• 3 months ago


01:28Why are you staring at me? I'm not a Buddhist.
01:31I eat meat and drink alcohol.
01:33Whatever you are, get me that plate.
01:42Sir, I'm a vegetarian.
01:46No problem.
01:48Have some, sir.
01:50Try it.
01:51No, sir.
01:53Here comes another one.
02:12I insist, sir.
02:25I bought it with my own money.
02:28Now I'll have to cut it, cook it and eat it.
02:33For my sake.
02:34You just said it's for me.
02:37I want it alive. Leave it.
02:40I bought the chicken with my own money.
02:43I won't let you kill it.
02:46What will the Delhi police do?
02:54What will the Delhi police do?
02:56Don't do it.
02:58I said, don't do it.
02:59I just wanted to be a guest.
03:03For the peace of my soul.
03:05For being a guest.
03:07Leave it.
03:09For the peace of your soul.
03:15You take care of the chicken.
03:24Leave it.
03:49Any news?
03:50No, sir.
03:52Every fourth person here knows a Sonu.
03:55We've met six in Delhi.
03:58But we haven't found the one we're looking for.
04:05Shall we call it a day?
04:08We'll call it a day only after we find Sonu.
04:15Let's go.
04:21Let's go.
04:32You look good.
04:34I was starting to forget what you look like.
04:36Very fun.
04:40Any idea when you'll get a break?
04:44There are a few affidavits across my desk today.
04:46Your name's on one of them.
04:47The CM's name dropping you too as a fall guy.
04:50And may try to prove your incompetence.
04:54Why can't they just leave us alone
04:55and let us do our investigation?
04:57You've been on this job long enough to realise
04:59that the task they're producing is just a small part of it.
05:07Arjun, you're taking this very hard, you know?
05:10If you want to make her feel better
05:11then have these assholes.
05:14You know, we're under such a microscopic mass.
05:17Everyone assumes that we're going to catch these guys
05:19and convict them.
05:20But there are so many factors
05:21which are completely out of my hands.
05:24Let me ask you one thing.
05:26If you weren't on this assignment,
05:28is there anyone else in this city
05:30you'd have faith in to apprehend these guys?
05:49Let's go.
06:50I'VE SAVED his life, you know.
06:51You're the hero then, not him.
06:54It happens in our city where an innocent woman
06:56is being assaulted, fights back
06:58and isn't brutally beaten up by the assailants.
07:00And there is a way for the woman
07:02to minimise the damage.
07:04Madam, we do realise
07:05that this will not go well in our city.
07:06I am absolutely not able to do whatever has to...
07:08Ask him. He'll fill in.
07:12Give them the house. He'll look into it.
07:14The point which I want to make is, the mother is crying, the father is crying, the boyfriend is crying.
07:19But the thing is, she would have at least survived physically even if not physically.
07:27Baby? You okay?
07:32What are you doing here?
07:34I was just nearby.
07:39Do you want to hang in my office?
07:45We are going home now.
07:48Where are you going? Where is Alok?
07:51I don't know. He left.
07:53Are you telling me?
07:54He is not here.
07:55Pupinder, Alok is not here.
07:57When was the last time you were here?
08:02Where is this happening?
08:03Naharpur, Gulgaon, sir.
08:05Alok's relatives are there. We are getting close, sir.
08:11I didn't realize you were coming here, sir.
08:14I have come to tell you that we have to complete four sheets by the 3rd of January.
08:19But that's too tight, sir.
08:20I know. We will have to do it.
08:23Am I missing something, sir?
08:28Okay, let me put it this way.
08:30When was the last time you saw a local police matter on CNN?
08:34The Bajorel attacks? That was an international act of terrorism.
08:38But this is a local crime under our jurisdiction.
08:43So, there should be no mistakes in the investigation and in the four sheets.
08:48Sir, we will get it right, sir.
08:52Do you have any idea when the victim will be ready to give her statement?
08:55Not yet, sir. She is not in good shape.
08:57Okay. So, whenever she is ready, have a magistrate take her statement.
09:01That's not necessary. We will do it.
09:03No. We want her statement to hold as the gospel truth.
09:09Any statement given to the local police is bound to be questioned in court.
09:14And if she dies, our case will rely on it.
10:12I don't know, sir. It's a very sensitive issue.
10:15Sanjeev, if it's about money, we can handle it.
10:19It should be right for Akash.
10:21He has to tell his story to the world.
