Learn The Alphabet, Letters, Phonics Song _ Toddler Learning Video _ Letter Sounds _ Speech _ ABCs

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We have many toddler learning videos, baby learning videos, preschool learning videos, speech practice videos and early intervention skills practice videos. We also have other phonics for toddlers videos and a video with the sounds of the alphabets all in a row. We hope you’ll come to our homepage and check out more videos to help your little one learn and thrive! If you have a baby, 1 year old, 2 year old, 3 year old, 4 year old or 5 year old, you can find a video to suit your needs on our YouTube. We put your baby first and not entertainment value. We are very serious about making high quality, educational interactive videos backed by research.

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00:00:00Hi, friends. Wow, look at these magic acorns with surprises inside. Should we open them and see what's inside?
00:00:14Yeah? Okay, let's do it. I'm so excited to learn the alphabet with you.
00:00:24This acorn has the letter A on it. Say open and it will open. Open. Wow, it's an apple. Do you like apples?
00:00:43Apples are yummy. Apples are a fruit. Apples grow on trees. Every letter has a sound. A says ah. Can you do that? Ah. Apple.
00:01:03A. A is a letter. Ah is the sound that it makes. A is a letter. Ah goes the A. Apple. A says ah.
00:01:18This acorn has the letter B on it. Say open. Open. Wow, it's a little bus. A little orange bus.
00:01:42Maybe if we say bus really loud, a big bus will come out. Can you help me say bus really loud? One, two, three. Bus. Wow, a really big bus came out.
00:02:05Wow. Vroom, vroom. Here comes the bus. Beep, beep. Let's put the kids on the bus. They have to go to school. Can I go on the bus? Yes, you can go on the bus. You have to go to school.
00:02:24Can I go on the bus? Of course. Yes, you can go on the bus. There you go. Can I get on the bus? Say yes, of course. Get on the bus. Should we close the door? Yeah, we have to close it. Close.
00:02:43And now they're going to ride off to school. Vroom, vroom. Beep, beep. Bye, bye bus. Bye, bye kids. Have a good day at school. B says buh. Can you do that? Buh. Bus.
00:03:01B is a letter. Buh is the sound that it makes. B is a letter. Buh goes the B. B for ball. B says buh. Let's see what letter is next. This is so exciting.
00:03:22This acorn has a C on it. Say the magic word. Open. Wow. It's a little green car. Beep, beep. Vroom, vroom. Driving away. A little green car. Beep, beep. Here comes another car. Vroom, vroom. This one has a zebra in it.
00:03:53Which one is bigger? This one. And this one is smaller. Bye, bye cars. Beep, beep. Driving away. C says cuh. Can you do that? Cuh. C for car.
00:04:16C. C is a letter. Cuh is the sound that it makes. C is the letter. Cuh goes the C. Cars. C says cuh.
00:04:31This acorn has a letter D on it. Say open. Open. Roar. It's a blue dinosaur. Wow. Can you roar like a dinosaur? Roar. Roar. Pretending to be dinosaurs.
00:04:57Dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years ago. Some dinosaurs were so big. The biggest animals ever. Some dinosaurs were small. Dinosaurs aren't around anymore. They're extinct.
00:05:15Hmm. Maybe if we say dinosaur really loud, a bunch of dinosaurs will come out. Can you help me say dinosaur really loud? Yeah? One, two, three. Dinosaur.
00:05:41Wow. So many dinosaurs. Uh-oh. Oh, no. I think I'm going to sneeze. Ah, ah, ah-choo. All the dinosaurs fell off. That was so silly.
00:06:05D says duh. Can you do that? Duh. D for dinosaur. D is a letter. Duh is the sound that it makes. D is a letter. Duh goes the D. D for dog. Woof, woof. D says duh.
00:06:34This acorn has an E on it. E. Hmm. Can you think of an animal that starts with E that goes howl? Brr. Brr. What animal is that? Yeah, an elephant. Maybe an elephant's inside. Let's see.
