90 Day Fiance The Other Way S06 E10 (2024)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Previously on 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way.
00:03Today's the start of our journey
00:04and we'll be heading south out of England.
00:07I'm just new to communicating in a healthy way.
00:11It's nice that you are just communicating with me now.
00:14This is the whole reason I'm here,
00:17because I believe in us.
00:19Welcome to the family.
00:22Today I'm meeting Inky's parents for the first time.
00:25Do you want to have kids?
00:29Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
00:32We've been dating for four months.
00:34Just ease it down a little bit.
00:39I want to know, what's your job?
00:42I can't work, but the thing I can offer her
00:45is just that I'm in love with her.
00:47I knew I would be judged for not being able to work.
00:50I don't want Lily's family to think
00:52this marriage is not a good idea.
00:59It's not a problem if there's an emergency.
01:01You have a child.
01:03You have to have a child.
01:05They want a grandkid so badly.
01:08I just know that.
01:10But now I don't even know if James wants a kid.
01:14You have to be happy.
01:16You'll have a healthy child.
01:20We applied for a visa to Kabul with Shikine.
01:23I only have one son.
01:25What are we going to do if he leaves?
01:30Please move.
01:32Take care of yourself, Shikine.
01:36He was yelling at me in the car
01:38and saying he's changed his whole life for me.
01:40What have I done? What have I done?
01:41I haven't done anything for him.
01:43And then he came over and grabbed my phone,
01:45ripped my hair extension out.
01:47It feels like surreal, like this isn't real.
01:51It's just like, what's so wrong?
01:55I don't know.
01:57music plays
02:23Excited to move in?
02:25I'm still waiting to see how I feel about that one.
02:27But nervous for, nervous for how it'll all go.
02:32We are officially moving into Tata's parents' house.
02:36And right now, I can't picture myself living here.
02:40It's still their house, their rules.
02:44It definitely has me very anxious about what to expect.
02:48music plays
02:58Whatever you need, we will help to look for it.
03:03The room we're moving into,
03:05it literally looks like a prison cell.
03:09So let's start by scrubbing the walls.
03:12It's a giant bunch of concrete.
03:14So we have a lot of work ahead of us.
03:17We have to put floor in,
03:19put some wallpaper on the wall
03:21to at least make it look less like a concrete cell.
03:27We've gotten the door done.
03:30And there's a bed.
03:38After all the work we've done to the room,
03:40I'm feeling super exhausted.
03:42But right now, it still feels a little bit weird being here
03:47with our parents right beside us.
03:49We'll see how it goes.
03:51I'm definitely nervous about it.
03:54music plays
04:02I have something.
04:05What is it?
04:06What is it?
04:09I taught James to say,
04:11Aku Punya Sesuatu,
04:13because he brought a lot of gifts.
04:15And there's like seven people living at my parents' house.
04:18So it's nice that James brought gifts for all of them.
04:30Thank you, James.
04:38For Mama.
04:40Terima kasih.
04:42Kadung, ya.
04:44I brought these beautiful amethyst necklaces
04:47for Tata's mom and for her sister.
04:50This is silver.
04:51Ini silver asli.
04:54Terima kasih.
04:56I also brought moon coins for her dad.
04:59They are just a symbolism of no matter where we are,
05:03we are always looking at the same moon under the same stars.
05:07Thank you, James.
05:11Thank you, James.
05:13Thank you, James.
05:15Thank you, James.
05:18James will be like this when he has a kid.
05:23One day when you have a kid, it will be like this.
05:26That's why you should have a kid soon.
05:28Go fast to have a kid.
05:41It's just a culture here.
05:43When you're married, they're expecting you to have a kid.
05:47But James still doesn't know that Adele told me
05:51that James doesn't want to have a kid.
05:54This makes me sad because I know James is going to be a great dad.
05:59Seeing James playing with my nephew is like seeing our future,
06:03if we have a kid.
06:11The kid will be so handsome like you.
06:19I know this is a conversation that they're going to keep throwing at me
06:22time after time after time.
06:24It's been something they've said since me and Tata have been together.
06:28So I know my doubts about having children,
06:31it's not going to go over well.
06:39If you guys have a kid, I will have more grandson and grandkid.
06:48What is hurt the most?