10:24Yes. The late reaction of the police, the bad treatment with him.
10:28It's very important for all these things to come out.
10:31Hmm. Let me think about it.
10:34Sir, we are with you. Believe us, this interview will be very useful for you.
10:48It's plaster of Paris. This will make the dental cast.
11:04We are here now. Alok's in-laws are here.
11:07If we leave early in the morning...
11:09Hmm. That's the best part.
11:14Is Sudhir still in Anand Bihar?
11:16Yes. He stayed there all night.
11:18Any other leads?
11:20Nothing yet, ma'am.
11:35This is a very bad English.
11:39Rakesh is here. Show it to him.
11:41He'll check it and type it properly.
11:43Yes, ma'am.
11:45Can I go home?
11:49I've been here since Sunday. I didn't go home.
11:52Yes, so?
11:53We are all here.
11:56And until they are caught, no one will go anywhere.
11:59Take some rest.
12:02Yes, ma'am.
12:04Bimla, work on your English.
12:07You're going to need it.
12:12Actually, Chandu can help you.
12:19Have some halwa. It's really nice.
12:21Madam sir, I brought it. My mister brought it.
12:27I'm sorry. It's very nice.
12:30But at this point of time of the year, we prefer ice-cream and indicate.
12:35Ice-cream in winter, madam sir?
12:37Hello. Yes, I'm speaking.
12:40Yes, Reva is my daughter's name. She's 21 years old.
12:44Yes, she's white.
12:46Yes, she didn't go to school.
12:52You want more?
12:53You want to eat this?
13:00I'll call you tomorrow.
13:08And open the damn gate!
13:10So, is this like a normal day here?
13:13Yeah, business.
13:15Once we get the last fan, I'm out of this mess.
13:20Something's happened!
13:36Sir, I think they found this film on the floor.
13:59Jai Raj.
14:00Jai madam.
14:02Were you sleeping?
14:03No, madam.
14:06Okay, go to Alok's in-laws' place, Palmu.
14:09That's in Jharkhand, madam.
14:10Yes, leave right now.
14:12Madam, he's very much inside.
14:14He'll be back in a minute.
14:28Madam, he's very much inside.
14:29It's the entire Naxri area.
14:31Yeah, so?
14:34Madam, I think this trip is just wasting our time.
14:37Madam, we should have stayed in Delhi and taken the lead.
14:40Madam, my entire operation team is getting wasted here.
14:43And our condition is very bad here, madam.
14:45There are strange people here.
14:46And the food is so bad.
14:47Don't ask.
14:48The food is bad?
14:50Madam, yesterday the SHO tried to force me to eat chicken here.
14:54The matter had reached Hatha Bhai.
14:56Have you completely fucking lost your mind?
14:58Why, madam?
14:59Our prime accused is missing.
15:01And you're complaining about food?
15:03I've sent you to the Naxal territory to do a professional job.
15:06I didn't send you to get a food report.
15:08Go to Palmoo quickly.
15:09And if you don't find Alok, set up an informant for him.
15:11Do you understand?
15:17What happened, Bhai?
15:19Nothing, madam.
15:20She was saying that we should stay here for a few more days.
15:23And I think so too.
15:32I can't believe these guys.
15:34I've pulled favours.
15:35I've got their plane tickets authorised.
15:37So that they can reach there quickly.
15:39And do their work.
15:40And this man is saying that the food is bad?
15:42That Deepika won't be able to eat all her life.
15:45This is exactly why these protests happen.
15:47This bloody ass.
15:48Please, madam.
15:49You've already given an autograph on the wall.
15:51You don't want a duplicate?
15:56Hello, ma'am.
15:57It's Deepthi.
15:58Yeah, I know.
16:00I just wanted to say sorry for our last conversation.
16:04I was just doing what I was told.
16:06As you can see, we've not been very kind to the police.
16:08Thank you very much for that.
16:11Ma'am, I'm sorry.
16:12But I have information that may be of help.
16:15Apparently, DCTV has contacted the male victim
16:17to do an interview about his experience.
16:19And I'm sure he'll be able to help us.
16:21DCTV has contacted the male victim
16:23to do an interview about his experiences.
16:25You can't be serious.
16:27I am, ma'am.
16:29Thought you should know.
16:41Ma'am, he's fine now.
16:43The doctor came.
16:44He didn't bleed much.
16:45The bandages will do the job.
16:46They're fine.
16:51One more thing.
