• last month
00:00:38Love you, baby. I love you right now
00:00:44Hey guys, come on in man. I thought you guys would never get here
00:00:47You know what? I am so excited because this videotape on Coliseum video is called global warfare, man
00:00:53You know what?
00:00:54And who knows more about global warfare than Jimmy Hart the mouth of the South because after all for nine years in the World
00:00:59Wrestling Federation, I've managed some of the meanest baddest guys that ever came down the pipe man
00:01:04But you know on this video is gonna be kind of special because we got some great matches
00:01:08But I'm gonna be talking to you about music
00:01:10How to write a lot of the music that some of the wrestlers go to the ring to you know on this tape
00:01:14You've got the Undertaker. He's taking on big old Yokozuna
00:01:17You've got also the Stoddard brothers when they take on a couple of guys
00:01:20I used to manage money incorporated and of course last but definitely not least
00:01:24You've got Shawn Michaels taking on crush, you know
00:01:26I like these two guys because after all who wrote their songs the mouth of the South Jimmy Hart, you know, you got crush
00:01:31He's big bad rough and tough and hard to bluff. He's full of energy man
00:01:34And his song is a little headbanger high metal energy, you know what I mean?
00:01:37And then of course, you've got Shawn Michaels and you know, he's he's a good wrestler and he's cool
00:01:42He's cocky and he thinks he's kind of bad, but I hope you dig his song
00:01:46But like I said, this is called global warfare stick around with me man
00:01:49Because after all I was singer in the Gentry's man. We had a million seller call keep on dancing back in 1960
00:01:56But I tell you what you hear that came out because then you know what Jimmy Hart's age is man
00:02:01But hope you like it. We're gonna get ready to rock and roll and have a good time global warfare on Coliseum video, baby. Oh
00:02:08Baby, I love you. Yes
00:02:30Continental Championship will be on the line the champion Shawn Michaels has a big big challenge
00:02:41Shawn Michaels is going to be defending his title against the big man from Hawaii
00:02:47300 who knows what?
00:02:51Jim Ross along with Bobby the brain in it and the irrepressible macho man Randy Savage here to bring you this one
00:02:58And this crowd is really pumped
00:03:01That young lady expressing her feelings
00:03:08The heartbreak kid
00:03:13That's right
00:03:16Intercontinental champion certainly is an active champion
00:03:19Can't say that this guy ducks his opponents because he's certainly been
00:03:24One of the most competitive intercontinental champions in recent memory
00:03:27Can you imagine the travesty of justice if crush was allowed or something should happen where he would win the WWF intercontinental title?
00:03:36Take the title back to Hawaii and pawn it for a case of pineapple juice
00:03:42I know
00:03:45Right now you're looking at it not a challenger
00:03:48You're looking at a number one contender a big man from total Hawaii
00:03:53And these people appreciate his existence is great to speed and the ability for him to possibly become the intercontinental
00:04:00Champion you could be looking at the next intercontinental champion
00:04:04Well, that's what I heard. See I'm on the beam
00:04:10As a 600 pound bench press to his credit
00:04:15One of the strongest ever to compete in the World Wrestling Federation and it will be his size and his power against the
00:04:24Speed and quickness of the intercontinental champion certainly to the first wrestling styles here. I've done that much on the bench
00:04:32Pardon me. I did that much on the bench
00:04:35Well, I lifted three twice
00:04:38No, you listen three pounds 200 times
00:04:42Something like that in a row. It was all day though. I was there all day while you were there all year
00:04:46It was a while, but I got the job done
00:04:49You're famous for those 12 ounce curls. I understand. I usually hire someone to do it for me
00:04:55Watch your way collar no bow tie. Look at the size difference and already the power
00:05:00Easy to see right there. I'll give Shawn Michaels credit. He went right at crush
00:05:04He did toe-to-toe tried to push him back that didn't happen
00:05:07But see he doesn't have to beat crush crush has to beat him to become champion
00:05:11He's always got to do his last Shawn Michaels chewing gum during this match
00:05:15Looks like it. Is he cool or what? That's dangerous
00:05:18Is he cool?
00:05:20I think he's cool. Michael's trying to body slam there, but to no avail and press issues the power again
00:05:26They'll shove michaels away on the streets of Hawaii. They call that pie facing something
00:05:31Well, he's so they don't have streets just a dirt road
00:05:35And they have a kind of a multi-colored goose there in the corner. Well, i'm up for this match. This should be a class
00:05:41Danny davis a referee for this
00:05:43Intercontinental championship matchup side headlock by shawn michaels. It would behoove him to get the big man off his feet
00:05:50And again crush with a power display easily sets the champion up on the top turnbuckle
00:05:58Good thinking shawn michaels see if crush stays with the power aspect
00:06:03And forgets about wrestling him or trying to outsmart him. He could win it
00:06:07He's just got to go out there and maul shawn michaels. No, I disagree with you. Bobby. He didn't because uh,
00:06:13We got a guy crush who's not only big and strong, but he's smart and fast, too
00:06:18But he's not as fast as shawn michaels and he's not as smart as shawn michaels
00:06:22But he is bigger and stronger than shawn michael, that's why he should rely on his strength and size
00:06:26Well, just saying that the speed factor is not as dominant in shawn michaels corner as it would be with shawn michaels and somebody else
00:06:35You're right
00:06:41Great agility and michaels very quickly knew he had to free himself
00:06:45He had to get out of the bear hug and he did it by poking the crush right in the eye
00:06:49Don't forget that crush is quick very quick
00:06:56Michael sticks a big crush to the uh top turnbuckle there
00:07:00Irish whip that's going to be reversed and crushes michaels in michael's able to avoid the contact crush could not connect with the clothesline
00:07:08And catches michaels
00:07:10Awesome, and that could be the move to pitch on michaels. He's lucky he went out of the ring
00:07:15I don't think he had a choice
00:07:17What's that?
00:07:17But momentum took him when he bounced off that knee he hit the mat and just kept rolling like stage brush
00:07:22I agree with you
00:07:23But all i'm saying right now we could he could have pinned shawn michaels right there if he would have stayed in the ring
00:07:28Michael's lower back taking a pounding there. He came back in momentarily to break the count
00:07:33Crush is going to come
00:07:35Around the ring to get him to get him back in he knows shawn michaels hurt and he knows he can't win the championship
00:07:40Unless it's a pinfall or submission, but michaels is there to meet him
00:07:44Michaels is shrewd. He's a smart customer. Keep him down. He's got to keep him down. He didn't do that. Shawn michaels is tough. Don't
00:07:50Anybody think any different?
00:07:53Clothesline did not affect the big man. He doesn't know that he didn't go down though. Look at shawn michaels right now
00:07:59This may be the time for crush
00:08:02Crush military pressing shawn michaels extending the arms
00:08:07Do you believe the strength of the man from kona? No, no, no, no
00:08:11He's going to heap him into the people if he throws him over the top michaels may never be the same
00:08:18Look at the strength of this man
00:08:20Look at the strength of the challenger slams it from that military press position
00:08:25And again the lower back of shawn michaels taking a pounding and he's catapulted over the top rope right on the way out to the steel
00:08:32Now michaels is what 240 245?
00:08:35He just walked around and did bench military presses with a 240 pound man
00:08:40For how long two three four minutes try that sometime this guy might be the strongest guy ever in the sport of the world
00:08:45Wrestling federation some people say he doesn't know his own strength yet
00:08:49I might try it with some fish and chips or something, but a human body. No way pal
00:08:54Well, you can find that here all you want
00:08:59Press again
00:09:02Hey macho, man, randy savage made a very very good point crush is a very intelligent athlete
00:09:07He knows he can only win the intercontinental title by getting this guy in the ring and that's what he's doing
00:09:14Michaels would love to be counted out
00:09:15You got to believe any way to save his championship whatever he's got to do and have you noticed crush?
00:09:20He's fighting all the time to get up on his feet. He's got a game plan
00:09:24Well crush a little overzealous there and michael is able to move out of the way and he buried his knee
00:09:30Into the lower back of crush sending crush out of the ring and i'm surprised that michaels is coming out after him
00:09:36He's an opportunist
00:09:39Why wasn't the champion to stay back in the ring
00:09:42And hope that perhaps this big monster would be counted out because he does not bring like that. He's a fighting champion
00:09:48He's got to learn that though
00:09:51That was like a car wreck right there talk about being rear-ended
00:09:55Man, he his head just smacked that solid steel ring post. It even shook the ring ropes. It was so much impact
00:10:03Is this?
00:10:04Shawn michaels got a lot of respect for crush
00:10:06Obviously because he knew that he just couldn't uh be counted out for what he did to him before he's on him like melting butter
00:10:13But I don't like what michaels is doing. He's taking it to crush
00:10:17He should lay back a crush make a mistake get disqualified get counted out something happens
00:10:21I'll tell you what shawn michaels taking it right to him
00:10:24This could crush could take it away from just like that
00:10:28michaels again stomping crush in the back of the head on the apron here
00:10:33And a great deal of trouble obviously and he's trying to shake it loose here after striking
00:10:39Violently the the ring post with his forehead. I disagree with you bobby. You know, I think shawn michaels is doing the right thing
00:10:45He's staying on crush. He doesn't know if he's going to get the big man down ever again, and he's taking it to him big time
00:10:53Well now yes, I agree with you on that but before they're both in the ring standing toe to toe
00:10:58He's got to get out of that ring make crush follow you make him make a mistake
00:11:02You can do it. The guy's not a bright guy
00:11:04Yes back in the ring and michael's there to on the second rope poise comes off that sledgehammer-like blow back up there again
00:11:11The intercontinental champion with his belt on the line in this one-on-one matchup attempting to put crush away
00:11:18Hey, we're going to the top rope right here up on top and he hit him again. That's the third time that sledgehammer
00:11:24He can't keep him down though. Look at this crush keeps getting up
00:11:28This time it's the elbow. He's down
00:11:30Right off the second row and michaels just can't believe it. He can't keep this big man down
00:11:37front face lock into a ddt
00:11:40I smell pineapple juice
00:11:43He's going for the lateral press and crush shows that great strength and powers out of it as michaels desperately
00:11:51Latches on with a reverse chin lock rush is showing me something right here. He's showing me that he wants it big time bad
00:12:00And he may get it
00:12:02Michael's trying to subdue this big man from kona, hawaii six feet seven 315 pounds
00:12:09And this is one way to negate his strength advantage in this particular position. The big key is how long can he keep him there?
00:12:20Hard to keep him down i'll tell you that yes, I wouldn't want that job
00:12:26Both men backed up to a vertical base
00:12:29And michaels tried that super kick and crush had it. Well scouted
00:12:33They're calling quality talk about quick
00:12:36Bobby, you know, what do you think about crunch now? That's something
00:12:39He's impressive. He is
00:12:41Kick right to the face michaels again in trouble
00:12:44That was a big foot come on follow it up if you want it, let's see how bad you want it red face lock
00:12:50Has him up vertical suplex the blood rushing to michael's head as he slammed in that suplex
00:12:56Shawn michaels now in a great deal of jeopardy the leg drop to the chest, but he's not covering him. You see that's why he's dumb
00:13:03That's why he's stupid. Don't rely on that one finishing maneuver. Now the man's escaped you
00:13:08He makes a decent point there macho man right there good point right there, you know, like hindsight, but he said when it was happening
00:13:15Oh, look at that. Shawn michaels took his belt. Is he taking a hike?
00:13:20Michael's got a big break when crushed and follow up the pitting predicament with that
00:13:27I heard something. I don't know
00:13:30The bell is sounding i'm not sure if michaels or both men have been counted out
00:13:36But crush is bringing the intercontinental champion back in the ring
00:13:40Apparently this championship match is over. But what is the official decision?
00:13:46Irish whip coming right at us here and crushed
00:13:49Michaels around the two of the islands and back breaks him right into submission
00:13:55This is global warfare at its best
00:13:59He's got it out of the matches over, isn't it?