06:50If James don't want to have a kid, it will break my family heart too.
06:55That is the last thing I ever wanted to hurt them.
07:32Things are nice this morning. We've christened the van.
07:37We've been apart for a few months, so, yeah, it was nice
07:41and I think it's released a lot of tension, if anything.
07:45The van has been christened, yes. Multiple times.
07:51Where do you want to go?
07:53I guess we have a boot sale to attend, whatever the heck that is.
08:00What exactly is a car boot sale?
08:02I don't know if we have them in America.
08:05You park on a field and then you put a table out
08:08and put all your things on the table.
08:10A bit like a market sort of style vibe.
08:14Hopefully I sell some things.
08:16Yeah, hopefully.
08:17It's called a boot sale because in England,
08:20the trunk of a car is a boot of the car.
08:23How about a spot over there?
08:25Since I've had to downsize so much,
08:27I thought it would be a quick way to get rid of some stuff
08:30and earn some extra cash.
08:33I reckon that'll do for now.
08:37Now we wait, I suppose.
08:39We wait.
08:43I don't think they'll fit me.
08:45Most definitely not.
08:47How do people usually do it?
08:49Do we go out and talk to people or...?
08:52Coming by about a boot.
08:54Clothes for sale.
08:58Ah, yes, hello.
08:59We have all kinds of tarot cards.
09:01Regular cards.
09:02Most of the time.
09:03Most of the time.
09:04We have a lot of cards.
09:06We have all kinds of tarot cards.
09:09Regular cards.
09:10Most of the clothes are like size 6 and 8.
09:13My size.
09:14It's awesome.
09:16Can I take the outfit?
09:18£7, please.
09:19Very nice.
09:20Our first sale of the day.
09:21We appreciate it.
09:24Have a good one.
09:26So, we've sold one thing.
09:28If we were to sell, like, everything here by some miracle,
09:33how much do you think we would get for it?
09:36I don't know.
09:41Like, um...
09:44These are, like, difficult conversations for me to have in general,
09:47but I feel like I want to have a healthy relationship with you.
09:51So, I was talking to my friend Natalie,
09:53and she just noticed that I tend to give and give and give
09:57in relationships of my finances,
10:02and so I'm trying to be more mindful of that.
10:06You also have said many a times, I want to provide for you.
10:11Like, you don't need to work, I'll provide for you.
10:13I want to be able to look after...
10:14I've never... I feel like I have...
10:15You have said, like, 100%.
10:17It's one of your kinks to look after somebody financially.
10:19But not 100%.
10:20Not 100%.
10:21It's not 100% though, is it?
10:22You haven't bought the van 100% on your own?
10:25Yeah, no, I'm not saying that I have.
10:30In an ideal world,
10:31I would just spoil the heck out of the person that I'm with,
10:35but in reality, I'm in a lot of debt.
10:40And so, while I've agreed for Dempsey not to have a job now,
10:45this isn't a long-term thing.
10:47Long-term, I want us to both be able to have jobs.
10:50Dempsey, what are you going to do for work?
10:53So, I'm just going to do bits of work here and there.
10:58For a couple of months, I'll be the breadwinner.
11:00I really would like a partner who's also financially independent.
11:07Have you girls agreed on that?
11:09We talked about finances.
11:11At this point, no.
11:14I've tried to bring up money stuff in the past with Dempsey,
11:17but she just jumps to immediately getting very defensive.
11:21So, it's hard for me to have a conversation about this stuff
11:25because I'm basically just ready for her to jump down my throat.
11:29I'll be paying everything for a while, you know what I mean?
11:33I have the loan that I've taken out,
11:35and then, you know, I also had to take an extra $6,000 out
11:38in, like, an advance at work.
11:41I'm just saying, going forward,
11:43it would be nice for us both to have money coming in, in some ways.
11:49I just put, like, my trust in the universe,
11:51and I know that wherever I go, I will always find a way to make money.
11:56It's just the way that I am. It's just the way that I live.
11:59Right, but doing kind of, like, what kind of things out of curiosity?
12:02Whatever I want. Whatever I feel...
12:04Just so I have an idea. I don't have an idea.
12:07You just know that you're going to manifest a job.
12:10Yeah, I know that. Yeah. OK.
12:12I don't have any money concerns.
