Kochikame Ep 39 Hindi

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Kochikame Episode 39 - Burning Love! Ryotsu and Maria


00:30I was laughed at for being just like a persimmon
00:36Even if I try to cheer up somewhere
00:40I have no choice but to win
00:42Not a single yawn
00:44The cityscape that never changes is strangely kind
00:50From the tap of a pointed star
00:58The sunset falls into the big white sky
01:08Tomorrow will end like this
01:12I won, but I lost my happiness again
01:17Because I realized how stupid I am
01:29Lallu Lal!
01:31You have no manners at all!
01:33I am tired of teaching you!
01:35What should I do with you?
01:36If you are tired, then stop teaching me
01:38If I didn't do this much, I don't know what would have happened to you
01:41You know that it takes me 2 hours to come to office from home
01:44And I have never been late even once
01:46Your wife is at your house and she wakes you up in the morning
01:49There is no one to wake me up, boss
01:51You think that's why I come to office early?
01:53I don't have a wife
01:55There is no one, boss
01:56You think that's why I come to office early?
01:58Then why don't you get married?
02:00Get married?
02:01Yes, there is no other way to ruin your life other than marriage
02:06You get married, have kids and become a family man
02:09This is my order, understood?
02:11Family man?
02:14Bye, I am going
02:18Don't make fun of me
02:20I have no intention of getting married
02:22Listen, you will have to get married
02:24I will get you married at any cost, understood?
02:27I won't get married
02:29You will have to get married
02:30No, I won't
02:31You will have to get married
02:32I won't, I won't, I won't
02:43I think becoming a family man is useless and weird
02:51Why isn't he coming out?
02:58I am sorry
03:03Finally, I caught you
03:06Listen girl, come with me, it will be fun
03:09Leave me
03:13Michelle, what happened to you?
03:15I won't leave you
03:17You should know the consequences of teasing a girl
03:24You don't know how angry I am
03:27Run, run away from here
03:31Why are you running away?
03:32Stop if you have the guts
03:34Thank you for helping me
03:36This is your fault
03:45You got hurt because of me
03:47This is my job, I am in the police
03:54I am Ryotsu Kankichi from Kameari Park
03:59Ryotsu from Kameari Park
04:03Nice to meet you, my name is Asatu Ai
04:06Asatu Ai?
04:07But if you want, you can call me Maria
04:12The poor people call me Maria
04:16That's right, Mr. Ryotsu
04:25So her name is Maria
04:27I am so lucky to have met such a beautiful girl
04:37So you will trick her?
04:41Speak softly
04:42If we tell her and try to get her married, we will never get her
04:47That's why I made this plan to make Ryotsu my father
04:51But boss, I won't fall for your trap
04:57Mr. Ryotsu, what will you have for lunch?
04:59Order noodles for me
05:02Excuse me, I want to meet Mr. Ryotsu Kankichi, who works here
05:12Mr. Ryotsu, I was eager to meet you
05:15Sir, who is this lady?
05:19She is my acquaintance
05:21Tell me, what brings you here?
05:23I have brought some food for you to thank you
05:30That's great
05:32Okay, I will eat it quickly
05:37Delicious food, I loved it
05:40I am really happy that you liked the food
05:43Can I make another dish for you tomorrow?
05:46Yes, why not?
05:49Okay, then I will bring food for you every day
05:56Okay, Mr. Ryotsu, see you tomorrow
05:58Bye, I will wait
06:04Now I don't have to worry about my food every day
06:07Ryotsu, what are you saying?
06:09She wants to bring food for you every day
06:11That means she wants to stay with you
06:13That means she wants to marry you
06:17Leave it, what are you saying?
06:19I am right, sir
06:21She is beautiful, she talks well and cooks well
06:24She will be a good wife for you
06:26Good wife?
06:28Sir, you have done a great job
06:30She likes you a lot, that's why she is proposing
06:36That you will get along well
06:38Yes, absolutely
06:40What if Maria and I get married?
06:53That means you are going to be a married man
06:57No, nothing is decided yet
06:59A married man?
07:01What if boss has planned something?
07:03I have made a plan for Ryotsu
07:06Oh, so boss has sent Maria
07:09I was doubting from the beginning
07:11You bump into each other on the road
07:13And then bring food for me every day
07:15And this strange behavior of both of them
07:23So this is the matter, now I understand
07:33Maria is a good girl
07:36But maybe she is boss's relative
07:38If I marry her, then I will have to dance to boss's tunes
07:42Which I don't want
07:49Mr. Ryotsu
07:53Mr. Ryotsu
08:01Mr. Ryotsu, from now on
08:03You will be a responsible family man
08:08Oh, I am dead
08:10Boss, leave me
08:14Save me
08:16Boss, keep your mouth away
08:18I smell a lot
08:20Mr. Ryotsu
08:22What happened to you suddenly?
08:25I had a bad dream
08:27What bad dream did you have?
08:29The girl whom I thought was Maria
08:31She was not a girl, she was my boss
08:33What are you doing here, Maria?