00:06:57Open. Wow. We were right. It's an elephant. Elephants are the biggest land animals. They like to stomp. Can you stomp around your house like an elephant? Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Good job.
00:07:17E says eh. Can you do that? Eh. E for elephant. E. E is a letter. Eh is the sound that it makes. E is a letter. Eh goes the E. Egg. E says eh.
00:07:47The next acorn has an F on it. Open. Wow. It's a little frog. Frogs like to hop, hop, hop, hop, hop. Can you hop like a frog? Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop. Yay.
00:08:17What does a frog say? Yeah. Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit. Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.
00:08:32F says fff. Can you do that? Fff. F for frog. F. F is a letter. Fff is the sound that it makes. F is a letter. Fff goes the F. Frog. F says fff.
00:09:02The next acorn has a G on it. Let's open it. Wow. It's a grasshopper. Grasshoppers also hop. Can you do more hopping? Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop. It's so fun.
00:09:29Grasshoppers are an insect. They love to hop. G says g. Can you do that? G. G for grasshopper. G. G is a letter. G is the sound that it makes. G is a letter. G goes the G.
00:09:59Guitar. G says g.
00:10:04This next acorn has an H on it. H. Open. Wow. It's a hippo. Hippos are the second biggest land animal. They're really big. H says h. Can you do that? H.
00:10:34H for hippo. H. H is a letter. H is the sound that it makes. H is a letter. H goes the H. Hat. H says h.
00:10:54The next acorn has an I on it. Let's open it. Open. Wow. It's a little igloo. Igloo. Igloos are houses made of snow. Wow.
00:11:24I says i. Can you do that? I. I for igloo. I. I is a letter. I is the sound that it makes. I is a letter. I goes the I. I says i.
00:11:47The next acorn has a J on it. Open. Wow. It's a little jar. A little blue jar. This is a pretend jar. I have a real jar I can show you.
00:12:09This is a real jar of jelly. Yeah. Strawberry jelly. Pretend jar. Real jar.
00:12:31Which one's bigger? Yeah. The real jar's bigger. J says j. Can you do that? J. J for jar. J for J. I want you to jump around because J is for jump. I'm going to make this little guy jump.
00:12:53J is a letter. J is the sound that it makes. J is a letter. J goes the J. J for jump. Wow. J says j.
00:13:15This little acorn has a K on it. I wonder what's inside. I don't know. Do you know? Maybe it's an animal. Hmm. Open. It is an animal. It's a little koala. Yeah. It's a koala. Hi, koala. Can you say hi to the koala? Hi, koala.
00:13:43Koalas are found in Australia. This koala is in a tree. K says k. Can you do that? K for koala. K. K is a letter. K is the sound that it makes. K is a letter. K goes the K. Kitten. Meow.
00:14:14K says k.
00:14:16The next acorn has an L on it. Let's open it and see what's inside. Open. Aww. It's a little orange leaf. Can you find a leaf with a grownup in your yard today?
00:14:46Or if you don't have a yard like me, maybe at the playground or the park. Maybe you could find a bunch of leaves and glue them on paper. Or you could draw over them with a crayon and make a leaf print. In the fall, the leaves change colors. They might be red, orange, brown, yellow. They're so beautiful.
00:15:16L says l. Can you do that? L. L for leaf. L. L is a letter. L is the sound that it makes. L is the letter. L goes the L. Lamb. L says l.
00:15:46This acorn has an M on it. Say open. Open. Wow. It's a mitten. Miss Rachel loves to wear mittens when it's cold outside. They keep my hands nice and warm.
00:16:10M says m. Can you do that? M. M for mitten. M. M is a letter. M is the sound that it makes. M is a letter. M goes the M.
00:16:38M for mouse. M says m.
00:16:45This acorn has an N on it. Hmm. I wonder what's inside. Say open. Open. Ooh. It's a nest. Nest. This nest has three little eggs inside. One, two, three eggs.
00:17:11One, two, three eggs inside a little nest. Birds make nests to lay their eggs in. Have you ever seen a nest in a tree? Wow.