00:14:02We hear the bell maybe not maybe we got a new intercontinental champion
00:14:07Referee, danny davis has called for the bell. He's trying to get crushed to relinquish
00:14:13This a painful maneuver. Come on ref. I can hurt him
00:14:17Grab the belt crush
00:14:19We are awaiting the official announcement
00:14:22Oh, no, did he do it? Yes rush has the belt a new champion
00:14:27Well, we're gonna get the official word. I'm not sure what's going on here
00:14:31This can't be
00:14:39Oh title does not change hands
00:14:42This uh 14 000 plus looking on crush has won the match
00:14:46But he will not win the intercontinental championship on this occasion
00:14:51But you certainly couldn't tell who the champion is by the looks of sean michaels. This is what I call highway robbery
00:14:58That's kind of like going out with a girl it's like i'm going out with an ugly girl
00:15:02He may have the belt but it's not gonna do him any good. Well, you're certainly an expert in that area you bet
00:15:08I mean calling the action not ugly girls. What are you talking about? I saw you last night crush
00:15:13obviously distraught
00:15:16But he i'm a little distraught by stone. You'd have been with me last night. You'd have been distraught. All right
00:15:21crash with a great effort
00:15:24But michaels retains the intercontinental title. Oh, yeah
00:15:33As the capacity crowd here in paris looks on the action continues here on global warfare
00:15:39Glad you're with us here on coliseum video. Mr. Fuji will bring the
00:15:44550 pound yoko zuna to the ring and this one should be a very intense one-on-one matchup
00:15:54As our french-speaking ring announcer makes his introduction
00:16:03Yoko zuna did a big mistake. Obviously the english teacher in school was out that week
00:16:11This guy here is unbelievable walk slow to the ring but carries a big stick
00:16:16You see him at the airport how the people were just flocking around him with cameras and everything
00:16:20They've never seen a person this size here in france
00:16:24At 550. He has got amazing balance great agility
00:16:29uh, certainly not just uh
00:16:31A plotter he's got some some good quickness for a man his size
00:16:36And it'll be interesting to see the reaction of this capacity crowd here in paris with the introduction of our next
00:17:01Just like being in glens falls to jim, uh, axon duggan, they don't speak english there either
00:17:08Yoko zuna standing very stoically in the ring
00:17:11Duggan's popularity certainly spans the globe
00:17:14That two by four is an international language as well. It hurts on any continent
00:17:20You bet but notice how yoko zuna stays focused
00:17:24Never leaves the corner. He could care what this clown does want to walk around with a board
00:17:29Yell, ho all day long to a bunch of humanoids do what you want dougan, but this man stays focused
00:17:35He knows what he has to do in that ring
00:17:37Looking through that steel chair in the ring and yoko zuna didn't even move
00:17:41He's focused he's ready to wrestle and doug is turning his back on yoko zuna and fuji
00:17:45I don't know how smart that is quite frankly talk about conflicting styles. I think we got to hear yoko zuna for sacked off
00:17:51jim, dougan
00:17:55Duggan has a big score to settle no doubt about it simply because
00:17:59His career was almost ended at the hands of yoko zuna dougan put out of action for several months
00:18:05His family wanted him to retire from the sport. So he has got that
00:18:10Motivating factor. It's very simple. It's revenge. That's what's on his mind in this one
00:18:14Yeah, but then they checked his resume
00:18:17And they figured out had he retired from the wwf
00:18:20All he could have done is probably picked up trash some place and he couldn't live on that
00:18:25Dougan's an educated guy
00:18:27Come on
00:18:29Well, I think he's probably a little bit more diversified and referee joe. Morello needs to subdue dougan with that
00:18:35specifically with that two by four
00:18:37And then you'll have the responsibility of keeping his eyes on mr
00:18:41Fuji who has been known to get involved on more than one occasion
00:18:44Can you believe what's happening right now? Hacks all jim dougan's got all these people in paris hill in usa
00:18:51And i'll tell you that just uh, there's a great mark for his popularity exactly
00:18:58Well dougan ready to get the crowd involved
00:19:01He needs that he needs the humanoids behind him he thrives off their energy when they chant usa when they give him the ho
00:19:10That's what gets him going, but pal. I'll tell you something pal
00:19:13If you're going to rely on these ham and eggers to get you going you're in trouble
00:19:16Well dougan's going to start off quickly with big right hands those big
00:19:19Ham, like right hands finding their mark and dougan right up on the second rope here
00:19:24Smacking yoko zinna with those rights. You want to stay in the corner. How y'all keep you in the corner?
00:19:31And dougan now going for the two by four now the ref should disqualify him right now
00:19:36Oh yoko zinna caught dougan with that martial arts thrust and nails him again in the mid-back area
00:19:42And again in the face now someone watching this would say what a cheap shot the referee's back was turned
00:19:47And he took advantage of cheap shot at dougan. I'm not about dougan carrying a board in the ring
00:19:52No one says anything about that. I'm not saying it was a cheap shot. I was about ready to I was not you were two
00:20:01Doug and uh not now dougan was over the second rope there in any event not who
00:20:07Will you stop it? I think uh, he was watching a different match than we are
00:20:11He had too many crepes this morning and he's got an upset stomach and he's taking out on everybody
00:20:15And look at look at a punch. He'll take yoko zinna to the bed. I know it he is being he's really
00:20:21And he's almost ready to fall. This will be like the eiffel tower falling
00:20:26Another double thrust right to the face of dougan. I think I got him right in the eyes
00:20:31And that's hard to do hit his eyes. They're both moving in different directions
00:20:34Check out fuji on the outside of the ring, man
00:20:36He's proud of his yoko zunna. I guarantee you that the japanese are very proud people
00:20:40They have a lot of a lot of pride in themselves. They can't lose face
00:20:44And they're very successful in business. Oh
00:20:47in leading this man the big polynesian yoko zunna, and this is man, this is a
00:20:54Brutal move right here over 500 pounds on dougan
00:20:58Right across the second ring ring rope
00:21:02What a big match this is not just because there's two big guys in the ring
00:21:06This match right here will be heard all around the world when we have an outcome
00:21:13A lot of people looking forward to this one with dougan looking for revenge this crowd here in paris channing
00:21:18USA usa dougan back up to a vertical base catches yoko coming in with the right hand and the left hand yoko
00:21:25Zunna is being staggered one more time the 550 pounder being rocked by dougan
00:21:31Dougan is hitting yoko zunna with everything. He's got and yoko comes back with that martial arts thrust and puts dougan back down
00:21:38What's going on right here? He just bowed up
00:21:44Man, it might be the turning point of this match right here. Dougan may be able to see now
00:21:51wrestling's largest thigh
00:21:53Right across the face of hacksaw jim dougan
00:21:59How big are those thighs bobby hidden would you say let's put it this way susan summers would have to bring out
00:22:051600 thigh masters just to get him down to normal size
00:22:09bear hug applied by yoko zunna
00:22:13Speaking of suzanne summers, who was that young lady? I saw you with last night. Juannie anderson won
00:22:19I just wondered
00:22:21Broke up another marriage. Did you well we have been linked that we're romantically involved, but that's not true. We're just good friends
00:22:29Dougan certainly not good friends with
00:22:31his adversary here and this
00:22:34Yoko, zunna certainly would like to finish dougan off dougan is in a career threatening situation here in this encounter
00:22:42Dougan is having
00:22:44A lot of problems negotiating out of this bear hug too dumb to quit isn't he? You're right about what? No, don't say that
00:22:51He's not he won't quit
00:22:53Well, he's gonna dumb his IQ has nothing to do with he's got guts, right?
00:22:56I mean when you're hurt you say I quit then the guy lets go of the hold you turn around you get the board
00:23:01You'll waffle him. That's how you win. Yeah, but you don't get the winner's purse
00:23:06Yeah, but you don't have to quit let him think you're quick. See it's all using your brain
00:23:12You lie about it lie your lie your ears off I mean that just shocks me that bobby he just thinks that way I wouldn't
00:23:18But there are people that do that
00:23:20I think i'm sitting next to one
00:23:26Actually, I was looking for some momentum with the people but i'll guarantee you
00:23:29You should just do everything you can to get out of there. Otherwise, he's gonna be here
00:23:34Doug is big right hands
00:23:36In most cases very very effective, but he's in such a weakened state here. Well, he's had the wrong battle plan
00:23:42He stood there and went toe-to-toe with yoko zunna and dougan can knock just about any man out
00:23:47But if you want to win this match you got to get yoko zunna down tire him out
00:23:51Have a look for that shell answer man. Make him run out of gas
00:23:55Dougan almost with a far far away. Look at his eyes. Yeah, that's what happens when the earth beats your body
00:24:03And it's gone he's just about out of it looks like he's almost unconscious he's passed a long shot right now
00:24:09You got yoko zunna with the upper hand
00:24:13I'm, not saying it's hopeless, but i'm saying that uh, we haven't got much of a chance
00:24:17You're gonna jab that thumb right in the eye. That's what you gotta do. I would
00:24:21Oh, he's biting him. That'll work. He's biting yoko zunna in the face and yoko zunna relinquished the bear hug
00:24:27Now dougan will get a chance to at least get some more oxygen back into his lungs. They're gonna probably be hungry in an hour
00:24:35Oh chop, you can hear that one martial arts shot by yoko zunna iris and dug into this cup this corner
00:24:42Here we go if he hits it it's over
00:24:45Whoa dougan able to move out of the way yoko zunna moved the ring when he struck the corner
00:24:52And again a clothesline by dougan. He's not down. He's leaning again
00:24:59Additional momentum caught him yoko zunna dougan can't believe it. He's still not got the big man off his feet
00:25:08One more time dougan comes
00:25:11Look at these people
00:25:14Dougan finally takes the 550 pounder off his feet and now the big man three points
00:25:23Oh fuji
00:25:25Tripped him there fuji grabs the foot and yoko zunna just engulfed dougan in the corner
00:25:31another martial arts thrust there
00:25:35Fuji able to distract dougan momentarily. This is scary and this is exactly how
00:25:41Dougan was put on the shelf the last time up up and away
00:25:46And there he goes
00:25:48Yoko zunna a big bonsai splash and yoko zunna has defeated hacksaw jim dougan here in paris
00:26:02I guess I don't have to translate for you the outcome of this one. Do I got a chance?
00:26:11Whoa surprise surprise, man, you guys snuck up on me, man
00:26:15You know two things that jimmy hart loves to do and that's listen to music and also watch my favorite coliseum video wrestling tapes
00:26:22You know, whoa did that big old yoko zunna and mr
00:26:25Fuji squash hacksaw jim dougan, but let me tell you something yoko zunna. Mr
00:26:29Fuji, jimmy hart and the world wrestling federation champion five times champion
00:26:33We're gonna get our belt back and it's gonna be six times hulk hogan is gonna get it back before it's all over with man
00:26:38But you know everywhere I go people say, you know, jimmy hart, I know you write a lot of songs in the world wrestling federation
00:26:44He said how do you do it? Where do you get your inspiration? Does it come to you in a car?
00:26:48Does it come to you on a plane? Does it come to you while you're at ringside?
00:26:52Well, you know just the other day the huckster myself
00:26:54We were going to boston man
00:26:55and I was on a plane and I had this great idea for a song and
00:26:58I didn't have anything to write on so I pulled out of my briefcase my my trusty huckster pen and pencil set man
00:27:04And and I couldn't find any paper and I saw the bark bag in front of me
00:27:08I said I can't write it on that that might be too icky gooey
00:27:10And all of a sudden I reached in my briefcase and I pulled out a huckster picture
00:27:14And right on the back of my picture. I wrote down the words to a brand new song that jimmy hart is putting together
00:27:20So hopefully over the next month or two, you'll be able to hear it in the world wrestling federation
00:27:24But you know what? I love coliseum video stuff, man, especially when i'm on it
00:27:28But you know what i'm gonna watch right now i'm fixing to watch a match right now
00:27:31That's money incorporated a couple of guys I used to manage when they take on the steiner brothers, man. Can you dig this?
