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00:00Hi, I'm Chandler, nice to meet you.
00:02This looks like Venom.
00:06Let's react to this stuff.
00:08Look at my new shirt first.
00:10Okay, let's go.
00:12You can't have straws, those are killing turtles.
00:14Save the turtles.
00:18I'm just going to restaurants.
00:20Just walk up to people and be like
00:22Why do you hate turtles?
00:24What are you talking about?
00:26You're drinking out of a straw.
00:28Yep, that's what we're doing.
00:30Wow, what a good paintbrush.
00:32He's out there.
00:34He's doing it.
00:36I don't know what it is.
00:38That's a monster face.
00:40Hey guys, watch this.
00:42I'm going to hold my breath through this whole hack.
00:44Are you copying my thing
00:46that I did in the rollercoaster video?
00:50Did you not watch the rollercoaster video?
00:52I didn't.
00:54I guess I'm not going to hold it then.
00:56Watch this.
00:58This is going to make me throw up.
01:02What is going on?
01:04What the heck is that?
01:06Tariq would freak out right now
01:08if he saw these camera angles.
01:10That was crazy.
01:12I'm in awe of how beautiful that was.
01:14No, you're Chandler.
01:18Wait, what?
01:20How, you may ask.
01:22All you do is put some lighter fluid on it.
01:24No one is going to think
01:26to light toothpaste on fire.
01:28They're just going to use it
01:30and they're going to be like,
01:32my mouth feels weird.
01:34Now I'm not living anymore.
01:36This is way out of my understanding.
01:38This is so out of pocket.
01:42That's crazy.
01:44I kind of want to make that.
01:46That's dangerous.
01:48Yeah, it's kind of dangerous.
01:50Why would you do that?
01:52Look, here's where the pocket is.
01:54Here's where they are.
01:56Can't even see it.
01:58Coca-Cola, always sponsored.
02:00Cutting it into it.
02:02Yeah, I said something weird
02:04and then you had to think about it.
02:06Sometimes my brain just shuts off
02:08and it says words and sometimes it makes sense.
02:14I barely even know him.
02:16Get it?
02:18Oh wait, I know what he's doing.
02:20He's making ball and cup.
02:22The lamest toy ever made.
02:24Ball and cup was made when they were like,
02:26hey, we're all going to die of polio
02:28so here's a ball and a cup.
02:30Have fun.
02:32Have fun for the next four years you're alive.
02:34I've never done ball and cup and had fun.
02:36Are you kidding me?
02:38You're terrible.
02:40You hear the Mario music?
02:42That's weird.
02:44Don't use Mario music.
02:46That's an actually fun game.
02:50Holy crap.
02:52What the heck was that?
02:54That was a big drill.
02:58That's a great way to
03:00add a little spice
03:02to your interrogation.
03:04If you want to heat your chips up real quick.
03:06Your chips know some information
03:08and they won't give it up and you're like,
03:10where's she located chips?
03:12Remember the GTA 5 scene?
03:14I'm surprised they let that in video games.
03:16Anything on video games
03:18you can't get in trouble for.
03:20Now if you play Tetris too much,
03:22apparently you're violent.
03:24This is not a light.
03:26What do you mean?
03:28That is not a light.
03:32That is not a light.
03:34That's electrocution.
03:36That's like lightning
03:38in a syringe.
03:40You're trying to burn your house down.
03:42Oh, not again.
03:44Mr. Cardboard Builder.
03:46Handy Manny.
03:48You can't just put your chain in a
03:50mason jar like everybody else.
03:52You gotta build a device for it.
03:54He's giving us all the measurements so that way we can build it at home.
03:56What kind of coinage is that?
03:58Those are Canadian.
04:00I feel like they're Canadian.
04:02Look at his hands. He looks like he's from Canada.
04:04Those are Canadian hands.
04:08They're very pale.
04:10I assume everybody in Canada is really pale.
04:14That's actually pretty cool.
04:18You just put all your coins and they'll go in the right slot.
04:20You gonna make that?
04:22No. It's too hard.
04:24What are the denominations of this money?
04:267, 5, and 50?
04:28That's a 1, bro.
04:30I'm sorry. I'm really dumb.
04:32That's a 1.
04:34You beat the high score.
04:36Oh, it's got little doors.
04:38I mean, that was pretty good.
04:40We're sorry we made fun of you, Canada man.
04:42Can you see this camera?
04:44Stop flexing your pinky ring on us.
04:46I'm gonna flex my lawnmower on you.
04:48Do it.
04:50I'm just riding with the lawnmower.
04:52Are you ready to get your mind shooketh?
04:54I'm ready to be perpetualized.
04:56Magnets, copper, and batteries do weird stuff when paired together.
05:02Do they have bluetooth?
05:04No, they don't have bluetooth.
05:06You just said they get paired.
05:08That looks like a piece of toast.
05:10No, it doesn't.
05:12It was in the shape of toast.
05:14It's just a square.
05:16I'm joining in.
05:18Isn't that a shape of a toast?
05:20Actually, it looks like
05:22a 2D block character's butt.
05:26It looks like two little pop-tarts.
05:28It looks like the feet.
