The Young and the Restless 9-5-24 (Y&R 5th September 2024) 9-05-2024 9-5-2024

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00Hey, looks like you've got your hands full.
00:10I have packed everything Harrison's going to need for the school year all in one bag.
00:15He's already decorated his pencil case, collected all of his markers, one for every color of
00:19the rainbow, and attached this cute little caterpillar keychain.
00:26May I?
00:28Oh, that's heavy.
00:31I may have forgotten to mention that he also packed all of his books on metamorphosis.
00:38Things change, right?
00:41You think that something's crawling around, all cute and fuzzy, and then before you know
00:46it, it's changed into something beautiful that can fly.
00:55You have an eyelash.
00:56I'm sorry?
00:57Just here.
00:58It was on your cheek.
01:00Now you make a wish.
01:01A wish?
01:03Have you ever done this with Harrison?
01:04He's the one who taught me.
01:05You just make a wish, and then you blow it away, and your wish comes true.
01:12Go ahead.
01:13That's it?
01:14That's it.
01:15Oh, but you can't tell anyone what you wished for.
01:16It won't come true.
01:18Um, Claire.
01:46We need to talk.
02:12She wanted to get a few things clear, Janice, but didn't you do that when you questioned my judgment about firing Lily?
02:32I heard what she said, and I listened very carefully.
02:35Okay, well maybe we need to understand the chain of commands because I don't answer to you.
02:39I'm in charge.
02:41Oh, that's crystal clear now that Lily's gone.
02:43And I told you that I value your position here at Abbott Chancellor.
02:47But second-guessing me is not part of your job description.
02:50Well, I think it is in my job description to voice my opinion about the direction that this company is headed.
02:57My name is still in the building.
02:59Oh, so this is about Chancellor becoming Abbott Chancellor.
03:03That was totally your call.
03:04No, you're damn right it was.
03:06Whatever it is you have to say, it's going to have to wait because I've had enough of your opinions for one day.
03:10Actually, Billy, you're going to have to hear more.
03:12And it's a pretty safe bet you're not going to like most of it.
03:20So, how was your meeting with Lily?
03:22Did she tell you anything more about what's going on at Chancellor?
03:30I can confirm that Billy boy brought his trademark chaos to the company.
03:35We knew that would happen. What did she tell you?
03:39She agrees with us that he is incapable of running things.
03:43So she wants him out as much as we do.
03:47So she'll be looking for allies.
03:50You got it.
03:53So we're not the only ones who want him out.
03:57Billy, hi.
03:59Hi, how are you?
04:01Sorry, I'm just finishing a text to Maddie.
04:05Yeah, the twins are good.
04:07Yeah, they're good.
04:09Maddie's still at grad school in California.
04:12Good for her.
04:13There was some news of an accident.
04:17Yeah, there was a fire at the school.
04:20And one of her professors died, actually.
04:23So I went out there just kind of helping her deal with the trauma and all of that.
04:27But she's better.
04:29She's actually helping other students now and faculty process their trauma.
04:33So good for her.
04:36Catch me up on Charlie.
04:38Charlie actually just got to L.A.
04:40He's trying to figure out his next steps in his film career.
04:44But he and Maddie are actually going to meet up while he's out there.
04:47Well, always nice to hear that they're hanging together.
04:50Yeah, yeah.
04:51No, they're very close.
04:52But of course, you know, Maddie always complains about how Charlie's driving her crazy.
04:57You know how brothers do.
04:59Yeah, I kind of do.
05:01Speaking of that, how's Billy doing over at Chancellor?
05:05You haven't heard.
05:08No, what's that?
05:10You haven't heard.
05:13No, what's Billy done now?
05:17He fired me.
05:27So what do you want to talk about?
05:32Harrison is going to be in school all day.
05:36So maybe it's a good time to revisit our arrangement.
05:44Things change, right?
05:47Like with the caterpillars.
05:52I'm just, I'm still not sure what you mean.
05:56Are you, are you saying that you don't need me anymore?
05:59No, of course I need you.
06:02For Harrison.