00:27:40Tremendous crowd on hand here in barcelona spain for this
00:27:46Tag team championship matchup the champions money incorporated ten debiasi and irs
00:27:53Making their way to the ring and you can see
00:27:56this phenomenal
00:27:58Crowd that have gathered here to see this championship event
00:28:19We are in barcelona spain
00:28:29Earl hebner the referee for this event most of the tax cheats found in spain are found right here in barcelona
00:28:37And how does he know that? He's just he's got to know those things. No, he doesn't have to have any facts to say anything
00:28:45You think he just rattled
00:28:47110 pounds check out these guys the real deal from the university
00:28:56Minor brothers grew up in bay city michigan
00:28:59and they certainly are a
00:29:01Formidable pair they've been wrestling since their amateur days since elementary school
00:29:06They have one thing on their mind. They they said even as a kid
00:29:09They've always wanted to be the wwf tag team champion three toughest years of their life eighth grade
00:29:18Well, i'll pass those thoughts along
00:29:21To the steiner brothers
00:29:24Have a little after school session with you bray. Hey, listen
00:29:26I think if these guys are able to get into the ring, they can take the titles right here in barcelona. Yeah. Yeah
00:29:33I'll tell you something about the steiner. I like them. I'll tell you why they don't keep you in a hole for too long
00:29:38They just pick you up and heave you through the air, but I don't really know how bright they are
00:29:43They don't look real bright. He's wearing earmuffs
00:29:47I don't think that's earmuffs brain. I think that's his uh from his amateur days in michigan that headgear
00:29:54He had to wear that in class texas ears
00:29:57Gets that cold up there, huh?
00:30:00Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed by the referee
00:30:04If money incorporated does not give up the briefcase and allow it to be taken back to the locker room
00:30:12They must forfeit the match
00:30:15And in addition they must forfeit their championship
00:30:19Titles. Wow. What an announcement. What do you think about that? Bobby? He didn't know surprise surprise a man has to beat you in the ring
00:30:26He just can't have a referee make a decision like that. Oh, look out
00:30:29Well, the steiner brothers in the ring nailing dbic and irs. Remember this one is for the wwf tag team championship
00:30:40Scotty steiner takes irs over the top rope
00:30:43Look at this tremendous crowd that have gathered here the hottest ticket around the world wrestling federation
00:30:49See amigo global warfare. Uh, ha get ready. Maybe we'll see a title change right now. I wouldn't doubt it
00:30:58could happen
00:30:59Steiner brothers, uh being restrained somewhat by the official
00:31:03And dbic and irs distance himself
00:31:07This is a cagey team these champions they're always thinking especially of shortcuts
00:31:12Have you noticed every country we've been to the fans have been different?
00:31:15Some are real vocal some like to just sit and watch every move
00:31:20You're very observant well, I I have to notice these things that's why i'm a broadcast journalist that's why they call you the brain that's why
00:31:28Some of the people start to rumble right here in barcelona
00:31:33Side of the last, uh summer olympic games
00:31:36where the dream team
00:31:39Won the gold medal in basketball among others. Absolutely for the usa
00:31:44Dbic with those short forearms to the dog-faced gremlin rick steiner side headlock applied by dbic
00:31:54Jocking for position is what I call it. He had to counter that waist lock good side headlock takeover in a near fall
00:32:00Hey, listen, it can happen on a side headlock takeover. I've seen it happen
00:32:04It's happened to me. I've won a lot of matches with a
00:32:09Waste lock in a near fall there is
00:32:13I beg your pardon
00:32:15Never had a rubber duck
00:32:17Dbic again with that side headlock and trying to keep it very simple
00:32:21Good shoulder block by dbic dbic now far side using the ropes for more leverage steiner's got a block there
00:32:28Waist lock belly to belly suplex and he goes for the cover right here one two and a half
00:32:33Half away from new tag team champions arm bar and scott steiner tags in his younger brother scott
00:32:40You know if they don't wait until they're in trouble to make a tag
00:32:43They're always constantly making tags. That's a mark of a good team
00:32:46And also wrestling if they're half of the ring and the steiners do a great deal of that
00:32:52Nice takeover buries a knee into the bicep steiner brothers. They just didn't happen to come along and find each other. They're a family
00:33:02Can you imagine some of the fights they had in the backyard growing up?
00:33:06You know that his parents are still married steiner's parents are still married. Of course, they are
00:33:10I know their parents very well, you know why they never get divorced people. Nobody wanted custody of scott and rick
00:33:17Macho, man, that's not true. You know better than that as well. That's not even a half truth
00:33:22Are you do you have jet lag again brain? No, I feel great
00:33:26Got a good night's sleep last night here in barcelona. They treated us great here. We're where barcelona
00:33:31What do you think we were newark?
00:33:34Look at these people watching
00:33:36It's kind of like uh the calm before the storm. We're looking for a title switch for the steiner brothers. I'm sure
00:33:43Especially after irs made his a little preamble it is interesting to see the different crowds here in this, uh,
00:33:51You know this global warfare
00:33:53most likely watching some
00:33:55Look at it in reverence like you would watch tennis or another sport
00:33:59And then we know that in the united kingdom like in sheffield the arena, uh, people are just uh go bonkers
00:34:07But it is one thing for sure there are no empty seats speaking of bonkers, how you doing bobby hayden
00:34:13I'm doing just great sensational. Why would you even worry about how i'm doing? I'm not
00:34:22The action continues in the ring as we are looking over the shoulder here this uh,
00:34:26These throngs of folks here in barcelona. They had a hard time understanding my dialect. I can't figure that out
00:34:32Well, I have a hard time understanding it in the united states, too. You talk like a hick ross. Let's face it
00:34:37You just talk like a hick
00:34:39Quite frankly, I know but take that corn cones out of your mouth those hush puppies and speak i'm gonna see a people right here
00:34:47This is the worst cameraman i've ever seen i've been sitting here for 10 minutes looking the back heads of the ramon family and the
00:34:54Family who cares about them? I want to see some action in the ring. This guy gonna do a better job
00:34:59He's had it. Bobby. Hayden's right. The cameraman's a horrible. We almost saw him near fall, but we didn't see it
00:35:04You missed the elbow did irs you finally got the tag scott steiner tags in his brother rick and the quasis the pace is quickening
00:35:11I should say i'll tell you what you blink an eye around here and somebody could get beat the title could change
00:35:17And what kind of a replay would we have? Uh, no, we wouldn't have one
00:35:20No, we'll be seeing the lopez family rice and beans that'll be we'll be seeing
00:35:24You leave the lopez family out of it because if they heard you say that they'd come over here and uh,
00:35:30Make you apologize in another language. I don't apologize
00:35:34You should say you're sorry
00:35:37Scott steiner ram shoulder first into the the turnbuckles there irish whip
00:35:42No, scotty's gonna reverse it on irs and irs made a big time u-turn
00:35:46He held on to the rope. He knew that steiner line had his name written all over it. You don't want that to catch you
00:35:52And scotty on the outside that may be a mistake
00:35:58Irs seems to have the advantage
00:36:02And uh scott steiner got him by the tie there. No, he don't that's his tongue
00:36:07And drapes him over the top by ring rope. What a tremendous move by scotty steiner
00:36:14Scott steiner lateral press
00:36:16Referee is putting the rick steiner back out of the ring
00:36:18Now that could have been a three count if the referee wouldn't wasn't worried about putting rick steiner out of the ring
00:36:24Maybe a tactical error by older brother rick there
00:36:27tactical error by the referee
00:36:30Stupidity on the steiner's part what it was
00:36:33Side headlock they've kept this match very very basic
00:36:36Neither team really wanted to make a mistake because they know that could be capitalized on it and debiazzi tripped scott steiner
00:36:43Just momentarily and right there irs
00:36:46Takes advantage of the situation nails him from behind debiazzi ram scotty face first into the ring steps
00:36:54And this crowd here getting a little hostile
00:36:57Hostile hostile any kind of style you're watching this break out into a big brawl type tag team match
00:37:06There's a lot at stake here. You know, everybody wants to wear that goal that wwf tag team championship
00:37:10That's a far leg lateral press and another near fall and now irs and debiazzi really reaching their stride. They're really
00:37:19Tagging with a great synchronization. Where did ted debiazzi just come from the ceiling on that move right off the top rope
00:37:26Who knows with the cameraman we got working for us?
00:37:29lateral press hooks a far leg
00:37:32I don't think these guys are full-time cameramen. I think he used to drive the airport shuttle bus in nashville
00:37:39Debiassi choking and the referee admonishing one half of the wwf tag team champions
00:37:49Again he's choking scott steiner trying to weaken this powerful young athlete by taking his oxygen away from him
00:37:56Look at erwin r shyster with a cheap shot
00:37:59Well, they're a team they can do that. He didn't even get the tag doesn't matter. They're a team they can do that
00:38:04They write their own rules. Jim ross. If you uh, listen to bobby heenan, that's okay
00:38:09But it's not okay world according to heenan. Well, you used to write your own rules savage popular new bestseller that bell rang
00:38:16You do whatever you wanted to i'm not an angel. I don't say that I am
00:38:21And it wasn't right when I did it it's not right when they're doing it
00:38:26I think it's okay
00:38:29Irs and debiassi make another tag they have really gained an advantage here in this
00:38:37Wwf tag team battle you can hear the crowd stomping. They're not clapping their hands. They're stomping with their feet
00:38:44Lateral press and a near fall again scott steiner just about a half away from being pinned here by debiassi
00:38:52Are those people stomping is that that noise or I thought those were flamingo dancers here in barcelona
00:38:57Oh, they're stomping. All right, when they see something they don't like not jose greco and his two sisters. Oh
00:39:05That's back at the barcelona hillton, I think
00:39:09Oh good move debiassi just got introduced to the top turnbuckle and now let's see if scott steiner can make the tag
00:39:17That's what he needs to do he's headed in the right direction
00:39:19He's just not making very good time. How was rick steiner?
00:39:22I get on the other side of that turnbuckle so he can cut the distance
00:39:25Exactly and look at his arms not stretched out there. He doesn't want it
00:39:29Why does he come around the ring to the other side? He's from michigan. He's stupid
00:39:33Anybody go to university of michigan get diploma. There's the taggy anyway
00:39:39And rick steiner fist and fire on debiassi caught him in the steiner line and another steiner line at irs a scoop slam
00:39:47and the elbow
00:39:49Rick steiner opening up and here comes brother scotty with a drop kick. It's out of control now. The referee can't control them
00:39:57And from behind comes shyster nails rick steiner caught him from behind
00:40:05Tag team champions
00:40:06Opening up debiassi trying to pile driver
00:40:11He got him in the steiner line off the second rope one two
00:40:16Two count give debiassi credit he kicked out at a at the moment of truth
00:40:23Power slam by steiner overgoes irs
00:40:28And there's the tag
00:40:30scotty steiner
00:40:32Steiner's got him where they want him. Now. He may be setting debiassi up for the frankensteiner here
00:40:40They got him the frankensteiner, he's got to go for the cover we've got new champions one two three, wait a minute what he hit him with
00:40:48He hit him with something. He had something the belt the belt
00:40:55Here are your winners as the result of a disqualification
00:40:59Rick and scott the steiner brothers, sorry all cracker jack, but no pride gentlemen
00:41:08Irs saved the championship for money incorporated by deliberately getting disqualified
00:41:16The steiner brothers had it going they had the match one scotty executed the frankensteiner
00:41:22Irs saw it and he certainly that was a deliberate disqualification
00:41:26The belts cannot change hands
00:41:29on a disqualification
00:41:30I would call that rather smart strategy, wouldn't you?