05:30Now it's a heart.
05:32You should make that for Maddy.
05:34She'll love it.
05:36Who's Maddy?
05:38That's my dog.
05:40I'm Mr. Period Peas.
05:42That's your brother's cousin.
05:44What is that?
05:46This guy made a mirror out of
05:48organic material.
05:50It changes with him.
05:52I think it's out of feathers.
05:54I've seen this before.
05:56Whenever he moves, that motion sensor
05:58changes the feathers to do his silhouette.
06:00That's crazy.
06:02It is literally a feat of science.
06:04That's pretty cool.
06:06I'm not going to lie.
06:08That's all I'm going to give it.
06:10Are you giving it an extra dope dab?
06:12Imagine having this in your house.
06:14People would be like,
06:16are you wilding?
06:18Could you get it to stay on a certain thing?
06:20If there's no motion in front of it,
06:22it won't do anything.
06:24I'm going to have no motion.
06:26Is that a Superman ruler?
06:28That's a really cool ruler.
06:30That was even cooler.
06:32You ruined it.
06:34These edits are fire.
06:36His editing budget is amazing.
06:38Jimmy just fell over in the corner.
06:40Hey, buddy.
06:42Why didn't he just use his fingers?
06:44Why didn't he just use anything
06:46other than the Superman ruler?
06:48Does it have to be a Superman ruler?
06:50Is it not going to work without a Superman ruler?
06:52No, because it won't fly.
06:54I'm out, nerds.
06:56He said, I'm out, nerds.
06:58I quit. I'm just going to leave.
07:00He shot an Angry Bird character.
07:02I don't care.
07:04Marcus, come join me.
07:06Hi, I'm Chandler. Nice to meet you.
07:08This looks like Venom.
07:10Alright, don't sing.
07:12We don't want to get copyrighted.
07:14Is there a pneumonia magnet under the table?
07:16No, it's just above it.
07:18Pneumonia magnets are no joke.
07:20We had a buddy almost lose a finger to one.
07:22Everybody almost lost something that day.
07:24That's so cool.
07:26That looks like Bowser's spikes.
07:28Oh, wow.
07:30And they're jiggly.
07:32They're malleable.
07:34Very smart work.
07:36That's not how you shake them.
07:38Dude, that's really cool.
07:40We've got to get some of that stuff.
07:42I wonder if you drank it.
07:44I was going to say that.
07:46You can see it come out of your stomach.
07:48Hey, this is apparently a good way to cook eggs.
07:50That looks like a bunch of red broccoli.
07:52We did way better than that.
07:54What is going on?
07:56He's just found a...
07:58You've got to get it nice and wet
08:00before you put the matches on it.
08:02He's just like,
08:04we have a bunch of matches,
08:06and now we're in the rainforest.
08:08Look at this shot.
08:10If you have a fisheye lens,
08:12you have to film six skate tricks.
08:14It's the rule of fisheye lenses.
08:16Are they boiling them?
08:20What is going on?
08:22This camera angle is giving me ADD right now.
08:24Dinosaur eggs, that's what they are.
08:26Dinosaur eggs?
08:28Have you seen the movie Dinosaurs by Disney?
08:32Absolute banger of a movie.
08:34Have you seen Dory?
08:36That's a good...
08:38Don't do that.
08:40You could not eat that.
08:42You would probably just get diarrhea.
08:46I've got an emergency.
08:50My air conditioner went out,
08:52and I need a CPU fan.
08:54Hey, that's pretty good.
08:56That's it.
08:58That's all you need.
09:00Just do that.
09:02Just kidding.
09:04And then you need two things,
09:06and we're not going to tell you what they are.
09:08Because we don't know how.
09:10What's it going to put?
09:12Ice in there?
09:14Plastic bottles?
09:16What is that?
09:18That's another CPU fan.
09:20That's a heated AC,
09:22because the AC stopped working.
09:24They could have told Chandler to bring his pinky back,
09:26because there's so much ice on it.
09:28That was a good joke,
09:30and you were busy yawning for it.
09:32Dude, make sure you have the wrapper
09:34ice cube in your house at all times.
09:36It'll cool the house off.
09:38No, it'll heat it up.
09:40Does he have fire,
09:42or does he have that cool both?
09:44It's like a fourth degree burn.
09:48You know when your electric bill is super high?
09:52Like a ring.
09:54Like a pinky ring.
09:56Pinky ring.
10:00Bottle cap,
10:02and then you get an engine from a car.
10:04That is not an engine from a car.
10:06What kind of car do you drive?
10:08It's just a toy car.
10:10No, that's like a Toyota Prius engine.
10:12Darab on the environment.
10:14I've always loved that.
10:16If you drive an electric car,
10:18you're a wimp.
10:20You care about the environment.
10:22You're not a man.
10:24All of this for a doorbell?
10:26Yeah, this is too much, man.
10:28Dude, he's making a name tag.
10:30I heard that come.
10:32I heard that from the belly
10:34all the way through the throat.
10:36I felt it go up.
10:38Oh, that's a meaty burp.
10:46That's how the bell sounds in case you guys were wondering.
10:48I know you don't always have audio.