06:03And I guess it does make sense that I would have fewer hours with him during the school year.
06:07Yeah, exactly. I just wasn't sure if you wanted or needed a full-time job.
06:15And I'm not trying to talk you into leaving by any means.
06:20Harrison adores you.
06:22And you know the feeling's mutual.
06:25For a second there, I thought maybe you were firing me.
06:29No, never.
06:32I just wanted to make sure I'm not holding you back from something you want because you're afraid to tell me about it.
06:43You're talking about me going to work for my grandmother, right?
06:50Lily is in the position to help us take over Chancellor.
06:56Well, unfortunately her position has changed.
07:02What do you mean?
07:04Billy fired her.
07:09How could he do that?
07:11Because Jill gave him the power.
07:14Jill is the one who put Lily in charge at Chancellor to begin with. Why would she want her gone?
07:19This was entirely Billy's doing.
07:21Oh my God.
07:24We knew he was reckless, but why would he want to get rid of Lily so soon?
07:28I mean, her knowledge of the company is tremendous. What was he thinking?
07:32To think requires a brain. He doesn't have one.
07:36I'm sure she isn't happy having been pushed out.
07:40She's going to be looking for some payback.
07:42That's why she came to me.
07:45Do you think she wants to help us bring Billy down?
07:48She wants to reclaim her position at Chancellor.
07:51Okay, now wait a minute.
07:53Her position is the one that I will have when we take over.
07:58So, it sounds like we have a little problem.
08:04I cannot imagine you would do anything that would justify that course of action.
08:10Well, he came to the conclusion that he couldn't trust me.
08:13Well, people close to Billy have disappointed him, and yes, I suppose that has created some issues of trust.
08:20Even though his own mother trusted me to lead Chancellor.
08:23Lily, I happen to know Billy cares about you a great deal, and he values your considerable executive experience and talent.
08:33Well, clearly he finds my experience and talent threatening.
08:37Well, I'm probably not the one to say this, but I apologize for what my brother has done.
08:41No, thank you, but you're not responsible for his behavior.
08:46Well, I'm not certain about that, but maybe I can be an influence on what he decides to do next.
08:54Are you okay with my talking to him, trying to convince him that he has made a monumental mistake?
09:00I appreciate that, but I will be fine, don't worry.
09:03I'm not worried about that.
09:05I know, I mean, look, we know that if he's not kept on track, he tends to go off the rails.
09:12And honestly, given his business track record, I don't think he can afford another failure.
09:17Well, here is a testament to your considerable character.
09:21After what Billy has done, you're worried about what's going to happen to Billy.
09:25Well, look, I'm not trying to seem saintly. I am looking out for myself.
09:30I'm not trying to seem saintly. I am looking out for myself.
09:34But no one would blame you for that.
09:37Yeah, and I mean, I'm also looking out for Catherine's empire, and she built it.
09:44Maybe the reason we're so behind is because we just lost a top-level executive.
09:49Okay, we're talking about firing Lily again? I get it, Chance, you don't like the move.
09:54No, Billy, what I don't like is that you decided Lily was a problem and couldn't be trusted,
09:58even though she gave you no clear reason to think so.
10:01Or, you know, maybe she didn't, and you just don't feel like sharing it with me.
10:05Didn't realize you liked Lily so much that you were willing to fight for her.
10:07This isn't about Lily. This is about me.
10:10Billy, you fired Lily seemingly without cause, so I can't help but wonder if I'm next.
10:16I told you, don't give me a reason to, and you won't be.
10:19There's the problem, Billy. She didn't give you a reason. You made one up based on how you felt, not the facts.
10:24I can see that you were a good cop.
10:27I get the feeling of sitting in an interrogation room with a two-way mirror and a single bulb hanging over my head and you breathing down my neck.
10:33Billy, you say I'm good if I don't give you a reason not to trust me, but you admit it and you don't trust anybody.
10:40You're right, Chance. After what's happened to me the last month, I don't trust anyone right now.
10:46This isn't just about Lily, is it?