00:41:34Steiner's will never beat money incorporated. Never could have happened just now could have happened
00:41:42This win was the result of a disqualification
00:41:49Still world wrestling federation tag team champions money
00:41:56Incorporated don't give them the belts. They don't deserve it. They're the champions
00:42:03Well, that was a blue light special for
00:42:06money incorporated
00:42:08Like them or not, they're the champions. Well, I don't like them, but they're the champions, but I don't like them
00:42:15And the steiner brother says you want the belts come with the belts come and get it. I heard that too
00:42:22And the referee trying to add a little bit
00:42:27He's just doing his job he is indeed not a popular decision the only decision the referee can make
00:42:34I think those guys need an audit money. No, no, no, no, no, no, not at all. That was a very unscrupulous
00:42:42Accounting for those guys
00:42:45Well, the steiner brothers seem to be destined
00:42:48For the tag team titles, but it will not happen here in barcelona gentlemen shoot up
00:42:54I want to see what those flamingo dance where they cook their up
00:43:01The sheffield arena in sheffield england jam-packed with over 14 000 fans here
00:43:07Jim ross macho man randy savage and bobby the brain heening with you and mr
00:43:12Perfect certainly as popular here in the united kingdom as he is in the good old us of a we got perfect mania going
00:43:23This should be quite a challenge for mr. Perfect as he will take on samu
00:43:28Who is anxiously awaiting perfect's arrival to the ring and the perfect must be concerned
00:43:35with the presence of
00:43:37Alpha who will be at ringside. We understand for this
00:43:42You better concern yourself with alpha you better concern yourself with samu
00:43:48Mr. Perfect you've got your hands full
00:43:51This will be a classic match-up right here my buddies on mr. Perfect because just because
00:43:59I gotta go with samu
00:44:01Because there's two against one
00:44:04Well, that that does that analogy certainly makes a great deal of sense. Well, I mean there's two minds working
00:44:09I don't know about the minds with two bodies working. Oh, they don't have minds. That's nice. I'll tell after you said that
00:44:15Just tell alpha that he's been uh involved in a match or two without being scheduled
00:44:20There you go being close by the ring
00:44:24The illegal interference is uh, the key word here what a what a crowd here on hand
00:44:31Now this is going to be something to see tomorrow you and alpha told me
00:44:34That him and samu are going to do later
00:44:37You know what's right down the road here. Don't you sherwood forest?
00:44:40They're going to go to sherwood forest tomorrow and hunt. That'll be interesting
00:44:45Prior talk they don't care whatever moves. They usually hang behind a tree whatever walks by they just rip the fur off
00:44:52Well, this uh
00:44:54Certainly the technical expertise of that young man will be tested in this one another interesting but useless fact from the weasel
00:45:02Referee joe morello signed this contest
00:45:06Weasel did you enjoy your accommodations last week? Look at the power
00:45:11Excuse me, you're talking to me. Bobby the brain. Did you enjoy your accommodations last evening?
00:45:15Yes here in sheffield had a lovely room at the hotel. Very lovely
00:45:20I'm not saying it was small, but I had to go in the hall and change my mind
00:45:26The mice were hunchback
00:45:29Dollar elbow tie up and neither man able to really gain an advantage here
00:45:39Testing the waters
00:45:42The feeling out process here in the early going call it elbow tie up and perfect executes the side headlock
00:45:50Samu can wrestle you he'll get down in the sand with you. Yes, he can
00:45:57Good shoulder block by mr. Perfect
00:45:59And both these men have great agility there you see samu showing a lot of athleticism there as does perfect and
00:46:05Perfect avoids a cross-body press and the clothesline and catches him in the crossbody this time and got a one count out of it
00:46:12That's all arm drag takeover quick moves a drop kick down goes samu and perfect again with that arm drag
00:46:20Look at that
00:46:22Get down get down get down. Mr. Perfect get it done, baby
00:46:27Well perfect has taken it to samu on this one see I never said perfect was a bad athlete
00:46:34He's a great athlete, but without me. He's just the mind's not there. He's got a chance to go all the way to the top
00:46:42One thanks for sherry tells me since he got rid of you. He's in a lot better financial shape
00:46:47Couldn't be we had a couple things that went wrong, but that was the stock market. It wasn't my fault
00:46:52He said the the audit that he had, uh, is it gonna have done you've heard about the audit you're involved in that, aren't you?
00:46:58Hey, did you notice samu down here in the floor?
00:47:01You see the way he head-butted alpha there. Yes. That was a wonderful
00:47:06Audit alpha
00:47:08Concerned about it. Are you who alpha? No. Yes, you should be
00:47:13The bizarre
00:47:15Leader of the head shrinkers here on the outside certainly that young second generation athlete
00:47:19Certainly aware that alpha could get involved at any time
00:47:23We've got a good official in the ring. I'm sure he'll keep his eye on
00:47:27On office this and progresses. It's so hard to do because you never know if office playing possum
00:47:32You don't know if he can understand english as well as you think he can he can speak english
00:47:36But sometimes he lets you know that he can't say certain words, but you don't know if he's just um
00:47:41Getting by I know he eats possum from time to time
00:47:44But I don't know if he played possum very often and he does that at 30 miles an hour
00:47:47They never even stop the car sometimes
00:47:51Going for a test of strength. I don't think so. Mr. Perfect
00:47:56Stick to the scientific wrestling that you master
00:48:01Got headlocked by perfect
00:48:03And doesn't have the advantage for a long another shoulder block great impact there
00:48:08Tremendous contact by both these men perfect against oh my
00:48:12He was caught that time
00:48:15He was in place at the wrong time
00:48:17Come on, samu forget the human oil. I mean get him
00:48:22And he samu catches perfect in the face good words of advice. Bobby. He didn't you get mr
00:48:26Perfect done. You better stay on him. You bet you don't get paid by the hour out here
00:48:30You get paid by the match. You better win it
00:48:33Right hands and a rake of the chest there by samu as he is building a little advantage here
00:48:40Oh, did you hear that that bad shop?
00:48:44Perfect in uh
00:48:46Considerable amount of trouble there a head butt and that's one of samu's better weapons
00:48:53Look at alpha it's like a maitre d to luau. He doesn't care
00:48:58And perfect thrown right out by alpha that's
00:49:03Yeah, you're right macho man that is not uh coincidence whatsoever right there
00:49:09Alpha just buried his foot and that big foot is uh
00:49:13Calloused and wide and he might as well have a leather shoe on he's barefoot, but it looks like he's wearing snowshoes
00:49:20And these guys have gone barefoot virtually their entire life
00:49:23They're gonna get shoes to fit them a move like that could be a turning point of a match guaranteed
00:49:29Perfect hammered and now from behind samu
00:49:32Catches him again the big sledgehammer right in the back of the head and perfect again finds himself in trouble here on the outside
00:49:39Didn't I teach you any better? Mr. Perfect and never turn your back on a sucker
00:49:44But you're not listening. That's why you're being introduced to the steps like you are
00:49:49Perfect lies helplessly on the steps
00:49:52as samu
00:49:54Certainly has a wide advantage at this point in time in the contest
00:50:02Referee joe morel exercises
00:50:06And outside of the ring i'll guarantee you that
00:50:10I forgot i'm good good
00:50:12Samu snaps perfect's neck off the top ring rope and perfect once again finds himself
00:50:18On the receiving end of that big knife edge chop and down he goes chop big chop
00:50:24But he's not going to pin him
00:50:26You're right with the guys on his back. He's got to cover him especially with the caliber of a mr. Perfect
00:50:32You don't get him on his back that often take advantage of it samu strikes his knee on the top
00:50:36Turnbuckle and perfect then just takes advantage of that slight miscue a sense of where you are. Mr. Perfect was right on it
00:50:46Perfect now focusing on the leg spinning leg lock
00:50:50Or a spinning toe hold
00:50:53And right there that was a thumb to the eye that was a spinning thumb to the eye
00:50:58Spinning thumb to the eye you notice it expertly analyzed by bobby the brain eden
00:51:04And that was indeed a right hand that caught perfect right in the face
00:51:07And again, the referee's back is turned and alpha takes full advantage of the referee's positioning to headbutt perfect back down to the floor
00:51:15Deja vu, I think i've been there before
00:51:17You can't call it unless he sees it the ref alpha's getting away with it
00:51:22Doesn't make it right
00:51:24That's the way life is
00:51:26Life's a cheap shot
00:51:29Get it first you usually win. Come on, mr. Perfect
00:51:33Perfect in great condition and that condition is certainly being tested here and samu's biting him. That's disgusting
00:51:40Just bit a hunk out of it right in the face
00:51:43Must have missed breakfast this morning
00:51:46No, that is their breakfast
00:51:48Good right here by mr. Perfect, but I don't think he's got the steam behind it like he did before I think alpha took it out
00:51:55I know perfect the perfect wants to come back in this match. He's got to get mad. They have it right here lateral press
00:52:03He sure did about a half a count away perfect's got to get mad
00:52:10Well, he's got to get his breath and right now samu's doing all he can
00:52:13To continue to choke perfect and not let him take any deep breaths. Exactly. Jim ross before you get mad. You got to be able to breathe
00:52:21Don't forget perfect's no goody two-shoes. He can fight with the best of them. There we go
00:52:31Now he's getting mad right now that corner
00:52:34And again the thumbs right to the eye. That's the second or third time that perfect has been blinded
00:52:40By samu who chops him in the back of the head
00:52:43And this one has been an intense
00:52:46Intense confrontation perfect was doing the best when he had the match at his pace and once it slowed down it's been all samu
00:52:54Ah another treat for alpha
00:52:58Up again thrown outside
00:53:00We're at the sheffield arena in sheffield england. I'll tell you I can't stand and watch this again if alpha comes around
00:53:07I was expecting to see a classic matchup between samu and mr. Perfect
00:53:10I don't know if i'm going to be able to look at alpha peering around that corner
00:53:14He'll take advantage if he can no doubt about that and perfect shoulder first into the steel ring post
00:53:21Man, he's taking a pounding here on the outside in this one. I'll tell you if alpha
00:53:26Samu doesn't cover him pretty soon
00:53:28Or try to you're gonna make him mad. You're looking for alpha to be involved in this match
00:53:34No, I didn't say it that way so far. You're right perfect trying to get the feeling back into his arm
00:53:40Fights his way back in the ring
00:53:43again, the samu and alpha conversing here those
00:53:47jolting head butts
00:53:49By samu perfect is almost spaghetti leg double leg pick up. Oh my
00:53:55That looked to me extremely low and alpha had the referee's attention so there would be no disqualification
00:54:01But I got to believe a judgment call would rule that a disqualification due to the low blow
00:54:09Don't know if he's gonna be able to regenerate any energy after that
00:54:14With a hard slam and another headbutt. I think uh, perfect's right for the pickings right now. We're gonna find out there's a two
00:54:21You know that could arguably but a three count you bet it could have he was close now samu don't talk to the ref
00:54:29Don't choke. Mr. Perfect. Stay on him. Now
00:54:33Get him up knock him down up and down up and down. That's how you're gonna have to beat him
00:54:37Samu needs to go for another pinning predicament here
00:54:40and perhaps alpha wants, uh
00:54:43Samu to just punish him more but he's not gonna beat him by raking his back
00:54:47You're gonna make a man
00:54:49You gotta beat this man
00:54:51Another chop and perfect retaliate for the chop of his own much to the delight of these fans here in the united kingdom
00:54:59This arena sold out for days in advance of this event. You can see the crowd in the background. It's jammed. Every seat is sold
00:55:07And they're exchanging rights and both men
00:55:13Weakening a little bit here. Oh good solid right here. It's turning now
00:55:20Perfect really connected a couple of those right hands take samu down to his knees kicks to the head samu in trouble
00:55:27But you're not gonna hurt him by kicking him in the head. Did it get him low again?
00:55:31No, I think it was something he ate, you know
00:55:33some of that mutton pie they have here doesn't work all the time and
00:55:36If you don't take the right role, he's just you know
00:55:40Take the right you think anybody's gonna believe that do you really believe that bobby?
00:55:44You saw what happened as well as macho man. Randy savage and I mr. Perfects against and battling all odds
00:55:53Okay, all right
00:55:54Well, they should admit it that told the truth first time in your life. You told the truth
00:55:59About lying. I'm, sorry
00:56:02I won't do it again
00:56:04Perfect head smashes into the top turnbuckle. I just heard perfect give up. Do you hear him?
