Ya Allaho Ya Fattaho Ya Nafio ka Powerful wazifa __ Har kam hone ki Guarantee(360P)

  • 2 days ago


00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:02In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
00:04Respected listeners and viewers of Ruhani Wazaif Official.
00:07Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
00:10I am going to tell you about a task,
00:15that success will not only kiss your feet,
00:23but it will run to kiss your feet.
00:29That fate, which never opens,
00:33that fate will be so kind to you,
00:36that people will be amazed to see it.
00:39You will be amazed to see your fate.
00:42And you will fall in prostration.
00:47That man whose life was full of curses,
00:51I don't know what miracle happened,
00:55what divine grace happened,
00:58that today I have everything,
01:01today my fate is my slave.
01:05And this is such a task,
01:08that it will make you a Sikander of destiny.
01:12Your desire, your need,
01:15bungalow, car, bank balance,
01:17going abroad, success abroad,
01:20going there, going here,
01:23marriage of choice,
01:24success in business,
01:25children of Noreena,
01:27any purpose of the world,
01:30any need,
01:31with this task,
01:33it will definitely be fulfilled.
01:36Listen to 2-3 conditions,
01:38so that your task is never wrong.
01:41And after that,
01:42I will tell you the method of the task.
01:44Then you do it in the same way.
01:47you will definitely benefit.
01:49Dear listeners,
01:50Either Allah, or victory, or benefit.
01:53Either Allah, or victory, or benefit.
01:56If you look at it from the perspective of meaning,
01:59Allah is the Greatest Name.
02:01He is the One Name.
02:02Either Allah, or victory, or benefit.
02:05O' those who grant victories,
02:07or benefit,
02:08O' those who give benefit.
02:10Now you think for yourself,
02:11what are you calling,
02:13what are you saying,
02:14which blessed names are you calling Allah
02:18with blessings,
02:19with means.
02:20So InshaAllah,
02:21it will be such a blessing.
02:23And remember this,
02:25any name of Allah,
02:26the Lord of Glory,
02:27if you read it,
02:28you will see its speciality.
02:30If you read it,
02:32then such a divine rage will fill you,
02:36that every person,
02:37jinn, jinnah,
02:39they will be afraid of you.
02:41If you read Rahman,
02:42your heart will become soft.
02:44Every person will start loving you.
02:46Like this,
02:47any name of Allah,
02:48the Greatest Name,
02:49blessed names,
02:50whatever you read,
02:51there is no such name,
02:53which is empty of goodness.
02:55You will get so much benefit.
02:58you believe,
02:59you will have to see such miracles,
03:02that you will not have seen anywhere in your life.
03:05There are only three conditions in Islam.
03:08One is that,
03:09the first condition,
03:11you should have faith,
03:12you should have belief,
03:13that I have started this duty,
03:16now Allah will give me in every situation.
03:19He is very Forgiving,
03:20He is very Merciful,
03:21He is very Merciful,
03:22despite the fact that I am weak,
03:25I am a sinner,
03:27I am a weak servant,
03:29but I am His servant,
03:30He will definitely give me.
03:32With this intention,
03:33you have to read.
03:34Number two,
03:35when you start reading this duty,
03:39then you should not leave it till that time,
03:44till you become the Sikandar of destiny,
03:47till your destiny changes.
03:49Do not leave it till that time.
03:51And it is not possible,
03:53that you start reading this,
03:55and you do not become the Sikandar of destiny,
03:57you do not become the Sikandar of destiny.
03:59Whatever your desire is,
04:01it should not be fulfilled.
04:03So, read with perseverance.
04:05Number three,
04:06you should not mention about this duty to anyone,
04:10that this is the mercy of Allah,
04:13this is the grace of Allah,
04:15this is the special grace of Allah on me,
04:18I am reading this.
04:19You should not say this to anyone.
04:21Just read it with ease.
04:23Read it in secret,
04:24read it in secret from people.
04:26Read it while walking,
04:27so that no one knows,
04:28that which duty you have to read.
04:31Just hide this duty,
04:35Allah says in the Holy Qur'an,
04:40I will be saved from the envy of the envious.
04:42If the one who is envious is seen,
04:45then even the stone is torn.
04:48do not hide this duty from anyone.
04:52listen to the method of duty.
04:53The method of duty is,
04:54that after dawn,
04:56and after sunset,
04:57three hundred and thirteen times,
04:59Ya Allaho,
05:00Ya Fattaho,
05:01Ya Nafio.
05:03You have to read this.
05:05In the same way,
05:06while walking,
05:07you take the counter,
05:08you take the Tazbeeh,
05:09you can read it in the same way,
05:10you can read it in the same way.