10:49No, it's not. It's actually supposed to be about you.
10:53So why don't you tell me what you want?
11:00I know you were thinking about going to work for Nicky.
11:04I thought maybe Summer had told you.
11:08It really means a lot to me that my grandmother would trust me enough to offer me a job after everything I've done.
11:15You've done a lot of work to earn that trust.
11:18I hope so.
11:20So is Nicky going back to Newman Media? I thought Adam was running the show there.
11:27He is.
11:29Honestly, I don't think the details are worked out yet. I don't know exactly where this opportunity would be or when it would start.
11:38Yeah, it makes sense that your family would want to find a place for you somewhere at Newman.
11:43And it's not that I don't appreciate it. I'm just not sure that it's the right path for me to take right now.
11:51Inspector pushed you on it?
11:53He made it clear I'd be welcome.
11:55You did study business, right?
11:59And Jordan taught me how to use the tools of deception and manipulation.
12:04Trades that she deemed necessary. Stock and trade of the corporate world.
12:08But all of that was for her agenda. I'm only just trying to figure out my way in so many areas of my life.
12:16Work, family, friendship. I'm not in any rush to metamorphosize back into some corporate throne.
12:28No offense.
12:29Oh, none taken. I am the poster boy for what can go wrong when you run headfirst into the family business.
12:38Well, you don't have to worry about me doing that anytime soon at least. Harrison still has a long list of adventures we haven't gotten to yet.
12:48I appreciate you not wanting to disappoint him.
12:51Are you kidding? I'm looking forward to them as much as he is.
12:54And that means that I will be available for whatever you need. And Summer. You and Summer. Of course.
13:03I mean, I hope I've made it clear how much I value your dedication to my son.
13:09I think I need Harrison as much as he needs me.
13:12You think Harrison needs you?
13:16I do.
13:18I do.
13:22Because of all the tension between Summer and me.
13:29Thank you. I wish I could tell you not to worry about what Billy might do at Chancellor.
13:36Yeah, I mean, we both know that humility is not his strong suit.
13:39Well, he projects his unwavering confidence in his abilities and his opinions, but I happen to know he is still trying to prove himself to me, to the world, to himself.
13:52Yeah, I agree. I mean, I think that's why he wanted to add Abbott in front of the Chancellor name.
13:57Yeah, I advise against that, but his arrogance was such that he did not hear me.
14:01Oh, so you were against the rebranding?
14:04I think it's as much an affront to my father as it is to Catherine Chancellor.
14:10But what could I do? I had to back off. It's his name, too.
14:15I was hoping that maybe he would outgrow this brashness. I have been his constant supporter, but there is, I don't know, the way he takes any skepticism of his decision, it's like a betrayal of him.
14:31Don't I know it.
14:32Unfortunately, I have been right to doubt him more than not.
14:38Look, I think it's clear that Billy sees Chancellor as his last chance at vindication.
14:44But the fact that he can't tolerate anyone's point of view that's different from his own, I think that's going to be his undoing.
14:56Billy, I told you what I want. I want to be heard because I have concerns.
15:01OK, well, let me talk to you about concerns, because right now I'm running a billion dollar conglomerate and I don't have a partner to do that with. I'm doing it on my own.
15:11Well, maybe you should ask Lily to come back.
15:13Yeah, that's not going to happen because I'm focused on the future of this company, not worried if someone's going to stab me in the back.
15:18Billy, you're starting to sound a little paranoid if you ask me.
15:21I'm starting to think I should be paranoid about you, Chance.
15:23Me? I've given you zero reasons to question my loyalty.
15:27Until now.
15:28Loyalty is not being a yes man. It's about having somebody's back. You just said it. It's hard to do what you want to do here all by yourself, right?
15:37I was committed to running this company with Lily. I tried with her.
15:40Did you? Because it feels like you're doing exactly what you accused Devon of doing, being a lone wolf.
15:47Devon and I are very different.
15:49Not in the way that you two do business, no.
15:51OK, why don't you get to the point?
15:53My point is I think you've bitten off more than you can chew, Billy.