00:56:09I've had it refereeing the bell. I can't even talk. How can he say he gives up? I can hear him from here
00:56:14I don't think he's ever going to give up. I think you're making that up one and a half seconds
00:56:18Bobby heated didn't lie a new world record a new record. We'll call guinness
00:56:26Samu scooped him up
00:56:31Wow, arguably, that's a three count man. That was close another thumb to the eye could have been a four count
00:56:38Samu has broken virtually every rule in the book in this one
00:56:43And perfect i've not seen perfect sustain this much punishment in a long long time
00:56:48And again, he's thrown outside on the floor away from alpha
00:56:54So he doesn't always throw him deliberately to alpha
00:56:59Just most of the time
00:57:02Where accidents can happen perfect in danger being counted out and he's having problems getting back in the ring
00:57:10And hey, here we go, he got him over there in the corner
00:57:14and perfect
00:57:16Slams the leg of samu against the ring post and that might slow the head shrinker down
00:57:22Didn't look like it slowed him down at all
00:57:25Another scoop slam another headbutt scary boy. He banged a man's leg in that steel ring post and now he climbs to the top rope
00:57:32He's gonna try to put him away right here. He hits it. It's over, but he doesn't hit it
00:57:37Perfect able to move out of the way. Alpha's not aware of it. Alpha thought he had it here comes the perfect plex
00:57:43He's got it hooked
00:57:45He's got it
00:57:47Too late
00:57:57What a victory for perfect here in sheffield, england alpha thought samu had it
00:58:05What a
00:58:06Recuperative effort by perfect. He executed a perfect pledge and that was all and these 14 000 fans
00:58:14Certainly happy with what they have seen here
00:58:31Just listening to a little crank it up. That's right
00:58:33You're truly singing man written by jimmy ardon and jim mcguire my songwriting partner, man
00:58:38You know what a lot of times man?
00:58:40I like to get out here on the back man and just kind of relax and take it easy and
00:58:44And look at the fish and whoa, we gotta watch out for those alligators though, man, they're all around
00:58:48Wasn't that a good tape by mr. Perfect man right there on global warfare, man
00:58:51God, this guy gets better every time I see him man
00:58:54But uh, you know, I write a lot of my songs up here
00:58:55We wrote crank it up out here and and by the way
00:58:57There's a match you're fixing to see right now in global warfare
00:59:00I'm gonna call a cm video and it's right the hitman heart when he takes on the beast from the east bam
00:59:04Bam bigelow and guess what you guessed it
00:59:06One of the songs you're fixing to hear when brett goes to the ring is road to destruction written by yours
00:59:12Truly. I hope you dig it man
00:59:14And the bell sounds and we are in barcelona spain. You can see it sold out to the rafters
00:59:20Big bam bam bigelow. They call him the beast from the east the big man who?
00:59:26hails from the state of new jersey
00:59:29From ashbury park to be exact. I guarantee you no one here in barcelona
00:59:35Will see a man with his head completely covered with tattoos
00:59:38Bigelow that's one tough customer. That's the beast in the east right there
00:59:43We are very happy to be with you here on coliseum video global warfare
00:59:49Jim ross macho man randy savage and bobby the brain heenin with you and i'm really looking forward to this
00:59:55Particular one-on-one contest macho man because it pits two very contrasting styles
01:00:01But it pits two superstars against each other. Absolutely and bam bam's on fire
01:00:09And here's the music that will bring
01:00:27Wwf champion
01:00:28He's been the intercontinental champion the world tag champion. He is certainly accustomed to wearing the gold and without a doubt
01:00:36Somewhere down the line he will be wearing gold once again
01:00:41And I saw a sign there in the background that
01:00:44Respect and that's what bret hart commands r-e-s-p-c-t brain respect for the hitman bret hart. Thank you. Aretha franklin
01:00:55Posters here, it's amazing that the fans here in barcelona so attuned to what's going on in the world wrestling federation
01:01:02But there's so much action, I mean, why would you not be interested what's going on?
01:01:20All he does is give away those sunglasses just to buy a fan
01:01:24That's one reason he's doing it
01:01:26Bam bam's reaching for somebody that's not there just the the excellence of execution the man that the
01:01:32expert the sharpshooter got to be aware of bigelow's size and uh,
01:01:36Also bigelow loves to use the head butt and he can use it from a variety of positions and all of them hurt
01:01:44But bigelow doesn't have real long legs
01:01:46It's going to be hard to put the sharpshooter on and plus those are those are big legs tree trunks
01:01:51Side headlocked by
01:01:53The hitman bret hart, but he'll take it right to you. He don't care if you're
01:01:57Mr. Perfect. He don't care if you're bam bam bigelow what size you are. He'll go right after you waist lock by bigelow
01:02:06Jacob so he threw him off and there's the big tackle by bam bam hitman's gonna
01:02:10Think about this
01:02:12Red heart just looks like he just ran into a wall
01:02:16And he's feeling it here on the outside
01:02:18Bigelow not too popular here in barcelona. I'm sure he doesn't care but
01:02:22He's not going to win any popularity contest. I'd love to be popular in barcelona. That sounds like a fun job
01:02:27That'll never happen. Were you here for the olympics last year brain? No, I wouldn't pay to see amateurs
01:02:33I thought somebody said you were gonna be something to be a javelin catcher or something
01:02:37No, I don't hang around with amateurs people that work that hard for nothing
01:02:40Big big arms of bam bam bigelow iris whips right at us article able to avoid the clothesline
01:02:46Good drop kick by brett hart could take bigelow off his feet
01:02:49But bigelow couldn't find the uh mark with the elbow and bigelow's uh elbow is heavily wrapped here
01:02:55Don't know the extent of that injury, but brett hart is focusing on it now with that arm bar bobby the brain
01:03:00There's something here
01:03:02That's the unwritten law something that you'll never understand
01:03:05It's called personal pride. Oh, I have a lot of personal pride in myself. You don't believe me ask me
01:03:11That would be a redundant question see then why bother
01:03:16Bigelow back up to a vertical base
01:03:18She shoves uh hard into the corner and good takedown there wristlock takedown by brit the hitman hart
01:03:24And again, he drives the need right into the the elbow
01:03:28And he's got a good shot. He's got a good shot. He's got a good shot
01:03:31And again, he drives the need right into the the elbow
01:03:35Of bam bam bigelow. And again, i'm not so sure what has happened
01:03:40Earlier this week with bigelow's elbow, but apparently it's been injured
01:03:45Relatively in a significant fashion randy. You're exactly right on that one right now
01:03:52So well, we'll find out but you know what you know what's happened before in the past
01:03:56Sometimes a person will tape up the elbow that's not hurt so that the person goes after that arm
01:04:03In actuality the other arms are I was just gonna say that I remember when I broke in there were a lot of old timers
01:04:09They'd wrap their knees. They'd wrap their other arm. Nothing hurt, but you'd go for that
01:04:14Well, you made a mistake then they had you feeding for something you went for it
01:04:17They had you where they wanted you
01:04:21Aren't able to
01:04:22Get bigelow off balance bigelow showed great strength he didn't are you calling me an old timer? No. No i'm just saying
01:04:29Uh when I started i'm talking about guys that were on their way out. They would do that. Uh
01:04:34Camouflage. Yeah, it was a it was a great move. It would help him jim ross
01:04:39I had to get him out of that one. Hey, bam. Bam bigelow just went to the floor bigelow
01:04:45All the way outside here and brent the hitman heart. He may have to tape up his head down
01:04:52Hard with a big shoulder block and bigelow
01:04:54Rearranging those ruggedly good looking features of his brain. He's missing a couple of teeth there
01:05:02I don't think he cares about being pretty. I don't think so either
01:05:06And he shouldn't because he isn't
01:05:08And he's not because he is
01:05:12And he never will be as a matter of fact and he won't
01:05:17Bigelow the apron
01:05:20But he could be
01:05:21No, not too likely not tonight
01:05:27He placed the spine of brent hart
01:05:30Violently right into the steel ring post and this match has turned around
01:05:35Just like that the beast from the east has made his mark right here in barcelona
01:05:42Everybody knows where he's coming from now heart writhing in pain
01:05:46Here on the outside
01:05:48Bigelow just shook the ring
01:05:50And the spine of brent hart
01:05:53Smacked the steel. He's covered his face with his hands are his legs moving his legs moving
01:05:59He took that right in the spine
01:06:01He's moving his legs right there, but the pink and black is not in a good spot right now
01:06:08Perhaps taking too much time taking too much time. Is it?
01:06:13Hart trying to pick himself up. He's hurt. Where's the 10 count here on this referees should have counted him out by now
01:06:19uno dos
01:06:21I never know
01:06:23That's as far as you can go. I don't I don't think hebner speaks french or spanish. Excuse me
01:06:32Bigelow on the outside again. No, he does this again. He can the cripples guy
01:06:38You can hear the impact again
01:06:40Bigelow 400 pounds manhandling the hitman one was too many times now two. I think it's over it is over
01:06:47You're not gonna get up from that
01:06:50And is he gonna be sore tomorrow glad to see him moving his legs
01:06:56That is scary when you take a blow like that to the back and your legs don't move
01:07:02That's never happened to me you ever lost feeling in your legs savage
01:07:07Not my legs but other parts of my body
01:07:15Bam bam bigelow
01:07:18Having a few uh, unchoiced words for the great fans
01:07:21here in uh, barcelona
01:07:24and the hitman
01:07:27Amazingly able to get back up, but he's as they say from the frying pan back into the fire
01:07:33Well, I would give him a couple of good turnbuckles right now soften that back up
01:07:38Then i'd pick him up and give him a running power slam and hook and you'd have him
01:07:44Front face lock and again, he just positions him with that front face lock comes down with a sledgehammer
01:07:50Look at brett hard fight back the hitman fighting back with everything. He's got
01:07:54And there's that quick to the turnbuckle that the brain described earlier
01:07:58See now if he'd have done this twice and caught him with a good quick power slam
01:08:02I think he'd have had him give the hitman credit for coming back right there. He showed some life right before the inevitable
01:08:08I don't know if the hitman could come back from this and the beast from the east
01:08:12Would uh take brett hard even if he was healthy, but hitman is fighting from all odds
01:08:18You're right. He does have a lot of intestinal fortitude this hitman, but you know
01:08:22He's not going to be able to move bam bam around now. His back is hurting too bad. He'll never pick the man up
01:08:28And he won't be able to try any high risk moves. He'll be lucky. Uh, this thing will alive exactly bigelow focusing on the lower back
01:08:36And uh whip to the far side once again, and now he's got brett hard up and that bear hug
01:08:42Bam bam bigelow keeping it brutal keeping it very elementary
01:08:46Well, I just think if he could dive now forward with all his weight coming down on brett a spine buster
01:08:51He'd have him. I think the hitman knows that so he's ripping his nose backwards right there
01:08:56What is this?
01:08:57What a suplex
01:08:59By bigelow, this should be all this will be in here one two, and no, it's not how does he do it?
01:09:04I don't know man. How does he do it brett hard able to get his shoulder up just before the three count?
01:09:10I mean just an instant before the three count bigelow's got to be a little frustrated here
01:09:16Don't let it get to you bam. Bam. Forget those these people stay on him
01:09:22Drop the head to the back
01:09:24Headbutt right into the lower back and brett hearts in pain the beast from the east is smarter than he looks
01:09:29But then again, he'd have to be but he'd look at he's staying on the body part. That's hurt
01:09:34the lower back of the
01:09:36Ramming his head again into the lower back, you know, a nice boston crab would look nice right now from bam
01:09:42Bam's part. I don't think brett would have the strength to get out of it
01:09:46Oh, he's got the strength to stand up he is hurt
01:09:50Bigelow maybe wasting some time here too much time
01:09:54Sometimes people get overconfident. They can feel by touching your body if you got any strength left if you got anything left in you
01:09:59I think the back breaker. I think you could take three hours off and the hitman still be hurt
01:10:04Boy, the back breaker is applied. It's a submission maneuver to the best of my knowledge
01:10:09But the hitman heart has never submitted. There's no title at stake. Give it up. Don't risk permanent injury
01:10:16That's a thought
01:10:19That's not what the hitman's made on hard trying to get his balance he does
01:10:24And he counters bigelow. How did he pick him up?
01:10:27How did he move that man off his feet when I back and that's just and that kind of
01:10:32That was a miracle right there, but the hitman is still worse off than the beast from the east
01:10:37How did he ever get him up tremendous leverage maneuver by the excellence of execution?
01:10:42It was a counter that he had to have even if this is a losing effort by the hitman. I still tip my hat to him
01:10:49He bought himself some time
01:10:51But bigelow recuperates and he's right back focusing on that lower back
01:10:56He's got both arms hooked right here and he takes him down a tough backbreaker. This is it the fat lady's gonna sing
01:11:04And bam bigelow
01:11:06Perhaps gonna put him away right there, but he wants to make sure bigelow up on top. This is amazing
01:11:12He's 400 pounds almost lost his balance there and nobody there
01:11:17He drove his own head into the canvas
01:11:20And the hitman back up how quick he got back to his feet
01:11:25Breath the hitman hard now
01:11:28Could he have been playing possum this whole time not a chance. I don't think so. I don't think so either
01:11:34He's going on what you bring it up for guts and adrenaline here. What's my russian leg sweep?
