I'm Quitting Heroing - Episode 5 - English Dubbed

  • 2 days ago
A war hero is banished by his own people, who fear his abilities and power. He then decides to join his enemies and help rebuild their army.


01:00Hikari wo mirai e
01:04Tatoe subete ushinattemo
01:07Kibou wo tsunaide
01:12Boku ga koko ni iru imi
01:15Ima wa wakaranakute mo ii
01:19Kimi to warai aeru you ni
01:23Jibun de keshiki de kusumu dake
01:30Ima wa wakaranakute mo ii
01:55Hey, so what's going on with you, man?
02:00C'mon, let it out. You can tell your cool older bro about it, you know?
02:06No need to hold it in. Just spill it.
02:14My age.
02:16Hm? Go on.
02:17Come to think of it, Shatina mentioned that his birthday was actually not too long ago.
02:24What are you, 16? 17?
02:27Bet there aren't many people your age in the army.
02:31You feeling bummed out? Want us to throw you a birthday party, huh?
02:35We're just about the same age, so stop acting like you're older than me.
02:43I was trying to help and that's all you say?!
02:45Sheesh, and I thought getting here was a pain.
02:59I'm going on a journey. Please don't come looking for me.
03:02I have failed to properly train my troops and will be taking my life to make amends.
03:06The hell is this crap?
03:08I-I mean, oh my word.
03:09What's with Mirnaz and Edvard?
03:12Don't come looking for me.
03:13Taking my life to make amends? Don't BS me.
03:16Why does every single one of you have the weirdest issues?
03:19Do you know where they might be headed?
03:21Edvard is at the training grounds, but we've no idea where Mirnaz might be.
03:26I shall seek General Mirnaz.
03:28Appreciated. In that case, I will set out in search for Edvard, Shatina, Lily, Mirnaz.
03:35Ah! A kidnap!
03:37Your Highness! Relax, you can barely walk.
03:40Let us go in your stead.
03:41Do not worry. I'll sober up right now.
03:50I'll reveal who I am once all this is taken care of.
03:58Good. There's still a faint trace of magic.
04:02I thought Mirnaz and Edvard were managing just fine,
04:05but it sounds like they were struggling with things deep down.
04:08Still, this is going overboard.
04:10Do they only see things in black and white?
04:14He's close.
04:23It's me, Leo!
04:38What's up with that letter?
04:41Going on a journey, huh?
04:43Surprised you couldn't come up with anything better than that for an excuse.
04:46I'm telling the truth, though.
04:48I just wanted to go on a little trip for a bit.
04:50Great generals can't just up and go on a little trip out of nowhere, though!
04:53You know that!
04:54If we lose even one of you guys, we'd have to rebuild the army from scratch!
04:58We'd be screwed!
05:00Tell me.
05:01What's the deal with you?
05:02You want to quit, or is something else bothering you?
05:04I don't care what it is!
05:05Just spill it!
05:06If Mirnaz tries to escape by running off, I might not be able to catch him.
05:10And if he was serious about hiding from me, I probably wouldn't be able to find him either.
05:15Can't let him get away before I find out why he wants to go.
05:19If your mind is really set on leaving, then I'm not gonna try and stop you, okay?
05:23Are you even listening to me?!
05:25If that's how you feel, there's nothing wrong with wanting to quit.
05:28Hell, wanting to quit is a good sign that you should quit.
05:32So what's your reason?
05:33If it's good, I'll go back and tell them I had no luck finding you.
05:39So listen.
05:40When you want to quit a job, you have to be certain of it.
05:43Can't be something you're gonna regret.
05:46Maybe your next job's lined up, and your replacement's ready to go.
05:50And you want to punch your shitty boss.
05:53I mean, square in the face.
05:54Promise me.
05:55No matter what, you won't regret it and your mind's made up.
05:58Other people might not want you to go, but if you want to go, that's all that matters.
06:04Also, if you have even the slightest doubt about it, then you should stop and take a breath.
06:13So what's on your mind?
06:15You can let it all out with me.
06:17You don't really want to leave the army, do you?
06:23Just you and me here, don't worry.
06:25I won't laugh.
06:26I swear on it.
06:32I know I'm right.
06:33Come on.
06:36This is gonna take a while.
06:59In three days, I'll have to run interviews by myself.
07:04To do that, I have to prepare.
07:06I need to be energetic.
07:08I have to muster the energy to be imposing and able to talk.
07:12I shall be interviewing agents and spies.