15:55This was supposed to be about you. Now it sounds like we're only talking about me.
16:00Billy, what you do has a direct impact on me, OK? So this isn't some kind of personal attack. Don't take it as such.
16:08OK, why don't you spill it out, OK? Tell me what you're concerned about.
16:14You've created a situation here where you have complete autonomy, right? But lately you've been acting impulsive.
16:22Even erratic at times. And I don't want to end up as collateral damage to one of your whims, just like Nate, just like Devon and just like Lily did, OK?
16:31You done?
16:33No, I'm not done. I do want to protect my position here at this company. I do. But I also want to protect this company for Jill's sake.
16:39Because she's not happy.
16:42You talked to my mom?
16:44I did. She's worried about her company and she's worried about her son.
16:48I really wish you didn't go behind my back and burden her with what's going on here at the company.
16:54Billy, I am just as concerned about her as you are, OK? I was very gentle. But I realized after talking to her, there's no shot in hell I'm going to sit back and watch you drive this company off a cliff.
17:06Wow. That's new. I've heard off the rails, I've heard crash and burn, but you are creative, Chas.
17:13You've got a bit of a reputation, Billy. Who's fault is that?
17:14Well, if I was as thin-skinned as everyone says I am, I would have given up a long time ago. But I see what you're doing here.
17:22You're playing good cop with my mom and bad cop with me. I'm making it sound like you're out to protect everyone, making sure that you're here to protect me, too.
17:30I'm trying to.
17:32Maybe you try to do it without all the criticism and bluster. Or do I have to expect a lecture every time you come in here?
17:37OK. I'll get to the point.
17:40Winters. They're gone. Lily. She's gone, too. It's just you and me. And my name is on the building behind yours.
17:52So I feel an obligation to protect my family's legacy the same way you want to protect yours. And I also want to protect my grandmother from any stress over this company.
18:01And how do you suppose you're going to do that?
18:04By being your co-CEO. Effective immediately.
18:10Do you think I'm wrong?
18:17No, no. I agree that my son needs you, that you help him feel safe. It's one of the reasons I fought Summer so hard to keep you in his life.
18:27And I think she's starting to see that, too.
18:31She does. I'm sorry that you were caught in the crossfire between us.
18:37It hasn't always been easy. But I'm sure it's been harder on you and Summer than it could ever be for me.
18:45And on Harrison. We thought we were keeping the conflict from him, but as you pointed out, he's picked up on him.
18:54He's a really sensitive kid. Which is why I would never leave until things between his mom and his dad have been resolved.
19:03There's some good news on that front.
19:08Things have calmed considerably between Summer and me. No more finger-pointing or yelling.
19:15Our lawyers are actually meeting this afternoon, and I'm hoping we can find some common ground on our custody agreement.
19:21Oh, I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear that. I ran into Summer earlier, and she seemed optimistic, but I didn't want to get my hopes up.
19:31But I'm so happy for you both, and for Harrison.
19:33Thanks. Look, we need to do what's best for our son. More importantly, we both realized we want to.
19:42But I have to ask, now that things will be less tense between me and Summer, how do you feel about staying on as Harrison's nanny?
19:57Co-CEO. Is this a joke?
20:02You see me laughing?
20:05Well, Chance, I didn't peg you as a power-grab type.
20:08Billy, I want all that comes with working hard for my family's company. But this... is more about making sure the company's okay.
20:17Well, you're a good guy. I really... I really do believe that. But you, uh... I mean, as far as business, you've barely started.
20:27I was in charge of an entire police force.
20:29Okay. This is a whole other animal compared to that?
20:34I think the two have more in common than you think.
20:39Well, look, I know what it feels like to be in an interrogation room with you, so there's that.
20:44Billy, I've proved myself to you. You said I pick things up fast, right? And I know you, Billy. Under all the bravado, you had your own doubts about going into this thing alone.
20:56That's why you asked Lily to stay on.
20:58Yeah, well, that was a mistake.
21:00Well, I guess I'm gonna have to take your word for it. But the reasons that you made her your partner have not gone away just because she did.