01:11:40It's my job to bring up these things
01:11:42And did he get it? No, he got what you are. He didn't get it
01:11:45I'll tell you what hitman is the former world wrestling federation champion. He's got guts. He's limping though
01:11:51Is he gonna be hurting tomorrow? Oh, no doubt about it
01:11:54Caught in the clothesline. He used the second rope for momentum. Will he get him here? No, he doesn't
01:12:01Another near fall and hart said what have I got to do to pin the beast from the east?
01:12:06And that's where the beast from the east is thinking about the hitman. You have to get yourself a couple elephant guns
01:12:12Again hart boys on the top. There's a bulldog headlock
01:12:17Hit him with a bulldog headlock
01:12:20Too much time too much time. You'll never get it on him. I think we're talking sharpshooter. I think you're right
01:12:26It's a submission maneuver those tree trunks
01:12:29He couldn't execute at that time
01:12:32Hard again some of this momentum and he's caught caught back in the bear hug
01:12:38He's caught back in the bear he's biting he's biting right at the top of his tattoo. So what? Oh
01:12:44Wow, this is all gotta be in
01:12:48He got his shoulder up. I quit. I can't believe it a right shoulder came up
01:12:53Man, what a battle here. This might be one of the most sensational matches i've ever seen
01:12:58Irish with and hard kicks bigelow the face coming in meet. Mr
01:13:02Foot brent the hitman hard up on bigelow's shoulders takes him down victory roll hooks the ankle
01:13:18I didn't give him a chance
01:13:20a tremendous effort by two superstars
01:13:23Here in the wwf and the fans here in barcelona spain have just seen a phenomenal matchup
01:13:30But you know
01:13:32When you think about it, I knew he was going to win
01:13:36I picked him from the beginning. I didn't know the hitman was going to win, but congratulations to the hitman
01:13:46You pass the crowd on hand here in paris jim ross
01:13:49Watch your man. Randy savage and bobby the brain heating here with you
01:13:53And doing the clown makes his way to the ring and on any continent. This is not an extremely popular athlete
01:14:00Check out these eyes as he prances down the aisle
01:14:05Oh, I saw him yesterday standing in front of the uh,
01:14:08The big oil well, what do you call that here?
01:14:11Eiffel tower. Yeah, he was making people laugh. He was making him cry. He was having a ball
01:14:16He loved it over here
01:14:18Who's attitude's gonna change in a little while when he sees crush big man from kota hawaii come down that aisle
01:14:27They got history
01:14:29They certainly do crush
01:14:31And joint the clown have certainly developed an intense rivalry in the world wrestling federation
01:14:38Well, i'll tell you crush's big problem is he can't let his mind
01:14:42Overrun his heart. He's got to go in that ring and if he really wants to take joint apart, he's got to do it
01:14:48He can't let his emotions can't let the people get involved. He's got to go out there and do what he is planning to do
01:14:54Otherwise, he's just a big six foot eight three hundred pounds
01:14:58Hey, what about this bobby, where's he going? I don't know where he's going. I'm uncharging traffic. We've seen this before
01:15:05And this guy certainly is unpredictable. Well, you don't know maybe he lost one of his squirting flowers. Maybe a
01:15:12Laughing rose fell apart. I don't know what he's got under the ring. There may be a couple of them underneath there
01:15:17Right here on the other side
01:15:19Come on crush turn around there you go
01:15:22Big start here right here in paris
01:15:24right hand by crush as he was
01:15:27Not distracted by the subterfuge of the evil clown doink
01:15:32And crush just towers over his opponent, but don't underestimate the physical abilities of doing the clown. But right now he's being manhandled
01:15:41Well crush got the early jump which is always to his advantage look at the strength of this man
01:15:49Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah do it
01:15:51I just want to say something to all the people in paris that have put out the red carpet for uh, jim ross bobby
01:15:56He didn't myself. I'd like to see medici
01:16:02Oh, sir, and you know for me, how about you brainer? He would have been very nice to us alvida zane. What does it mean?
01:16:10Wrong country it's close. It's close though. See i'm bilingual I can speak anything
01:16:15Can you tell me why doink is running around the ring getting away from crush because he's gonna kick him in the head in a
01:16:20Minute. See you just set him up for that one
01:16:23i'm gonna be right on that one, but uh crush doesn't uh
01:16:27He look at him look at doink because he doesn't feel the power
01:16:32but doink will
01:16:34Right hand by crush and a snap mirror
01:16:38Doink the clown over and crush has seemingly
01:16:41uh, just
01:16:43Painless in this matchup. He is really intense in this
01:16:49Waist lock
01:16:50and into the atomic drop and
01:16:53He compresses the spine of doink the clown doink in trouble
01:16:56And there's a clothesline and down goes doink doink's got to stay away from those hands. He can't let crush squeeze his head
01:17:04I'm gonna tell you something. We have an overmatched match right here right here on global warfare
01:17:09The only thing that's bothering me is when doink went under the ring how many doinks are there
01:17:13Was that the same one that came down the aisle? Well, why don't you get up and go under the ring and see?
01:17:18Back breaker by far away. Indeed. It is. We're a long way away from ringside here. I'll be glad to go check
01:17:23Why don't you do that? Why don't you do that come back in a couple of hours?
01:17:27Bring us a croissant. Will you?
01:17:29Hey, hey, i'm not a gopher. I don't run errands for you, too. You're not as good as
01:17:34Knee right to the head this match has been all
01:17:36Crush I will take tips though
01:17:40I'll give you a tip right now. Don't bet on doink
01:17:43Because crush has got him
01:17:45Get a hold. What is that a figure four over cross the neck? Jim ross. Give me the give me the hole
01:17:50I think that's it. That's a that's a figure four head scissors and with the strength that uh crush possesses in his lower body
01:17:56Hey, this guy's one of the strongest ever in the world wrestling federation. Yeah, it's not in my repertoire
01:18:02You know, he dives off cliffs hundreds to hundreds of feet in the air dives into who knows how deep the water
01:18:07You gotta be nuts to do that
01:18:09But you notice doink is a wrestler now
01:18:11You'll admit that he takes it if you want to stand up and fight fine
01:18:14If you want to get on the mat, he'll do it with you
01:18:16but he has been
01:18:18He hasn't had any offense at all since he hasn't had a chance to see doink as a wrestler because his strength has been overmatched
01:18:24But I agree with you. He is a great wrestler against another guy not crush
01:18:29It has been a pure power match and crush has a decided edge in power
01:18:33And doink perhaps his best best offensive path will be to get this big guy off his feet and do some mad wrestling thus far
01:18:40He has been unable to do that as the big man from kona, hawaii
01:18:45With the bear hug into the belly to belly suplex crush has done everything but pin doink
01:18:51Well, that's the name of the game to pin your opponent and that's exactly what he's doing
01:18:54But I think what he's trying to do here is just a lot of high impact maneuvers. He wants to punish his rival
01:19:00Exactly. He wants to inflict punishment weasel. Well, you gotta understand something
01:19:05I'm, not a weasel to begin with you may be talking to jim ross
01:19:07You could be talking to me. Why are you answering the question because it's my turn to speak as a as a
01:19:13man big mistake
01:19:15big mistake
01:19:18He came off the top of the high risk maneuver and drove his left knee
01:19:22Into the canvas and now let's see if doink the clown can take advantage of the situation
01:19:27And continue to break this big man down
01:19:30Taking him out here to the apron
01:19:33And he looks like he's going to use the steel ring post as a weapon here
01:19:39He looks smarter than he looks but then again, he'd have to be lobby heated
01:19:43I don't know what he looks like without that. Megan. I don't know who he is
01:19:47I know, you know, I know he's somebody that knows a lot about wrestling and he's somebody that has a tremendous
01:19:52um knowledge of holes and how to get out of holes, but obviously saw
01:19:57Shaka brahman man from kota, hawaii hurt his left knee and then he stayed on it
01:20:01Well, that's an aggressive kind of athlete. That's what I consider a winner is it takes advantage of somebody else's misfortune
01:20:08One thing's for sure is that crush cannot use his decided strength advantage if he can't stand up
01:20:13He's not going to be as dangerous if he's on the canvas and right now as this tremendous crowd here in paris looks on
01:20:19Crush is having a great deal of time even staying vertical
01:20:24Of course back in the ropes referee joe morell is calling for the break but he's being ignored
01:20:28By doink the clown who's in danger of being disqualified here
01:20:33Well, you notice doink is in backpedal. He's taking the right to the big man
01:20:37I don't think he cares about being disqualified. I think he knows he's in trouble from the early part of the match
01:20:41He couldn't do anything with crush, uh-oh
01:20:44I agree with you on that one savage. I he didn't know what to do at the beginning
01:20:47He tried to wrestle him, but he couldn't match the strength with him. Now. He's just trying to hurt him
01:20:50He don't care how it goes. He just doesn't want to get hurt. Exactly
01:20:54Big roundhouse right hand and more rights by crush side headlock, but watch this counter move coming up right here
01:21:01Good wrestling move by doink the clown continuing to focus on the left leg of crush
01:21:07So you can style and profile right now walk around the ring and then uh, uh with these people in paris
01:21:13They'd have seen doink for the first time. He's uh bragging about what he's done to crush
01:21:19Well, that's the way he operates
01:21:21He likes to rub it in and he don't care if you like it or not as a paying customer
01:21:24He could care less high risk move coming up. Let's see if it pays off for doink
01:21:29No, it doesn't as crush got his right leg up the healthy leg and he stuck it right in the face
01:21:34Of doink the clown and now maybe the tables will turn and the momentum will turn once again
01:21:39I believe doink's a little taller now
01:21:41He looks a little taller. He looks taller than crush
01:21:47Crush catches him coming in with a kick to the midsection and another still favoring his left knee though
01:21:54Well, don't forget that left knee's carrying a lot of weight. That man's well over 300 pounds
01:21:58Exactly you read about that now doink is backpedaling and here comes the man from kota hawaii irish web
01:22:06Takes him around the islands and then finishes it up with a backbreaker another high impact maneuver
01:22:12But crush has yet to go for a pinning predicament
01:22:15I question the wisdom in that as his eyes are raked by doink the clown. I agree with you. Jim
01:22:20He had him down before he should have covered him and gotten the match over with and if uh,
01:22:23He wanted to inflict punishment on him do it after the match
01:22:27Kick right to the face
01:22:29Momentum takes a
01:22:31Doink over the top now a lot of people may not understand that when you're knocked backwards
01:22:35You're going you're going to grab some those ropes are tight
01:22:38But they will bend you grab a hold of that top rope sometime and with your own weight pushes the rope down
01:22:43You can go right to that floor and you can crack your head over you can break your back. It's dangerous
01:22:47Could you repeat all that bobby heathen? Yes, take a left at the uh sauce and cut off
01:22:52Look at this and doink got like melting butter. Yeah
01:22:57Going back up on the apron doink's got a very unusual style
01:23:02Sometimes you can pick it up. Sometimes you think you know who he is
01:23:07Here it goes
01:23:08He's got it, but he's it's illegal. The man's outside the ring. He is outside the ring and crash in danger being
01:23:16Disqualified here. He had his finishing maneuver on doink, but he doink was outside the ring. It looks like
01:23:22Doink, maybe uh, where's he going? See this is very dangerous for crush. I count to five, you know
01:23:28He's hawaiian. A lot of them don't even count past three. So when the referee gets to four, he's lost doink's taking a hike
01:23:33Where's he going? Is he is he quitting? Is he calling it? What's the deal here? He's taking a walk
01:23:39He's just a winner of the match, but that's not what he wanted. He wanted to uh, he wanted to embarrass doink
01:23:46I'll tell you why he took a walk
01:24:00What he said was he said it was he got disqualified because uh, he wouldn't let doink back into the ring
01:24:07I don't think so. I think we got a victory for crunch on a count out. No, I don't go get him crushed
01:24:13Well, there could be a double qualification. I don't know
01:24:16That doink the clown he's always clowning around right here on global warfare man in the studio great man
01:24:22You know, that's been great for jimmy hart man, because i've traveled all over the world
01:24:25I've been some of the best studios in the world man like in europe and and we've been to the one in japan and australia
01:24:30But you know when we first started out the gentries
01:24:33We had a little small eight track studio when we could keep on dancing. But look at this. This is all digital 24 track machine
01:24:39Look over here. This is all computerized. This is my voice. This is the lows. These are the highs
01:24:43We can even punch a button over here man
01:24:45And all of a sudden i'm singing harmony with myself
01:24:47It's it's enabled me to work with some of the greatest musicians in the world like the beach boy sonny and sherry
01:24:52Dave clark five hermits hermits and also now that's kind of lapped over to the world wrestling federation
01:24:57So now I work with some of the greatest superstars like I know the name i'm gonna fix and mention to you
01:25:01I know you won't like too much sean michaels, you know, he sings his own song. I'm just a sexy boy sexy boy
01:25:08I'm, not your boy toy. He does the lead vocal on that
01:25:12We wrote the song but I know a lot of people say if his lips are moving
01:25:15He's lying and and of course, uh, there was sensational sherry and she did a tremendous job on her song
01:25:20And of course there's crush's song, but but all these guys are great, man
01:25:24I've learned a lot from everybody but hey right now. I got you i'm getting carried away
01:25:27Once again, let's get back to global warfare and here goes scott steiner against. Oh my gosh
01:25:32Can you believe this one of the guys I used to manage the rs? Let's crank up the volume, baby
01:25:42And the bell sounds ladies and gentlemen, we're ready for what should be an interesting one-on-one matchup two men considered certainly
01:25:48Tag team specialists. We are in milan italy. Jim ross
01:25:53The macho man randy savage and bobby the brain heenan
01:26:01When are the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie probably get blinded
01:26:06Don't start that amore thing on me. I saw that amore you were trying to put out
01:26:14Had that little book you were trying to
01:26:18Translation and all that stuff
01:26:20You embarrassed everybody in the restaurant last night. Well, they have trouble speaking here
01:26:24Yeah, I mean ragu is ragu in any language. You can't even get some good stuff on very nice lady
01:26:30She was married and her husband was the chef
01:26:34Oh, but he was the chef
01:26:37Well, they're not married now
01:26:39Did you get the food?