05:11While walking,
05:12Ya Allaho,
05:13Ya Fattaho,
05:14Ya Nafio.
05:16you have any such desire,
05:18you want to get married,
05:19a boy or a girl,
05:21are you satisfied?
05:23they are not satisfied.
05:24His family is not satisfied.
05:27you want to have children,
05:29you want to go abroad.
05:30In this way,
05:31you have a special purpose.
05:32You have a special purpose.
05:33You want to read for that.
05:35the method of that also,
05:36note it down.
05:39you read,
05:41After that,
05:42you read 11 times,
05:43any Durood-e-Paq,
05:44first and last.
05:45In between,
05:46you read 1100 times,
05:47Ya Allaho,
05:48Ya Fattaho,
05:49Ya Nafio.
05:50You have to read this,
05:52while reading here,
05:53you have to close your eyes.
05:54You have to imagine that,
05:55Ya Allah,
05:56I have such a request,
05:57Ya Allah,
05:58I have such a difficulty,
05:59I have such a need,
06:00Ya Allah,
06:01I have brought in your court,
06:02I have such a need,
06:03I have such a need,
06:04I have such a need,
06:05I have such a need,
06:06I have such a need,
06:07I have such a need,
06:08Ya Allah,
06:09I have such a need,
06:10I have such a need,
06:11I have such a need,
06:12I have such a need.
06:14you read first day,
06:16if you finish the work,
06:17leave it.
06:18You read second day,
06:19if the work is done,
06:20then leave it.
06:21Read third day,
06:22the limit is 11 days.
06:23With assurance,
06:24with this belief that,
06:25Allah is Mushkil Kushahan,
06:26Allah is Hajat-e-Rawah.
06:27He will surely give me,
06:28that I have come to a richer house,
06:32Allah will surely grant you.
06:34a man wants,
06:35that I have this much bank,
06:36that I have this much cash,
06:37I have so much bank balance that I am surprised myself as to where Allah is blessing me from.
06:44So you have to read three Tazbihs daily after dawn and sunset, either Allah or Fatah or Nafi'
06:53and one Tazbih, La ilaha illa Anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimeen.
07:01Then the effects of this Wazifa will increase so much that you can't even imagine.
07:09You have read three Ism-e-Azam, you have also read the fourth Ism-e-Azam.
07:13You have also read the fourth Ism-e-Azam.
07:16So inshallah, with its blessings, your desires will be fulfilled, which you would have never imagined.
07:23Dear viewers, some people are prone to addiction.
07:27They read the Wazifa but it doesn't affect them.
07:30Because of Jinn and magic, they are bound.
07:35Now if a person reads the Wazifa while walking, he will get tired,
07:40but his Wazifa won't affect him at all because he is bound.
07:44For example, Allah has given a human being feet.
07:48Through this, we travel.
07:50Allah has given a human being a car.
07:53Through the car, we travel.
07:55A human being wants to travel on foot, but his legs are broken.
08:00Now this person will not be able to travel.
08:03If you say to Allah, O Allah, you have given me feet to travel, but why can't I travel?
08:09Now give me strength.
08:11Allah will say, O my servant, first treat the broken bone, then you can travel.
08:18I will be your traveler.
08:20So in this way, first you have to treat the broken bone.
08:24In this way, if someone has a car,
08:27his two tires are punctured or one tire is punctured,
08:30and he wants to travel.
08:32He doesn't even have another tire.
08:35So in spite of this, he will have a car.
08:38But he won't be able to travel.
08:40Because you will have to change his tire.
08:43You will have to put the right tire.
08:45You will have to put petrol.
08:46If everything is fine, your car will run.
08:48In life, when a person is bound,
08:51he does everything, but it doesn't work.
08:54Now you listen, you have to break the bondage from this duty.
08:58All the hard bondage, all the old bondage,
09:01you have to break that too.
09:03You note the method of that.
09:04On Tuesday, or on Sunday, or on Friday.
09:07In these three days.
09:09If you have a bondage on your body,
09:11then do this action in this way.
09:13You put 5 liters of water in front of you.
09:16You put mustard oil on one foot.
09:20You keep the aroma of mustard oil with you.
09:22Now read Durood-e-Paak for the first and last 11 times.
09:25313 times.
09:30You have to read this with the intention that
09:32O Allah, all the bondages on me,
09:34from the side of Jinn, from the side of magic,
09:36from the side of evil eye, from the side of jealousy.
09:39O Allah, may that perfect blessing of this word be broken.
09:43Protect me for the future.
09:45After reading this, you have to suffocate.
09:47And here you have to read the last two Surahs of the Holy Qur'an
09:54101 times and suffocate on all these things.