08:35I have come here to make breakfast for you, Mr. Ryotsu
08:57Please start, Mr. Ryotsu
08:59Why not?
09:01This is delicious
09:03But will it be okay to eat this?
09:05If I eat this, then I will be trapped in her trap
09:09Ryotsu, finally you are trapped in my trap
09:13If I eat this, then I will be trapped in boss's trap
09:16I will have to control myself
09:20Tell me, what do you want from me?
09:23Don't you think you are interfering too much in my life?
09:26You are cooking food in the kitchen without my permission
09:28You are washing my clothes
09:34Okay, Mr. Ryotsu
09:36So, you hate me, right?
09:39No, I didn't mean that, Maria
09:42So, you like me?
09:44I am very happy
09:51Look, I didn't mean that
09:53I want to clear everything
09:55I don't want to marry you, understood?
09:58No, don't say that
10:04I think, I did the right thing
10:10It's not a good thing to play with someone's heart like this
10:13This is not a joke, boss
10:15What are you saying?
10:17Boss, you want to get me married to a cheat, right?
10:20Oh, so you know
10:22Actually, I had made a plan for your marriage
10:24But the girl I talked to about your marriage, she refused
10:28So, I am going to marry her
10:30Actually, I had made a plan for your marriage
10:32But the girl I talked to about your marriage, she refused
10:34So, I am going to marry her
10:37So, Maria!
10:45No one can be a bigger idiot than me
11:00Hey, hey, hey
11:30Mr. Yotsu, you?
12:01I made a mistake, Maria
12:07Look, forget whatever I said to you
12:10Please, listen to me
12:13Maria, I also think that if I get married to you
12:16It will be good
12:17Don't reject me, Maria
12:23Mr. Yotsu!
12:26I am very happy
12:28Me too, really
12:36Okay, see you later, Maria
12:38I will wait for you, Mr. Yotsu
12:42Did you see how responsibly Mr. Yotsu has been working since the wedding?
12:47I could never imagine that this could happen to sir
12:50How much love has changed him
12:52Exactly, now I can also destroy my police station and staff
13:08Hey, are you okay?
13:10Who is he?
13:12He is Mr. Asato Ryuji
13:14Sir likes him a lot
13:16Does he really like him?
13:18Yes, and sometimes I also go to see his competition with him
13:22Oh, Mr. Yotsu also likes him a lot like me
13:26You know, we are made for each other
13:31What are you saying, Maria?
13:33Don't you know that Mr. Asato Ryuji is a kickboxer?
13:37Yes, I know because I am that kickboxer
13:40Ryuji is actually my ring name
13:56Mr. Asato Ryuji has never lost
13:59He has fought 50 competitions and has never lost
14:03His biggest weapon is flying knee
14:05But last year he went missing and no one saw him
14:09Now don't say that he has become a girl
14:12But his face looks like his photo
14:16Why have you made yourself like this?
14:18Actually, I fell in love with a person
14:22His name was Ken Kim
14:24He was my coach in kickboxing
14:26I liked him so much that I decided to become his wife
14:30Oh, so that's why you left kickboxing
14:32Yes, I worked very hard to prepare myself for this
14:37But my luck was not on my side
14:40That coach went to another country
14:43Does Ryuji look like that coach?
14:45Yes, he looks exactly like him
14:48I like him a lot
14:50So that's why you fell in love with him at first sight
14:52Oh, so that means I have to marry two men
14:58Hello everybody, I am back from the petroleum
15:01Mr. Ryuji, you are back
15:03I was feeling very bad without you
15:06I was missing you too, Maria
15:09If everything was fine, I would have loved to see this view
15:12Don't worry, I will talk to him
15:15After signing this form, Maria and I will become husband and wife
15:21And live happily
15:23I am very happy
15:24Riku and Naka, both of you sign this form
15:28It's a good thing
15:29Yes, it's a good thing
15:31This is the column in the name of husband
15:34I mean my name
15:35What are they going to do?
15:37We should tell them the truth quickly
15:39But will he believe us?
15:44Ryuji, Maria is not a woman, she is a man
15:49Boss, I am not going to fall in your trap
15:53If you want to lie, tell me a lie that sounds true
15:56I am going to marry such a beautiful girl
15:59That's why I am jealous of you
16:00Boss, when I go on my honeymoon, you will get jealous
16:07How do I make Ryuji understand?
16:10What if Maria herself tells the truth?
16:12I don't think a woman can do this
16:14But she is not a woman, she is a man
16:16I forgot
16:17What do we do now?
16:19I have filled the form, now we have to stamp it
16:22This form should not be deposited
16:24I know
16:25Let's go and have tea
16:31Sorry, I didn't mean that
16:33That means this form cannot be deposited today
16:36No problem
16:37I knew this could happen, that's why I brought an extra form
16:45Let me fill it again
16:54Sorry, I thought it was a poisonous spider
16:56I didn't mean to do that
16:58No problem
16:59I have another form, boss
17:03How many forms do you have?