01:26:41No, I no I didn't because I didn't trust the way he brought it to me
01:26:46He didn't even pick up the tab
01:26:48That's nothing new. He hasn't picked up the tab anywhere in the
01:26:52Since we've been gone from the states. He hasn't picked up the tab. I got the tips though
01:26:56You picked up the tips four tables
01:27:03And his opponent and uh from detroit, michigan
01:27:07Johnny steiner will be making his way to the ring momentarily. I love this music
01:27:13Now did the state of michigan give them those jackets and label them morons or do they just pick it up on their own?
01:27:19Those are university of michigan letter jackets. They were letter. Wow
01:27:23You mean you can wear a leather jacket around campus? Did you letter at beverly hills high?
01:27:27Didn't go out for anything. I didn't think so. Why should I when I could own the team?
01:27:34The signbreader go out for the yankees. No, he bought them
01:27:38When you were in high school, did you just made any sports?
01:27:41Well, what I did was I had a convertible and I used to hang with the cheerleaders. That's what I cared to do
01:27:45Oh, you just got cut the cheerleading squad. I never was a pom-pom boy or cheerleader
01:27:51Pom-pom boy. Yeah, you know, give me a rod. Give me an ace. He wasn't good enough. He tried out but he couldn't make it
01:27:58Well scott steiner was a tremendous wrestler at the university of michigan
01:28:04Look at the shape that he's in great shape. No doubt about it. This will be a great one
01:28:11Scott steiner as we said both these men spending most of their mat time in tag team situations
01:28:16It's going to be interesting to see how they adapt here in this uh, one-on-one encounter
01:28:21You know irs walking to the ring and carrying the tag team title one half of it
01:28:25I don't want the people to get the idea. There's any title here at stake
01:28:29What is bad here is in the event that scott steiner gets a victory over irs
01:28:34Him and his brother could probably go into jack tony's office and demand a championship match
01:28:38It's up to irs not to let steiner win this match
01:28:41hammer lock and uh
01:28:43Irs able to get in the ropes. I've had a hard time catching. Mr. Tony on the phone
01:28:48You told me you had a hard time catching him awake
01:28:51You have a hard time catching him at all
01:28:53i've caught you a couple times bobby heenan, uh making uh
01:28:58A goof out of yourself, so to speak me right now is one of those tags
01:29:02Why because I didn't uh catch tony on the phone. It's hard to catch him on the phone
01:29:06You know his party lines are seven eight different families on that phone. He doesn't want to talk to you anyway
01:29:11overhand wrist lock
01:29:13And irs a little taller of the two
01:29:15Had a leverage advantage momentarily, but again, it's quickly countered and irs takes the path of least resistance
01:29:22What kind of a psychological victory would it be if scott steiner beat irs in a single match?
01:29:27and uh
01:29:28With the world wrestling tag team championships on the line in the future with the tag team with the brother situation
01:29:36To you bobby. It's all yours brain. It would have to give a tremendous amount of uh
01:29:41The turn uh confidence into into rick steiner and scott steiner
01:29:46I forgot my own question. I forgot my answer. So we're even
01:29:50Well, the steiner and irs haven't forgot what they're here for and that's to try to get a victory irs
01:29:56Tried a cheap shot there scotty. Connie. He's trying to pull irs away from the ropes and a good move there by irs
01:30:02No, that was a very good move. That was a very bad move by scott steiner
01:30:08Irs with a flat foot stomping away now at the younger steiner brother the master of the freaking steiner just caught a right hand
01:30:16And he just got a ride right out of town here to the outside
01:30:25Ronnie rolling back in the ring. I couldn't find a chicken fried steak in the whole city of milan last night a what?
01:30:30Chicken fried steak. I need what's a chicken fried steak?
01:30:33Well, i'll show you we get back home great power slam. Oh, it's over. No, it's not
01:30:38I was almost a quickie. He sensed that leg up after the power slam
01:30:42I thought he had it and scottie goes comes back with a powerful front face lock changes it into the side headlock
01:30:48You can always tell a good wrestler. They go back to the hole that got him there
01:30:51They start out with an arm lock a headlock doesn't matter. They go back to it. You mean they dance with who brung them?
01:30:57They dance with who brung them
01:31:00Irs turning it
01:31:02His predicament into a kenny combination, but I think he's using the tights there. At least that's the allegation
01:31:09from young, mr. Steiner
01:31:12How far away could the million dollar man ted deviasi be not far he's in the building
01:31:17I saw him earlier and how far away could uh, rick steiner be he's on page three
01:31:23Of the comic book, so he'll be there quite a while. Don't worry about him
01:31:26Let's go
01:31:30With a very unhumorous knee right to the midsection doubles over scott steiner
01:31:36Irs. Oh, no, it countered inside cradles countered
01:31:41and a near fall
01:31:43Trying to hook him and take him over and who's gonna get the counter here fighting for a backslide
01:31:48And I think scott steiner may have the advantage here. He's underneath
01:31:52Irs got a pinning predicament one two and a half his left shoulder come up just a half an inch
01:31:58But that's enough to keep them in the ballgame with like two linos trying to put on a small coat
01:32:03Did you repeat that never mind
01:32:08Referee now at the 10 count to get irs back in the ring. He doesn't make it
01:32:13He'll get the short end of the purse tonight
01:32:18Right here in milan
01:32:21It's amazing how friendly the fans are here big fashion capital, you know
01:32:27Yes, a lot of interesting things going on here
01:32:32That was her husband, huh
01:32:35I would I would I try to tell you but
01:32:39Well, she couldn't speak english
01:32:41Couldn't even get the order straight bimbo side headlock again scotty steiner
01:32:48Back in control here, but he hasn't really been able to sustain anything pretty long length of time here against this crafty veteran
01:32:55Irs good shoulder block there the pace is quickening here. Good drop toho
01:32:59What's the speed
01:33:02With a blink of an eye things can change
01:33:05Well, he came out of that
01:33:07When irs hooked him in that toe the way he spun up on his back. I thought he had him
01:33:11I thought that knee was going to give but scott steiner came right out of it
01:33:15Irs hasn't been in this position too many times before i'll guarantee you that he can't believe that scotty steiner is right behind him
01:33:22Irs quickly back up to his feet, but he's taken to the turnbuckle by scotty steiner. Check out that briefcase in the corner
01:33:28Yeah, that could be a factor in this one that scotty steiner showing is the physicals
01:33:33Superiority as far as the strength's concerned steiner line hooks the leg lateral press and another near fall
01:33:39I'm gonna tell you something about irs. He's a great great great wrestler
01:33:43And he always knows where he's at. He knew where the ropes were. He knew where the floor was. He rolled out
01:33:48He's regrouping very very smart. He's a big strong guy. Look at him on the outside
01:33:53Very good athlete and he is very intelligent
01:33:56He's deceiving with that white shirt and tie on and those slacks. He's wearing the guy's about 280 exactly
01:34:02He's a big boy
01:34:04Wow, I didn't know he was that big. I don't doubt it at all
01:34:07He's almost with that briefcase. He's probably about 310 exactly with that briefcase. He's a winner
01:34:15You know, he's making scotty think about it and that's something that the youth and
01:34:20What are you laughing at i'm picturing scotty steiner trying to think I don't see any smoke
01:34:27Irs is trying to frustrate his younger opponent. He's also trying to buy some time, right? Exactly
01:34:35He's got a smart move he's got the money to do it
01:34:39Take it back in the ring stay focused and don't let him rally a scotty
01:34:46Irs is pretty good at those mind games. I wouldn't want him doing my taxes, but he's a pretty shrewd guy
01:34:51He does mine. I know he does yours. That's why I say I wouldn't want him doing my taxes
01:34:56Macho, man, how about you? I'm trying h and r blocker somebody not irs
01:35:01My my comment is no comment
01:35:05God headlock
01:35:07Irs just doesn't stay that side headlock long
01:35:10And a good move
01:35:11Oh, he sidestepped scott steiner did irs and took him right outside to the floor and scotty steiner with a
01:35:19Big head of steam all the way through the ropes
01:35:22Right out here on the floor scotty steiner was coming 100 miles an hour off the ropes and uh irs helped him
01:35:28Reach 200 miles an hour detour
01:35:34Take him to the ring apron scott steiner now back in trouble
01:35:40irs has wrestled a very intelligent match
01:35:44And he's taking scotty to the steps and not to help him up the step help him head first through the steps if possible
01:35:56Well, I'm just approving a crowd here in my lawn for that man like he cares, right
01:36:04Hey, it's not over until it's over and uh, I thought that irs was smart enough to know that but I guess he's not
01:36:11Big forearm right to the massive chest of scott steiner
01:36:16and these two tag team rivals
01:36:18Have had quite a uh spirited contest here. Look at the size of irs. That was a good close-up shot of him
01:36:24He's a big boy
01:36:27He must have a tremendous amount of confidence in his ability to get in the ring and wrestle with long pants on his shirt
01:36:33A tie and suspenders. I mean all those could be used as weapons against him shows you the confidence
01:36:38The man has in himself either that or he's a fool. Oh, he's no fool
01:36:45Takes a full renewal
01:36:47Well, he's a good friend of mine. I'll tell you that that doesn't surprise me. Oh scott steiner pulled the knees up
01:36:53And consequently drove them into the abdomen of irs
01:36:57And maybe that'll buy scotty some time to be able to recuperate somewhat certainly hurt irs
01:37:06Irs it looks like he's asking for a little time, but he's not going to get it
01:37:08No timeouts here not in the world wrestling federation. There should be timeouts
01:37:13Why don't you bring that up to tony? You can't get him on the phone
01:37:17Can't find him at home scott steiner
01:37:19Whips irs to the far side with tremendous velocity
01:37:25Got him by the tongue again, that's the tie the tie. Yeah, that's hey he wears it. You've got to pay the consequences exactly, right?
01:37:32Another whip in another kick to the face by irs. Check the feet. He's got the feet in the ropes
01:37:41Did he get no the ref says no why okay now was there a three count did he see his foot on the ropes?
