Prison school Episode 5

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Prison school Episode 5 English Dubbed


00:07Won't ask you again Kiyoshi step out of that stall immediately
00:13This is no time for pocket pool filthy four eyes
00:15I have an edge of both your ass and your toolbox or pussy when needed most my defecation sound refuses to play
00:23Still nothing, huh?
00:26Well in that case
00:28I'll just do
02:02It's over
02:07You're kidding me if you're in there then answer me sorry, I'm sorry
02:12Yeah, your hemorrhoids really hurt so bad that make you cry weeping on the toilet. That is pathetic. Get back to your post immediately
02:19You've been sitting on the can for too long, bro. You got to get back to work
02:29Saki Yoshi
02:34You made it back in record time
02:36Yours truly couldn't help but worry that you might get so caught up in watching the sumo matches with the lady Chiyo
02:41Then the rival would be delayed with her dolls
02:43They'll shed salt tears since you've completed your mission and return so soon. You must have cut short your sumo watching time
02:48Is that your lament? Oh, no, it went bad so bad. It was an absolute failure
02:55Failure, what do you say?
02:58Don't mean you've come back here ten minutes early because you failed to acquire my figurines
03:04The Three Kingdoms fair only comes once every four years
03:06I've punished the next three years of high school by defecating in my trousers
03:10Do you really hold yours truly seven years in such low regard?
03:20I buy your figurines. They're still in the bag. See
03:25Sir Kiyoshi, you really shouldn't tease me like that. My pranks really had me worried. Not exactly
03:30It's just that my date didn't but we have to hurry back out. They might still suspect something
03:34I'll stash these away here for the time being and return later to reclaim them
03:39I have to admit you've impressed yours truly sir. Kiyoshi those tears seemed authentic. I never knew you were a thespian
03:45Well, there's a reason I'm back so soon my date shoes
03:51It was you wasn't it?
03:53Did you enjoy yourself?
03:55How is the sumo match? I don't know what you're talking about
03:58You were the one I stopped at the front gate weren't you with the bag on your back? No, ma'am
04:02I've been in the restroom the whole time. You don't say if you've been in there care to explain this photo
04:10I'm watching sumo matches with Kiyoshi right now father sister
04:14Thank you for giving Kiyoshi permission to leave for the day
04:17It doesn't have anything to do with sumo, but I took this great picture. So I'm sending it
04:22Note his nose and cheek heart
04:26That boy he's screwed you've got a lot of nerve playing my little sister like that you lowlife
04:33Sister, what are the odds?
04:36Yo, what's up, bro? Everything is up. Did those butt pirates stir something madam vice president examine the contents of his bag
04:44Yes, ma'am
04:48I know these split ends then you you you stealthy four-eyes hair. No way
04:55That man, huh? Looks like somebody screwed us. I
04:59Don't know how or where you managed to get your hands on a girl's uniform
05:03But beyond a shadow of a doubt you disguised yourself as a girl to escape. Is that correct?
05:12Yes, but escape means we're all liable and our sentences are extended another month right guys
05:17That's all seriously
05:21Madam president this uniform. It's your sister's
05:25How dare you?
05:28sick freak
05:31Today's work is hereby suspended the four of you back to prison
05:34Kiyoshi you wait here for further instructions and hope for a quick death
05:46Broke out of prison just to go on a date with a girl. How selfish are you? What's wrong?
05:50Here's the boy you're talking points on your date
05:53Sorry, I'll make you sorry
06:00You went got it on with a girl on your own time it said screw the rest of those chumps didn't ya
06:06I'm sorry, Kiyoshi. You're real asshole
06:23We'll be keeping you in solitary confinement pig boy breaking out of here was bad in and of itself
06:28But then you make a move on the president's own sister. They're gonna hang you out to dry
06:42Don't know how much more I could take
06:48What about the wig you made from filthy four-eyes hair explain that easy I
06:54Took the hair you shaved off Kakuta's head and used it. Oh, so you're saying that mr
06:59Brown Thunder had nothing to do with the breakout right?
07:02Gakuto didn't have anything to do with it
07:04I just told him I had to really use the bathroom then I snuck and how do you explain the sound of crapping I heard
07:09When I walked into the restroom, I don't know. I must have still been off campus at the time
07:14Who knows it could have been any number of butts from school. So you continue to claim that you were alone in this?