10:50Yeah, neither do we.
10:52We just made that up.
10:54You know what's good?
10:56Not tea, but you know what is great?
10:58Tea bags.
11:00Yeah, I love tea bagging.
11:02I started in the Call of Duty days,
11:04and I just can't stop tea bagging.
11:06Yeah, I started tea bagging when I was about 11.
11:08And ever since, I do it every day.
11:10You know in some video game tournaments,
11:12that's a bannable offense.
11:14Why are they so butthurt over it?
11:16I don't know. It's hilarious.
11:18Oh gosh, Nesquik.
11:20That's a nice hat, that little bunny hat on.
11:22Did you like Nesquik growing up?
11:24Oh yeah, I used to make it though.
11:26I never bought the premade.
11:28I used to mix it myself and just put a bunch of chocolate on there
11:30and then get all decked up.
11:32Did you ever squirt chocolate sauce into your Nesquik?
11:36Oh man, don't you hate when you have two cats
11:38and they're like, hey, I'm going to sit on your shirt.
11:40And you're like, no, I'm going to wear that shirt.
11:42Well now, you can get rid of that cat hair
11:44and get a paintbrush.
11:46Are you speaking from personal experience?
11:48Yeah, my cat actually does do that all the time.
11:50Every time I lay the basket of clothes
11:52on the floor to fold them, he's like,
11:54oh, don't mind if I jump in here.
11:56Yeah, my dog just drinks out of the toilet
11:58while I'm sitting on it.
12:00No, literally last night,
12:02I went to pee.
12:04I lift the toilet seat.
12:06I was about to start peeing and the cat's like,
12:08and jumps onto the toilet
12:10and I almost peed on my cat's head.
12:12Started licking the water?
12:14Dude, that cat's so weird, man.
12:16Let me get that pee.
12:18We really should just throw him outside.
12:20Oh no, did you see that little piece of lint on the shorts?
12:22He's got two hairs.
12:24He had to get those two hairs.
12:26My girlfriend won't want to date me if I got two pieces of hair on my shorts.
12:28Yeah, I couldn't just
12:30whoosh, whoosh, brush them off.
12:32Just do a whoosh, whoosh.
12:34What a great job he's doing.
12:36Remember when we did that?
12:40We had to bundle matches for like days.
12:42Hours upon hours.
12:44At least seconds, if not milliseconds.
12:48Our brains are in sync.
12:50What's the one below millisecond?
12:54What is that firecracker?
12:56Why do they have to put skulls and crossbones on firecrackers?
12:58Where is this at?
13:00It looks like Texas.
13:02Minnesota, I guarantee you this is Minnesota.
13:04Is this like, Chernobyl?
13:06It is now.
13:08Oh, they're lighting the grass on fire.
13:10What the heck?
13:12What was the plan here?
13:14Dude, that's so bad.
13:16There's wood.
13:18Let's make a giant flammable thing around a bunch of dead grass.
13:20I'm sure that'll work.
13:22Doesn't even show him putting it out.
13:24He's just going to let the grass burn.
13:26Oh, he looks happy.
13:28No, he does not.
13:30He looks like he's screaming out pain.
13:32You have a weird happy face.
13:34What is that anyway?
13:36Like a popsicle?
13:38It says candy, but it looks like soap.
13:42Oh, it's plastic and it's got little beads inside.
13:44No, that might be candy.
13:46Oh, those are like his insides.
13:48His enzymes?
13:50Those are his enzymes.
13:52Gotta heat up those enzymes with a...
13:54I'm mad.
13:56The title was Thousand Degree Knife.
13:58That's a cleaver.
14:00Or a cleaver, whichever one you want to say.
14:02Oh, cleaver.
14:04They're just still burning candy.
14:06We're just going here strong.
14:08Where's Junior?
14:10He's over there burning the candy with his cleaver.
14:12It sounds like something Junior would do.
14:14I don't know where to go with you sometimes.
14:16It's a good way to make eggs.
14:22That was a banger.
14:24Whoa, she gone.
14:26Dude, is that a Bugatti?
14:28Bugatti with eyeballs.
14:30That's the only Bugatti I'll ever be able to afford.
14:32Maybe, I can afford that.
14:34Probably can't even afford that.
14:36I want to buy a Bugatti one day.
14:40And put googly eyes on it.
14:42Dude, they were like blinking. Did you see that?
14:44Yeah, they blinked.
14:46That's weird.
14:48Oh, he's about to deja vu this.
14:50He's putting vegetables...
14:52Oh yeah, slick up the tires, boys.
14:54How to make a toy car drift.
14:56It even says Bugatti on the controller.
14:58Look at that.
15:00That's actually pretty funny.
15:02He's doing donuts in the Bugatti.
15:04If I had a Bugatti, I'd do that.
15:06Yeah, I should get a little one and film it really close up.
15:08And look like I'm driving a Bugatti.
15:10There's ways you can do it with camera angles.
15:12That's actually a pretty sick shot.
15:14He gone. Bye.
15:16Good job.
15:18You did it.
15:20Alright, that's it for this episode.
15:22Great episode.
15:24And I peed on my cat's head.