01:37:46What happened? I didn't see the three count irs thought he wanted you saw something we didn't see
01:37:52He kicked scotty in the midsection the match continues in any event scott center comes right down the back way
01:37:59And he got it
01:38:03Oh, this is gonna look good for the signer
01:38:10Let's take another look at that counter move
01:38:13Irs is contending his time for bull perhaps. We'll see here gentlemen as we take another look at what just transpired
01:38:21Well, it's very simple here irs goes for an airplane spin. It looks to me like
01:38:26Steiner uses his pants. He hooked him there
01:38:30And forget it three reps we better start thinking of victory. Yeah. Yeah
01:38:39Global warfare continues. We are in milan italy. Jim ross. Bobby the grain heenan and the one and only macho man. Randy savage
01:38:46And this matchup should be one of
01:38:49I think epic proportions because the first man being introduced
01:38:53Certainly has got some pretty hefty proportions macho, man
01:38:56Well over 500 pounds is yokozuna hardly italiano ross
01:39:01Uh, no, i'm having problems with english being from oklahoma. All right, then i'll just talk english
01:39:06Yokozuna, mr. Fuji coming down the aisle in milan italy. He didn't what language you talk
01:39:13I speak english. I speak english. I'm, sorry. I don't understand that say that again. I speak nine languages fluently
01:39:19Italy italian happens to be one of them
01:39:23Are you gonna give me a good deal of those shoes?
01:39:25Can send me some money in those italian shoes? I told you I can't I I know the guy there
01:39:29He'll take care of you. Give me the money. I'll run over and get him for you
01:39:31You only sell them to me, but you never asked what size I was one size fits all one size fits all
01:39:37What size you were 11 and a lot of 12 10 and a half
01:39:41Ten and a half and two pairs
01:39:43I'm confused ten and a half on each foot one size fits all italian. Look at the undertaker side out there
01:39:49Speaking of italian loafers. Do you see that guy in the doorway doing nothing today?
01:39:53I missed him
01:39:58Well, the uh
01:40:00Yokozuna contingent is relatively small here. Check out the red white and blue even here in milan italy
01:40:10I'll guarantee you nobody's in italy has ever seen a man this huge
01:40:14They've never seen a man from the orient this big and you should see yokozuna, too. That's right
01:40:20What's he talking?
01:40:22Well, I think that we are ready for the introduction soon i'm sure of the undertaker
01:40:29here on global warfare global warfare
01:40:33He didn't say it global warfare. He didn't say it
01:40:37but and the fans even
01:40:39Here in milan italy. So we know what that gong stands for
01:40:44My friend
01:40:56Over 300 pounds hailing from death valley
01:41:01I'll tell you the more and more I look at paul barry. He reminds me of sophia lauren. They got the same kind of facial features
01:41:11Must be related
01:41:14I wouldn't even say that even uh whispering and thinking over here in milan
01:41:21Oh, she's very beautiful i'm sure you know her quite well
01:41:26I am really you're right. I have just watched all her movies at least twice
01:41:33Well, mr. Fuji rather stoic in his expression he knows this was not going to be a pretty affair the undertaker
01:41:43Certainly with a high threshold of pain to say the least he's going to need it
01:41:49I bet paul bears put away a little pasta since he's been here in the country cold pasta likes everything cold
01:41:58But an interesting match this is going to be what styles
01:42:02The undertaker with the slow methodical style and yokozuna with the slow methodical style, but both of them have power
01:42:09And they both like to manhandle their opponents take their time with them will the undertaker be able to move
01:42:16Yokozuna around will he be able to pick him up?
01:42:18Will he be able to have his have his way with him?
01:42:20Like he does all his other opponents or will yokozuna squash him in the corner like he's done all his opponents
01:42:27I'll tell you about the undertaker likes to bring you all the way down and if yokozuna goes up to the undertaker
01:42:32Well, he's at home there. So it doesn't matter
01:42:37Paul bear needs to take that urn back from the referee because as we know the undertaker rather sensitive
01:42:44Regarding that urn he wants he draws some sort of power from it. And now I suppose we'll see the pre-match ceremony of
01:42:52Yokozuna as well
01:42:54Both of them have their own rituals
01:42:58Bobby heathens is making people miserable
01:43:01I don't make people miserable. They make themselves miserable because they're stupid
01:43:12Check out this body physique
01:43:15And it's their oohing and aahing here in milan
01:43:18The undertaker with that stoic stare the ring is not full of pretty people. You can say that
01:43:24Oh, you you've got a good point there big people
01:43:27Tough people rough people athletic people not pretty
01:43:32But not people who love people macho, man. I'll tell you that well
01:43:36You guys discuss that amongst yourselves because i'm going to watch this ritual by yokozuna
01:43:41This is a big match and whoever wins. This one is going to be famous all over the world
01:43:45You bet a lot of you wrestle in japan. You're in a few times, haven't you? Yes. What's this? Uh, what's this ritual mean?
01:43:51Well, it's salt and it purifies the ring for evil spirits and the salt is always thrown he always bows towards the east
01:43:59How's that for an answer? Well, it sounds pretty uh reasonable
01:44:03It doesn't sound correct. It is correct
01:44:07Well, if he ever pulls a hamstring he's in trouble
01:44:10so the first eight rows
01:44:12This is a big man a huge man and with this size, uh, it's just
01:44:17Thigh master won't work on him. How do you yeah, that was our rear view lens right there. How do you
01:44:23How do you get a game plan? How do you comprise a game plan for someone that's well over 500 pounds?
01:44:29It's simple. It is very simple, but no one's caught on yet how to do it
01:44:32Why don't you let us in on he doesn't know. Okay
01:44:35What you do is you get yourself a pair of work shoes with the steel toes. Yeah, then you put about 50 pounds of
01:44:42rice and fish and
01:44:44sushi all in the middle of the ring
01:44:47When yoko bends over to start eating you lay those work shoes in on him
01:44:50And it's just a matter of time. You got yourself a winner check this stare up
01:44:56Instead of a stare down stare up yoko talk about face to face. This is it right here
01:45:02And they're both ready for war
01:45:05And indeed yoko zinna strikes the first blow that barely staggers the undertaker doesn't even move him
01:45:13Again yoko zinna that martial arts thrust to the throat
01:45:17He's looking for mr. Fuji for some advice or something
01:45:21And here comes the undertaker
01:45:24Big uppercuts yoko zinna reverses the whip to the center of the ropes and there's the ddt
01:45:30Oh, what a move here in the early going to ddt by the undertaker global warfare at its best
01:45:36This may be a record fall
01:45:38They shook the ring and this entire arena floor seemingly with that impact and collision
01:45:44We should go for a cover right here take it take it taker
01:45:50Undertaker couldn't connect with the elbow. He may have had him if he'd have been a little quicker
01:45:56Yoko zinna with a clothesline outside goes the undertaker, but he landed right on his feet and fuji. Oh what a cheap shot
01:46:03He hit him in the flagpole and
01:46:06Basically, this distracts the undertaker, but there's another martial arts thrust to the throat and a chop
01:46:11Yoko zinna
01:46:13Measures the undertaker
01:46:14Sends him into the steel ring steps here
01:46:18And back to the apron of the ring
01:46:21This is going to be a test for both guys
01:46:22Yoko zinna and undertaker have never met their match like they are when they're wrestling each other
01:46:28There will be no winner in this one because whoever wins will feel it tomorrow. I didn't feel it tonight
01:46:33This isn't going to be an easy match
01:46:36It's the undertaker back in the ring and the big man back up on the apron here
01:46:42Referee rather leaning on his count. I think the fans are appreciative of that. I know we are we'd like to see
01:46:48The best man win as they say here. Look at the eyes on yoko zinna
01:46:52He's a little uh surprise that that turnbuckle didn't have more effect
01:46:56And the undertaker with a blatant choke there in danger of being disqualified
01:47:00But there's nobody in the wwf the size of yoko zinna
01:47:02He's got to get the undertaker down and lean on him with all that weight use your weight
01:47:09I mean he didn't get that big by accident. He did that purposely. Did you see that yet?
01:47:15Ring and the earth moving
01:47:18And the undertaker with a blatant choke there in danger of being disqualified
01:47:21He did that purposely. Did you see that yet?
01:47:25Ring and the earth move there
01:47:27And uh yoko zinna able to get the that elbow or perhaps forearm and scoops up the 300 plus pounder very easily
01:47:37The beginning of the end here and
01:47:40Right across his face that should be all and look he's sitting up he's sitting right up. He's not human
01:47:48Under the clothesline and down goes the undertaker
01:47:52Now he's out now just a matter of getting on top of him getting a one two three count
01:47:58Yoko zinna very methodical
01:48:01Cover him. I don't think yoko zinna understands what he's dealing with over here. He's testing him out
01:48:06Don't wake him up. The last thing you want to do is wake him up
01:48:09Undertaker is he unconscious? He's certainly motionless. Remember that old saying never wake up a sleeping undertaker
01:48:17And yoko's he's up he's up look at him you better look behind you there big man
01:48:22yoko zinna now
01:48:24With that that bucket. That's what what is that a solid oak that bucket?
01:48:30And he's hitting him in the face with it again. Is referee gonna let this one go or do we have I heard a bell?
01:48:37Undertaker's hearing some bells
01:48:42The undertaker has been knocked unconscious he's out like out of life fuji's nail paul bearer here on the outside
01:48:49And fuji now driving that he's trying to plant the flag is what he's doing. Sure. He's right in his gut
01:48:57Undertaker has been manhandled here. Oh, I know what they're gonna do. He's gonna come off that second rope on him
01:49:03Hey, the match is over
01:49:06Isn't it
01:49:07I would think so. Yeah, we haven't heard an official decision, but I think it is what happened to paul bearer nails
01:49:12I didn't see that
01:49:14Fuji nailed him with that flagpole. Look at this and here comes. Oh nobody
01:49:23The undertaker with a big kick to the midsection and catches yoko zinna with a clothesline
01:49:29Now he's got the huge man
01:49:32Whoa, that was amazing fuji get him out of there. Let's get the official decision
01:49:50Well, the undertaker wins the match via disqualification
01:49:53And paul bearer still got his giant ragu there. What a big victory in this global warfare between the undertaker and yoko zinna for the undertaker
01:50:02The man is inhuman i'm telling you i've seen this man take more punishment than anybody yoko zinna's ever wrestled and he sits up
01:50:09Let's take another look at some of the closing moments. Oh, look at this. This finishes off most people
01:50:14But he just sits up. The man is not human
01:50:18The undertaker wins it here on global warfare. What a match we've seen here from italy
01:50:23Time flies when you're having fun man global warfare. Oh great matches great matches
01:50:29You know, please forgive me for kind of babbling around and talking so much about my music because you see music
01:50:35Just like the world wrestling federation. It's been my life man
01:50:38You know when I was in high school, everybody tried to talk jimmy hard out of getting in music
01:50:42They said you'll never make it you're wasting your time
01:50:44But man, if you really believe in something so much anything can happen
01:50:48Look, I have a gold record million seller record
01:50:50We keep on dancing and that led to my gold albums in the world wrestling federation
01:50:53And now i'm producing some of the superstars with a wwf so you got to believe in yourself
01:50:57You know, I guess about five and a half months ago. I had a phone call
01:51:01And on the end of the phone there was a man that wore a headband like this
01:51:05The red and yellow and he wore a t-shirt that looked something like this man
01:51:09You know, he told me something very very important. He said, you know, jimmy hart
01:51:13He said you got to change your evil ways man. You got to change your life
01:51:17I want you to be a hulk a maniac. I want you to have red white and blue in your veins
01:51:22Because you see you were just like me you were born in the usa man
01:51:26And he said I want you to say your prayers
01:51:28I want you to take your vitamins and most of all I want you to believe in yourself, man
01:51:34And that's what I did. So that's what i'm telling you
01:51:36I'm telling everybody out there if you want to be successful in life
01:51:39Nobody can shoot you out of the saddle. Nobody can knock you off your feet. You have got to believe in yourself
01:51:48So all I got to say is this
01:51:50What you gonna do man?
01:51:52when the world wrestling federation
01:51:54Coliseum video and hulkamania run wild all over the world on you
01:52:09When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside
01:52:17You gotta take the stand it don't have to hide