construction site.
01:43:54You are an engineer.
01:43:56You are an engineer on the construction site,
01:43:57and your name is Janek.
01:43:59This is easy to remember.
01:44:00You are Janek,
01:44:01we are your team,
01:44:02we are your subordinates,
01:44:03your crew.
01:44:04You are in charge, right?
01:44:05You will have your microphone,
01:44:06which I will bring to the stage.
01:44:07And now,
01:44:08the whole joke
01:44:09is that
01:44:10at any moment,
01:44:11when you just want
01:44:12to say something
01:44:13to this microphone,
01:44:14just do it.
01:44:16And if you are happy,
01:44:17I can see
01:44:18that you already have a plan.
01:44:19Let us talk a little too.
01:44:21But you will have
01:44:22a lot of possibilities.
01:44:23You know,
01:44:24we will move something here,
01:44:25for example.
01:44:26You, as an engineer,
01:44:27because you don't carry it,
01:44:28you know,
01:44:29so immediately,
01:44:30please move it here faster,
01:44:32Or something like that.
01:44:33Or we can't rule out
01:44:34that someone will laugh at you
01:44:35during this number,
01:44:36so you can immediately
01:44:38please be quiet,
01:44:39there is construction here.
01:44:40You know,
01:44:42We can agree on gags,
01:44:43that I will be walking
01:44:44and making
01:44:45and you can
01:44:46look around
01:44:47if it is not you
01:44:48by accident.
01:44:49People always play with it.
01:44:51one will do it,
01:44:52the other will stick it in,
01:44:53it is already fun.
01:44:54It is also important,
01:44:56or I will say
01:44:57to you,
01:44:59so that you get used to it.
01:45:01so that you play
01:45:02the whole character.
01:45:03You know,
01:45:04the worst are the guys
01:45:05who will report
01:45:06to you,
01:45:07and we will be doing
01:45:08a lot of things here,
01:45:09so try to do
01:45:10more or less
01:45:11what we do.
01:45:12So you will see,
01:45:13that we are looking
01:45:14in that direction,
01:45:15so you are looking
01:45:16in that direction too.
01:45:17We are coming here,
01:45:18so you are coming too,
01:45:19you are interested.
01:45:20We are leaning,
01:45:21so you are leaning.
01:45:22We are waving at someone,
01:45:23so you are waving.
01:45:24If you will be doing
01:45:25more or less,
01:45:26it will be great.
01:45:27And the fourth thing,
01:45:28probably the most important,
01:45:29is that you will
01:45:30start this sketch.
01:45:31But it is nothing
01:45:33I will just leave you
01:45:34alone with the audience.
01:45:35You won't have to do
01:45:37you will be standing
01:45:38in one place,
01:45:39and the audience
01:45:40will start counting
01:45:41from 10 to 0
01:45:42to my signal.
01:45:43So you will hear
01:45:44from the audience
01:45:49When they reach
01:45:51and you will hear
01:45:53the only thing
01:45:54you have to do
01:45:55is this hand gesture.
01:45:56Let's try it dry.
01:46:00And this is the signal
01:46:01to blow up
01:46:02this theatre in the air.
01:46:03No scene,
01:46:04I won't blow it up.
01:46:05Of course,
01:46:06it's a joke
01:46:07with a scene.
01:46:08There is a
01:46:09construction disaster,
01:46:12we get together
01:46:13and start playing
01:46:14the sketch.
01:46:15What will we get to?
01:46:16It's hard to say,
01:46:17because I don't know
01:46:18about you,
01:46:19but we will improvise.
01:46:20I don't want you
01:46:21to stress
01:46:22too much
01:46:23with your role,
01:46:24because to make it
01:46:25funny and funny
01:46:26is in our interest.
01:46:27After all,
01:46:28people paid
01:46:29for us,
01:46:30not for you.
01:46:31So you have
01:46:32your freedom here.
01:46:33I will tell you
01:46:34that now
01:46:35the audience
01:46:36in Lublin
01:46:37loves you.
01:46:40Oh, oh, oh,
01:46:41I knew it,
01:46:42I knew it.
01:46:43They just
01:46:45and that's it.
01:46:46You don't have
01:46:47anything to be proud of
01:46:48because it was
01:46:49just a joke
01:46:50on their part.
01:46:51They clap,
01:46:52they laugh,
01:46:53but they do it
01:46:54only because
01:46:55they are so happy
01:46:56that they are not
01:46:57standing here.
01:46:58I know them.
01:47:00are you ready?
01:47:03we can't be
01:47:04not ready.
01:47:06did I say
01:47:07that this is
01:47:08the last number
01:47:09in the program?
01:47:12because if Janek
01:47:13waves well,
01:47:14we'll see.
01:47:15Since we are
01:47:16all ready,
01:47:17I invite you
01:47:18to a special
01:47:19sketch with
01:47:21in the role
01:47:22of Janek,
01:47:23engineer Janek
01:47:24and the cabaret
01:47:25Ani Mrumro.
01:47:38it's time
01:47:39to go
01:47:40and see Janek.