07:15Both of which are people who have to be good at talking.
07:18See the issue?
07:20It's gotta be because you're not a big talker, right?
07:26But weren't you a guildmaster before this?
07:28I let other people handle all the talking back then.
07:31It's the same with the demon army.
07:34I getcha, I getcha.
07:36Funny considering I sent all those people packing to the demon world.
07:40To be honest, I thought I'd learned something by taking a trip.
07:44So I wanted to leave and visit a lot of villages.
07:47But now that you're here, I don't need to.
07:50No more trip.
07:57Leo, you will teach me how to converse.
08:00Turn me into a master communicator in the next three days.
08:04Help you do what?
08:10It comes down to communication skills.
08:13It's one of the most important skills to have when you're working with a team.
08:16That's for sure.
08:18I know your problem.
08:20You weren't sure how to train yourself to talk to people, right?
08:24Wait, did you ask for help yet?
08:26I'm asking now, aren't I?
08:28I mean before me.
08:29Did you ask anyone else?
08:31What do you want me to say?
08:33I'm at a loss of words here.
08:35Everyone's so busy with their work, I didn't want to bother them.
08:38So I didn't.
08:39So you leave that cryptic letter?
08:41I don't get the thought process behind that one.
08:54All right, fine then.
08:55Three days, okay?
09:00That was the extent of our conversation.
09:02For the time being, Mirnaz should not leave on any surprise journeys.
09:06I see.
09:07That's excellent work.
09:10We are in your debt, Lord Onyx.
09:12Oh, good job!
09:15Poor guy.
09:16I didn't know Mirnaz was so troubled.
09:20Care to elaborate, your highness?
09:21Oh, sorry.
09:23The fact that Mirnaz is troubled is extremely worrying to me, clearly.
09:27Yet despite that, he still tried his best to help the army rebuild.
09:31And that is so admirable of him, you know?
09:33I agree.
09:35That Mirnaz is such a weirdo, ain't he?
09:38You likely don't know this yet,
09:40but my four generals also double up as my personal consultants as well.
09:44I would listen to their thoughts.
09:46And Mirnaz's view on humanity often clashed with mine.
09:50I didn't know that.
09:51I have lost, so just get this over with already.
09:54If you don't kill me, then someday I will exterminate humanity.
09:59I did realize he was a little off before I came to the Demon Army.
10:03How did things fare with General Edvard?
10:06About that...
10:07We rushed down to the training grounds, but when we got there...
10:13That fool man truly was trying to take his own life.
10:18He should have known regular blades couldn't pierce his draconic scales.
10:22Who knows what would have happened if he'd tried poison instead?
10:25His stalwart dedication to warrior ideals saved him.
10:28If I recall, the reason he wrote in his letter was his failure to train his troops, yes?
10:33Yes, he kept proclaiming he was a worthless general.
10:36But we haven't heard the full story yet.
10:40Julieta is keeping an eye on him.
10:42His beloved daughter is his only weakness.
10:44With her there, I have no worries.
10:48When he settles down, I really hope he'll open up about his reasons.
10:54After I resolve Mereness's situation, I'll come assist.
10:58You'd do that?
10:59Thank you, Onyx.
11:24Sorry about the wait!
11:25Table 8's orders up!
11:27Gwarvan mushroom sautés are ready!
11:29Thanks a lot!
11:37We appreciate your patience.
11:40Great stuff!
11:41The upgrade in food quality was your doing too, wasn't it?
11:44Thanks to your help, we're busier than ever now!
11:46Got some more recipes too!
11:47I promised to teach you guys a few extra at a later date.
11:50I can't wait to try them out!
11:52And now you've brought us little Mereny, and she's just so cute!
11:55She's so quiet, I think the cat's got her tongue!
11:57You hear that, Mereny?
11:59There's something wrong.
12:01One goblin salad for Table 10!
12:04Can you take it out, Mereny?
12:11I've got one fresh goblin salad, just like you fellas ordered!
12:15Please enjoy.
12:18What's up?
12:19I believe I requested that you turn me into a master communicator, did I not?
12:23You sure did.
12:24This is wrong.
12:25You want better people skills, yeah?
12:27This is perfect!
12:28I don't get why we're working in the mess hall.
12:31And why am I dressed like this?
12:33You gotta see things from your underling's point of view.
12:35Do you really think these guys could sit back and enjoy their meals when their waiter is their general?
12:40I needed to disguise you.
12:42Okay, where's yours?