00:17:28N says n. Can you do that? N. N for nest. N is a letter. N is the sound that it makes. N is a letter. N goes the N. N for nose. N says n.
00:17:54This acorn has a letter O on it. Letter O. Open. Wow. It's an octopus. How many legs does an octopus have? Yeah. An octopus has eight legs.
00:18:22They live in the ocean. Yeah. O says o. Yeah. Can you do that? O. Good job. Octopus. O. O is a letter. O is the sound that it makes. O is a letter. O goes the O.
00:18:49O says ah.
00:18:51This acorn has a P on it. Oink. Oink. Oink. Oink. What's that sound? Oh. Hmm. What animal starts with P and makes that sound? Oink. Oink.
00:19:21Yeah. A pig. Yep. It was a pig. Hi, pig. Can you say hi to the pig? Hi, pig. Can you act like a pig? Oink. Oink. Oink. Oink. Oink. Oink. That's so silly.
00:19:51P says puh. Can you do that? It's a quiet sound. Puh. P for pig.
00:20:12P. P is a letter. Puh is the sound that it makes. P is a letter. Puh goes the P. P for pig. Let's turn it on. Wow. P says puh.
00:20:37This acorn has a Q on it. Open. Wow. It's a queen. The queen has a crown and a robe. I'm the queen and I love the letter Q.
00:20:57Have you ever made a crown out of paper? That's really fun. I love doing that. Q says quuh. Can you do that? Quuh. Q for queen. Q. Q is a letter. Quuh is the sound that it makes.
00:21:17Q is a letter. Quuh says the Q. Wow. Q for quilt. Q says quuh. This acorn has an R on it. My name begins with R. My name's Rachel. What's your name?
00:21:41Wow. That's a wonderful name. What letter does your name begin with? Wow. Let's see what's inside the R acorn. I see what's inside the R acorn. Can you guess what it is?
00:22:03Miss Rachel was acting like a robot. Yeah, it's a robot. Can you act like a robot? I am a robot. Can you walk around your house like a robot? That's so silly. R says r. Can you do that? R. R for robot. Yay.
00:22:29R. R is a letter. R is the sound that it makes. R is a letter. R goes the R. Rabbits. R says r.
00:22:53This acorn has an S on it. Let's open it and see what's inside. Ooh. It's a beautiful star. This shape is a star. Have you ever seen stars in the sky outside when it's nighttime?
00:23:17Wow. You could ask your grownup to go look at the stars at night. That would be fun. S says s. Can you do that? S. S for star.
00:23:41S. S is a letter. S is the sound that it makes. S is a letter. S goes the S. Sock. S says s.
00:24:03This acorn has a letter T on it. Let's open it and see what's inside. Wow. It's a little teapot. Hey, maybe if we say teapot really loud, a magic teapot will come out.
00:24:23One, two, three. Teapot. Would you like a cup of magic tea? Yeah. Here's your cup of tea. Say thank you. Thank you. You're welcome.
00:24:48Here's your cup of tea. T says t. Can you do that? T. T for teapot. T. T is a letter. T is the sound that it makes. T is the letter. T goes the T. Train.
00:25:13T says t. This acorn has a letter U on it. Open. Wow. It's a little umbrella. Umbrellas help us stay dry when it's raining.
00:25:34Is this a good umbrella for Miss Rachel? No, it's too small, but it would be a good umbrella for our queen. Oh, yes. This is a great umbrella for me. It's just the right size. I'm staying so dry in the rain.
00:25:55Thank you. U says u. Can you do that? U for umbrella. U. U is a letter. U is the sound that it makes. U is a letter. U goes the U.
00:26:17Umbrella. U says u.
00:26:25This acorn has a letter V on it. Let's open it. I'm so excited. Open. Wow. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
00:26:47There was a vine in the acorn. It's a vine. Yeah. Grapes grow on a vine. Yeah. A vine.
00:27:17V says v. Can you do that? V for vine. V.
00:27:43V is a letter. V is the sound that it makes. V is a letter. V goes the V. Vegetables. V says v.