12:14Right. And I do.
12:16OK. So...
12:22I'm independent. I always have been.
12:24I will work when I need to work.
12:26Like, that's just the way that I want to live my life at the minute.
12:29It's so frustrating.
12:32I know that you like to have a plan, but I don't,
12:35so we're just going to have to work with each other on that.
12:37Like, that's just how I am, and you knew that before you got into this with me.
12:41I mean, I've got my last, like, month's wages to come into my bank,
12:45and then I still have the money from my car.
12:48Oh, from your car.
12:50Yeah. I have no worries about earning money.
13:02It's the first time I'm hearing that she, you know, had extra money.
13:07I didn't know she had extra money from her car.
13:09In fact, when she called me, she was like,
13:11we need this money now or we're not going to get the van.
13:15So I put myself in an uncomfortable position with my boss asking for more money,
13:20and then in reality, she actually has all this money stashed away.
13:23Like, I don't even know what to feel.
13:25I'm sad, I think, mostly.
13:27I'm sad because I feel let down. I feel betrayed.
13:30I feel like she kept this from me, and it's,
13:32she's just kind of flying past it like it's not a big deal.
13:36I just feel like I'm getting screwed over.
13:46I don't feel that she truly hears what I have to say.
13:50It's, you know, opening a wound.
13:55He's been texting me all day.
13:57Last night, Sarper and I got into a huge fight,
13:59and I decided the best decision for me was to go check into a hotel.
14:04Right now, I don't know if I even want to see him again.
14:35So last night, you know, we had a discussion.
14:39You know, frustration came.
14:41I've been trying to explain something to her for a few days,
14:44you know, about a little simple thing with this white light that flashes.
14:51Oh, flash. Did you see the flash?
14:56I see him all over the highways.
14:59I wasn't sure if it was cameras,
15:01and, you know, she just usually does a,
15:03hmm, okay, and just kind of blows it off.
15:08I think Lily understands me maybe 75% of the time,
15:13and when I'm speaking to her, she cuts me off,
15:15or she'll be like, no, no, I know, I know, I know,
15:18when I know she really doesn't know,
15:21which is even more frustrating.
15:23All her arguments are probably due to simple translation errors.
15:28It really comes down to communicating and understanding.
15:58When we drive into our parking garage, you see this white flash,
16:01and I asked her, I said, can you drive around so I can show you?
16:03Because it just went off.
16:05So she got really frustrated, and I asked her to turn around.
16:32Then she went right back to it, you know, talking about,
16:50I buy this, this, and this for you.
16:52Always reminding me that what she spends
16:55and how much she does for our relationship,
16:59it's, you know, opening a wound because we talked about it.
17:04So she knew it bothered me.
17:06I know she loves me, I know she cares,
17:09but I don't feel that she truly hears what I have to say,
17:16because if she truly heard me, she wouldn't do it.
17:29If I didn't love you, why would I do those things?
17:33It's because I fell in love with him.
17:35I don't know what to do now.
17:37I just want to say a few words to my husband.
17:40I really hope he can understand.
17:42He can realize his mistakes.
17:44If he feels unhappy about this marriage,
17:47I really don't know what to do.
18:00That's a good boy. That's a good boy.
18:04Last night, Sarper and I got into a huge fight,
18:07and I decided the best decision for me was to go check into a hotel.
18:11And right now, I don't know if I even want to see him again.
18:15He's been texting me all day.
18:18He sent me even some videos.
18:21I don't know what to do.
18:24He's been texting me all day.
18:27He sent me even some videos of him apologizing.
18:32He says he's ashamed of himself. He hates himself.
18:35He uses, like, really strong language to describe his feelings.
18:39I think what happened was he didn't have a birthday gift for me.
18:44I told him after we met with his parents,
18:46now we're going to go home and I'm going to give you your gifts.
18:50And I think he was panicking because he didn't have anything to give me.
18:53And so he was like, I'm going to buy this vanity right now for your birthday.
18:56And I was like, but I don't like any of those vanities. Like, let's just wait.
19:00But it turned into a huge fight.
19:02And, like, why would something like that turn into a fight?
19:04I don't even need a gift.
19:06It just turned into such a huge mess.
19:09Sarper showed a side of himself that was different than anything I've seen from him before.