16:53I know that whatever happens in this station
16:55is my responsibility.
16:59I thought a lot last night and...
17:02I'm willing to take the fall for this.
17:07Ma'am, when the indictment is filed tomorrow,
17:10someone or the other will be made a scapegoat.
17:13I'll take the blame.
17:15Do you want to register your name in the list of martyrs?
17:22Yes, sir.
17:24What happened last night?
17:27Sir, two of the accused in custody,
17:29Vikas and Rajesh,
17:31they tried to commit suicide.
17:34How are they now?
17:36They'll be fine.
17:38And where was that SHO in this dream?
17:45Sir, it could not have been prevented.
17:47They used a small pin they found in the cell.
17:51No one should know about this, Vartika.
17:54Yes, sir.
17:59If you become the scapegoat,
18:01what will he say about me and our team?
18:08I know you don't want these prisoners to be harmed.
18:12But do one thing, sir.
18:14Keep all the people in this building safe.
18:20But I will shoot you myself one day.
18:25But I'll stand in between anyone else who tries to shoot you.
19:12Madam, I need to talk to you about Akash.
19:16I'll talk to him.
19:17Do you think something like this will happen?
19:20What else can I do?
19:22He's my only son.
19:24If the need arises,
19:26I'll appeal to God.
19:30Madam, I was thinking about a stronger tactic.
19:33No, Bhupinder.
19:34He's a trauma victim.
19:36He just saw his friend being gang-raped.
19:41And I'd like to believe that
19:42there must be a part of him that wants to do the right thing.
19:46What about his uncle?
19:48I'll send him out.
19:50Come in.
19:51I want to talk to Akash in private.
19:54Ma'am, the lawyer is here.
19:57Bring tea.
19:59And the lawyer?
20:00Bring him too.
20:02Yes, ma'am.
20:03Come, sir.
20:04Hello, madam.
20:08Where's Bridge?
20:09He's my senior, madam.
20:10He had another case pending.
20:11Oh, thank God.
20:13Sit, sit.
20:16So, we are due in court today.
20:19May I have an update on the case, please?
20:21It's good to know you're on top of things.
20:23Of course, ma'am.
20:25Okay, so we have caught the four accused
20:27and we're close to catching the last two.
20:31You'll have a report soon.
20:33But I don't have the time to come to court right now.
20:36Not when there are two criminals at large.
20:38So I would request you to buy some time, please.
20:40I'm sorry, ma'am.
20:41I'm not sure that's possible.
20:43You see, the magistrate is in a bit of a hurry and...
20:45Sir, excuse me, sir.
20:46Excuse me.
20:47Your bag.
20:49You can take it, sir.
20:51Sir, this will be done.
20:52What's the big deal?
20:53You can put up a legal front.
20:54Do whatever you want.
20:56Just give me some time.
20:58And sir, meet the SHO on your way.
21:01He'll help you.
21:11SHO sir?
21:13I'm Rajeev Chhabra.
21:14Standing counsel for the Delhi Police.
21:16Oh, yes. Hi.
21:17Sir, I'm representing the police in the High Court
21:19in this case's inquiry.
21:23Sir, I'd like to meet...
21:28PCR Ram Pratap.
21:29I think he was the first constable
21:31who answered the call and met the victim.
21:33Yes, exactly.
21:34Just a minute.
21:37Is this Ram Pratap?
21:38Yes, this is Ram Pratap.
21:40Good. Send him in.
21:43It's your lucky day, sir.
21:44Otherwise, it's very difficult to track him.
21:47Actually, sir, it's your lucky day.
21:50He's a good man.
21:51He might not be very educated or bright,
21:53but he knows his job.
21:55And he did it well.
21:58Ram Pratap, this is the lawyer.
22:00He's representing the Delhi Police in this case.
22:03He's sitting in the High Court with our conduct.
22:05He wants to ask a few questions.
22:06Come, sit.
22:14Ma'am, can you tell us in detail
22:16what happened that night when you met the victim?
22:21I got a call at 10.24, sir.
22:33What are you making?
22:38Do you know how to read and write?
22:46I have a friend, Sonu.
22:48He's young.
22:49He works here.
22:50He cleans the bus.
22:52Do you know anything about him?
22:53I don't know.
22:56If you knew, it would have been good for you.
22:59What do you mean?
23:05If you help me, it will be good for you.
23:09I don't know anything about Sonu.
23:11But I can ask around.
23:13Who's asking?