00:27:57This acorn has a W on it. I wonder what's inside. Open. Good job. Wow. This acorn has water in it. Water starts with W.
00:28:21Can you do the sign for water? You take three fingers and go like this. Water. Yeah. It's good to drink lots of water. I love drinking water.
00:28:35W says w. Can you do that? W for water. W is a letter. W is the sound that it makes. W is a letter. W goes the W. Wheel. W says w.
00:28:56This acorn has a letter X on it. Wow. Let's open it and see what's inside. Ooh. Inside the X acorn was a box. We can hear the X sound at the end of the word box.
00:29:22Let's see what's inside the box. Ooh. It's a xylophone. Have you ever played a xylophone? X says x. Can you do that? X. You can hear it at the end of the word box.
00:29:52X. X is a letter. X is the sound that it makes. X is a letter. X goes the X. Box. X says x.
00:30:13This acorn has a Y on it. Say open. Open. Ooh. It's a little pretend yo-yo. Can you say that? Yo-yo. Yo-yo. Guess what I have? A real yo-yo. How many yo-yos? One, two. Should we try the yo-yo? Yeah?
00:30:40Let's try it. Yo-yos go down and up. Down and up. Down and up. I like yo-yos. They're so much fun. Y says y. Can you do that? Y. Y for yo-yo.
00:31:01Y. Y is a letter. Y is the sound that it makes. Y is a letter. Y goes the Y. Yo-yo. Y says y.
00:31:16This acorn has a Z on it. Z is the last letter of the alphabet. Awesome. Let's open it. Open. Wow. It's a pretend little zebra. Yeah. He's walking. Walk, walk, walk. Now he's running. Whoa.
00:31:45In real life, zebras have black and white stripes. Yeah. Have you ever seen a zebra at the zoo? Zoo and zebra both begin with Z. Wow. This zebra's driving a car. Just pretend it's a toy. Zebras really can't drive. That's so silly.
00:32:10Z says z. Can you do that? Z. Wow. Z for zebra. Z is a letter. Z is the sound that it makes. Z is a letter. Z goes the Z for zebra.
00:32:32Zebra. Z says z.
00:33:02Won't you sing with me?
00:33:33The musical word of the day is tempo. Can you say that? Tempo. Great job. Tempo is how fast or slow music is.
00:34:00First, let's pretend we're a fast green dinosaur. Fast green dinosaur. Fast green dinosaur. Give a roar. Give a roar. Running on the ground. Running on the ground. Go explore. Go explore. Good job.
00:34:16Next, let's pretend we're a slow orange dinosaur because orange is the color of the day. Slow orange dinosaur. Slow orange dinosaur. Give a roar. Give a roar. Walking on the ground. Walking on the ground.
00:34:41Go explore. Go explore. Great job.
00:34:47If we were a little dinosaur running away from a big T-Rex, would we want to have a fast tempo or a slow tempo?
00:34:56Yeah, we would want to run fast. Let's pretend we're a fast green dinosaur as fast as we can.
00:35:04Fast green dinosaur. Fast green dinosaur. Give a roar. Give a roar. Running on the ground. Running on the ground. Go explore. Go explore.
00:35:12We got away. Good job. Yay!
00:35:20Let's do the wheels on the bus. Can you get out your wheels? Good job.
00:35:25The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. Round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town.
00:35:36The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep. Beep, beep, beep. The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep all through the town.
00:35:47The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish. Swish, swish, swish. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish all through the town.
00:35:59The doors on the bus go open and shut. Open and shut. Open and shut. The doors on the bus go open and shut all through the town.
00:36:11The babies on the bus go wah, wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah. Wah, wah, wah. The babies on the bus go wah, wah, wah all through the town.
00:36:22The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh. The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh all through the town.
00:36:34The daddies on the bus say, I love you. I love you. I love you. The mommies on the bus say, I love you, too, all through the town.
00:36:46The money on the bus goes clink, clink, clink. Clink, clink, clink. Clink, clink, clink. The money on the bus goes clink, clink, clink all through the town.