21:06No, it's a fair point. Maybe I do need a yin to my yang, someone with their feet on the ground. But, Chance, why would that be you?
21:13Well, you say you couldn't trust Lily. You can trust me. I'm not the power-grab type. You said it yourself. I'm not gonna be threatened by you putting yourself out front. I don't care.
21:23I'm perfectly content being the guy that has your back.
21:27You're serious about this?
21:29I'm dead serious. And when Joel comes back, we can talk about what my role will be going forward. But, Billy, right now, I want this. I want this to protect the company. Which, by extension, means protecting you.
21:44What if I say no?
21:45What if I say no?
21:48Well, then I'll say goodbye. And good luck.
21:56Billy's inability to recognize Lily's value could mean the beginning of the end of his very short-lived reign at Chancellor. I mean, other talent is sure to follow her out the door.
22:09Oh, yeah. He'll be the only rat remaining on the sinking ship.
22:17I know you like Lily. And it seems like you like her even more after your meeting with her.
22:23Well, she came to me, telling me she was looking for an ally, and she laid out her terms.
22:33So she's negotiating? With you?
22:37I wonder if she realizes she is in way over her head.
22:43Well, I think she deserves something for her trouble.
22:49Please tell me you don't plan to give her position back to her.
23:08I mean, if I did, I would be contractually prohibited from telling you.
23:21I just told Billy that I thought putting him front and center of the company was putting a target on Chancellor's back.
23:29No, he agreed. He just didn't care.
23:34I mean, look, you know that any successful company is going to have threats, right? Whether they're real or imagined.
23:41Yeah, I'm dealing with one of those at Chabot right now. I'm just not sure what kind.
23:47Yeah, and I think that we know Billy tends to lose interest or bring on disaster. And who's to say he won't do it again?
23:55So let me ask you something. Why did you decide to stay on with Billy?
23:59I mean, you could have gone with Devon and Nate, worked with family. It isn't like your opinion of Billy has changed that much.
24:08You know him as well as anyone else. Yet you threw in with him.
24:14Yeah, I did.
24:16So why? Why would you sign on to watching Billy and your own prospects implode?
24:30I don't think that lying to someone who we respect and hope to work with is the way to go.
24:37Why don't we put it this way? Billy Boy Abbott left her out in the cold and I'm determined to bring her back in.
24:44In what capacity?
24:46It's up to you.
24:48Look, I know what she brings to the table and I want to find a place for her.
24:54But you're concerned that she will want to be at the head of the table, right?
25:00Where there is room for only one person.
25:03And you and I agree that that is you.
25:07Okay, before we go any further, I want to be up front with Lily about that.
25:12Yeah. I will lay out my terms and she can either say yay or nay.
25:21I stayed with Billy for a few reasons, right? One for Jill.
25:28I respect her and she put me in this position.
25:32I also care about Catherine's legacy.
25:35But also I put a lot of time and effort into Chancellor and I figured if I stayed I could reign in Billy's impulses.
25:47And now with no one there to do that, I'm worried about what that means for Chancellor.
25:52And he has lost an ally in you that he really needs right now.
25:57I can really, really see that he is struggling.
26:01Almost sounds like you feel sorry for him.
26:05I just know that usually his heart is in the right place.
26:11I just don't know where his mind is at.
26:13But you know, I think you're right.
26:15I think that there's this part of him that feels like he has to prove himself to everyone.
26:21And you won't be there to save him when everything starts to blow up.
26:26But you will.
26:28Well, wait. There's that certainty there when we're talking about my brother's fate and Chancellor's fate.
26:35You talk as if it's sealed. Is there something you're not telling me?
26:38Yeah, maybe I was trying to prove something to people too, that I could make it work with Billy.
26:46And I was wrong.
26:50But Jack, you wouldn't listen to me. Maybe he'll listen to you.
26:56I don't know about that.
26:59You'll try to look out for him, right?
27:01Oh, I always try.
27:03I know that you don't want to see your brother.
27:06I know that you don't want to see your brother get hurt anymore.