23:15A man is asking.
23:17He took money from him.
23:18Now he's looking for money to return.
23:21We're all looking for the same man.
23:25I'll see you later.
23:31We have a lead, sir.
23:35Sir, he knows a man called Sonu.
23:37He's a bit crazy.
23:38He thinks he's the one.
23:41Where is he now?
23:45Can you recognize him?
23:47Yes, sir.
23:54Do you know there's a village in Bihar called Chootia?
23:57What are you saying?
23:59He must have said that.
24:01Change the channel.
24:03Let it be. I like it.
24:04What do you like?
24:05I'm telling you to change it.
24:07What's your problem with old songs?
24:10Old songs make me sad.
24:12Change it.
24:13Let's vote.
24:15Is Shukla getting elected?
24:17I'm telling you to change it.
24:18I'm in charge.
24:19If you're in charge, will you kill yourself?
24:21Ashok is driving.
24:22We have to keep him happy.
24:25You tell me.
24:26You tell me.
24:28I like both, sir.
24:30That's not how it works.
24:32You have to make a choice.
24:33How about this one?
24:36It's good, sir.
24:37Here, listen.
24:38Now tell me.
24:39Did you vote for Harish?
24:40It's good.
24:46Where am I?
24:50This road is...
24:53I don't know.
24:54This road is...
24:56I can't see it.
24:58What do you mean?
25:00Stop the car.
25:01We've reached somewhere else.
25:03Ask someone.
25:04Stop the car.
25:05He's coming.
25:06Ask him.
25:07Ask him.
25:09Hey, brother.
25:13We have to go to Palamu.
25:17Maybe you're at the wrong place.
25:18Wrong place?
25:19A man told me there's someone here.
25:21Where did you meet him?
25:22Half an hour ago.
25:23Did you meet him half an hour ago?
25:25He must be from Pandu village.
25:26Only he can speak.
25:28Pandu or Gandu?
25:30Turn the car around.
25:33I don't know if he told the truth or not.
25:49How are you?
25:51Everything okay?
25:52Are you alive?
25:56Why did you do such a stupid thing?
25:58We're trying to save you from a dangerous crowd.
26:00And this is how you repay us?
26:07What happened?
26:11Tell me, what happened?
26:17I think his mother committed suicide.
26:21What nonsense are you talking?
26:24Because she must have found out about us by now.
26:27She won't be able to live knowing what I did.
26:30I know.
26:33She must have killed herself after hearing this.
26:36I know.
26:38Tell me her number.
26:44Tell me her phone number.
26:54Is this Brajesh's mother speaking?
26:57Mother, what happened?
27:00Yes, everything is fine.
27:02Brajesh is also fine.
27:03I'll talk to you later.
27:08Mother is alive.
27:10I want to talk to mother.
27:13Not now.
27:15We'll see after you get well.
27:44Uncle, can you come out for a minute? I need to talk to you.
27:52Are you talking to DCG TV?
27:55Sit, ma'am.
27:56Sit, sit.
27:57It's okay.
28:03What will you get?
28:09My struggle should also come out.
28:12Yes, that's right.
28:13But in court.
28:16You'll have to spend your entire life to come on TV.
28:20It doesn't matter if you write a book later.
28:23But after the verdict is out.
28:26If there is any discrepancy in your facts.
28:29The defense is going to use it against you.
28:32This whole case will be ruined.
28:34And those guys will walk free.
28:37And just for your information.
28:39The station you are talking to.
28:41They are scammers.
28:43Because we have a case against the CEU.
28:45They are just using you.
28:46You get what I'm saying, right?
28:48Yes, I understand, ma'am.
29:18Ask him.
29:20Uncle, Ram Ram.
29:21Ram Ram ji, Ram Ram.
29:22Do you know where Pallavi Kumar's house is?
29:24Yes, that third corner.
29:25But it's empty.
29:26Check it quickly.
29:27I'm here.
29:29Ram Ram uncle.
29:30Ram Ram ji, Ram Ram.
29:31He's from Delhi.
29:32He's looking for Pallavi Kumar's family.
29:34Did something happen?
29:35No, nothing.
29:36He's not here.
29:37He's not here.
29:38He's not here.
29:39He's not here.
29:40He's not here.
29:41He's not here.
29:42He's not here.
29:43He's not here.
29:44He's not here.
29:45Did something happen?
29:48I'll tell you.
29:55It's empty.
29:57Where can we find them?
29:59I don't know.