07:19Yes, very well. I have one more question
07:23Why did you decide to steal Chiyo's uniform? I didn't I just grabbed a random one. I swear
07:29I needed a girl's uniform for my plan, but I didn't know it was her you expect us to believe. This is all by coincidence
07:47I'll come back later
07:51After much deliberation I have finally come to a decision
07:55Kiyoshi the accused you acted alone to carry out your escape and left campus shirking your bag watching duty. Yes
08:03Sir, Kiyoshi, you're accepting the center for this alone. Like I warned you in the beginning
08:07You are all liable for any breakout
08:10That's why except for Kiyoshi the four of you will have your sentences extended by a month
08:15Kiyoshi you've been charged with breaking out larceny and illicit sexual relations
08:20Your punishment is expulsion
08:27That's rough man straight-up expulsion, that's astounding
08:36This is despotism the underground student council was never given the requisite authority to expel sir
08:41Kiyoshi like this perhaps the crow master has invested herself too heavily in bird law to recognize the legalities of the human world
08:47I have no idea what you're talking about. I speak of malfeasance by a kangaroo court
08:51There's your blase attitude mean you've no quarrel with sir. Kiyoshi's illegal banishment. I guess such callous disregard
08:57You've known sir. Kiyoshi since middle school longer than the rest of us. How can you call yourself his friend?
09:04If we're such great buds, why didn't Kiyoshi bother telling me anything about the breakout?
09:08No, he thought we were gonna snitch cuz we're too scared to disobey
09:13Obviously, he thought we weren't worth trusting. Don't you get it? He doesn't consider us his friends
09:19She goes, right. He doesn't trust us. Yeah
09:23No, you're wrong. It just isn't like him. What's the deal? Why do you keep making excuses for that jerk-off?
09:29Don't tell me you've been helping him this whole time
09:35No, just I'm trying to think this through
09:40Besides why would I help a concern? I understand your desire for Kiyoshi's expulsion, but we don't have that kind of authority
09:48Decisions of this nature can't be made without extensive committee. None of that is a problem. I assure you
09:59Is this but how
10:02Will he be willing to fill it out? We will make him now go and bring Kiyoshi back here
10:08Yes, ma'am immediately
10:14Have totally weirded out Chiyo and she go punch me in the face
10:18everything sucks and the worst part is
10:21This whole mess is my fault. The girl I like thinks I'm gross and I can't face my friends. I'm all alone
10:29Leaving school might actually be for the best
10:39Do you need anything
10:47Let's get some food
10:50So I thought about it all night and I think I'm partly to blame for the way things ended up
10:54How do you figure that I was so shocked that Kiyoshi had my torn uniform
10:59I just decided on the spot that he must have been some kind of stalker creep
11:04But not bothering to ask why and just leaving in a hurry like I did might not have been the right thing to do
11:10I'm sure he must have had a good reason for it. That's one of my absolute favorite things about you
11:15You were so pale when you got back yesterday. You look like some kind of zombie
11:19But after a good night's sleep, you're shuttling down pork. Was that supposed to be a compliment?
11:23Did you hear yesterday one of the boys escaped the prison?
11:26I know I heard he dressed as a girl and walked right out the front gate
11:30I wonder if it's too late to transfer. I hear the boys getting expelled
11:43Get up
11:47Pardon the interruption
11:49I've brought Kiyoshi madam
11:52Fill in your information and sign it so you're telling me to choose to leave school, that's correct
11:58But I thought you were going to force me out
12:01You can bet your ball sack. We're gonna get rid of you after everything you've done. That's enough Mako
12:06There's no need to resort to intimidation. Yes, ma'am. This is for your own good after all
12:11What do you mean come now stories that you stole a girl's uniform to play dress-up will spread like wildfire
12:18Hmm think about it. How will that affect your social life?
12:23Over three long years the entire student body will treat you like a pariah
12:28As I said, this is for your own good. I
12:31Think that rather than staying at this school and being a total outcast
12:35He'd prefer to live where no one knows of your predilections a chance to start over now sign this
12:42Make the right decision for once
12:45The president's right about everything. There's no point in me sticking around anymore, but
12:57I just wish I wish I could clear things up with Chiyo before
13:02What's the big idea, sis? Why are you trying to make Kiyoshi have to leave school?