27:10And I really, really believe that he has made himself and Chancellor vulnerable with this move.
27:24I admire this chance. I do.
27:27You asking for this, risking your job, hoping that I'll say yes?
27:30Are you saying yes?
27:31I tell you what, I am going to seriously consider it.
27:34Why don't you put together a five-year plan with projections on where you see Abba Chancellor headed in the future?
27:40Already done.
27:42I'm gonna send it to you now.
27:45That's for the next ten years.
27:48Once you look that over, Billy, you'll find I'm the perfect man for the job.
28:02I've decided this partnership is not going to work anymore.
28:06I'm going to fly solo at Abba Chancellor and your services are no longer needed.
28:11This is unbelievable.
28:13I chose you over my own brother to stay at Chancellor, which you begged me to, by the way.
28:20And then you turned on me.
28:22You started throwing words around like liability, which we've established goes both ways.
28:26So I kind of changed my mind after that.
28:28You act like me saying that is completely unfounded.
28:31The entire corp...
28:37Ask him to come back to the family company, you're better off that way.
28:40You know what, Jill is my family.
28:42She's my children's grandmother.
28:44Lilly, you want to fight me on this?
28:46I don't think so. You know I have the power to do it.
28:49I will not let you take down Chancellor.
28:52Abbott Chancellor.
28:54And you're missing the point. I'm the one that's stopping you from taking it down.
28:57We're done.
29:07If it's up to me, I won't be leaving my position as Harrison's nanny anytime soon.
29:16And I won't push you to take a job at Newman that you might not want.
29:22Harrison adores you.
29:23Harrison adores you.
29:26Well, then I guess I'll just have to put off my grandmother.
29:30And the rest of my family.
29:33If you did leave, Harrison wouldn't be the only one that misses you in his life.
29:39I would too.
29:54I need to be trained by senior partners, not senior citizens.
29:58Just point me to a case. Let me prove I can be useful.
30:0223. Great. I'm going to close at 19.
30:05They closed at 23 million, just like you said.
30:08So, let's have a scotch.
30:10No scotch for me, unless I'm getting laid.
30:12I'm guessing that's not on the table.
30:24Oh, I feel it.
30:27This could be a good night.
30:29Babe, no need to think twice.
30:31I will find a new life.
30:33And I'll be honest.
30:35He'll be honest.
30:37Oh, I feel it.
30:40Oh, I feel it.
30:44This could be a good night.
30:46Babe, no need to think twice.
30:48I will find a new life.
30:50And I'll be honest.
30:53I will find a new life.
31:24Who are you?
31:29Well, I really appreciate you listening.
31:33Oh, I'm going to do more than listen.
31:35No, I have every intention of voicing my very strong objection to Billie's decisions.
31:40Look, I care about Catherine's legacy too.
31:43And if she were able to voice her opinion, I'm sure she would be advocating for you.
31:49I'll go a step farther.
31:51If whatever differences you and Billie have are irreconcilable, Billie should be the one leaving.
31:57Well, I mean, Jill knows who her son is, and she put her power and trust in his hands.
32:03Yeah, she did.
32:05Now, let me see if I can set this right.
32:07Well, look, I don't want you fighting my battles for me.
32:12I have every confidence you can do that quite well yourself.
32:15Now, I'm going to try to open my brother's eyes.
32:18Take care.
32:19Thank you. Bye.
32:30Victor, hi.
32:32I'm assuming it's good news if you're calling me so soon.
32:36Lily, I've considered your proposal.
32:39Can you meet me now in my office?
32:42I'm on my way.
32:53She's on her way.
32:57Is that what you wished for before? On your eyelash?
33:03Right. I wish that I—
33:05Oh, sorry, no, you can't tell me.
33:07Er, well, I'm true.
33:10But I can still guess.
33:12You wished that you won't have to find another nanny for Harrison.
33:20Because I know that you and Summer had a hard time agreeing on candidates before.
33:25We couldn't even really agree on you until lately.
33:30If I stopped working for you, we'd still be friends, right?