30:00They've been missing for a few days.
30:02The thing is, uncle.
30:04Pallavi Kumar's husband
30:05committed a crime and escaped from Delhi.
30:08He stole.
30:09He tried to kill two people.
30:11He's looking for him.
30:12We thought he must have come here.
30:13No, he didn't come here.
30:14He didn't come here?
30:22Brother, where's Sonu?
30:26This way.
30:28Yes, this way.
30:32Ma'am, do you know any Sonu?
30:34Ma'am, do you know any Sonu?
30:42Uncle, do you know any Sonu?
30:45Yes, I'm Sonu.
30:46What's the matter?
30:47Who are you people?
30:49He's the one.
30:51He's the crazy man.
30:53He's the one who's going to commit the crime.
30:54Yes, why not?
30:56You knew, didn't you?
30:57The one we're looking for is a young man.
30:59He's 21 years old.
31:01Sonu can't stand properly.
31:02He's going to commit a crime.
31:03What did he do to you?
31:05What did he do?
31:06He makes fun of me.
31:07In front of everyone.
31:09The one I like, he embarrassed me in front of her once.
31:13Yes, I remember.
31:15You're that fool, right?
31:16You liked that maid.
31:18You're taking revenge for her.
31:20By sending me to jail?
31:21Shut up!
31:22After that day, I didn't even look at her.
31:24Because of you.
31:25The poor girl survived.
31:27Very good.
31:28Good job, uncle.
31:29Thank God, your bones didn't break.
31:33Sonu is dead.
31:34He's done a terrible thing.
31:36That's why it's important to catch him.
31:39And it's our responsibility to keep him safe.
31:41What will happen to him if the public sees him?
31:44We'll have to see.
31:46When did this happen?
31:47Last week.
31:49How many men were there?
31:50Five or six.
31:51Is this the Delhi gang-rape incident?
31:53Which is shown on TV these days.
31:55I can't say.
31:56That's also a very delicate matter.
31:57Otherwise, why would the police come here from Delhi?
32:00You're a policeman, right?
32:02We're just helping the court.
32:04Why are you getting involved?
32:06If this had happened to your sister and daughter,
32:08how would you feel?
32:10Don't you think you should get justice?
32:12Yes, the scoundrels should be punished.
32:14That's what we're saying.
32:15That's why we're asking for your help.
32:17We don't want to get involved.
32:19Where are you going?
32:20Listen to me.
32:26Hey, listen.
32:30If you get any information about Alok,
32:32let me know.
32:33You'll get a reward.
32:35Sir, we can do this for free.
32:38But such crimes should be punished.
32:41Yes, yes, we'll get a reward.
32:43Yes, we'll get a reward.
32:45We should leave.
32:46What's the number?
32:48Let's go.
32:49The hotel guard must be waiting for us.
32:51I would have asked you to wait.
32:53But it would be better if you leave now.
32:55Okay, fine.
32:56Goodbye, sir.
32:58Goodbye, brother.
33:09Where is the bus going?
33:12Where is the bus going, sir?
33:15I'll be right back.
33:19So he said,
33:21the old man reached there.
33:23And then he said,
33:24he insulted me in front of that girl
33:27the way I used to like.
33:31He said,
33:32this idiot didn't even apologize.
33:36are you still looking for Sonu?
33:38I'm looking for both Sonu and Moksha.
33:40Who is Moksha?
33:42I think I saw Sonu in the bus going to Gurgaon.
33:48I'm not sure.
33:52Was the conductor young?
33:53Yes, he was a young conductor.
33:56Are you sure it was a bus going to Gurgaon?
33:58Yes, I think someone just shouted that the bus is going to Gurgaon.
34:01I don't know where the bus went.
34:03The guy was the same, I'm not sure.
34:05Very good.
34:06Serve him tea.
34:07No, sir.
34:08The bus usually leaves in the afternoon
34:10and comes back the next morning.
34:15Let's see if he comes.
34:17If he works in that bus, he will definitely come.
34:20Leave tomorrow morning.
34:23Take Ayyo with you.
34:25Yes, sir.
34:26See, I believe that if she hadn't resisted the assault,
34:29she wouldn't be in such a bad way now.
34:31And how can you say that?
34:32As if a fighting back was a bad thing.
34:34Please don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming her for anything.
34:36It's just that it happens in our city
34:38whereby an innocent woman is being assaulted.
34:47Do you want anything, uncle?