12:43You look like the hero.
12:44These guys won't remember what I look like, just trust me.
12:48You, on the other hand, everyone knows you.
12:51So why didn't I get the same uniform?
12:52Because the one you're wearing was the only one they had in your size.
12:56You're dainty anyway, so it looks good on you.
12:58So... the communication lesson?
13:02Come on now, we've already been over this.
13:04Service positions teach you all the basics you need to know on communication.
13:07Order up for Table 34!
13:10One grilled rabbit!
13:11I'm coming!
13:12Come on, follow me.
13:18Ha ha ha!
13:24Chin up, Mirny.
13:25You're gonna scare off our customers with that look.
13:27Show me a big smile.
13:31That's even scarier.
13:32Ease up a little bit, you're not an assassin, kiddo.
13:36Facial expression is a big part of being a good server.
13:39Why bother teaching me the basics?
13:41I don't think I have the talent for communication in the first place.
13:44Keep that in mind with me.
13:46No need to get smug.
13:48Communication isn't about talent.
13:50I was terrible at it myself back in the day.
13:54I used to embarrass myself.
13:56You're lying.
13:58It's the honest truth.
14:00You have no idea how many people I've talked to or about the many times I've failed in the past.
14:06But that's exactly what communication is made of.
14:08Practice and experience.
14:10And the mess hall's the best place in the castle for you to get that under your belt.
14:13Do enough of it, and you'll be a master in no time.
14:20You should start by not responding with whatever all the time.
14:24Order for table two!
14:26Twelve bowls of hot noodle soup!
14:29Remember this, Mirny.
14:31Conversation's a group effort, period.
14:34First they throw you some words, and then you catch them.
14:36And throw them back.
14:37That's the key.
14:39Be more specific, that's incredibly vague.
14:41You want them to know you're listening, and that their words aren't just simply bouncing off of you.
14:46Imagine yourself in their shoes, and hear them out.
14:49For example, picture yourself eating these noodles with your friends.
14:55I must agree, they're amazing!
14:57It's so yummy!
14:58There are an infinite number of replies to the statement,
15:01This is delicious.
15:02Or, instead, you could agree with the statement.
15:05Indeed, indeed!
15:07They're incredible!
15:08You could also emphatically disagree, if you want.
15:10Honestly, I'm not a fan of them either.
15:12You could say you'd rather have steak instead.
15:15I want to eat some meat too!
15:19But it's complicated.
15:20The right way to answer is to piece together how the other person feels.
15:24Like, what are they trying to say?
15:26And what kind of emotion are they expressing to you?
15:28And whether it's a work conversation, or just friendly chit-chat, empathy is key.
15:33Try to see it from their point of view,
15:35And figure out what they would like to talk about, or what excites them.
15:39Now that's interesting.
15:40The guild says the first thing to get rid of is empathy.
15:43Thanks a lot, guild.
15:44Can you teach me?
15:46Any secret speaking skills?
15:48Let me think a sec.
15:51Techniques, huh?
15:54I suppose it's not exactly reasonable to expect an assassin trained from birth to have any empathy.
16:01I got one.
16:02Secret technique number one.
16:04It's simple, shut up and listen.
16:06That's all.
16:06Give me a real one!
16:08What the hell was that for?!
16:10What kind of talk would that be anyway?
16:12I'm being serious here.
16:14The saying goes, a good communicator is a good listener.
16:18I already stay quiet all the time.
16:19Because you just want the conversation to be over!
16:26Like I said before, conversation is a group activity.
16:29Listening intently to what the other person is saying,
16:32That's what I did the first time I tried to have a one-on-one human conversation.
16:37What do you mean by human?
16:39It'll make sense soon enough for you.
16:41Just wait until people realize you're a good listener.
16:43You'll become so popular, they'll come to ask to vent or get advice from you.
16:48You think so?
16:50It always feels good to get stuff off your chest, doesn't it?
16:53Complaints about work, relationships, anything on their mind.
16:56You said you're gonna...
16:57I'm not gonna say anything.
16:59Relationships, anything on their mind.
17:01You said you're gonna be interviewing people, didn't you?
17:04Then you should focus on listening instead of talking.
17:07It's all gonna work out.
17:08I promise you.
17:10See their point of view.
17:13And listen too.
17:14Hey, waitress!
17:16Can I order?
17:18One moment.
17:20Sorry for the wait.
17:21Did you get lost along the way?
17:23We've been calling for your ass forever!