00:36:57The driver on the bus says, move on back. Move on back. Move on back. The driver on the bus says, move on back all through the town.
00:37:09The people on the bus go up and down. Up and down. Up and down. The people on the bus go up and down all through the town.
00:37:21Let's go back to the wheels. Can you do the wheels again? Great job. The wheels on the bus go round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
00:37:32The wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town. All through the town. All through the town.
00:37:46Yay! Can you clap? Let's pretend we're really tired dinosaurs. Most dinosaurs slept at night like we do.
00:37:57Can you pretend to sleep on your floor and lay down? And then we'll wake up and stomp around. Are you ready?
00:38:05See the dinos sleeping till it's nearly noon. Shall we wake them with a merry tune?
00:38:14They're so still. Are they ill? Wake up soon.
00:38:22Wake up little dinos. Stomp little dinos. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Stomp little dinos. Stomp, stomp, stomp.
00:38:29Stomp little dinos. Stomp, stomp, stomp. Stomp, stomp and freeze.
00:38:34Now let's go back to sleep. I'm tired from all that stomping.
00:38:39See the dinos sleeping till it's nearly noon. Shall we wake them with a merry tune?
00:38:49They're so still. Are they ill? Wake up soon.
00:38:56Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. That's our alarm clock. We have to wake up and run.
00:39:02Run little dinos. Run, run, run. Run little dinos. Run, run, run. Run little dinos. Run, run, run. Run, run, run and freeze.
00:39:11I think we should go back to sleep one more time.
00:39:18See the dinos sleeping till it's nearly noon. Shall we wake them with a merry tune?
00:39:27They're so still. Are they ill? Wake up soon.
00:39:35Wake up little dinos. Jump little dinos. Jump, jump, jump. Jump little dinos. Jump, jump, jump.
00:39:42Jump little dinos. Jump, jump, jump. Jump, jump, jump and freeze.
00:39:47Shall we jump even higher? Jump little dinos. Jump, jump, jump. Jump little dinos. Jump, jump, jump.
00:39:54Jump little dinos. Jump, jump, jump. Jump, jump, jump and freeze.
00:40:01That was awesome. You jumped really high.
00:40:14Back in Mesozoic times, dinosaurs stomped around all day. D-d-d-dino play.
00:40:25Some of them preferred to fly. They'd spread their dino wings and fly away. D-d-d-dino play.
00:40:37Let's pretend that we're tiny dinos eating leaves off the ground. And twigs on the ground. And pines and seeds.
00:40:45Now pretend you're a bigger dino who likes running around. Charging around. At super speeds.
00:40:53Now pretend you're the biggest dino and reach up way up high. Way up high, high, high.
00:41:04Dinosaurs would like to chomp. They'd chomp and chomp and chew their plants and graze. D-d-d-dino play.
00:41:15Let's pretend that we're tiny dinos eating leaves off the ground. And twigs on the ground. And pines and seeds.
00:41:23Now pretend you're a bigger dino who likes running around. Charging around. At super speeds.
00:41:31Now pretend you're a T-Rex and let out a roar. Let out a roar. Let out a roar, roar, roar.
00:41:42D-d-d-dino play. Stomp around, we're playing dino play. Stomp and chomp, we're playing dino play.
00:41:52Run around, we're playing dino play. Spread the fun around, it's dino play. D-d-d-d-dino play.
00:42:04We're gonna get up some pretend bubblegum. Okay, so get up some pretend bubblegum. What color is yours?
00:42:12Mine's pink. Put it in your mouth and we're gonna chew it. Are you chewing your gum?
00:42:20Okay, now we're gonna blow a really big bubble. Are you ready?
00:42:27Wow! Pop! Oh no! Our bubble popped and the sticky bubblegum is all over our hands.
00:42:45Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum. Bubblegum, bubblegum. Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum.
00:42:56Makes your hands stick to your head. And you pull them, and you pull them, and you pull them away.
00:43:06Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum. Bubblegum, bubblegum. Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum.