13:06Hi, Chiyo
13:10Is that-
13:11Chiyo, this meeting's private
13:13What are you trying to do? Kick him out just for leaving school grounds?
13:15And worse, forcing him to write his own withdrawal request?
13:19You make me sound cruel. Mr. Kiyoshi here chose to withdraw of his own accord
13:23This reprobate has been found guilty of larceny and illicit sexual conduct. Thus, his expulsion is warranted
13:28If it was illicit sexual contact, then that makes me guilty too
13:31But you're the victim! He coerced you into joining him. You must have Stockholm Syndrome
13:36You're so wrong! I invited him!
13:38You're really covering for the degenerate who stole your uniform and split your jacket open?
13:42No, but I'm sure Kiyoshi had a good reason, didn't you?
13:47I'm sorry for what I did. I was shocked, so I said something awful that I now regret
13:52I left without hearing your side of it
13:55Chiyo, I swear, it was a coincidence
13:57I grabbed a uniform for my escape, but I never meant to take yours
14:01Enough lies! Now pipe down!
14:03Hit him, Mango! That's so mean!
14:06Kiyoshi made a promise to go to the sumo match with me
14:09That's why he broke out, which makes me guilty too, doesn't it?
14:12I already told you that you were in the clear
14:14And you, get your head off of my sister now!
14:17Well, in any case, if Kiyoshi is dropping out, then I'm dropping out too!
14:22Stop being so difficult
14:26Enough of this nonsense, Chiyo!
14:28Miss Chiyo, don't!
14:29Let me go, Mango!
14:31Why do you insist on being so stubborn over this disgusting reprobate?
14:35Kiyoshi isn't a reprobate! I know because of what you said!
14:38Anyone who likes crows isn't a bad person!
14:40He's the kind who returns baby crows that have fallen out of the tree back to their nest!
14:45Really? Baby crows? Him?
14:52I don't believe it
14:54I saw him do it!
14:56I'm sure you must be mistaken
14:58Now, Kiyoshi, stop stalling and sign this withdrawal form
15:04I, uh...
15:06I ain't signing that shit
15:08But you... know you have to!
15:10I don't know what kind of trouble's waiting, but my future's at this school
15:14And one thing's certain, I will prove you wrong
15:17To do that, I can't drop out
15:19You see? Kiyoshi's been rehabilitated
15:25Enough! Take the prisoner back to his cell
15:29One more thing!
15:31If you try to get rid of Kiyoshi again, then I swear I'll turn this in!
15:41I gotta clear things up with Chiyo
15:43And she totally pulled my face into her boobs
15:46Chiyo's boobs are soft as pillows
15:49Chiyo's boobs smell like lilac and berries
15:53Her left boob... and the right one
15:57Chiyo's boobs rule!
16:03As of that moment, any reason I had to leave this school was gone!
16:09Anyone who likes crows isn't a bad person
16:16Hey guys, I'm back
16:18I somehow managed to get through it without being expelled
16:21But I really want to say I'm sorry, you guys!
16:28Ah, well, good for you
16:30Thanks, Gakudo
16:32So, what's for dinner?
16:34Oh, well, uh...
16:36Huh? Seems my dinner's gone AWOL
16:39I'll go get it
16:40Don't bother, there isn't any left
16:42We were all under the impression you got expelled, so we decided to split your dinner
16:48Sorry, bro
16:50Oh, right, that's cool
16:52We'll just count it as part of my apology
16:55You can have one of yours truly's Golden Fried Crispy Nuggets
16:58Yeah? Thanks a lot, man
17:00Hey, thanks, bud
17:02Golden Fried Crispy Nuggets are my favoritest
17:04You don't want yours, I'll take it
17:06No, but... I meant... for Kiyoshi
17:09No worries, Gakudo
17:20Madam President, are you sure we should leave things with Kiyoshi as they are?
17:25As they... are?
17:27I mean, with Kiyoshi still here at school
17:30Oh, I refuse to rest until we've gotten rid of him
17:34And not just Kiyoshi, but all of those filthy boys
17:54Gakuto, as always, interested in nothing else but the Three Kingdoms
17:59Joe, preoccupied with his ant farm
18:03Andre, hides a diary under his mattress
18:09It's a clue I had a dream where I licked the Vice President's boots so clean I could comb my hair in the reflection
18:14Is he keeping this for posterity?
