The benefit of reading Ya Qahhar by dipping one_s feet in water _ Ya Qahhar For Enemy _ IT(360P)

  • 2 days ago
00:00In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
00:03All praises are for Allah. He is the saviour of the pious.
00:08I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah.
00:13He is One and has no partner.
00:16And I also bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him,
00:22is Allah's servant and His Messenger.
00:25O Allah, bestow mercy, safety, and blessings upon him, his family, and all his companions.
00:34Peace be upon you, dear friends, sisters, and brothers of the Islamic Teacher.
00:40There are problems in life.
00:42We are surrounded by problems.
00:44Illnesses do not leave us alive.
00:46We are drowning in sorrow.
00:48And there are failures in life.
00:51In today's video, I will tell you about an act of Allah's attribute.
00:57It is such a glorious act that I will tell you about it.
01:02While doing this act, you have to keep your feet in water.
01:05This act is an act of Allah's attribute.
01:08Why do you have to keep your feet in water while doing this act?
01:12To know the full details about this, watch the video till the end.
01:19Dear brothers, the name of the act I am going to tell you about is Ya Qaharu.
01:25It is one of the most glorious names.
01:28Remember that every name of Allah has its own power and influence.
01:33Some names are beautiful, some are glorious, some are wonderful, some are exemplary.
01:39Every name has its own power and influence.
01:42And Ya Qaharu is a glorious name.
01:44First of all, let me tell you why you have to keep your feet in water while doing this act.
01:50And what is the power and influence of this name.
01:53Then I will tell you the action of this name and the incident related to it.
01:56Remember that when a person recites Ya Qaharu, electricity is generated by his recitation.
02:02The most powerful electricity is generated.
02:05And he waits for the one who recites the direction of the electricity to send him where.
02:10Which magic to burn, which jinn to burn, which devil to burn, which Kali Devi's magic to burn,
02:17which evil eye's arrow to burn, which envious person's jealousy to burn,
02:21which evil person's evil to burn, which Kina Parwar's Kina to burn,
02:24which thing to burn, which is reciting this name,
02:28then the electricity is waiting for him.
02:31The electricity is waiting for his order.
02:33It is waiting for his command, for his directions, which is being recited.
02:38It is waiting for his order.
02:40So dear brothers, this is such a great name, which has come to that person's hand,
02:45but it is necessary for him that the reciter's heart and mind should be cool.
02:49And his body should also be cool.
02:51If the body will not be cool and the body will be hot,
02:54then these electricity can burn anything by his command and make ash.
02:59It is necessary to absorb these electricity that the water should be kept together
03:04and the feet should be placed inside the water and the name should be chanted.
03:08You must have heard the meaning of Hadith-e-Pak, that break the fever with water.
03:12And still there is a kind of fire.
03:15And fever is also a kind of fire.
03:18And for that it is said that cool it with water.
03:21That is why it is necessary that the water should be kept together and it should be done.
03:25Otherwise these electricity sometimes are so much that it can harm the reciter.
03:31You do not know what is the power of the name of Allah.
03:35What is the power of the name of Allah.
03:37You do not know what is the effect of the name of Allah.
03:40You are just unknowingly saying with your tongue,
03:44Ya Qahharu, Ya Qahharu.
03:47But you do not know what is the power of this name.
03:51What is the power of this name.
03:53This is such a name that when a person recites it, the most powerful Jinn say,
03:58Stop it, do not read anymore, we will burn.
04:02We are burning.
04:03This name is very powerful.
04:05So dear brothers, you yourself think that the function of this name,
04:08how powerful will the action of this name be.
04:10If we do it for the enemies, the enemy will be destroyed.
04:13If we do it for the envious, the fire of envy will be cool.
04:17If we do it for the problem, the problem will be easy.
04:20If we do it for the trouble, the trouble will end.
04:24I will also tell you a true incident related to this action,
04:27which was shared by one of our brothers,
04:29who was given this action of Ya Qahharu.
04:32Our brother told us about himself,
04:35Respected Islamic teacher, Assalamu alaikum.
04:38I have been listening to your lectures regularly since December 2018.
04:43Your instructions and medical techniques are very beneficial.
04:48Many of our problems, problems and confusions have been removed from these actions and techniques.
04:54Respected Islamic teacher,
04:56Someone had done a lot of magic on me,
04:59because of which my financial situation was getting worse day by day.
05:03I got treatment from different doctors, but there was no difference.
05:07Then I heard your pain,
05:10in which you talked about the excellence of Ya Qahharu.
05:14Alhamdulillah, according to the method you told me,
05:17I started doing Ya Qahharu.
05:20While getting up, while sitting, while walking,
05:22I used to mention this all the time.
05:24After a while, from a hole in my house,
05:26a white cloth,
05:28photocopy of my identity card,
05:30thick iron nails,
05:32hair wrapped in my threads,
05:34my mother's hair,
05:36my weak eyesight,
05:37my broken mirror,
05:39my buttons,
05:40broken watch,
05:41bad smell,
05:42dirty paper,
05:43from there I took out the teachings of Ya Qahharu,
05:46because of which the parrots of my lovers flew away.
05:49With the mention of this enemy, my situation got better day by day.
05:53In the house, I did not see any evil thing of the enemy.
05:56Alhamdulillah, our whole house is now safe from all disasters and calamities.
06:02Dear brothers, you have observed this incident,
06:05that what are the blessings of this name.
06:07The number of this name is at least 1100.
06:10Decide a time,
06:12with the first and last Durud-e-Pak,
06:14at a fixed time,
06:16and at a fixed place,
06:18worship this name.
06:20The purpose, the problem,
06:22the enemy, the disease,
06:24with the intention of the problem,
06:26by the grace of Allah,
06:28your purpose will be fulfilled.
06:30That problem and disease will be removed,
06:32and that problem will be solved.
06:34With the intention of which,
06:35you will do this action.
06:36And apart from this,
06:37while getting up,
06:38while sitting,
06:39while walking,
06:40while walking,
06:41worship this name,
06:42with the intention of the purpose,
06:43that purpose will be fulfilled.
06:44And as I told you before,
06:46that this name is majestic,
06:48its effects can also be manifested.
06:50Heat can be generated in the heart and mind.
06:52So, you have to keep water with you,
06:54and feel its effects.
06:56So, keep your feet in the water,
06:58and continue the action.
07:00It is a very powerful action,
07:02which is recommended to very few people.
07:04But, due to a lot of messages
07:06from my viewers,
07:08I have shared this action with you,
07:10and also told your precautions.
07:12You have to do this action,
07:14but since the action is majestic,
07:16you have to be careful about it.
07:18You have to keep water with you,
07:20and do this action.
07:22Take advantage of this majestic action,
07:24and share this action as much as possible.
07:26So that the rest of the Muslim brothers and sisters,
07:28who are troubled by the enemies,
07:30by the magicians,
07:32by the enemies,
07:34or are troubled by any disease or sorrow,
07:36so that they can also solve their problems
07:38with the blessing of this action,
07:40and with the power.
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08:14may Allah keep you in His protection.