17:05I am crazy in love with Maria
17:08I have brought so many forms that there will be no problem in our marriage
17:12I am very happy
17:16Now nothing can happen until Ryuji sees it with his own eyes
17:20Ryuji, I want to talk to you about something important
17:22What do you want to talk about? I have to fill the form
17:25Come inside with me
17:31Ryuji, do you know what marriage means?
17:35Boss, why are you asking me all this?
17:37What has happened to you?
17:38You wanted me to get married
17:40But after seeing my beautiful wife, you are jealous of me
17:45It's not that, I just want to say that
17:47Marriage should not be decided in such a hurry
17:50Maybe you don't know, but there is a saying that marriage is the second name of destruction
17:53And I don't want you to be destroyed
17:55This saying will be right for you, boss
17:57But me and Maria will live happily ever after
18:02When you will know the reality of Maria, your life will become hell
18:09Look, no one can be recognized by appearance
18:12You should understand what a person is from inside
18:14I know, and you also believe that Maria is very beautiful from inside
18:17I didn't mean that
18:20I want you to go to a hot spring spa with Maria
18:25It will be fun
18:26Are you crazy? Maria is a girl, how can I take a bath with her?
18:30I mean...
18:31Oh, now I understand what you mean
18:34Looks like he understood
18:36You want me and Maria to take a bath together, right?
18:39Then you can also go there
18:41Ryotsu, I also want to come inside
18:44Your thinking is so bad, boss
18:49He won't understand such a simple thing
18:53Ryotsu, I mean to say that when you will take a bath with Maria
18:57You will know something new, understood?
18:59Will I know something new?
19:00Yes, you will know something that you can't even dream about
19:05You will change your mind about marriage
19:08You will...
19:12Don't do it, boss
19:20He wanted to compete with us
19:22And look, he is licking the floor
19:24Is there anyone else who wants to compete with us?
19:27He will also face the same fate
19:29Today, I won't let these beautiful girls escape from me
19:33Hey, stop!
19:34Why are you misbehaving with Maria?
19:37He has come again
19:38Catch him!
19:49Ryotsu is fighting with all his strength today
19:51Because today he is fighting for his love
19:53Mr. Ryotsu!
20:05Now, let's teach him a lesson
20:13Mr. Ryotsu!
20:14Why are you shaking so much, my dear?
20:17I won't spare anyone who hits Mr. Ryotsu
20:27There is no doubt that he is the kickboxing champion
20:30You will have to face the punishment of hitting Ryotsu
20:40What is happening?
20:47Oh no!
20:50This kickboxing style belongs to Mr. Ryotsu
20:53How does Maria know all this?
20:59How does Maria know all this?
21:03Mr. Ryotsu!
21:07Mr. Ryotsu!
21:08Are you alright?
21:10I am fine
21:12What kind of feeling is this?
21:15Who is this?
21:26Tell me the truth
21:27Who are you?
21:29I have changed myself from a boy to a girl
21:33So, your body is...
21:35I have also changed my body
21:39So, it means that you are a man
21:41A man!
21:44A man!
21:53So, finally Ryotsu came to know that Maria is not a girl but a man
21:57This is what I wanted to tell him for a long time
21:59We had no other option
22:01Mr. Ryotsu!
22:02You saved my life
22:04I am so happy
22:05Our love is so deep
22:07So, tell me, when are we getting married?
22:09And where will we go on our honeymoon?
22:12Don't talk nonsense!
22:14Why will I marry you?
22:16But Mr. Ryotsu, you were just filling the marriage form
22:20So, what happened now?
22:21At that time, I thought that you are a girl
22:24I don't have any intention to marry a man
22:30This always happens with me
22:33I never get the person of my choice
22:42I feel pity on him, sir
22:44Mr. Ryotsu, it is wrong to make a girl cry
22:46He is a man!
22:48And I am destined to cry
22:51But at least, I was saved from getting two men married
22:55This is very good
23:00I don't know what Maria must be doing now
23:03Are you still thinking about her?
23:05You should have married her, Mr. Ryotsu
23:07Stop your nonsense
23:09I regret that she was so upset because of me
23:12Nothing else
23:13I feel pity on her
23:20How are you all?
23:22Why have you come here?
23:24Who are you to ask me this question?
23:26Today, we have come to introduce you to our new friend
23:30Come in
23:40Mr. Ryotsu, I can never forget you
23:43That's why I have taken up a police job
23:45So that I can always be close to you
23:47It is true that girls go crazy in love
23:50Maria, you are not a girl, you are a man
23:56Maria was a man?
23:58I was about to get married
24:01But the mysterious group of martial artists
24:03who were after Maria
24:06The mysterious group of martial artists
24:08who were after Maria
24:10Who are you to use such strange martial arts?
24:14Next time on Shogeki Shokugeki Hondara
24:17Please look forward to it
24:35I have so much I want to say
24:41I want to ride a bike through the desert
24:49I want to be freer than a bird
24:57A dream of a lady changing at the speed of light
25:05I'm sorry, my love, wait for me
25:11The dazzling future of the panorama
25:20I'm sorry, my love, wait for me