00:43:14Makes your hands stick to your elbows. And you pull them, and you pull them, and you pull them away.
00:43:23Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum. Bubblegum, bubblegum. Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum.
00:43:31Makes your hands stick to your tummy. And you pull them, and you pull them, and you pull them away.
00:43:40Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum. Bubblegum, bubblegum. Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum.
00:43:49Makes your hands stick to your ears. And you pull them, and you pull them, and you pull them away.
00:43:58Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum. Bubblegum, bubblegum. Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum.
00:44:06Makes your hands stick to your knees. Are they on your knees? And you pull them, and you pull them, and you pull them away.
00:44:16Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum. Bubblegum, bubblegum. Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum.
00:44:24Makes your hands stick to your mouth.
00:44:28Bubblegum, bubblegum, bubblegum...
00:44:33Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum. Bubblegum, bubblegum. Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum.
00:44:41Makes your hands stick to your grown-up. Put them on your grown-up. And you pull them, and you pull them, and you pull them away.
00:44:51That was so fun! One more time.
00:44:56Icky, sticky, sticky, sticky bubblegum makes your hand stick to your...
00:45:02Yay! That was so much fun.
00:45:05Mm, ah, went the little green frog one day.
00:45:10Mm, ah, went the little green frog.
00:45:15Mm, ah, went the little green frog one day.
00:45:19And they all went mm, mm, ah.
00:45:24But we know frogs go la-dee-da-dee-da,
00:45:29la-dee-da-dee-da, la-dee-da-dee-da.
00:45:33We know frogs go la-dee-da-dee-da.
00:45:38They don't go mm, mm, ah.
00:45:41That was so silly! Good job!
00:45:45For the next song, get out some scarves, or dish towels, or even clothes,
00:45:50and we'll pretend they're leaves.
00:45:52The leaves are falling down, the leaves are falling down.
00:45:57Down, down to the ground, the leaves are falling down.
00:46:01Good job! Now let's pretend they're blowing around, okay?
00:46:05They're blowing in the wind!
00:46:07The leaves are blowing all around, they're blowing all around.
00:46:12Blowing up and blowing down and blowing all around.
00:46:19Wow, good job! Now let's rake them.
00:46:22We're gonna rake them in a pile, we'll rake them in a pile.
00:46:26Rake the leaves, rake the leaves, we'll rake them into a pile.
00:46:30Oh, rake your leaves into a big pile!
00:46:33What should we do now that the leaves are in a pile?
00:46:36We're gonna jump into the leaves, we're gonna jump into the leaves.
00:46:41When I count to three, we're gonna jump into the leaves.
00:46:45One, two, three!
00:46:54We jumped into the leaves.
00:46:57Yay! Good job!
00:47:03When I was a little girl, I used to like to rake our leaves in my yard into a pile,
00:47:08and then I'd jump in them and play in them.
00:47:10It was so much fun. Great job!
00:47:14Let's sing, Old MacDonald Had a Farm.
00:47:17Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:47:22And on that farm he had a horse, e-i-e-i-o.
00:47:26With a neigh-neigh here and a neigh-neigh there,
00:47:28here a neigh, there a neigh, everywhere a neigh-neigh.
00:47:31Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:47:35I wonder what animal will be next?
00:47:38Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:47:43And on that farm he had a cow, e-i-e-i-o.
00:47:48With a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there,
00:47:50here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo.
00:47:52Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:47:57What's next? It's a pig!
00:48:01Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:05And on that farm he had a pig, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:09With a oink-oink here and an oink-oink there,
00:48:12here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink-oink.
00:48:14Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:19I hear a chicken!
00:48:23Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:27And on that farm he had a chicken, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:31With a cluck-cluck here and a cluck-cluck there,
00:48:34here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck-cluck.
00:48:36Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:40Aww, how cute! A little sheep!
00:48:44Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:48And on that farm he had a sheep, e-i-e-i-o.
00:48:53With a baa-baa here and a baa-baa there,
00:48:55here a baa, there a baa, everywhere a baa-baa.