19:14We've had fights before, and I've left his house before and gone to a hotel
19:18because I was so upset by his behavior.
19:21But it wasn't to the degree that it was last night.
19:27He'd ripped the phone out of my hand. He'd ripped out my hair extension.
19:30I get it. He was triggered and he was upset.
19:34But that side he showed me last night, I just, I can never see it again.
19:39I can never see that side of him again.
19:44Sarper grabbing the phone out of my hand is so wrong.
19:49Like, I'm never okay with somebody, like, physically removing something from me.
19:54And it triggered me so much because I had an ex that was very physically abusive.
20:00And I know that my hair getting ripped out was a mistake.
20:03He didn't mean that, but he did mean to grab my phone.
20:06And I'm not okay with that.
20:10Sarper doesn't want to hear about my past, so he doesn't know, you know, about the person.
20:16But it almost doesn't matter because, like, regardless of the fact that I've experienced that before or not,
20:20it's still not okay. It's wrong, and it feels terrible.
20:24He just thinks we're going to fall back into, like, our happy life and things are going to be great.
20:30He's totally wrong.
20:41Last night, I had a huge fight.
20:46And to be honest, I was mad.
20:49But when I woke up in the morning, it was like something piercing my heart.
20:54She took everything with her and went away.
20:57Even Adonis, my boy.
21:00So it was a strange feeling, and I just felt a regret like a puppy, you know?
21:08All day, it was the most important day for us, both of us.
21:13Birthday, I wanted to make her happy.
21:16From Internet, I look all vanity models, and she denied all of it.
21:26And I get pissed off. I get so upset.
21:29There are so many uncertainties, and that K1 thing that I told to my family,
21:34and I saw my mama got upset. I don't know.
21:38I mean, so much things in my brain.
21:43But I overreacted.
21:47I mean, when I grabbed her phone, I understood at that moment.
21:52It was totally mistake.
21:55I could handle it better. I could be more calm.
22:01Of course, I don't want to hurt Shikaina,
22:04and the only thing that I want from her, her to be happy.
22:09That's all.
22:11I'm so regretful.
22:13I texted her.
22:16I said that I'm so sorry.
22:19I apologized for a million times.
22:24She didn't reply.
22:27It's up to her.
22:29She can live and go, and if she does it, I understand,
22:33because I deserve that with my stupid temper.
22:40I don't want to lose her.
22:43If she replies, I am ready to do everything for her.
22:54My mom, she's not really, like, the gentlest person.
22:58I did promise my family that we would do a video call with Inky.
23:02Definitely need to see a wedding happen, though.
23:04Yeah, a wedding right here!
23:06What's the deal? You didn't talk to her?
23:09Did I tell a joke?
23:13acoustic guitar plays softly
23:33Aus den Meme!
23:35You want a beer?
23:37Yes please!
23:39All right!
23:43So I was just texting my mom.
23:46I think we gotta do a little video chat with her.
23:50Yeah, cool.
23:52You're excited?
23:57I shouldn't be?
23:59I mean, I've been telling you this whole time, maybe be a little nervous.
24:02Before I left the States, I did promise my family
24:05that we would do a video call with Inky,
24:07but I'm a little reluctant because Inky comes from such a sweet background
24:11and his parents are so understanding and accepting,
24:13and my family can be a little in-your-face and abrasive,
24:18and if you're not ready for that, it can come out as a lot.
24:22My mom, she is hard of hearing.
24:25Try to, like, pronunciate your words as much as you can,
24:28because she reads lips.
24:30That's how she, like, communicates.
24:32Anything else?
24:35My mom, she's not really, like, the gentlest person, you know?
24:40All right.
24:41So if she hurts your feelings, I apologize in advance for her,
24:45because she definitely won't.
24:48But she might be nice.
24:49I may be, like, over-prepping you,
24:51but I'd rather you be over-prepped than under-prepped.
24:54Yeah, let's do it.
24:56Inky doesn't believe me when I say that I am throwing him to the wolves.
25:00My family can be hilarious and funny,
25:03but they can also be, like, intense and cutthroat.
25:05Like, we can be some vicious ladies.
25:07Like, I just can't see it.
25:11He gonna learn.
25:16Oh, hi.
25:18This is Inky.
25:20Inky, are you near the volcano?