01:47:42didn't go
01:47:43to the woods,
01:47:44so bravely,
01:47:46go and see
01:47:49go and see
01:47:52go and see
01:47:55go and see
01:47:58go and see
01:48:01go and see
01:48:04go and see
01:48:07go and see
01:48:10go and see
01:48:13blow up
01:48:14the candle
01:48:24and dance.
01:48:25I don't know
01:48:27I am
01:48:28istent enough.
01:48:29It's a dance with your stars, dance and laugh
01:48:34Because as soon as you feel like it, don't turn your hips to sex
01:48:38Let our lives float in the air
01:48:42Dance and laugh
01:48:44It's a dance with your stars, dance and laugh
01:48:49Because when there are no women, this fact doesn't hurt us
01:48:53We'll manage on our own
01:48:57Janek, the song is ending
01:49:00Look, Janek, testosterone is on the rise
01:49:04That's why, Janek, you can't say no
01:49:08Danciado in the last refrain
01:49:15That's why, Janek, dance and laugh
01:49:18It's a dance with your stars, dance and laugh
01:49:23Because as soon as you feel like it, don't turn your hips to sex
01:49:27Let our lives float in the air
01:49:53We'll make it to every Cavaliers' song in Poland
01:49:56Ladies and gentlemen, this is bad news
01:49:58Unfortunately, we can't make it to the evening
01:50:02Dance and laugh
01:50:04It's a dance with your stars, dance and laugh
01:50:09Because when there are no women, this fact doesn't hurt us
01:50:13We'll manage on our own
01:50:23Thank you very, very much, ladies and gentlemen
01:50:26Thank you
01:50:27Let's bow
01:50:283, 2, 1
01:50:33Thank you very much
01:50:36Thank you very much
01:50:37Now you can go home
01:50:40It's good without music
01:50:42Without music, it's bad
01:50:43Demi Kapoda, we have a prize for you in the backstage
01:50:46Thank you very much
01:50:47We invite you to the backstage, the prize is waiting for you there
01:50:50Ladies and gentlemen
01:50:51I would like to say at the end
01:50:53that I congratulate you
01:50:55I congratulate you that you wanted to leave home today
01:50:58that you didn't spend time watching a newspaper like
01:51:01Super Express, Fact, Life on Hot, Stars on Cold
01:51:04that you gave up sitting in the back of a car
01:51:08and went to the movies
01:51:10and watched a movie
01:51:11and you didn't spend time watching a movie
01:51:13and watched a movie
01:51:14and you didn't spend time watching a movie
01:51:16and you didn't spend time watching a movie
01:51:18that you gave up sitting at the computer
01:51:21and clicking on Pudelek, Sandałek, Kozaczek
01:51:24because I know that a person has a nature
01:51:26that he wants to, he is interested
01:51:28rumors, who with whom, for how much
01:51:30it doesn't matter
01:51:31I hope you learned that it's worth leaving home
01:51:34Here, as a reward, you could see
01:51:36the real mechanism of the Polish show business
01:51:39Yes, on this stage
01:51:42Until today, it was an ordinary Tomek
01:51:45But it seems to me that from tomorrow
01:51:47he will be the king of the internet
01:51:49See you!
01:52:14Thank you!
01:52:32What an old trick
01:52:35Ladies and gentlemen
01:52:36As you have already noticed
01:52:38this is the end of our show
01:52:41Nothing more will happen here today
01:52:44However, from this scene
01:52:46someone told you
01:52:47Thank you
01:52:48This is the end
01:52:51You can leave now
01:52:54It's not raining
01:52:56Please, go ahead
01:52:59No, no, no, no, no, no
01:53:00It was time to laugh
01:53:02So, although we can do it again
01:53:10Thank you
01:53:21I don't know if I told you
01:53:22that I like this job
01:53:26Since there was this kind of situation
01:53:28that you are still sitting
01:53:36So, you are asking for a kiss
01:53:41We have this kiss
01:53:43We are prepared
01:53:44We expected it
01:53:47The kiss that you will see in a moment
01:53:50will refer to the season of the year
01:53:52which is spring
01:53:53Beautiful season of the year
01:53:57Everything comes to life
01:53:59Colors, smells, animals
01:54:02And similar things will be happening on the stage
01:54:04I mean, not that my friends are here
01:54:05No, no, no, no, no
01:54:06No, no
01:54:07No, no, no, no
01:54:08Please, believe me
01:54:09It's not the album yet
01:54:12The situation related to spring
01:54:14One more thing that I have to say
01:54:16This sketch that you will see in a moment
01:54:19I want to dedicate it to all the men
01:54:23who are here
01:54:25in this room
01:54:28What's up?
01:54:29Who was squeaking?
01:54:33Not now
01:54:35So, for all the men
01:54:37and for you
01:54:49I don't love you
01:54:51You don't love me
01:54:55Da, da, da
01:54:57Machu pa, machu pa
01:55:00Da, da, da
01:55:07Oh no
01:55:09Old horse
01:55:11I haven't seen you for a year
01:55:12A year?