00:48:57Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:49:02Quack, quack! What says quack?
00:49:06Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:49:10And on that farm he had a duck, e-i-e-i-o.
00:49:14With a quack-quack here and a quack-quack there,
00:49:17here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack-quack.
00:49:19Old MacDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o.
00:49:30Yay! Great job singing Old MacDonald!
00:49:35You did such a great job and I'm proud of you.
00:49:39Do you want to sing one of my favorite lullabies with me?
00:49:44Awesome. Let's give it a go.
00:49:47This one's called Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
00:49:52Wait, you know it?
00:49:55Okay, I want to hear you sing. Ready?
00:49:59["Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"]
00:50:02Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
00:50:07how I wonder what you are.
00:50:12Up above the world so high,
00:50:17like a diamond in the sky.
00:50:22Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
00:50:27how I wonder what you are.
00:50:36Hmm, I think I'm ready for bed now.
00:50:39Good night.
00:50:42Star light, star bright,
00:50:45first star I see tonight.
00:50:47I wish I may, I wish I might,
00:50:50have the wish I wish tonight.
00:50:54["Mr. Golden Sun"]
00:50:58It's starting to rain.
00:51:00Can you help me sing Mr. Golden Sun so the sun will come back out?
00:51:05If you have a shaker at home, it's time to get out your shaker.
00:51:10Oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
00:51:14please shine down on me.
00:51:17Oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
00:51:21hiding behind a tree.
00:51:25These little children are asking you
00:51:28to please come out so we can play with you.
00:51:31Oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
00:51:35please shine down on me.
00:51:39Wow, the sun is coming out, but it's still a little cloudy.
00:51:44Let's sing it again and see if the sun comes out.
00:51:46Are you ready?
00:51:48Okay, get your shaker, oh, Mr. Sun.
00:51:50Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
00:51:53please shine down on me.
00:51:56Oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
00:52:00hiding behind a tree.
00:52:04These little children are asking you
00:52:08to please come out so we can play with you.
00:52:11Oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
00:52:15please shine down on me.
00:52:23The sun came out.
00:52:25Oh, it's so warm now.
00:52:27Thank you so much.
00:52:29Let's get out one little blue fish.
00:52:32Are you ready?
00:52:35One little blue fish swimming in the water.
00:52:39One little blue fish swimming in the water.
00:52:42One little blue fish swimming in the water.
00:52:45Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, pop.
00:52:48That was fun.
00:52:49Let's get out two little red fish.
00:52:52Two little red fish swimming in the water.
00:52:56Two little red fish swimming in the water.
00:52:59Two little red fish swimming in the water.
00:53:02Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, pop.
00:53:05Wow, let's get three yellow fish.
00:53:09Three little yellow fish swimming in the water.
00:53:12Three little yellow fish swimming in the water.
00:53:16Three little yellow fish swimming in the water.
00:53:19Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, pop.
00:53:22How about four green fish?
00:53:24I'm excited.
00:53:26Four little green fish swimming in the water.
00:53:29Four little green fish swimming in the water.
00:53:33Four little green fish swimming in the water.
00:53:36Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, pop.
00:53:39Now let's do five rainbow fish.
00:53:43Five little rainbow fish swimming in the water.
00:53:46Five little rainbow fish swimming in the water.
00:53:50Five little rainbow fish swimming in the water.
00:53:53Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble, pop.
00:53:57Wow, great job.
00:53:59What color fish would you like to do?
00:54:03You could even do something like a Spiderman fish or a Batman fish
00:54:08or an Elsa fish or an Anna fish
00:54:11or a really sparkly striped polka dot fish.
00:54:16I'd love to hear what you chose.
00:54:18Great job.
00:54:21For this next song, we're going to pretend to be astronauts.
00:54:25And when we do the countdown, you can get into a little ball
00:54:28and then really blast off.
00:54:30It's going to be so much fun.
00:54:31Are you ready?
00:54:33Let's put on our space helmet and put on our space suit.
00:54:39Zoom, zoom, zoom.
00:54:41We're going to the moon.