25:22Not really.
25:23We're safe.
25:24If Mookie gets ate up by a volcano,
25:27I'm going to bring you back to life so I can kill you.
25:30All right.
25:33All right.
25:34That's good to know.
25:35Should I call her Mookie?
25:37Do you know her as Corona?
25:40You can call me Mookie.
25:41That's fine.
25:42My mom calls me Mookie because I have absolutely no idea.
25:45I've been Mookie since I was born.
25:47I didn't know my name wasn't Mookie until I was, like, four.
25:50Well, I'll just get right down to it,
25:52because we got a party to get ready for.
25:54We don't have all day.
25:55Mookie moving to Iceland is really...
25:58You ought to know.
25:59I'm not a fan of it.
26:00She's down for it, because they agree with each other.
26:03I'm down for it as long as you know it.
26:05You know, her being a midwife is really important,
26:07so I just want to make sure that you understand
26:10or are you aware of how important it is to her.
26:13Of course.
26:14Did you apply for that midwife school over there?
26:16Not yet, but it's high on the list.
26:19She better finish school,
26:20or I'm going to kidnap her and bring her back to the States.
26:29Did I tell a joke?
26:32So, Inky, what have you learned from this conversation?
26:35That you are unlikely to pop off.
26:40Granny, why are you so quiet?
26:43I'm just taking it all in.
26:46You said that you weren't going to like Inky.
26:48What do you think so far?
26:50I wasn't supposed to say that.
26:55I'm sorry.
26:57You're going to be charming right now.
26:59Let's get him in about a year.
27:01Then he'll be like, are you coming to get her?
27:04Yeah, I'm going to be returning Corona, like his dad.
27:09No, no returns, no refunds.
27:12So, have you seen her, you know, pop off any?
27:15No, not really.
27:17Like, have I?
27:19No, God, no.
27:20If it does happen...
27:22Going out of the room.
27:24Just run, or...
27:26You guys, you're supposed to be on my side.
27:29Another thing I wanted to discuss is,
27:32so you've never been in a relationship before, right?
27:36Yeah, I mean, nothing like this, at least.
27:39Is there, like, a reason why you haven't?
27:41No, I mean, not really.
27:43I mean, maybe I just enjoy being single,
27:46like really figuring out what I wanted,
27:49kind of searching for the right partner.
27:52But I've been really looking forward to, like,
27:54sharing my life with someone like Corona.
27:57So, yeah, I mean, yes.
28:00Aw, y'all look so cute together.
28:03Definitely need to see a wedding happen, though,
28:06so any, you know, any talks of that?
28:09Rings and stuff?
28:11Yeah, I mean, like, we will figure this all out.
28:14Yeah, where the ring at?
28:16All right, fair enough, fair enough.
28:19Nothing, nothing.
28:22It's getting hot in here.
28:29Hearing his response about marriage does make me feel
28:33that maybe he does not take this seriously.
28:36I'm risking all of this, doing all this,
28:38and, like, what am I getting in return?
28:41His response is putting a lot of doubt in my mind now
28:44because, like, he's not really showing
28:46that he's making a strong commitment.
28:48Well, I hope it doesn't take y'all so long to get married, though.
28:50I want to see y'all, you know, go ahead and solidify this bond
28:54and, you know, some commitment.
29:07Nice, nice. This was awesome.
29:09Was it?
29:12Pop it up, we'll pop up together.
29:23We are not happy.
29:25Do you think we still live together?
30:05I hope he understands he was wrong.
30:32It's not about being wrong.
30:34You always focus on you need to be right and Josh wrong.
30:40I'm trying to help you understand where I'm coming from.
30:44You know, I was always amazed because I see these white flashes everywhere.
30:48The streets, you know, the gates.
30:51So I tried asking you for two days, you know.
30:55Yes, you ask me two days, yeah.
31:00You know, when I talk, you always cut me off
31:04and maybe that's why you don't hear what I'm trying to say.
31:08I always listen to you, but you don't feel it.
31:14You tell me our love is fake love.
31:21Sometimes it does feel fake when you do things.
31:24I've explained many times.
31:27Don't need you to always tell me,
31:29I did this, Josh, I bought this for you.
31:31This is for you, for you, for you.
31:33I know you did.