01:55:13For how long?
01:55:14You're not at the shop
01:55:15You're not at the block
01:55:16You don't go to the ball
01:55:17You don't go to the vodka
01:55:18I haven't seen you at the girls
01:55:19What's going on?
01:55:20No, it doesn't matter
01:55:21What doesn't matter?
01:55:22It doesn't matter to go out with your friends?
01:55:24Man, the shops were near the shop
01:55:26So what?
01:55:27Well, Wojtek says
01:55:28He's probably sitting in the ass
01:55:29We'll figure it out
01:55:30I say, no
01:55:31He would write it
01:55:32And Marek says
01:55:33Maybe he was watching it on Saturday
01:55:34Someone killed him with a smile
01:55:37No, no, it's not that
01:55:38And what happened?
01:55:40I met a girl
01:55:43Oh my
01:55:44What oh my?
01:55:45No, nothing
01:55:46Am I saying something?
01:55:48But you know what a beautiful woman she is?
01:55:49No, for sure
01:55:50Old man, listen
01:55:52For sure
01:55:53You know
01:55:54Where it's necessary
01:55:55Because there
01:55:56It all fits
01:55:57No, for sure
01:55:5921 years old
01:56:00Oh my, oh my, oh my
01:56:02What oh my?
01:56:03A very mature girl
01:56:04For sure
01:56:07You know how many common topics we have to talk about?
01:56:09And what common topics can you have?
01:56:11Well, I can
01:56:12Because we're interested in the same things
01:56:13For example, what?
01:56:15We read the same books
01:56:16We listen to the same music
01:56:17We watch the same movies
01:56:19Does she like porn?
01:56:20She does
01:56:21She likes it
01:56:22Watch out, the most important thing
01:56:24She plays with me on the Playstation
01:56:26What are you talking about, man?
01:56:27Of course
01:56:28No woman plays with her boyfriend on the Playstation
01:56:30You better watch out, because it can be a dressed up boy
01:56:33What boy?
01:56:34She plays with me on the Playstation
01:56:35Do you know why?
01:56:36Because she's special
01:56:37And we're not special?
01:56:38Your neighbors are not special?
01:56:40After all, you were the herring of our gang
01:56:42The alpha male of our herd
01:56:43Do you understand?
01:56:45You smelled like testosterone
01:56:46When we were walking around like cranes in a key
01:56:48You were in the front
01:56:50And what happened suddenly?
01:56:51Well, she stood in the way of my life
01:56:53Well, you had to trample her and go further
01:56:56No, no, listen
01:56:57Until now, I was also convinced
01:56:58That something like this will never happen to me in my life
01:57:00That a woman on the street will never meet you?
01:57:02But so special
01:57:03Do you understand?
01:57:04We found ourselves like those ...
01:57:06Like those two halves of an apple
01:57:08Oh, that's right
01:57:09Oh, take it, because you talk like a butcher in Bieszczady
01:57:11Please, man
01:57:13You were like John Wayne
01:57:15You were like John Wayne to me
01:57:16You were like John Wayne to me
01:57:17Because you walked alone through the prelude of your life
01:57:20You walked alone through the prelude of your life
01:57:22You went to the disco
01:57:23You took the girl
01:57:24To the house, woop woop, woop woop, in the morning
01:57:27And you calmly chased the cattle further
01:57:31So what?
01:57:32John, don't give up the Oscars
01:57:34I'm able to give up everything for her
01:57:38We're not even like those two halves of an apple
01:57:39We are like ...
01:57:40Like that one apple that no one has ever pricked with a knife
01:57:44You're right again
01:57:45I'm not kidding
01:57:46Yes, yes, yes
01:57:47I'm sick of this sweetness
01:57:48How old is she?
01:57:51Oh, there you go
01:57:54You're over two times older than her
01:58:00Well, thank you very much
01:58:01In matters of female-male relations
01:58:04You'd be surprised, great
01:58:05But I don't even want to listen to this anymore
01:58:06It's great
01:58:07I don't want to listen
01:58:09No, listen, you've been talking all the time
01:58:10Now it's my turn
01:58:12Do you understand?
01:58:13The precise modes of the Swiss machine
01:58:15It's perfect
01:58:16Just great
01:58:18He put some grease on it so that three screws wouldn't get stuck
01:58:23You'd get to know her, see her
01:58:24You'd know what's going on right away
01:58:26I already know what's going on
01:58:27I don't have to get to know her
01:58:30Should I tell you?
01:58:42But you know
01:58:43If you fell in love with some young man
01:58:44in the spring
01:58:45And that's it
01:58:55Are you so happy then?
01:58:57Of course
01:58:59I am so overwhelmed by this feeling
01:59:01That I want to shout it to the whole world
01:59:02You've already told your wife?
01:59:04What's wrong with you stupid?
01:59:12Waldemar Wilkołek, Marcin Wójcik.
01:59:23Waldemar Wilkołek, Marcin Wójcik.
01:59:29Waldemar Wilkołek, Michał Wójcik.
01:59:35Waldemar Wilkołek, Michał Wójcik.