35:18There was a girl who was very sick.
35:21There was a tree outside her window
35:23whose leaves were falling.
35:26She used to tell her father that
35:27when all her leaves will fall,
35:29even she won't survive.
35:35So one day,
35:38her father
35:40stuck the last leaf of that tree with glue
35:45so that it would never fall.
35:49She used to look at that tree every day
35:53and every day she would see a leaf on it.
35:57Because of that single leaf,
35:59she lost her hope of survival.
36:28Get me some water, uncle.
36:32I'll get it right away.
36:49Is she ready to give a statement yet?
36:52Well, Neeti knows this as well as I do.
36:54She has been in and out of consciousness
36:56and when she's awake, it's only for a brief moment.
37:01Do you have a better idea on her prognosis?
37:04The cosmetic injuries are the 15 bite marks on her face.
37:07I can even repair the wounds around her vagina.
37:11But the potentially fatal damage
37:13is in the middle of small intestines.
37:15This means the iron rod was thrust in completely
37:18through her vaginal and anal openings
37:20that have cut both the intestines
37:22at several places vertically.
37:25The worst part about this is
37:27the damage to the organs indicate
37:29the act of insertion and retraction of fraud
37:32was committed repeatedly.
37:35A hook at the end of the rod,
37:37along with the serrations,
37:39has only aggravated the tearing.
37:41It wasn't just the rod,
37:42but the fact that they literally
37:44pulled the pieces of intestines out
37:46from the vaginal opening.
37:49We have performed a second surgery,
37:52but it may be irreparable.
37:58Let me know when she's ready for a statement.
38:01I will.
38:03And I have to tell you this.
38:05I believe with all my heart
38:06and with all my soul
38:07that this is the only way
38:10I believe with all my heart
38:11in rehabilitation.
38:12I do.
38:14But I really hope that these people
38:17literally hang for this.
38:38Is anyone there?
38:41It's closed.
38:48Is there anything?
38:50Let's go.
38:56I've spent my life serving the country,
38:59and this is what I get in return.
39:03Isn't it the same in other countries?
39:07Look at America.
39:09They have houses in their name,
39:14One shift a day,
39:15and one day off every week.
39:18It's the union
39:20that fights for their rights.
39:21And you don't need to earn more,
39:23you just need a salary.
39:26And you get a different time to exercise.
39:29Eat, drink,
39:30be fit, be cool.
39:32That's right.
39:34And the lady police officer there,
39:36you can't mess with her.
39:38She'll kill all three of us.
39:40She's not like that.
39:42She takes training in martial arts.
39:44She's not like us,
39:45who come to the police station
39:46with hot potato parathas.
39:48She's not like that.
39:49She's not like us,
39:50who come to the police station
39:51with hot potato parathas.
39:55Everyone has a car.
39:57The roads are made of gold.
40:01You look good this time.
40:03Pray for your next life.
40:07Ma'am, so we have a lead on Sonu.
40:10Sudhir and Vimla will go to Anand Vihar Bus Terminal tomorrow.
40:13We'll call Sonu in the morning.
40:16Call Subhash too,
40:17in case we need more authority.
40:23Excuse me, ma'am.
40:24I have to make a personal call.
40:26Did you call the same person
40:27you spoke to yesterday?
40:32Can I ask you something?
40:34Yeah, of course.
40:37I overheard your conversation yesterday.
40:39Why were you hesitating
40:40to tell me about your work?
40:43Ma'am, whenever I talk about
40:44my daughter's marriage,
40:46when they find out
40:47that I'm a policeman,
40:48they stop me from getting married.
40:53Everyone thinks that
40:54policemen are neither good friends
40:55nor good enemies.
40:59I'm proud of my work.
41:01I'm proud of my department.
41:03But my job
41:04gets in the way
41:05of my daughter's marriage.
41:08That's what bothers me, ma'am.
41:13If no one can respect me,
41:15I'll never marry him.
41:16I know what you plan on doing.
41:18Definitely wouldn't want them
41:19as in-laws.
41:23my world is different than yours.
41:26But we're trying to protect
41:27our daughters.
41:39Isn't it kind of late?
41:41I'm sorry, ma'am,
41:42but it's important.
41:44I just heard that
41:45the male victim has closed
41:46a deal with DCTV.
41:48They're going to do
41:49an on-air interview.
44:09P How does this one go?
44:10▼ For a Nebula as big as this?
44:15▼ L Do you have anycaps?
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