33:37I hope so.
33:38I hope so.
33:40I mean, you're one of the few people in my life I'm not fighting with right now.
33:45I have a feeling things are going to start getting easier for you now.
33:49I hope so.
33:53Did you see those listings that I sent you?
33:56There's that really nice two-story, three-bedroom on Maple.
34:01I did, I did. Thank you.
34:04Thank you for helping me house hunt.
34:06Of course. Harrison made me promise I'd help you find a place with a yard big enough for—
34:11A dog.
34:13A giraffe.
34:19You know, friends go to dinner sometimes, right?
34:24I've heard that.
34:27Maybe even a movie.
34:29I love movies.
34:32Just not horror, because I think I've had enough of that.
34:34Got it.
34:36I mean, would that be weird, because you technically work for me?
34:41Going to dinner or a movie?
34:46I wouldn't be on the clock, right?
34:49You would not be.
34:53But, yeah, people make it the wrong idea.
34:58I don't care what people would say if they saw us hanging out.
35:02Someone ran my life before, and that's not going to happen again.
35:06So, I'm going to do what I want with who I want.
35:20Lily, please come in.
35:23Liddy, hi.
35:25I hope you don't mind my sitting in.
35:27Victor has kept me apprised of everything that's been happening at Chancellor.
35:32May I say that I think Billy was a complete idiot to have let you go.
35:38Thank you. I really appreciate that.
35:42So, I'm assuming, since you called me here, we must have a deal?
35:47Not quite.
35:58So, we're agreed. Nothing's changing here.
36:03You're not going to work for Nikki?
36:05Because I'm not exactly sure what that job is or when it will start.
36:10Plus, I love my current job.
36:13Which will become easier once Summer and I finalize our custody agreement.
36:18And I might have fewer hours with Harrison?
36:23Maybe not.
36:24He may need help adjusting to school or to a new home.
36:32Either way, both he and I like having you around.
36:36Let me know when that changes.
36:39It's not going to happen.
36:44I gave you the terms of my offer.
36:48So, you helped me cut Billy off at the knees.
36:51So, we can gain control of Chancellor, huh?
36:54Yes. You get the company and I will regain my position as CEO.
37:00So, why do I feel like this is not a done deal?
37:05Now, just hear Victor out.
37:08Let me put it this way, Lily.
37:10Before I agree, I have to know what kind of inside information you have.
37:14If it's useful to me.
37:22Jack, stop. It's not even a good time.
37:25Are you really this committed to self-sabotage?
37:28Assuming this is about Lily? Save your breath, because I know what you're going to say.
37:31You need her here, Billy. You can't do this alone.
37:34You're not the first one to say that.
37:36Because it's true. Look, I know you're caring a lot.
37:39I know your personal life with Chelsea is imploding.
37:41That is no reason to let this business burn to the ground.
37:44That's a new way to describe my flair for destruction, isn't it?
37:48What, you think this is funny?
37:49How many times do you have to fail to start taking life seriously?
37:53Stop. Jack, stop. Okay? I'm not listening to you.
37:56I'm not listening to anyone who's going to try and convince me that I am doomed to fail.
38:00Instead, why don't you support me in doing right by the two names that this company bears?
38:05Stop. Get out.
38:07Out of my office now.
38:20I'm sorry.
38:22I'm sorry.
38:24I'm sorry.
38:26I'm sorry.
38:28I'm sorry.
38:30I'm sorry.
38:32I'm sorry.
38:34I'm sorry.
38:36I'm sorry.
38:38I'm sorry.
38:40I'm sorry.
38:42I'm sorry.
38:44I'm sorry.
38:46I'm sorry.
38:47I'm sorry.
38:49I'm sorry.
38:51I'm sorry.
38:53I'm sorry.
38:55I'm sorry.
38:57I'm sorry.
38:59I'm sorry.
39:01I'm sorry.
39:03I'm sorry.
39:05I'm sorry.
39:07I'm sorry.
39:09I'm sorry.
39:11I'm sorry.
39:13I'm sorry.
39:15I'm sorry.