18:18Shingo, his cell is disordered
18:21Appears to be upset over his sentence being extended
18:25In 645 Common Era, Prince Nakanoe and his friend Nakatomi Nakatomari assassinated the head of the Soga Clan, paving the way for the role of the Emperor of Japan
18:34A chunk of eraser?
18:36...are collectively known by historians as the Taika Reforms, which changed much of the national focus from the cultural imports of the Northern Wei Dynasty during the Asuka Period
18:46Whoever's doing that, cut it out already!
18:55Today's work detail will be athletic storeroom maintenance, as well as cleaning the restroom adjacent to the field
19:01And one of the stall doors is broken, so that will need to be repaired as well
19:04Yes, ma'am!
19:05Now split into two teams and get to work
19:07Yes, ma'am!
19:08Hey Joe, Andre, how about we tackle that storeroom?
19:13The tennis club's practicing over there, it should be pretty tasty
19:16Well come on, Gakuto, let's go clean the restroom
19:20Hey Gakuto, you come to the storeroom with the rest of the dudes
19:24Come on, I could clean the restroom myself, but the door's gotta get fixed
19:29Gakuto, let's roll bro
19:37Looks like they're totally shutting me out
19:40And I was like, you kiss your baby with that mouth?
19:45Yeah, I brought it on myself, but this is brutal
19:48It wasn't so long ago I wouldn't have been able to get through this
19:52But now, I know I can do anything
19:55Titties! Chiyo's cans were awesome!
19:58They were so soft
20:01Now that I have first-hand experience of how soft and inviting Chiyo's breasts are, I can take anything they throw at me
20:10Oh dammit, guess someone's in there
20:13The investigation is going smoothly, the prisoners suspect nothing
20:17Excellent work
20:19Please continue looking into it
20:21You must discover their weaknesses for our plan, Boys Expulsion Operation
20:26Which we'll codename Operation D.T.O
20:29Yes ma'am
20:30Operation Destroy Testicles... Operation?
20:33Unless the O doesn't actually stand for Operation
20:36Should I point that out to her?
20:38Oh my, Operation is rather redundant there in hindsight
20:42How careless of me
20:44I'll rephrase, for the sake of codename D.T.O
20:47Yes ma'am, that's the president for you
20:50She recognizes her own mistakes immediately
20:52And she exhibits the strength of character to correct it
20:55I'm in awe of the caliber of person she is
20:58Look at the time, it's unlike her to be late
21:01She should have been here six minutes ago
21:04You're right as always
21:09What are you doing sitting by the toilet?
21:14I... I'm not doing anything shady
21:17I came here to clean the restroom but the stall was occupied
21:20So I'm waiting outside instead
21:22Well that's a job that fits you
21:26Hana's back on the scene
21:29I heard that you'd escaped from prison
21:31Well uh, excuse me, need to clean the restroom so...
21:35To run into her here of all places
21:38Why do you keep ignoring me?
21:40How rude, like I'm dirty or something
21:43It's not that, you startled me
21:45Of course I don't think you're dirty
21:47Really? You don't think I'm dirty, Kiyoshi?
21:50Whoa, you're kinda getting close here
21:52What's wrong? You afraid I'm gonna get my dirtiness on you or something?
21:56No, that's not it
21:57Great, then shut up and prove it!
22:00Prove it how?
22:03Come on, you haven't forgotten, and neither have I
22:11I'm not an absolute monster so I won't do anything to you worse than what you did to me
22:17Whoa, hang on, you don't mean... that?
22:21You said I'm not dirty, right?
22:23Of course not, I'd never dare to call you dirty, honest
22:30Terrific, then there won't be a problem
22:33See ya
22:35I'm in a bit of a rush today so you can thoroughly prove it to me next time
22:39It's not like I did it on purpose, you blonde psycho
22:43This sucks balls
22:46Welcome back, Hana
22:59Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana
23:29We've already started
23:35There is a variety in everyday life
23:38There is a teetering order
23:42After comporting thoroughly, I will charm you
23:49Do not touch me
23:50My heart tells me to stop
23:52Refrain from having feelings for me
23:55全身経緯が 従順に Fall in love
24:00Touch and feel the fire
24:02あなたが欲しい すべてを知りたい
24:08俺たちの夢 許してよ
24:15愛などいらない やっぱりください
24:22思純気にかける 手錠はないのさ