31:36I can't work.
31:37I can't give you money to help.
31:39So it hurts when you tell me that.
31:42It makes me feel small.
31:46Because I can't do it for you.
31:49That's the frustrating part.
31:51I want to feel you hear me and understand.
31:58I try best, but I think we are not happy.
32:05So if we are both feeling unhappy,
32:09don't you think we still live together?
32:18Lily, this is what you always say.
32:21You say, like, divorce or you're leaving me
32:23or you doubt the relationship.
32:25That hurts more than anything.
32:27I want you to say we will figure it out.
32:31Lily, I am in love with you.
32:34And I don't want to lose you.
32:36And I know you're in love with me
32:37and you don't want to lose me.
32:39But you still feel unhappy.
32:42So I tell you, you can choose.
32:45I don't like when you say that.
32:47And I tell you, it's a cop-out.
32:50When you say, oh, if you want to leave
32:52so you can be happy, go, go, go.
32:55Yes, you want to do you want.
32:57To me, that hurts.
33:00I want to know, no matter how hard it is,
33:03we will work on it together.
33:06This whole experience is stressful.
33:10I'm coming to China. I only have you.
33:13I don't speak Mandarin.
33:15I am doing all of this for you.
33:18If we argue or disagree,
33:21we just need to talk about it.
33:26Moving to China, I gave up everything.
33:28My family, my job, my friends.
33:30And for her to just give up so quickly, it hurts.
33:35It's like stabbed in the heart. It kills me.
33:50Yes, and that's what I think I do.
33:52But I'm not feeling it.
33:56Maybe sometimes I don't do it properly,
33:59but I will fight and do whatever I need to do
34:03to make sure we last.
34:23I will not be in a loveless marriage.
34:29Love you.
34:31We have our wedding ceremony coming up, and I can't wait.
34:45I thought that you didn't really, like, have any extra money.
34:49The van is not in my name.
34:52And I feel like this is all a scam.
34:54She said she would financially support us,
34:57so I'm really hurt that Statler thinks that I'm using her.
35:01This is scary.
35:21So we've got, like, a really long drive ahead,
35:24so we need to find a fuel station first.
35:27What do you call it?
35:29Gas station.
35:34It's our third day on the road,
35:36and we're still making our way towards France.
35:39Dempsey and I haven't spoken about what went down yesterday.
35:42And it's really disheartening, and it doesn't feel good
35:45to know that she's been hiding money from me,
35:48knowing that I would have to go into more debt
35:51in order to get the van.
35:54It's not fair, and, you know, the thoughts are just in my head,
35:59like, are you getting taken for a loser?
36:02Because you look like one.
36:05You didn't pay.
36:07You pay after.
36:09You pay after, so they just trust you not to run off?
36:11It's all cameras.
36:13It takes your licence plate, and if you don't pay,
36:15the police come and get you.
36:17Have you tried that? No!
36:21Me and Statler have been pretending like nothing's happened.
36:24While this is still going, I'll go get some snacks.
36:27Yeah, I'll see you in the next road trip.
36:30When Statler said she needs me to have a plan,
36:33she needs me to have income coming in soon,
36:36that just feels like a whole lot of pressure
36:39because that isn't what she'd said originally.
36:42I feel like I've been trying to communicate with Statler
36:45this whole time about money,
36:47and she hasn't heard anything that I've said,
36:50so it's really frustrating for me.
36:53Ah, wow.
36:5595, 97, please.
36:57Holy cow, 80 pounds for that?
37:00That's insanity.
37:02As in a lot or not?
37:0488 pounds for filling up the tank?
37:08Yeah, I pay, like, 30.
37:10Thank you. Thank you very much.
37:12I guess I just didn't have a, like, clue it would be that much.
37:19I've never had a vehicle this big,
37:22so I am just frankly amazed at how much this is costing.
37:27I cannot believe how expensive that is.
37:30Like, how many times are we going to have to fill that up?
37:33I don't know. It depends how far we go.
37:36I'm in debt and the sole breadwinner,
37:39so it's a huge weight on my shoulders.
37:42I somehow have less than her,
37:45but I'm contributing more,
37:47and if that doesn't say something about me,
37:49I don't know what else will.
37:56That looks like a serious face.