17:25We're the howlers of the moonlit night!
17:27You don't want to end up on our shit list.
17:30Oh, the new mercenaries.
17:32Edvard is supposed to make sure they stay in line, but yeah, he's not doing that right now.
17:36Whoa, would you look at that?
17:38Lucky us!
17:39Our slowest waitress is actually kind of cute, boys!
17:42Your order?
17:43Beer and meat!
17:44And on the double!
17:45We're starving!
17:47I'll need some more information with that.
17:49We have a variety of ales and meats.
17:51You hear that?
17:52She says there's a variety!
17:54Let's hear it then!
17:55Tell us about your meats!
17:58Man, what a total bimbo!
17:59Well, go home, we're waiting, toots!
18:03Man, she's lucky she's cute!
18:05I don't like it when people question me!
18:09Please take a look here.
18:11Might I suggest the meat-stuffed red pepper?
18:13It pairs well with ale, but no—
18:15I think I'm more in the mood for a pretty girl!
18:18So what you doing tonight, sweetheart?
18:20I'd be more than happy to show you a good time, baby!
18:24That is not a service we provide here in the mess hall.
18:27Don't be like that!
18:29I've made Succubi cry out in pleasure!
18:31You know what I'm saying, sweet potato pie?
18:37What are you standing around and doing nothing for?
18:40She needs your help!
18:41If you won't do anything, then I will!
18:43She'll be just fine, don't worry!
18:48Touch me again and I'll break your arm, got it?
18:51Let me go!
18:52It hurts!
18:53Stop your whining.
18:55If I bend it just a little more, though, I will.
18:58Get off him, you bitch!
18:59What the hell did you do to the boss?!
19:01Oh, wow!
19:25Are you done now?
19:26I can take you all if you want to go.
19:28Tell me. I'm waiting.
19:31No, ma'am!
19:32We're so sorry!
19:34Wait, is that General Marinus over there?
19:36What would he be doing down here, huh?
19:38Did you see that?!
19:38I can't believe it!
19:39She's as tough as General Marinus!
19:41Might want to teach him how to disguise himself better.
19:49I'm tired.
19:51Good job today!
19:52Not too bad for your first day of work!
19:54You kicked ass, and not just those werewolves!
19:56You kicked ass, and not just those werewolves!
19:58All I did was hurt them a little.
20:00That's exactly how you deal with chumps like that.
20:03However, you also gave them a suggestion for what to order, right?
20:08Did I do an alright job?
20:10Yeah, that was perfect.
20:11You did way better than I expected.
20:14You think so?
20:15I shouldn't be surprised.
20:17Just like Lily's leadership skills.
20:19He had the basics down, but never had the opportunity to hone his skills.
20:24Nothing more than that.
20:26So, now what?
20:27We'll wrap up the lesson.
20:29Get changed and meet me in my room.
20:37Sit over there.
20:39What are we doing now?
20:40There's this old saying that goes,
20:42practice makes perfect.
20:44So we're gonna pretend.
20:45Let's run a fake interview.
20:47Do you want me to run it?
20:49Just like it was a real one?
20:50That's the basic idea.
20:52And I'd say you learned a bunch today.
20:54So your skills are already on the up and up.
20:57Let's try it.
20:58You should start by asking me anything you want, okay?
21:04That's what I said.
21:05Use everything I taught you and apply it.
21:09Okay, what's he gonna ask?
21:11Something about my infiltration or spy skills?
21:14Or maybe something deeper, like the reason I want to join up with the army?
21:20Try to see it from their point of view,
21:21and figure out what they would like to talk about or what excites them.
21:25You'll become so popular, they'll come to ask to vent or get advice from you.
21:32Any question?
21:34That's right.
21:35I'll be totally honest.
21:39Wait, what was that look for?
21:41That's the kind of look an assassin gives you when he's found your weakness.
21:45Oh boy, I have a bad feeling about this.
21:47I'm gonna regret saying that, aren't I?
21:50Okay, why join us?
21:54Guess I shouldn't have worried.
22:01Your answer?
22:04You said you wanted to join us to bring ruin to humanity, is that right?
22:09But that's a lie.
23:19I don't know what you're talking about.
23:21I'm just saying, I don't know what you're talking about.
23:23I don't know what you're talking about.
23:25I don't know what you're talking about.
23:27I don't know what you're talking about.
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24:27I don't know what you're talking about.
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24:41I don't know what you're talking about.
24:43I don't know what you're talking about.