00:54:44Zoom, zoom, zoom.
00:54:46We're going to the moon.
00:54:48If you want to take a trip,
00:54:51climb aboard my rocket ship.
00:54:53Zoom, zoom, zoom.
00:54:55We're going to the moon.
00:54:5810, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
00:55:09Blast off!
00:55:11Zoom, zoom, zoom.
00:55:13We're going to the moon.
00:55:15Zoom, zoom, zoom.
00:55:17We're going to the moon.
00:55:20If you want to take a trip,
00:55:22climb aboard my rocket ship.
00:55:24Zoom, zoom, zoom.
00:55:26We're going to the moon.
00:55:36I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
00:55:40Here is my handle, here is my spout.
00:55:45When I get all steamed up, hear me shout.
00:55:49Tip me over and pour me out.
00:55:54I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
00:55:58Here is my handle and here is my spout.
00:56:02When I get all steamed up, hear me shout.
00:56:07Tip me over and pour me out.
00:56:16You want to see the magic?
00:56:19It's magic tea!
00:56:23Okay, let's get into our fire truck.
00:56:26Are you ready?
00:56:27Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
00:56:30Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
00:56:32Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck.
00:56:34Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
00:56:36Now it's time to turn the corner.
00:56:39Hurry, hurry, turn the corner.
00:56:42Hurry, hurry, turn the corner.
00:56:44Hurry, hurry, turn the corner.
00:56:46Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
00:56:48Now it's time to climb the ladder.
00:56:51Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
00:56:53Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
00:56:55Hurry, hurry, climb the ladder.
00:56:57Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
00:56:59Get out the hose.
00:57:00We got to squirt the water.
00:57:02Are you ready?
00:57:04Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
00:57:06Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
00:57:08Hurry, hurry, squirt the water.
00:57:10Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
00:57:12We did it!
00:57:13We put out the fire.
00:57:14Great job!
00:57:16Now we're going to go back to the station.
00:57:18Slowly, slowly, slowly, back to the station.
00:57:24Slowly, slowly, back to the station.
00:57:28Slowly, slowly, back to the station.
00:57:32Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
00:57:37Great job, firefighters!
00:57:38High five!
00:57:40All them raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops.
00:57:44Oh, what a rain that would be.
00:57:48Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
00:57:52Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
00:57:56If all them raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops.
00:58:00Oh, what a rain that would be.
00:58:03Rachel, I got an idea.
00:58:05What's your idea?
00:58:06What if it was raining candy bars and milkshakes?
00:58:10Such a great idea.
00:58:11We'll do snowflakes with that.
00:58:14Great, yeah.
00:58:15If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes.
00:58:19Oh, what a snow that would be.
00:58:23Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
00:58:27Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
00:58:30If all the snowflakes were candy bars and milkshakes.
00:58:35Oh, what a snow that would be.
00:58:38I love your idea.
00:58:40You know what, next let's do bubblegum and ice cream.
00:58:43Those are two of my favorite things.
00:58:47If all the sunbeams were bubblegum and ice cream.
00:58:51Oh, what a sun that would be.
00:58:55Standing outside with my mouth open wide.
00:58:59Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.
00:59:02If all the sunbeams were bubblegum and ice cream.
00:59:06Oh, what a sun that would be.
00:59:10Oh, what a sun that would be.
00:59:15Great job.
00:59:17If you could choose to make it rain any food, what would you choose?
00:59:21I would choose, I think, blueberries and strawberries.
00:59:25If all the rain drops were blueberries and strawberries.
00:59:29Oh, what a rain that would be.
00:59:32I'd love to hear what you would choose.
00:59:34I like raspberries.
00:59:36Mmm, those are good too.
00:59:41I had such a great time learning the alphabet with you today.
00:59:45Yay, you did such a great job.
00:59:49I'm so proud of you.
00:59:52Bye-bye, friends.
00:59:55Bye-bye, friends.
00:59:57Bye-bye, friends.
00:59:59We'll see you again real soon.
01:00:05Songs for Littles. Songs for Littles.