37:59Something has been weighing on my mind
38:01since we discussed it yesterday.
38:06I remember the day before I got here,
38:08like, you called me and you were like,
38:10we need another $6,000 to get the van.
38:14So I thought that you didn't really, like, have any extra money.
38:19But then you told me at the boot sale
38:21that you had some money left over from selling your car.
38:24Yeah, which is, like, 500 pounds.
38:27It was just a bit confusing,
38:29because it sounded like you were, like,
38:33freaking out about money but still had some from your car sale.
38:38And were, like, keeping it for yourself.
38:43I'm not keeping it for myself.
38:45I told you I still had the money from my car.
38:48Why are you, like, so defensive all of a sudden?
38:50Just chill. We're just having a conversation.
38:53That just scared me, because the van is not in my name.
38:59And I feel like it should be.
39:02Because otherwise it puts me in, like, kind of a dangerous place.
39:06The van can only be in one person's name.
39:08It can't be in two people's names.
39:12When you were in Dallas,
39:14we spoke about whose name the van was going in,
39:16and it was in my name,
39:18because I'd been speaking with the guy,
39:20talking, you know, about the whole sale and everything,
39:23and I said to you,
39:25if it would make you more comfortable,
39:27write up a letter, I'll sign it.
39:29If anything happens between us, the van goes 50-50.
39:34And that's just not something you took upon yourself to do.
39:39I don't remember that conversation.
39:41That's frustrating.
39:43There was a lot going on.
39:45I don't know.
39:51You could, like, leave me in another country
39:55and just take off with the van while I'm on the toilet or something.
40:01And then I would, like, call the police or whatever,
40:04and then they'd be like, well, it's in her name, so it's hers.
40:09That just hurts me because you don't trust me.
40:13Dempsey, I do trust you.
40:15Just not enough to think that I would leave you high and dry.
40:19I don't think that you would leave me high and dry.
40:22This is just me thinking worst-case scenario.
40:25These intrusive thoughts that come in that are like,
40:28she's taking you on a ride.
40:30Yeah, she says she loves you, but, like, this is all a scam.
40:35You know?
40:37This is scary.
40:46When we came up with our plan, Statler wanted to go now.
40:50She wanted to leave America now, get the van now.
40:53And I said, if you're also worried about money,
40:56let's keep my trailer, I'll stay and work another six months,
41:00you can come and visit, and then we go.
41:03No, I want to go now.
41:07She said she would financially support us,
41:09so I'm really hurt that Statler thinks that I'm using her.
41:15If you're never going to trust me,
41:17then the relationship won't last very long.
41:22I don't want to be with someone who doesn't trust me.
41:32Still to come on 90 Day Fiancé, The Other Way.
41:35Oh. Oh!
41:37Durian tastes like rotting human flesh.
41:42I think in a year, that's, like, four times.
41:45Jesus Christ.
41:47In Inky's defense, he kind of broke his penis.
41:50Oh! What?
41:52I don't have Internet.
41:56Without Internet, no job, no van life.
41:59She's putting all that stress on me like it's my fault.
42:02That's on her.
42:04If this keeps being an issue, 100% we'll get fired.
42:09I want you to trust that I'll take care of her.
42:12I don't trust you yet.
42:14Tata's sister expressed some malicious lies about me.
42:18You come to our life and tell my sister.
42:23So does this mean you're not moving now?
42:26I don't know.
42:28I was so naive thinking that this was going to work out.
42:31I don't know if I can do it for another 6 years.
42:35Did you really have no idea that I actually wanted to get married?
42:38Many of my friends have been in a relationship for 8, 9 years
42:42without even being engaged.
42:44For the first time, I'm looking at Inky and I'm like,
42:47who the hell is this guy?
42:49I'm telling you right now, you were with the wrong person.
42:54I made a mistake, and I feel like all my friends and family were right.
42:58You can't throw the one year to the garbage.
43:01You can't throw the one year to the garbage.
43:04I actually can.
43:08So beautiful.
43:09Absolutely stunning.
43:11Today's the day of our wedding, but I really don't know if this is going to happen.
43:16Your guests are going to be here in an hour and a half.
43:19We have to cancel the wedding.
43:22I'm so sad. I'm angry.
43:25I feel so bad.
43:27Oh my God.
43:31Oh my God.