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This is the Met Office UK Weather forecast for the weekend 05/09/2024. Mixed fortunes to come this weekend, as it remains dry and at times pretty warm in the northwest. Heavy rain across southern England and Wales will come and go through the weekend, becoming more widespread into northern areas by Sunday. Bringing you this weekend’s weather forecast is Annie Shuttleworth.


00:00A mixed bag of weather to come this weekend as parts of Scotland could see
00:03some of the best weather they've had so far this year. Meanwhile across southern
00:08areas further outbreaks of heavy rain to come on Friday evening. We've got this
00:12band of narrow but quite heavy rain moving northwards into parts of South
00:17Wales, the Midlands as well through Friday evening after a very wet day
00:21across southern areas of England. Now that's because we've got a weather front
00:24across southern areas that's drifting northwards. It does become a weaker
00:27feature through Friday night and into Saturday morning so that will bring some
00:31respite from the torrential rain and elsewhere we've got an easterly wind
00:35developing, we've got high pressure dominating further north and that easterly wind
00:39will drag in some high and low cloud to parts of eastern Scotland, north-eastern
00:43England. That will generally burn back through the day but there will still be
00:46some drizzly outbreaks of rain across coastal areas through much of the day
00:50and another widely very settled day across parts of Northern Ireland, Western
00:54Scotland, Northern Scotland as well as parts of north-western England. However
00:58there's a risk of a few showers developing where we see the remnants of
01:01that weather front across parts of Wales, central areas of England and some of
01:05those showers could bring some localised travel disruption so it's worth keeping
01:09up to date because there's a forecast if you're in these areas. Now further south
01:13behind that weather front it will probably be a much drier start to the
01:17day on Saturday but the next band of rain will likely arrive through the day
01:21on Saturday. There is some uncertainty on the timings of the next batch of rain
01:26in between any of that rain though not feeling too bad, it's fairly humid
01:29actually, highs of around 22 to 24 degrees across southern areas. Across
01:34the north and west though temperatures could climb up towards 25 or 26 degrees
01:39once again across parts of the Highlands so another very warm day for the time of
01:44year, quite a nice and settled day. However across central areas where
01:48there's more in the way of cloud it's going to be a much cooler day on
01:51Saturday compared to Friday, these are the temperatures, the temperature
01:55difference between Friday and Saturday you can see it's a good five or six
01:59degrees cooler for these areas of England and Wales. In the south though
02:02with a better chance of some sunshine on Saturday it will be a slightly warmer
02:06day so I think Saturday will be more widely the better day of the weekend as
02:11that plume of wetter weather from the south will eventually become more
02:16widespread across the UK as this area of low pressure moves in from the south
02:20with that wet weather as we head into Sunday and that will bring a swirl of
02:25wet weather to much of England and Wales throughout Sunday. It's not going to
02:29reach as far north as parts of Northern Ireland and Western Scotland but it will
02:33be a much cloudier day here on Sunday compared to Saturday, still some sunshine
02:38around and still not feeling too bad at all in that sunshine but outbreaks of
02:41potentially quite torrential rain will affect a large swathe of England and
02:47Wales throughout Sunday. Now there is some uncertainty with exactly where the
02:51heaviest rainfall will be but it's likely to be a fairly warm feeling day
02:56for most areas 21 to 24 degrees as our maximum temperatures we've got humid air
03:01but very little in the way of sunshine. Now as I said there is some uncertainty
03:05with exactly where we'll see the heaviest rainfall, these charts show you
03:09the places that are most likely to see some of that heaviest rainfall. We've got
03:13the Met Office model on one side and the European model on the other side here
03:17and you can see there's some quite big differences still a few days away from
03:21Sunday with how much rain is going to fall in 24 hours. So some charts are
03:26showing us that it's mainly eastern areas of England that will see the
03:29heaviest rainfall and perhaps some flooding issues and travel disruption
03:33through Sunday but other areas are saying it could actually be more
03:36widespread into parts of northern England, southern Scotland and parts of
03:39Wales and the southwest once again where we're already going to see the heaviest
03:42rain through Friday as well as Thursday. So still a few details to be worked out
03:48for where's going to see the heaviest rain on Sunday but it's looking like a
03:50much more widely unsettled day due to this area of low pressure. But through
03:55Sunday evening it is likely to move away to the east and once that low pressure
03:59does move away we'll be into a northwesterly wind direction which is a
04:03much cooler wind direction so it is going to turn much fresher and stay
04:07quite unsettled with further wet weather moving into the northwest this time from
04:12the start of next week. But with heavy rainfall in the forecast through the
04:15next few days please stay tuned to our forecast, check out our app for details
04:20on the warning and don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel. See you
04:23soon, bye bye.