10:01After this, you have to read the last two Surahs.
10:04Now you have to read the last verse of Surah Al-Baqarah 101 times.
10:11You have to read this and suffocate on those things 101 times.
10:15Now the water that you have suffocated,
10:17you have to take a little water and drink it on the whole body.
10:21Meaning, you have to suffocate on the whole body.
10:24The rest of the water you have to drink.
10:26The perfume that you have with you,
10:29use it daily.
10:32The oil of mustard that you have suffocated,
10:35at night while sleeping,
10:37use it on the whole body.
10:39Meaning, from the hair of the head to the nails of the feet,
10:44use it on the whole body.
10:47Take a bath in the morning.
10:50If you take a bath with the leaves of the berries,
10:537 leaves, 11 leaves,
10:55put it in water, boil it, cool it,
10:57and take a bath with it,
10:59then consider it to be one crore times more beneficial.
11:03But if you take a bath with that water,
11:05it will still be beneficial.
11:06So by doing this for 3, 4, 7, or 5 days,
11:10the bondage will be broken forever.
11:13You study for 7 days daily,
11:15take a bath,
11:16if the water is less, add more,
11:18if the oil is less, add more,
11:19apply perfume.
11:20So by the will of Allah,
11:21the bondage of your duties,
11:22all your things,
11:24everything will be broken.
11:27One more important thing.
11:28Nowadays, some children are disobedient at home.
11:32They don't listen to their parents.
11:35Their parents say something,
11:36they do something else.
11:38They become disobedient.
11:40Now you want them to become pious.
11:44So what do you have to do?
11:46You have to take any utensil,
11:48whether it is made of steel,
11:50whether it is made of plastic,
11:51you have to take any utensil.
11:53In that, you have to write 21 times
11:55Ya Allah, Ya Fatah, Ya Nafiyah.
11:58In the end, you have to write
12:01Ya Qanabah, Ya Qanastayn.
12:04You have to write this.
12:05Now 313 times
12:07Ya Allah, Ya Fatah, Ya Nafiyah.
12:10In the end,
12:11Ya Qanabah, Ya Qanastayn.
12:14Ya Qanabah, Ya Qanastayn.
12:16Ya Qanabah, Ya Qanastayn.
12:17You have to study this also.
12:19In the same way,
12:20after studying 313 times,
12:21add water to it.
12:23Fill the utensil with water.
12:26Apply perfume on it.
12:28Now you can give this water
12:30to him in the morning also.
12:32You can give it to him in the evening also.
12:34In the same way,
12:35you can give it to him.
12:36If Allah wills,
12:37you will give him this water for 3-4 days.
12:39Then he will be so happy
12:41that all the bad habits will end.
12:44In the same way,
12:45if you are a woman,
12:46her husband is a man,
12:49he fights,
12:51does not give money,
12:52has a relationship with a wrong woman,
12:54then that woman can do
12:56Ya Qanabah, Ya Qanabah, Ya Qanabah, Ya Qanastayn.
13:00In the same way,
13:01you have to study 313 times,
13:02write on the utensil in the same way,
13:04apply perfume on it and give it to him.
13:06Or any husband can do it for his wife also.
13:08So this is such a powerful deed.
13:10If you do this,
13:12then Allah wills,
13:13you will become a disciple of this deed.
13:15Now if any person
13:17wants to pay zakat for this deed
13:20and wants to write its inscriptions,
13:22wants to give benefit to other people,
13:25he is only dependent on himself.
13:27You cannot do it for others.
13:29If you want to do it for others,
13:31want to give benefit to others,
13:33then you have to pay zakat for it.
13:36What is zakat?
13:37For seven days,
13:39at one time,
13:40at one place,
13:41if you apply good perfume
13:43or if you take a good-smelling lamp,
13:46you have to apply it once or twice
13:48and recite Ya Allah, Ya Fatah, Ya Nafiyah
13:51700 times.
13:53First, last, 11 times.
13:55Any Durood-e-Paak.
13:57If you recite it for seven days,
13:59then after this,
14:00recite only one Tazbeeh daily.
14:02If Allah wills,
14:03the deed will come under your control.
14:05Then if you pay zakat for it,
14:07if you write it in the comments,
14:09then Allah wills,
14:10its inscriptions will make you a millionaire.
14:12I say it with guarantee,
14:13if Allah wills.
14:14There will be such inscriptions
14:16that you can do anything with them
14:18with Allah's grace,
14:19with Allah's blessings.
14:20You can do anything.
14:21I will upload it on my channel.
14:23I hope you liked today's video.
14:26Requests for prayers.
14:28Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
